XV v. AILY TRITTJNTC, W KDKOIM). OR., TTKSDAY. .Jl'XK 1!)0S. A THE MED Fit i i i : I MARSHFIELD ALSO TO RELY UPON CHARTER CONOREB8 SPENDS BIGGEST BUM IN COUNTRY'S HISTORY Case Is Similar to Medford Local Op tion Law to Bo Tested as Privilege Supersedes State Authority Liquor Dealers Will Appeal to Supremo Court MARSHFIELD, Or., June 3. There ha. arisen a loRal point in regard to the local option fight in this county , ,n a lawsuit after the election. It is announced that if the county should go dry the liquor intor- ... diitr.,me court lor a ests win gu iu "i - decision as to how it unecis Since the local option law was adopt ed MnrshBeld was granted a charter i which it states that the city council v. rioht to license, tax nud rogu- ..... ..... Some of the lawyers IHIU IUC 3" , .i.t ,;. means that it is entire lv up to the city council as to whether or not there shall be suloons nuu ..., . ., . ... l.nill veto drv. even tliougn me ruuuij ----- - . - as a whole, it will not affect this city. At least this is tho claim that is made, and it is declared that the saloons will not close until there has been a decision from tho supreme court. This applies only to the Mnrshflcld charter, so, if tho county as a whole should go drv, tho other towns would bo compelled to close tho saloons. If the countv as a whole goes wet the districts or townB which vote dry must be dry and tho cities voting wot can . i, 4i,s Hoes not apply f the ue nci, mm. ...... , . -omity as a whole goes dry, unless, of course, the saloon interests can win in their claim that the Mnrshfleld char ter is not affected. WESTERN STATES TO GET FOEE8T BESEBVE COIN WASHINGTON, Juno 3. Tho fact that western states ar hereafter to re ceive 25 per cent of tho receipts of i lieu of 10 per cent which they havo received during the t two venrs, is duo very largely to fi.. e.f Senator Fulton and Bepro ...:.. w-tt-W of Oreaon. It was Mr. Fnlton-whoproposed the nmond ..... ...H ti,dni. . ao ..a Piirdln: . H. MUior r - jn WASHINGTON', June 3. Represen tative Tawiiey of Minnesota, chairman of the committee on appropriations, to day presented to tho house his annual review of fiscal appropriations and ex penditures. The keynote of Ins speecn wan Hounded in tho declaration that tho insistent demands of the people and of the public service result in an increased aggregato when enacteu in to law-." aud the "efforts of the ma jority to maintain a policy of greater economy were frustrated by an obstruc tive and recalcitrant minority." mo ney stated the total appropriations of the session to be Ml,0SS.B7i. Ho said tho total revenues of the government estimated to congress by the secretary of the treasury are placed at $378,123, 011; that in addition to the authorized expenditure of 851,0SS,C70 for tho op eration of the government during the next fiscal year, appropriations arc also made as follows: In deficiency nets, exclusive of $12,--tafl,7.')0 for public buildings authorized at this session, $44,529,223; fo.