Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, May 27, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    If YouVe Anything joBuv or Sell, Try Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Quick Results
By far the largest and b. st news report
furnished by any paper south of Portland
iafly Cribune.
The Weather
Kitir weather itt promised for tonight
n W'ednesdav."
No. 59.
White Steamer Arrives in
Medford 8 Hours Late
Got Lost on Wrong Road
at Sisson During Night.
Wurii out I'roin liu-k of slufji, dusty
ii nd lit'urimi'd willi dirt, rerniuido Xil
son unit party nrrivt'd lion1 ut 7:40 Wod
nt'silny niornin in tlii-ir Whilit Htcaiil-tu-
nutiiiliohilt' in un i-l'l'iirt to PKttibliuh
n low srht'iiuli bi-twei-ii Sun FrunciMiMi
nnd rortiiind. At'ler hri-iiki'itsting tliry
loft lit S::il tor Toi'thiud, about S hours
lioliiud Mi-lit-.liili' tiini'. Thoy oxpivt to
ri'itch their ilest inatiou ut 10:311 p. in.
Driver Hill Simmon took charge of
I ho cur here, and William Wagner, who
rii 11 tho car from Wedding, nok the
morning train to 1'nrtkiml. Besides Nel
sou, there was his sou, l-Yank Nelson,
ami Hurry Johnson, machinist, and W.
II. Hudson, proprietor id' a local gar
age. The cur lel'l ut 4:15 a. m.
Tuesday morning an hour and lo min
utes late. They lost an hour at Ked
ding in replncing a tire which gave out,
am! approximately three hours was lost
near Sisson, when hy mistake in the
darkness, the chauffeur took the wrong
road ami wandered (ill miles over lumber
roads. Prom a (iiarler of an hour to
half an hour was lost during tho night
at various small towns in an effort
to arouse tho people and socuro direc
tions regarding route. There WHS no
moonlight, the night was a dark one
ami occasionally fog enveloped the trav
elers. Tho party left lieddiug at 1:55 Tiles
day. Ten minutes wero lost at the fer
rv. No. record of arrivals was kept at
towns nlong Hie route until daybreak.
The auto arrived at Cole, on tho sum
mit of the Siskiyou, at. r:2.1 a. in. and
at Ashland at 7:i)".
Worst Road in Oregon.
l'Vrmimlo Nelson, speaking of the trip,
silid: "The worst slri-lih of road we
have enconnlercd was Hie toll road two
miles in length on Hie Oregon side of
the Siskiyou summit. They charged
$l.."itl lor going down this per cent
grade, which was pioli.'ilily the worst
strain the machine has yet untered.
There are stretches ol this road where
the wagon ruts an- filled with short
stovo wood to prevent miring, ilist I
of regular eoldlir.iy.
Next to this Ho' worst road trav
eled was in I he I'itt river country. There
was ahoul III miles of bale rock, which
wore onr tin s down and wa.. very rough
on Hie nolo. At Sisson We got lost on
a lumber road, and wandered tin miles
out of the direct road. Then- were many
crossroads and uhl not tell the
rigid one in Hie dark, although we knew
tl'ie general direction.
Another thing Hint delayed ns was
the strong head wind wo encountered
Hi,, entire length of Hie Sacramento val
lov. Then, we wasted quite a while
in' each town walung people up so as to
secure directions. Vo reached Horn
brook ilbout .". uVlMck nnd were there
half an hour before we succeeded in
waking Hie staliini agent.
Many Koads Muddy.
"Many of Hie roads were deep with
mud. null now- of them were in very
good shaped I am satisfied thill we
could make the trip a s ml time with
in the original schedule of time. This
is Hie snine car with the same tires that
recently made l in record run from San
Francisco lo l.os Angeles of ."ilNl miles
ill 17 hours and 17 minutes. The entire
trip of a thousand miles from San Fran
cisco to l.os Angeles ami return was
made ill :t7 hours nnd '.'I minutes."
