r XlliS MEDTOlffl DAILY TRIBUNE. M Klll'Ol,). OR.. WF.DXESDAV. M AY 7. 1!(0S. AiilTORNIA HOE8E8 ON WAY TO SEATTLE RACES I COMPLAINT OVER POOR HIGHWAYS Oold Hill News Voices Protest of Tax Over Continued Neglect of County Roads About City Only Fifty Dol lars Needed to Put Road in Shap.-. A great deal of complaint vonoerniiig tin- road between Gold Hill and the Foots Creek district is now being beard on the streets of this place every dav anil it seems that from all appearances the complaints are certainly just ones, says the (lold Hill News. In two places tne roan nas neeii cuungod to give wav to tfie rapid growth of the country, and in each place, aside from merely cut ting a pntli through the thick growth of underbrush, nothing has been done to make the high passable. Iu tho first instance, whi n the owners of the River side Park udditiou to (lold Hill had taeir tract of land surveyed and plnced on the market the road had to he placed in its right position, but other than cuiiiug oown some trees the county court did nothing. The road along this point is almost impassable, and instead of using the road, the people are com pencil id iiirn out at a place where, if one who is not familiar with tho road he takes a big chance of upsetting his wagon, and otherwise breaking things up in general. The expenditure of $30 oil (his stretch ot road would make it in very good condition, yet nothing has iceii Hone at all. Now, ib this fair in mo poupio in this section: lo we not pay enough taxes into the treasury ot Jackson enmity to be entitled to this Miial) sum of money, $.i0f Are we to be treated in this manner in order that a more favored section of the county may enjoy its good roads and increased values of property? The people of this section of Jackson county are growing tired of the way in which they have been treated in the matter of road build ing, and they will certainly express Hint feeling on the lirst dny of June. This is not a political item, but is merely the expression of the sentiment of the good people who are compelled to traverse the roads mentioned, and it was written at the request of these people. Judge Dunn, it's up to yon. COMMENCEMENT DAT, , ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL The high school ocmmenceinent exer cises were held at the Chautauqua Tab eruaclo Thursday evening, and as usual were very largely attended by frionds and patrons of the schools nnd the loyal public of Ashland. Thirteen graduates nine young ladies nnd four young men, constituted the graduates, as follows: liny Hicks, Benin h Caldwell, Sadie Nin iager. Bessie Wagner. Veta IMiillipB, J. H. Tninan, Mabel Kinenid, Flossie Churchill, Bessie Cinrfrett, Agnes Sto rey, Irene MeFnrland, Kugeno Cannich ael and Harry Low. They occupied seats upon the platform with tho fac ulty and members of the social board The feature ot the evening 8 program was the address by Professor Frederic S. Dunn of the state university, who iif-cd purl ions-of the life of Julius Cae sar for his very instructive lecture, other numbers on the program were: I'iaao solo by .Miss Alybaugh and piano iluot. by Misses Caldwell and Iviucaul and vocal numbers by the girls' qunr let. The presentation of the diplomas was made bv Dr. 11. M. Shaw of the school board in a very happy