Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, May 28, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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The MEDfouD bAltA tribune, medfordor.. Thursday. may 28, 1908.
Medford Daily Tribune'
A live Paper 111 a Live Town.
Published every evening exempt Sunday
Medford Publishing Company.
O. PUTNAM, Editor ami Mauug.-r.
Admitted as Socund Class Matter il
the Postoffiee a I Medford, Oregon.
Subscription Bates:
Oue month, by mail or mirier.
Oae year, by uiuil '.
. 5.00
In QUineruUM speeches throughout the
County Judge Dunn and Clerk Cole
muu are dfLVmltn-j their horizontal
raise of 66 2-S per pent on iiiwsst'd
aluations in ink' by th'-in ivhile at i
hh a bourd of equalization with the
flNHCHHor. They eimonvor to plant the
blutine (tf tile iuwjujtnhle (isseiJHineii t
n pan AtiHi-Hiur Applt-gnto, to inuke liiin
the si-ape K'mt Hcninlnl -that has
grown out of the pret-iit ttvstem of do
lug buMinefiR at the courtlx-une, beenum
lie iH not, ii euiididuti1 for re-election.
Both MejiHrB. Dunn nnd I'ulemiui art1
uppareutly proml of their flat huh
of all property, n'tfiirdlenn f whether
it has iictuullv iui-reutted in vnlin and
if worth the amount they now plu
upon it or not, and both itNKort that
they utiind upon their record and would
do the same thing again.
The in em bent of the board of eipial
t .at ion before Hitting took an oath
to "faithfully and hi-m-Mlly examine,
enrroet nnd e(uiilin all propei-ty re
turned by the a.HMesHor. If the aHueH
nor had a mart listed nt $100 for mull
in the bank iiiHleod of examining au.l
finding .out the fuels the h-mrd inert' v
applied the horizontal rnitn-itnd nsHesHed
him for 116,61 regardleNN of the junt
neHH of the nrtHeNHnir-nt. Wan tin
' faithfully and hoiieHtly and correct
ly ''-Kiualmne at full enidi vnluof Yet
udge Dunn eltiiiiiB that it wiih.
The fact of the matter in that no
effort whs nmde by the board of ccjiiitl
i nt ion to either examine, i-urn-i-l or
equalize the iiHHOHMuerit roll. They tool;
the roll an returned by the uwe:nir, full
of error and om in ions, mid merely
slopped a two third iucrwiHo and called
it ''equaliution."
I udge Dunn claitiiH that tn xen are
no higher than hint year, while evory
nne who pays laxea knowH differently.
Ton proof of the pudding itt tin eating
thereof, and the pmof of higher taxes
in your tax receipt. Vet, 'Judge Dunn
nays that they did iml ritifw the amount
of taxen to be paid by each individual
one cent.
Vet all iiKieHunietitH wore not rained
titj 3 per cent over the iiMHettNnr t val
uation. Home of the large eorpural inns
had their .valuations materially reduced
from that ot the year before by Hit
board tieiore the horizontal raise wa
pt into eftVot. The Cmdor Water A
ower compuuy were :iHj,es-o-d $2s,
o:to iu lDnfl. in uin: the bi.uid ot
ean'U'.-, f,:(lu'.,.,i this valuation f
100,"vH. The 110 2:1 per cent was then
put on, making the property an ecua)
ifcr-d $182,573, or it lift imrense ovei
the previous year of $."i3,li:t, or 42 pei
cent, an agaiimt 60 2 3 per rent for oth
fT. people. In other wonts, over 2d
per cent wan knocked off the nnrnnnl
valuation befoto the horizontal raise
wuk ulupjM-d on.
