If You've Anythingjo Buy or Sell, Try Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Quick Results UNITED PRESS The Weather DISPATCHES By far-thr largest and '.best news report furninhetl-by any-paper south of Portland Fair wi-nther i promised (or ' runight and Wednesday.- THIRD YEAR. MEDFORD, OR.,-THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1908, N o. 60. Ml FIVE YEARS IN PEMTEMTARY FOR BANK WRECKER ROSS FINE OF $576,853 IMPOSED UPON PENALTY FOR STEALING SCHOOL FIDS Of STATE J. Thorburn Ross, Former Banker, Churchmen and Sunday SGhool Teacher, Given Heavy Penalty-Was Head of Failed Title Guar antee and Trust Company and Took Public Money to' Stop Run SAhKM, Or., May JS.J. Thnrhiirn Ross, former hanker, churchman ami Sunday school superintendent, was sen tenced to serve five yean ill tho state penitentiary ami pay a fine of o7(i, 8.3.74 1 v Judge Itiimett this morn ing, in whise court Hoss had been con victed of larceny by the conversion of $1180,000 of the state school funds. The crime wan committed while Rosa was president of t lie now defunct Title Cuamntce & Trust company. The double life Rohm had boon living was disclosed when the Title Guarantee & Trust, company was forced to close its doors in the fiiuincial panic of last October. Kxum hint ion of Iiih hooks revealed the fact that he had eonvorted state fuuds on deposit in nn effort to save tho bunk, and that $280,000 of. public . SALEM CHERRY FAIR BETTER THAN EVER SAL KM, dr., May -S. The third an nuol Nnleni cherry fair will bu held niiereeteii Masonilt; Temple' IVeenliy A Mulem Tliurwiny unit many, July u and Id. according. to vesterdiiv of the chi di finito decision rry fair coinmis- sionors. The fair this year will be grainier in every respect than any pre vioiis fair and will be open 16 both Washington and ( 'nliforniu compel itors as well as those of Oregon. ' In addition to the cherries, for which a largo number of cups and 'premiums crete. will lie offered, there will be premiums i About -for other fruits, as well lis roses, sweel I I'ass lodge peas and a large variety of other flow ers. Tho fair is held under the auspices of the Pacific. Const Nurserymen's as soeiation with which organization Iho coiiimcrciiil bodies of Salem and the hor ticultural societies of Marion county will co-operate. Twenty cups are offered to competi tors. Cups will be offend for I he best lll-polllld box of Ilovitl Anne.s best box of Lambert. Iling, lllack Republican. Helicon, llciskin. best display of cher ries on plates, best display of cherries in inercial pack, sweepstakes for best box of any variety, fust and sec ond cup: best seedling of merit, best general fruit display, best berry display, best, collections of sweet peas and roses ami best all round floral display. AUTO RACES IN PORTLAND DURING FESTIVAL WEEK PORTLAND. Or., May 2s. Tin fcslivnl week. 1'iirt land 's annual rose cele br.ntion from June first to sixth, will be aigniiliod lliis year liy 'be ,irs' ni1'" mobile road races of national inlercsl ever held on the I'aeifi st. Two events will be run. one of ."i'l miles and one of lilo miles. Handsome prizes l.ave been offered by the Portland Automobile club, and n special prize, a .f.lllil silver cup. do nated by K. Henry Wemme. the pioncei alitomobilist of Ihis city, for the vie torious driver ill the lllll mile race. Fflstcru tiinnufactiirers are sending their best drivers to this city, nnd nl r.-adv several of the men who made records at Hi ian lif I'e. N. V.. and Or innnde, Fla.. are on the ground. Com menring today the racers will com llience Irving out the roads. All preparations for the carnival are .. '...;..llv i.oii.-liuled. except the flnial ileenralions. which will be il place ihe Inter nnr: of the week With the I profusion of roses in bloom, the floral exhibits this year are expected to ex. el those of any previous year. Four New Bishops Elected. IIAI.TIMORK. .Mil.. May i1. - Th last four of tl ight hi-liops the Methodist Episcopal cluir.