"1 0 it'? C'i THE MEDFORD DA1L2 TRIBUNE Medford Daily Tribune POOR PRICES DUE TO GREED OF DEALERS A Lire Paper In a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday Medford Publishing Company. 0. PUTNAM, Editor end Miuiaror. Admitted a Second Claaa Matter in til Poitoffice at Medford, Oregon. Subscription Bates: One month, by mail or carrier. . .$0.50 One year, by mall 8.00 SHOULD STUDY OREGON. ' Tbe Portland Oregon inn reporters anil editors abould brush up a little on tbe geography of their own slute. The fol lowing alleged interview with Ferdin and -Nelson, the. Sun Francisco million aire -who tried to muho a low record by auto from the Bay City to Portland is a case in point. : Mr. Nelson is miide to say: - ' ' "One bad feature I wish to mention happened just after. leaving Ashland. About;!!! miles south of Medford we enoountored a toll, gate-whore a fellow charged us $1.50 to travel three miles over the . most miserable stretch of roadway on the entire courso. "What impressed mo most along the route were the numbers of people who turned out in tho different cities to wol , come us. I had not anticipated anything) of the kind, and when we entered Ash laud and found Boverul thousand persons lined along the main street wo wondered at the occasion until informed that we were thea ttraction. They hnd been in formed of our coming through the Ore gonian. It was the same at Medford, Grants ; Pass, Myrtle Creek, flVnirliili and all along the route where wn passed in the daytime. In somo places wc were i greeted by citiaene at 2 ond B o'clock in the morning. In Medford tho Bclinol children wore dismissed early in the afternoon and lined the street tn wol come us. It was a ainht I shall never forget, for tho little ones cheered nnd wacved handkerchiefs and flags just as though wo wore somo conquering hero roturnlng from tho war." There is no toll roud between Ashland and Medford "about 12 miles south of Medford" is tho city of Ashland. The toll road complained of is near I lie Bis kiyou summit. The fact that school children were dismissed early in tho afternoon to see tbe auto in Medford Is also news to Medford. The mnchimi arrived in Med ford at 7:35 n. in. and left less than no hour later. PLAN TO OPPOSE ADVANCE OF BAILROAD FREIGHT RATES Oregon Apple Orowers Expect Oood Prices the Coming Season Inferior Fruit Put In Storage by Speculators Cause of Depression In Market. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 16 111)15 1fl Annie M. Schwab to .loseph May er, 8 W yt section 8a, township 34, rango 3 K ., Charles A. Peninger to Marlon V. Young, 20 acres In township 88, range 2 W Agnes A. Rcolilc to John C. lloss, B71.M acres in township 111), range 1 ft Fred Schwab to Joseph Mayer, 101.94 acres In section 30, Inwn ship 34, range 3 K Fred Schwab to Joseph Mayer, 160 acres In section 28, town ship 34, range 8 E O. t O. Railroad company to Hello Nlckell, 478.54 acres in section B, township 84, range 1 W ... Frances K Colo to Welborn Hoc son, land in T) h O 03, township an 1 nr A. K Snrockels of . Ban Francisco, passed through Medford Tuesday morn ing bound for noame. Mr. aud Mrs. W. U Howard of Grif fin Creek district have been visiting hi California. All uight reslaurnnt at the Hin oi li until fuul.er notice. Uti n. P. Cameron n lid her two daughters, Misses Jennie and Cumilln, left Tuesday for San Josu, Oil., which they will moke their permanent home. Mrs."V. Moore of Central Point wns a tfecent visitor in Medford. Harry Culbertsou, general contnietor and builder, cement work n specialty. Medford, Or. ' C. F. Cook, tho nursei yiiinn, lm mov ed his office to the II. 11. V. railroad depot. .V If you have lost, or found anything, need work, or have something sell, it doesn't matter what you wiinl K try ' a Want Ad In The Tribune. Judge Neil of Jacksonville was a bus lness caller In Medford Tuesday. We dellvor swoe-t crenni or buttermilk every day; watch for our wagon or pbone orders to the Creamery, l'hone No. 923. I. O. Wagnor of Forest Grove, who has been spending the lust week in Medford left for-Central Point Tue-s day morning. Mr. Wagner ii a special representative of the O'regnnmii. Just arrived, a carloud 'of sewing ma chines. See. O. W. Johnson at the Medford Pharmacy. . . " The;di(ch digger is now working on I F strocit and is-making rapid progress as usual. Latest