Take another corporation, the largest
in the county, the Southern Pun fir
railroad. In HMW the company paid
taxes on an usseftsed valuation of $3,
3-11,451. In 1007 the board of etpial
ization redueed thin gross valuation to
3,l8,w7, a reduction f $1511,455. Then
th property was ' ei(u.i!m-t ' and Oo
tid 2 3 per cent slapped on. Did any
fanner or small property owner secure
a reduction in asnessi-d valuation be
fore the horizontal mine proportional
to that of these eorpornt ions 1
The county court asserts that taxes
have not in.'rea-. .1. yet even with these
material reductions, the taxes of the
Condor Water and Tower company in
creased from tl.VJtt iu limit ., fism.ti-i
in Iwfi". a net iiteri-iim- of is p-r ---oi.
The Southern Tacifn total tax has in
reused under Judge Dunn fr.. m ;t,
523 in 1JHH. $33,2(17 in Iimi.-, VII. lot
in lPOti to 4iW.i in Tlii-i shows
the ratio of increase of taxes under
fudge Dunn's admiuixtratioa.
What hus tii-en the expeiiei of the
corvnrations in iucrcnv,- IU t -h ha
also been the expeiieitee i f the small
Uipayer, who, besides ha ing to p.-(
a progressive increaso is pestered b
'having bin property lifted in -.omcboth
Ise'n name, his own tux pa meats tip
plied to other people's property, tin.)
his home frrtpiently pli 1 on the
linquent lax lis) although he is in pos
acstion of receipts showing payment
of tales, due to incompetence in the
nshessor'n and sheriff's offices.
not, why is it not advocating the elec
tion of candidates ,whu ntnud for State
ment No, J f tins the Mail ut semu
principle for 'partisanship and pelff
J. A. liuchunan of Ftosehurg.' repub
lican nominee for joint representative
from Jackson and Douglas.coutuies, hus
conn- out flat footed against Statement
So.' V, and thereby courts a deserved
d -feat. . Mr. Duchanan h another one
of those Keeking election ni the hands
of the people who think their own judg
ment in political matters is superior to
the judgment of tho people.
Democratic Ticket
Sheriff D. H. JnekNoiinakcs. no re
ply to the charges published regarding
the stringing up of a prisoner tby the
K-intM ho that" he had to tie cut down
by outsiders The story if. true, and
no denial is possible. Is n man who
permits Huch torture of unfurl minted
placed in his charge a fit mail for sher
iff of Jackso.i county ?
'-'My attention has' just been called
to a statement iu the Kveuing Telegram
of May 2o to the effect that if I had
not been a democrat and had I n try
'mm' to make trouble for the members
of the slate land board' would have
had far better evidence on which to
proe-ed against . them and Governor
Chamberlain than was the eiiHP'-with
nuiiiv who wore convicted of infraction
of the federal statutes.
."The F.voiting Telegram hides be
hind the suggestion that the foregoing
is asserted by those familiar with the
records. It diies not have, the eonrage;
I'll her morally or immorally to make
the statement upon its own authority.
M desire to brand that statement as
willful, malicious, deliberate false
hood, which is made out of whole cloth.
Mv relations with-Movernor 'Chamber
i were always friendly, but never
intimate, and irl the prosecul ioiir oi
rime I have never stopped to inquire
whether the criminal wan ft democrat
or n republican, n Catholic, Jew oi
I'rotostunt. au American or a foreigner,
a friend or foe. Any assertion to Ihe
contrary is inspired by criminalH. who
ii'ivo suffered from this very fact, and
1 challenge " Kveniug Telegram to
give the name of a single reputable per
son who luifl made the assertion, which
it published, and T challenge such per
sou to produce a single fact which will
sustain nny such assertion.
"In conclusion I desire to slate (hat
1 have no interest iu the election of
Chamberlain as I'niti-d States se'nator.
and, on the contrary, would be pleased
to see him refrain from being a candi
date at this time, because I fear it is
putting Statement Xo. 1 to too severe
it test before Ihe people have become
accustomed to its use. I am a firm
believer in Statement. No. 1 and want
to see its use perpet tiated in Oregon.
''I believe the people can be trustd
to lect t hi r own senators belter than
members of Ihe legislature call lie trust
ed to do so for them, just as the peo
ple can be trifsted to elect I heir own
president better than the delegates to
I he electoral college can b t rustd to
do so for t hem.
