THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MKDKUim 0.. KA'JLTliDAY. MAY :!(. I'm. 3 SOCIALISTS ALONE HAVE A PLATFORM Only Political Party Wii. Wherona and Declarations in County Election Pull Ticket in Field Excpl for Coun ty Superintendent of Schools. The 'socialists oro thy oi ly politic.! party with a platform in Jackson ouu ty. Tho platform remls .is follow; We, thcHOcialistw of Jackson county, Oregon, in convention aasemblicd, here by endorse the principles of socialism as embodied in the state ami national platforms of the socialist party. Wo realize that society is divided into two distinct classes and that the elasa struggle is a conflict over the division of the product of labor. This conflict must ever exist os long as the present private ownership of the meanB of producing the necessities of life endures. "Wo declare our aim to be the organ ization of the working classes and those in sympathy with them into a political party for the purpose of capturing tho powers of government in ordor that the - producing classes may receive the full products of their labor. But in order that tho workers may the sooner guin political control, we favor all immedi ate measures which will aid them in this conflict. As a means to this end we favor the following measures: Demands of Socialists. First Wo demand that all property bo assessed at its full cash value, and that wo favor a graduated income tax. Hecoml We demnd tho ro-enactment of the householders ' exemption law, whereby $300 worth of personal proper ty shall be exempt from taxation. Third Wo favor the levying of a special tax for the purpose of maintain ing good roads throughout tho county and that 50 per cent of the money secured by said tax shall bo used on branch roads in district whore collected. Fourth Wo favor tho public con struction of electric power plants for tho purpose of supplying heat, light and powor, and the construction of electric railways for the means of transporta tion. Favor Eight-Hour Law. Fifth Wo favor the eight-hour work doy for labor, the abolition of tho con tract system on nil public works and that all such work shall be directed by the proper county officials, and that liv ing wages bo paid to all public em ployes. Sixth We-favor the building of com modious schoolhouses in each district in tho county, tho uso of a uniform sot of text books and tho inerenso of salaries to teachers, according to ability, with no discrimination on account oi box. .Seventh Wo demand tho enforce ment of tho Oregon child labor and compulsory education laws. Eighth We arn heartily in favor of the proposed amoudment to our state constitution giving the .eloctornto the ""light of recall of uufaithful public officials. Ninth Wo especially endorso the Tplauk in tho stnte platform demanding the enfranchising of women. Tenth We pledgo our candidates, if elected, to sign a blnnk resignation, to bo filled and presented at any time thoy fail to work for tho principles of so cialism as embodied in this platform. Full County Ticket. The following is tho county ticket: Joint representative R. (.'. Ilensley, Central Point. Representatives Raphael Messnor, Gold Hill; D. M. Brower, Ashland. County judge J. W. Wiley, Medford. Commissioner William ll Smith, of Phoenix. , - . Sheriff' Harvey Richardson, Agate. Assessor M. Calhoun, Medford. Clerk A. Af. Ford, Central Point. Recorder C. W. Banta, Ashlnnd. Treasurer J. A. Smith, Medford. Surveyor and eoronrr to be filled by executive committee. Executive committee Sherman, Tal ent; Hudson, Ashland; Rennies, Wnlters and Mrs. Reamos, Medford. County secretary A. M. Ford, Cen tral Point. YEEKA JUBY CONVICTS CORICA OF MURDER YREKA, Cal., May 30. "Murder in the