THE MEDFORD DAILY TKTBDNK, MEDKORD, OT?., TUF.RDA1 We Can Save You M si r. m 1 "- PrV?' , . ' .7,. ..7' U&tia&dagtart ; ' ' ' i. ,;77 j V' &f !' j-':if ;V'': V--i - v i' 1 i. ' Stocks in Ample Con June, the mouth of Roses, is certainly preparation mom while camping or sojourning at the seashore, mountains '' not get the sewing done now ) .M PIECE GOODS will he cut to almost actual cost aunY must clean out the wash goods. Muslinwear and White f hefore July first, so come and make select ions tnat wit HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR is looked after vT each line. HOSIERY FOR infants, children, misses, TT7TTir A Ifll 1 T" it 'I' 1 I'll 111' LMJii-uu ior niTams, rJinareii. jiussk ana uxciJr. ilio n-f twv "10 nhiHft la S2 lL'AEkwr. R EAD Y-TO-AVEA Rtt are here almost in profusion h i hirds of our stock is devoted to readv-lo-usc enods. fadj Children's Dresses (white anil colored') priced low.l Wraps, Petticoats, etc. Exceptional values. I -cr.THJ.LSE.iri Groves S JTfwHEBE. THE PLACE IS WaHM HEDFERX WA FiXER BROS.' W. B. CORSETS A trial of one of our models will please. Medford'i 0 Street, Just TheMedfordMeatCo NEXT TO THE HOTEL NASH, FOE MEELY POTTINOEE'S PLACE. THE LIST OF PLEASED CUSTOMERS IS OFOWINO EVERY DAT. D? YOU ABE NOT ONE OF THEM, WHY NOT? SATISFACTION AND ECONOMY HEBE. i IT IS TIME TO Baker-H: I WAKE UP! - . . MlsorstHtiLeadiiig lady at Opera House this week w - - w i ii A t'rUnuin iitiirrliiy .. mi from Talent ' tin wcolt. , tlic expert blflrkamiMi Elfoni Alomlny.. H) in hw t tho Iltini'll on-lmrd. j i inkier tif AhIiIiiiuI whm n bwn'i- j in ' Mftlfnrd Tui'H.liiy. -Mi I cporlA IJip olcotion in Afthliinu tin hr ioff a very livo oiio. ino fiin-i ((iichihhi bmag Wi(t htn ilrV. ' It yoi Want ico- cri'.ini, -(fivn yniir order to tbe Uk Store Crejuneiy. Gwrj0 A. IVil, wlm wenl to Portluml H ihort gillie tigo, wn in Medfortl aiut Uranti Paia the foro jmrl of Hip wi'ck. Mr. and Mm. Olmrh-K I.ooniin of Aih laud are-JSHkiiiK Mi'dfutd ubiiit vmit. Ttiey aro the guotitH ot It. Khun mid family. ' ' Mlna.Klla Giuinyaw, Ht.Mionqiby and typewriting. Hyom 4, 1'iilm block. B. W. Huatou of Willow SjiriiiKH din trlct, tbp Rpniiil miner, wa in Med ford otto day lnut n-rck. " 'A ourload -of riu;o liorara betonK'niK to A. ll pprnckelB of 8au VnwimMi, paanrd through Mod ford Tnondiiy ninrn lDK bound for Heuttle. Mr. aud Mra. W. : Howard of Orif fin Creek dim net linvo ben visiting in Oalifornia, All aibt rfliilaiiruiit at. thp Km 'ii -k until notice. Mrg. C P. Cameron nnd her two daugbtorM, Mifute Jennie and Cninilln, left Tuesday for Kan Joao, Oil., which tbry will makn their permanent home. Mrt.'AV. Mooro of Central Point wbh ecnt visitor in Midi'ord.. Marry CiilbortHon. (friictjil eiintiinlur and builder, reinent work 11 Mpeeinllv. Uedford, Or. C. F. Cook., tho nurei iHiin, mn mov ed bis pffioe to the K. It. V. ritiho.-ul depot. 1 If you have, lotit or found unythinji, ned work, or hnvn Brtmtliiiig oell, it doesn't matter whnt you wunl . try a Want Ad tn The Tribune. JudgD Neil of Jacksonville wutt n Iiiih Ineaa taller in Mod ford 1 uemliiy. We delivor swmt rream or buttermilk every day; watch fur our whjjii or phone order to the Crr.