THE MEDFORD DAILY TRrBTTNE, M15DFOHD'. OR.. ,PRTD'AY. WXY 29, 19Q8. J SOCIAL AND PERSONAL It you iraut ice cream, give your order to toe Book Store Creamery. " - - Miss Emma I'arrur left Friday morn ing tor Portland, where mho will visit her brother for two or three weeks. W. J. Bcott of Central Point, spont Friday in Medford. Mrs. W. L Vowter left on Thursday evening's train on a viait to Eugene and Portland. Mill EUa Oauuyaw, stenography and typewriting. Boom 4, Palm block. M. F. Hanlcy, stockman nnd water diatrlbntor, ' is . down from Wasson Springs. All ulght restaurant lit the Euijri k until notice. Welborn Bccson of Talent imido Xlcd- ford a business visit Wednesday and left at the exhibit building a branch of a pear tree that was grafted last year and is already bearing fruit. This is ' certainly a horticultural wonder, al though Mr. Beeson says be has several different trees that are performing like feats. Horry Culbertson, general contractor and builder, cement work a specialty Medford, Or. P. E. Cavender of Jtosoburg, Htnlc ment No. 1 candidate for joint repro sentative for Jackson and Josejliino eouuties, has becu cnnvusslng thin sec tion and seems very much encouraged over tbo outlook. Doth counties are strongly in favor of that principle. We dcllvor Bweot cream or buttermilk every day; watch for our wagon or nbone orders to the Creamery. Phono No. 923. George H. nimes of Portland, score tary of tbo Oregon Historical society, was in the volley dnring the week in the interest of the nppronching reunion of the State Pioneer society, which will be held in Portland June It, If you have lost or found anything, need work, or have something sell, it doesn't matter what you want is, try a Want Ad in The Tribune. R. L. Burdic, a promtuent business man of Ashland, was in Medford during the wook. If you want sweot cream or buttcr- -- milk, order from the Creamery or wnteu for the wagon. Deliveries made every day. Phone No. M3. B. F. Clark mado a business trip to . Orauts Pass this week. Just arrived, a carload of siring ma chines. See 0. W. Johnson nt the Medford Pharmacy. Manuel Silva, who has beea a resident of Big Applcgato district for many years, has sold his farm and gono to his old home in the Aeores. Latest designs needlework, infants' outing fits, shirtwaists, centers, under- wear, etc. Needlecraft Shop, 3SB Wash ington street, Portland, Or. m A. S. Barnes, roform candidate for county clerk, was in Medford Thurs day. Ho seels sanguine tli ,he P"P will vote for a change " ........... Klamath, where Mr. Pelton has exten sice stock and land interests. O. F. Wilson of Derby, who has been in Medford for some time, expects to leave soon for his homestead. W. T. Grieve, candidate for assessor, with his family, has left for Ashland. J. P. Woguer, traveling representa tive of the Portland Oregouiau, is stop ping in the city for a few dnys to look after the business iuterest of tin paper. Hill V'lrit'h of Kagle Point was a business caller in Medford Thursday. Hoy Maul leaves for Portland Mon day evening to take in the ftoso Fes tival and visit amoug bis many friends. He expects to be gone several weeks. Wm. Bvbee of Jacksonville was in the city on business Thursduv. POLITICAL OABDfc J. B. NEIL. Democratic Nominee. FOB COUNTY JUDGE, WILBUR A. JONES, Democratic Nominee. FOR SHERIFF: CHILDREN TO PARADE IN PROHIBITION CAUSE Any one wanting help oi -uu phono 831 or address W. H. West hm ployment Co., Medford, Oregon. Ofllce in jewelry store, corner Seventh and C streets. Reliable help furnished short notice freo of charge. Editor Pattison and Tyson Beall were down from Central Point Thursday. Tce cream delivered to any part of the city. Order from the Creamery or Book store. ip, rj. uaincs was uowu rrom irau Creek Thursday. He says that there is it general determination up that way to turn down the courthouse ring. William Mansfield of Cold Hill pre einet was among those who did busi ness in Medford Thursday. Judge Dunn was over from Jackson ville Wednesday. He finds It impossible to explain why be raised Inst vear's assessment 6U8-3 per cent, hence ins tifies his unreasonable and unwarranted action. So does County Clerk Cole man, one of his colleagues en the board of equal 1 ration. M. W. Wheeler of Phoenix precinct and bis family have been visiting rein fives and friends living in Josephine county. MUs Elsie Schaffer of Waldo is at Central Point on a short visit with friends. George Htough, the reliable old chim ney sweep, is on his annual tour of the north Pacific coast. Pursel Itros. of Big Apptegate, the lumber manufacturers, were In Medford Wednesday morning. T. J. Kelso of Central I'oiut has been in Medford several times