- " ' RAILROADS PUT ADDITIONAL MoHfmvinjiilvTr hitnei burdens on shippers THE MEDFORD DAIL1 TRIBUNE. BEDFORD. OB.. SATURDAY. Jf AY 30, 190& . Democratic Ticket A Idv Paper In a Live Town. ! Admitted at Secoiid Cluss Mutter in the Poitoffice at Medford, Oregon. Subscription Rates: One month, by mail or carrier. . .$0.50 One year, by mail G.00 CHICAGO, May 2. Besides dftor imiiini to increase freight rates 10 Published evory evening except Sunday per eeut.fl tlio railroad in the "oBicial Medford Publishing Company. classification " territory have agreed to " Udd considerably to the burdens of the O. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. MiliI)l.rs uf package freight. At the smno meeting ut which the rate in creases were decided upon, the repre-ai-iitutivca of more than 400 railroads nerved that after July 1 they will not . . receive for Hhipment any pncKiigua in . less tlmil enrload lota which ore not marked plainly with the uuino of the consignee, the station and atnte of eon nignee, the Million, city anil statu or destination. It is estimated that this action will save the railroads in tho territory east of the Mississippi river aud north of tho Ohio river to the seaboard, at lease $2,0110,000 annually in loss aad damage claims. On the other hand, it will cost the shippers of package freight probably as much, or even more, tu perform the actual work required in marking the shipments as prescribed by the railroads. It is also stated by the shippers that it will make impossi ble any secrecy regarding tho Identity of the customers of any business house On the contrary, any business house muy, after the new rules go into effect, station men at railroad warehouses and learn in detuil nil about the shipments of competitors, to whom shipped and in what amounts. That this will have a tremendous effect upon this class of business is confidently asserted. PLEDGED TO STATEMENT NO. 1. UP TO THE VOTERS. Today practically ends the campaign In Jackson county, in woll as tho rest of tho state. It is up to the peuple to ay whether they want n continuance of ring rule in county affairs or wheth er they want a now deal. Present officials aeeaing eiecwun ,n.... pat on their records. They justify the increase ' in nsaossnient of 116 2 3 per cent and the high tnx'es following. They iustifv tho poor roads, the lack of re pairs on bridges, and all the omissions and commissions of tho courthouse ring and brnaenly promise n' continuance They have practically concealed from tho Diiblle tho conditions of their vn rious offices. They have refused to oxoert tho books, so that (he people inlirht know in whnt condition Ihe county's finances were. They have covered up shortages and have stood to gclher in the defonso of ench other and in carrying out tho policy of secrecy that has prevailed for several years. Tai collections have been hopeless lv muddled, huudreds of names left off of the ussessmeut rolls, county finances managed for tho benefit of certain In atitutlons, properly on which tnres have been paid has found ita way Into the delinquent list, whilo double and thrihlc assessments are by no means rare. If the poople wish a continuance of these conditions they will undoubtedly re-elect both Judge Dunn aad Sheriff i Jackson. If they wish eluriency to re i placo tnoflklency, they will defeat tliem Any ehnnge would bo for Ihe belter. r-ef "" I - '' ON PROHIBITION. A strenuous eunipnign has boca waged for tho past six months by prohibition s.i. In an effort to mnko Jackson conn- 1 ty dry. During this fight The Tribune i.'.. .,i:i-iii,- remained neutral. At the bogiuniug of tho campaign The Tribune i,.r nil nrnliihifion or anti-pro - hibltlon matter would he considered as n,ii .-nil,,,- nn.l (hat reirular nnlm ..i ..t. mold bo charged for all inn ter printed. This policy has been ad tinvfl til- As far as Medford is concerned, the city is not affected by the prohibit'"" election. In fact, it is likely t" beoefiled. Its enancr, grain.