I TIIK MEDFOI'T) DAILY TKIBDNB. MKDFORP. OR.. THURSTVAY. MAYjfo 1008. HIGH SCHOOL Piestutatiou of Diplomas Thursday Evening Follows Clans Day Exercises Wednesday Evening Mulkey Deliv ers Graduation Speech. High nebool class illiy exercises item bold at the Jlrdford opera bouse Wed nadny evening before a crov.di-d bouse. The stage wna decorated in elasa colors, rM and white roses. The members of I Me class of 'OS are: flladys Curry. pres ideot; Treve. l.umsden. Ituth Merrick. Hlancho Woxd. Karl Minrar. Cecil Hot. well, Alice (Streets, Herbert Kentiier, riiirn Wine , Mabel Wilson. larnigh Kerbart, Fannie Whitman. Anna Han sen, Fred Strang. Myrtle Kiley, Perry en-bran, Faye Hurchell and Rndericb Todd. Adventures of "Lovely Mary" und "Mrs. Wing" of the Cabbage Patch" . were portrayed in character by mem hers of the class. The following program xvis given: Orchestra; invocation. Rev. (. Ie Itnk Hull; chapter 1, Karl Mincar; chap Inr U, Myrtle Riley; chapter 111. (Iladyn Curry; vocal solo, (irace Hroxvn; chapter V, i'ercy Cochran; chapter VI. Fannie Whitman; violin trio, Alice Streets, Ruth Men-irk. Ine I'lvim: chap lev IX, Blanche Wood, chapter X, Fred Strang, instrumental solo, Clarence Kcl loggi chapter XI, Mabel Wilson, chap ter XIII, Faye Harebell; chapter XIV. Cecile Hoswell; class song, class 'OS: orchestra. Miss Warner tendered the class re freshments at her home after the rendi , lion of the program. Thursday night the commencement exercises are held. Professor B. F. Mulkey deliver the address to the graduates and the following is the pro gram: Orchestra; invocation, Hcv. W. C. Reuter; vocal solo, .Mrs. Chas. I). Ha xclrigg; speech, Professor B. F. Mill key; instrumental solo, Miss .1. Butler; urespntntiiui of diplomas, Kj N'. War , ner. MEDFORD HORSE TO LEAD ROSE CARNIVAL PAGEANT R (, Downing, mil' of t 1m must fit tliusiiifltic liortu-ntf-n nf tin nort.iwi'nl and a prominent mi'mlier of t ho 1'iul I:; iid Hunt i-luli, Iiiih Im-imi Ht-l.-.'tf.l us jj.uimI iiintKliii. of tin1 ruse fejttivfil unit mrw-t pril of flornl ilr.-ornt.-.l vch. cph, onip'titivo flout k, nijui'strinn alnh I'll. Thin Rlnii(liil piwtiiit, wliifh will contain more tliun HO iliviH.niitt flil wilt ituihrActi nut h'RH thun rtOO Woruled widilh' liufHi-M nml nonirH. plt-amiro nml coinmori ial turnouts of ovury kiml nml rtetwriptkin, with ninny nVnimtnl lVit tun floats, will bo nl 10 hVloctlt ThurHilay tiinrninK, lt' ft will 1m not loHH tlmn flv nv in length nml promiKPfi to Uo one of t ho most shv!hhi Inr nniri'initH vr devlHril on tin- I cific coftHt. flrnnd Mnrnlml Tiowniu w ilt ni'Wi-t his ulU.'inl Htaff nml iiiil.'H wit li in thp next two or tfirt'n davH. H will If ad the p.-irniln mount M on hit faiuom I hortmplibrcd, "Ntimv." fnrinerly own Pd by Mm. If. k.ltmiriU of M..I , ford. - FORMER CITY RECORDER IN TROUBLE IN ARIZONA (!. V. Snell. formerly city recorder at Medford, who afterward turned htutn 'n ovidenee in govern inenl laud fraud oaHeii and wan rewarded by em ployntenl in the Heeret service depart inent, is uuder nrrent in Klastaff. Ariz., upon an indictment for attempted extortion and threatening Per r in, om nf tin defendants in the iVrrin Hyd cases. He in alleged to liuve attempt d to ntMMiro money for contractu, let tern and tleffraniH Kent )y TVrrin. An ununymoiiK letter, dated June 1-1, tP0.V at Han Kranoineo, terminating with the statement, "Von will n-nieiuher me. as George," says In part: "Rensnu intimatiH lie is nut goin to tin penitentiary without taking oth ers with him, though I don't know who he intends implicating, hot if 1 were you I would try to get hold