Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, June 03, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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Cast Is Similar to Medford Local Op
tion Law to Be Tested as Privilege
Supersedes State Authority Liquor
Dealers Will Appeal to Supreme Court
MARSHFIELD, Or., June 3. There
haa arisen a legal point in regard to
the local option fight in this eounty
which may mean a Inwsuit after the
election. It is announced that if the
county should ao dry the liquor inter
ests will go to tbo supreme court for a
'decision as to how it affects Marsh
ne!d. Since tl.e local option law was adopt
ed Mnrshftvld was granted a charter
iu which it states that the city council
has the right to license, tax uud regu
late the saloons. Some of the luwyers
hold that this means that it is entire
ly up to the city council as to whether
or not there shall be suluons and that,
oven though the county should vote dry,
as a whole, it will not affect this city.
At least this is tho claim Hint is made,
and it is declared that the saloons will
not until there lias been a decision
from tho supreme court.
This upplies only to tho Mnrshfield
charter, so, if tho county as a whole
should go dry, tho other towns would
be compelled to close tho saloons. If
the county as a whole goes wet the
districts or towns which vote dry must
be dry and tho cities voting wot can
be wet, but this does not apply if the
eounty as a whole goes dry, unless, of
course, the saloon interests cun win
in their elnim that the Mnrshfield char
ter is not affected.
WASHINGTON, Juno 3. Tho fnct.
that western states lire hereafter to re
ceive 25 per cent of tho receipts of
forest reserves in lieu of 10 per cent
which they hnvo receivod during the
past two vears, is due very largely to
the work of Senator Fulton and Repre
sentative Hawley of Oregon. It was
CMV Fulton; yho p
-- an' j .. ,
of ,
J' k Miller and I. Purdin, both democrats, have been elected to the legis
lature -eivi"g tots votes respectively (except Mound precinct) of 1833 and
1811 against 1001 for Tee Hammersley and 1535 for H. Kubll, republicans. Their
" " election is due sim.iy to the fact that they supported Statement No. 1 and
stood for popula' election of federal senators. Furdin received 610 votes in
- Mcdf ol,lilli-47?. Hammersley 390, Kubll 214. Purdin's plurality over
- Hammersley 210, in the county 150, and Millers over Hammersley in Med
ford was and in the county 172.
WVdur Jones, democrat, for sheriff, received tho largest vote among democrat;-
tfltal of 2108, against D. H. Jackson's 1724. Jones' plurality is 444.
In Medford Jcoes received 624 votes to Jackson's 388, carrying the city by'
Judge Neil, democrat, is safely elected county Judge over the Incumbent,
"Judge Dunn, receiving 1976 to his opponent's 1829, a plurality of 147. Neil
received 606 votes In Medford to Dunn's 445, a plurality of 61, and though
ishlAtvd gavq Dunn 285 load, tho brush
7j othei rtmblican candidates were
f. i 'gan fur clerk carried Medford by 226 and Ashland by 336. Cronc
mliler had a ewer nib. Owens was successful by a good vote. Grieve had a
fair plurality ever Dow. Singler was elected constable in Medford and
Cannon dofecttd Stewart as justice of the peace by 103 plurality.
The prohilitionists havo won a decisive victory, carrying the county by
total vote if 2118 as against 1849 cast by the wets. The wets carried
Medford by 16Jthe voto boing 631 to 615.
Gold Hill by 4 but lost Ashland by 218,
and nearly alljlie country precincts.
JMnce Dt'N in of Pnoumoula at Ho
." ? tel Bte'iut, san Francisco Related
"tcAUtif Br ilty and Son-ln-Law of
Colono1 tarkor of Hawaii.