designs needlework, infants' outing fits, shirtwaists, centers, under wear, etc. Needlocraft Shop, 382 Wash ington street, Portland, Or. 51) Among those who left foV Portland . innil'Avnriiir to see the rose festival were Messrs. Hoy Maul, ernon vswjfsjM Virgil Strang, Ilonnld and V-r.ock" t SOU, fmir piOllH i'nrii Ionia local en eh (Iriii Ulinu in e V ho i firm prnli 0 i t unit lOxil Onnri Meat Willi ( lull 111 fit : Oregon apple grower are nor worry injf becfttiHC of the condition of tho up pit murket in tho east, which if at u low vhh. The low price ere thn remilt of u greedy combination between the grocers of tho middle went, New Vork und New Kii'liiiid mid the eastern deal era, says tho Oregoninn. lleeouse of the fancy prices that the fruit hud been bringing, something like six million bar rels of apples wero put. in cold Ktornge. They wero the worst kind of cttlls, ap ples that would ordinarily have found tlioij way into tho cider mills, driers, or would have been left on the ground to rot. Tho grower, of course, got his money for these culls, and it was tho dealers who lost, especially those who paid fancy priees- for good vnrie ties. Poor Apples in Storage. With the storage plants bulging witli inferior apples, tho dealers waited un til the high-class fruits wero thrown on the markets. Then the dealer who hnd bought the cheap fruit begun it 11 londiug'iinfl the result was that the bot tom fell out of the market. Tho grade of fruit" that was barreled and placed cold storage began to rot just as soon as it was taken out with the re sult that consumers, after buying one barrel and getting more than half rut ten ones, ipiil buying the fruit a I to got her. The dealers t hen found they were overloaded, shipped apples back west and this also killed the western market. Phis explanation of the apple situa tion wns made last night by Oscar Von lnrbilt, of Tlood River, Mr. Vanderbilt was nt find; mystified by tho condition of tho market, and it was not until In had made a most searching investiga tion that he discovered the real cause. Dealers Well Stung. "I think tho dealers are pretty well satisfied now that they have been stung good and plenty," snid Mr. Vnnderbilt. "Home of tho growers also will discov er that, they have been hurt, for con timers, having refused to pay for rot ten apples, have turned to other fruit. The Oregon growers had no part in t his attempted grnb. Our apples al ways brought good prices in tho east, and they will continue to do so, "Another thing that hurt the macUot was tho large crops. This year, from ac counts I have been rearAVtig, I ho nppl belt in the middle west has been dam figed fully IW per cent by heavy frosts. (dorado, our keenest competitor boxed apples, has also suffered. The frost which si ruck that state during April was severe and T doubt very nine , whetlier t tilorado will be nolo to raise 2fi per cent- of the usual crop. "When the eastern buyers land a Hood Itiver this fall they will have t ateet our prices. The Fruitgrowers union of Hood Itlver is building a large cold storage plant, large enough to ston the big npple crop that is coming on and If tho prices are not right our up pies will he stored right at home nn. sold when the market is right." i. POISONOUS WEED SLAYING SHEEP IN MALHEUR Hemming from Malheur county, Dr . II, I.ytle, stale sheep Inspector nrought with linn several specimens of the pomonoiis enmns root that lias her raising havoc ninong Malheur couiitv "hoop. The weed is very similar form to an onion, Iml it has n vellow isli hue. It grows in high altitudes never lieing round lit n height of 1 lliaii 41100 feet, ami it linn been spread iug to n considerable extent in Mill lienr county. According to Dr. I.ytle. It in inn lilile to make nay effective right ligninn i nn weeit, hut there Is an antidote which he lias advised stockmen to nsi in enses where sheep, entile or lior n piiisoncii ny eating eauias r or sheep the it lit iili.r insists of from live to seven grains of potassium per- mangeiiale Dissolved in lour ounces of water. Ill a certain section of Wyoming tl. poison ennuis lias lieeome so prevalent mi.h sneepraisi'i-s nave heen tor t to nhnmlnn llie ranges of Hint particular I ion.