THE MEDFORD DAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OR., WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1908. viAfnA nilvTrihnn! A LIT Psfun In Wy ToVm. fublished every evening except Sunday Medford PubluVhinf Company, '""ft! PUTNAM, Editor sud Manager. . Admitted s Seeond Clin Matter in the Poatoffiee at Medford, Oregon. Subscription Hates: One month, by mail ur carrier. One year, by mail .0.50 . 5.00 WEIOHED AND WANTING. 'Weighrd and found wanting" i tbe verdict tnat muit bo written agaiut Judgo Dunn, after a trial by tue public as an omeo bolder. Judge Dun'u may have a liaruiiug personality, but personality is not tbe inue. The public are rnmrrncl only with tbe public rw.rds of eWee holders uow seeking re election. Inefficiency and incompetency have ruled his office. It is not because he has not tried to do bit duty. Ho has wade earnest, effort, but bus failed to giasp the essentials. In other words, the job wan too big for the man. Narrow provincialism instead of broad gauga policy, aecretiveness iusleud of publicity, mulish obstinacy instead of a willingness to listen and take advice, diatoortesy instead of courtesy from public servants to the public, have too long ruled important ottieen in the court bo'iise. .Judge Duuu has shown himself to be incmelfnt iu the administration of county affairs by permitting county otneera to conduct business affairs of the county in a most unbusinesslike manner, allowing irregularity, lainesa in details and slipi-bod methods to prevail. He has persistently ignored tbe drmund for riperting the county records, thereby leaving the inference that there is some thing to conceal from the public eye, as there was in the Daily ease. Tba county court has shamefully neg lected many of the highways, roada and bridges, and eiposed the county to pos aible damage suits by the dnngerous con ilition of these bridges and roads, and he has ignored protests and public do mauds of citizens for needed repairs and improvements. ' His methods of road building are un scientific and provincial, and he has no conception of modern highway construe lion. His new roads are so narrow that two teams cannot pass, and elevated twice as biirh as necessary above the surrounding county. " KqiuilUation " as defined by law is uot tbe process of raising assessed vat uations 6t S-3 per cent, which is .ludgi Dunn's conception of it. In a ptiblii circular, be blames the asseesor for thi valuations placed on property. He say. "the county court has nothing to d with the asarasinent." Yet he took an oath "to faithfully and honestly rimn ie, correct and equalise" all property before sitting on the board of rualirn lion, So he is directly responsible for assessments. AS TO SHERIFF JACKSON. The Medford organ of the courthouse ring says: "What is Mberilf Jackson's great suit that he baa called down upon himself tbe wrath of The Tribune and ire coterie of would-be dictntors of political affairs in Jackson county Himply this: In the discharge of hi ollcisi duty ha closed up gambling in the county snd in further pursuance of his duty caused the arrest of the edi tor of The Tribune. Neither acts scms to us to be a very terrible one, and, in deed, either one might even be consid ered meritorious. 11 This is absurd. The editor of The Tribune never gambled, never had un interest in a gambling device, and gain tiling was closed before he came ti Medford. Unlike Mr. Hliton, the edi tur has no slot nurhim record aud h:i no unpaid debts on this a 'unt. As regards the pulling of the lit or off a train at midnight while he en route to Portland to spend the holi days, throwing him in jail at Kosehorg and denviuK him communication with friends or even permitting him to kn the charge on which be was arrest criminal libel ou an indii-tment retitrne-1 h the grand jury, a petty offense with enly .100 bail, it may b.ive been " mer iterions," as Mr. Blitou ssvs. hut he is the only editor in the slate thai wtil say so. It was simply the gratil'u-Htion of petty spite on the imrt of the sher iff and a straw showing the smsll cat iber of the man. Mr. Jackson is not opposed by The TribaDs for these ressons, hut becaus of his record.of his Isek of business methods In the conduct of his office of his cruel treatment of prisoners, his failure lo keep tai payments cor recti)' and because be is unwilling t have his books espertrd. JUDOB DUNN'S REPLY. County Judge 0. W. Dunn, betwi-eu