SAN pAN'CISCO, Oil., June 3. Ar
rangement wiie made today by the
consul i.llinijiilii for the stale funeral
of Prime Datd Knwnnnnnkn, nlmonl
the last "f thi royal blood nf Hawaii,
who died in If "'I? ln,t niKl,t ""'
Hotel Stewart If pneumonia. The body
-will leare herj Juno 9 on the steamer
MavpW-rin. ' Wemn high mnss will be
' crWi.ii'id at It. Mary's ca.thc.lral -?ro
Hie nefwmtre of 1 lie steamer.
Ptiu.-e Pa -.-id was V brother of the
Princes Cupid Knwnnnniikon, son-in-law
.of Colonel finni Parker. of Honolulu.
He arrived in this city May 22, ac
romnnnied by his ,wif.i and Colonel
Parker and wife. He contracted pneu
monia several days ago nnd when it was
known that his life could not be saved
' a priest was sent for and ho read the
last rites of tho Catliolir church.
-The dead prince was 40 years old and
I aves a wife and three children. He
wiis a nephew nf former Queen Lilliua
kalan nf Hawaii.
His brother started 'mm Washington
' for this city this morning.
CHICAGO, ifunv
rt.m'ch in Cticng
;. There is one
there Pan Cupid
mineni a pmcc n
Christ church, of
' th minister. Tf
. Rev. .T.
ypi.,vdrr i the pastor.
. that has bow.d io the ittb RM of Inye
and established "cWing room, in
: wiiich the young pmpla may do their
' sparking.' j
Features of lie novel addition to the
house of Ood jre cozy corners, screens
and ft-toned lights.
NasllHutfil Arrivals.
W R. MrK idry, . Y. TTenry. Jacob.
A E. Cn-eii K. R- Cowlen, Ttngo A.
fp'Jli. Kbinhau. ringnn. If. As-
I heller. C. IT.'Mirsh. II. H. Herpstein,
... Vmncrwi: R. F. Heel, II. Tirnsh.
r v i.tfrtu, Portland; V. A. .lones.
ritv . f1- II''- f'rnt ra.T A. Pan
1 Vrr X"iUnd; F. Metrnlf, P-t1and;
'J v ' " T.flor. Mtlr: I. P. HmR, Kti
' rft i tin Ki rn antrn iifniiK
1 v in -- -
(I, (.tlilrt; . I. nnes.
14 i-flhn. II. It. f4..Hth,
perkelev 1
San Frativ-: M
Tw Leonard, Aihi..M,
WASHINGTON, June 3. Represen
tative Tawuey of Minnesota, chairman
of the committee on appropriations, to
day presented to the house his annual
roview of fiscal appropriations and ex
penditures. The keynote of his speech
was sounded in tho declaration that
"the insistent demands of the people
and of the publie service result in nu
increased aggregate when enacted in
to law;" and the "efforts of the ma
jority to maintain a policy of greater
economy were frustrated by an obstruc
tive and recalcitrant minority." Taw
uey stated the total appropriations of
the session to bo $Sjl,uSS.tjTO. Ho said
the total revenues of the government
estimated to congress by the secretary
of the treasury are placed at $878,123,
Oil; that iu addition to the authorized
expenditure of $S51,0SS,G"0 for tho op
eration of the government during the
next fiscal year, appropriations are
also made as follows:
In deficiency nets, exclusive of $12,
466,7.10 for publie buildings authorized
at this session, $44,529,223; fo.- require
ments of thesinking fuud, $18,000,000;
fur redemption of national bank notes,
$25,000,000; for construction of the Pan
ama eaual (bonds to be issued), $29,
187,000; for miscellaneous and special
objects, $1,000,000, including $250,000
for the relief of storm nnd flood suf
ferers in tho southern stntes, nnd $403,
000 fur the payments of claims of the
Romnu Catholic church in the Philip
pine islands, making a grand aggregate
for the next fiscal yenr of $1,008,804,
894. Tawney said the estimates submitted
to congress by the executive as a basis
for the appropriations made amounted
to $1,079,440,288, or an excess of $70,
440,394 over the total of the appropri
ations of this session and an excess of
$158,051,145 over all the appropriations
mndo at the last session. A subtraction
of the totals of estimntes and appropri
ations, he said, showed that the pres
ent houso cut down the estimates for
the ordinary operating expenses of the
government $124,347,172.
