THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OR., WEDNESDAY, JUNE :. 1!)08. MARSHFIELD ALSO TO RELY UPON CHARTER Case Is Similar to Medford Local Op tion Law to Be Tested as Privilege Supersedes State Authority Liquor Dealers Will Appeal to Supreme Court MARSHFIELD, Or., June 3. There has arisen a legal point in regard to the loeal option rigni in mis wnmj which may mean a lawsuit after the election. It is announced that if the county should go dry the liquor inter im csts will go to tho supreme court for a decision as to how it affects Marsh Meld. Since the local option law was adopt ed MarehnVld was granted a charter in which it states that the eity council has the right to license, tax and regu late the saloons. Some of the luwyers hold that this means that it is entire ly up to tho city council ns to whether or not there shall bo saloons ond that, even though the county should vote dry, as a whole, it will not affoct this city. At least this is tho claim that is made, aud it is declared that the saloons will nut close until there has been a decision from tho supreme court. This applies only to the Marshfleld charter, so, if tho county ns a whole should go dry, tho other towns would bo compelled to closo the saloons. If the county us a whole goes wot the districts or towns which vote dry must bo dry and tho cities voting wot can be wet, but this does not apply if tho comity as a whole goes dry, uuless, of course, the saloon interests eun win in their claim that tho Marshfleld char ter is not affected. WESTERN STATES TO GET FOREST RESERVE COIN WASHINGTON, Juno 3. Tho fact, thnt western states are hereafter to re ceive 25 per cent of tho receipts of forest reserves in lieu of 10 per cent which they havo receivod during the past two years, is duo very largely to the work of Senator Fulton and Repre sentative Hawley of Oregon. It was Mr. Fulton who proposed the amend ment to tho agricultural appropriation bill in tho senate, and it was Mr. Haw ley who persuaded the house conforoes to accopt tho Amendment, after they had hold out long and announced that they would not stand for tho increase Behind this legislation is an intorosting story. The original proposition to give the states a share of tho recoipts from for est roserves that is, a part of the nionoy received from sulos of timber, grazing privileges, etc., was first ad vanced by Mr. Fulton two yoars ago. Ho contended that tho reservation of land decreased tho tnxahlo aroa of those counties in which reserves wero located, and correspondingly made the burden tho heavier on property holders. He snid the counties should be com pensated for tho money they would ul timately receive in taxi's, should the reserved land pass to private owner ship, nud ho contended for 25 por cent of the receipts, the money to bo paid by the federal government to the states and by tho states pro rata to the va rious counties affected, to bo used for school purposes and for tho building of roads. At that time, however, congress would not consent to give the states 25 per cent, and rrducod tho amount to 10 por cont. JACKSON COUNTY PROHIS, PLEASE TAKE WARNING CHICAGO, June 3. Water intoxica tion. induced by too copious uso of wa ter externally or intornnlly was point ed out Inst night by Dr. I,. D. Mnson, vice-president of tho American Society for tho Study of Inebriety, Alcohol and Drug Neurosis, ub boing ns dangerous ns over-indulgence in alcohol. Dr. Mnson, a lending physician and philanthropist of Brooklyn, delegato to tho Amoriean Medical association con vention, addressed inmates of tho Wash ington homo on "Why Men Drink." Ho declared putont medicino druuken ness almost as prevalent ns the gener ally rocogolrod forms. j "I have a friend who is a victim of aqua ammonia," he snid. "He spends hours in n bath tub and drinks so much water that he 1ms reduced tho solids of his body and worked serious injury to himscf. Mnny men nud women drink too much water and are victims of that form of intoxication." NEW PENSIONS FOR OREGON VETERANS WASHINGTON, June .1. The follow ing pension claims have been allowed recently by the department according to notices received by Congressman W. It. Ellis of the Second Oregon district: David A. Broyles, St. John, 12; Wit her Sikes, St. John, 12; John C. Hart, Hillgard, 12; Hastin K. Kaempf, Bak or City, W; Thomas Thomas, Arleta. 