manner. Ashland Tidings. ror the past two or thr lavs ,l. northbound trains mv !,,,. c'arrvi,,,, Hooded horses to the northwest circuit from California. Tucsdnv fr cars of racers passed through Mcdfoni , gether there will be Gil horse, (roai'l al ..o.aia, representing every slal f im portance with two except in. The coming raring B.,sn o the greatest the northwest has ever looked upon. Animals from all western states are catered as well as maav from ..iimn. me stakes are the biggest ever. In the 2:09 trot there will l. t. most evenly matched set of horses in the west. Among them .-no Aiimsi , 2.0SH4, who run in the monev on the grillld circuit last year against Sonoma Ciirl and Highball, both with records of 2:0314; North Star, 2:11V,, who ran second iu the Salem stake last summer; R. Amlinshm, 2:11?, who captured thai event; Fresuo tlirl, 2:101..., unbeaten oa tho California circuit; W ild Bell. 2:0Si- a grand circuit performer. The pacers will include Mona Wilkes. 2:0CVi; (Jueen Pomona. 2:11711; Harrv Flogan, 2:121,; Charlie D., a great niieer which ran second to Sir John S.. 2:03V..; John H. Conway, 2:0!)i,; Kelly Briggs, 2:iWli, and Miss Idaho, 2:il'.)i. All of these horses will lie entered in the same stakes, making the finish aa unusuallv close one. Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No single inscr tions less than 15 cents. Six Insertions for the price of four. Seventy-five cents a line per month. i LOST Saturday, purse conlainiog cm ivaey. Kinder return Tribune olfi-i liVward. lit jFOl! S.M.K Laige corner lot in West Medlord. just onlside cilv limits; two thirds of mi a.-iv; flouting on good county road; nightly building spot; price l.-,0 if sold at oa.e. Write Box Midfoid if Til K."CH.XliK--A quartz claim, good paying ore. partly developed; will ex change for homi-Htcnd or limber claim. Address A. Miner. ApplegaN'. Or. li-l JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Mrs. Josephine Russell has returned from a two mouths' visit at Sua Fran cisco and San Jose, Cal. Miss Xunan. who accompanied her, will probably re main during the summer tit the hitler place. Miss Rose Buckley of Ruch was iu town Tuesday. Miss Orth returned home with her for a short visit. Mrs. B H. Haney, who has been re ceiving treatment nt the Ashland hos pital, returned Sundav evening. Mrs. Haney is improving rapidly, but was unable to return as yet. Mrs. W. C. Lang and daughter, ex cursionists to San Francisco, returned Tuesday morning. EAST MEDFORD WANTS BEAR CREEK WATER Kllli SALK Itugs, bedroom set.- cur tains, buffet, chiffonier, Morris chair, canned fruit, garden hose. Mrs. C. P. Camer corner L and loth sts. i'mI Foli SAI.K- i-a; 'o,-o A, ils with kits to -Ix'i tllaiisch A- Lamb shutti-r. with A I has. ,-ost new .-fiio); the above cost .tlllii; 1 trip,,,!, :l trays. 1 graduate glass. 0 plate holders, f do en Minimis lor i's to Ixl. I ruby Inn tern, I roller lor mount iu-, I brush. 2 boxes flash powders, 10 packages developing powtl, is for paper or plates. 