-h h.'v been elected by the geiiei T eonieren. - , Rev. Wilson S. Lewis, pre.i.l. nl "f j Morniligside college. Sioux City, la.. and Rev. K.lnnrd Hughes, president ..f ; the He Pouw university, fiwrn-n'tle, Ind.; Ri v. Robert Mclntiyre of I.i" Angeles. Cl.,-alid Key. FrnnV M. Uri- ; tol of Washineton. D.'C., were il." Inr'tr ones. HEAD OF DEFUNCT PORTIAND BANK! money hud lieen swept nway in the crash. Tho state, however, did not lose anything, as tho bondsmen of tho state treasurer were t'oreed by Governor (-liuinlierlnin to make good the loss. Counsel for Rosa put up a hard fiht to save the banker from tho peniten tiary, but the jury found hint guilty. .Sentence was to hnvo been passed yes terduy, but the attorneys occupied the entire afternoon with arguments. When sentence was passed this morn ing the court grunted Ross' a stay of judgment ponding nn appeal, to the su preme court, and ho wns released on $6000, making the total sum posted j 000. - j SIMtlNHPIKLP, O., May 2S. Tbfl Failure to pay the ouormous fine i.in-. ; Wright brothers, most successful of all posed on Ross this morning would mean j aerial navigators, today began prepare c term of 2SS,000 days more than Silo ! ionH for the construevtion of an aoro years in tho Multnomah county jail. j piano which they expect to turn over i , . ' KERBYVtLLE MASONIC I LODGE'S NEW TEMPLE i ORANT 8 PASS, Ma.v 28. The newly eaten oy Kemyviim wns pur up iy Kerbyville Masonic Lodgo, No. J. A. F. and A. M. This lodge was organised 1S3", at the time when Kerby wns the countv scut of iloseiihine County. It is still n prosperous and well-to-do lodge. Strange to say, this historic, old town of Kerbyville was tho tlrst "in the countv to build a structure out of con- "i members from the Orallts went in automobiles to. itar- tu-ipale iu I lit ceremonies at Kerbyville. which were conducted by W. II. FIiinn- gan. P. (!. M. for the stale of Oregon. - At the close of the programme the vi-1 itors were utertained at -a bknquet the women of the Knstern Star. The building cost o.10il. ar' ' of the finest lodge rooms O (Jrants Pass iu this county. Ti of K rbyvillo lodge are: -.1. P. M '. .l.j Charles .1. Howard, S. VS.: 'i , Floyd, Jr.. W.: W. A. Leonoi !. tary; II. S. Wondcock, treasurei J. Ilmlgidnn, S. l. HOOD RIVER IS BUSY PICKING STRAWBERRIES HOOD HIVKR, Or., May SK. Straw- .CONDUCTORS MUST SAT berry picking at Hood Hiver is on "SOOTER" AND "KAHNET" iu full blast, hundreds of people leuving ' Fort land every day for the berry Holds.' SAX FRANCISCO, May Tbo About Jon women and children took pas- I'nited Railroads has fulled into line age on Ihe steamer llail' v (latzert for and taken heed n( the popnlur demand Hood River this morning. -Must ot them took camping outfits wilh them The picking season will continue about three or four weeks and Hie navigation lines aie preparation to handle big crowds. Aside from those who lire making the trip to assislill harvesting Ihe fruit. there are many tourists who are going through curiosity. Soon after the her- ( ; ries are gulliereu me nop po-nnie; ! son slarls. when the crowds will he ! gin to flock to points nlong Ihe ITpper j Willamette, where great quantities of 1 1 r brewing material are grown. BLACK ROSES PRODUCED BY RUSSIAN GARDENER ST. PKTKKSIII'HO. May 2s. Flor ists and fancy horticulturists here are nine interested in specimens of black roses which have been produced by Ser aphiiuoff, a master gardener of Voron- esh. He claims to possisis the serret ..f growing these freak roses, which sci entific gardeners here have been try- I lltg lor generaiions in prooiice. I ne ruse is not black, but has the slight est possible