-imery. Phone No. 928. I. O, y uglier of Forest (irot, whi' baa been spending the liott we-k in Med ford left for-Central Point Tues day morning, Mr. Wanrr in n iitinl representative of the Oregouum. Just arrived, a enrload of Hewing m.i ehinea, See. (1. W. .lohnsmi ai the Med ford i'harmiiry. The difch digger is now working m F strojft and in nuiking rajdd proreni as usual. Latest designs uwdliwork, infants' outing fits, Hhirtwaintft, ceutorii, nn-lcr wear, etc. Needlecraft Shop. 3S2 Wah ington street, Portland, Or. M Among thone who left foV Portlund . Uo&dmy'erening to see the ron festival were Mwisra. Hoy Maul, Vernon Vawter, Virgil Htrang, Ionald and Vxnee Col .WASHINGTON OARSMEN RACE CAIjIFORNIAlEIGHTS Nl:.TTI,K,.tt'ntdi., June Thin lift t'liiootr-fhe iiMlol will nound whih will if tt t't Hie erark eijfht onra crew of th I'liiveiKity of VaHhinton anil the I'ni vei'Mity of Culit'nrtiiii on their row down l he water of Lake Washington. Man- ni'i' llasiuiisHen tinnouiteed that Die rarr wnuld start, rnin or Hhme. Only rough watir will prevent the raee and the lalu' was iim ealin iih a mirror this morn ilitf. The erown are tu exeolleiit mndi linn. Washington oarmnen have tinim-d fur five niontliH and Coaeh ConnilH-nr d iOnren -they tire in perfeet eondition nod they will have no exeiifto if they are d' featrd. Coneh Harnett of California i nlan atittt'ied with, the eondition of hm mt-n with one rxee-ption, Harold Ashley. No. has a Rorehnud. In easi' he ennnot row his oar will be taken by Itaudnll. The crows have u aimilnr stndie. Tin Washinglon bnyd have a lunger drivr and the Culiforniu civw hit a slightly speedier pace. The Honlhenr boys will probably hit up a H"i stroke clip. The Wnshington oarHtnen will row about W or 31. BATTLING NELSON IS CONFIDENT OF VICTORY POltTI.ANH, June 2. Battling Xel son. who in Kfheduled to tight .loo Onus four roundn for the lightweight chain pinntdiip of the world at Colmn, Cali fornia, July 4, arrived in Portland yes terday for a week's engagement at a local theatre. Hat will spar three round each afternoon and evening with Jack (Irace. h traveling tighter. (It-are known evi-ry where, for lie has fought m every principal city in the world. Vt'lson hn badl swollen car. who h he ri'-eied in the sparing match with (irace al Seattle, ihc hill or' wrist hav nig It ruined the niembor. N'olson will prnhnhlv let srorl ambitious local boys g..i oe uilh'htin. a there i an nppur , (unity of learning a great deal of inside i boxing in a few round with the Durable Pane. N'elnon was a great drawing card in Seat Ho and the theatrical managers wanted to bill ti i in for the entire circuit, but his local engagement will be the 1aM until after his right with the negro yha inpiotT. ! AMUSEMENTS. " ell (iuvniM',!' Ho t'amoiiH and tlir ! ring play of the limes of Charles II, as presented hint evening by the Ceoigiu Harper company, t'urnishctl a pleasant evening 'h enterlaininent for t he audi em-e l hat cunipli tel.v filled the opera llOIIHO. Miss HaiperK support was about ev enly divided, and t he cast was quite Hutitifnelory. The scenery and costum ing was a vast improvement over what it often met with. The company will .stay in Medtord the entire week pre Heating different plays each night. A popular dramatization of ' ' Jun Vad is" will be presented this evening and shoiur be greeted hv a large : audience. - riOIITING BOB'S SON IS CHIP OF THE OLD BLOCK MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Chas. Hazelrioo, Hanaorr ONE SOLID WEEK, beginning WAV PKANCISCO, Cal., June 12 