1 hypo., 2 vigiioiting t'laniis. a, gross A.o paper, elc. all for if'O'i. .1. I. Payette, llox I Sr.. Ml'.lt'ord. lil i'VUNiKiii-:i.) uoom.s ThVTnioTi, over postoffiee. FOR SALE .i ro,. m bungalow, just fin ished; chenp if sold soon. See (luv A Chihlers. ' WANTKD Ten teamsters with teams wanted by Western Oregon Orchards Co. at once; good wages. FOR KKXT Furnished rooms, on Trips street, second street south on Fast Seventh. Apply to Mrs. O. ilowinau."ili WANTKD 10 or 20 acres, improved, close ill. (live description, price and terms. Prefer to deal with owners. Address K. II. Bliss, llox ."fill, Mod ford. tf FOli liFNT .1 fiirtiislo'il rooms, nient lor housekeeping, close ti ness; no children. No. :',07 Ki street. A correspondent from Fast Modfonl writes: A company ot oil can be eaartered to bring water from Bear creek through log tiling at u cost of $2000 adequate to irrigate 100 acres. We have special rates on various styles of engines, and hose, und when we turn it on our free soil thero will spring forth fruit a hun dredfold. If West Modford goes ilrv in Juno we can go wet alt Biinimer. Let us do nwny with any fnlso modesty on this question and reason together about the water going to waste in Bear creel:. Tuesday's Ball Games. At Portland Portland 0, Sail Fran- ci3co 4. At San Frnncisco Los Angoles 10, Oakland 4. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Columbus S. Fling lo S. B. Lnmin, 10 ncres ia section 20, township .'17, range 2 W $ S. R. Decker to K. F. (ireemali, property in Ashland Julia L. Orr to Richard Sehuler, 1 Vi acres in Fark addition to Med ford J. (J. Medley lo Sarah L. Wood, property on C street, Medford Nellie M. Richard lo Julia V. Powers, lot I, section :'.o, town ship III, range it F N li. ive to Peter l.orenzen, lot 1, block 3.1, Medford 1.H in M00 230 Prune Crop in California. The California Fruit llrower says of the prime crop in that state: "The growing prune crop continues lo look smaller and smaller. Estimates now are for about one half of Inst year's crop, which was of itself only about half a crop. This will pul the output for the state this year at somewhere in the neighborhood of 30.000,000 pounds. Should the Santa Clara valley turn oat as slmrl as some now predict, estimates will b reduced ngain." NOTICE Is hereby given Hint the undersigned will apply at the city council of Med ford, Or., nt its next meeting, to he held June 2, l!o, for a license to sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in less quantities than a gallon for a period of jtix months, nt our place of business at lot (i. block 20. Medford. Or. O. M. SKLSBV. Dated May 22, IfluS. M Notice. I wish to announce that I have pur - hnsrd the office and practice of the Me Dr. M. S. Jones. My office will ' ) located at the same place as Dr. .'ones' and office hours will he from 10 a. in., 2-4:30 and 7 to t p. in. B. J. CONROY. ' Phvsician nnd Surgeon. NON-STOP RUN OF A REO TOURING CAR AT LOS ANGELES. 4992 Miles Without a Stop. Los Angeles, Cal., April 11, 1D0S. Reo Motor Car Co., Lansing, Mich. Two-cylinder REO finished 3010 miles iu attempt to break world 's non stop record at fi this morning, nnd has av eraged 403 miles per day for seven days. This establishes world 's two-cyl inder record and breaks all coast rec ords. LEON T. SHETTLER. Los Angeles, Cal., April 14, 10S. Reo Motor Car Co., Laasing, Mich. Ren non-slop passed 4300 miles mark at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Car run ning better every day. Should have 3000 miles Thursdav noon. LEON T. SHETTLER. Los