A large crowd stood about the car
during its "."i minutes' stop in Medford.
while the machine was oiled and water
oil and prepared for its northward jour
ncv. None of the party had nay sleep
ill :il! hours or more, and do not expect
nnv until lale tonight. The parly has
been on the road since the second start
from Vallejo u'7 hours, and I tie odometer
records about li miles, showing tin-
excess of Ii l"" "v,-r wr""K
shipment consisting of it -' li' ' ,w
er gasoline engine, h I gallon n
. tr-r (f;tnk. '' barrels i.f e nn ui, bath
tubs, tlyuarnofi etc., ha just been f"r
v:,,.lr-l ! Pelican Pay to I"' Used ill
' -(.:! tji ii jf t he place for I In- 1 1 :i r l Mil :in
patty, wlioh w ill arrive in July. Th'
engine will be it-i-i in connection with
I hi tlvimnio, which wilt supply electric
it y for l:;' ami "Hit piirotes. Th
If-nk will i.c u-"' ft.r t-niiui nf watfr.
mo tlint H-Tv hnillin; on tin phur mny
h i.plhtl it Ii Ihi iinil rol.l w.ittT.
Kverythiog will bb io r adintB by July.
County Judge llnnn mid Sheriff Jackson mulling away from Hie storm
the jumping off place, June 1, to land in Salt creek.
Former Frisco Supervisor Out
Three More Places by Dynamite-Was
a Star Witness.
OAKLAND, Culif., May 27. Arresls
are expected today as Hie result of Hie
dynamiting nf threo unoccupied houses,
belonging to former Supervisor James
L. fliilliigher. win turned slates evi
denco ill Hie graft trials here last uiglil,
and it is intiiniitei Hull the police linvc
information which may lead to the ex
posure ofa plot of surprising character
laid against tiallaglier by liis encinies.
The explosion Inst night was Hie second
altack. (iallagher's residence having
been wrecked by dynamite ou April UlJ.
It is the belief of tile detectives tllllt
Capl. rettersea has Hie doseripl ion of a
mail who will bo brought into custody
if Hi unbilled elforls of the police of
this city. Berkeley. Al la and San
Francisco count in being ablc"to make
this apprehension. The explo'nn Vit
night was no surprise to Fetter
Hallaglier, who today is inaldm: i
ion to protect, hiiuself againit faille r
attacks, which it is found may I of
a nature more dangerous to him pe. "U
allv. The houses damaged last night
wi re owned partly by Ceorge McRae, an
architect, but tin- dynamiting unques
tionably was directed against Gallagher.
The investment in the buildings was
2-i.uiiii. and they are ill the fashionable
residence district of Oakland.
Frank MrViingh, a watchman, who
took Ho- pi: jnsl two days ago. when
his predecessor was taken ill, says that
he was silling in Hie oil shed when the
explosion look place, and asserts that
he hud made a lour ol inspeciion ,-
nil three houses within ten minutes of
the explosion which shook him on" his
seat, lie says lie s,i io. thing whatever
to lead him to suspect anything was
wrong. The hcavv charge of dynamite
was lighted in Hi" best ,d' the three
houses in such a way Hist Hie explosion ;
badlv damaged the other two houses.
A part of the mystery thai ullracts
attention todav is 'the fact that ial
higher had a deal pending by which he ,
expected to sell tile three houses today,
for and it is b.-lieved Hint Hie
dynamiters undoubtedly had infonna I
lion of t In- proposed transaction.
The explosion shook the city for,
blocks around lust night, and there was j
much excitement. Captain I'etterseii j
heard the detonation and rushed to Ho-(
scene as lo- said he knew nut Ii.itelv
nhat had happened.
The damage lo Ho- building i e.ti
muted at from ''"' '" Tl"'
building in which the dynamite was
placed was valued at '. I H"
other two soon each.
VKKKA. al.. Itai '-'. Salol.lay
lleoig- Ming.. .-I.:.lg..l with butflary.
',.,cr liraill'-, chaigcd mil' g'and I"'
,., i,i erc ariaig'"'! in H"' ""I"
curl. I'."th plead.. t gn.ltV M""'
I t'T J""" - ''"'''' '"'
.lone o. An old.r as made b. the
,i,..,.i,,. tint Ho- cl.rK draw ..o
.,., for ea.l, which was done.
',! the .el.ite- wrc pll I "' H,e
hand, of the stunt! for service.
Pryor Eaton's Home Entered by Hun
gry Burglar During His Absence and
Many Things Stolen No Cluo to the
The liomc of 1'ryor Kntou, three miles
west of Jacksonville on Hie Itluc Ledge
mail was entered by a hungry thief
Tuesday, who cut a hole through the
roof and stole all Hid portable tilings
he could get his hands on, among tlieni
a frying pan, a pair of blankets, a ipiilt.
a coffee pot, a ar of honev, a glass ot
jelly, a sack of flour, some potatoes and
a side of bacon. lie left no clue.