- require ments of thesinking fund, $18,000,000; for redemption of national bank notes, $25,000,000; for construction of the Pan nnm cnunl (bonds to no issueui, --,- 1S7.000: for miscellaneous and special objects, $1,000,000, including $250,000 f.,r tin. relief of storm nnd flood suf ferers in the southern states, and $403, 000 for the oavments of claims of the Romnn Catholic church in the Philip nine islands, making a grand aggregate 1 . ., .i n.iQ Qi i.l . for the next risoni year in an-t Tnfv said the estimates submitted to congress by the executive as a basis for tho appropriations made aniounteu to $1,079,449,288, or nil excess or iu 440.304 over the total of the appropri ations of this session and an excess of $136,051,145 over nil the appropriations made at the last session. A subtraction of the totals of estimates and appropri ations, he said, showed that the pres ent houso cut down the estimates tor the nnlinnrv onerntintt expenses of the government" $124,347,172. V lisemenls llassiiiea if "' One Cent f " insortien tions lest than isiA tr-fl for the price of cents a tine per mil WAXTED Largo suitable for furnisj M, care Tribune. apartment, i. Address (M fKuglo Point FOUND An umbrella' l"'ms road. vj nor cuu gci for tbia advertisement. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL FOR SALE 10 Jersey lings and 6 calves. Call Ii. K. Haak, Eagle for year- 'hldress Go LOST Two pairs sht onhtnbeus oT?1 82 FOE thirds of an acre; ft: "! L ' tf irts. Return to Tri Wes R SALE Large corn tw0, cdford, just outside f"1 00d county road; sightly price $150 if sold at 01 50S, Medford n, good vill ex- TO PYPWAVCP A paying ore, partly de " change for hmneatesuV " Address A. Miner,iles FOR 8ALE- frnm oo ..f ham - - railroad station, oV and good spring orf pavnble $200 do' without interest. 571, Medford, Or. Snturduv ;it this of- tf $1200. UHlllth i. Box 64 LOST A black Si night. Finder pi fice. $1 reward. he O'Dcll. FURNISHED oTor postofflce.TOWi jn9t fjn. i-nB ftAl.F-V- S,'e G,,y A: ished: chea Chtlders. ters with teams WANT EM wanted Ig Co. at 1 20 WAV?' nr- Oregon Orchards igcs. acres, improved, oscription, price and to deal with owners. Bliss, Box SR6, Med- tf The rn-nnd total of nppropriationrwislies to got loan of $300 on made at this session exceeded thosart-es of raw land that is worth last session by $S8,006,750. 1; good abstract; will pay 10 per nit. Lock Box 656. WOMEN CROSS CONTINEN IN AUTO FRO To he held ill PORTLAND, OREGON JUNE 1 to (5, 190S. Will bo the mitat brilliant FLORAL VI KSTA AND OIVIO JUBILEE Ever held in the Pacific Northwest, Just Received- A Carload of Extra Heavy Green Lath CEDAR BEVELED SIDING ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT GLKNDALK OREGON YARD AND OFFJOR AT MEDFORD, 0'KKffON,.....,,;j;-i r. V Portlmul, "The Kose City," will bo st-ent) uf spliMnlor am the conler of world witlo interest fur one week. Sitveral impurtmit conventions to buhl in Portland on that oi'i'aniou be THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell SiH'cial Ticki'ls on This O.r.-isimi from MED FORD to Portl.uid and Ro- tuni at 13.20 For particulars call on i. S. EOSENBAUM, Local ARcnt. VM. JlcMURRAY, Ocnprnl Passenger Agent, Portlnnd, Oregon. Wise Talks By : the Office Boy Iroiu- nUIiiili cp'est' Eleventh street from iVillamotto to Olivo nnd Enst Tonth V H. M"'" " : ,. ninamotto to Olivo nnd Enst '. lature, solving tot '""Jstrcct, from Willamette to Oak, 18H aahist 1681 foroo n1 election is due simaS to tne i ; stood for oopula' eloction or XnblsON'S AUTO TIME LESS McdforcVIilli- Hanune THAN EIOHTY-ONE HOURS Haminerelejr s 210. in tne ford was ' w ceunS PORTLAND, Or., Juno 2. Fernando WVtinr Joaes, democrat, f xcaonj t10 WOnltliy San Frnucisco mo-ocrai-ft total of 2108, against 0risl) who aived in p0rtlnnd Fri.liiy In Medford Jones received 62. f ft(,r OI10 of the mo8t thriling ni,tolno. 