The grand total of appropriations
made at this session exceeded those of
last session by $SS,O0G,750.
precincts have saved the day for Neil.
elected by majorities ranging from
They carried Jacksonville by 98 and
Central Point by 70, Phoenix by 68
ONTARIO, Or., June 3. l-'or tin: pur
pose, of developing tlin natural gnu flow,
which in everywhere prevalent in On
tario 11 11 il vicinity, 11 cn-nperalivo oil
nnd gas company, composed of local
business men, has been organized here.
Not only will tho natural gas be con
verted to commercial useB, hut boring
for petroleum will begin within n few
The officers f t 1m- company, which
hfiK just cloned its lenses mi 2u,niw acres
:f land about Ontario, arc David Wb
son, president; J. R. Dlaokaby,, presi
dent of the Ontario bank, vice-president;
W. K. Ieos. treasurer, and W. IT.
Doolittle, secretary. The board of di
rectors is composed of Dr. Pogue, A. L.
Sproul and A. V. Hover.
lie aides being one of the wealthiest
men in Malheur county, A. V. Hover is
the only man in Oregon, Washington or
Idaho who has a home heated nnd
lighted by natural gas. For seven years
he has been ut ilizing the gas which
flows from his water well for household
purposes, and the fact that the supply
dues not diminish indicates its permn-
Within two miles of Ontario there are
ISO wells through which natural gns es
apes and almost any one of them could
he used as the source of limiting and
healing. Oil expert a who have visited
this section state that the prevalence
nf so much natura I gas is evidence of
large petroleum beds. The company
recently organized will put down four
wells to determine the existence of this
SAX FRANCISCO. Calif., June 3.
The motion to set aside the three indict
ments against Patrick Cnlhnun mid Ford
of the l'n i ted Railroads, nnd n not her
against ex horts Abraham Rnef for the
bribery of the supervisors in connection
with the pasting of the overhead trolley
franchise, was argued ttxlav before
Judge Law tor, by Attorneys A. A.
Moore for t'nlhonu and Ford, Krank M.
Moore frr Calhoun and Ford. Frank
Murphy f"r Ifnef and Asilsant District
Attorne;. IDney for the people.
Tie notion is based tm the nlb'ged
bias of rV- McFarland grand juty which
reiurnrd the indictments, and the al-
leffed iniftcoiiduct of llenev in the tfrnnd
jury rmim before the indictment were
The examination of the grand jurors
w.n concluded yesterday afternoon. To
day's argument -tt-V interwerrd with
wernl spati belHttn HMiey and the
Attorney's for tht dofns.
Sell, Try Advertising
Classified X
One Cent a Wt
tions leu than IS 4
for the pries of .
cents Una per .
monr i
WANTED Large hot 1
auituble for furmshe
M, euro Tribune.
FOUND An umbrella,
road. Owner can get D1U1L,
for this advertisement. fi
FOR SALE 10 Jersey eo.
lings nnd 5 calves. Call on t
L. K. Hnak, Eagle Point, Or.
LOST Two pairs of infants' i
shirts. Return to Tribune of.
FOB SALE Large corner lot in
Medford, just outside city limits;
thirds of an acre; fronting on
county road: sightly building
price $150 if sold at once. Writ
50S, Medford
TO EXCHANGE A quart claiin,
paying ore, partly developed; wil'
change for uowestead or timber
Address A. Miner, Applegate, Or,
FOR SALE 20 acres lib miles
railroad station, oiu nouse sua ,
nnd good spring on place; priee $
pavable $200 down and 10 a f Appif PQ PAMPI FTP
without interest. Address V. Q vl I OjLJ UUiHl LL 1 L
571, Medford, Or.