"fraxcih ,t. nrcxmv
Election June 1, 1908.
For L. 8. Senator l!eo. 11. Chamer
Inin. For Congressman-. J. Whitney: 'j
For Supreme Judge' If, ft!,-" lienn., j
Fur Joint Ki'pre;ntntive Jack sou i
and Douglas Counties --J-'". K. f'aveiider. j
For JiL-preseiiiatives &!, Purdiu, D. ;
II. Miller.
For County udgc J. If. .il.
For Count v ( -OiuiuissioiitT M. .Mar
shall. For County Sheriff -Wilbur A. Juries.
For County Ch-rk A. S. liurmn.
For Count. Irccrrrdvr J, ('. Master
ton. .j -.
For County Treuuurer M. M. Taylor.
For County Assessor If. B. Jow.
For County Hjirveyor- E. li. Suwyer.
For County Coroner Dr. A, C. Stan
. Election June 1, 1U08.
. For United States S Senator H.
' For JU'presnfltativo in f.'ongress Wil
lis C.:. Haw ley.
For Food n ml Dairy Commissioner
J. W. Haiby. .
For Supremo Judge If obert. S, Bean.
r or Kail road Cotuuiismoucr T. K.
,'ampheH. - '
For .Prosecuting Attorney, Jackson
and Josephfhe Count iua B. Mulkey.
For 'Joint- Jfopresentative, Jackson
ami Douglas Counties J. A. Buchanan.
For Representatives - J. -t Hammers
ley, U. D. Kubli. . '
For Cotrity .Bulge (;. V. Ihuui.
For County Commissioner. t - James
Owens.'. ...
' For County Sheriff D. H. Jackson.
For 1 -oupt y t'iejU W.-lf. Coleman. ,,
For Coiinty lfecorder Ii:iT.' Burnett.
For (!ounty Assessor W. T. Grieve.
Fdr County 'Treasurer 'J. M-.'. Crone
miller. '
. For County School Superintendent
. I'erc.r. Wells. '.
For (.'ounty Coroner A. K. Kollogg.
For County Surveyor F. A. Orisez,
' ' Four millionaires ha ve n-eent ly
bought fruit lands near Merlin," said
Charles K, Short, a former Portland
printer and now of Merlin, Joseph iiu
county, inu the Portland Journal.
"While there is an apparent stamped)
to grapes, other fruits for which lloguc
it ivcr alley is l anions are not hciug
neglected, ami a few years will see on
vast stretch of orchards and vineyards
from Merlin to Medlord. And one thing
is particularly noticeable, nothing but
tne very best of markelnble fruits are
being set out in the new 'orchards.
Speaking of the district, Mr. Short
said: .:..
'Ileal estate in the vicinity of Mer
liu is changing hands this spring much
more rapidly than ever before, four mil
lionaires Inning recently made invest
meats in I'm in lands near town, mol
many of the smaller tracts have been
sold. While the price of land is still
low, ranging from $10 to $20 per acre
for unimproved tiucts, il is avpntly ad
valu ing, and I believe another year will
see nil Ihe -foo-1 fruit land in the Itogue
lfter valb-y placed out of the reach of
the man of limited menus, except iu
v snta II t met h.
41192 Miles Without a Sto.
Los Angeles, Cnlv, April 31, 190$.
Ifeo Motor t'ur ( o.( Lansing,. Mich,
Two eylindi r KF.O finiehed 301.0 miles
in attempt to break world 'k noil stop
record' at It this morning, aml.Jias.av
c raged 4M -mites por day. .for, seven
lavs. This estublislnm world 's two-cvl
inder record and breaks all coast rec
ords. I-F.OX T. SHfeT.TIKtt.
Clean Sweep Shoe Sale
Children's Shoes, 01)-; shoes you have been paying
flsl.50 and .tl.7u for.
ladies' Shoes and Oxfords, $1.49, ?1.69, $1.79,
$1.98, $2.-19.