236. "J bile trips over taken in tho west, will Judge NcU, democrat, ,ifHavo his record-breaking Whito stcam Jndge Dnun, owelving 1978 tjtar decorated with tho finest of Port received 506 votes In MedifflLLnttd. ,sp3 anSv. Piter U in the festival .shlasd gave iwmn jr Vraotliotr'Hiirfs, who is vf f&lutions com miiler Bad '"g ver to fair plnraK" oupccica mm Cannon and Long and titrte-"jiiimoa, with perhaps othertSiincfsof tho house, will take part in tho confcroncc. The hardest work will bo on tho tariff plank. Taft has announced rcpontedly that ho b- lioves there should bo a re vision that will bo pcrceptiblo to the naked eye. Roconcilintion of tho Ohio enndidato with tho largo clement of the "stand pnttors" is the difficult task before the conferees. EVEN FIO LEAVES BARRED IN THIS NATURE COLONY NEW YORK, Juno S. A "simple life pnradiso coloay," whero men, wom en arid children will go about naked, and wboro tho men aro never to cut their hair or beards, will bo started this fall near Vera Cruz, Mel., by G until f H. Ander, well known in social ist and anarchistic circles. More than 50 persons havo become his followers and have promised ti sail for the trop ics whon ho does. Mr. Andcr is spreading "simple lifo thoughts" and "paradise breezes," giving the plans for this unique colony throughout tho country and expects by September 1 to collect at least 500 col onists who have tho same "free" ideas -that ho has. "When we get donn to Mexico we will got rid of all tUc clothes that we can," Mr. Ander said tonight. ''Of course some of us will hold on to a few bits naturally, but beforo long, when" wo havo nil becomo pure (u tH," we will have no need for eT,i fig loaves. OORDEN VORHEE8 LOSES CHAMPIONSHIP IN OOLF C. T. Spooner of Seattle won the men's open championship of Oregon at the Vaverly golf links last week at the state tourunment from Gordon Voor hies of Portland with three up and two t play in 36 holes. The Flight cup was wra by Chester O. Murphy of Portland with two up and one to pin V in lit holes. ' Mr Richard Koehler won Mi wo.TW en'a open cnnit-.pfiiosAip Vm Jfiss Car- rio Flnndor with two ui'r.tid one to play in 11 holes. BRYAN'S CHAIRMAN - IN CAMION DEAD WAHHIN'tlTOX, Juno i!. Former Senator James K. Jnooa of Arkanos died yesterday at his homo after ( brief jm'"i of heart fnlhirv. aged R9 yenm. Ho was one nf the h-ading democrats and was sent to eonercsJ from J3.'i.r .1903. He was noe of the strongest snp 1 porters of llrvnn, having, es chairmna of -the d-moeratift. irional coftimittee. conducted te camiisigns of llf and )!K0. Since Vavinp the senat : ioiil he conducted a luw practice in thi city and has not ttivlt engaged i J"!" tic. l parado here Wednosilay, - Words aro inadequate to explain tho condition of tho roada wo were forced to traverse," said Nolaon. "I can only say that I am satisfied to let tho timo of 81 Lours and 31 minutes stand at present for tho record trio between San Frnncisco nnd Portlnnd. "I nm told it is the first authentic non-stop record, and if any automobile drivers think they ctin lower my time I d bo only too glmi to see them mnko llio attempt, l.uter in the year T shall start out again. 1 don't blame the contestants in tho transcontinental auto raco for ship ping their machines to .Seattle; guess thoy knew in what shape wore the roads." WALNUT CULTURE PASSES EXPERIMENTAL STAOE Walnut culture in Oregon somo time ago passed the experim.