bis campaign of, suddeu friendliuess for voters,-baa found time lo write an open letter to tbe editor of The Tribune, in which he denies all tbe charges made ia the article published regarding the Eagle Point to Browusboro and the re fusal of tbe county court to pay for the same. The facta iu the ease seem to cou trudict Judge Dunn. It is hardly prob l able that Mr. Vestal would build a road without proper iustruetious. He did build it aud payment was refused. It ia also a well known fact that Judge Puiiu and Commissioner Patterson have ulwavs acted together aud opposed whatever Commissioner Brown advo cated. The facts regurding the building of the road, published in The Tribune, were supplied by Commissioner Brown aud other residents of that district, and the Tribuue considers (ieorge Brown as truthful and as honest, to say the least, as Judge Dunn. DOUBLE DEALING. J. A. Buchanan, candidate for rep resentative upon tbe republican ticket, circulating among Jackson county voters. ome no nus torn mm no is strongly opposed to Statement .No. 1. Others be has iuformed that he was for Statement No. 1. Voters would be glad to know just where he does stand upon this important question. Tbey on't waut duplieity in caudidates, but nn opeu, IranK expression oi opinion. Xo man, at this day, can carry water upon both shoulders and the voters will uot tolerate env double dealing. Let Mr. Buchanan inform our people where he stands upon Statement No. 1. I'he Muil praises Judge Dunu 'a "con duction of the county court." "Con duction" is good and just fits. MEMORIAL DAT TO BE OBSERVED IN A8HXAND Memorial dav will be celebrated the fololwing manner by the citizens of Ashland and vicinity: All comrades and members of the fl. A. K. and W. R will meet on the Chautauqua ground." id the flagstaff at 9 o'clock to march to the Ashland cemetery, where memo rial services for tho unknown dead will be held by the post and corps, and the graves decorated. After doing this they will march to the Chautauqua building and listen to the menioriul address at 1 1 o clock by Professor Cuttou. There will be music by the band and a chorus of SO voices by the school children. At 2 n clock the members will again assemble at the memorial hall and go to the Hurgadine cemetery, where the services will be held ami graves deco rated. All visiting members of the fi. A. R. and W. R. C. also all comrades not mem bers are most cordially invit d to join the march. The achool children are es pecially invited. An escort will be furnished liy t om paiiy It, Oregon state mtlltui. Post Commander Hpencer wislies evry one to be ready to march promptly, as there will be no delay in starting. Itv order of the committee. Rose Festival. Tickets for the Rose Festival will be on sale June 1 and 3, and only on those two days. Those who intend going and wish sleeper reservation should leave word at the depot as soon as poaslbh in order to give the company time to secure the necessary cars, nouno. trip fare 4)13.20. ' Mosquito Fleet at Portland. The cruiser Charleston and the ac- coniKinying naval craft, which will be Portland for the rose festival, will be moored at the Victorio dolphins, out side of barges which have been provid ed. One barge will be placed and used a landing stage and the other will act ns a fender fur the flagship, the O'irges have been placed in position and the anchors set. (Official Advertisement.) :itir.,000 CITY OF MKPFORD BONDS. The City Council of tbe City of Med ford, Oregon, will receive sealed bids up to fi o'clock p. m., June 9, 190S. for the sale of $365,000 worth of 5 per cent, interest semi-snuually, Medford water bonds proposals to be asked for for both straight 30 year bonds aud for serial bonds, to be retired al the rate of $10,000 per yeai, beginmug with t 15th vear. On,, hundred thousannd dollara of Is sue to bo for immediate delivery, bal ance to be delivered as fuuds are re quired, ill quantities not less than $10, ''", interest not to accrue until bond ;ire delivered, and payable semi anmi .illy. lienoiii iuation. optional. Dale of bonds, time of delivery. ll.Mnl issue,! pursuant lo tote of Ihe people. April 17, loos. Mid lo tie .lilrc4rd to rlrniainni M i Mhos, t tty lleeord' r. All bids lo bs accompanied hv a eei titled check equal to 5 per cent ot the amount bid for, payable to tin i ilv of Medford. Or. No litigation pending this issue. The cilv has never defaulted in the payment of tutercst or principal. Financial Btatemeut. Assess aluation for 1907... $2.94!,Om Real valuation (estimated) Total houdrd indebtedness. including this issue 4A",0i0 Amount of water debt in eluded in the above, ap proximately nVi.ilOO Tax rate, 14 mills. Population ( 1900). 