- I'end lelon ( Iregon ia u. RHINOCEROS CONSUMES LOTS OF ANESTHETICS Virgil HI rang lea oreasi dellvcg ell. . OrdafrTT; 13. JHfihiutl IS, bloek 78, Medford ... flflOO csh - w. Toss to H. u, Bnrdic, lota 9, 10 and 11, H'ortmnn's " swaddltlon to Medford 1 v ToknVtBrooks to E. I). llrlggs, aeresn section f(, township IKi.!, range 1 B . . . ,t 10 . notice f. the wll kuowhyiviima town, where every : Monday. -4tt m i nre If Jou want iwpornr now rlfnp( B milk, ordrr from the CronuA A nNVhlti for the wsgon., Deliveries made-ted, nnd lj frce onine uown riom r, tisr Htly and is employed nt hy til, toemfd near JaekBOiivi.U.iU, XKW YORK. June :t. Fifteen Xi . nrk veterinarians have discovered thai ine homo oi anesthetic required to put s iiiiuoceros 10 sleep is a pound and three quarters of chloform and a half pound of ether. This accession of veterinarian science was made during nn operation io remove cataracts in the eves of Mo gill, the I ml in u rhinoceros in the llronx zoo. Mogul, after succumbing to more than half n gallon of nnesthetics, re mained under its influence for an hour ami at. the end of that tune began to crunch liny tin though nothing had hap pened. Through a blow on the head in his na tive jungle. Mogul nearly lost the siuht of both eyes, and the operation was agreed upon after careful examination. It will take a month to tell if it in sue- eessful. 8KATTLE, Wush., Juno !J. Follow ing closely upon the hells of the big gathering of commercial bodies of every description, commercial clubs, chambers of commerce, manufacturers, wholesal ers and retailers ' ansociat ions to t he number of 5fif who met in Chicago May lo to formulate a plun of action to head off the threatened 10 per cent ad vance in freight rates, the freight rate committe of which ('. F. White is chair man aud A. F. Hpccht is m-cretary, rep resenting the combined interests of west cm lumber manufacturers ami shingle mills' bureau, has just issued to more 'han L'OuO eastern correspondents a con fidential letter on transportation poli ces, which outlines a plan for effec ively opposing nn advance iu freight rates. Mriefly, the letter calls upon busi ness interests all over the country to join ia requesting delegates to both the republican and democratic national con vent ions to support the following ar ticle of political faith and to see tlmt it is mude a plunk iu the plat forms of hut It political parties: 1 We ii rge t ha t congress enact a ti amendment to the interstate commerce act whereby the interstate commerce commission may, at its discretion upon proper complaint, suspend the tariffs investigate advances in freight MKIlFORl), OR., WEDXESn.yy "a " ' ' The ca (yitexBimmi- v4 . Proves taAfalK Miidcm - CE0 MORE THAN XL8E- I vw X here, the place is mmmmtmmmmmmmmmt'mmmmm I III p ivc unu i r-ii-ii"' f-"-" lneroeuiurunittiiiu i nut rates as to their reasonnhleness liefore heeomiiig effective." SUICIDES IN CITIES SHOW AN ALARMING INCREASE Elephant to Walk a Tight Hope, Tty and liv Host nock mav have a pink rhinoceros that whirls nround on a tra pere lv holding the bar in his capn ciups mouth. While waiting In achieve that wonder of training, Ilostock has gone half way. An elephant that walks the tight rope is sufficiently strange to e sure to Blnnre the crowds in 4ku Hostock arena at Conev Island, lie Is S veers old, and It ((wk fn vonr's course In tightrope walking before he 'TWored the Intricacies of he net. He ,irms eight feet above the stage wn)ks 2(1 f,.i. c.,1,,1,1 V. --(and weight of an elephant, this i ClIICAdO. June Ii. Tin; revised re port of the ( 'hieago bureau of slot is t ics compiled from t he records of II" leading citicH show an alarming increase in tho number of suicides, particularly within the last four months. The most appalling feature of the report is the statiHticul commentary on the self-inflicted deaths of the young. Many children of tender years have destroyed their own lives, too miserable to live, most of these suicides being due pri marily to pre-natal influences. Most of the suicides of males are attributed to horrible economic conditions. Dr. Meyers, tho noted anthropologist, regards the suicide of children as pointing to tho necessity for protect ing prospective mothers from the de pressing influences of unsanitary dwell ings, insufficient nutrition and igno raueo. I ho number of those, 'Nio dies by their own hand ha increased at the rate of a.inujit Ul per cent a year. The table .w 'completed to lIMltl, It In us follow: IHim 8i5(l1D04 211-M! KM) I Ui!22HKl.) :msf UMIli LM(i0limi 2il l!H) L'17(i It is believed the suicides for l!Mi7 will aggregate several hundred more than .'1000, and those for the present year will be still a larger number. I he lists are prepared from cities liaviug a population of 100,0(10 or more. Of (he l.q,-(7i. suicides reported, 4' pe cent were persons between the ages o 10 and Ii) years, L'l per cent by per sons net ween L'u and J!) yearn, -.t per cent belweim L'O and :t!) years, 'Jll-j per cent between '10 and 111, per cent between 50 nml ."