THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. .MEItl-'oKM). !., Tliri.'SDAV. MAY -js. liios. WARLIKE MODOCS RETURN. TO OREGON BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. After Tbirty Years of Exile, Captain Jack's Warriors Are to Be Sent Back to Klamath Reservation Are Pro gressive and Thrifty in Character. After 3n yeiirs of I'lifiirced nbsi-iuc the ainnll remnaut tif Captain Jack' Imml of Modoc lmliiun at the (juupaw agency In Oklahoma are to be removed .o the Klumath reservation in Oregon, when! their friends and relatives live. This is the unanimous recommendation of the sonute committee on Indian af fairs in connection with the removal of restrictions on the land of all In dians at the Quapnw agency. The Moiloes remaining in Oklahoma aro but a mere handful of the hand of 217 lusty braves who were taken from the Klnmnth reservation to Indian ter ritory in 1S74 right after tin- Modoc war. Ever since their arrival in the southwest these Indians have been long ing for their Oregon home. Of the 217 only 41) remain ami ten of these have found their way back to Oregon, leav ing only Hit. As a matter of fact, only ,17 of the Indians originally moved are living. There is a pathetic story of genuine homesickness which has result ed in the depletion of the baad. The Mndoes urn thrifty and have not spent the time in idleness. They are exartordinarily good workers and for years have maintained themselves sole ly by their own manual labor. It is thought by the more progressive mixed bloods on the Klamath reservation in Oregon that the coming of the rem nant of Captain .lack's once warlike baud will have a splendid effect on the entire tribe on the north Pacific coast. INJURY TO FRUIT CROP CAUSED BY BAD WEATHER Secretary Williamson of the state board of horticulture is ill receipt of reports on fruit i-oaditious from all parts or the stale tliat indicate that while many of the most important fruits will yield a good crop, the late frosts and backward spring have caused consid erable damage, siiys the Oregotiian. The upploerop, the most important fruit yield ot the state, promises to be a bumper one. It is expected more ap ples will be produced this season than ever before in the history of the state All apple-growing sections send in most encouraging reports. rrunes, which come next in inior tnnce, will not return so large a crop as last year. 'The crop is reported to be small because of the frosts and cold wentller. Some sections report less than one-half a crop. Douglas county will have n fair crop, but as a whole the reports indicate a large falling off from the normal vield of the state. Eastern Oregon, which ships the trait green, will have a fairly good yield. The near crop has been injured on the lower lands of southern Oregon by cold oud oiiseusonable weal her and more or less damage has been done in the Wil lamette valley to the Uarllett pears, the nriiiiniuil vnrietv grown in tho valley. The crop will be below two-thirds of a normal vield, it is expected, ulthoagh eastern Oregon reports the prospects rr-ooil for pears. The cherrv emu will be large in bane ,.l ,.K,i in eastern Oregon, but elsewhere the yield is expected to be from one-half to two-thirds of last years ..rnvo due to frosts late in the spring. Peaches have been injured slightly ia manv places, but the districts where til bulk' of the crop is grown report condi tions aro in very good shape lor an ..,, It is still too early to tell about grapes. W. ('. Aiahouev i ,,t after 4Up,i,.s and will bring ba,-k a b-avv I,, fr merchants. The government rangers are Inspect ing various homesteads and find every thing CI. K. a u,l that malicious reports are unfounded and made chiefly by parties having personal grudges agains; the homesteaders. These rangers are a fair set of men and are trying to fol low (InrlicJd's instruction., I.. 1...1.. not hinder homesteaders. Some Jacksonville parties butted into