Angoles, Cul., April 1, 19U& Reo Motor Car Co., I.ansiuf, J'Vli. Reo non-stop enr 43H3 milea I- I; (his morning, or 2fiS hourt; awio over 17 miles per hour nnd over 17 miles per gallon of gasoline. Car rneuing beautifully. Should break Prcmior rec ord about 5 o'clock tomorrow morn ing and reueli 5000-mile record 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. LEON T. SIIKTTLKK. olive htlsi rth i 1 02 PARTY wishes to get loan of $300 on 40 ncres of raw land that, is Worth $1000; good abstract; will pay 10 per cent. Lock Box (130. KITXAIIOI'T for sale cheap; thorough ly equipped with odometer, acefelyne lights: top, etc. A. C. Allen. Medford. Or. FOR SALE One U. S. Cream Sepa rato;, No. (I; 300 capacity; good as new; cost $80; will sell for $30. II. O. Henslov, Central Point. " FOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is ia the market now; choice ten-acre tracts, best location in the valley. L. Xee demever. Jacksonville. FOR SALE 300 head of full Mood Rainboiiillet stock sheep; large, heavy shearers of fine wool. John S. Mer rill & Son. . SI FOR SALK Five-room house, beanti fully located, with lo 30x113, (en bear ing apple trees; this is a snap and will be sold at a bargain. Address Loch llox 123. Medford, Or. WANTED To buy from 100 to 300 head of stock sheep. Vrite Box I.'ll. Medford, Or. Offici BUSINESS CARDS. II. E. MORRISON, Physician and Surgeon, Modford National Bank Bldg J. T. ANKROM, WELL DKKIER. MEDFORD, OH Prices right. Pumps P-irnisheil when Wanted. BALL & GLOSCOCK, Contractors and Builders. All Work (luaranteed. Offlco with 0. II. Picrco & Sou. rhnne 033. P. O. Box 7 Los Angeles, Cal., April HI, 190. Reo Motor Cor Co., Lansing, Mich. Ren holds world non stop motor roc ord. We pulled plug on car at S:.li this morning, 4002 miles. Letter fol lows. LEON T. SHETTLER. Time Tabtes "SOUTHERN PACIFIC" RAILWAY. Northbound. No. lliOregon Express No. Ill Portland Express... No. 23 1 For Ashland BouttiDouna. No. lolCaliforma Express. Nu. 13San Francisco Exp. No. 123'From Grants Pass.. 5:. 'It' p. in 11:4!) a. m. 10: 13 a. in. 10:33 a. ai. 1 :30 p. m. 9: 13 p. in. PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY. Xn. II Leave Medford I 7:30a. m. No. 3 1 Leaves Medford 2:30 p.m. No. 2 'Arrives Medford 10:30 a. ia. No.4Arrives Medford f 8:31) p.m. WILLIAM 0. DEBLEY, Rcsiduut Piano Tuner. Special Rates by tho Year. HeadquarturH at Dale's Piano llons. All Work Guaranteed. P. I). Box .103, MEDFORD. OREGON. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and Snrg.'on. Office ot Residence. Win M. Colvig, Medford. Or. COLVIU & DURHAM, Attomcy:s-r,t Law. Geo. II. Durham, GrnntB Pass, Or. Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers Day plume 333; Night Phones: C. W. Conlilin 403; J. II. Butler I H. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANL (Jill. EECTION AGENCY. Lock Box SOS. Medford, Or. E. R. SEELY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern Equipped Operating Rooms. X Ray. Office Honrs, 10-12. 2 4 P. M. Office In Jackson County Batik Bldg. "GO TO DR. GOBLE FOR YOUR GLASSES. I Iptu al Parlor in Perrv's War'-houne, SEVENTH STREET. , 0OUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY. No. 2 ! Leaves Medford No. 4 Leaves Medford Motor Leaves Medford I Motor Leaves Medford No. 1 'Leaves Jacksonville. I No. 3 'Leaves Jacksonville.'' Motor leaves Jacksonville. I 10.40 a. m 3:33 p. m. 2:00 p. m. !):00 p. m. 9:00 a. m. 2:30 p. m. 1 :00 p. m. 