lately. H. T. and A. R. Pankey were nnioag the many in Medford during the past week. Mrs. Champlin of Chicago, who is vis (ting her sons. Champlin Itros. of the Foots ereek dredger, visited in Med ford Thursdny. She wns iiccotnpiinied by her ten Charles. W. D. Allen, the genial grocer, who baa been quite sick with a bronchial ailment, is at lis place of business again. t. K. Miner, the Kane's ereek enol talist, spent a few hours in Medford Wednesday. W. V. Barnum and J. A. flraffis m noenix precinct were among those nho oja Business in Medford Wednesday. Curry county has been "dry'' f. iwo years, ana Is disgusted with the manner in which liquor is being shipped in by the demijohn. The question will oe resuomitted to the voters on June 1 i-apiam h, 8. Evnus nud Dr. A. C Caldwell were up from Ashland Wed nesday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Royal Brown, formerly or tagie i'olnt, are now comfortably located w a nice homo in East Portland .... i,ulu mm ox Mrs. rtnrnu litierin, sister or air. jirown. Mark Baker passed through Medford Thursday enroute for Ashland, wh..n. he will superintend the construction of me tins' Hall. Mr. Baker was for merry a furniture dealer in Medford, but baa been engaged at Contracting in Cottage drove for tho past few months. The many friends of James Pelton and Miss Josephine Ortb, favorably known In Jackson county, will he agree ably surprised to learn' that they will be married in Klamath connty In a few Children mid older ii.em.WH ot thn Sunday aehools who bolieve hi pruhibi tion uro requested to meet tit their churcheft nud nmrch ot tho park, whore the purado will start at 1 I . AH should be thcro to start ou time. AH Hioho who have flngH at home bring thnm. Tht parade will bo led by drum corps. Leave the park aud march down .Sev enth Htreet to Sunk hotel, where tho line will form in a letter "S" and halt and rdng tho new ".Marching Through Georgia," led by tho cornet; then pro ceed to corner of C and Seventh nud form in tho nhnpo of letter "S"' and sing "America," led by the band, fol lowed by a olo by Itev. Hull, and a j selection bv the male quurter. Then proceed to Si and He vent h streets, then rjouth to Eighth and bnck on C Htrpet, with the band playing. Muny banncrH will bo dfopluyed, and every boy and girl in Medford In invited. Will alwuys support the republican candidate for U. 8, senator who Is Dom inated by tho people. JOSEPH L. HAMMEEBLEY, of Gold Hill, Republican Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE. H. M. CAKE, of Portland, The Advocate of Statement No, 1, Republican Nominee for UNITED STATES SENATOR. B. T. MULKEY. Republican Nominee for DISTRICT ATTORNEY. MAHLON PUBDIN, Candidate for REPRESENTATIVE On Statement No. 1. Favors guaranteed bank deposits. D. II. MILLER, CANDIDATE for REPRESENTATIVE On Statement No. 1. Ladies TAKE IT EASY NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the city council of Med ford, Or., at its meeting to bo held June 0, 1008, for a license to sell tnnlt, vin ous and spiritous liquors in less quan tities than a gallon for a period of six 10 and 11, block 45, Medford, Or. T. F. MOORE. Dated May H, 1008. Goal for Bate. We are now nreoared to furnish hand picked coal at the mino, live mile ast of town, in any amount aosirod For HBh Up Sound. WASHINGTON, May 2H. The house odny passed a bill establishing two fish ntcheries on r'ugoi sound. Why Don't You Oct Kext? Do voii.use Dnvls' Best Flourf Dou 't let your grocery talk you into buying other brands shipped in. Davis Bout sells for less money and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a sack and be convinced. will find purest DRUGS Pine Stationery, PerfumeH and Toilet Articles of all kindti, including New Home Sewing MnehineH, at the MEDFORD PHARMACY, lac. The Big Drug Store with Llttlo Prices, near tho Postoffice. Fay flilbert I'rescrlptionist Clarence Bnrko Secretary Stop Paying Bent. Tho Oold Roy Benlty Company will build you a houso to suit you and you enn pay for it in easy monthly pay ments. Investigate this nt once. Call t 20C West 7th street. B0 WANT Kl Partner, who is willing to invest $200 In smnll business in Med ford; a money getter. For particulars nilcln-ss llox So. Medford. Or. 01 KOU (JALK 10 Jersey cows, II vear- liugs nnd 8 calves. Call on or address K. Hauk, Hagle Point, Or. (10 The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Furnishes hot water for ten on very short notice It can be used on the tea table or in the kitchen Attn'hes to nny electrolier Siniple.sHfe, con venient, durable ROOUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., fluccewor to Condor Water Power Co. Of-' flee 206 W. 7th st.