LOST A bluck Stetson hat, ?
night. Finder please lenvo '
fice. $1 reward. '
over postoffice.
'I s a i i: p S- ? .- x
c- ; r o x o i :
I : : : ; : ! ? M : ' j
39j IU 3T 3" f2 ioj l.ij :i'ijl7 H f :toi 1 6
3T2 47Jj 2fil W 3411! 431 1 .Vi; 27l 3lli 371 S30 aid
43 32 4u: 27! 21)' 41 53 21 2:t S4i 33 40
31 4KI "7 42 .33 2111 4i; .4lj 32! S4 111! 34
34 4llj 40i 34 j 3S 33 13; 7.'. 4lj 4S 341 34
lllj 13 Hi; 13j 14 I2 11' IV I2 I4j U 10
10ti S2j JIHlj 101 77 Ii2j 71)' U(P !I2 llllf 134 114
3li 73j 7 40 731 3S 4II 7!lj ."irtl 73 Il3 III
12 II ! 12; 111 7 II! isj :l lli 131 II
22 1 21 IS) IHj lllj 11: 2li 111: 22j 2tlj 13
144 4S S31, 115 I lllj 42 54' 12!lj 47. 42 50 122
122 45 118 07 15S 137 123i 1711 152' 1 11! !)f 102
32 27 22 19 2S 24 j 2SI 2j 24 1 3 10 33
24 11 15 1 - I4 Si 24 13 22 li) 12
3Kl 220' 203 331! 214 1H7 221 2!IS 1S7 3H0 202 302
25S 197 200 27ll (.", .147 224 2il8 201 204! 253 2211
22) 12 17 ft 25 ' 7; iJ- Ji 20; isj lo Ml
74 01 0ll 04' 01! fig) Nil. 50, l3 (Hi 107 3
32 ll 23 2S l.r,j llj 20! 22 (II 30l 22
50 lfl 4U 37 20 20j 3lt 3!l 24 S2 50 24
24 13 1 1S 15 -II' 15" Ml 15 20 7 ' 27
78 (ill 84 73 03 54 1 72i 04 5S I3 S0 71
24 19 31 24 17 2 .sj 35 2o 27 IS
44 43 57 42! 2!) :15 41 44 32 ul 4(i 35
21 12 2S 23 ll sj 10 13 1 17 2111 II
24 llj 20 2S 0 5 101 2I1 IS) isj 20 II
4fl 4 43 43! 0 7 4! 4!) 0 4il 20 37
53 24 45 44 j 2S 30 lMt 51 23 (!0 30 45
I I I ! I I i I I 1-!
II 111741 jl833IS10llill: 1535; IS20 10711. 1724;2I0S2I1S1S4!I
iahed; cheap if sob
wanted by WmT
Co. at once; gop1.
close in. Gi
terms. Pref
Address R.
lint . .
Rock .
V Creek
lu5 Hill i
,cfieksonville 12:
Luke Creek
Mendmvs .
Vorfli '5f erf ford ..( uAI,
South Medford ..
Hock Point
Phoenix J
Sams Valley ....
Union j
Willow SpringH
. 370.... 172 I50............
M, H. De Young of San Francisco
Chronicle Charged With Libel in Re
gard to a Number of draft Cases
Warrant Out for His Arrest. I
SAM PRAXiUSOO, fill., Juno 3. A
warrant for tin? arrest of M. 11. Vc
Von proprietor of the San Knincmco
Chronicle, was issued today on a fliurj!
of criminal libol preferred by Detec
tive William J. Burnt., who in in rliurg
of the graft prosecutions here.
The alleged libelous article that forms
the basis of Burns' complaints was
printed in tho Chronicle several days
ago with reference to the land fraud
cases, in which Tr. Kdwarrt f(. Perry
was convicted in the federal court, here
Inst year. Burns gathered the evidence
up which Perry was convicted.