'He Has No Other Business.' POLITICAL CARD!). J. R. NEIL. Democratic Nominee. FOR COUNTY JUDGE, WILBUR A. JONES. Democratic Nominee. I'oli SHERIFF: PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL To ln ht'M in PORTLAND, OliEOON .1 UN 10 1 to C), 190S. Will In.- tin.' most lirillian) 'FLORAL FIFSTA AND CIVIC JUMLEK Kwr lu'M in tlu Pui'ifif Northwest. I'oitliuul, "Tin- Rose City," will W a scene nf spliuiior iiml tlio con I it of world wiilo Interest for one weoU. "ii-ven.t important roil vent ions to be h lil iu PorllaiH. oit that oceaniou. Just Received- A Carload of Extra Heavy Green lath' CEDAR BKVF:LED SIDING ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT OLKNDALK ORHCON YARD AND OFFICIO AT MFDFOIJD, OK'F.CION. Til 10 SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell Special Tickets on This Oiv.-ision from IIOD FOliD to Portland and Re turn at $13.20 Kor particulars pall on A. S. ROSENBAUM, Local Agent Wil. MeMURRA V, (It iieral Passonger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Something Ntw In liuhliiT Tires that it will pay you to invest ii:iti'. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, satisfaction guaranteed. Mitchell & Poeck I GENERAL Fust "111 Street, Blneksmilli Shop. WAGONERS. I rear of .Metrinian 8 ; Meilford, Or. J' Prompt Delivery Good Stock Right Prices CRATER LAKE LUMBER COMPANY To The Public IIAVINd INMTAM.KI) M At II I N HI! V I'OI! Till-: MANIIFACTI'HH Oh' IIIOII (llt.M)K OK CKKA.M, WK AUK l'l,'KI'.l;i:i) TO I'll.L ALL OHDKUH, i, AIIOU OH SMALL. OKI, I VKKIK.H MAOI'l TO ANY I'AltT UK THE ITI'V. si'iniAi, oiinuus tnvK.v oini I'liOMIT ATTENTION'. OltDHH AT MKPI-'OIM) liOOK STORE Oil flit RAM KRV. Rogue River Creamery Medford R. W. GRAY, Builder C LO. I A L I'OR( II WORK, (1 R I LL AND LA T 1 1 WORK, l'ATTIORXS, I0TO. TI0L1OIM ION 10 171. M 10 1) FORD, OR. Small Orchards On Easy Terms. (Bity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale A'Vt a ml Tcn-Arir Orrlmnh on I lie imdiill 'nirnl jilmi. Thr riflil kind of toil, the riilit kind of trees and Hie .riiIil iiriecs. Tin nl if ii ins' r.ricfirnrr in fniil niisiini lnirlis our jiidijnirnl. W'a Inirr fold Imlf Ihr orelmrdtt in I lie nillei mid lmrr. ii l lo srr tl jiiircliasrr tlis sulivfitd irilh his hurtdin. Hi fore hit liii'l srr THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OP BLANKS i Wiurtoity PmmI Mul'lKitK. I .nntr ami Short h'tirnm SiOtr-fat'Cn uf Mi.rtKitm- TranVrof I, ion Powor or Attin lie Mochnnlr'H I.l.-n ' Wuli-r ftiv.hl FOR NIONT, FOII SAI.K. KHAI. KKTATK (julK-liiiiu'IVKl Homl fnrltl MirliniKiT Leuno Willi Tiis I'iivmmit Provision Ol.t inn o liny lnii Atrent'n Contmctn MISCIOIJ.ANKOHH Hill of Kiilo l.iiiiior I.ictMiHo VorniH Nolil'O lo TrcrtlHtHhlTH t'nilit(ir'n('lium Alffllllrtl K-ttHtO Chiitti1! Mot litHtfe A('liiiowlnlKifnr ('oufcNriion uf Jiiiltrmont Covith for It lank I'liiccr I.onlioii IIiiihI for I let-it M itirr'rt I, ro rilUNJSIUOl) ROOMS, KTC. (on i-HnlU.rl. MININO tjnnr(7 Locution Water Uiht On-Kon ami I, H. Fornm rotiirun t Hell l' ''l Troof vf Imht .niHTK h: op i haw: Civil ittnl Criiniiial SuhitocnnK Atlne'imrnt llmlort ikiiiMT ami AHt- (.iiriihlmit ni davilfor Attarlnnoiit 1 H'll Coinmitim'Mt for Klim Notlrt- to .liiinrri Jury Oriit'i- Civil Coiniiliitiit Witrrant for Arit I'ltOllATK I'oliliotiH for LcttcrK of Ailioinht ration, Adininlntnilnr'ii, lOxwntor?! iiml ;uarfitli'ii ItoinU anil hi-iffo; Or.