fTTno 1. Mr. hnentn, C1., iinfi . tUT "f OllMt.lHl, Wllft 'ro for muiifdnuglitfr bo not mil ft phyHipinn to year-old n, Walter, wlm Tied YTineuinonm Wednesday, ik on wailing tbo fact that rtho in not bin-It on tbo Payifui voimt, whore, Mm hh.vb, people arc more, open-minded, fclio ih a ChrUtian Setrntifit and hr i ft traeting attention from " Heiontirit " in all parts of the country. She m'u nhr becam o "fleientint" nix yen aao whllo toacliing Rcliool hi Oiiltlund. Aftor her innrritigo bIio removed to Bar ram en to. HANCHUBIAN EAtLROAD EAENED 5,000,000 LAST YEAR TOKIO, June 1. Tlio reporfu of the Buuth Manehiiriun ruilrondn worn itiad't- oiblic today for the year ending March how that the total amount cd wan 1.:m.?l1 pound. fjern was fcor the rt in tin- J'ioh- T.n June 10. Tho in ,ia wagon mid emiip outfit lira heir wuy to Portland, having been i.il from ft. Joseph, Mo., by train lMt week. .Mr. Meeker snys his trip linn been a mieeeiis in every way. The people every where, ho wiys, were partieulnrly glnd to m il him und welcomed him with open arm. In New Vork city where Mr. Meeker remained two months, thp alder- il paused n special ordinance allowing hill nx team to appear on tho streets of America's metropolis. Since hp loft tho coast in January. INOH, Mr. Mppkpr has lived in the oppn moHt of tint time, and visited moat of thp principal pitieH of thp country. A a result, ho is still "77 years young." aH hp pntfl it himself. While nwuy one hia oxen died, but thp other still remains in service. The main was taken from tho stockynrds at Omaha and haa since traveled more tlmn 3000 milpB, dragging tho prairie Hid ner and driver all thosp milps. Grants Pass Oraduates. The Ornnta Pass high school hold its graduating exercises in thp opera houBP Tuesday evening before n large audi ence. Tho following is a list of the graduates: I,ora Plimmill, Hnndnll Hood, Alice McFarlnnd, Harold O Weill. Helen Clarke, Edward O'N'eill, 01 wen- Hngn.s. irorgo Harper, H"rbort. t 1 i I key, dtorrf' Kitty Lin-gliriilgo, Belli; Letcher, jron. .NOTICE that the undersigned city couiit4it Med- d held .lime MEDFORD 1 ' ' l.'..' t' r t l .'. m OREGON J. E. KNYAHT.PrMii lit .1. A. PEBBT, Vie Priient. JOHN S. OETH, Ctskitr. W. B. JACKSON, Ail t Oskur. The Medford National Bank MEDFOKD, 01. CAPITAL...... , $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Reat. X Geaeral lakwg Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage KNOW! Any Judge of Clothing Ciw aieritoriout tailoring work whea he seas it. Tou will easily pronouaci our fabrics to be the beet, and ai for style aid finish, it is needless for ui te Make aay eomwent. No matter how critical you iay be, yeu will find it diffieult te fisd aay flaws in our tai loriag work. Orders for summer suits girea prompt attevtiou. French dry cleaning ' and pressing aea'tly lieae. W. W. EIFERT, The City Tailor, Medford ieven Room House gnNjre onwk, Newport, The Most for the Honey, The Auburn automobile is roomy and beat machine ever for the inenev. See it before lillj. The Medford Meat Co NEXT TO THE HOTEL NASH, FOE- MEELY POTTINOEE'8 PLACE. THE LIST OP PLEASED CVSTOMEES IS OBOWINO EVEEY DAY. IF YOU ABE NOT ONE OP THEM, WHY NOT7 SATISFACTION AND ECONOMY HEBE. , t IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP! MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Chab. HA-ZELRIOO. Makaorr ONE SOLID WEEK, beginning Monday June 1st. The Popular Leading Woman, GEORGIA HARPER and a Splendid Company ENTIBELY NEW REPERTOIRE Carload of Scenery nt Ckstumes Seats on sale Thurs- t tin uj" a line uTTiNnarnpon a inruei acale or else confine lus attciitlnn