, ; . : i THE BARGAINS.
W. H. Meeker 6 Co.
l.oi Angeles, Cal., April I I, 1DDS,
Ifeo Motor Car Co., Lansing, Mich..
Ifeo uon stop passed-,4300 miles mark
at- 1 o clock this afternoon. Cur run
u ing better every -day. .Should luivi
"i)(M miles Thursday noon. .
I .on Angeles. Cal., April IS, ;?0S
Ifeo Motor Car 'o:. l.nnsin)f'Mich.
K'co lion ship car 4"is;t milr'n (l-o'chtck
t his TUiHiiitig, or L'liS- hoiu'F ; average
oyor 17 mile's per hour nnd'oVcr 17 mil
per gallon ot gniU..7"l'ftl- ridinuig
!.i-aiitilully. Should break I'reiinei rer
irl about- o ocliMk' - tomorrow morn
ing and reach oOfni-btHe record ? o'clock
tomorrow morning. -
l.i:ti 'lv.-
There in but one iisuo in the stnt
campaign and that is the triumph of
thf people will at th; pills. State
tueut So. I, which given to the people
to right and power to e!ct I'uited
St a tea Hen a tors, though in an indirect
way, is tho isuie at stake. Karly in
the present campaign the Medford Mail
fa mo out flat footed for Statement No.
1. Has the Mail deserted tho cause? If
( 'ei lain persons iu Jackson county.
who nie oppn-trd to my election as.riip
resi-ni nt i es, are c irenhit ing it report
that 1 did not siyn Slntemeut o. I. at
the tune I filed my declaration 'ns a
citudidiile .for nomination.
1 a reply I wih to say that 1 am
heart ily in fn vor of Statement No. 1
and h:ive always been, as I believe that
the majority of the people should have
the right to say who should be'clcctcd
I'liiled St:ite seiHitot. At the time I
filed my declaration for nomination 1
roi.- out a statement .to the fact that
1 was in favor of Statement No. 1 and
sent it to the county clerk with my
dec la ra I uin, thinking that it could be
made :i pnrt of the declination and
rtishing il to be made a part ot il. but
M seine thai this was not done, and
I do not fed ihul this i. n. (milt.
I want to sny right now (hat I was
tlon and am now a Statement No. 1
man. and I pb-dge myself that if elect
ed it pics.ntat i e I will c;ist mv vole
for the man receiving I lie majority
..f the vole of the p.-uph- of Oregon
fur t inted Stntts .nntor, irrespective
of paity, which the two lepubbcaii can'
dilatH f..r lepiev-ntative. J. I,. U:ui
m-Msl. v mid II. D. Kubli, have d-clare-1
they will not do.
hVp. el fully xubniitted.
Los Angeles,-Cal., April l(!,'' I'Jtnt.'
eti Motor Car Co., LansinJ;, Mich.
lf-o holds wurld noifstop ihotor rec
ord. We pulled plug ntr Vnr nt MX
this morning, -1002 mile-. ' " Letter fol
lows. I.KON' T: SHlVrTLKlf.
Buy Tickets by Wire.
'Something which is of considerable
interest to. the public generally, and
which is, perhaps uo$ generally knowi.
is tho system of prepaid iirdora now in
;flYet between, stations of the Southern
Pacini1, company and all points in the
United Mates, ny moans or tins ay sum
tickets may be purchased at' "Medford
from any place in the United'States and
inailed or telegraphed ' direct to th
,)arty wishing to come here. Hleepei
iccommodatton and smalt amtinnfs of
iuisIi iii connection with these ticket
nay alio te furnished nt the sanu
time. ' ' " ' "
NtiTici: .
Is hereby given thai the itndersigueil
will apply at the city council .of. Mc.d
fopl. Or., nt its next meet ing,. to be
held" .lune. U, I tot a license .to, se
malt, vinous inid siiitous, liipiors v
less 0,101,11 titles titan a gallon lor a v
riod of -jix monlliH, at, our place of bu-o
ness, lots. Iu". l."i,,ll, block -1, .L--lfoi'l.
tr. . .