Tilt' iimtluT prnviiiriii of t ho Nistri-s
ol tin' llnly ;iin', wlm tin1 lunldin
Hh' .fin.doi) Calhiilii- iii'iulriiiy in .Mnl-ftn-il,
iieoeinpniiieil ly Sister Miiry Si i'
pliiMi cl' St. Mitry't ju-rnli'iny, list bcon
in Milfont 1'nr the prist two ihivx nr
nuiniiiy with fity nt't'icials tor hh -jc-ItiUtiuJl
ut' I he Hi'W'or sywtrm to the new
hu'UIi.i,'. Tin inothiT pruvinviiil stfiti'il
Ni.t i'Lmu riiil not In opciicil in tin
luiuiiin until such conncrlion wns mink1,
ami cirv nut Imrit u a huvo pnnnisi'il tlint
it will b'- by Lbis time.
SALK.M. Or., Mny 27. Ujiiin itH own
initint ivc t he tremm rttilroml nun mis
sion linn nil Iff t i'l in format ion ilisr los
ing pxi'i'Hsiv rut p eb:ir(j;fl by fXpresH
fonipanii's in thin state, mnl it in pnu
tic.'illy ccitniii thnt proi-iv ((inns will be
stnrtfil soon to fnnipel reiliie tioiis.
Knte ( leik MilliT. who 1i:ih hml tlie
ib'tniU of the' work in flunf. Iihm m
f nri'il a niHHH of f viib'ue-. whii-Ii will
fiirm the basin i.f tin pro-eeilirif;-
jiC.iiinl the Well, l-'at-jjo iimi tho
I'ji.-ifif Kxpn-HH niinpaniiH. The WcIN
Tiiru'ii i-oiiipaiiy opemten on the South-f-rn
I'aeilif ami tin- I'aeitV KxpreHi
innipany 'lies biiMiiiesw on the . It. A: X.
As an inntiinei' nf th.. fhaiin-ler of
rates rliaru'i-d. it is shown that Welln
Kargo chaiiii's -.""( a hnwlrH for nor
rhaiiilise inrrii'il from I'orthfi'l to Sis
liivnti, rnili s. I'm- the same distance
iti Missouri the same company clinren
l.ti't a hundred and in Texan
Vft tin- Wells Kftftf" rati over the
Southern I'ai'ifie is lw compared with
the I'aeific Kxpnss company ' charge
tiver the O. It. A . The rate from I'ort
land to Itaker I'ity, the same distance
:m to Siskiyou, is t:!.T".. The rate on
uifp handie from Portland to Hunting
ton, I'M tuilcK. i ft, while tin' rate in
Mi.oiri is "J.I". and in Tixai
I in.' of III.- uiowt enjoyable dances of
rli vaoii na that j;ivefi by thf la
Inn ..f llf St. Ann's ubiety laxt nielli
at tin M I'd fori) oprn house.
The dance from all t and points was a
rent Hucc.-t ami ln-ttl tin ladies of
tin- w.M-iely Hveryoiie flit huins
t ir allv complimented the able commit he
rtht.h forni-lie! muh an eniovablo pro
'r;iin for Itif evening! enti-rtainmeiit .
The flour commit toe pimitiH of
t.iri. K. II Hopkins. I'. .1. MfMahon,
John l..)lhell, W. Hyde Stalker. VAur
Kaler, l;.l.l. I., rli.rke. J. If. Kity-T
of public indignation, high tax revolt,
End of Balloting for Young Lady,
to Represent Rose Carnival at
CommerGial Club Tonight. i
Thro carnival .-uecn will closo
loni.t at the Commercial club r
, ,
prompt v at 1 p. m.. hose intersted '
' 1
in the uotcotuc of tl mtwt should
see that uh many votes as possible are
di'.osiled before the hour of it o'clock
. ,
The ballot boxrs will be taken to 1 tic
i-lnli rooms at S u 'clock and left there ;
until ! o'clofk, when tliey will be
iiu.l a count of the votes made.
Kvery member of the club and every
one interested in ihis contest should try
and be ut the club rooms tonight and
witness tho counting of tho votes.