the late school meeting and made some little trouble, but it will all be straight eiied out, as another and legal school meeting will be held. The county super intendent has already approved of the school pluns for the new building and the district board will be governed by this action ami the action of the vot ers. Scott (iaspil left Tuesday for Med ford and will return with store supplies. K. Powers has been employed by the board of school directors to draw the plans for the new schoolhoasc. which the district has ordered built. There is one of our citizens so anx ious for office that it has been decided to elect him constable. Let the voters remember that what ever is for the interest of Butte Falls and its business is for their interest, and volo accordingly. The Eriekson brothers have gone to tho valley to secure work, as they find they cannot make a living oa home steads, and being lucii of small means must earn something to pay exjienses. They are worthy men and tho kind that make a county and should receive all encouragement. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Krickson of the unsurveyed lauds have gone to Medford on a short visit. fleorge Weil of Willow Creek has gone to Ashland to see his wife. Colonel F. V. Medynski passed through llutte Falls on his way to his hointstend. Ho found the roads nearly mpassnble at places and made cuts around to escnpe the. ehuekholes and ruts and avoid dangerous crossings. Emmett Austin of the unsurveyed has purchased a ranch near Woodville and will soon remove to it. The school election was held Monday and there was considerable wrangling ever whether to bond or issue negntiii: bio warrants for the erection of the new honlhouse. It was finally decided to bond in the sum of $3000. Sam Hudson is nt work upon the Pent?, homestead and as soon as the roads will permit lumber will be hauled the placeand many improvements made. Tho Castor mill is now in first-class shape, due to Frank Netherlnnd 's good judgment, and already parties nroanr-K- mg to buy tins plant. BERRY SEASON OPENS HOOD RIVER VALLEY Fdll SALE Camera; Poco A. ISlS, with kits to 4x3 (BaUKch A Lamb shutter, with A I lens, cost uew the above cost 1"; I tripod. 3 trays, 1 graduate glass, 6 plate holders, 4 do eu mounts for 0x3 to 4xo, 1 ruby lun lern, I roller for mounting. 1 brush, - boxes flash powders, lu packages developing Hiwders for paper or plates. 1 hypo.. 2 vignetting frames, .( gross Azo paper, etc., all for 6". .1. K. Payette, Box 4.!.1, Medford. 1)1 STOLEN -Sunday or Monday uighl, single harness aud collar, from L-ieit Anderson's barn ou West 7th. re ward for apprehension of thief or return of harness. Call Tribune of fice. 60 FOK SALK 20 acres 1 'i miles from railroad station, old house aud barn aud good spring on place; price $1200, payable $'200 down and $10 a month without, iuterest. Address P. O. Box 371, Medford, Or. 04 WOODVILLE NEWS NOTES. up the munv people are wondering .l- thorn are no trout in the streams. If 'thev would just take a trip up Evans creek and look at the many moii. ... of trout dead in tho irrigation ditches j :., th KUs thev would know where ti.v were irmnir. It seems as though the' fish warden has never made a trip creek. oil can gel "i .'i.u,..i in a few minutes in these ditches. Not only that, mii me -... i.i f..rfol. where they have been '.... hv running water on the grass Yon can 'see them from two inches up .., t vet no one says ... tl.o ..nine to the warden. .,.ior..,.,,d there is no screen nt either .e ..... .i u on Kvnns creek. one ... . i.e ,iom. , To., crter nlace. which ehaaged hands a short time ago, is to b. l..r..l and nut out to fruit trees. rwlov A Streets arc . eono-nts on their land above town it Hint Sheriff Jackson Illl.lloi , i.