to the lVjy butiueaa, which Is rapidly grow ' log. ' A aon haa been born to tho wife nf Mr. Beck. The mother and child air doing' well. Colonel HrigKB, father of our pusl - master, ia down from his homestead. .The; school commencement passed off with great credit to the patrons and Vial Prim, the teacher. Miss Preden burg graduated to the high school. The Koundtop mill is running und turning out some nice lumber, which is in ready demand. A Mr. West from the Iowa camp re ports about l!i men employed at the camp. Some little bosing lumber is be ing fcanled out for the Medford box fnc tory. itr. tteberley is workiug at the Round top mill in company with Mr. Hayes of Medford and reports that Mr. Wolver lljn ia in Wuodville looking after sonic land Interests. The Albert ball annex is fiuished and adda very much to the apeparnnee ami convenience of the oew hnll. Attorney Pent! has b'eu here for aev oral day, but does not fiud any judi rial matters requiring hia present ntten tion. It la reported that the railroad tav claim to a large part of the uiisurveyed section and that the boys will have te taod firmly upon their richts and not b deprived of their homes and their yeara of labor. These homesteaders rr a deserving class of men, and it is the duty of the government to secure to tbeut their legal rights and not permit the greedy, grasping railroad to d prlve them of their prior claims. - There' baa been some pretense made to repairing our roads in places, but apart from removing anme rocks from the Obencham bill but little, and that very poorly, haa been done aa can be een by travelera. Win eooJaWlli "aa injured aome m o e ') Five and Ten-Acre Orchards on installment plan. The right hind) soil, the right kind of trees and right prices. Twenty years' experience in raising hacks our judgment. Wi' sold half the orchards m the and have yet to see a purch' satisfied with his harffain. Before buying see Rogue River L Exhibit Bw THE ONLY PLACE TN MT1 Ready Prepared ROAST CHICKENS, RO LOAF, CHICKEN AiND( Alway Fresh, Everyl Haked Beans, Boston T5rown Fi lOe 'oafh. Bakery uoocu The DELICf C STREET, Ne cnmniiasloner. ciltnliPtit. has been ri ciiniinisNioner. eaaavrWTTy v ll( fo(Ml Clyde D. Aitrhiaon, in lei'li'd rtiilronil NtiTICK Is heielir (jiven that the iimlrrsiu"! will apply at the city council of Med ford. Or., at its meeting to be held June it, 11)08, for a license to sell malt, via oils and apiritous liquors in leas qunn tities than a gallon for a period of sii in and 11, block 4.i, Medford, Or. T. P. MOORE. Dated May 8, 19(18. rrutrktm. II mil well .rn.a a.. 7aii matter" .,n, . -" "neu "S . hw ir. I fo'"'r for V-j. 's.Vkiu " """"hold . V:,-'"nd vvi- K.:. ".r. left i; : (Official Advertisement.) aii;i,ono citv op mkiikori) WAT Kit HONDS. The City Council of the Cltv of Med ford, Oregon, nil! receive sealed bids up to II o'clock p. m., June D, 1008, for tho salo of $:UI3,noo worth of 5 per cut, interest semiannually, Medford water bonds proposals to be naked for for both straight 30 year bonds und for serial bouds, to be retired at the rate of 10,000 per yeai, beginning with ti l.llh year. Olio hundred thousuund dollars of ia wo to be for immediate delivery, bal ance to be delivered as fnails are re piired, in quantities not less than UV 100, interest not to accrue until bouds nro delivered, nnd pavablo acini annu ally. Deniiniiiiatiou, optional. Hate of bonds, time of delivery. Mond issued pursuant to vote of lh people, April 17, 19011. Hula to be addressed to Benjamin M l ollins, Cltv Recorder. All bids to be accompanied bv a eer tified check equal to 5 par cent of the amount bid for, pavahla to the city or .Medford, Or. No litigation pending this issue. Tho city has never defaulted in the payment of interest or principal Financial Statement. Assess valuation for 1907... 