Cll vODf lit occurred be p of prohibition nnd l!h election genornlly I" riinturbancc having linto hour thin ftftur- tlm prohibition in i of the Attention, (pro nut neglected mo four, wim .x- kit would bo possl- rp(iBteri in the Uh Biut'8 got into it until Into. challengera nt tubtful vote wns V sworn in. in v no rm on a uihSSt'tf nnd n their i.u eny is r more, bv two i nro to lack son i run- i nook Loity. ii ud living f t"OB III -. ".. V V r 1 Mori ford Hnmliiv iT" II. Jackson nf Ashland won tuo medal with the subject, "Yon, 1 Am Guilty." The other sponkora were Ktliel Cox of Moil ford, wtm won tho local contest for the silver modal with tho fcubject "Hnloou vs. Homo;" Minnio Jsckfton of Jacksonville, whoso nub jl'ft won 'The Collef-o Oil Can," find W'nller Hm i r It id' Ashland, whoso subject wriH 'Dykes of Holland." Tho judges were J. A. IVmery, V. T. (builder nud M. Pltrdin. A crowded house heard tho speakers. Miss Hutu l.illwnll of Kugono spoke In favor nf prohibition. Six young Indies contested for tho silver mod ii I Mntunljiy evening nl tho Presbyterian church, Minn Cox winning tho prizo, Tho other contestants wvro Mury Orr, Mn r,ii i Curry, Kdith Cur son, Kiln NngO and Hollo Shirley. Tho judges wore Miss Hnoilinr nnd tho llo Mr. Horn and Nov. Mr. Hull. WEAKNESS FOR GREEN . - PLUMS CAUHES DEATH ii.i. K 1 r i. ...... hustoned tho ond of Wing Voo Yuen, n ( 'hinose, who worked on t lie run eh of (iom-iro liOiitr nt 1'nir Oaks. Wim? ore forrod green plums to Inn own iiiitionnl dish ol nee, likely hecuuso t hoy iliil tint I-iint iim nineh. Now ho is ft eornso nt tho morgue. Ho died yoHtonlny in (front agony hot ore n physician could lie canon to relievo nun. At lirsl it was thought. Hint Wind's ilcnth wns due to n highbinder' plot, uh no wns member nf the llmg Hong I'oiu ihtit lately shot nn Chinatown. Hut nn investigation developed thnt Win. .r.tir...1 hi in tul t oil I'Pl'l" l:liOS while picking thoin Thursday night nnd Inter oouiplainoit to ms countrymen oi growing pains in tho stomach. (lis countrymen advised him lo cool the intornul fires by ill Inking water, mi thnt onlv niiurnvntod In pmn. In tho morning Win; was found dying in bed. his fm'O contortoit iy suiiermtf. a ,i.t.Y uiiM mnninonod. but tho uufor tumito fhinoso pnod nwny boforo ho rwioliod tho hedwltio. Tho ilontl man was wotl to do nnd had Jkt) iJufc luwsosHioii a bank look hnw husides vnlusble papri. p Souutor Iloyburn rocognitlon. rroi'wding under on ordr 4optf4 tho licat of the dchato, the atttrtuiy had already hefrun to call the roll and I Vice-President K:ilrbank ruled Mr. Hey hum out of order. . This made the Idaho aca&fo.r angry aud when Mr. Aldrich demanded the rKRiilur order, tho former shouted: " lon '( raise mich a row until you hear whiit J have to say." The roll call proceeded. In the mean, time Henutors liafellette und fttooe came into tho chamber in response to the ringing of tho cull hells. Doth were sor prim'd at tho turn of proceedings. It developed later that Mr. tttone biid as Agreement with Mr. Ooro to relieve him at u p. in. It was not quite G when tho roll' cult guu. Mr. Lafolktte voted in tha negative, but a few mo nn nts later changed to tho affirmative lide iu order that he might pader the rules mciYO n reconsideration. As soon us the veto was anuouac ed Mr. Aldrich and Mr. LafolleMt. shouted "Mr. President!" simulnne ously. Tho vice-president rcooijuticd Mr. Aldrich in spite of Lafolletto's vigorous protests. rLooDiNo or riLD I'.U.l. ltlVKKViarrittne 1. A pe or grasshoppers has caused a failure of the Hrst uttempt made to farm the former swamp lunds nt Mi'Artbur, .a reclamation community uear here. l.evecs hud been built aud many acre of swamp land had been reclaimed. This season graiu und other cron bad been planted ami trcrc doiug nicely antil the grasshopper scourge appeared, la a short lime some of the grain had been eateo dnon to the ground, and ul) tields threatened. The farmers, alter consultation, de cidisl to turn the water hack on the land from which it had so recently been removed. This was done, and the grass hoppers wcrn gotten rid of, but It Is supposed the crops also have been dj t roved. Joseph Albert and O two of the farmer, Civ are out everv cent of r-? iu tilling and planting (w ..,ir...t-. 