SKATTI-K, May 'J7.- Itluejackcts mid
marines from the At Inn I ic fleet now
lying in the harbor joined with n largf
force of soldiers represc ut iug the mili
tary prwts in this vicinity and a greal
number of f raiernal orgaui.alions iu
the most notable parade this city has
ever known. Tl vent was witnessed
by immense crowds that lined the strci.-t
and oi-fiipicd doors, windows and Ionise
A ftf r t he parade dibnmb d sailors
and otticers were again laki-u in charge
by 1 1 ii lei taiuinetit commit tees, uml
hiuflicoiis, ridi's, athletic Hporls and re
cept ions were promised iu abundance
for the remainder of tin day.
KLAMATH 1'AIJ.S, Or.. May 'Js.
The t horoiighbri-d running horse pit
sfiitttl bv K. 11. Ilarrimau to the p.-opl
of Wotttl river valley was taken through
t his city last week t-n route to Korl
Klamath. When Mr. Harrman was in
Klamath county Inst yea? he became
much interested in Wotnl river valh-y,
as it is one of the finest stock conn
t ries on t lie const . He "a id. howe er,
that a better clans of stock was Heeded,
especially horse, ami he prtnniwetl K. '.
Hovt of Kort Klamath a tltoroitglibrt'd
driving" horse for the people of thnt sec
tiou if they would take care of it. Mr.
Hovt agree! to do this and Mr. Hani
man has kept his promise.
Repudiates Prohibition.
Sl'oK.WK, Wash., May 'M,- Hr. I'. S.
I'.ynie. twite mayor of Spokane, now a
prominent aspirant for the deriincruio
nomination ( governor, has repudiat
- 1 i he stat invent ion 's declaration
in faor of prohiliihoH and is planning
a platform of his own Hhifh may de
evlare openly for "personal liberty.
Dry Win North Carolina.
liAl.KIKH. X. '.. May.t'H.At hh
flection he. I yi-Htfidav the prohibition
force carried the stale bv an over
whelming majority of Ih.ihmi ami it is
probable that the majority will roach
.Vl.'Hin. (lul of the S counties that vot
ed on t lie in st n.n 7S are ktoiwii In
tinve gone dty by over, helming major
nnrni ninnrf
poor road rebellion and demand for exporling county books. They are ncaring
. .
Can Become Housekeepers if They Make
Th,lr Mi,u,s Enrly Eoii,'-D1-
Clares Ho Is a Hardy Sou of tho Soil
Clu08 Briek8 10 Top of Buil(liIlrf.
IN ! 'A NTIt ') IMM.S. X. V.. Max J7.
John l. KocUffeller, tl il kini.
was caught in a tiilkiitive mood today
"l.ile he was playing his usual Uan.e of
U'df, and iillliouiM'ed. besides ot her
, . . , . ... ..
tilings, that In is a real son of Hie soil
j ,IH,H mit w, (nWH jj,
"Von see that- mansion ynndcrf" he
"AuA, pointing to u big building nmler
construction, Well, I Hhoeled mor
tar there and 'nrrieil bricks lo Hie vrv
)u (J- j,
"liold brieky.'" qtierii-d one of his
listeners. The oil kintf lauylo'd heail-
' 1,1 ,,l"t renmra.
i "No; Ihev wen the real clay bricks,
he replied. '
When Ife 'l:ef'dler was asked lo give
! his opiii!vni ou I In- workiii", woman of
the t'u'.i'i. Si n'es. In- said : "It is a
woman 't own fault if she works. Of
rout-si I hi iv f re exceptions, but most
women ca'i if I hey make up tlnir mind
early ("loiiyh becoiile hoiisi'kei'pers in
stead of bi - iol winiHTH.
''Von see, I am a hardy son of the
so:t. I lei ji v II. My appi'tile is good,
and I am always putting away a few
l-fiiiibs ft' ". tniny tin;, rie-w an1 Ih--
lilies to ke." if one W i'iil I tne a
golf phn.-.