42,019,000 Real valuation (estimated) rolnl bonded Indebted nets. Including this issue mount of water debt in- the above, ai Ja rate. 'opulstion nonm . , -.rijr, O.10J. '".v reserve, .i. .... . " all bid. nt 10 ''( i-utei-lMklnr anil Adlilnvit Snmmona rTitrlilnliiiiniit ir AtlaL-limuiit '! Hill lonuiljury Subpoena Oiimnal and Civil Subpoenas Kxeculioii laeittlmenr . Search Warrant Tranncript of Judsairiit , Notice to Jurom A oomelete. up tod.t. lint of U.S. I.AN1 OI FICE.nCOUNTY COUHT AND SMt-iRII C HI.ANKS. All printed after the latest , and best forms. c) Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. ci Give us a trial. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN for this offer will be withdrawn when the limited number of sets are exhausted. MEDFORD O-REGON tavooo -jip iW.Oi'O i.r " i .uZ:.''si.,-.. .7 e SrZN"" a. ,1 l ---.I 'natalling , C""tM4hali,f. w m vw.Svi "KM.t. x7 i E. KNTART.Prcaid ent. A. PKRK Y, Vicc-rresidcut. JOIIM 8. OUTH, Cashier. V. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL 50,000 SURPLITS 10,000 Wiifi'ty Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage Cut Glass June Weddings Ytn rhiipii know of oni .hino hrtli. I don't. W know tlmt thoy alt Hji.roviBi cut jjlitHH. No ono nvcivt-n too iniuli of it in the lino of present. If yon ure plitnninK h nift thnt will bo upprei ii.ted, von t un not ilo bettor thnn to we my line of ent kIhhs vnnos, bowU, iloenntom, Tnt't, tinnttlors nil ue ftil and ornmnentnl .nienti nod siiro to ho prised by your friend. 1 tell tin celebrated II air ken line of rut ijIum unvurpiiist d in quality nnd in detin of rutting. Th prireii on mv cut glan have alnay boon popular ones, nover tiw higli. jnst unoh nn would guarantee quality. JUST A HINT WHEN YOU WANT MEATS OF ANY KIND, VEAL OR CHICKEN, THAT IS REALLY FIRST-CLASS, WITH THE PRICE NO MORE THAN ELSE WHERE, THE PLACE IS The Medford Meat Co NEXT TO THE HOTEL NASH, FOR MERLY POTTINOER'S PLACE. THE LIST OF PLEASED CUSTOMERS IS OROWINO EVERY DAY. IF YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM, WHY NOT? SATISFACTION AND ECONOMY HERE. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP! MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Chas. Hakrlriqo. Manaurr MARTIN J. RBDDY TKE JEWELER. NEAR THE POSTOFFICE The Most for the Money. offered Seven Room House on two Iota, on N've creek, Xewwrt. lion; HUM! if taken Cjiiick. OUS SMITH. Portland Or. Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Qity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale Five und Ten-Acre Orchards on the installment plan. The right kind of soil, the right kind of trees and the right prices. Twenty years' experience in fruit raising hacks our judgment. We have sold half the orchards in the valley and have yet to see a purchaser dis satisfied with his hargain. Before buying see XitfaK), 1 aii Rldg ONE SOLID WEEK, lieiiiiitting Monday June 1st. The Popular Loading Woman, GEORGIA HARPER and a Splendid Ceinnanv ENTIRELY NEW REPERTOIRE Crlo.id of Scenery Elegant Costumes P"l'ular priees. Seats on snle Thnrs lilJ, May S. Ro&ue River Land Co. Exhibit Building To Start Out i In seareh of real ralne in (rood form supplant the thmijit "how cheap" with "how good,' We alwurs carrv . in st nek the besj fabrics lruj ,j0 , traiiivo tailorinj work at pri.'ea low enough to win yl r trade. rnF.NVH nRJCLEANI.VO AXD ritssixo. W. WOEIFlT, The City Tailjr, Medford