brown tinge. By itself it is '. not decorative, but when mixed with .ither flowers it brings out their hues 'Jieffectively. LAW PROHIBITING SUNDAY THEATERS IS UPHELD lil.YMI'l . Wnh.. Mav 2S. The eon a it nl innslil v of the law prohibiting I,, lucling of theaters on rnnoay 1 upheld by the supreme court today. Tl,,. case win instituted by a combina ( iheairieal men of this state to l, ,t the tonstitutit.nalitr of the law. TO KEEP CHURCHES OPEN EVERY DAY IN YEAR KANSAS CITY, May 2. "Our churches make awful poor time in the racc for souls," de clared the Krv. Dr. Matbew of Seattle in th "Presbyterian general assembly this afternoon iu a speech in which he led the movement to open the churches every. day in. the. .year. " Saloons ' and places of evil are open every t day in the week .but the churehrm 't. are- itpen perhaps two 'days. I believe that the churchott should 4 be opened all the time aud that we should not lag back in the contest with evil, but should keep to the - front." BEGINS WORK ON NEW AEROPLANE Wright Brothers, Most Successful of Airship Builders, Start Construction of Machine to Turn Over to Federal Government Confident of Success. ! to the United States government at : lort Meyer September c8. The new ' .nAk;n. uilll hn nm.tl.allff fill etliet Hll- - . , 'i,ii,.ae f tho noroolane which ' was -nuuinnva it' 'he, recent accident at Kill- i devil Hill, N. c -'n tb oporutor ! p,,!!,.,! the wrong lever and the ; iVer diving to tho ground. The j Wrights say tho accident wns unbnpnr .taut and thoy are eonlldent tho ma chine they will present for tho test at Fort Meyer will fill the bill. ATLANTIC FLEET LEAVES TACOMA FOB BAY CITY TAOOM A, Wash., May 2H Admiral usperry on the Connecticut, louoweii by the Kansas, Vermont and Louisiana 'left today for Sun Francisco to pre tljlri for .tho voyage around the world. by -The Oeorgia, .New Jersey, Hnode ts i limit anil Virginia will remain iu the ie it ' until Saturday, when they will . ' . i.i Hieoii rfon to he docked in their Th? Illinois. Kuraarge ond Minneso I . put into the navy yard at Brc' l.i- rton. ! Iu leaving Seattle yesterday ihe i (Jeorgii. had a slight mwhap and was delayed nearly a half hour, but caught up with the fleet long before Brown's Foint was reached. for tho proper pronunciation oi nistor ienl names upplied to streets of San Francisco. H.-rcafter a conductor who calls Kearny street the way it is spell ed will be subject to a carpeting, and he who defntnes Sutter street by using a mutilated pronunciation may be docked a portion of his wakes. Gen- oral Manager Charli X. Black came to the rescue ot tne rwo srreets yes terday by issuing a general order errti eerning them. The order provides that conductors must refer to Sutter as "Hooter" and to Kearnev as "Karnv." bOW PRICES SECURED FOB OBEOON WOOL I'F.vni.KTON, Or., May About mni,0fi0 pounds of wool out of some I. ling over l.OIWi.noOn pounds that was offered yesterday in first sales for this city was sold. Tho prices bid ranged from II to 1.11.; rents per pound. Mosliband, a millionaire sheepman in eoulh of it changed hands at or near 12 cents,, em OTegoo, and say her trip is .Imply and there were only two bids as low as' for pleasure. U cents. The prices paid were from 1 to A THOUSAND DOLLARS FOB cents lower per pound than Ihe growers- 8INOLE APPLE OFFERED exieeted, and on a acoured basis are j . about 3" per cent lower than lost year. SPOKANK, Wash.. May HH. -Oue While the wool opened up well a far aa thousand dollars may seem to be a pret staple is concerned, the bouyera de- ly good aized sum, to, pay- for a sinhle clnred there was more sand and dirt apple, yet that is what the dilvetora of than usual, due to the large number of wind And dust storms this spring. MARRIAOE LICENSES. Willis flreen and Anna fleppart. P.olln St. James and