15; William M. Sinclair, Portland. tlSi Sarah J. Parrish, Portland, 12; Oliver R. Downs, St. John, I2; William Hor ton, Sellwood, S; Harriet Itnll, Ori ent, 12; Mark Doak, The Dalles, 12; Thea Parsons, Lents, (ll.i; Fanny E. Dover, Bend, 12; Jacob Imhoff, Port land, ft; Oscar Burr, Greshnm, $12; Wesley Walters, Islsnd City, 12; Al vin W. (Irovcr. Helix, 12; John B. Knight, Pendleton, 15; William But ler, Cleone, tin; Edward A. Ladd, Port land, tl2; Rebecca K. Williams, Port land, tl2; James A. Pride, Portlsnd, 12; Lltcimlii McCullough, Echo, I2; Hoco It. Topel, Portlsnd, 12; John Livingstone, Portland, fl. Ready for Tunnel. All necesnry arrangements nro being made for the construction of the tunnel this side of Dnrris. The railroad has been extended to the mouth of the structure and a largo amount of mate rial is already on tho ground prepara tory to beginning th. work- excavating. CONGRESS SPENDS BIGGEST SUM IN COUNTRY'S HISTORY WASHINGTON, June 3. Represen tative Tawiiey of Minnesutu, chairman of the committee on appropriations, to day presented to the house his annual review of fiscal appropriations anil ex penditures. The kin-note of his speech was sounded in tho declaration that "the insistent demands of the people and of the public service result in au increased aggregate when enacted in to law;" and the "efforts of the ma jority to maintain a policy of greater ooonomv were frustrated bv an obstruc tive and recalcitrant minority." Taw- ney stated the total appropriations of the session to be $351 ,0SS,ti70. Ho said thrt totnl revenues of the government estimated to congress by the secretary of the treasury are placed at $373,123, Oil; thnt iu addition to the authorized expenditure of $S51,OS3,C70 for the op oration of the government during the uext fiscal year, appropriations nrc also made as follows: In deficiency nets, exclusive of $12,- 406,7.")0 for public buildings authorized at this session, $44,521,2:2H; fo. require ments of thesinking fund, $18,000,000; for redemption of national bank notes, $25,000,000; for construction of the Pun ama canal (bonds to he issued), $29,- 187,000; for miscellaneous and special objects, $1,000,000, including $2.10,000 for tho relief of storm and flood suf ferers in the southern states, and $403,- 000 for the payments of claims of the Roman Catholic church in the Philip pine islands, making a grand aggregate for the next fiscal year of $1,003,804,. 894. Tawncy said tho estimates submitted to congress by tho executive ns a basis for the appropriations made amounted to $1,079,449,28$, or nn excess of $70, 440,394 over the total of the appropri ations of this session and nn excess of $156,651,145 over all the appropriations made at the last session. A subtraction of the totals of estimates and appropri ations, he said, showed that the pres ent houso cut down the estimates for the ordinary operating expenses of the govornment $124,347,172. The grand total of appropriations made nt this session exceeded those of last session by $88,006,750. Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No do(l Inser tions less than IS cents, SU iBftrUonj for the price of four. Seventy-firs cents a line per month. WANTED Largo house or apartment, suitable for furnished rooms. Address M, eore Tribune. 