-.. " legislature or twin, express rl.g that the city has the aole Vv,.hl ulato the liquor husinoss " pral or limits without regard ((' in oiloct state lsws. This ebsrte,,,, smin ind it is under it tb "Liug operated. of Seventh street Jj"(il or void the If the ehartor we""?. irely closo these prohibitionists """,act is dry. saloons, as Bl!,,iir vol"" "i'T. Med NATIONAL FORESTS NOT SUBJECT TO STATE LAWS Election June 1, 1908. For V. 8. Senator Oeo. E. Chamber lain. For Cougressmaa J. J. Whitney. F..r Supreme Judge R. 8. Bean. For Joint Representative Jackson and Douglas Counties V. E. Cavender. Fur Representatives-;, i-urain, u. ii. Miller, .r s r . For County udae K.'Ncil. For County CommissionerfM. Mar-, shall, f For County Sheriff Wilbur A. Jones. For County Clerk A. 8. Barnes., For Count) Recorder J.: C. Master eon. ' , For County Treasurer M. M. Tuylor. " For Couaty Assoesor B. B. Dow. For County Surveyor E. B. Sawyer. For County Coronor Dr. A. C. Stan ley. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Election June 1, 1WS. ' For United States Senator H. M. For Representative in Congress VU; lis O. Hawley. . For Food and Dairy Commissi""" .. W. Bailey, For For Rai Campbell. .r0ey, Juckaoa For Prosecuting AWj' ad Josephine ,,,, For Joint Rop"" , . ,,,..,... DfC- .res .1. L. Hammers- Clean Sweep Shoe Sale wij h WE REDUCED TE2D PRICE ON OUR A HAvr ENTIEE stqCK QF Ji6e Bailey. ' Bp Supreme Judge Rober" Railroad Commissi"". ford will b" .o " a commorclnl way county nI!re& advantnges over other will enis is not n question of sent nlace ... U sound logic. meat, jtryor who lias investigated the Af even those in tho employ of the if,,flaloon lenguo, will be forced to ah".. ., . . i . ,Bect Medford. JUDOB DUNN'S ADMISSION. In one of bis numerous open letters County Judge Dunn admits that ho re duced the assessed vnluntlon on the nolo lines of tho Condor Water i Pow or company before slapping tho lit) 2 8 per cent tncreaao beeauso "They should not bo raised beyond the sum for which they wore assessed," which was ap proximately the cost. The board of eqnnlircition did not show corresponding solicitude for other taxpayers. If tho corporation's pole lines should not be assessed above their eost, why should other property! Why should nionoy on deposit in banks be assessed at 06 2-3 per cent more than the actual amount of cash represent odf THE REAL ISSUE, Do not fail to remember that Stale lnent No, 1 ia the real issue in the state campaign, whether or not legislators elected by the people shnll be servants of tho people and carry out their in structions or -whether the legislators shall run things. The iusue is elearcut between the people and tho bosses. Tho triumph of Statement rto. J at the polls means the triumph of popular government. The defeat of Statement No. 1 means the restoration of machine rule, of the day of bribery and corruption. "HUMANE" TREATMENT. The Medford Mail slates: "The treat meat of prisoners under the rule of Sheriff Jackson has been na humane as possible under prison rule. Kemem ber that the county .isil is not s Sun day school. There has been no hsr.h treatment or torture, and it ran lu proved. ' ' How about (he stringing up of prisoner on March 10, 1007, until his cries of agony caused outsiders to break lo and cut him downf.aWas thi. hn manef The I'liilcd States circuit court of uupeals for the ninth judicial district In, rendered a decision ol far reacli m iumorhn to the national forests and to the stockmen of the west. i r,..,.m,,l,nr 1(10-1. one Tliomns .Shan noli allowed his cuttle to drift upon the i : Unit nntinnnl forest in Mon tana. To put n stop to this, a suit w brought bv tin. Kmfed suites ana March Id, l!"". '"'ir I1""' ,n.Mt United Stiites circuit court fo' ,ho slate rendered a decision in f' JI0B government and issued an fr01n Ncrpctuiitly restraining t,lf allowing his cattle to "I,M iw by forest. -Montana ha t,.eir ,amU which landowners mil"' ri,Jril,B ( lefnre thoy enn fri.Aa ,, Hie stockmen whose t , ,, hl. " ' . "... Inn. Mire mo iry"'ol,nm argued tlmi this Rhnnuon ' hl m,ft, ,19 ll(,,linsl M, 1Ht"r'' Jl"1'-"' llllited 0f nvcr the public 'he ' icfinling Ihe national forests, is lftlH'jcie: 'hat congres litis lawfully 'leegate'l to the seeretmy of agriculture aiiihority to mnke regulations to j,rot'i-l tlie forests; Ih.