alatta Martin;. ALL ARM TO HUNT THEIVES Every Man in Oakland Big Enough to Carry a Goo Joins in Hunt for Bandits Who tooted Jews, n OAKLAND. Or., May Uawry man old enough to fire a. gun has armed uintself aud joined in the hunt for the two bandits who raided this -plae awl seriously wounded Marshal John Week ley iu tho shoulder iu a revolver duel when tho officer attempted tn arrest them. Toe hills arc being scoured aud The malicious destruction, of proper ty by the thug?, who looted even busi ness houses before shooting Reckley, has aroused the people of Oakland to a frenzy of anger, und if they are over taken a lynching may be tho outcome. Apparently angry at the small sums of ( .7 , i 1 . n,.,.. ........ ij...:. i.....t.,.. er iwwM..n mu" ur - t ... , smashed showcases and windows In nl most every store thoy entered, and at tne postoffiee burned a quantity of stamps. HOSErWlK, Or., May 2!.-l'h busi nesa section of tho city of Oakland, 18 niiles north of here, was tho sceee last night of a daring and record break, itag series of burglaries, followed by a fpur-eornered revolver duel, in which John W. llcekley, the town marshal, ws slightly wounded. According to re ports received from Oakland by tele- nnone touav. too uurKiars enmreji mo I onstoffioe. the Thomas hotel. tha sa- j loous of .lohn ond )nn Cronch, ud tbc stores eondgctedby the followlnir: l&feruji tt Chenoweth, hardware; ,f. A. t'niJri'ooil, groceries E. M. Brook, jewelry; J. II. Deurliug. shem; Utu'oI t PiclstkliiT, furniture and- harness; W. O. Brldgws, general merchandise, and K. (i. Voung & Co., gca'eru! merehna dim), 11 establishments in el, a record perhaps never equaled before io the history of bnrglarie on the Piieifte coast. LAND FEAOD CASES TO BE RUSHED TfTROUOH PORTLAND, Or., May 4.- Taouws It. Meuhauseo, special inspeelin' fur the. department of the. interior,, has re turned to Portland from Washington, D. C, where be has been oo official business coooocted with the luad fraud eases. ... , - ' ' I had u long talk with both Sec retary (laideJd and Conunlasiuijcr Den licit ou the general plans for the. com ing year in regard lo pushiug the load fraud cases," he said toduy. There is plenty of money in the general flfv propriations of the department of jus tice to oirry on the eases. Attorney General Itonaparte especially wants ,tsi see the dwk cleared ot;aU Iho land fraud rases one way or the otlier. "Mr. ileney will eooduct the eases of Williamson .and jiermauu. in pr sou; as tbey have been bis own ia ilividiuil i-ii-v from the start, nnd nat urally he wsoln to ser..theia tliroiigh to the end. All tho others conceioed with llermauu have been convicted, aud he wa given a si'paraln trial at his own requi-st. The Williamson ease was once reversed, but will be tried aain here either this summer or fall." MADAM NOBDICA VISITING IN TOWNS OF IDAHO KOIKE, Idaho, May 24. After tiiriw days' mysterious visiting t Bols.- Ida ho, (rbcTr she was registered as Mrs. Norton of New York, Madame Nordieu, the singer, left for l"yctte Falls, rfe daring she would remro in a tttr da-. Nnrdica arrived Saturday, hut her idru ly mis not discovered uutll today, hbs visifeil the penitent iarv Sunday, where Orchard Is confined,, and yesterday at. tended a circus. She denies that she will file suit for divorve from Ler bus the national apple show are going to poy tor tun best apple exhibited bete oeit December. An rose is entitbd to make entries. Manager flarry Nele Is aow oa .the -coast, and on hir fetarn ha will aunouac the remainder of foe priics to be oterad. . RAY ERE TO ENLARGE Controlling Owner of Rogue River ElestriG Co. Arrives In Mcdford WUl Double Capacity of Plant. Colonel Frank Ray, the New York iHillio&aire und capitalist, who is heay lly interested iu Rogue River , valley lauds and enterprises, arrived iu Med- tord Thursilay morning from Sun Fra-u- ewep. H wo met. by bis brothur, Ur, (.'