mepporp. or-, rsirccr.'ifAY as, w. v. Medford Daily Tribune A tlvt PPr In ft Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday Medford Publliblng Company. 6. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second Class Matter in the Postoffice at Medford, Oregon. Subscription Sates: One month, by moil or carrier. One year, by mail. .$0.50 . 5.00 FRENZIED FINANCIERING. Tn Hin.linnril nf enunlizntlnn, eonnial ing of County Judge Dunn, County Clerk Coleman and County Assessor Ap plcgate, JackBon county possesses a trio of finaneiors who put. the frenzied fi nanciers of'. Wall street to same. They bavo Invented a procens whereby sim ple fiat, they ' make dollar into $1.66 a-3. Probably nowhere in the world has sucb a simple formula for increasing wealth boen discovered and put into practice. It was alleged during the free silver ngitatin that Bryan pro posed to make fifty-cent dollars. Hero, however, we havo a practical working scheme whoreby we ars saved even the trouble of coining, and by simple declar ation find our money grown over night as it were, two-thirds Its size. Those so fortunate as to have hud a thousand dollars in the bunk beforo the board of equalization set, found this $1000 sprouted as if by magic yeast into $1666.08 after tho board met. Of courso we could not see tho increase in our coin, but nil knew it had increas ed nud wero taxed for it, for didn't we have Judge Dunn's word for it as well as that of tho other two momliors of the board nf equalization! And didn't thev all solemnly swear to "faithfully and honestly examine, cor rect and equulizo at full cash value "-'nil property," nnd havon't we .lodge Dunn's own word for it that ho obeyed the law and his oath! Don't he him self assort in bis numerous open letters, in which he is prolific in calling other peoplo liars, that he is a Simon pure truth-teller, one of tho few in Oregon! Consequently, when ho says that our money has grown liko the mushroom over night, isn't he to be believed! And ago, when hanging was a punishment provided by the laws of England for petty theft. Those accused of even min or offenses were treated inhumauly, oft en being sold into a life of slavery iu difetout lands. It is therefor with a considerable shock that we read of cruel practices nnd tortures given miuo.- offenders in our own couuty jail under the regime of Sheriff Jackson. On March 10, 1007, there was a juil- brcak at Jacksonville. Kour prison ers escaped to tho hills, one of them, a man named Gauung, accused of steal ing a rifle from a shooting gallery, was recaptured and brought back to prison. As punishment for his nttempleil es cape, he was strung up by tho wrists, handcuffs being placed upon them, tho chain being passed through the steel uttico work of the cell abovo tho pns- oner s bend, men too juuit iutwu the cell nud, taking the prison keys with him, started out to search for the other escapes. The torture became so that the prisoner's screams at tracted the attention of courthouse offi cials. Tools were secured from a jacK- sonvillo store, entrance into the jail forced and the prisoner cut down from outside tho cell. Ho had been triced up about an hour. This is as cruel torture as can be giv en, and there is no excuse in this day and age of practicing such nn outrage upon a helpless prisoner. There is abso lutely no justification for such brutal treatment. Anyone who has frequent ed jails knows that many of tho pris oners ore more sinned against than sin ning. There nro many unfortunntes for whom more can bo done by kindness, mercy and consideration than by brut itv. To treat a mnn cruelly nrous' his savnao instincts and brin every ugly spni in ins uuiur.y bpen Democratic Ticket PLEDOED TO STATEMENT NO. 1. Election June 1, 1906. For U. a. Senator Geo. E. Chamber lain. For Congressman J. J. Whitney. For Supreme Judge B. S. Bean. For Joint Representative Jackson nud Douglas Counties F. E. Cavender. For Representatives M. Purdin, D. II. Miller. For Couuty udge J. R. Neil. For County Commissioner M. Mar shal). For County Sheriff Wilbur A. Jones. For Couuty Clerk A. 8. Barnes. For Count) Recorder J. C, Master- ion. For County Treasurer M. M. laylor. For Couuty Assessor R. II. Dow. For County Surveyor E. B. Sawyer. For County Coroner Dr. A. C. Stun-ley- REPUBLICAN TICKET. Election June 1, 