WASHIXOTUX. June 3. fn many
mates todav tho MOth birthday of .(ef
ferson Davis, the first nnd only presi
dent of the southern confederacy, is be
Ing observed, as it was on .June 3, 1S0S.
that the distinguished soldier, states
man anil citizen was born in Christian
eountv. Kentucky.
The sons nnd daughters of tho eon
icderates in the natioual copitol are
joing hands with their confederate vet
oralis iu eeilebrating the anniversary,
and in such states as Tennessee. Missis
sippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Vir
ginia. Kentucky and even in South Cur
olinn, and in Spokane, Wash., wherever
southerners reside, the aiiniverMiiry is
being generally observed.
The day was marked by impressive
service through the south, and in Vir
ginia Governor Hwaiser insued a proc
lamation declaring this a holiday.
TOKIO, .Tune .1. Kditor Bet hell, an
Knstiihman, who published a paper at
Seoul, called the " Korean Daily News
which was object ionable to the Japunese
government, has been induced to stop
f publishing it.
The attitude taken by IWthell on tin
operations of the Japanese authorities
caused much displeasure, but the editor
claimed tho protection of the British
flaif. and the Japanese found it difficult
to reach him.
A settlement was brought about today
however at a conference between the
Japanese officials at Seoul and the Brit
t-h consul At Shanghai, by which licth
ell received n money compensation to
abandon his paper, which will be aled
ished. The press and plant were trans
ferrcri to Mia authorities nnd Bethefl
will soon1ave Seoul. He Is said to
be wll satisfied with tho money he
444! 2li(l.
Southern Pacific Issues Thirty Thousand
Booklets Telling How Strangers Can
Beach Medford From All Sections of
the United States,
'How to get to Medford, Oregon,"
in the title of one of tho handsomest
and iiioHt attractive pamphlets yet is
sued by t he Southern Pacific. Tho
front cover in most striking, being a
branch of Vellow Newtown 1'ippijix col
ored to resemble nature. Tho back
cover ih the well picture showing a vine
clustered with grapes, colored as in
' Oregon and pport unity " in I he
preface, which includes a quotation
from Vice President Fuirbanks. A ilea'
ription of Medford and the Ifouc Kiv
r valley, with statistics to prove the
land 's fertility and the climatic delight
fulness, follows. Scenes follow from or-
hard and mine.
In the center is a map showing
routes f nun nil parts of the United
.Stntes leading to Medford, and data to
I the traveler.
A New Voik dispatch says: Dan
Kellv of Ort-goti, the world 'a champion
printer, is back to form. Word reached
this city from Philadelphia yesterday
that the western boy in practice ran
The 100 in 10 seconds, and made, a leap
if 'Jl feet iu the broad jump. Kor the
hort time that Kelly has been under
the cure of Trainer .Mike Murphy he
has made wonderful strides toward the
;oal in bot h sprints and broad jump,
tnd t he vi'teniu t miner is not a bit
backward in saving that when the prop
er time comes the Oregon boy will up
hold his reputation ns the world s chum
pion. As h matter of fact, Kelly has
been by no means showing his heralded
form iu either the sprints or the broad
jump, but if there n anything in the
hoy. Murphy will bring it out.
Rock Point.
CliHiuberlain Cake 11';
lev -'."f. Kubli 7, Miller 17,
Dunn M, Xeil 20; Jackson
1M; Marnes II, Coleman 21
Dunlin 0;
20, Jones
; Iturnett
20, Masterson l.'t; Dow II, ((rieve 21;
Cronemiller I1. Miller H; Marshall IS.
Owens 22; Wells .'12; for prohibition
l!t. against prohibition ID,
IterMv bill loses by M votes.