-ntnl stage. Farm ors of the lllumetto vnlli-y, aad es pecially in Yamhill cduaty, are gradu ally supplanting their prune orchards with walnut groves. Since the forma tion uf waluut clubs at McMinnville and Oak Grove there has been increased interest in tho culture, with marked results in the uumber of acres being de voted to what is in somo quarters still referred to as a new industry in Oj-e gon. As a matter of fact, thcro are wal nut orchards in the state over 13 years old, and these uro bearing as profusely as the old trees in other parts of the world where tho nuts thrive. In a certain sense KugliKh walnut culture in Oregon is a new industry and that applies to the limited extent of territory proved tojbe best for grow ing thf-uut. i BRYAN DENIES PARKER'S SELECTION FOR CHAIRMAN NORFOLK, Vn., June 2. In conver sation today with a representative of tho Asoscinted Press, William J. Brvan denied tho stuteinent made relative to Judge Parker being chairman of the resolutions committee at tho Denver convention. , ' "The reprt is without foundation," said Mr. Brytin. "f have not di-cn.nd the chairmansM; of "the resolu'ion omniittee and have nc?. consented ihnt Judge Parker sip u Id be chairman of tho It-solutions eoimniltoe. I have htl no .communication with any por.on f.n the subject"' " 'OR SALE Runabout. 300, thorough ly equipped with .odometer, acetclync lights, top, etc. A. C. Allen, Medford, Or. FOR SALE A good business in Moil word, paying $700 year; two days a month will take care of it. Very cheap. Address P. L. C, caro Tribune. 04 FOR SALE One U. S. Cream ' Sepa rntor, No. 6; 500 capacity; good, os new; cost $80; will sell for $50. R C. Hcnsloy, Central Point. " FOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten-aero tracts, best location in the valley. L. Nee demeyer, Jacksonville. FOR SALE 000 head of full blood Rambouitlet stock sheep; large, heavy shearers of fine wool. John S. Her rin & Son. 84 FOR SALE Five-room houso, benuti- fullv locoted, with lo 50x14,1, ten bear ing apple trees; this is n snap and will be sold at a bargain. Address Lock Box li)5, Medford, Or. WANTED To buy from 100 to 300 head of stock sheep. Write Box 131, Medford,- Or. BUSINESS CARDS. H. E. MORRISON,. Physician aud Surgoon, Office: Medford National Bank Bldg. J. T, ANKROM, WELL DiaOEB. MEDFORD, OR. Prlcai tight. Pumps Furnished when t Wantod. BALL ft OLOSCOCE, Contractors and Builders. AH Work Guaranteed. Offic with O. H. Fierce ft Son. Phone 658. P. O. Box 771. . WILLIAM O. DEBLEY, Resident Piano Tuner. Spcolnl Rates by the Year. Headquarters at Hale's Piano House. All work Guaranteed. P. O. Box 583, MEDFORD, OREGON. DR. A. B. SWEET PhyBieian and Surgeon. Office et Residence. Wot M. Oolvlg, Medford, Or. COLVIO ft DURHAM, Attorneys-at-Law. Oeo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. Mtdford Furniture Co., Undertakers Day phone 353; Night Phones: O. W. Conklin 405; J. H. Butlor 348. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AND COL SECTION AGENCY. Lock Box 80S. Medford, Or. E. R. BE ELY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern Equipped Operating Rooms. X Pay. Office Hours, 10-12, 2 4 P. M. Office In Jackson County Bank Bldg. SOUTHERN PACIFIC IS INDICTED FOU REBATES 'b(H AXiJKLKH, Ciil., Jinn? 2. The fetlcrul (jrnnd jury Monday rot urnM a Inrgi niirnlir nf indit-tni'-nt. Inrlmling thr-P iigflimt tho M.iitkri Pacific, nn jsllir" rhatiBg in , vwluti n nf tlit ShennSwnliJtrtt, line, Tw.