1908. I'nited States Senator- II. 1 Cake. For Representative in Congress- lis C. Hawley. For Food and Dairy Commi .1. V. Bailey, For Sunreme Judge Ro' For Railroad CommW Campbell. ,frney, Jackson r or rrosecun AB, r. Mulkey. anu josepumo 01ltIltivc Jackson For Joint Rcs-J. A. Buchanan. and Douglas Kivcsj. L. Hammers For Hcprei ley, n. "yjudae O. W. Dunn. ty Commissioner James Golden Grain W PER CENT PURE CEREAL COFFEE For Co For Owen qu ntlv the treatment hckson 's onntv Sheriff D. II. Jackson. y County Clerk W. R. Coloman. County Recorder H. T. Burnett. m r'imitv AuaOHdor W. T. OrlevA. y For County Treasurer J. M. Crone- miller. For County School Superintendent J. Percy Wells. For County Coroner A. E. Kellogg. For County Surveyor F. A. Grisez. i . nt a given rpisoners unaer ouejr to in)( administration is cnlcu'80U1 them in the slough oft ,n!iion A man who 'H,torimi eonfid the torture of If eounty is not wor eil to his enro Ilot worthy of being thy nf ro-eWftj011 0f power, where it placed inr ,im or his subordinates is poRidth0ir potty spite nnd chagrin to wipiPflg prisoners. iff Jackson merits defeat on nc- it of his muddled tux records and don't wn Iinngiuo vain tilings when wnollieieney iu tho conduct of tho tax tuik to bp hIiowh and can't find ar with a microoeopo tho inflated Ah thftt Judgfl Dunn nnd tho ay is there! Aw our Of courso tho defect liWnoks the own vitdon, for the Am beforo il lumfl iisse to u tboVinto $1,00 2-3. was equalized uiid so to give more Htill th niorchnynrtli of (foodft for than the dolhwo lone uixty-Bii uiid our iiionoyj" presumably througli two-third In theHO days of trust their n't ataad much dhow, uny b nyn wo una mercnantn acmnnmng 12-3 centH of tho dollar in nddi ty their regulur juofitH, Kveryone in see at a glaucn how much money them is iu" keeping storo in Jar k son eounty. Two of thin cotorle of hitf!. finaii cierH are fltikiiig re election upon their t'eordn. Thoy hove repfatrdly proved the 0(12 3 per cent ini'ii-a- in valuatiomi from the ilntfurn., and have aid that thry nlll do the mmv thing ovi-r ttRiiin and that their art ion was right and legal. In other word, it is perfectly juttt and right to mitkv a dol Jar Into a dollar and sixty-nix and two thirds centi, no un to lax a man for two-third mnro than he ponaoHHeii, In cam of their U'-eleetiou the property owners may look to wo their money grow still nioro rapidly to awelt the tax list. We are a simple, untophmtieated peo ple, we resident of southern Oregon, but mauy of us are from MittHouri nnd have to be shown. Buch scintillating financial genius as exhibited by the board of pqunlUntion In the increasing of our wealth dnr.zles w. We don't want to be classed by RoonevcU na among the "malefactors of great Wealth," "those, whom? faces have grown hord, while their bodies grew oft," nnd that will bo our class if wo permit Judge Putin to kei-p on prac ticing his frenxted finance, niHgicnlly iucreasing our wealth by the stroke of a pen. ii-J. , i MAN'S INHUMANITY TO MAN. collecting department. Hut nioro than nil this, ho merits defeat becauHO of his brutal inhumanity to those unablo to defend thcuiNolvos, those unfortunates entrust cd to his euro by tho people, of .TacltHon county. RAILROAD ASSESSMENT, "It is saitl that the board of equal ization did not mine the railroad as (trsKUH'iit mi its InmU along with the aNfle.HHinent of tho other property of tho county. This is as near the truth as tho other falsehoods which have been circulated. Kvcry piece of prop erty iu .laclchon county wax raii-d the same proportion as ovi-rv other piece." Medford Mail. Tor the hem-fit of the organ of the com tin tone ring, which in It v'mg to bei-lond the isHtte, i rati be nluted that no one ever rhatged that I he railroad Hapel "eipcili.iilioa.i" What did hap pen, however, was the material reduc tioii in railroad artHesiiuent, by the board of eualtat ion before I he lmri .onlal r.-iiHC v;rN nbipped oil. In It'i'tl the eonrthouNe ret'onln whou that the Southern Pacific enmpanv paid axes on an an-iiHsed vnluatioti of $3,- 341.l"1. In 1007 the board of cquali .at ion reduced this gross valuation to $3.11,91,7, a reduction of $lo0.l.rt.