PROPOSED LAWS TO BE VOTED UPON list of Measures on Ballot People Ave to Pass Upon Mark This at Home, Cut It Out and Take It to the Polls to Copy on Ballot, as It Will Save Time lu Carting Votes. Following is ft complete list of tho nrw laws to bo decided by the voters of Oregon at tuo. gouerul electiou to be held on Monday, Juue 1st, arranged just as tliey will appear on the official ballot. The liquor prohibition law for Jaek u'u county is to bo added to this list. Referred to the People by the Legisla tive Assembly. For an amendment of Section 2S (evi dently intended to be Section 2fl) of Article IV of tho constitution, chang ing tho compensation of members of the legislature to $400 for each regulur ses sion and $10 per day for each eitra session, instead of $11 per day and mile age. (Section 28 provides the time when laws tnlto effect, and the proposed amendment is, therefore, wrongly uum bercd.) er at night, also :,k ,.,:..... . I -- nor and in Columl. a river wont n" rest line of ... wo,t sixteen ea.t, near Celilo, and limj,j5' seme, B , . (he a(.le umitmg ioniums ueep, and nrovid iug penalties. 1 u Y, MAY 29, TOO. Vote YKS or N'O. 3 IS. Yes. 319. Xo. For constitiiti,m..l ,.i ... . uutVlHIUirUl UIVIOU UUllltinnnt nu.l . 11 . . 8 ni V . power to cities and towns, within t,.t. n u i i ' vuipuiuie lim its, to license, regulnte, control and tax tracks pool rooms, bowling allevs, bil liard halls and the sale of liquors, sub- J. iu iue provisions of the local option lnw nP ttift uln -0 r r Vote YES or NO. 320. Yes. 321. No. Voto YKS or NO. 300. Yos. 301. No. For nn amendment of Section il of Ar- ticlo XIV of tho constitution, to permit the location of state institutions else where than at the seat of government by net of the legislature and vote of the people. Voto YKS or NO. 302. Yes. 303. No. An amendment to Article VII of the constitution by increasing the number of judges of tho supreme court from threo to five, until otlierwiso provided by lnw, and authorizing the legislative assembly to provido by nppropriato leg islation for tho exercise by tho circuit courts, of the probate jurisdiction thore- tofore exercised by the county courts, and for tho transaction of county busi ness by and before somo appropriate body or tribunnl. Voto YKS or NO. 304. Yes. 303. No. For amendment of Section 14 of Arti elo II of the constitution, changing tho time of holding the regular general bi Qnuial elections from the first Monday i Juno to tho first Tuesdi.y after the rst Monday in November. Vote YKS or NO. nofi. Yes. 307. No. Referendum Ordered by Petition of the People. An act providing that in nil countlos, tno sheriff shall hnve tho custody of prisoners committed to or confined in tho county jnil, and such prisoners shall bo worked at such places and for such timq and in such manner as the county court may direct and Hint in counties of over oik- hundred thousand inhabi tants, the snlarics of gunrds and jailers slinll not exceed it".nl per nionlh and the price of meals furnished prisoners shall he 12i,;C each. Vote YKS or No. i-uuaiuuuonni nmenilmnnr nm. Vidillg that all dwelling hnnso. hirn. sh.ds, outhouses, and all other appur tenances thereto: sll uuiiuiiigs. For constitutional amendment provid ing that all dwelling houses, barns, sheds, outhouses, and all other appur tenances therotoj all machinery and buildings used exclusively for ma an fucturing purposes and appurtenances thereto; all fences, farm machinory and appliances used as such; all fruit trees, - niLM, snruus, aim an otner unprore meutMou farms; ull livestock; all house hold furniture iu use; and all tools owned by workmen and in use. shall bo exempt from taxation in addition to exemptions now authorized bv the con stitution. Voto YES or NO. 322. Yes. 32H. No. For nu amendment to Article II of tho constitution giving the voters now or to call a special election at any time to di.schnrgo any public officer and elect uis successor. Vote YES or NO. 324. Yos. 325. No. A bill for a law instructing members of the legislature to voto for and elect the candidates for United States scan tor' who receive the highest number of votes at tho general election. Vote YES or NO. 328. Yes. 327. No. For constitutional amendment