1700. Present, ap proximately, .i3f.'. City reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The proceeds of this sale are to br used for the purpose of installing water distributing and a giavity water supply system. 1 hereby rrrtifr that tbe above aud foregoing is a true and correct state ment to the best of my knowledge and belief. I1KNJ. M. COLLINS, Democratic Ticket PLEDGED TO STATEMENT NO. 1. Election June 1, 1908. Pur V. 8. Senator Oeo. K. Chamber lain. For Congressman J. J. Whitney. For Supreme Judge li. S. Dean. For Joint Representative Jaekaon and Douglas Counties K. K. Cavendcr. For Representatives M. Purdin, 11. H. Miller. For County udge J. I!. Neil. For County Commissioner M. Mar- shall. For County Sheriff Wilbur A. Jones. For County Clerk A. H. Barnes. For Count; Recorder J. C. Master- sou. For County Treusurer M. M. Taylor. For County Assessor R. B. Dow. For County Surveyor K. B. Sawyer. For County Coroner Ir. A. U. Stan lev. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Election June 1, 1908. For United States Senator H. M. Cake. For Representative ill Congress Wil lis C. Hawlcy. For Food and Dairy Commissioner J. W. Bailey. For Supreme Judge Robert S. Bean. For Railroad Commissioner T. K. Campbell. For Prosecuting Attorney, Jackson and Josephine Counties B. K. Mulkey. For Joint Representative, Jackson and Douglas Counties J. A. Buchanan. For Representatives J. L. Hammers ley, H. D. Kubli. For County Judge O. W. Dunn. For County Commissioner .Inmea Oweua. For County Sheriff D. H. Jackson. For County Clerk W. R. Coleman. For County Recorder R. T. Burnett. For County Assessor W. T. (Irieve. For County Treasurer I. M. Crone miller. For County Superintendent .1. Perry Weils. For County Coroner A. K. Kellogg. For dimity Surveyor F. A. lirisez. " Buy Tickets by Wire. 'Something which ia of considerable interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally knowr. Is tbe system of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of tbe Southern Pacific company and all points in the Pnitcd States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the I'nited Stntea aud mailed or telegraphed direct to th jiarty wishing to eome here. 81eepei accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may alas be furnished at the sam time." NOTICK Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the city council of Med ford, Or., lit its next meeting, to be held June 2, 1'lllS for a license to sell malt, vinous nnd spiritou liquors :n less quantities than a gallon for n pe riod of six months, at our place of busi ness, lots 111. li. II. block 21, Medfotd. Or. YOI'NO A HAM.. Dated May 22, 1P0S. An Unequaled Investment. $1000 invested now will secure three choico- improved business lots, file fears' time on easy payments on the balance. It is believed these lots will louble in value within one year uud the lucky purchaser will thus make $5000 in nu investment of only $1000. tins is an opportunity seldom offered and is only open for a short time. Gold Ray tealty Cj., 206 West 7th street. fi" Wise Talks By the Office Boy Pa mv a tor tiy any other unrne would bv just as expon iv back east this time of year. I aoniotimei think he pines for tut piny wood in old Penob mot, Krappe County, Maine, where he wa rained hut that's one thin it yours truly never yrarns for. Th good m utntains and the good oKl ocean a id nit'ft old Oregon atmosphere arp good enough for m . Rut it 'a all in how you were raised. Ta Ukes clam chowder and corn on the cob, and harvest apples and a lot of thing that a kid who was born this side of the snow sheds haan't had much chance to pet acquainted r-ith. Those who have live, on both sides of this great country and lived long enough to know what's what can get all those thing just a nice one place as an other, if you know where to buy. We've gt clam chowder from lloston that is just as nice as anr you ever ate on the sand, and lots of other things that have that Pown Kast" taste. KILLER S EUBANK Golden Grain Granules 100 PER CENT PURE CEREAL COFFEE. It tastes like coffee. It looks like coffee and it smells like coffee, lint is pure roasted