S.l,-:.'. ' May '27 - Iu re se
to Ho- aup. ;n of I're- -li n' Itoosevell
made to i lit recent V Islington confer
nice for t1-' ' ""'ervati'ii of natural re
sources, ''i i ! or ( ham! f )aiu has ap
poiutetl a c -uituittee ineo diiig a mini
ber of the leading of tin- stale
to form an orgaiii.aliou iu Oregon. Tin
MirioSe of I lie work stalled by tile
goM-rn-c wth be lo initiate i rtiuiiieul
itti)roeiiieiil and organialion for ilo
f finserval ion aed higher utility of tlie
if:ii'ii' tec includes .1, '. Stevens
of Porll.-ind. .lohn II. Lewis of Sal. in.
stale ce-Mi'. t . W. K. Xewell of forest
firovc, president of the stale board ot
horticulture; Austin I'.uxlou of l-'on-st
drove, master of t he t Iregon stale
grange; Professor .1. It. Wilson of I'ort
land, prineiiul of Portland aiioleiny;
Professor Y !. Vollllg of Kltgflie, ,1. X.
Teal and Itiehanl Montague, attorneys,
of I'ort land. The Com nut tee h;iS been
requested to meet with (he governor at
his of fire ill Hie Chamber of ( oiiunerce
building at Portland Saturday. June I.
In the mailer of eotiser ing the m m
oral siipplv of uiiter iu Oregon al'Oie
there lies a great task for such an or
gani.aliou as is pmposid by (Joveiuor
Chamber hi in. A eali.:il itm has le gnu
to dawn on the people of the state that
eeti in Ihis undeveloped region steps
linist be tsk'-ll to protect t lit forests
and water from nggressiw add gr Iv
From Lai:d of Growth.
KLAM TII I'ALI.S. i ir.. May
Klamath county's float iii the Pe,e fts
tival will be a representation of agricu!
tore anil irrigation. The banner will be
" Klamath the Laud Where Thing
(Jrow." lt-i hoped aNo to show a fine
pinnling of Crater bike. There will be
tio Klamath queen.
Owner of Moore Hotel and Build
er of Business Blocks gives
Reasons for Opposing Dry Town
Hon in this manner: Tu 1004 one of the
To lli. IMitor: Medford preehictH voted dry, and the
Dear Sir: As ono interested iu th h"111'? ',,l,rl "l'''lrl prohibition in ef
preseut nnd f.rt.ire welfare of Med- ,vl '" t,u,t P'''-'"'- That precinct
ioni, i winri io milium my views upon j
I In- wel or div proposition that is
be v 1 upon' next Monday. The ,lry
vote, iu mr opinion, based upon reason.
does not mean prohibition and is thi-
direct opposite to temperai Thin
tact lias been proven hy methods adopt
id in dry districts. Iu voting Medford
dry you deplete the treasury by abolish
ing the 1 i 1 1 1 - lict-nse, inn-ease direct
taxat ion and place t he xale of liipmr
in the hands of the most qties iouable
clasi, li smuggle it into our fair city1
1 !,l " 'H "i quantity without j tins nty, bd Iliem go to (he prosecuting-
inking any exception lo the mini ..r boy i ut torney and make n complaint and
wlm sirefiiHod liquor at a licensed bar. i have some nf them arrested. The mat
I make this suggeiion as tine aiutnig ; ,.r would be then taken on on a writ
larger individual property owueis,,f review or habeas corpus before the
and as one conleinplaling miiuv sub
staiilial improvements. I am firmly
convinced thai such mi nltempl at pro
hi bit ion would mean a most serious
set bat k to the present prosperity of
the eily ami county as well.
T. H. MiHiKL.
' -
OKLAHOM A CITV. okia.. Mnv -js.
four persons win kilhsl and ninny j
injured bv a loniado v hieh swept over f
lii, Olilahoiii.'i, early todav, doing
heavy damage to property. Houses j
were twisted off their foundations ami 1
trees Moled along the pall, of thf!"""i:,r n.y etiucn.sioDrt. uie prnnm.
twister." whieh nt s point ap !,IOM V ,,r" " "n
pears lo have been of r. ter. il it- ve- l,K,'- Th" r",','" tf ,h"il' nttitud will
loci iv than that of anv tt.rmolo in thisi1'" ' 1m' f 'h" votes nf the
seetion for v-nrs. Its course was main
iy through country not lltieklv settled,
and Alva is the only town reported
to have been damaged.
Crops were destroyed over an area
of several mites around Alva and the
devastation plaees a new burden upon
this- sect ion, w hich has already been
heavily drained by the distress ami des
Iriiclioti following the greal floods.
'Che pi'isoiiH killed were crushed un
der the wreckage of buildings, ami in
l In excite meal identification has hern
impMS-ible. It is b, lieved most of the
i.i jured will reeo er.