-it the secretary in,l properly inaite a regulation that nltle must not range upon the forests without permit, nud that consequently Mhiinnnn was a trespasser whou he al lowed hia cattle to drift, upon the Littlo licit forest, although it was unt'eiiced. For Represent' ley, II. D. Ku; For (JouiV For Co"flV judge O. W. Duno. ComnniHsioner .lamos Owads. Vor for OREOON APPLES RETAIL FOR 30 CENTS EACH IN NEW YORK 'Orison iipplm will hi time bo nn funuMiH nn 'ulifornirt oriuigcH." "Thu comiiti'rciul vuluo of ffmyd np- plon in K'f'i t 1 lt that of ortinui'H nud Oregon nliould profit tlnroly." Thitt ih lliti Huinmary of w. II. Bel lnck'K opiiiiou, umt lie Buys thero aro tunny in Now ork who agree with hun. Mr. Hoi lock is coimei'trd with tho So otiritk'8 rorporntiou of 40 Wnll at root ami trnvoln mowt of his time botwoon Now Vorlc nnd Tjondun, nnd Londun Mill Pfll'lH. llo goos on to nny that he hiniHolf when in New York buys them every lay at thn fruit Htnnds nud pays 15 to 20 eentM apiece, for thorn, and does not roiiN.ttor it money ill spent. Certain kinds of npploR are sold there under the. general nn mo of Oregon apples, and thin ia ndverttsomont enough. Thoy are Spltzenborfl, Newtown Pippins and the Mil mi uu npplo. Ihe Hnunnn upple, which hiiri never been grown elsewhere, Mr, Helloek pays HO eenls for at the fruit itands. Mr. Helloek is eager that the oiumereial bodied here take up the mat ter of systematically advertising Ore gon apples so ns to give them the pre tige that the California orange enjoys, and he says it, wilt be nn easy matter und a remunerative one, for the com moroml value of the tipple is greater than that of the ornnge. Vvunty Shoriff D. H. Jackson. County Clerk W. R. Colftman. ia, County Recorder R. T, Burnett. fpt County Assessor W. T. OricYo. For County Treasurer J. M. Crone- 'niller. For County School Ruperintendent J. Percy Wells. For County Coroner A. K. Kellogg. For County Surveyor F. A. flrisez. AND ARE tilYING VALUES LESS THAN , WHOLESALE PRICES. Ch ildr"'8 Shoes, 99, shoes you have been paying $j.50 and $1.75 for. jflvHos'.Slioes and Oxfords, ?1.49, $1.69, $1.79, 4J1.98, $2.49. SPECIAL f 'ALL EARLY AND GET YOUR SHAKE OF THE BARGAINS. W. H. Meeker 6 Co. Buy Tickets hy Wire. ''Something which is of considerable Interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally knowr, la tho system of prepaid orders now in effect botween stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in the United Stnt'es. By means of this systom tickets may bo purchased nt Medford from any placo in the Unitod States aud mailed or telegraphed direct to the ,iarty wishini! to como here. Sleepei accommodations and small amounts of cash ia connection with these tickets may also be furnished at the samr time. " NOTICE ' U hereby given that the undersigned will apply at tho city council of Med ford, Or., at its next mooting, to bo held dune 2. 1903 for a license to sell malt, viuoun and spiritoua liquors :ti leas quantities than a gallon for a pe riod of six mouths, at our place of bust nrss, lots 111, 15, 14, block 21, Medford, Or. YOU NO k HALL. Dated May 22, 1908. iW BANK OP ENOLAND BATE REDUCED: MONEY EASIER LONDON, May irtAs anticipated. ho rnte of discount of Ihe Hank of r.ng land was reduced today from .1 to per cent. The nutlmril ies hnvo been rv taitiiug the rate nt .1 per cent owing to the absorption of gold by France and Oeriimny, hut the tlocal monetarv posi t i mi had become so easv. with funds at 14 per cent, and discounts at 1H per 'cut below the hank rate, that the nil horities had little ehoice but t-i give he trade of the country the benefit if the lower rate, as well as bringing