65 WOMEN CROSS CONTINENT IN AUTO FROM MAINE CHICAGO, .Tune 3. Thewomen trans continental motor tourists who set out from Portland, Me., on May 12, deter mined to mnko a 4000-milo run over land to Portland, Or., have arrived In Chicago. They pulled into tho city in high Bpirits and expoct to resume their ,)unket at noon tomorrow. Mrs. E. E. Teapo and her daughtor, Mrs. Vorn McKelvie, aro tho only mombers of the expedition which is the first of its kind ever undertaken by women nutomobil-ists. They left their home in Sandy Point. Ta., in April, and going to Portlnnd. Mo., made ready for their journey west ward to tho Pacific slope. Their ma chine, a 600-pound affair, is equipped with a small engine, which is capable only of developing eight horo power. Prom Cheyenne, the tourists will bond north across Idaho to Portland. RUSH OF LAND SEEKERS AT TWIN FALLS LOTTERY TWIN FALLS. Idaho. June 3. More than 4000 land seekers were on hand for tho drawing for the irrigated lands under tho Twin Falls-Snlmon Iliver pro ject, registration for which closed last night. O. TL Poulsen of Coolrndo, drew ticket No. 1, entitling him to his choice of a quarter section of the tract. The totnl registration for the drawing was 41)20 nml the niiionnth of land sought ranged from 40 to 100 neres. million aad a hnlf dollars were deposited in the form of cortified check for water rights and application was made for 500,000 acres of land, more thnn six times ns much as enn be supplied. Governor flooding, members of the stnte land board and other high state officials were in the eity toilny to par ticipate in the opening. The drawing began during a downpour of rain, but bv noon the wenther had cleared. REPUBLICANS START ESSAY COMPETITION CHICAGO, June 3. The republican national committeo has started n liter ary competition for the best 100-word nrgument on "Why the republican par ty should be successful.! ' Tho first prize will be loii. Many essays on tho subject are expected. Smaller prizes will be awarded for some of the more meritorious articles which fail to reach the highest point of eulogy. Pelton-Orth. .Tunics Pelton of Fort Kliumith and Miss Josephine Orth of Jacksonville will be united in uuirriage tonight in this city. Miss Orth, who is ono of the popular and highly respected young ladies of Jackson count v. will nrrive here on the boat tonight. Mr. Pelton is a member of tho firm of Pelton Bros., who are extensive cattle growers in wood Kiver valley. They will reside in Fort Klamath. Klamath Herald. FOL'XD An umbrella, on Eagle Point road. Owner can get same by paying for this advertisement. Tribune office. FOR SALE 10 Jersey cows, 3 year liugs and 5 calves. Call on or address I.. K. Hank, Eagle Point, Or. C( LOST Two pairs of infants ' Rubens shirts. Return to Tribune office 63 FOR SALE Large corner lot in West Medford, just outside city limits; two thirds of an acre; fronting on good county road; sightly building spot; price $150 if sold at once. Write Box 5 OS, Medford tf TO EXCHANGE A quartz claim, good paying ore, partly developed; will er ihnnge for homestead or timber claim. Address A. Miner, Applegate, Or. 64 FOR SALE 20 acres Hi miles from railroad station, old hoiiBe and barn nnd good spring on place; prica $1200, payable $200 down and $10 a month without interest. Address P. O. Box 371, Medford, Or. 64 LOST A black Stetsoa hat, Saturday night. Finder please leavo nt this of fice. $1 reward. tf FURNISHED ROOMS The O'Dell, over postoffice. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, just fin. ished; cheap if sold soon. See Goy A. Childers. ' WANTED Ten teamBters with teams wanted by Western Oregon Orchards Co. at once; goed wages. WANTED 10 or 20 acres, improved, close in. Give description, price and terms. Prefer to deal with owners. Address E. H. Bliss, Box .1(6, Med ford. tf PARTY wishes to get lean of 300 on 40 acres of raw land that is worth $1000; good abstract; will pay 10 per cent. Lock Box 656. FOR SALE Runabout, $300, thorough. ly equipped with odometer, acetelyns lights, top, etc. A. C. Allen, MedfeTd, Or. FOR SALE A good business in Med word, paying $700 a year; two days a month will take care of it. Very cheap. Address P. L. C, care Tribune. 