Mated. Mav 22, llms.. . ij:,
Stop Taylng Rftit.
The Cold Hay Ifealty Company will
build yon a house to suit you and you
can psv for it in easy monthly pay
meat. !n vest i gate this at once. Call
,,t 2nfl West 7th itreet. 60
An Unequaled Investment .
fltmd invested now will secure l hree
lioi'S Improved busimNs lots, five
ears tiiu-'. on eaiy payments on the
alance. It is believed these tots-will
doubli1 in altio within' one vY.tVnftd th
lticky -purrhascr. will -thus maUo fAOttil
in an investment of only $h)o0. This
is an opportunity seldom offered and
is only open foru-thnrt time, field- Kay
'fealty Cv. liml West 7th street. ti'u
Is hereby given Hmt . ( he nmlersigne1
will apply nt th. city council of Mc!
ford, Or.,-tit its -next meeting, to be held
June l', 10, for. a license to sell 1nalt.
vinous and spiiitous liquors in ' le-i!
quantities than a gallon for n period i f
si x month-, nt ou-r place of tvntine at
lot t. block LM. Medford, Or.
- V M. SFI.SltV
latcd May J'J; lt'W.
I wish to announce that I have pur
nasrd the office and practpe of tin
itc IV. M. S. .lon.s. My office will
located at She vmv pla.o as i
.'otits' and-'office bonis vvill b,- fiom
I'l a m.. .; 4-::o md 7 to1 " p. m.
R. .1. t'ONlIOY.
riiysician and Surjjrort.
M 11 .-si
Medford will have
I Lots of money every day
If the Prohls don't go
1 And vote it away.
It if n inysti'i-y why nomo cities in
t lie ITiiitc(l StitteH vote nwny tlieir rov-i-nno
in t he way of liquor licenses
whiln Httmly ITnelo Sam enntinues to
take' in money in the way of revenue
j nnd inv(rnmeitt lieenses. But it is no
mystery why the citizens of Medford
j smoke tho eiurs ninnnfnetured hy the
! liiine Hirer Valley Cigar Works: Ho
r';uise tliey are tlie best on the market.
'Vrv them.
ft l;istos like coffee.. It looks
like i-nflVi" anil il smells like
c-ol'fec, lint is-i)'ur(! Toasted
U'l'ains. Iilcmled so as to pro-1
(lire the- liest. flavor, the
greatest stren.ntll and an'hr-!
tielc wliic.h voting and old
itiay ; drink morning, iiooii
and njijlit. '
d'olden drain Grannlos is
esneciallv recomnieiK lttl to:
those suffering from heart I
Ironlile, nervousness,' consti-:
pation, indigestion, dvspep-
sia and stoniaeli troubles,. i
Xcurlfi '.1-pound package'
lor L'.u:. all retail grocers.
What 'a nicer or more appropri
ate than a nico watch ring, brnco
let or a chain nnd locket some
thing they can always keep ns n
remembrance? I hao a fine, as
sortment all NEW nnd late atylea
nnd designs, nt tho New Jewelry
Store, 11 North U street, near
the Postoffico.
Wliolrsah- bv
P. B. Theiss & Co.
Metlford, Or.
Monday June 1st.
The Popular I.c.l.lili Wnmnn.
and il S,l,.,i,i, ,m j ,: n v
Carload of Scenory
Elegant Costitraea
Popular priees.
ilny. Mar 2S.
Seals on sale Thnrs-
Yon w Uh tlio v. rv best. We soil non.'
hut tlie bot. Vou want elenn anl
pure Kiot'eiif. A U our rorenei con
form strietly t" hr spml ot Hie pure
foo.1 law. I: uMithiin; -v,..,,!.!
h.-low t hi- ,-Kh tan.lar,l. .. insist
Oil V..(. I. : T'lll .,. ii. K. n.