U ANIIIMJTOV. May 27. - Ill the
Hyde Iteiison land fraud case tiday
counsel for one of the Idaho defendants
pleaded that I heir client should be
lit ed on I he gr I that the statute of
limitations runs ugaiusl the offense nl
ligd to have been coouiiitled by liini.
Argi tils in behalf of the other tie
feinliinis who are seeking to have the
indictments against them quashed were
made along authentic lilies
KlAituth'a Registration,
K I . M ATM KAI.l.S. dr.. Mav -'Cli
olloial iegiliatiou of Klamath
rottitt v is ItiZs for t he June elctttitui.
'Che count v consists of -J preeincts. of
whii h Link ville, which includes the
eitv of Klamath I'nlh, is the largest
witu "si votes.
Medford Exempted from
Operation of LoGal Option
Law, Again Asserts At
torney R. G. Smith;
Robert 1. Smith, of (irantn Pass, th
tiMoriiry whose opiuion ou th looal op
lion law's applicutioit to tho city of
Medford whs publitilied iu The Tribune
reeently, was iu Medford on business
-day.. Mr. Smith held thai Medford'
eharter expressly exempted it from th'
local option law.
A Tribune reporter called Mr. Smith V
Httentinu to some newspaper comment
on his opinion that seemed to treat it
rather lightly.
Mr. Smith said: "1 have not iced some
such reflections, and some local editors
seem to think they know all the law,
but I have not learned of any attorney
who disputes my conclusions.
Not a Matter of Sentiment.
"The opinion was not a matter of
sentiment with nn. anil is in no rcsptet
a bluff. If any believo it in, H them
submit it to ouo of the attorney of the
anti saloon leajjun or any lawyer., nf
ability. I javc the opinion in absolute
ly good faith, and was employed for tho
purpose of Riving an opinion of the law,
as I honestly believed it to bo. f am
sure I am. correct and would not have
given an opinion I. did not sinewly
believe to be correct.
Can Test -Quention.
"If 1 inn wrong, the question eau b
easily and quickly tested before elee-
included the Xash Hole! block in which
are several saloons, licensed, because
,,H ttmoni ",H th,t Ttvr in IftOA
""I'l''"''" "'P lie enect ot me
I ,n,n! "J',inn ,uw H!4 f,lr t,,e ifr
I ,,K 4X,'"'I- If this nmendmrut to
the chnrler does not have thut effect.
that precinct is si ill a dry precinct, and
every liquor dealer Is subject to arrest
and prosecution.
Can Find Out at Once.
" If any think tho charter .intendment
rloes not repeal Hie local option Invr tu
circuit .lldge.
"If f am wrong, the prosecuting nt .
torney would not hesitate to prosecute. .
I think also ho would be glad to have
any legal assistance that would luv nf
fered in the matter. I'nderstatid. T do
not say that Mr. fT fames is of my Opin
lion, but from the fact that saloons hav
ndiicted in that precinct since
1 0O.T, T think he must have taken the'
I same view of the In w. - ' ' '
Only One View of Questlonfl. '
"Rut in truth there is no other View
to lie taken by any attorney who will in
vestigate the subject. ,
"III llffeeting to believe the luw Is
lMvn precincts,
"'Chat the authority given cities lo
make their own charters repeals any
part of the charter is too absurd tn
discuss. 'Che constitutional amendment
providing for the making of charter
by the voters of h town contains no
repealing elnust- that could be go con
strued. Does Not Repeal Charter.
"It doc not purport to amend any
charter, and if it could be construed
to repeal any part of the charter, it
would repeal th whole charter. Von evi
denlly do not think your charter is re
pealed because yo.t are still governid
under I he charter, and are about to
issue bonds for a large amount,
' ' 'Che matter of adjusting the elec
lion precincts should have been taken
before the county court, before the pe
titions were filed, and the city of Med
ford divided into precincts exclusive
of any outside territory. In fuel, the
lew requires the county court to do
this of Its own motion.'
NKW YORK. Mav 27. Mrs. Kltea
French Ytinderbilt wa granted an in
terlocutory decree of divorce from Al- .
fred fiwynne Vsnderhilt hy Justice
O'linrman iu the Miipreuie court no the
report of the referee. Just ice O 'flor
man confirmed the report. f the referee
that Mr. aVnderbilt had been guilty of