first degree, imprisonment for life." This was the verdict returned by the jury in tho trial of Domonica Corica. who was charged with killing William Amos at McCloud on December 1,1 last. Judge Beard instructed the jury that the verdict was not in tho proper form. They were instructed that they could bring a verdict nf murder in the first degree and might recommend the de fendant to the mercy of the court. The jury re-tired and soon brought in a verdict in accordance with the court's instructions. Corica heard the verdict without showing any emotion. Ho has been in- different during the progress of the trial, frequently laughing during the proceedings. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. C. E. Buell. .T. C. Fnir.MT, Will Fer guson (2), E. L. Goline, Mrs. Amy TTn ry, W. II, H. Jnmc, Fred B. ,Tnlmon, Mrs. Ming. Professor W. .T. Roberts (2), James Rohinwn, W. h. Scott, Oeorgc W. West. Frank Wheeler. A. .t. Win ''ningham. NEW CASES In matter of tin- application of Ed Dutton for a writ of rorpm; Withington and Kelly, attorneys fir plaintiff. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Alfred B. Talent and Angle Pnrdin. Will F. Kelsoe and Anna L. Murrnr. Coal for Sale. We are now prepared to furniih hand picked coal at the mine, five mile stTtf fn-w- r wtit amount detired JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Miss Anita Hamilton of Mvdfurd is visiting here, the gue.t of Minn Kay Soars. B. H. Hiiney has returned from Ash land, where In underwent an operation, and is considerably improved. Mrs. J. R. I' go of Minneupulis, Kan., arrived from Portland Wednesday. The Jacksonville Musical club under the direction of Mrs. Louise Caugh turan gave a concert at the school house auditorium Thursday evening. The" program, which consisted of a number of solos, trios aud quartets, was well giveu aud reflected much cred it on Mrs. Caught h ran, who has devot ed a grent deal of time to the club. Fol lowing is the program as given: Over ture, Opera tie Echoes,'' (h. P. Lou rendenu); "Rest," (J..M. Club) lone Caught bran; "Thou Beaming Star" (la dies' trio., L. Llrich, A. Wendt, B. Prim; selection, Club; vocal sqIo, "Hearts and Flowers," Miss M. Ken ney; grand potpourrie, string sexteete; "Dreams," Miss Emma Wendt; Shu beyt's Serenade, .T. M. Club; "Breeze of the," jiweuile quartet; solo, s lected, Leona Ulrich; "Lullaby," La dies' Quartet; "Prayer From Dinorah" .1. M. Club; selection, String Sexteete. Wednesdny evening the Xntive Daughters gave an informal farewell party at their cabin in honor of Miss Josephine Orth, who left for Fort Klam nth Thursday. A handsome cut glass bowl was presented to her as Miss Orth to be married Saturday to Mr. James, Pelton. PHACTS FROM PHOENIX. O. A. Gardner Of Talent was here Friday gassing about his gas lights. D. Lehners will build a large burn soon, so ho says. . John C. Byors of Salem, who came here somo time ago to seo his better half, has taken a position on the Kais- or ranch aud says he will stny. Wonder why 1 Frank Faulkes, who recentlv sold out his place across from Bennett's, is so journing in Medford for a while. Mnlou W. Wheeler returned on No. 15 irorn n business trip to Grants Pass. All hands gathered at tho cemetery Saturday and cleaned It up so that nov it looks kind of rcspoctable. At tho election Saturday for voting on bonding this school district to build a new schoolhouse, the measure was carried by a majority of 39 in favor of bonding. Only 12 were against it, while 51 woro for a now schoolhouse. horo and Talent gave Jennie Ferns a surprise party at her home across the crook last Thursday ovoning. Oani- a woro played until a lata hour, wb al 1 partook of rcf rcshmen ts a nd d - parted for homo. . Miss Blnncho Mason of San Franc. iko is here on a visit to Miss Tula Roberts. This weok has been a time of t urn pa ign rallies, Monday night the repub licans held n rally horo and Friday night tho socialists held the board, and Wednesday night both social ists and prolas. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. R. IL Toft to John L. Demmer, lots 6 and 7, block 2, Bunga low addition to Medford Eda M. Morris to Mary G. Kirsch baum, proporty in Ashland . . . B. L, Nichols to Lucius A. Wright, 40 acres in township rt!, ruiigo 1 E Will in in Tnveruer to Marcellus K. King, 10.10 acres in section tf, township 30, range 1 K ... Marcellus K. King to K. .1. Kd- . wards, 10.10 acres in section tf, towuship :t!, range 1 E Lewdelbort L. Lovo to Wallace D. Carey, lots 30 and 31, block A, Railroad addition to Bed ford ; B. M. Shoudy to Wallace D. Ca rey, fU. acres in Ashland II. G. Enders to William H. Pen ,ter, lut 4, block lit, Ifelman - addition to Ashland Joseph n. La mo to Edwin V. Nichols, 3t acres in township 3(1, range 3 W Caroline W. Anderson to J. A. 10 10 10 1600 3000 600 50 000 Anderson. M3 acres in section, 33, township 37, range 1 W . .. Same os nbove, 80 ncTPS In sec tion 1, township 3.S, range 2 E Bessie Sheppnrct to Ellsworth Packard, lots 13 and 14, block 6, Ross' addition to Medford.. Ira O. Lovo to A. M. Short, N W Yi section 8, township 3, rango 2 W .'. Bebecen Eggleston to TilUo J, Pennebaker, lots 25 and 211, Highland Park addition to Ash land O. & C. Rnilroad company to Charles O. King, 1271.11 nerpH in section 13, township 33, range 2 W I Joel Hnrlley to W. A. Witeher, hind in township .'is, range 2 W Nellie R. Short to Alfred Cole man, lots 12, 13, 14. 1.1, 10 17 and 1H, block 7S Jessie W. Cass et al. to R, L. Burdie, lots 0, 10 and 11, Wort man's addition to Medford . . . 12 PRESBYTERIANS CHANGE IMPORTANT CHURCH LAWS KANSAS CITY, May .111. Chnr.n Ijovernment, temperance and marriage and divorce wore the importunt sub ject bi'fort tho general ntisenibh- of the Presihytorian rliurelt of the I'nitcd States nf America todav. ftv far the moot importnnt netion of the sen. inn wh. the adoption of a resn- hit ion whirli nink-a it iinpoHiblc for any paid ayeiit nr member nf the church hoards, or any permanent officer of tho general assembly except the moderator to .erve on the executive committee, the ruling body of the administrative department of the church. Portland Secures Two Tugs. WASHINGTON", May 3i. The quar termaster general today swarded to the Willamette Iron k Steel Works tl.e eon tract for. constructing two tugs for the nrtillcr'v corps at a total rost of fll".0. TIi firm was the lowest bid der. Classified Advertisements One Cent a Ward No tingle IMsf. tiona less than 16 cents. Six insertions for tho price of four. Berenty flT cents a line per mouth. WANTED Partner, wno in Killing to invent :M0 in small business in Mod ford; H money getter. For particular, address Hox S-V Medford, Or. (II FUR SALE 1(1 .Tewoy emva, 3 year lings aud 5 calves. Cull ou or address I.. K. Hun It, Eagle Point, Or. (la LOST Two pairs of infants Rubens shirts. Return to Tribune offiee 62 FOR SALE Largo cornor lot in West Medford, just outside city limits; two thirds of an Bare; fronting on good county road; sightly building spot; price $130 if sold at onee. Write Box 308, Medford tf TO EXCHANGE A quartz claim, good paying ore, partly developed; win ex change for homestead or timber claim. Address A. Miner, Applegate, Or. 04 WANTED Tho acquaintance of a mid dlonged lady, with a sunny disposi tion; object, company and amusement; by a respectable gentleman. Address Frank Wells, Medford P. O. 2 FOR SALE 20 acres li miles from railroad station, old house and barn and good spring on place; price $1200, payable $200 down and $10 a month without interest. Address P. O. Box 571, Medford, Or. 0 FURNISHED BOOMS The O'Dell, ovor postoffice. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, just fin ished; cheap if sold soon. See Guy A. Childers. WANTED Ton teamsters with teams wanted by Western Oregon Orchards Gn. at once; good wages. WANTED 10 or 20 acres, improved, close in. Give description, price and terms. Profer to deal with owners. Address E. H. Bliss, Box 580, Med ford. tf FOR RENT 5 furnished rooms, conve nient for housekeeping, close to busi ness; no children. No. 307 North O tract" '' "' ''K PARTY wishes to get loos of :100 on 40 acres of raw land that is worth $1000; good abstract; will pay 10 per cent. Lock Box 656. RUNABOUT for tale cheap; thorough ly equipped with odometer, acetelync lights, top, etc. A. O. Allen, Medford, Or. FOR SALE One U. S. Cream Sepa rator, No. 6; S00 capacity; good as new; cost .$80; will sell for $50. B. C. Hensley, Central Point. FOR SALE 8. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten-acre tracts, .best location iu the Talley. L. Nee demeyer, Jacksonville. FOR SALE 5(10 head of full blood Rambouillot stock sheep; largo, heavy shearers of fine wool. John S. Her rin & Son. 84 FOR SALE Five-room house, beauti fully located, with lo 50il45, ten bonr ing apple trees; this is a snap and will 'be sold at a bargain. Address Lock Box 125, Medford, Or. WANTED To buy from 100 to 800 bend of stock sheop. Write Box 131, Medford, Or. BUSINESS CARDS. H. E. MORRISON, Physician and Surgeon, Office: Medford National Bank Bldg. J. T. ANKBOM, WELL DIGGER. MEDFORD, OR. Prictia right Pumps Pernlshed whea Wanted. BALL fe GLOSCOOK. Contractors and Builders. Al Work Guaranteed. Office with O. R. Pierce ft Bon. Phone 668. P. O. Box 771. WILLIAM O. DBBLBT, Resident Piano Tuner. Special Bates by the Year. Headquarters at Halo's Piano House. All Work Guaranteed. t. O. Box 663, MEDFORD, OBEGON. SB. A. B. SWEET Physician and Surgeon. Office at Residence. Wen M. OolTlg, Medford, Or. COLVIO ft DURHAM, Attorneys-at-Law. Geo. H. Durham, Grant! Pass, Or. Madford Furniture Co., Undertaken Doy phone 353; Night Phones: O. W. Conklin 495; J. H. Butler 148. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AKT COt EECTION AGENCY. Lock Box 808. Medford, Or. E. B. 8EELY. H. S. Physician and Surgeon Modern Equipped Operating Booms. X-Rny. Office Hours, 10-12, 2-4 P. M. Office in Jacksen County Bank Bldg. GO TO SB. OOBLE FOR YOUR GLASSES. Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse, SEVENTH STREET. 'He Has No Other Buaiaass.' The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE J'urnUlir liot water ffrf irn on Tcry sbort notice It cjin be used on the trft table or in tlif kitchen Attache to any electrolier durable BOGUS RIVES ELECTRIC CO., Successor to Condor Water Power Co. Of flee 206 W. 7th st." opp. big alsetrle iga. Phone 8SS. PORTLAND FESTIVAL To be held in PORTLAND, OREGON JUNE 1 to 6, 1908. . Will be the most brilliant FLORAL FIESTA AND CIVIC JUBILEE Ever held in the Pacific Northwest. Portland, "The Rose City," will bo a scene of splendor aad the center of World wido interest for one week. Several important conventions to be held In Portland on that occasion. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell Special Tickets on This Occasion from MED FORD to Portland and Re turn at $13.20 For particular call on . A. S. ROSBNBAUM, Local Agent. WM. McMUBBAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. t Wise Talks By : the Office Boy . f Pa says a rose by any other name would be just as oxpea- sive back cast this time of year. I sometimes thinit he pines for the piney woods in old Peaob- 4 scot, Prappe County, Maine, 4 whom he was raised but that's 4 one thing yours truly never yearns for. The good mountains 4- and tho good old ocean aid nice 4 4- old Oregon atiunspkero are good 4 4 enough for m . Bat it's all in 4 4 how you were raised. Pa likes 4 4 clam chowder aid corn on the 4 4 cob, and harvest apples anil a . 