I1-1 " ' ili;...' ,Misi;nl(.r,
J -' - v 1 1 ,,v s.,
M.I.I N a i:;
r.i .l,, i I,;,!,,,, ,
Furnisher hot
viler for tee. on
very short notice
It ran be le-ed
on the t .-i bible
or in the kilchc i
Atta-llPN to
rlevtrobf r
o o
Sm-i'es-or tn Conjor
Water Power Co. Of
fl.-e w. rth it..'
"pp. big elet-tric linn
9. 80 acres, all tillable, nice location, nice five-room
ottage house, large barn, 2 1-2 miles from Medford, well
watered, in reach of irrigation ditch, team, harness, wagon,
Tive Jersey cows, cream separator, new gang disk plow,
Talking plow, rake, moxver, disk, smoothing harrow, stove
nd some other furniture, all go with the place, and the
.resent growing crop. Price only GOOO; a genuine snap.
26. 320 acres, fine stock and fruit ranch, well im
proved, 100 acres under plow, 6 acres orchard. Price
i'5500. This place with 50 head of hogs and 35 head of cat
le, all farm implements, blacksmtih tools, hay, fruit and
ogetables for $7000.
47. 4-10 acres, a fine stock proposition, 40 acres in
alfalfa, irrigation, good buildings, in a splendid section for
limiting and fishing. Price only $14 an acre; terms.
(i3. 193 acres, 2 miles from Eagle Point on Rogue
iver, 50 acres cleared, considerable fruit and alfalfa, pri
vate irrigation ditch. This is a splendid proposition to
develop, about half good bottom land, nearly all can be
ander plow when cleared, sclioolhouse handy, fair improve
nents, team, harness, wagon, some cattle and farm imple
nents go with the place. Price $0000. This ranch will bear
lose inspection, as it will make a lot of money for someone.
67. A fine alfalfa ranch of 80 acres near Butte Falls,
fine stream and springs, nearly all level land, splendid fish
ing and hunting, buildings. Price only $1200.
86. 80 acres, 4 miles northeast of Eagle Point, will be
lose to the nexv railroad, 50 acres under cultivation, fine
olack landmostly in wheat, crop goes with this place. Price
$4200. $2200 cash, bain nee 2 years, 7 per cent.
C. H. Pierce & Son
Have you tried our apecinl 2oc and 3."e Coffeea, or our Pyra
mid Tea yotf They arc tho best in the land; alwnys good, al
ways tho same. We are now showing a nice line of Cut Olass
nnd Dinner Ware.
PHONE 1051.
Vou will find the finest of in en 1 3 and
other foods nil awaiting your order
be cooked. And the cook knows how
to do it to perfection. If you have
never eaten at this restaurant you hav
a great pleasure before you. Come anil
enjoy it torlay. We have some special
dishes we know yon will rolUh ns you
ui'Vi-r have ilone before. -
The Nash Cafe
State Depositary.
Established 1S3S.
With large resources ami competent
management, with all the interests of
this hanking institution in a sound
and stable eoiulition, it is amply justi
fied in its statement that it offers every
banking privilege nnd neeummodation
consistent with safety.
The nceounts of firms, corporations,
estates, societies and individuals are re
spect fully invited.
W. I. VAWTEB President
O. R. LINDLEY Cashier
J. E. ENYART.l'rcsid ent.
J. A. PERKY, Vice President.
JOHN S. ORTU, Cashier.
XV. B. .1AOKSON, Ass t Cashier.
The Medford National Bank
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS io,000
Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business
Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage
Window and Door Screens, Block Wood
Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, Including turned work and
fancy grills. F. BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STS. PHONE 63.
I'hon. 855.
Coal for Bait.
We are prepared to furuiib hau-1
picked real at the mine. fir. n.;i. i
-est of town, in any amount driired
I have for sale at $62.50 per acre, 80 acres of as fine
orchard land as there is in Rogue River valley. The im
pro enients on place are worth at least .f 1250. Let me
shuxv you this land.