of nil those contracts I made with him and all let tors und telegrams you sent pertaining to them." COUNTER COMPLAINT IN HART DIVORCE CASE Tbe divorce cane brought by .Inhn Hart against Hunan Hart of Kagle Point alleging desertion, was met by a cro complaint on the part of the defendant, alleging cruelty. The defensr showed that the plaintiff had visited the defen dant at her home lat January. Decision was taken under advisemc.it . V. I Yjwtcr is attorney for the plaintiff an. I W. M. Colvig for the defendant. PKHSONAh Ir. It. S. TVArmond has taken Tr 11. P. Hargreave' practice during the latter' absence from the city. M. K. Bolton, a wealthy retired cat tl-nian nf Wallowa county, i looking over Medford with a view ti investing. He was induced to coino lu-re by Ir. Seeler. AHERN GOINO TO THE WESTERN DIVISION Information reaching here from Sac rumento in to the efTc, t that Thomas Ahem, superintendent of the Sluisla division of the Southern Pacific, w'li lie transferred lo Oakland to he super intendent of the western division. Il is -tntcd that the cluing,- in supcrin tendents Is to lie made right awav u account of the alleg'd failure uf tin present Oakland snpet inl en, lent t,, nial. (food. There naturally is a ureal .leal of spyculntloll ns to who will lc made su periutendent of the Sh.v.tn division to sucrersl Mr. Aheru. TIMBER LANDS TO RE PATBOLED FOR TIRE Plan- have been Hrfecled fur the pa j trolling of the timber possessions of the Western Pn-'ifie T.and TmiiIut com ' pany, Oshkosh Land & Timber company, Southern Pacific company, Hopkins Timber company, and vVeyerhaeuier Land company. The tract owned by these companies comprises ubout tiuo, 000 ueres and extend from the Cali fornia line to the reserve on the north. The tracj lias been divided into five districts anil a patrolman will be iu charge of every one of the districts. Tin- patrolmen of the five districts in this section will be under the super vision of .1. F. Kimball, and will he stationed as follows: liistriet No. 1, Lauds iu the inuneili a'e vicinity of Pokegamn with John Furber as patrolman; No. '-', lands ill vicinity of Aspen lake with .1. V. John sou as patrolman; Xo. .'I, binds near Sjrf-ineer's, south of Klamath river, with Harry Pearson iu charge; Xo. -I, lands beturrn Od.Ssa aild A-.p-ll bike, with M. II. Wampler iu charge; No. ., lands along west aide of L'ppt-r lake, with K. P. Hamilton as patrolman. MISS HAZEL TICE IS CARNIVAL .QUEEN Popular and Pretty Girl Elected to Represent Med ford at the Rosa Car nival at Portland and to Ride on Float in Tuesday's Parade. lv an overwhelming majority, hnviiij; a h-mi nf over SOU yule, M.hh Hir.H Tift was elft'teil carnival qncfii to rep H'tu'ii! MV.tfnr.-l at the rost earnival at Cortland and ride on th Mrdford fhmt in Tuf'Stlay night's purudn. Mitts Anna Dnniflson waw si'etind and Mist Maud All .mi third. The, voti'R wcro eouutt'd in the Com iiii-ri'ial luh roomn Wednegdny ovr n'mi by thn cnrnieal eomuiittee. Mi Tii'i is I In pn-tty cashier lit the. Hotel N'ash cufe, and ono of th moftt popu lar irln of Med ford. Hho deserves the honor hIm has won, nn she was the moHt energetic of the) c.audidalert. MifH Tiee will lenvo Sunday owning ior IVirtlaml aud will spend earniv.-il we.