-.i I....1 .l.eain one night last week .. .i l... m-oi.l to heaven. When lie ore... .. . he entered he met St. Peter, who tol i.:.... "Do von see inai ......... " .vs the sheriff. "Well ...... '1...1L- '. to the top a ad for every ,in vou eninniilted since i...,";t-f make a mark." told and started up w here he "Hello, judge. word I making many take von have been He did as h the ladd t .lodge Dunn coining down where are you goi,.K. At .,,, ,W1. alter more coo.-- ,,...!.,, .lav's Baseball. . , i...,.l,..l 1. San I ran I'ortian.i---. 1. 1... ....lines. CISCO , Kiusella and Whab n, Jon-' I""".'"- .. .aloud 4. " At San r'raneisco Angeles X Uattoric is Kroesther and liatlorn Berry an. -Oakland 4, Hardy and la Easterly. Fl'RXISHED ROOMS over postoffiee. The O'Dell. To be held in PORTLAND, OK KG (3 JUNE 1 to u 1908. Will lie tl moat brilliant FLOKAli FIKSTA AND erne .lUBiLKu F.ver held in the Pacific Northwest. FOR SAI.F. o-rnoin buugnlow, just fin ished; clieap if sold soon. See uuy A. Childers. WANTED Ten teamsters with teams wanted, by Western Oregon Orchnrds Co. at onco; good wages. FOK KENT Furnished rooms, 00 Trips street, second street south on East Seventh. Apply to Mrs. O. Bowmau.5Ct WANTKII 10 or 20 acres, improved, close in. Give description, price and terms. Prefer to deal with owners. Address E. II. Illiss, Box ., Med ford. tf FOR RENT 5 furnished rooms, couvo nient tor housekeeping, close to biisi ncss; no children. No. 307 North ( stroet. 2 PARTY wishes to get loan of $300 on 40 acres of raw land that, is worth $1000; good abstract) will pay 10 per cent. Lock Box 6;w. IM'NABOUT for cub) cheap; thorough ly equipped with odometer, acetelyne lights, top, etc. A. O. Allen, Medford Or. FOR SALE One U. S. Cream Sepa rator. No. 6: 50Q capacity; good as new: cost $80: will sell for $"0. R C. nenslov, Central Point. FOK SALE S. N. Subdivision is in the market uow; choice ten-acre tracts, best location in the valley. L. Ne- demeyer, Jacksonville. FOR SALE 300 head of full blood Rnmhonillet stock sheep; large, heavy shearers of fine wool. John S. Her- rin & Son. 84 HOOD RIVER, Or., May 28. The strawberry season opened at Hood Riv er this week, when 100 crates or ber ries, selling nt $4 crate, were shipped bv express. Indications now point to 101. that will reach 100 cars and will be of as fine quality as any that has ever been shipped from Hood River. This is said to be indicated by the long lossoming period which this year has extended over a period of 40 days. The blossoms aro also larger than they have ever been known to be. 0 fact which is said bv veteran growers to show that berries will be extra large this year. Hie niekinir season usually lasts for the same length ot time as the luos soming period, a longer season than isual is looked for, and a tar lugger roi. than has been gathered for the last three years. It is estimate.! mat lac ,.,.ro...r'e in berries Ihis vear is in the neighborhood of .".oil. This is somewhot smaller than it has been 111 previous years, but is offset by the extra heavy i.onrinu condition of the plans, which now show that thev were untouched bv frost. All nigh restaurant at until fin cr notice. the FOR SALK Five-room bouse, beanti fullv located, with lo 50x145, tea bear ing applo trees', this is a snap and will be sold at a bargain. Address Locli Box 123, Medford, Or. WANTED To buy from 100 to 300 head of stock sheep. Write Box 131 Medford, Or. BUSINESS CARDS. H. E.. MORRISON, Physician and Surgeon, Office: Medford National Bank Bldg PORTLAiND ROSE FESTIVAL Just Received- A Carload of Extra Heavy Green Lath CEDAR BEVELED SIDING ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES ' Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILN'S AND MILLS AT GLKXDAUi OREGON YAUD AND OKKirU AT MEDFORD. OREGON. irtlahd, "The Rose City," will be a scene of splendor anil the center of world wide interest for one week, vcral important conventions to he held in Portland on that occasion. THE SOUTHERN ACIFIC CO. Will Sell Special Tickets on This Occasion li-oin M WD- FORD to Portland and LV- 1. turn at. $13.20 For particulars call on A. S.