!, II per cent between 00 and (11), and .'1 per cent between and 70 years. The total increase from l!K)0 to 1000 was 110 per cent. RUSHING WORK UPON NEW LINE TO COAST The Chicago American prints tho sto rv of the rapid conclusion of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad to the Pacific coast, and describes as follows the country through which it pusses. lly reason of an unusual spurt in work, representatives of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. 1'nul roud snv thev expect to have the great transcontinen tal line finished from Chicago to Seat lie and Taconia next surini. feguhir trains are now operated on t he new Pacific const line as far ns Mobridge, I .'hiiim.1i, Hettinger, Kow inaii and Marmarth. in the Ihikotan: to lorry. Miles City, Musselshell and Mnrlowton, iu Montana. Not iu t he history of railroads hat a line been constructed with such speed the route from Unite to Seattle and 1'aconm, with towns, districts and en giueeriug lent, was given out recentlv TO MAKE AUTO TRIP MEDFORD TO ROSEBURG Wj M. Hudson of Medford was i the city Thursday, having been a pn tenger on tne car making the trip to Port hind from San Francisco. While re he informed the X;ws representa tive that iu the very near future he intended makinir a record run from Medford to this city, taking in the mountain district. Telephone commiini ntiou will be established at different points along the roads so that people iu this vicinity und at Medford mav be in touch with the time beini? made iml tho whereabouts of the machine. .Mr. Hudson will ride in the Kuick car and the distance to be covered is es timated at about t.1.1 miles. This the Iriver believes, will be made in about six hours actual running time. The event will prove unite an interesting one nnd arrangements are now under way to have the run start enrlv this month, Rosehurg News, PREFERRED RIGHTS FOR RAILROAD CLAIMANTS IdorcoV einnrknble feat. t 'I.A TSK A X I K, Or., June ;i. Al though official information has been tent out from Washington that it is useless to try for preferred rights on Southern Pacific land grant claims, .suit to cancel which has been filed, ten to al people have gone out to take up msldrncc on these lands. .Some have their famine, with them and are s.piat ting; others are ' hnt.-hing. ' Their at torney, 1A f forty, tells them thev can not fail, nn thtir claims will be Mpi. ferred,' ulnec they msdj npptte ntiou to pnrehnse heforo igf int for can cello AVile in - tod ChxaeiexClX. SUMMER HAS ARRIVED. ssit v for :, you WJinf no of style and boose your fab assort merit, and and with it the light Wright suit. If clothing to be tin1 aci elegance you should c rics from our superb we will fit 1 hem perfectly, ai.d give individuality in style jouh as you can't get wit li ready made garments. JohnKreuzer & CO. Importers and Tailors PALM BLDG., Room A i new i vour K KEXT TO THE HOTEL NA8H, FOR MERLY POTTINOEE'B PLACE. THE LIST OF PLEASED CUSTOMERS IS GROWING EVERY DAY. D? YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM, WHY NOT? SATISFACTION AND ECONOMY HERE. ; I IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP! MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE! Chas. Hazelkioo. Manaoer ONE SOLID WEEK, beginning jnday June 1st. Til W ON IjY I'LACK IN IMEDFOIJ , 1 Popular Leading UaivHii lJftnnfjn I iitifih II ROA8T CIIICKMNW, ROAST POifKHulA HAKltK LOA F, CII1(!KKN AND POTATO fimiiA Commy Alwav Fresh, Evervthine CIew Raked I Jeans. IJnstnn Brown Rroad, Clin-kon psceiii,ry Woman, REPERTOIRE 10c (nods id' all kinds. The DELICATESSEN C STRMKT, NEAR EKJ IITH Five and Ten-Acre Orchards on I installment plan. The right kind! soil, the right mna u ucm u..p .