-ntj -Din. tountii i'ont'WT In- tfho (tire1 indiotmntH. Tht? ffi(inU - f th- com pfiny nrn ftM to flio(if nn .Ihiip to nnswer to w rhnrp M S-vrnl indirtmonts tiirno-l HKfiinut vnrionii roiT whe t" nin, to have ben eonmf 14 with fruudn in Imperial vaUoj.(in f'an hi Countv. OO TO SR. OOBLE FOR YOUR GLASSES. O-tisI 1'srlor in Perry Warehouse, 8RVENTH STREET. - rMFIm - :---:.-.-J hi jia si Just Received! A Carload of IMPORTED CEMENT of the highest grade Guaranteed to stand any test. CRATERLAI LUMBER COMI 5 ttV J d . ". :;ir4.;udden Kft into tho presidential 4rvi all the favorite s sons by belief that Secretary Taft can be the issue of his Memorial day address at Grant's tomb in which he referred lo Oeiicrnl Mrnnt'S drunk enness. ' . The fight is iutenso today in a, dozett t-Vlt quarters and in places odds f f f f 4 f f f f f -f T f f f f f 4 Ta soys a ros by any other name would bo just ns expen sive bark enst this time of year. I sometimes think he pines for tho piney woods in old Penob scot, Fnippe County, Maine, where he was raised but that's one thing yours truly never yearns for. The good mountains and tho good old ocean aid nice old Oregon alinosphern aro good enough for m-. But it 'a all in how you woro raiBcd. Pa likes clam chowder aad corn on tho cob, and harvest apples nnd a lot of things that a kid who was born this side of tho snow sheds hasn't had much chance to get acquainted with. Those who havo lived on both sides of this great country and lived long enough to know what's what can get all those things just as nice one placo as an other, if you know whoro to buy. We've got clnm chowdur from Boston that is just as nice as any you ever ato on tho snnd, and lots of other things that have that "Down East" taste. MILLER & EWBANK Something New In Rubber Tires that it will pay you to investigate. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, satisfaction guaranteed. Mitchell & Poeck GENERAL East 7th Street, rear Blacksmith Shop. WAGONERS. or Mcrnman s Me.lford, Or. 'Uo tlit No Other Bus bms (' . , Notice. I wish to announce that 1 h ive pur nas-'d the off and practice of the ite Dr. M. S. Jones. My office win ) located at Ihe same pl.iro- as Dr.' .'ones' and office hours will be from 10 . m., 2-I-30 and 7 to f p. m. R. J. CON HOY, Physician and HiirgVqn. Why Don't You Oet''ext f . Do you use Davis' IV f rV,ntl Don 't let your grocery t.ilk J ), ,riiig other brands shippwl I., (lavis Bent ells for less monsy f .,.,,(,! to flv satisfaction , hf auil be eonvinecd. j1 ' Buy Ticltcts by Wire. 'Something whit h 1 of conniilnrable Intrrent to tho public goner.-illy nnd whirh in pcrhnpfl not cttcrnllv known n the flVHtom of prcpniil nrdcrft now in flTcrt botween jitationii of tho Honthirn Pacific fompftny nnd tl pointfi in the United Htatca. Hy incHnd of thin ayntem tickets may hi' purrlinflrd at Mfdfnrd from any piHcc in tho Utiilod Staton ami milled or trflrrnphcd direct to the party winning to rmne Iht'. Sleeper Coinmotl.TtiMii and small an-minita nf 'Mh iu, connect inn with thnfii t irketi may aim be fiirninltod at the aarnr time. New Line Tan Buckle Oxfords For Men'- C. K KIDD The Footfitter laid to win the iiomiuutlon llio Becreiarv or war, woo upon as almost SpecialBargainsinRealt:; left take manager, idly today to lqtiarters. V- .-"iSfcof Indiana, who campaign, wbich de- !). 