- ROSENBAUM, Local Agent. VM. M.MUIillAY, Passenger Agent, . Portland, 'Oregon. Something Nov In Rubber Tires that it will pay you to investigate. COMPLETE STOCK. . prompt work, satisfaction guaranteed. J Mitchell & Poeck - GENERAL WAGONERS. East 7tll Street, rear of Merrimau 's Blacksmith Shop. Medford. Or. Just Received! A Carload of IMPORTED CEMENT of the highest grade Guaranteed to stand any test. CRATER LAKE LUMBER COMPANY J. T. -ANKROM, WELL DIGOER. MEDFORD, OR Prices right. Pumps Furnished when Wanted. BALL ft OLOSCOCK, Contractors and Builders. All Work Guaranteed. Office with 0. H. Pierce Sou. Phone flS3. P. O. Box 77K WILLIAM c7 DEBLEY, Resident Piano Tuner. Special Rates by the Vear. Headquarters at Hale's Piano House. All IVorlt Guaranteed. P. O. Box 563, MEDFORD, OREGON. DR. A. B. SWEET Physieiau aad Burgeon. Office t Residence. Witt. M. Colvtg, Medford, Or. COLVIO k DURHAM, A ttorne js-at-Lw. Geo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. Time Tables "SOUTHERN PAOiFIO RAILWAY. Northbound. No. Id Oregon Express No. II i Portland Express... No. l'5For Ashland Boutnnouna. No. 15 California Express. No. 13 San Franewco Exp. No. (23 1 From Grnuts Pass.. 5: 3(1 p. m 9:40 a. m. 10.-1 r. a. m. 1f):3n a. m. 1:30 p.m. 9:1S p. m. PACIFIC It EASTERN RAILWAY. No. V Leaves Medford No. .IILeaves Jledforn No. S Arrives Mcdtord No. 4 1 Arrives Medford 7:30 a. m. 2:30 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 5:30 p.m. , OGUE RIVER VALLEY BAILWAY. v. oTiX,",..; Medford MiMii a.m. No. 4 Leaves Medford Motor Leaves Medford Motor: Leaves Medford No. 1 I Leaves Jacksonville.. No. 3 Leaves Jacksonville.' MotorlLeaves Jacksonville. iiiSfi p. m. 2:00 p. m. 9:00 p. m. 9:00 a. m. 3:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No single Inser tions less than IS cents, for the price of four, conts a line per month. Six insertions Serenty-flre LOST-dlirtf -Two pairs Return I of infants' Rubens i Tribune office 111 For Sale l.tkt within a". I r-,ve ' fiv, ioining Jieiiior.i it is sr'.lh ; i;o rhv limit . tiut infill H years nme believed, will W f'J .. i one year. Gobi Hay "" 1 ' West 7th street. The Most for the Money, ho A iburn automobile i. the me. )s"s ho will iP I ,T -Saturduv. pore containing cur ' .. .. Finder return Tiibnne office Reward. roli SALK Medfetd ihird" "'' " II. iv I"1 edford Furniture Co., Undertakers l oy phone 333; Night Phones: 0. W. Couklin 495; J. H. Butler 148. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANL COL EECTION AOENCY. Lock Box 808. Medford, Or. E. B. 8EELY. U. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern Equipped Operating Rooms. X-Ruv. Office Hours, 1012, 24 P. M. Office bi Jackson County Bank Bldg. GO TO Dr7 OOBLE FOB YOUR 0LAB8BS. Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse, SEVENTH STREET. 'Ha Has No Other Business." POLITICAL CARDS. 3. B. NEIL. Democratic Nominee. FOR COUNTY JUDOE, Large c.rner lot in West just outside city limits; two rmntina on goon ol- sightlv l.uil'iina . . . XV.;, tin. ,c l..o .1 soli " , M.. I fold il FV'flSiK-A l"artr claim goo.1 I. .levelooed; will ' 1 ' . - .:.. Mim r l,..niest. a.l or ion." WILBUR A. JONES, Democratic Nominee. FOR SHE BIFF: Will always support the republican candidate for IJ. 8. senator who is nmn inatid br tho peoplo. JOSEPH L. HAMMER SLEY, of Gold mil, Republican Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE. H. M. CAKE, of Portland, Th Advocate of Htatement No. 1. Republican Nomine for I-.V1TEH STATES SENATOR. To The Public HAVING INSTALLED MAl'll I N'KI.'Y FOR THE MANTFACTTKE Of HIGH GH HE ICE CI.'ll.UU WE AUK PliEPAKEO TO FILL Al.l. OlillEIW. i.ARGH MI SMALL. DELIVERIES MAIIK TO ANY PAWT. OF THE GITY. spf.i'IAL oi;li:i;s gives' oim PROMPT ATTENTION. OR I 101" AT M KHI-'oKl) HOOK STORE OI( CREAMHRV. . , . Rogue River Greamery Medford R. W. GRAY, Builder COLON'IAIi i-OliMll WOWK.'iKIUiAN1!) LATH WOIk'K, I'AT'l'Kli'XS, I0TC. TIOLKIM'IONK 