. 8. Hay and his family, who are eu- tertaining him during bis brief visit. Colonel Ruy's last trip hero was over a year ago, and the past 12 months have seen a great advunce iu this valley, lie spent the day iu automobile trips around Mcdford und left lit :i o'clock for Gold Ray to oinspect the plant of the Rogue River Valley rjlectrie company, in which he ia the principal stockholder. The contemplated enlargement of this plant is the reason for bis visit at.1 his tunr. Olierutious -well commence at once." as the eanctiou of Colonel Ray raa all that bus hold tbein up. It eras stated' that the present electric output of the plant has been sold and tho on UrgeiAeat. Ls in, anticipation of l)e (jreat isereas inputted iu popuw'iog aud in duattial operations in this valley dur ing the neat few years. When th work'ie completed the capacity of the plant will Jbe doubleil. , . It,H significant that a faseeing fi ouiii!ivr.js,iasrcajg)g his investment ia the Rogue Hlver -raller at a time when other parts of the country find It very difficult to enlist, capltul in iiew enter prises. - - Colonel Ray is the majority owner in the liay Realty company, the largist land owner in the valley. ;The proper tic controlled by this company have been slesdily appreciating and upon ev ery visit (Colonel Ray notes a substan tial advance in the value of his hold- logs. . Colonel Buy does not eapec to be here longer, than the remainder of the weekend wjll then return to New York. POCXETBOOK RETURNED WITH FIVE HUNDRED SlS.SnX, (... May lit. .-Probiibly Harry tJ. Luwrenet ot' Nun I'Vaaeim-o, formerly of MeCloud. will be one of l lie buppit uien ju Sii-u I raneio wheu h find that u foeliAlbook i-onfuintii(r uor than V"1". which he Innt more I bun two Week hurt been found and (be coort-ntH intact. Mr, Lnwreoei tint.il rectutiy w:i i-ou neeled vritk tlif- M'-' lvnd Hiver tub ber e.niiipany t Mct.'loud. ftnmewhere between McIaiiJ nud Dnqtmuir he lowl bji pOrHf4, CixiruipLwn $2H( iu rurr ni-y aod $V iuVtvck. The road w;( iai fully goat! Over the njuruitj following but the rnouey fftin uot fount! wad the fcojK- of ifp feiovery bad be o given up. KtlltorW. .Sjiucu uf th Ml!iou (n lijrbt inserted an advrtleuo-ut de-crib lug tho pane und Monday afternouu a una living at Mutt .'Ufn up und turn nl the mony ovr to Mr. Spa no, r eeivlni reward of iO. ABMIRAL CBeOWNIN SHIELD CReOSSEB OREAT DIVIDE WAHHIN'fiTON, M.v lift- The anvy ij'j'arlnjfht (olay rreived au announce tutjttt of (he deuto iu 'hi liiHi-optjt ht pllnl at PbiladelphiM of (Uar Adnutul Areot H.hnylef ("rowniuiliield. fornnr chiff of the hnreuo f anviatioo. If huh retired on bi owu upliciittnu on Mtrt;h 20, l!wt;t, 40 year iu the oivr. Hj wun a uutive of New Yrok. II'- sfvut M yam and uine uinuth in uv ti n-r'um oo th w-a and the rcoiaiu iter of the time wa under designation for iinpor'aol Kervicen on hore. lie wn onfl of the tfjoit prominent omceri of th uavv uad beranm a rear admiral March in, 1002. ROAD DITCHER AT WORK ALONO CENTRAL AVENUE The rod dttcher was again the cuter fit in teres Thursday. Th huge ma- hini wn trmnferred from Kiversid aveoiiA ta (' strvt und bgun working frotn oupo-dtt the Ju-kson County bank down put th poatoffice. Progress was slow, i4 rrosjrwvlk and light and wa ter ma his constantly interfered with the advance of th machine and nice tltuted freqaent hair. All day, how over, crowd f tbs curtoun have lined fh streat oa. both lde keenly a) orbed Ja th work. HIS PLANT ALL AUTOS EXPECTED TO BOOST BALL GAME i-lvery Hutomobiliat- iu Med ford anil vicinity ii requested to turn out to participate ip the p:t mdn of prol'eMttioutil and bunt new men ball phyeM pre.