64 FOR SALE One U. S. Cream- Sepa rator, No. 6; 500 capacity; good as new; cost $80; will sell for $50. R. O. Hcnsley, Central Point. FOR SALE S. N. Subdivision Is (n the market now; choice ten-acre tracts, best location in the ralley. L. Nee demeyer, Jacksonville. FOR SALE 500 head of full blood Kumbouillet stock sheep; Targe, heavy shearers of fine wool. John S. Her rin & Son. 84 FOR SALE Five-room house, beauti fully located, with lo 30x145, ten bear ing npple trees; this is a snap and will be Bold at a bargain. Address Lock Box 125, Medford, Or. WANTED To bny from 100 to 800 head of stock sheep. Write Box 1.11, Medford, Or. BUSINESS CARDS. H. E. MORRISON, Physician and Surgeon, Office: Medford National Bank Bldg. J. T. ANEBOM, WELL D1GQEB. MEDFORD, OR. Prices right. Pumps Famished whei Wanted. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL To be held in PORTLAND, OREGON JUNE 1 to 6, 1908. Will be the most brilliant FLORAL FIESTA AND CIVIC JUBILEE Ever held in the Pacific Northwest. Portlnnd, "The Rose City," will be a scene of splendor and the center of world-Wide interest fur one week. Several important conventions to be held la Portland on that occasion. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell Special Tickets on This Occasion from MED FORD to Portland and Re turn at ?13.20 For particulars call on A. B. ROSENBAUM, Loeal Agent. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent; Portland, Oregon, 4-f4.4- 4.4.-f--f4-44-4-4- Wise Talks By the Office Boy 4- i 4- BALL k GLOSOOOK, Contractors and Builders. All Work Guaranteed. Office with O. H. Fierce ft Beu. Phone 658. P. O. Be 77J. WILLIAM O. DEBLEY, Resident Piano Tuner. Special Rate) by the Year. Headquarters at Hale's Plono House. AU Work Guaranteed. P. O. Box AOS, MEDFORD, OREflON. Pa says a roes by any other 4- name would be just as expel-4- sive back east this time of year. 4- I sometimes think he pines fer 4- the ninoy woods in old Peaob- 4- scot, Frappe County, Maine, where he was raised but that's 4- one thing yours truly never 4- yearns for. The good mountains 4- and the good old ocean aid nice 4- old Oregon atmosphere are good enough for m-, But it's all in 4- how you were raised. Pa likes 4- clum chowdor and corn on the 4- cob, and harvest apples and a 4- lot of things that a kid wlie 4- was bnru this side of the anew 4- sheds hasn't had much chance 4- to get acquainted with. Those 4- who have lived on bath sides ef 4- this great country aad lived 4 long enough to know what's 4- what can get all these thiags 4 just as nice one place as as- other, If you know where to buy. We've got clam chowder freu Bostoa that it just as nice as any yeu ever ate ea the sand, and lots ef ether thiags that have that "Bewa East" taste. HIILEK & EWBANI DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and Surgeon. Office at Resilience. Wm M. Colvig, Medford, Or.' COLVIO ft DWBHAM, Atterneys-at-Lav. Geo. H. Durham, Oranti Pill, Oi. Medford Furniture Co., Undertaker Day phone 353; Night Phenes: C. W. Conklin 405; 3. H. Butler 14t. Lake County Pieneer Dies. John O'Neil, ono of tile oldest sell- tiers in Goose Lake valley, died at his homo near New Pine Creek last Satur day. He eame to Lake county with General Crook in SiS in the employ of the government, and in ttie following year he settled on a ranch near Pine creek and has resided there ever since. His name is closely allied with the ear lier history of Lake countv. Klamath Herald. Telegraph at Dorrls. Dorris is now connected with the trade centers of the const by menus of a telegraph line. An operator took his stntion in the new town a few days ago and the clicking of the instrument enn now be heard nt the tcmimrnry nnar- ters. The line will be extended to this city as soon as the extension of the Cal ifornia Northeastern is farther advanced. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AWE COL EECTION A0EWOT. Lock Box 80S. Medford, Or. Iu Rubber Tires that it will pay yon te iaTMEigate. COMPLETE STOCK, ra work, sattsfaetlen guaranteed. Mitchell & Roeck OBNEBAL WAOONEBS. East. Ttli Street, rear of Merriman's Blaeksmith Shop. Modferd, Or. E. R. 8EELY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern Equipped Operating Rooms. X-Ray. Office Hours, 10-11, 2 4 P. M. Office In Jackson County Bank Bldg. OO TO DR. OOBLE FOB YOUR CLASSES. Optical Parlor in Terry's Warehouse, seventh street. 