DKNVKIi, Col., June Several
prominent democrats who visited the
convention nuilitornnii tinlav hi advance
of the convention and ins( ted the
monster nrtieture, entered n complaint
that no provision had been made for tt
bar In tho bitding. The nearest lmr in n
block away. Tho Denver city rouncil
had decidtsl not to grant nvjLni porn ry
luiiimr rrnm'hisea nttuTrwJX eonw
in the Tribune-It Brings
i, 190S.
Chamberlain's Lead Is In
rrpacinn as Vntp Ernm
U,UUJ,"S "J "V ""'".tlmmlM.rlHiu
Remote Sections Come'lpr.:::::
In-Statement 1 Controls' ''"''--;
! Itai ley
Hopkins . . .
j ll.nvley
PORTLAND, Or., dune ;(. Mom com-! Richards . . .
plide returns received today
that Chamberlain's plurality will pnuY
limy rrurn i i. neioris i rorn me pant
on 11 try ilistricts are uniformly t'uvor-
able to tho governor, and his plurality
may exceed L"i00,
( 'hamberlaiii has carried Multnomah,
Benton, .Clackamas, t "la t sop, Crook,
Douglas, Jackson, l.nkn, Kiuu, Malheur,
Polk, Union and Wasco. He has lied
in Marion with Cake, who has carried
Columbia, (iilliaui, (iHpltlne, I.tinc,
Morrow, Tillamook. Vmatilla' H'Lecler
ami Vamhill.
Aside from tho ai'tiatorial fighl.lie
rr-publicau t icket iniole a clean hwocji
from supreme judge to railroad commis
sioner. V . K. l-.Uls was elected repre
sentative from tho Second cotigrussianal
district by an Immense majority. .1. W.
Hailev was auio ve elected fo the office
)f state food and ilahy i-oiiiminnioti''r.
Clvde It. A itchison has been elect c
railroad coiumissiouer, with A. S, llatu-
ilton, who was defeated for the uoiniua-
tiou in tho republican primaries, m
Oglesbv Vouiig. tin
Icnioernt ic nom-
inee, runs taint hi n lieiit ot lour, nam
iltou leading him by a few hundred
There are .'111 Statement No. 1 repre
sentatives and 111 senators in tho next
legislature, according to returns now iu,
tea of I he senator being holdovers.
This is enough to elect.
Prohibition has won in almost every
instance, particularly in the lesser pop
utated counties. Reports from the fol
lowing count ies show t hat 1 hey have
arricd as a whole for prohibition:
Dry- Polk, Malheur, Josephine, Jack-
son, Douglas, rolumliia, heeler, tain
hill, Tillamook, Tune, Ciiioii, Crook,
Morrow, Dinu, Sherman, Gilliam, Wal
Iowa and Grant.
la doubt Wash iugt on, ''laekamus,
Lincoln, Wasco.
Now dry Menton.
We Ma rion.
Dry in all precincts voted on- Clat
p, linker.
SAI.K'M, Or., June .'I. Complete re-
turns from 'Mi prei-iuets out of II give
Cke a pbiralitv of -o votes.
Cake has a total of .Ulif and Chmu-
herluin Itlu'l, It may be possible that
Chamberlain has won the county, but
I he result will show but II few oles
if her way.
Three Statement No. 1 en nd Mates
for the legislature wen; elected. Pat
ton, Ifatleberg and libby, and each wilt
vote for t 'hamberlaiii next winter.
Patton received ft largo loioplimeti
tary vote, running aheiol ot tus ticket
b uearlv Khhi,
The county is wet and the niiivemf
appropriation lost out nv almost i M n.