giving tho people power to make lnwe for election of public officers by majority vote instead of pluralities; to proviuo that political partipB ana votors' or ganizations shall bo proportionately rep resented m nu ortices iiuca oy mo election of two or more persons, and that a voter shall vote for only one person for any office, and may indicate iiis second, third, etc., choice; and to provide for a simple metftod or pre cinct residence and registration. Voto YES or NO. 328. Yes, No. 308. Yos. 300. No For an net requiring railroads and other common carriers to grant free transportation to state officers and county judges and sheriffs, as a condi t.ion "precedent to acquiring land for corporate purposes by tho exercise of eminent domain, nnd to prohibit Hie pnyment of mileage for such freo transportation. Vote YES or NO. 310. Yes. 311. No. An net to nppropriato tweuty fivo thousand dollars annually for four years to he used in purchasing grounds nnd building armories for the use of tho Oregon Nntionfil Onnrd, the money to bo expended under the supervision of tho stnto military board at any time during tho four years, the board not be ing required to use each appropriation the year it is appropriated. Tho Ore gon National Guard is required to pay to tho stnto treasurer such rental for the use of said armories as may bo fixed by the stnto military board. Vote YES or NO. 312. Yes. 313. No. An act to amend Section 3.12H of Bellinger & Cotton's Annotated Codes nnd Statutes of Oregon by increasing the annual appropriation for the sup port nnd maintenance of the I mvorsity of Oregon. Vote YKS or NO. A bill for a-lnw to limit the amount of money candidates and other persons nav contribute or spend in election ampaigus; declaring what shall con stitute corrupting use of money nnd undue influence in elections ond pun- shing the same; prohibiting attempts on election day to persuade any voter to vote for or ogtnnst any cnndidatn or cn'vlidates or any measure submitted lo I he people; to protect the purity of I ho ballot; furnishing informtion to voters concerning candidate and par ties, partly at publio expense, uft pro viding for tho manner af eoBluetUf election contests. Vote TE3 or HO, n0. Yes. .131. No. V. Ml. mi .H.-,,Ml.MK .... 25, 1908, fishing for salmon or sturgeon nt any time, by any means, except hook nnd line, in tho Sandy river or any of its tributaries, or in the Columbia riv- - ...... its tvllxif orint nf anv place up stream from its confluence. with the tsandy river, or win noon and lino during tho spawning season. Voto YES or NO. 332. Yes. 333. No. For constitutional amendment provid ing for the choosing of jurors and grand .,.! li!i nn ncrson eon be ,ue.ia, " ...... - i charged in the circuit courts with the commission ot a crime or a miu'in-.m- ...inn indictment found bv a grand jury, except when a court holds an indictment io oe ih-ii.t.ii .-, .. triet attorney may file an amended in- '.ictmont. Vote YES or XO. 334. Vos. 33.1. No. 314. Yes. A hill for nn net to create tho county nf Hood River out of the weitrn por tion of Wasco county; providing for its organization and fixing the salaries of the oflieeis thereof. SI--). Nn. Proposed by Initiative Petition. For equal sufrfnge constitution:! amendment permitting women to vet en equal terms with men. " ES or NO. 'Vote YES or NO. xvi. Yes. Classified Advertisers One Cent a Word No iln, twni less th.n 15 cent, 8t Infcj, for the price of foot. Sevanty cents a line per month. i.uoi-"-! wo lir of infanta' Hubens shirt. Return to Tribune office 02 tOST Saturday, purse containing cur rency. Finder return Tribune office. Reward. 61 FOB SALE Large vomer lot in West iledford, just outside city limit; two thirds of an aore; fronting on good county road; sightly building spot; price $130 If sold at slice. .Write Box 308, Medford tf TO EXCHANGE A quartz claim, good poylng ore, partly developed; will ex change for homestead or Umber claim. Address A. Miner, Applegate, Or. 64 FOB SALE Camera; Poco A, 6x8, with kits to 4x5 (Bausch Lamb shutter, with A 1 lens, cost new SO); the. ubove cost $100; 1 tripod. S trays, 1 graduate glass, 6 plate holders, 4 doz en mounts for 6xS to 4xo, 1 ruby lau tern, 1 roller for mounting, I brush, 2 boxes flash powders, 10 packages developing powders for paper or plates. 