171. M.KI)K()IM), OH. THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregouian is the best and most complete South of Salem PARTIAL LIST OK KEAI. ESTATE Wnrntnty Dcmt MirtnuK. I.uiur und Short F'onni KiiiiMtMi-i'n f Mrtirna TinnHfcr of I.len I'uwfr of Alionii'y MuoliHiiic'ii I. ifii Wutui- K ik lit 0tton lo Muy Ijmi Ant iQunrncti' MI.SCKJ.I.ANKOU.S Hill of Snlf Lhiunr l.icntwi Korinn Noili'fl lo Tri'itpnuKi-rc fieOilor'n IJljim Clint tJ MorlAv Acknuwtndiiait .'onfMion of Julinont covei b iot niunK" IXtR HKNT, POll SALK. FURNISH RD ROOMS. KTf!. (..n ribinJ. M1NINO Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Gity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale Fircitml Trn Arrr Orclutnh tut thr inshiflhH ! phut. Tin ritflit h iml of soil. I he viijhl A'"' "' H"' n'fjhl jrir s. Ttn u! ft ft urs' c.rfu rif net- in fruit -ntisiitfj Inn-Is tmr jtuhtin nf. MV hnvr sohl half thr fttul haw if 1 1 trith stifhfinl lirfon orrhanls iii thr vullcij ht xrr a iinrvlutsrr ilis his hftrfithu tnnjiiuj (Juiirij! LnTHtkm Witt-r Rtfllit O i ok on anil XJ. H. Fornn Contntct tiSell .lUSTK'F. OK TRACK Civil Anil fXiniiiHl HnbponM Attac'iuimt liticleTUktDic mJ Atn ftuniirilimnnt d?itor Atuchmnt Coil Hill ('oiiiniitmiiL for Fittr Noriri tn .Itiront Jury Ortlr Civil Complaint Wrmnt for Arrwt PKOHATK rviitions for I,tltrn of AdtuinUtrttor'n, Kxtwulor'l and iiuardloii'a liondN ami ltf-l; Onlar SHlinif Aar1 Tropwrty Kxpoajpt from Kwutton: Ordtr ConliiniiiiK .Salr or Heal ami ri-mitmi rroperiy (.iiwikui; i.onimiaioa 10 vpprier. Itlrn of Auniinirilnttlon; Tcslumcntary. I'laft-r Imatit.ti Iluml for Did Minor a M-n SuninmiiB rJx(rllliijl JmlKMtrni Trnnarrlpl Caiiimilnifnt for Trial Sfan'li Warranr Jnvrntory and Apprainmcnti I'roof of Will; litra ClltCUIT COURT Urulrrlnkliiv and Affidavit for Aitachiiivnt Sumnionn Coal mil Criminal ami Civil Subpoena RxArutloti Hrt'h Warrant Nolicw to Juror Altarliini'tit Nut i-i of amifthmfiit Crnnd Jury Subpoena Indicini!)! Trannciipl of Judumxnt A roniplfilff. up.lo-lat of U.S. I-ANI) OFFICK.MCOUNTV COURT AND SHKHII K IU.ANKS, 1 All printed after the latest and. best forms. cj Orders promptly filled at Portland prices, (tj Give us a trial. SOUTHERN ' OREGONIAN MKDFORD OREGON I i -. ! RogLe River Land Co. Exhibit Building iZZ. J I B. F. MX7LKBT. RrKiblictn Nnmla for KISTlllCT ATTOKNEV. hini- rvrr oirfr-n yt Marr 1myir.ll T' I p..;. nil' .l.:.iii;-' r,,ji Vi."i:-i A,.,.l.-i!:. Or. 01 I,nlrm wt, rur 'ufV,.iiii-r. Mrti hair. ..... k..u Mm. i " MAKLON POEDIK. Cndidt for REPIIEHENTATI VK On Statement No. 1. Fnvi.M (iiraBl4 bank rlpnaila. D. B. MILLEK, CANPlf'ATR fAf REPRESENTATIVE We Want to Buy Lands Realty Bond Syndicate of Oregon W. 11. Stalker Jackson County Secretary Hank Annex Any Judge of Clothing Kumv tut riforiuiix tuinrinj work wbuJtij j;' hp fti'i't it. Von will easily rotirtuoMi utir t':il.rir to i the rMtf m1 u tnt 'i( . ', rvl atitl liiiiab, it in tiff I Iff for u: ' fn nidltt' uny iMimmMi1. No maltir bo" ,v rriiifiil ynti may bit yott will f i nd i'' dili'inilt to flntl ony flaw in ftur ti ? J' loiiijj; w.irk. OHn for simitmir mitr V ri i-ii roiiipt utlfution. J; I-'ipih h Jrr fliitniuit un.i piwoinii iifiil ly iin. v $ KNOW VV. W. I:II:I:RT, The City Tailor, Medford Why Don't Tea Out Neirt? THE OLD HOWARD RANCH Thr.-.- mil.- ..'illi ..f Mi-lfor.l ami ,.n!,. w.'t .if 'lin.Tiii. i nuw nil. 11 1 r r:l ,-1 . I,, aull ill.' nurcliamT r ti .1. l.alnn-i- in ihr iav nthr brunils abippprl mm ii i a Thin ia a rare opportunity for iarlla tor U vnon-Y asrt guarautPfil to ,,., of ainall niiiin.'-l with all .utiafa.'tlon. Try a anok an br tlm ni'liU. Ho v.ui n I:ivi' Hut Flour! Don'-t.. vour iiru.'irr tii'.k you into bnvlug Uaia Baat I convinced. i:,ins l."ti"- , , p. CANPHiATK fAf K t.r nKnr.x I Ai i y r. I ....I I I. K 1 O.x I la Mraranni fl O. i. I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaawaaaraaaK aii iai t. w' " ' ,: L aaJ lit" " .