The armorv bill also lost.
eimtests are coining up e
business of contesting is
:i.- -N'ew liin.l
ler v o'a.v. The
being carrie
o extremes, for persons who pin
l up
claims several vears ag
t h rough the slou ues of t he t'oiee
the general IhioI office have not
eived their patents, are bi'itig for
into contests, I (u se contents ai
lllv brought ngainst persons win
lift the country, ami the ohject is to
force Ihem to sell their rights for a
small sum or cDc return here and light
the contest at a big expense. D appears
that the most iiusrrupuloiis methods are
being used in seeuriug contents, and in
manv instances the cases are brought
ugainst Women who endured many hard
hips in holding down the claims for a
tAug; time nnd then made commutation
proof. A peculiar incident came up a
few day ago, when a big, abb' bodied
man brought a contest against a widow
nho has threo children to
vears ai-o. but f..r retin ' "therW
has not beim wt her vt"- Uut
dlt " lU" ' J
I ttiri. but U ilecum
South Medford Dry and North Medford
Wet by Small Vote Chamberlain's
Big Plurality iu City Purdin Re
ceives Hoavy Vote Which Electa Him
Staver .
I Whituev
vi.,. ,v
;. Jackson . , ,
uiies . ,
Darnea . . ,
'idemaii . ,
Paula . . ,
Hornet I , ,
Calhoun . ,
Grieve . ,
Taylor .
Owens .
G rise .
Stock '
Por prohibition
WASUJVtiTO.V. June 3.tte
tpeeifirat ions for the largest naval
dock in the wor til, to be built, al the
merlon unvvvurds on Vuget sound, w
1 H
. , -H I 2) 41 ...
..I j .in; 4X7 ...
. .! :iii:i j l'. Si! I 44
. .j -l! 27 7tJ
. .j 4'24 :(ti2 7sij itT.
..I -id ! 52 9$ ...
. .j 0K j 42 j 111 ...
. .j 7'A 252- 326 ...
.. loi ; i:i. j ;t2 ...
..j 4 44 j 4 ...
. .j SH j 2711 j .101 2-12
. . I fi4 j 17 in ...
.. 44 I HO j 74 ...
. . 1711 j 140 31.0 . ..
i Campbell . I 3U0 I :il! 7i ...
. .! 4.".i j aim j 8-t.i ...
. .( 2S0 2112 1 542 J in
. .j p.m I U4 j S4:i I ...
I Heusley j "7 ) 5tt 135 . . .
I llrower j 57 j 35 j 02 j . . .
Messner I 5(1 I 3S I H4 . . .
Hammersley j 214 j 17H j :tim ( ...
Kubli lit" 147 214 ...
Miller j 203 20J 472 2
Purdin i 331 270 K 22ft
Duntt 221 j 224 445 ...
Neil 2iW 1 208 1 5011 I til
W.h.v I til I J7 I in I
.. 187 j 201 3RS ...
..j 3(U j 2tl4 24 j 230
. . 44 ( 30 74 j ...
..( 205 j 137 402 I.,
. .1 327 301 ttfis 22(1
I t 55 I 37 I 02 I ....
. . 0.1 1 4 n urn j ...
. . 333 j 304 37 I j . .
. . 1S 120 312 : ifo
. . 1 54 30 1(0 j . .
. .' 225 j 208 433 j ..
. .1 205 242 537 04
. .! 282 I 211 1 ( 543 f ' 75
I 03 40 100 M . .
. . 213 j 155 j 308 j .',
, .i 100 138 j 328
..I 304 287 501 :'03
I 07 I 44 1111 I ..
..j 40 1 380 j S.V) ..
. .j 271 I 252 j 539 jofl
. .1 241 I 177 418
. .j 200 j 250 j 5 t!t
. 180 I 134 314
. . S 51 110
,j 2H2 253 j 515
. .! 302 ! 220 j 331
. ,j 230 j 212 j 441
. .j .'too I 2:t0 545
. .) 385 205 050
. . 210 152 j 30S
completed to'lay by Hear Admiral 1
liday. chief of the navy yards barf Yt WALKEli, &AlHlger.
" ,x' "tI M,,,t m,,,lMf,,r '"Jiirage Eighth and D Street.