4 si a CHAXBCBLAOf rtSSEMTBO ..: "-:t . ' WITH DHM ATO' UNO POBTLAND, Or., Jone 1. Colonel Fnuik J. Parker preete4 to Governor ('hajnberlain last nlgbt Ijts celebrated Irish torqu ring which hat been worn by "nearly every United Statoi aeaator elected in Orcgoa and Washington. In the past CO years. The ring wua given to folond Parker in Dublin, Ireland, by an Irish friend la 1887, who told the colooel that it would alwara bring luck to the wearer. It baa keto . woro .by Senators Oolph, Mitchell and Fulton of .The conteet between the two has been f.!il state, and by He oat or J Squires, Tur- raging with -intensity for weekB past aer, Foster and Ankeny of Washing- Snd has kept the entire state of Iowa ton, all of whom were wearing it at the, U a political turmoil. Tho primary vote time, of their election. Ion. the aenatorship is advisory to the Colonel Parker aava that the fact of worernor (. bambertala a wetiriag the ring will onaoubtedly result in hit eler rion tomorrow. ; In present ing the. ringMO Governor Chamberlain, Coloael Parker told hiu that he wss tlrn fittest man 'in the state to he sent; to the senate, and that he woald uphold' the honor and 'tradition of Orexv sad the Pacific coast bettar thao soy rnaa that had ever resreseatod thi or any other Pacific, coast srate In the opper branch of congress. "'. IN A-KKDAX, OAT BAOB UABVASO DEFEATED COBBMU, . BOSTON, Mass., Jnue 1. ITarvart nVfaatod Cornell in the s usual hnat : rftcv over tho short course on thft t.iisrles river Saturday by about ten le.ngtlts. The time of the crews' wt: rT.rvard. Harvard I0:s7. Cornell 11:54, Hoth bouts cufibt the waur wdlrKiiJw,tioli? bodr. I Harvard tTvnn) si most itnmodiatetv towi''f hi lead with a awoke of "1, while t'omell rowed at a oiueh lower stroke. Ilarranl maintained the lead throughout. .' The cjitir race was rowed in a poor-- raia.-with a heavy fog banging -over yer. A stroag aast wind blew up r and the wafer m nnujh. The rewesl dowa stream with -an campaign, especially on the i side, has been one: of tho most eicitingj that the ftarrkej-e state has ever ex perienced. Though the primary . covers every of fteo for which ua election .will be held in November, witl) the-oiception of the members of the-judiciary, tho interest in the senatorial contest overshadows all else. The, issue at stake' is whether Governor Albert B. Cummins shall sup plant the venerable United States Sen- atot- William Tl, Allison in Washing! legislature. Aspirants for the generul voto of- the primary election and both Allison and Cummins have pnblicly an nounced thai the resuft of the primary will determine their fate. IT SAVED MY LITE WHITES ECZEMA PATIENT I .Bod Ridden Sufferer CoDipletely Cured by Vse of D. D.'O. ztraal Wash, ! Ona of the wst remarkable Ieema cores recently credited to the well ktiown l. I. D. Prescription ha jnt hwli recorded in Chicago. !Alr.' K. rfegg. 1W0 Vor Madison Tt,.Qoder dt of Peemhrr 9. 1(V. write follows: stifl'eroil threr vears with Veei. iatf )lenitt. It ttartM with a littlt sttM I a. i . . Upout hundred.! of dollars Tttnd went to rry mwd dut-tnr I hv'firf, of, hot kept getting worse. N'othing wonld slop the awful itch and burning. "r had to stay iu bed from the mid die of May. to the middle of .Inly. Then I tried D. D. t. Pres.riptioo. This the 9fk.ot PellhfT and I am entirel Ptee frosss. aavad - "e ."WVeW I 1 ..... -"-'". - - liurki! arrost nnd tho Ou will plat'o n tlinrgi ajpiinst him. Tho girl was recent? lousod from the Mngdnlino homo wayward girls in iSnn FranciHco. will now bo sent back to tho homo nnd kept there until nho becomes of nge. Tiurko whs formerly an habitue nt' the tenderloin in this city aud he bears nn unsavory ropntnt ion. The police say that if ho is not prosecuted in Oakland ho will he brought hero to bo tried on a chargeo f embezzlement. Ft is claimed that he purchased a phonograph from a local music house nn tho instalment plan and after paying a few dollars down, sold the mnchino and skipped out. pie were afraid of me f looked so terri ble. My husband was the only one who would take cure of me. l. P. 1. stopped I ho itch at once so 1 eoutd sb-cp, which I had not done, boforo. Thou I begun to got better fast ond now my skin i clear and white, not- a spot anywhere, " duKt a few drops of 0. D. 1. proscrip tion applied to the nkin brings relief nothing to swallow or drink. Wo vouch for l. P. M. Prescription. al."rt the cleans ing P. IX P. Soup. Meifoid Prnhma?y. Hot a bottle today if you bave any skin disease. Begin your cure nt once. b3 ROAD DITCHER AT WORK ALONG CENTRAL AVENUE Tho rond ditcher was again the cei J? iMlarusi Tliiiva.lni- Tlin Ii.kta - chine was traimiv-rre. . nvenue to C street and bi from apposite the Jackson lowu ps' "e postollicc "low. uraa-waiks u ter mains ALUIsV UfniMAL A V Lift Uti I - J M I , It J i 1 from Ii-- I f f stored doubt i has been who havo used it '. ly to tho uffected air gins its healing work : got it todnyf All druggiM by Kly Itjos., "m3 Wnrret York, on reroipt of 3H centv 1 To-Nht Full Electii rsn -