Lieutenant Prank T. Kvans, son of " Pighting Hob," provi-d early that he is a chip of tin old block when he Mood off a crowd of thugs and hangerson about a dance hall in the liarbury Coast district and rescued two sailors of the Cuited States ship Louisiana, who had fallen iniu tin- hands of the deoi.eiis uf the tenlerloin. When young Kvans saw his fellow sailors in t ronltlo he waded into t lie crowd, using his fists vigorously, and when he was surrounded, drew a revnlv- r and told them that he would shout the man that got in his way. All l.uids of prices. job printing at Portland j Golden Grain ' Granules ! f N - tlt i v , if t . - -v k v- ' -rr m m m m I l , r. ; m n m m . -r S X T . III!! y J ;' y , J "4 , ft. 1,f : , 'r ' t I ' ' & ; ' 1 : I f - ' ' tl I L-; : Five and Ten-Acre Orchards on installment plan. The right hind. soil, the right kind of trees and right prices. Twenty years' evperienee in raising backs our judgment. W sold half the orchards in the and have yet to see a purcho satisfied with his harffitin. Before buying see Monday June 1st. 'iiiy ' P"'1"'1" 1,ain Woman, ORCIA HARPER NEW REPERTOIRE ':.of Scenery Cestumes ht nn wilo Tliurs . .. i ' . Roue River L Exhibit Bw 1 THE ONLY PLACE TN MT Ready Prepared ROAST CHICKENS, ROi LOAF, CHICKEN AND, Alway Fresh, Every Baked Beans, Boston Brown FJ 10c eafh. Bakevv lioocl The DELO 0 STREET, NE The Attractive Actress, Miss Georgia Harper R. W. GRAY, Builder COLON I AL POUCH WORK, GRILL AND LATH WORK, PATTERNS, KTC. TELEPHONE 471. MEDFORD, OR. r -jo JJVft f MEDrOED, OREOON M "BURNS' DEMANDS ARE A DISGRACE TO THE SPORT' I.OS A N(f KI.Ktt, t'al., Juno l!. t'oti . eiiiiin; thf treatment of Jnrk .lohiiHon, the colored pugilist, hy To in in v lhirtui, ilio Canadian hoer, ,)amen J, Jeffries today oxprewtiod him-telf in foroildo term of disapproval. "If UnriM intends tn fiht the ldat'U inati at alt, lio slioulfl ilo ho now muter Um iiih thaf will not thiikp the sport inn men nf Aineriea to llunh in Hhamr for the man they now rail champion.'' nuid .'eiliie, "I eoiutider Burns' demand for $itiV uoo, win or lose, or draw, to ho absolute ly rid iculoun. Tho on-aided arranuo m..nt that ho m trying to put through n .Inhtwon is a disrnci to thf sport." IBKIDE TRAVELS AROUND WORLD TOR CEREMONY 100 PUR. (.-KNT PURE 1KR KAL COFFEE. lc wmbi dJlvri to mny part of tb flit. . Older from (he Cmkmrv or Book (ore. I Mr. kri Mn, K.ljar H.ifrr l"ft Mn-1 H.A I.TIMONK. Mil.. June S. Arrord dty rrtalng for Portland. nig to ne rpcolrnl In thin oilv, wmDimt Bfip or iinv iiiiiil ,Mim Nellie Mnttheivs, Hm.)fhtor of Nioh- pupae Mr anrewi (V. 11. net Km- oln M. .liiithi'iv, n proniiniMit Iloltl pioyment to., JMedford, Oregon. Offiee I mor.-iin, will lie married in Hongkong, itnnm,Tj orll'r Seventb and CJChin'a. nfter n joiirnov of l.',i)00 niilrs. f . Botice -t rU 1 u .m-ou u. ..un i i ne rirnicKroom 10 oe r.nign Keeii i - ' LieWin OrnVoVJJ- ', . I M- ravp,i ot ''"'"'". eommand I for '2")( the well known iiiiiil ..J'"l lni r' ',n' " l" I nited Hlali-e (iinlioat Ha Monday. k'lr,'4 1 mar, latiiiil nt loii((lcon. If -w.t k...t... 1 lihWI'll Wn. liinitilu-r .t III., .In, nf milk, order from the Cromunry or watrli and met hi l!W"'"u' ,"vl ncndomv, WlloloSillc l)V ior the wagon.. Deliverim mmle ererr wveral j ea n". Xlv? J" dajr. Phone tin. 112.1. ' nrhonl ho wa ordered to thepkm.' . I and utayed there two yenra. The m4 dine won first announced for Kuter, It tasltvs like coffee. It looks like coffee and it smells like coffee, Imt is pure roasted grains, lilended so as to pro cure the best flavor, the .urea test strength and an ar ticle which young and old may drink morning, noon and night. Golden Grain Granules is especially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep- jsia and stomach troubles. Xcarly 2-poinid package all retail grocers 'Hi: v.