1 m.pletcd IS moathd from J po!H1 Maill 21.
when work is to be HtarggBMMNMHflHBHBHHBHNMNBMMH
J tills for I he citnst ruction of mmmmmwmmmmmmmmmm
dock have been asked, a nd it is
uouuce that, they will be opened ir-'O. :' j
lied on with dispatch, and it is
thought that any ilela will be peri
The need of the big naval d
on the Pacific coast has been made c
bv the visit of the Atlantic fleet.'
MAN' l-'UANclHl'O, Oil., June
Tweuly sf-veri funiilies were rellrld
Ihiiiii'Ii-mk by a fire desf roving a rof
'I'Hipnnirv sliaeks on Krlangton t'H
tmliii' Hi-rrul iienl.ln huA nurrnw
cap.s from the flames and the pifffH,
lid deroic work in rescuing chil
f ri on t he ho riling huililtngs.
It is thoiiL'ht (hut th
fire was Htrfrtb.Tr,-r- , j v
hy a crank who had threatened to ain
the l:i!r-ks. Tin wildest panic n indued
when the fire broke out, I'olicemal If.
C, Cayloid and T. Clark reseued se.
en small children, who had bn lef t
iu t he houses by t heir parent, (w ho
fled when the bln.e started.
foniohite in I'oniann was entri-en nr
nn.i n.pnriiMfl Willi.
1 roses,.
Tonlulit the river will he MV ' . ,.,,,ei.rfff f
.-..liVmM from w..
rUnn nf fout.
"vl" ' ,uWt rrow wa tdoWdy th Ut
i.. 44t rlVff ttin'Sl ' "''
, ,.VK ol tb Kino
Quick Results
The Weather
Fair weather is proiuisul for "tonight
nntl tomorrow.
No. 65.
Speedi Made by Repub
lican Candidate Likely to
Elect Bryan--Called
Grant Drunkard.
t Iin;A(IO, J, 3. A. biuldcn lift
Iiiih hi-eu iii.jpcied ttito tlti presidDtial
bonnier, of all tin- favorite'. on by
tlio lii'lipf that Mi-crotarv Taft ran be
liwitcni on I In- Isnuc of his Memorial
day mldri'NH at Umnt'i tomb in whieh
lie referred to (leneral (Iriint'a drunk-
The fight ia iutense today in n dozeu
lilterent iiiai'lera and in placex odd
nrn liehiK laid to win tlie nomination
nway from the aeerelarv of war.-who
Inat week wan looked upon as aJnio.t
rerlain of Mii-e8.
Ilitehooek, Tal't'. manager, left
Washin(fton hurriedly today to take
I'hurjie of the heudiiuarter..
Nenntur Ilemenwny of Iudiana, who
Uarge of Kairlmnks'. cantpaign.
.-lino was in the automobile, which de
parted thi. mornini; with Speaker Can
non. ..
"The IlurheK boomerK nnd Cox man
agera are oIho un'uin every meauff of
making the moat of the situation.
One of Fnirli:iiil' .uiioortera todav
said: '
'I'lie renin rlie made bv Tuft at
llmnt'n Tomb will ho meutimied at
very opportunity on the door of the
" It wua the most dnmauiuff atatenient
Unit a presidential candidate ever made
far an 1 know, .put before a con-
M inn wlien li ...rtii..l .
iulnh'i' cuvTouriHU ('ar,
; $2600 r
ring Car, 7-passenger..?3750 '(
lu.nt f 500
y, runiiiiiK-boarcl and 4
l'ricos P. (). B. Factory.
Terms. Qity
311 fl Ftlt!t
fQp dlC
Acre Orchards on the
27 C fight lcitul of
kind of trt:e$ and the
and that when K JT(tf
exooct tn nominate (.'anltith
Krank Hitchcock, nan of TufrVlfhi
asera, arrived he todav from Wuah
ington to look aftef tho secretary
egates. It waa rumored Zfy JJr
Knox manager inttnd Tat)r
aumher of-floomora froin Y,
''311 J W
" 11
& 1