4 4 lot of things that a kid who 4 4 was born this side of the snow 4 4 sheds hasn 't had much chance 4 4 to got acquainted rilh. Those 4 4 who hare lived on both sides of 4 4 this groat country and lived 4 4 long enough to know what's 4 4 what can got all thoss things 4 4 just as nice one place as an- 4 4 other, if you know where te buy. 4 4 We're got clam chowder from 4 4 Boston that ia jult as nice as 4 4 any you ever ate on the sand, 4 and lota of other things that 4 4 havo that "Down East" taste. 4 4- MILLEI & EWBANK 444 4 4 4444 4-444 Medford will hars Lots of money every day If the Prohis don't go And vote It away. It is a' mystery why some cities in the Tniteil States vote away their rev enue in the way of liquor licenses while sturdy Tncle Sam continues to tako in money in the way of revenue and government licenses. Hut it is no mystery why the cltir.ens of Medford smoke the cigars manufactured by the Rogue River Valley f'igur Works: Be cause they are the beat, on the market. Try them. MANUFACTURED B7 B. R. V. CldAK WORKS. MEDFORD, OR. Something New In Itobber Tires that it will pay you to Investigate. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, satisfaction guaranteed. Mitchell & Roeck OBKERAL WAOOHBRS. East 7th Rlrsetltresr of Merrlman's Blacksmith 8rp. Medford, Or. Just Received- A Carload o! Extra Heavy Green Lath CEDAR BEVELED SIDING ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES. Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT CLHXDALHORKQOX ' YAK'D AND OFFICK AT M KDl-'ORI), ORKOONV ' Just Received! CRATER LAKE LUMBER COMPANY THAT SPAK KLINd . 1M LL FHOM Til 14 LI Kill MOUNTAINS. THE (il RAT A IM'KTITFj COM PKLLKR, OUR OWN SOUTI I KKX OR KAON" XAT UlfAL MlNMRAL AVATNR, THAT RANKS AVITII THE VERY REST TA- ' RLE WATERS. Tflfmn Tn rrfl DTfD Jj) tiy Jul JS nj) 11 Ask Any One Who Knows and they will tell you that for a place in Medford to Duy Drug Store Goods, whether it is PRESCRIPTIONS TO BE COMPOUNDED, PROPRIETARY REMEDIES FINE PERFUMERIES, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY OR POSTCARDS The EAGLE PHARMACY Is Best A. K. WHITMAN, Manner, Palm Block, Medford, Ore. . ,' POLITICAL CARD. J. B. NEIL. Democratic Nominee. FOR COUNTY JUDdK, WILBTJB A. JONES, Democratic Nominee. KOK SHERIFF: Will always support the r-pullirun rauiliilata for IT. .S. senatur wlio is nom inated hv the people. JOSEPH L. HAMMER8LET, nt Ol'l Hill, Republican Nominee for Klvl'RKSKNTVriVK. H. M. CAKE, uf I'nrtlanil, Tin- Alvnrate ut Statement Nh. 1, Republican Nominee for l.'NITKH STATKS SKNATOII. B. r. MULKEY. Republican Nominee for DIHTRICT ATTORN KY. MAHLON PUSDIN, Candidate for HKPRKRENTATIVF, On Statement No. 1. Favors guaranteed hank deposits. D. H. MILLER, ' CANDIDATE for REPRESENTATIVE On Rtatoment No. lr I A Carload of IMPORTED CEMENT of the. highest grade Guaranteed to stand any test. ANDERSON & lU'RlillXiE. LOCAL To The Public IIAVIN'i! INSTALLED AfACHIXEH V 1'llU TIIK MANI'FAf.'THRK- OF IIHill liltADK JI'K Clll:A.r, WK ARK I'KFI'.MIRI) TO FIM, AM, ORDKRH, I.AKUI-: OH MM A 1,1,. IKI,1V'F.RIF,.S MAllK TO ANV FART OF THK CITY. him; i w, (inii:u.i uivhn oi;r I'UOMI'T ATTENTION'. ORDF.B AT MDhFOIIII BOOK STORK OR CHKXMF.RY. Rogue River Creamery Medford We Want to Realty Bond Oregon W. Jac kson County Hank Annex i AAEN'TS. Buy Lands Syndicate of H. Stalker SeCr?'' J 1 J.