1 hypo., 3 vignetting frames, gross Azo paper, etc., all for $6o. .f. K. Payette, Box 43.1, Medford. til WANTED The acquaintuueo of a mid dloaged lady, with a sunny disposi tion; object, company and amusement; by a respectable gentleman. Address Frank Wells, Medford V. O, ! FOR SALE 20 acres Hi miles from railroad station, old house and barn and good spring ou puce; price $1200, payable $200 down and $10 a month without interest. AddresB P, O. Box 571, Medford, Or. 64 FURNISHED BOOMS The O'Dell, over poBtoffice. FOB SALE 5-rootn bungalow, just fin- isned; cneap it told soon. Men tiny A. Childers. WANTED Ten teninstere with team wanted by Western Oregon Orchards Co. at once; good wages. f WANTED 10 or 20 acres, improved, close in. Oive description, price and terms. Prefer to deal with owners. Address K. H. Bliss, Box Med ford. tf FOB RENT S furnished rooms, conro meat for housekeeping, close to busi ness; no children. No. 307 North C stroot. 62 PARTY wishes to get loan of $300 on 40 acres of raw land that is worth $1000; good abstract; will pay 10 per cent. Lock Box 656. RUNABOUT for sale cheap; thorough ly equipped with odometer, aeetelyne lights, top, etc, A. C Allen, Medford, Or. FOB SALE One U. & Cream Sepa rator, No. 6; 500 capacity; good as new; cost $80; will sell for 950. K C. Hcnsley, Central Point. FOR SALE 8. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten-acre tracts, best location in the valley. L. Nee dwneycr, Jacksonville. " FOB SALE 500 head of full blood Kornbouillol stock sheep; large, heavy sboarers of fine wool. John 9. Her rin & Son. 84 FOB SALE Five-room bouse, bcauti- fully located, with lo 0Dxl4;, ten Hear ing apple trees; this is a snap and will be sold ut a bargain. Address Lock Box 123, Medford, Or. WANTED To bay from 100 to 309 head of stock sheep. Write Box 131, Medford, Or. " ;. I. 1 .. '. BOHINEBB CARDS. U. & MOBP.ISON, VhytieJaa nd Surgeon, Offleet MadferA National Bank BIJg. PORTLAND ROSEd Festival ToV held in P0?J. OREGON JUNE It, 6( 1908. Will be the most fctmian, FLORAL FIESTA. AXp CIVIC JUBIL Ever held in the Pacific Northi,, Portland, "The Rose City," will be , scene nf splendor and the center of world-wide interest for one week. Several important conventions to be held in Portland on that occasion. Just Received- A Carload of Extra Heavy Green Lath CEDAR BEVELED SIDING ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT GLHNDALK ORKGOX YA1M) AND OFFIOK AT MEDFOUD, OHKOOX. I THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell Special Tickets on This Occasion from MED FORD to Portland and Re turn at $13.20 For particulars call on l S. ROSENBAUM, Local Agent. VM. McMUKRAV, "ienor a I Passenger Agent, , Portland, Oregon. Something New In ttubbor Tires that it will pay you to inrestigate. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, satisfaction guaranteed. Mitchell & Boeck OENEBAL WAGONERS. East 7th Street, rear of Morrinian'a Blacksmith Shop. . Medford, Or. Just Received! A Carload of IMPORTED CEMENT of the highest grade Guaranteed to stand any test. CRATER LAKE LUMBER COMPANY To The Public HA VINO INSTALLED MACHlNKItY FOB THE MANUFACTURE OF IIIOH GRADE ICE CREAM, WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS, LARGE OR SMALL. DELIVERIES MADE TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. SPECIAL ORDERS OIVEN OUK PROMPT ATTENTION. ORDER AT MEDFORD BOOK STORE OR CREAMERY. Rogue River Creamery Medford $. . AHKBOM, WELL SIOOZB. MHDFORD, OH. PliM tight Pomps ftsrnished nluw Wanted. UU ft OLOSCOCK, tsaaerf and Builders. AB Work Guaranteed. Ml a H. Pierce ion. PboiM mx P. O. Sot 771. WILLIAM 0. DMLEY, tlesident PUno Tunor. 1 Rib br th Tear. Headquarter at Halo's Piano Hon". All tvork ooarantMa. O. Bo IHJ3, MBDVOBD. OBJiGOS. DB. A. 3, SWEET Physiol and 8urgoa. Oftic at Eeide.e. Wo M. OolTbj, MetUm. Ot. COItVIQ as Buanu, Attorneys-it-L. Geo, H. Durham. hntt Pail. Or. Medford Pornrtura Co, Undertaken Day phone 333; Night Phones: l. w. Conklin 4BS; J. H. Butler lit. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ABB COL SECTION AOEnuT. Lock Boa 801. Medford, Or. E. B. BEELT. K. O. Phvaii-lin and Saraeoa Modern Equipped Operating Booms, v d.. nnim noun. 1012. 