-r S-ttinpr Apart I'n.fict ly 10 Kempt from Kxm iitam; Unlor l.iitilMuni.c .s(.r K.iii an.i IVm.iml I'roiM-rty Citation; Cornnm-Wi lo Auunlrr IniiiiUiiy mix! ApnuHcmnt; I'roof of Will; Lot turn SunimoiiH lOxorut ton JihIkuiimiI Triinnrript ('oioniiltiM'iil. fur Si'iirt li Warrant. nf Ailmini t i it t Ion : t'riliinn'iitury. Atliulimcnl Not i.-r .t (Inroiiluni-nt (irnu.) Jury ,Sol(po4liu I ml li t rto-iit 'i'nmnt-i ipl uf Jiiilnicot A ci.fiit'li ti'. up-to ilali' lit SHKIill l' III.ANKS. CIKCUII i.il. COtUtT i ti.kiMir and Afllilnvit Rnnminnt lor Alliiflimi'iil ('out Uill Ciin.liuil mid Civil Suhpofitm Kxm-iitton Si-arcli Warrnnt Noiiii- to JuroiH of U.S. I. AN I) OI-'I-'K'K.HCOUNTV COURT AND 7 r All printed after the latest and best forms, ct Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. Give us a trial. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN MKDi'ORU ORKGON Rqlq River Land Go. Exhibit Building For Sale. Five ncro trni-tn just within ami al- joining Mr-iKonl city limits on fivi yrara' time; $100 invostpti now, it is holievcil, will pay you ft0 profit with in ono yonr. (lu'lil' Hay Ri-nlty Co., 200 Wost 7th street. 6 The Most for the Money. The Annum automobile is the most roomy ami best ninehine ever offerer! for tho money. See it before buying. L. B. Brown, agent. time." B. F. WULKEY. Repubtiean Nominee r..r PlSTnirToVTTOKN'EY. MAIILON PUEDIN. I Candidate for RITRKSKSTATIVK ' On SUtemen Ko. 1. Favors guaranteed hank deposits D. It. MILLER, r.WDIDAlK for RKI'IIKHKNTWIVK On Stnlemint No- nl.! ! Will filv:tv, nn."irf (he n , i-:in'li,l:ili. fur I'. S, i-' ii.'ilnr wli iii.-it. .1 l.v tin- JOSEPH L. HAMr.iEU.SI.EV, I i.r c.iid inn. j Republican Nominee for I i;i:!'1:i:mi:n'I'.tivk. II. M. CAKE, of 1'.. Miami, ' Tin A.U... nl.- of Stall -in. nt So. I Republican Nominee for IMTi:.') STATK.S HKXATuit. " I j We Want to Buy Lands Realty Bond Syndicate of Oregon W. H. Stalker J.ickson County prppt'icr w.mk Annex secretary K Any .liidyc of Clothing Kiimws ttiii tt..i ii.ns l:iiirinu wml. wlnn li- '- it. Nun t'Mily primoinii-f otir t'.'il.t ir-i t.i Ko rhf I.-hIj ji tnl ;ih for -t It- iiint i in i -li, it is nollcx t'ftr ut tn Ifl.i! i ;,li iiiTiuil' nt. Vo IPJltliT ll"W rnliuil tin iii:i- lie, yon will fitiil it ilit'itriili hi iiml ;iny I'Imwh itt uur t a i Imiiiil; mI.. (t,,.i fur uitniiiT snitt t o jiimim.i .illfiilinii. riiii.li ih ilrtitiim; ium irt"ii)ii! W. W. lilPIiRT, The City Tailor, Medford THE OLD HOWARD RANCH I lii".' tnil. n of M- ilf.-nl nil.) L'1.. tnilo- wi-t of ri,t..iii, i ihhv nil ii in mn:il tiK.-tH r.i suit, tiii' uircli;i.'r. OtH- foil r r h i-ii-Ii, l,:t:iuc in Ilirt'h pay j rn rn W. iK in ri ruri oppxi tnnity for ; 1111MI f it.iiflll ill-rim. I.iHt''l wit It nil tin1 H;iiiln. Why Don't You Out Next? liti vtui tixt' Pavin' Ht-st I'lmirT Pom 'I iv utir j;n ry talk Vim iittn ttuvinu ullnr liraiulw slnjipnl in. Pavis Bont nr!4 i'iii- Iphm mniii'V ami (iiiu.'i lit ! ti niw milifsffn'iiiin. Try n sni-k mul In ciii iiit-i il.