'He Has No Other Business.' Notice. I wish to announce that I have pur based the office and practice ef the "ite Dr. M. 8. .Tones. My office will e located at the same place as Dr. lones' nnd offleo hours will be from -10 a. m., 2 4:30 and 7 to p. m. R. 3. CONROY, Physician and Surgeon. Why Don't Yon Oet Next? Do yon nse Davis' Best Flourt Don 't let your grocery talk you into buying other brands shipped in. Davis Best sells for less money and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a each aad he Something New Just Received- A Carload of Extra Heavy Green Lath CEDAR BEVELED SIDING ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished . V Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT GLKNDALK OREGON r V YARD AND OFFICIO AT MEDFORD, OREGON. ':?' Just Received! A Carload of IMPORTED CEMENT of the highest grade Guaranteed to stand any test. CRATER LAKE LUMBER COMPANY AUTOMOBILES 1908 MOTOR CARS EXPERT REPAIRING. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. SUNDRIES FOR BALK. PUBLIC GARAGE. OARS STORED AND OARED FOR. Reos Premiers Fords Kisel Kars WE ASK YOU TO NOTICE OUR LINE FOR '08. CAN YOU P.EAT IT 10 H. P seat '() II. P. 'JO II. P REOS -(iviiiKU'r KunnDout. with loiainc sinulo- S 650 (loulilu-pyliiulei' Roadster with jump seat.. $1000 (inniio-''ViiiiK'i .iDurini' vm cu'racnaoic toiincaii.... 2-1-28 II . P :!0-nr ii. :io-:r) ill double -I o-i.-, II. $1250 PREMIERS Pour-evlindei' Roadster or Touring Cnr..$2250 I'our-rylindei'.RoiidKtfr or Tjurhijj 'Ca.$2500: four-evliuder Roadster or Touring Oar T 'IT T jfiiitioii .?260- six-evlinder Toiirinir Car, 7-)asseni;er..SS3750 ' FORDS 1.-, II. P. four-cylinder Runabout ? 500 Same with ineclianieal oiler, running-board and ' & lamps, etc "700 10 II. P. six-cylinder Touring Car $3000 KISSEL KAR li.j-lO II. P. Touring Car or Roadster $2000' CAN VOU P.EAT TIlEiM Prices F. O. B. Factory. MEDFORD AUTO CO., A. W. WALKER. Manager. Garage Eighth and D Streets' Phone Main 2V.. JUST A HINT WHEN YOU WANT MEATS OF ANY KIND, VEAL OR CHICKEN, THAT 18 EE ALLY FIRST-CLASH, WITH THE PRICE N'O MOKE THAN ELSE WHERE, THE PLACE IS Bay Tlekati by wire. 'Sonething wliioh If of considerable nlert to the nubile general!? and which la perhapa not generally knowt. fa tbf fTsteni of prepaid nrdora now In effect between ftatimt of tho Southern Pacific company and all points in the United States. By meant of this system tickets mar be purchased at Medford from any place in the United Htntea and I MEELY POTTINOEE'S PLACE. THE auiled or telegraphed direct to tbe party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may alst be furnished at the samr time." The Medford Meat Co NEXT TO THE HOTEL NASH, FOR- NOTK'K Is hereby given that the HiidersiKtied will apply st the city council of Nfcd- ford, Or., at its net meeting, to he held .lulls 2, 14iis for a license to sell malt, vinous and sniritotra nqnors :n less quantities than a gullon for a po nod of six months, ut our place of busi ness, lots IU, Ifi, 14, block 21, Medford Or. YOUNfl HAI.I,. Dated ilnv 22, 1909. ti LIST OF PLEASED CUSTOMERS IS OROWINO EVERY DAY. IF YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM, WHY NOT? SATISFACTION AND ECONOMY HERE. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP! Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Qlty Property and Ftuit Gro ves for Sale Five, nnd Ten-Arm Orchards on the installment plan. The right kind of soil, the. riyht kind of trcej and the rt'ohl iniccs. '. 5 " V - Tire nil years' e.rpericnrt in' fraif raisiny hacks our judgment. We have, sold half the orchards in tlte valley and have yet to see a purchaser dis satisfied with his bargain, 1'tcfore hailing see Our circulation Is legitimate and large for city of thlt sits larger tbata any other yaper In Oregon. u akow for pop If vou liave lost, or found nnvl.miiir. need work, or hvoi Hoinetiung to how. " i Ro&ite River Lanu- Bxhibit BuilC9 rj . H . 1 ' 1 a f? A No- .re "8 : ' n convinced. ulation. ,.