-k in the Kimo Oity. WATER IS TURNED ON HER MI ST ON PROJECT l'KNIhKTON, Or., May One flmuHnnd people from ('mat illa'and sur rounding counties wiliicsm-d the formal opening of the I'matiHa g eminent ir rigation project at f tcrminlou Wd nesday. An exnirniiiii t rain of eight I'oucheH wiik run from this city. The great gates of the reservoir were opened promptly by government engi neers and the water from the reservoir piiurd into the distributing canals and out over the land of the project, which coin prison 'jL'.itiiil acres of fine mi tidy toil adapted to every crop of the tern penile zone. The crowds Hwarmed over the entire project, viewing its various heailgates, inspecting the reservoir, hcadgutes, tow r, feed and distriluit ing canals, pipe line and other interesting details of the .-td.iMMi, mat project. The Little Milliliter. "The Little Minister," a dramnti.n tion of the Ntory of that name, is one of the features of (ieorgiu Harper's reji ertoiro this season. The story of "The Little Minister' is one of .1. M. Har rio's best, and gives fine scope for dra ma lie action. The scene is laid in Scot laud, nnd the story deals with love.; labor and religion. The central figure. , Lady Mabbie, who is the ward nf Lord 1 Riutoul. a magistrate, overhears the eon ; versa t ion of the authorities, in which they are planning to arrest a number of misguided weavers of thruuii. and j for a girlish Inrk, and also moved by pity for the common people, she inn pic radcH in gypsy costume and gives the weavers warning, thus foiling the plans of t he officers. She meet h the' Little Minister by nccideni. lie falls iu love with her. No! knowing her r.mk, the match is opposed by all of his , ongregation until she wins their hearts bv her sweet and lovable character. In Lady Ilabbic Miss Harper has a p:irt well suited to her capabilities as an actress, aud one in which she lias ictiieved remarkable success thro 'out the Middle West, She is supported by. Joseph Petriek as The Little Minister and an unusually strong company. The play will be produced with special seen cry and correct costumes. 1 M iss Harper s engagement at the Medford Opera House is for one week. be(ji utiiny Monday, June 1. Cnrsteju at White Temple. In the tiliiem t Or. J. W'hiteomb Urongher. pnstor of the White Temple,1 Portland. Uev F. W fastens of Me- , Minuville college, fonnerlv of Medford. preached Sunday morning on "The i'hri-tian Kvtra." lie took for his text M:itt. v:-H H. in which Christ is quoted as siiving to his disciples: "Ye have In nrd that it h:.th been s:iid, thou shalt love thv neighbor and hate thine ene mv. Hiit I sav unto you. lovn your ene iiiieH. bless them that curse you. and pruv for them w hi. h despitef nlly use on and petseeote yon." Nash Hotel Arrivals. li. II. Miller. W r Walling. Minne npulis; I'h.-iiles V ll..vce. Portland; .Ins.. A. Slor.ih. Will.aiu Smilev. ,-itv; Mrs. i:. .1. i-.dc. it ,i i vi... coi..,tin; j. n. II. aid. Sterling Mine; Kov S. Wagner. Portland; It X. Aylwin, F. M. (1 Menra. Miss K Tl Sh,,en. San Francisco; .las Schmidt .1 W. Hoi. in. tlrants Pass; 0. A. Irlnle. SI. I.nois; K. II. Fralick, T. K. Palm. r. W 1, Clarke, San Fran Cic; land II, V. SI a rr, A. K. 1, arson. Port Nevada's Ooventtw an OroKonlnn. I 'NT Kill, nr.. May VS.-IVn S. Iticker-.m. xxho is noxv governor of 1SV- ada. x ice John Sparks, deceased, is ft Malheur county l...y, aged 4 years. His parents reside on ft farm five miles xvest of Vale. He left M section seven rears ago for Ncxa.tn and joincit tne .Miners I'tiion in White Pine eonnty, and when the union nskisl recognition on the state ticket he was named as llentonrnt gov emor. He serve" in the Philippiue war. ceti.tjn? in Portland. i . ... ... ... . ..i....:..