( 1 opp. big electric sign. Phone S55. Seven Room House on two lots, on Xyo crock, Newport, Oregon; $1000 if taken quick. OUS SMITH, 411 Buchanan Bldg., Portland Or. Clean Sweep Shoe Sale TV K HAVE REDUCED THE PRICE ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Shoes AND ARK (II VI NO VALUES LESS THAN WHOLESALE TRICES. ( 'hi Id ren's Simps, shoos you have l)tn paving- $!.() ami 1 .To for. ladies' Slmcs and Oxfords, $1.49, ijil.ttO, ijtl.70, $1.08, $2.40. SPECIAL CALL EARLY AND GET YOUR SHARE OP THE BARGAINS. W. H. Meeker 6 Co. -Ar'Stut f 1 I JJ4 Always Interesting I to Men who like to dress well nnd be In the best and leading styles it is when we make an annouuccineut of new fabrics just received, especially for spring and summer. We have some beautiful aud ejclusive patterns in cool, light weight serges and cheviot that we are ready to make iutg handsome, well fitting suits by JOHN KREUZER & CO. Importers and Tailors, TATM KTTT.PINQ ...BOOM r - .: gr-.j - - t r' j,' Ifd tfSh 5r v& 3 - j . - - 'm V ft &rti t rA This Summer in one of our 7xSm Swe11 new SGHLOSS Suits ; f the sort of Clothes that s make a man look and feel like a Gentleman. "Eor Men Who Know." VTMt TA8HION SHOtvy ! XO COMPARISON .BETWEEN THESE AND OHDlNAh'Y "READY" CLOTHES; THE COST IS THE ONLY POINT IN WHICH THEY'RE SIMILAR. COOL, THIN SUMMER FABRICS IX ALL THE LATEST SHAPES AND PATTERNS. YOU CAN HAVE A SPLENDID CHOICE OP COLORS: DROWNS, TANS, OLIVE STRIPE EFFECTS. AS WELL AS BLUE AND BLACK AND THE FAMOUS "ELE PHANTS' BREATH." PRICES MEDFORD Oregon 12.50 . TO 40.00 BACK IN OUR KITCHEN Voti will find tho finest ot incuts anil other foods nil awnitiug ytmr order to ho cooked. And the eook known liuw to do it to perfection. I f yon have never eaten at this restaurant you have a great pleasure before you. Como and enjoy it today. We linve. so mo special dishes we know you will relish nn you never have done heft ire. The Nash Cafe ARE YOU INTERESTED? i : I have for sale at $62.50 per acre. NO ncivs nt ;iB - fii v orchaVJ land as there is in Rogue River valley The iiu provenients on place are worth at least sf'I'JoO. j.ft inn show von this land. ALFRED SMITH OYER JACKSON COUNTY- BANK. LUES Do Yon Examine What You Buy? To niliiiilly know villus one must om.:irc I In- ooJs. if nr linii;lit piocls i'i-oim one johl.iiM,' houso alono nml lu-vnr li".!i.',l at any olhor lines, IV ruuM not ioiilh- I now vnlitos ' r rivo you tin- best goods. Wo in vito :i eompnHson ol our K,w,s widi :iuy you ljuy in tlie pity, nml frcl llH nro ol mniiir. out. 4 KcDroEa obxooh m SUte Depositary. Estalilislicil CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 1118,000.00 STRONG, CAPABLE SECURE With large renourvCA and eompetent tuauiigeiiient, with all the interests of this banking institution in ft sound nnd stnhlo condition, it is amply ju$ti fiM in its ntntPtnont thnt it off.'rs every hanking privilege nnd nccommodatiun t'onsistent with wifely. Tho aoeouutK of firms, corporations, estatos, sofii'ties ami individuals arc ro spect fully invited. W. L VAWTEE President O. R. LINDLEY Cashier Glove Sale All Inn- (.ilovfH are nmv s.ile. We invite you to socure what you need now, fur long gloves will "nnv si-aivor. Savings About 1-3 Hosiery Sale Hundreds and liundrods of p.-ople aro buyinp thoir Hosiery here. .luat now we have some very good specials to show. The savings aro 33 1-3 Per cent. Sale of I runks and Suit Cases This is the phve to huv your trunks and Suit Cases. Kverv trunk is now soiling , ACTUAL WHOLESALE TRICE. A look will eertainlv eon- vincp you tliat we save ymi nmuov. Xo n-dm.-ti.tna on Niit Cas. ?, but -very case is marked so eloso to actual -v.-, ,.,i ,m- iMiruiii" is simpiy nil -t ru.M.MijnATION. Wash Goods Kverv pieie of Cotton Y:isli Roods in this s'orn is ndueed in priee. Let ns show you thrse goods nnd qnoto rednetions. Wash Belts Ahoutloo heantifnl White Wash Bells, nought at a snap, worth 35c e.ieh. now on sale nt. ehniee ..19c ttHj only piwcr tn mkdford to ukt Ready Prepared Lunch Goods ROAST CIIICKKXfc?. ROAST UOKMC. YKAL T-OAF, CHICKEN AND POTATO SALAD Alway Fresh, Everything Cleanly Raked Moans, Roston Drown Divail. CliirktMi I'its. 10c each. Dakorv Oomls of all kinds. The DELICATESSEN O STREET, NEAR EIGHTH Musi in wear and Waists Kverv pie. e of Mn-lin l"i; ! -rivear and every White Waist up to .1 is now marked at i:i! prie, s. Yon ennnot afford to miss a look nt theso goods if you are i...lins ti'li.r wuisls or linderniuslins. SEE THE LI.VE OF CHILDREN'S V.'ir'TE DRESSES BEAUTIFUL WASH DRESSES FOB LADIES Meuford's New Ladies' Shop BAKER-HUTCMSON CO. ( Street. Just Korth Jackson County Bank The Daily Tffej he Best Paper rnbllsiicdSp - - ; hm m "" i '--': i.' II i tin