80 acres, all tillable, nice location, uiee five-ro&jn v cottage house, large barn, 2 1-2 miles from Med t'ortl, well watered, in reach of irrigation ditch, teani, harness, wago.n five .Terser cows, cream separator, new gaiiy disk plow, valking plow, rake, mower, di.sk, sniwotkintf hamw, sittive -ml .some oilier furniture, all go with the place, and the resent growing crop. Price only $CMti; a genuine snap. man a .of I. today .'t at vl at I tho enieot made, u con- U(. 320 acres, fine stock aiid fruit raftch, well iirt- IM'oved, 100 acres under pUw, t acres orchard;' - Price frmt. Th is iiace with 50 head, of, bog a h4 ?5 head tf iUtC'y. Ic, all farm implements, blacksmtih Ivols,' hay, f i-tiit' aiidl V - egetaliles for $7000. Do You Use The best flour that can be milled from Hie best wheat money can buy ? Davis Best Flour is "best" by every lest. It sells for less money and gives twice as much satisfaction. Don't let your grouer talk you into buying oilier brands shipped in. Try a sack and be convinced. NOTICE The ri Ffrnir TEA KETTLE m r'urnUhcH liot w.iter for tm on Verj' nhnrt llnlicn It can URftl oil tin ten labia or in the kit clu n Atla' hes lo imy elfft roller diirHblu U ut Y' R 0 thai th- Hiidriiitfiicd wiM -M''V th" city eniineil of Med foni, jr.. Hi iln next meeting. held .Mine C. pin f,,i' :i Unonw to tn;ilt, f vtiionH .-in. I opiriin ;.'iintr-t u ! b-' (j'-jfliititit th;in a r:ilt'iii f.r A e riinl of tiji niorKh-4, at our pl.'w c of U t nt i i tif ir,. It, bl.M-k -I. Mrdf.id.' t ! Yorvc & HAM. ' Dated May ll. M DO 50 41. 4-10 at.'res, a fino stock proposititSii,' 4d acres iii ,T-.. alfalfa, irrigation, goodl buildings, i.u a splendid se'cuioii fe ; . -OO liuiiliiig and fishing. Price onlv $14 an acre; terms'. (i3. 15)3 ares, 2 miles from JSagle Poiiit ori !togge iver. .")() acres cleared, considerable fruit and alfalfa, no vate irrigation diteh. This is a -splendid prop,itio to develop, about half good bottom lartd, nearly all can' le .inder plow when cleared, schoollimise handy, fair hoprofe iKrnts, teiini, harness, wagon, some cattle aiid farm rieuts go with- the place. Price (')t)0. This ralu.;h will beat lose inspection, as it will make a lot of money for goineiW. 07. A fine al fa I fa ranch of 80 acres near, Butte FaHs, line stream and springs, nearly all level laiitt, splciidifl fisli' ing and hunting, buildings. Price only $1200. 80. 80 acres, 4 miles northeast of Eagle Point, will fee lose to the new railroad, 50 acres under cultivation., fijie olack land, mostly in wheat, crop goes with this place. Price 4200. $2200 cash, balance 2 years, 7 per cent. 00 too 1 ooo ory. f. jer. eefs, 1 1 C. H. Pierce & Son s j MEDrOBD SABB DOO CO. Window and Door Screens, Block Woort- Off ic fixtures and all kinds af pUnlqf mill work, lnclniln turnM votfe tad .. fancy grills. F, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TB 8T8. t Homi u. Our circulation iU jl'iiimto and large for a city of this irtie 4argcr than any other paper In Oimim vtauoif. an HllOW for pop- 11U:U ROOUB RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Hlicccssnr to (,'ondor w nlor Power Co. Of live S"0 W. 7th it., opp. big electric sign i'iione MB. THE OLD HOWARD RANCH Three mili-s snuth of Medford and miles west of Phoenix, is now cut irji I in str.all tracts to anit tho pureh 1 One fourth cosh, linl:iui. f ""'"...r i incuts. This i "'" ?5Sr.a"iith alt ARE YOU INTERESTED? I have for sale at 5BG2.50 per acre, 80 acreri o orchard land as there is in Rogue River raO provenients on place are worth at Wlt""' show von this land. 1 AriKED SM1T p Tom ftViiih I rtary in- t... , f,.H ignis ' A; f "-. T