-ed-iojf the threat gjtuie ou 8:itur dny ufteruooii. The bund will hend the purnde. WIFE BEATER Camper Who Threatened Rela tives and Thrashes Mother-in-law Still at Large. thuijfed with 1 hreut,iiin( tho life tf lhn McNeil, with u londed revolver, tmd being a wit'e beuter. Krmik Wil lianjs, on 1 if a biiud of rovers on I'junpei) tho outKlciitH of the town, is Ktill lit Ihiho, while rotirttithlf Tiill hohU wurmut for hin arrest. Knragfd at the inlerferein'e of his wii'e'M purent when iu a bursit of fury he Hltempted $ bent hi wife Wednes day evejiiiijf, he turned upon them hint evening nud u futn shunting wiih nur rowly averted ouly by MeVeil'n lulling to bit Iuh'Ih and Buramoping asmiftanoe. MfiinwUile Willium jpcut his wrath iu his, mother in luw an fbd, Mtf. M''.Nreil is it ill nffrini; mWcrely from the efftxtt". r . AttomptH to 1 ovate WiHtuuv have beer) fruitier, but Imh (.'am uVl r'm r being -hf M by th authorities iKlif hoprt tluit deir to Hecure hi otiFffc will induce him tn return. CHAMBERLAIN'S DEFAME , , FACES DISBARMENT POKTLAND, Or., May W. Laft'erty, :l Portland attorney, having offices iq the Kenton buildiug, who has ruad a specialty sinee coming to the city of praetico before the United Sttitea Innd office, has been uiade the defendant, in dinburment proceedings brought by direction of United Hint en Land ComminHioner Dennett of WtiHh .ngou, l. t'.As a roHult of Lafferty'R nifta bofirrr- the land department the enmmiMioner baa preferred ehfir ' irregularitiea which if rnliibliahed vill prevent him from praetieinff before the department in future. The chtirgv were tiled with the local lund office fluhrie quent to un investigation into Lnffer ty'jt methiMln uf doing business made by upceiul ugeolM employed by tlm land dMpyrtment, Lttfferty in uid to be the mau who liii furnished much of the materia), if not pnicticiijly all of it, upon which Wer baKed the uolrutlifnl and distorted utludtM upon the Inad nt)ice record of Governor f 'humberlntn, recently pub linhpil. Thne churgefi, which included inhume of ol'fii-iit) power and repayment ot' Mioiir-y to lund puri-haMerN when the govetjmr hnen- their clubuM to he fraud ub-nt, have nil b-en Hwept on I of even remote credence by t he rcfnljitionn whii-h huve ben pijblifih'-d iu the .lour ual. by th cb-nr wod fn!r titalement tt Piatt Jb Pbili, Kttorneyn, dealing with Hie citifi h point, nd by k vant nhotv iug that Governor f'hamberlnin ' lanrl ot1i'e record in one of the most credit uble uiouumcutA of hi t'u irness and fidelity to the pfopl't iuti'renta raised during his adm in iit ration mm governor uf the slate. ANNUAL RETORT FROM INSURANCE COMPANIES 8AI,i;.r. Or., Way -Prfluk lien on. secret nry of shite, as fix officio insurance 'nminitiorier, uh completed his annual report. H is now bfing print 'd und will b. available within a few wtel,s. Tim rerrnrt includes a itiite mtjii of the total risks whittn hy nil iiisnrairicc cntnianii's doing hnini's within Ihf stuff of i tregon. t bo gios premiums received, premiums returned, locs (mid ;md 'he in I premiums for tiiiutinii of ull authori'd rotnpanics uod asnociat ion, for the ye:ir ending IVeember A. l!i7. Hexjfles much other valuable inforttiii lion the report shows the aggregate husirn-HK I ritnMjieted within, the state since Hi,",; the amunf of licenses ond tales paid into the state treasury since 1M. and gives a list of nil the insur ance companies authorized to frnntact business in Oregon on Muy H, UaiS. A statement of the business of the several Oregon miituul fire relief associations for the year ending December 31, IPOT, is nlno included. Rom Festlral. A l'i section drawing room Pullman car has been provided for tho Medfnrd people who wish to bave Monday night to attend the rose carnlvul. A .large, portion of this spaee fa eu gagged , Those going on that night should call at the depot at once and se cure tleeplng accommodation. 