- right prices. Twenty years' experienee in raising hacks our judgment. W sold half the orchards tn the and have yet to see a purch satisfied with his harffkm. Before buying see Ro&ue River L Exhibit Bu THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregoni-an is th best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OF BLANKS Itl'AL Wiirrnnly Deed Moi'tK'iKe, LoiiK ami Shorl Fernis Snti.fai l'ii of Moi tjtiiut' Transfer nf Lien l'dwcr or Attorney Mi'climiU' V Wutfi- MkIiL KSTATE (iiiiU-;om Iwl Ilonil for Deed MoriKiitfo l,t'aso Willi Tax Payment Provision Opli'Ui to liny Ijinti Affcnt's Con tracts MISCIOt.LANKOUS Hill of Ride Lhiuor Lii'enne Vornia Nalico to Trespassers Cnxlitor's I'laini Against Kstato CliattH Morfjfuo Aekrii)wli'ol(fMuiiit. C 'on Cession of Judgment Covers for HIanks FOR HUNT, KOK SAI.K. KURN1SH10I) ROOMS, KTC. (on canlbosnl) . MINING PIartr Locution honil for UihmI Miiu'i's Lien Summons Kxecnl ion JinlMTiiK'nt Transeript ('iniiiiiilriieut for Trial Souivh Warrant Quartz Location Wnlf?r Uialit Oregon und U. S. Forma t'ontract to Sell )ool Proof (if Labor JUSTICK OF PKACK Civil and Criminal Subpoori (liirnishmcnt Cost Hill Notice to .Inrora Civil Complaint PROHATK i A line itnent Uiuiert ikinc and Afll davitfor Attachment Commitment for Fine Jury Oni'T Warrant for Arrest Petition for Letters of Administration, Administrator's, F.xeenlnr'H and Guardian's ItinuU aud lVfds: Order Set tintr Apart Property Kxcnipt from Kwcution: Order Conlirminu Sale of Rttil nnd Personal Properly Cilation; Commission to Appraisers; Letters of Administration; Testamentary. Attaeliment Notice of Garnishment Grand Jury Hiibpoeim liuiielnient Transcript of Judgment A complete, up-to-ilnt line SUFKIFF PLANKS. Inventory and Appraisement: Proof of Will: Letters CIRCUIT COURT Undertakintr and Alliduvit Summons for Attachment Cost Hill Criminul and Civil Subpoenas F.xeeution Seaixh Warrant Notice to Jurors of U.S. LAND OFFlCE.'fCOUNTY COUKT ANl All printed after the latest and best forms. t$ Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. Cg3 Give us a trial. if SOUTHERN OREGONIAN MEDFORD OREGON THE ONLY PLACE TN MI Ready Prepared T?nKT CHICKENS, ROi LOAF, CHICKEN AND , Alway Fresh, Every! Raked Beans, Boston Brown Bl 10c each. Bakery uoom The DEUCj C STREET, NF I have for sale at $62.50 per acre, 8ncrf? nf iine ' orchard land as there is in Rogue Rivet valley. TJie im-1 proverncnts on place are worth at least1250. Let me show you this land. ALFRED SMITH OVER JACKSON COUNTY BANK7' To Start U In smirch of real value iu good form supplant tlio thonglit' "how cheap'-' with "how good." Wo always earrr in stock tho beHt fabrics and do at tractive tailoring Tvtrk at pricos low enough to win your trade. . FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING." W. W. EIFERT, The City Tailor, Medford Cut Glass June Weddings Von jierluips know nt somo Juno bride. I don't. Wo know thn t thoy all iippivi'iate i nt. tfluss. No one roueivos too inucli of it in the li ot prtisonts. If you iire phiuning n gift Hint will be tipprcointod, you cau not dj better than to sim1 my line of cut glass vases, bowls, decanters, iTiiets, tumlftrs all use ful and nrnamoiital presents and suro to be prized by your friend.! .1 sell (lie celebrated Kawkes line of eut glass unsurpassed in qautity and ia flesiyii of cutting. . The prices on tny cut glass have always been popular oios, nerer too high, just such as would guarantee quality. j ' MARTIN J. REDD . THE JEWELER. NEAR IIB POSTOFFICE KN'Y.MiT.Prc I'KHHV, Vici 'id rut. rresiilciit. .11)11. V S. OltTH. Cnshicr. Y. 11. JACKSON", Asa t (Vhirr. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $30,000 SU1UH.US 10,000 Safety Hoxos to L'cnt. A fJenoral Hanking Iiusinoss Transacttvl. Wo Solicit Vour Patrona"o Window MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. and Door Screens, Block . Wood d i Sliida of planing mill work. Including turned work and EN T1I AND 7TH SIS. FHONE b3. Clean Sweep Shoe Sale TTAVK REDUCED THE PRICE ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Shoes i - AND ARE GIVING VALUES LES THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. -Cliildron's Slioos, 99?, slioos you have hoe.n paying" 1.50 and $1.75 for. . Tallies' Shoes and Oxfords, ?1.49, ?1.69, ?1.79, ?1.S, ?2.49. ' SPECIAL CALL KARLV AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS. W. II. Meeker 6 . Co. I