- ... v.l SOCIAL AND PERSONAL I f you ant iw cream, give your order to the Hook Store Creamery. " MessrH. Potter and (iould of St. Juliu ( )r., owners of one of I lie finest or chards iu the valley, that formerly owned by Mr. Watt, are in Medford. All I. mils of job jointing at Portland prices, Attorney li. i. Smith of tirauts Pas spent Wednesday in Medford.' Miss K'llu (iauuyaw, stenography and typewriting. lioom 4, 1'ulin block. Or. and Mrs. J. F. JieJdy went to (ranis Pass Wednesday evening, re turning Thursday. They made the trip 1o visit witli James Mouahau and family of Spokane, whit were returning from Arizona. ' Ladies, we have employed Miss Pitt j it of tiage Hrot., Chicago, an up to date hat trimmer. She is at your ser j ice at all times, (iive her a trial. ' Prices rea-onable. M rs. West, comer I Seventh and S streets, Medford. MTtrnde Fa v has returned f rom a visit to San Francisco. Harry Culbertson, ge.neral contractor and builder, cement work n specially, Medford, Or. J. Miller, a well known ram-her of Trail creek, spent Wednesday iu Medford. Ho reports that everything is in bloom in his section and that pros peets are bright far the coming season. We deliver sweet cream or buttermilk every day; watch for our wagon or phono orders to the Creamery. Phone No. oga. Mrs. L. Carl of Pasadena, Cal., is in Medford with the intention of pur chasing. If you have lost or found anything, need work, or have something sell, it doesn't matter what you want is, try a Want Ad in The Tribune. Colonel Prank Kay, the New York millionaire capitalist, arrived this mom ing from San Francisco. If you want, sweet cream or butter (milk, order from the Creamery or watch for the wagon. I deliveries made every day. Phone NV 023. W. Villoma aud If. Styhnier of Te pe. Ari.., are visiting Medford with the desire of locating. Just arrived, a carload of swing ma chines. See (1. W. Johnson at the Medford Pharmacy, (i. Ihil'ty and family of ( 'ullage drove arrived in Medford yesterday with the intention of locating here. Latest designs needlework, infants ' outing fits, shirtwaists, centers, under wear, etc. N Ilecrafl Shop. .'ts2 Wash ington street, Portland, r. . .'! .1. If. ffundnll, who bought the Pel? tett orchard some I ime ago. returned from Port land yesterday. 1 .ml ie h, if you want hair goods, switches, puffs or curls, or wish to sell your hair, come to Mrs. L. L, 1'cnmes' residence, near the Herman church, Med ford, Or. W. II. Fuller of Pennsylvania is here looking over the valley. Ladies, when in Medford calt on Mrs. West, corner Seventh and (! streets, and get your hat trimmed to your order while you wait. Manicuring und sham pooiug parlor in connection. A parly consisting of W. K. Tuber of Ketchekan, Alaska, and V. M. Tay TO KNOW Do You Examine To iirlunllv kiiuw valih'S one must fotii;in- tliv (JihiiIh. If vv liouhl (jooils from ono jobltiii house alum- und m-vt-r lookr-1 nt nny otlu-r liiu8, wi oultl not ioMfililv know value or givr von the hesl jroods. We .in vile a roinarison of our ooiIh witli nny you ltuy in the pity, ami frel sure of winning out. Glove Sale AH loiin lihnt'H ;uo now on sale. We invite you to mvuii'- what - you lieeil now. fur limn Hi'vt'N "ill yruw About 1-3 Sale of I rtinks and Suit Cases This is the pla-'i- to huv your trunk ami Suit t'n-es. Kvery trunk is now selhnn at ACTUAL .WHOLESALE PRICE. A look will prrtaiuly eon vinee yon that we save you money. No re-lui'tioii-t on Suit fase. but eerv i-ase i markeil so tloe to actual rust that the hamiliun it simply an M TOM M( i .TIO. Wash Goods Kverv piere of Cotl.