grains, Mended so as to pro cure the best flavor, the greatest strength and an ar ticle which young and old niav drink morning, noon and night. fioldcn drain dranules is especially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stoinaeu troubles, Xcarly 2-pound package for 2;jc, all retail grocers. Wholesale by P. B. Theiss & Co. Medford, Or. The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Vurmshes hot wiitrr for ten, on vcrv ehort nutirc It i tn - umhI on the U n table or in tlu kitchen to nuy electrolier duiftble ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Successor to Condor Water Power Co. Of fice 206 W. "th St., opp. big electric sign Phone 855. CI nye lex Cai7. EST A.. flfw THK ONLY I'L.U'K IX MEDFORD TO OET Ready Prepared Lunch Goods K'OAST CHICKENS. ROAST PORK, VEAL LOAF, CHICKEN AND POTATO SALAD Alway Fresh, OCR FRESH KLRY BEST IX The DELICATESSEN C STREET. XEAR EIGHTH The HANDSOME STLYER TflE TBTTtT'W. FOR rrovr.Y so cents for one math's S U BSCR I FT 1 OX AND TI 1 13 S II A Ml 1 S DELIVERED IMMEDIATELY. SPEAK QUICKLY for this offer will be withdrawn when the limited number of sets are exhausted. Graduating Presents What's nicer or more appropri ate than a nice watch ring, brace let or chain and locket some thing they con always keep as u remembrance T I have a fine as sortment all NEW and late styles and designs, at tho New Jewelry Store, 11 North C street, near tho Postoffica. MARTIN J. REDDY MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Char Hazki.sioo. Managsr ONE SOLID WEEK, beginning Monday June 1st. The Populnr Loading Woman . GEORGIA HARPER and a Splendid Company ENTIRELY NEW REPERTOIRE Carload of Scenery Elegant Costumes Popular prii-eti. Soats on mile Thurs day, May 2S. The ear manufac tured expressly for the coast. Best for price on the market. $1400 D. T. LAWTON Agent MEDFORD, OR. Everything Cleanly STUFFS TOWN- ARE THE BACK IN OUR KITCHEN You will fiml the finost of nunt an.) othiT fnU nil awaiting your order t Im t'ookeil. And the cook knows how t do it to (wrfertion. If you havf itfvor paten at thin rvstaurant you havo a unat pleasure .oforc you. Como and rnjoy it tiilay. We have some Kcial dinhcs we know you will relish as you never have done before. The Nash Cnfe Great Free OHe SET FREE TO KA ONE YEAR. 1 . X I- Remember J S1STOF SIX TEASPKXS A KX1FE AND A SKi.uc ;-i i r.i.u. ,rr TlTR SETS ARE II -----'- LUTELY FRE E R HAVE flTTlIE Y DOESN'T YAXCE. For Fine More Quantity Than Elsewhere More Quality Than Elsewhere More Money Left Over The Medford Meat Co. Sucessors to Pottenger Next to Hotel Nash State Depositary. Kstablished ISs.i. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $115,000.00 EXVART.r.-rsid ent. PERRY, Vive President. The Medford MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $.-0,000 SURPLUS 10.000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A (lenenil Ranking Business Transacted. AYe Solicit Ycur Patronage MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. Windv and Door Screens, Block Wood Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work nd fancy grills. F. BETWEEN liTU AND 7TII STS. PHONE S3. ARE YOU INTERESTED? I have for sale at ?j2.50 jut acre. SO acres of as fine orchard lainl as there is in Rogue River valley. The ini provenients on place are worth at least l-'O. Let me show yon this land. ALFRED SMITH OYER JACKSOX Col'XTY BANK. rat mi itt) rrr XV SI lM i ' I'l'.n 1" . . , sniri flWT BUTTER 01 VEX AWAY AP.SO- ' S SURSORIPTrOX TO P. 13 PAID IX AD- Always Interesting to Men who lili.' lo dn-ss woll host and U'uiliiitf style?, m:il;o iiu itiitinuiit'fiiieiit unci he in the it is when we of new fabrics just ivriMV.-.l. especially for spring and summer. We have some beautiful and exclusive patterns in eoiil, light weight serges ami cheviots that we are ready In inale into handsome, well fitting suits hv JOHN KREUZER & CO. Importers and Tailors, PALM BUILDING . ROOM 1 Meats STRONG. CAPABLE SECURE Willi lare n simrri s and eompetent manai meat, with all the interests of this blinking institution In a Bound ainl stable it is amply justi i i i i in its statement that it offers every baukini; pui'ilege anil aeeemmoilat inn lensistelit with safety. The aieimuts of firms, eot porat ions, i statis. sm-it tii'S and intl i id ua Is are re-spi'i-t fully 'un ited. W. I. VAWTER PrCBident O. R. LINDLEY Cashier JOHN S. ORTIt, Cashier. W. s. JACKSON. Ass t Cashier. National Bank