63 UNCAPTURED h'ri'iriirn in III I II III S" I HI sDCUCKg 111 ! CHILDLESS : nnjinniJinr HIAKKHbt Race Suicide Pact Signed By Newly Weds Before Ceremony-Parties Claim Bible Sanction For It. CilU Atit), Mnv The- Rev. Charles . ILaveuor loduy caused a aensatiou in the court of I'nited States Coinniinidoner. Kotte by deelariug that he had married, under a nice tmicide pact ' accord ing to the teachings of tUj Bible, lie appeared at the trial of Minn Atimt Wbitmore, postmiHtresH of (sray's Jake, 111., hirt home, where she ia charged with 1 opening letterv from hit) fiance, MiK Murv t'ulviu of l-'ort Wnvno, Tud. When cornered by questions, he nur prise! the eomiuisioner by announcing j that ho nnd Miss Calvin were married on Muv IN. Then he admitted that he I had written to Miss Culviu and pro posed the race suicide pact. "I did this from tho inspiration 1 received from the lliblo and according I to the instructions of the holv writ. he said. t4Tbn Bibb? aaya it is wrong t( j a bring a child into the world unless yoi J r? uhle to support it ana care for popt'iiy. My tiunce wished to rontJDQi heistudv of music and therefore wouube. impossible for her to heenm the mdVUer of u fumily." The raVnter aaid that the poatmii I tress could ntiver have learned -that hi und Miss Calvin were married und I sueh a propreulfen unletts she htul .openr J iiih letters and , that this led bim tl bring tho oharo against her. Mr I flnvenor, the " racnuieide' wifo, too I the si und and smilivrly eorroborati all the atutementN niade-by her huaboi in connection with their reement ri I the i.'tters which they ,had-wntton. She apr.' with, httrhti'iind th the nooipact hail been ComietMu co' plianee with Ihe teuebings of tho Dili and admitted that be considered 1 desire to study music suflicient grou I fur it. INDICTMENTS AWAIT BOTH SMITH AND KRE I I'OHTI.AXl), Or.. May I'M. Wb Cu'ited States Attorney McCourt Is eeptioually secretive as to tbe t-Jtt of the investigations that will be. tut by the grand jury now in session possible that C. A. Hmith. the Miu sota iiiillitmaire. may be indicted inn lly for the part he ia alleged to b played m looting the stalo of Sev. thou ui od acres of its most valiu timber lands. Mince equity suits filed Monday to annul the piilml? nearly H.U00 acres of tljit land w; HiitiHi is alleged to have acquired fr. tilentlv, it hus been discovered that Minnesota millionaire on April 4, 1 sent .t11.rtO tu the state Innd b as principal and interest due on acres assigned i.y Frederick A. h to Smith. Kribs had petitioned the board he repiiymeiir of his purchase nit vith interest, after government celbition, owing tn the selection . i wrong bn-e, November 'JH, l&OJi. , it developed Ihut the part of tho ngiirmg in entries nutoe iv . r,. r nnd I.ubi T.vle. the eertifiuates of u A. JL-i"r:- hud been us.tigned to rTrib, had h: flt- miide on proper bnse. The result! that Kribs was ordered to pay mainder of the purchase pnVe uuT fa'py?'' I fe.-t titl. to the la ml. It wa: ff-'f money thnt Hmith remitted to thi.' nfter th lund had been assign' him b- Kribs. IDAHO STATE BANK DID NOT OPEN ITS DOORS Tf HolSi:. Idaho. May 2S. The CM . State hank did not open its dooi I morniog :is had been announced, f i J ' Wood recently approved plans I 1 organization of the bank, and din ed the receiver and set toduv 'V i late for its re opening. M Last night it was announced b;- V hank Kxaminer Chonev that th for re organization, which inrlud ffcyy loan of .'lOi.OOO from outside f KkV"' iu ndnm for which thev were ceive per ceni oi rne cninra; : hnd been nbaiidonnl, hut that, V-r plans for re-opening were underV V'tSO eration, tt is openly charged th: L '1i)-.'ilv sit ion on the part of other banV v.' ,7 terests here wus responsible for fj f : nre of the hank to re-open its A day. fi tirV': i