- ; s-.ft is 9 ' -1 -' State Depositary. Established 1SSS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS '.:15,000.00 STRONG, CAPABLE SECURE With large resources aod competent management, with all the interests of this hanking institution in a sound and atable condition, it is amply justi fied in its statement that it offers every hanking privilege and accommodation consistent with eafoty. The accounts of firms, corporations, estates, societies and individuals are re jipectfully invited. W. I. VAWTEB President O. R. LINDLEY Cashier Miss Georgia llnrpcr Time Tabtes SOUTHERN PACiriC RAILWAY. I Northbound. ! No. Hi I Oregon Kxpn No. UjrortliUid Kxjuess. . . No, 225 1 For Aslilttud Southbound. No, 13t.'alifornf.i Kxprt"s. Xu. 13 J San 'r:uioHvo Kxp. No. 'JS'Krom (irnnt Pus;.. "::i; p. in 0:40 il. m, 10: !." l. til. t :,"! p. m. 1 0 1. p. m. Arotnul the WorltJ iti Nineteen Nine Tvdtiv will Surely Cut u Shine. After Tnddy lias hvn rclonst-d from t.u dffii'c of prt'qidi'tit, ho will take n trip nround the world, mid hunt for the i plonsuro rrsorts of Europe, and ull the j other I'ountrit'H of tho world. Hut the i fit Ivim of Mod ford do not have to 'hunt all over the world to jet tho beat ' ei(jM. They can find thrm at home J 'o suit the most fastidious. Onr Med I ford V K. K. V., ItV and lel Marca j l.V eigarn are t h a host ovr. Mann- f.u tunM by R. R. V. CIOAR WORKS, Medford, Or. GrandBallFou?(hJuly TACIFIC 6 EASTERN RAILWAY. N. 1 ' Leave Modl'orii . . V.. a; Leaves Mi-dford . . N'o. 2 1 Arrives Mtnlt'ord. N'o. 41 Arrives Metlt'ord. . . I a. m .. ; .f.'!i:.Vla. m.:i . V; 5:;in p.m. ' - I. IN BUTTE PALLS, AT THE ALBERT HALL t'ome -'lie. roine nil. M:.i,', Wood iff Onl..'tra. Ticket. in.'lmVing up r. l.S'V Managers, Albert A H.lkcr. IVare same down from Klk ""r and it employed at the mi, lonti B, .i.i,.iii. P. B. Theiss S Co. p. m. 0OUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY. ),;; circulation Ifyiti- N'o. 2 !Lev M.dfor.l UiUOa.m. . . -..,, if,:. si;i larger than n' other ")(') in Oregon can show for population. , . No. 4 'Leaves M.'dfor.l I '.V.V Motor,: IH es Medfonl j S.M p. m. Motori Leaves Medfupl i!:00 p. m. Vo. 1 'Loaves Jncksonv ille. J H:00a. m No. 3 j Leaves Jacksonville,'.? .3:30 p. m. Motor' Leaves Jarksnnvitlrf. 1:00 p m. People do not pprit somi thinski for nothing It Khnmtn nature to vslue only that whlih Is psld for. The Tri bune's circulation Is ptd. We x Coal for Bale. . ., I(t prepared -to furnish hand picV4 m1'1", ,nr m'n,,. "v nine jJMrt uf -ffn. in any amount dented JOB PRINTING All Kinds of Job Printing done orirshort jnotice. It dpes't matter what it is in Printing, we do if for you. Our Office is now the best equipped in Southern Oregon, our workmen the most skilled and output superior. Only union Print Shop in Rogue River Galley. Portland prices ovr sched ule. We pay the freight. The Tribune - 21 Central Ave. MEDFORD I -V- : o i i -