-n Wash jj,,',-? iu tin soie it retiieit iu price. Let u tlinw von Ihiie foods aiitl quote reducttonn. Muslinwear and Waists Kxeiy piece of Muslin l iulerxvear and ex.rx While Waist up to .! is noxv marked at spo. .al pric. a. Vo.i cannot afield to mi-s a look at these goods if yon are needing tither xvaists or undci muslins. SEE THE LINE OF CHILDREN'S WHITE PRESSES Medford's New Ladies' Shop BAKER-IIUTCHASON CO. (J Street. Just North Jackson County Bank lor of Seattle, are Htnying at the Nash for a few days looking over the or chard proposition in the valley. Any one wanting help of auy kind phone li'.l or addreaa W. H. Weat Km ploymwit Co., Medford, Oregon. Office in jewelry Htore, corner SttvuuUi uutl C streets. Heliablo help furnished on ihort notice free of charge. Jack Aitken went down to Woodvllle a Xo. Id last night. I i-e cream delivered to any part of the city. Order from the Creamery' or Book store. ' One of the workmen was quite ae riously injured while riding in the buck et with a bundle uf tools. A shovel handle caught on the wall and he was t hrown to the bottom of the shaft. There is a strict rule against riding in the bucket. K. V. Carter, the banker of Ash land, and K. T. Staples, proprietor of the Ashland hotel, pent Thursday in Medford. Mrs. K. J. Cole and R. J. Cole of Cob-stiii mineral springs spent Wednes day in Med ford. Jeff l. Heard of the Sterling mine and Miss I.! lady s heard spent Wedues lav in Medford. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . II. Ifmmii. lis li .Inhu Allwrt. I,. I 2, l.lo.-k l.ri, Central Point$ Ki-sinh It. Wati-li to E. K. (irt'en niati, 1.S7 attroH in section 5, tuwnsliip :tt), rouge 1 K K. F. (in-riuiinn to A. U. Hel lnnn, I.S7 iieres in Hoetion 5, t i w li h li i . ;i!, range 1 K Want J. Spencer to K. A. Bireh ell, lli-J.:t" neres in section 6, township .'(li, range 4 W Eil Seott to Wilholm Gomer, Inn.l in township 37, range 2 W H. (!. Stone to Rachel M. White side, lots 2 ami .'I, Mock 2, Cen tral Point Iloliort I). Norton to Uachel M. Wliiteside. lots -1, ", II. 7, S and !l, Idock 2. Outrnl I'niiit . . . Thomas K Xicliols to Willis M. Tavlor, land in II T, (' Hi, town ship Wl, range 1 V It. H. Tuft to Sarah K. "Weks. I..t 7 and part of lot li, Idock I, Hnngalow ndditton to Med ford Anna Itindlaiili to Friskrii-k H. Peters, property in Burr's ad ilition to .Modford 2100 100 .mo 2S00 j William ltiechling to Benjamin ,T. Trowhridge. lot 6, Idock l!. Medfonl CIRCUIT COURT NBWS. .lohn K. Hart vs. Susan K. Hurl; di voree; case tnktMi under advisement. O. & ('. Itniiroad company vs. Mat ildas Moll; sail to ipiiet title; decree granted. Maltha S. Slnnkard vs. Mathew Stun kard: suit for ilivorci-; ilismissed. YELLOW BUTTE MINE 18 NOW SHIPPING ORE i:iii:i-:Viiol, Cnl., May 2S. Two carloads of ore were shipped lo the Mammolh smeller at Kennett from the Vi-llow Unite Saturday. Ill drifting to Hie west from tiie shaft tlireo fino bod ies of ore were encountered. A drift will snnn he started to the east. VALUES What You Buy? Hosiery Sale Hiiiiilmls ami liuiulifils of people are Inn inn their Hosiery here, .lust now we have some very gnod spreials to slinw. The sain are 33 1-3 Per ce it. Wash Belts Altont loo lieantiful White Wash Melts, lmuiiht at a snap, woith :i."e taeh. now on sale at. ehoiee ,19c BEAUTIFUL WASH DRESSES FOR LADIES Pathetic Appeal to Wives and Mothers T. E. Daniels. Medford. Ore. MY DEAR FRIEND: The time has come when I must ask you a question, one concerning a thing, the contemplation of which has caused me many sleepless nights-and corresponding days nf gniiatv. " " ' This is a subject of which I hate to speak to anyone, and yet I must know the worst. I dare not communicate my state of mind to my mother, for, as you know, she is so old fashioned about these things there would be only one answer. In my distress I appeal to