the tiilliinium rate nearer the market dis ount level. The reduction in Ihe discount rnte was largely discounted on the stock ex hanije vesterdav. when consols rose l. but they advanced another this morning and Ihe markets generally were hur.ler with a cheerful tendencv. On to Portland. WOODLAND, C'al., Mnv 30. Assist nt Secretary Spess of the rWrnnicntn Valley Development association was in Woodland yesterday for tho purpose of 1 Inducing a good representation to go on the Portland and Seattle excursion. If.' Woollev and Dr. C. B. Wilcoxson have made r servntions and will go on the trip. T. B. Gibson and wife and P. 0, Webb have tho matter under eon m iMcrfitinp nnd will decide todnv,, Road From Eagle Valley. HAKKK I 'IT V, Or., May 30. That iimney fur construction of the F.agle alley railroad has been secured and lhnt work will begin July 1 is fhe an nouncement made today on the arrival lure of A. H. .Tacobs of Cincinnati. Ja cobs represents the promoters of tho enterprise and he announced today that he is here to file deeds and mortgages so that bonds may be issued for inline diate construction of tho road. Test Time for Oregon Hones. 1XDKPENDKNVK, Or., May 30. Kons Ack mn.lo Ihe fast lime of 1:01 In the fivceiilliths of mile dash on tho local trark in the race meet here todnv. Maid Marian, October 0, 1004, nt Morris Park, New York, weat the distance in 0:M. I NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigued will apply at the city council of Med ford, Or., at its next mooting, to be held Juno 2, 10D8, for a license to sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in less quantities than a gallon for a period of six months, nt our placo of business at lot 9, block 20, Medford, Or. O. M. SKLSBT. Hated May 22. 1808. (13 NOTICE Is hereby given that tho iiuderaignrd will apply at the city council of Med ford, Or., at its meeting to be held June II, 1008, for a license to sell mall, vin ous aad spiritous liquors in less quan tities than a gallon for a period of six 10 and 11, block 4.1, Medford. Or. T. F. MOORE. Dated Mav 8, I0US. THE OLD HOWARD RANCH 1'bree miles south of Medford and 2Vj miles west of Phoenix, Is now cut up ia small tracts to suit the purchaser. One-fourth cash, balance in three pay ments. This is a rare epportunity for men of small means. Listed with all the agents. Notice. I wish to announce that I have pur liased tho office and practice of the ite Dr. M. S. Jonr. My office will V located at the same place as Dr. !mies' and offieo hours will be from 10 in., 2 4:30 and 7 to p. m. K. J. CONROY. Physician and Surgeon. Rose Festival. A J2 scction drawing room Pullman ar has been provided for the Medford people who wish to leavo Monday night to attead the rose carnival. A large portion of this space is en gaged. Those (piing on that night should call at the depot at once and se ore sleeping accommodations. 83 Why Don't Tea Oet Next? Do you use Pavis' Best Flour! Don't let yonr grocery talk you into baying other brands shipped in. Davis- Best sells for less money and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a sack and be convinced. Stop Pajfiig Rent The CI old Ray Realty Company will build yen a house to suit you and you can pay for it in easy monthly pay ments. Investigate this at once. Call t 206. West 7th street. 60 SpecialBargainsin RealEstate 9. 80 acres, all tillable, nice location, nice five-room .iottage house, large barn, 2 1-2 miles from Medford, well watered, in reach of irrigation ditch, team, harness, wagon, five Jersey cows, cream separator, new gang disk plow, valking plow, rake, mower, disk, smoothing harrow, stove nd some other furniture, all go with the place, and the -resent growing crop. Price only $0000; a genuine snap. 2(i. f!20 acres, fine stock and fruit ranch, well im proved, 100 acres under plow, 6 acres orchard. Price 5f00. Th is place with 50 head of hogs and 35 head of cat- !c, all farm implements, blacksmtih tools, hay, fruit and cgetables for $7000. 47. 