-i. Then the property was "equalized" and the tfd 2 3 ier cent raise was slapped on. I any farmer secure reduction in asHosMed vadhmtioil before the h or iron tal raise proportional to that of this rpo ration 1 A STATRMKNT BY I). II. MILL Kit Certain persons in Juckson county, who are opposed to my election as rep resentatives, are circulating a report that I did not sign Statement No. 1 at the time I filed my declaration as a candidate for nomination. In reply f wish to say that I am heartily in favor of Statemont No. 1 and have always been, as 1 believo that the majority of tho peoplo should have the right to say who should bo elected United Htntea senator. At tho time I filed my declaration for nomination 1 wrote out a statement to tho fact that was in favo" of Statement No. 1 and sent, it to the county clerk with my Icclnrntion, thinking that it could be made a part of tho declaration and wishing it to bo made a part of it, but it seems that this was not done, nud I do not fool that this is my fault. t want to say right, now that I was then and urn now a Statement No. 1 man, and 1 pledge myself that if elect ed representative I will cast my vote for tho man receiving tho majority of the vote of 'the peoplo of Oregon for united States senator, irrespective of party, which the two republican can- lidates for representative, J. t. Hnm- mersley nnd H. D. Kubli, have declared thev will not do. Hespeet fully submitted, 0 ' I), H. MH.T.KR ARGUMENTS IN FAVOR OF INCREASING SUPREME JUDGES "Man's inhumanity to man make countless thousands mourn." Hloee the dayi of inquisition, when in tbe suae of religion fiendish tortures were practiced upon the helpless pris oners, humanity has constantly grown better. As civilization advnnced in no way was its progress shown clearer than ( Jo the more humane treatment given prisoner. There must be a good deal of the sav age In the mnn who delights in torture of any kind, whether of man or beast. The aborigines took a devilish pi en vi re in maltreating victims. The brute of today who baa a thin Yenoer of civil ization spilled upon him to hide from the unobscrving bfs real nature, shows himself in his treatment of Inferiors or unfortunates. . Among the many measures to bo vot ed upon at the coming election is the proposed constitutional amendment In- reasing the number of judges of the supreme court. "This proposed amendment has the fol lowing advantages: first It simply substitutes regular judges for the present eonimisioners, Second It adds no additional ex penso to the conduct of the court, there being relat ively the same n umber of men at tho same relative salaries. Third It will expedite the hearing of appealed eases, Konrth As to all rearrangements of the inferior courts comprehended by this amendment, the matter is left to the legNlature, as the interests of the different localit iet may require. THE OLD HOWARD EANCH Throe miles south of Medford and i?1 miles west of Phoenix, is now cut up iu small tracts to suit the purchaser. One fourth cash, balance in three pay ments. This is a rnre opportunity for men of small meant. Listed with all the agents. Rose reitlval. A 1- section drawing room Pultmsn enr hss been provided for the Medford people who wish to leave Monday night to attend the rose carnival, A large portion of this space is en gaged. Those going on that night should call at the depot at one nnd se- Ruy Tickets by Wire. 'Something which is of considerable interest to the public generally nnd which is perhaps unt generally knmvt is tho system of prepaid ordurs now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and nil points in the United States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Moil ford from any placo in tho United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with thesn tickets may alsv be furnished at the sanu time. " It tastes like coffee. It looks like coffee and it smells like coffee, but is pure roasted grains, blended so as to pro cure the best flavor, the greatest strength and an ar ticle which young and old may drink morning, noon and night. Golden Grain Granules is especially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stomach troubles. Nearly 2-pound package for 23c, all retail grocers. Wholesale by P. B. Theiss & Co. Medford, Or. NOTICK Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the city council of Med ford, Or., at its next meeting, to be held June 2, lns for a license to sell malt, vinous and spiritou liquors :n less quantities than n gallon for n po riod of six months, at our place of busi ness, lots 1(1, M. 14, block L'l, Medfotd. Or. YOU NO & HA Mi. Dated Mav 22, 100ft. 03 An Un equaled Investment. 