you. It may surprise. you to have me turn to yot in so mighty a matter, but because I know you so well, I feel that you under stand me, and that your heart is ever open to me. I am asking a great deal of you, but while you are con sidering this, I beg you to put aside all cares, all social jOys and devote your time and faculties to the proper con sideration of the question I have to ask--but I must come to the'point. Do you think it is time for me to put on my summer underwear? Sincerely yours, VOTE. YES X Daniel's Summer Underwear First-class cotton ribbed, balbriggau and Porosknit and elastic seam under wear in blue, ecru, white, black, cream, salmon and many other colors at $1.00 a suit. Compare our values and buy what Looks Good To You Ask Any One Who Knows and they will tell you that for a plaGe In Medford to buy Drug Store Goods, whether It Is PRESCRIPTIONS TO BE COMPOUNDED. PROPRIETARY REMEDIES FINE PERFUMERIES, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY OR POSTCARDS The EAGLE PHARMACY Is Best A. 1-:. WHITMAN, Manager, Palm Block, Medford, Ore. PARIS PRIZE riOHT MAD, STATES PUOILIST XKW YORK. Max- '.'k. Willie Lewis, i the I alitor nia fighter, is here today and isaxs ho is preparing to return to Paris. xvhere the fighting game is gosi just nt i present. In reference to the match in that city with Walter Stanton, ho said: j "silaiiton was making a l.ig hit in the I rnitod States and was a log drawing i caul lieforo 1 knocked him out. N'ow I the public have no use for him." Lewis savs Paris is prire fight ma. I. and fro reports that have lieen received ' here lately, tremendous interest is lie ing taken late Iv ring limits In- all class es of societv. MOVEMENT TO SEND WOMEN 1 TO NATIONAL CONVrvrrnur t OLOK.UH) Sl'lllNils. c.. Mav ov It xvaa announced here todav that a standing movement will made in an ef fort to send a woman delegate t the democratic national convention, which will .. held in lVnver ,n ,llx-. it j, proposed to name Mrs. Margaret Howell !via Hayes, only living daughter of President .lefferson IVivi,, f ,h,. , fedoracT. A movement of a similar nature i. in IVnver seeking to send XI rs. R,lth ltrynn I.eavit, daughter of W. J. rtrvan fcs a delegate. Medford, For. BURGLAR OPERATES IN RESIDENCE AT YREKA ..VltKKA, (al., May 2. Knrly Sun lay morning a burglar effected an on trance into M. K. Huckner's house on Third street liv prying open the front window. After rummaging the house he got hold of Mr. Huckner's pants nud took about $1" from the pockets. nff. er which he made his inn Tl. l... glar. after getting int.. the house, took .... ...m, i.eiaging in one of the worn en folks, tore it up and used part of it for a mask. Both Mr. Ilnckner and his wife heard the man when he .. .. in the house, and Mr Uocbner .... i" gei nis pisioi. which was not loaded. Hy the time he got it loaded the noise had scared the man awav. GrandBallJulyFourth IN BUTTE FALLS, AT THE ALBERT HALL I'ome one, come nil. Music. Wood ruff Orvhostra. Tickets, including tup per. l.."i. Managers, Albert Baker. Seven Room House on two lots, on Xvi creek, Vcxviiort Hreg.m; 1 1 not) if taken quick.' j QUS SMITH, I 411 Buchanan Bldg., Portland Or Ore. , May 28, 1008. JUST A HINT WHEN YOU WANT MEATS OF ANY KIND. VEAL OR CHICKEN, ' THA IS REALLY FIRST-CLASS, WITH THE PRICE NO MORE THAN ELSE WHERE. THE PLACE IS The Medford Meat Co NEXT TO THE HOTEL NASH, FOR MERLY POTTINOER S PLACE. ?E LIST OF PLEASED CUSTOMERS IS OROWINO EVERY DAY. IF YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM. WHY NOT? SATISFACTION AND ECONOMY HERE. IT IS TIME TO 1 A TV BANK. . - - x A'