440 acres, a fine stock proposition, 40 acres in alfalfa, irrigation, good buildings, in a splendid section for limiting and fishing. Price only $14 an acre; terms. (53. 193 acres, 2 miles from "Eagle Point on Rogue iver, 50 acres cleared, considerable fruit and alfalfa, pri vate irrigalion ditch. This is a splendid proposition to develop, about half good bottom land, nearly all can be uider plow when clea red, schoolhouse bandy, fair improve nents, team, harness, wagon, some cattle and farm imple nents go with the place. Price $6000. This ranch will bear lose inspect ion. as it will make a lot of money for someone. (7. A fine alfalfa ranch of 80 acres near Butte Falls, fine stream and springs, nearly all level land, splendid fish ing and hunting, buildings. Price only $1200. 8('. 80 acres, 4 miles northeast of Eagle Point, will be lose to the new railroad, 50 acres under cultivation, fine olack land, mostly in wheat, crop goes with this place. Price $4200. $2200 cash, balance 2 years, 7 per cent. C. H. Pierce & Son KNOW! Any Judge of Clothing Knows meritorious tailoriug work when lie sees it. You will easily pronounce our fabrics to bo the Itrst, and as for Htvle mul finish, it is neeil!p9 for ns to make nny comment. No matter how critical you may be, you witl find it ilil'fi.'iilt to find any fluwB in our tai loring work. Orders for summer suits given prompt attention. French dry olonning and pressing neattv done. W. W. E1FERT, The City Tailor, Medford For United States Senator MEDFORD SASH ft DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Offic fixtures and all kinds of plsning mill work, Including turned work ind fancy grills. F, BETWEEN 6TH AND TTR 8Ta PHONB 63. Th Host for the Money. Tbe Auburn automobile is tbe most roomy nd bst mschine erer offered for th, money. Se It before baring. B. Prown, sgent tii 1 MtnrosD. ostooM m Bute Depositary. Established IStvl. CAPITA!, AND SURPLUS UP.0OO.OO STRONG, CAPABLE SECURE With lsrge resources ind competent management, with all the interests of this banking institution in a sound and stable condition, it is amply justi fied in its statement that It offers every banking privilege and neremoiodation consistent with safety. . The accounts of firms, corporations, estates, societies and individuals are re spectfully invited. W. I. VAWTER President O. S LINDLET Cashier ; ' i . v : ) ' - ' r "wv. . "J ' , ' i- , y- , - w , - ., ' , i .- r. . " ; ' 'A . kt l ; tiraSsnHilriiiiiiMi arTIM am ' ' "'" U. JI.- Cake of Portland, Republican Nominee. Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Gity Property and Ftuit Groves tor Sale Five and Ten-Acre Orchards on the installment plan. The right kind of soil, the right hind of trees and the right prices. Twenty years' experience in fruit raising oachs our judgment. We have sold half the orchards in the valley and Jiave y&t to see a purchaser dis satisfied with his bargain. Before buying see Rogue River Land Go. Exhibit Bu ldino J. E. ENYART.Presid ent. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. JOHN 8. OHTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t C'Aehier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS r 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Tour Patronage Hotel Emerick W. E. JOHNSON, R. W. GRAY. Builder COLONIAL PORCH WORK, GRILL AND LATH WORK, PATTERNS, ETC. TELEPITONE 471. MEDFORD, OR. Have you tried our snecin! 2oc and 3oc Coffees, or our Pyra mid Tea yetf They are the best in tho land; always good, al wavs th same. Ve are now showiag a nice line of Cut Olass and Pinner Ware. . MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 216 WEST SEVENTH STREET. McOLASHAN JUNIEN, Props. PHONB 1051. rrXK 1 "ISN'T THAT FINE." If you appreciate waistcoat expand ers in the form of a choice, juicy steak you will find this the place for pur chase. There's nothing in tho meat line worth carrying home and cooking that you cannot find here any time you call. This is an invitation to visit us soon. it J J