1000 invested now will secure three choico improved business lots, five years' time on eaay payments on the balance, It is believed these lots will double in value within one year nod tho lucky purchaser will thus make $3000 on on investment of only $1000. This is an opportunity seldom offered and is only open for a short time. Gold Ray 'tealty Cx, 200 West 7th street. 0 NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the city council of Med ford. Or., at its next meeting, to he held June 2, 10", for a license to sell malt, vinous and spiritons liquors in less quantities tbuu a gallon for a period of six months, at our place nf business at lot 0, block 20, Medford. Or. o. m. sKi.snv. Dated Mav 22, ltfcS. U For Sale. Vive acre tracts just within and ad joining Medford city limits on five years' time; 100 invested now, it is believed, will pay you "00 profit with in one year. Oold Ray Realty Co.. 206 West 7th street. 60 Von wish the very best. We sell non hut the best. Von want clean and pure groceries. All our groceries con form strictly to the spirit of the pure food law. If anything shoulil prove below thin high ntandard, we iniiat on your returning it. For wo believe that we have made many customers by proving how sineoro wo aro in this guarantee, ALLKN & IfKAOAX (hVmemhcr bakery in connection.) JUST A HINT WHEN YOU WANT MEATS OF ANY KIND, VEAL OR CHICKEN, THAT IS REALLY FIRST-CLASS, WITH THE PRICE NO MORE THAN ELSE WHERE, THE FXACE IS The Medford Meat Co NEXT TO THE HOTEL NASH, FOR MERLY FOTTINOER'S FLACE. THE LIST OF PLEASED CUSTOMERS IS GROWING EVERY DAY. IF YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM, WHY NOT? SATISFACTION AND ECONOMY HERE. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP! Th. Most for th Mon.jr. Th. Anburn mitnmohil. ii the moat roomr nnd lrt nuirhin. ever offfird for In. mon.r. S It bfor burlng. L. B. Brnwn,gnt. Grand Ball July Fourth IN BUTTE FALLS, AT THE ALBERT HALL Com. on.. om. nil. Music, Wood ruff Or.'h.Mr. Tickets, iiirludtuft nip Soft Shirts THERE WON'T BE A STIFF SHIRT IN SIGHT AS SOON AS THE SUN COMES OUT GOOD AND HOT. THESE ARE THE DAYS WHEN A MAN'S SHIRT IS THE ALL IMPORTANT PART OF HIS MAKEUP BOTH FOR LOOKS AND COMFORT. We've Everything That's Good in SUMMER SHIRTS SOLID COLORS, STRIPES, FIGURES, PLAIN WHITE, ETC. WE ARE SHOWING THE MASTER PIECES OF THE BEST OF SHIRT MAKERS MAKERS WITH A REPUTATION. See Our Great $1.50 Line EVERY PATTERN A NEW ONE AND MANY OF THEM EXCLUSIVE WITH US. .. VoLOTMING 11 a JLfo x d !ar Cor rec-L THAT SPARKLING RILL FROM THE HIGH MOUNTAINS. T H. E GREAT APPETITE COMPELLER, OUR OWN SOUTHERN OREGON NAT URAL MINERAL WATER, THAT RANKS WITH THE VERY BEST TA BLE WATERS. ii an lb IS ml L 1 u VJ VNDKRSOlJ & BUR1VIDG E, LOCAL AGENTS. Graduating Presents What'i nicer or nioro appropri ate than a nice watch ring, brace let or ft chain and locket dome thing they can alirayi keep an a remombrancof I have a fiito as sortment all NEW and lato styles nnd designs, at tho New Jewelry Store, 11 North C street, near tho Postofflco. MARTIN J. REDDY J. E. ENYART.Presid ent. J. A. PERKY, Yice-Preiident. JOHN S. ORTO, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL. SURPLUS. .$50,000 . 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage MEDFORD OPERA HOUSQ Oil AS. tlAZEtmoo. Manaokk ONE SOLID WEEK, beginning Monday June 1st. Thp Populnr LNitling Woman. GEORGIA HARPER and a Splendid Conituiv ENTIRELY NEW REPERTOIRE Carload of Scenery Elegant Costura.s Popular price. Senls on ml. Tlnirs "ISN'T THAT FINE.' 1 you appreciate waistcoat expand ers in tho form of a choice, juicy stenk you will find this the place for pur chase. Thero's nothing in tho meat lino worth carrying home and conking that you cannot find here any timo you call. This is an invitation to visit us soon. Hotel Emerick W. E. JOHNSON, Have you tr.ed our special 21c and r cffe. r our Tvra nud Tea yetf They are tho best in the land; alwnv. good! al ways the same. Wo are now showing niCP jne of Cut Glass nil Dinner Ware. MEDFORD TEA arid COFFEE HOUSE 216 WEST SEVENTH STREET. McOLASHAN It JUNKEN, Props. 1 V . j.' .V'" 'f , H ' ,v Mir ?