2 4 P. M. Office in Jackson Ootmty Bank Bldi- OO TO DB. OOBLE POB TOUB 0X.A88B& am Notice. I winli t" nuiKMiiii'e tlmt I li:ite pur hn.l Hie I'ftioe ai'l practice at the ,t.; Dr. M. S. Jones. My offe will ' a Wntd at" the nie place aa Dr. . . ...I ..Jf. lirxira Kill I f'o ; t ; 4 (on,. .Hid ....... ; ' f ?C.'P. Diekew also in . 54.0 and ! to C P- ni- 2 SJ v. I. Ttrij'aiihfJ ' r .1. CONROT, -s-iM4 ,f,U,., nvR '-.jcian and ewjfoa. . i 1 fishing for 1 , . .-"lrVnilnr from 7 fi " f ; P. Di.-ke, also Optical Parlor in Tarry ' Warehouse, 'ILHiis No Other Buslaess." Our circulation in Irgiti wota and large for a city thix s.;:, larger than atnj other paper in Oregon can show for population. People (to not appreciate 't i . stimithuuj for noun tig" ' human nature to ralue only that which in paid for. The Tribune' circulation ii paid. R. W. GRAY, Builder COI.ONI A L POUCH W( )R K, (1 H 1 LI j AND LATI f WOIJK. I'AT'ri'lli'NS, ETC. TKLBl'HONJi 471. ,M IflDFORD.OK. Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Gity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale Five and Ten-Acre Orchards on the installment plan. The right hind of noil, the. right hind of trees and the right, prices. Twenty years' experience in fruit raising hacks our judgment. We. have sold half the orchards in the valley and have yd to see a purchaser dis satisfied with his bargain. Before buying see. THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT 0the Southern Oregonian'is the beat and most complete south of, Salem PARTIAL LIST OF I1LAKK.S WnrrfUily pl MortKitue, l.iifm urn! Short Fornm SutittfHi-rn nf MorlmilfC Tinimrci- of I. tan I'owcr uf AUornuy Mi-L'tiunlc'it l.ioii Wiitui lii(-hl. ItKAl, EHTATK Qiiftclnlni!I)e?il Uond ftDMd MoltKUKil - Ianai With Taic J'aymont Provbion Option to liuy Lnmt ACinl'n Conlnou MISCKrXANKOUSl urn. if siiw Liquor l.lnvnrtt Kornm Notlt-o U TrimpHHHtim Crulitor'H Cliiim AguiiMt Ktat 1 'hiittal Miirttraga Ackndwlodrrnent I'-onf amnion at Judimtnt Covno fur fitunkk FOR UKNT. Vmt SAI.K. KUKNLSHI.!) HOOMS. KTC. (micanlbiianjl. MINlNtJ I'liii'nr ?,oca(ioii Itultll foi I I MinrrV l.i.-n Siimririim .1 uilirniunl 'J't iiiiftci il ('iiinriiitiririil fur Trial Sfurcli Warrant Quiu-tK r,.M'ticn Watur Itiulit Ori'iciiti ntl t'. S. Komi Contract to Sail IVl Vnmtl of Ijihor JWSTICK OK I'KAtJK t'ivil anil Crlmimil aiihyiwnmi Attamvnt , , Undirtikiuc nml AfB (.iniiwhiiifnt iJuvktlV AUai luiient (Vnt Hill , Commitment for f'iu Nr,iii'i lo.lurun Jury Order Civil Complaint. Warrant for ArrMt IMtOHATB l'etillon for J.i'ttor of AilminiMlrnlion, Ailmitiijttnildr', Ktcttruttir'a anil (iuanllap'n ItonrlH nml DoiIh; t)nlr ScttitiK Anurt Properly Kxempt fi-om Ha:rcution; Ordur t unliiinliiK Siili'of It fit I nml I'l-rxoinil I'rupfiriy Citation; Conimlxiifoti to AppraiflfM; l.oitfrn of Ailimiiixtrutifiii: Invcntury nml AiiprRiacnr'nt; I'roo of Willi LoUert T-ittouintary, Atutclimi'iit Notice of tiiirniiitiiiifrit lintnd Jury Subpoena Imllolnii'iil Truiiricript of Juilirtncnt cnicwiT coimr IfrnlerlaMtif and ArliHavlt Hummona for A ttac.ii im-nt Coiil 111(1 Criininul nnd Civil Suhi)Oonm KxtH'Utfon Search Wurrant Notice 1q Juror A coi.ipl. U-. iip-to-Ht lln of O.H. !,ANrOPFICK,lK,,OUNTV COURT AND SlIKItlH'' BLANKS. All printed after the latest and best forms. t Orders promptly filled at Portland prices, eti Give us a trial. SOUTHERN I is. OREGONIAN MEDFORD OREGON Ro&ue River Land Co. Exhibit Building We Want to Buy Lands Realty Bond Syndicate of Oregon W. H. Stalker Jackson County Secretirv Bank Annex i IZIZZZZi KNOW! Any Judge of Clothing Kimwt nirritiirious tailoring work wbn In miii4 it. Vnii will .emily prrtnouOfn our fatriiH In tlie boat, and as for nIvIm huH finish, it in nrrdlfil for ua to Minkr ;tny comment. No matter how iritir:il vnii tnjiy ht, you wilt finii it ilil'thiilt to fiiifl any flnwi In nitr tat loriiiK work. Onler for tumbinr aultt Uivi'ii irtnit attfotioo. l-'n-iH'li Hry I'lrnning an preuiog iH-Mllv (I tint. , . W. W. UIFERT, The City Tailor, Medford MEDFORD SASH DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Offka fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and fancy grill. F. BETWEEN 0TH AND 7TII STB, PUOKB M.