Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, May 26, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    If You've Anything to Buy or Sell, Try Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Quick Results
By far the largest aud u, st news report
furnished by any paper south of Portland
The Weather
I'ah v.;itli- is' promised for tonight
Mini Wcduesdav.
M KDFORl). Ol?., Tl'KSDAV, MAY 1!M)S.
Xo. ."S.
Requests Republican Can
didate to Join Him in
Securing Passage tor
Bill Through Congress.
WASHINGTON, .May 2G. The first
big sensation of the presidential cam
paign came t inlay, wheu William .To li
nings I!rynn simiI a telegram to Wil
liam Howard Tuft suggesting Hint they
join in urging congress to putts a bill
limiting compulsory tin publication of
campaign contributions. This move by
lirynn is looked upon ris ono of great
wisdom by (ho democratic loaders, who
say it shows his sincere determination
to conduct, his campaign without the
aid nr. great corporate influence;. The
Tuft men would not criticize Tiryan s
action publicly. I mt it is understood
that they are inclined to look upon it
as a "play to the galleries." Bryan's
message reads as follows:
"Hon. William Howard Tnft, Sec
retary of War, Washington, T. (!.:
"I beg to suggest, that as tho load
ing candidates of our respective parties,
we join in asking congress to pass the
bill requiring the publication of cam
paign contributions prior to elections.
I f you I hing best , we can nsk other
candidates to unite with us in the re
quest. " W. J. BKAN."
Secretary Tal't today replied to Wil
liaiu .T. Hrvan 's telegram as follows:
' William .1. I try an. Lincoln, Neli.:
Your telegram received. On April last
I sent. Ihe following letter to Secretary
Harrows, chairman of committee on
privileges and eltetioiis. 'I sincerely
believe that il would greatly tend to
ward tho absence of corruption from
politics, if all the expenditures for the
nomination and election id' all cuiidi
dates, and all eont ribut ions received,
and expenditures made by political com could be made public, both in
respect to slate and nat ional 1 polit ics.
.l'or that reason I sincerely favor the
passage of the hill now pending in the
senate and the house of representatives
which would bring about this result, as
far as nat -una I politics is concerned.
" ' I make this letter personal be
cause I am anxious to avoid assuming
an at t it ude in connection with the
coming presidential campaign, which it
is quite possible I shall have the right
to assume, but so far as my personal
iiiflm nee is concerned, I am anxious
to givo it in behalf of the passage of
the bill.' Since writing the above let
ter in answer to inquiry, I have public
ly s.'i id 1 hope such a bill would be
Tommy Burns to Sail for Australia in
July. V'hero He Will Meet Lang, the
rh Tooted Fighter Johnson Fight
Is Dcclarod Off.
,ilMMi, May ii. It is announced
here today to the surprise of light fans
that Mo-re will be no Hums Johnson
fight for the heavyweight champion
ship and that Hums will sail from Knji
l.i tid parly in July for Anstrialia, where
he will meet Hang. I If much touted
Australian fighter.
Tommy Hums who has be. u beating
all comers in KnL'l.nd and Ireland and
hat cMnl.IUhed himself as the king of
heavyweights now in the ring, is the
idol f Ho- follower of the manly art
h'-re. and his bout with Johnson wn
expected to b a great r cut. The
r rouble i aid te. havo been canned by
the failure of .l.i.-k Cutley. the Ijioago
promoter, to prut ide i he money guar
ante,- d'Tti:.ud,d by Hums before he
would inn the big negro.
Horn told hi friends hen- today
that he h:i d.-. positively to go to
Austrial'ia and that the Johnson fight
is o'f. mannger has In en after
Hunt f.. ioimo time, and though fig
lire are not actually out, it is under
ktood the r1i:inipi:in ha a fi nunc ml
proposition that phnt4 him.
mm. ,
Starting From Vallejo
Cal., Will Make the Trip
to Portland in Thirty
Six Hours.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 2(1. In an
tVort to establish a low automobile
record between San Francisco and Port
land, Or., Fernando Nelson started from
Vallejo at It oVolelc this morning and
is now well on his way to tho Oregon
metropolis. If he meets with no mis
naps, and the Itti hour schedule is main
tained, the machine should reach its
liestinatiou at It o'clock tomorrow after
The distance to be covered is su
miles. The roads to be traversed arc
in many sections very bad, especially
where the recent rains wore heavy, and,
besides, there aro difficult mountain
passes. The time taken by the railroad
for the tnii is ,li hours, which is one
hour more than the Nelson schedule.
Jn tho first stretch of approximately
'200 miles to Wedding the, cur will be
handled bv Al Pieponburg, and from
that point William Wagner will drive
to Medford, Or., then "Bill" Slinimon
wili be in charge as fur as Kugene, Or..
and the final stretch will bo handled
by Harry .lohansen.
Nelson and his son will make Ihe
entire trip iu the car.
Diplomas Prosontccl by County Superin
tendent Wells Interesting Program
Rendered by Graduates at Modford
Opera House Class Numbers 51.
Kihlli gniilc eiminH'iiei'tiM'nt. r-xorris.'s
were held at the M Ml fori I opera house
Monday evi-ninj; lii-foro a crowded houao
Diplomas witc presented by .T. Pcrny
Wells, eonnty siiperiiiteinlont. 'i i, '
lowing is the lil '' i;riiliun.-il- . i.ool
'Cindy Finisher, Ueuia l!..lmt, I; race
Taylor. Ktliel Kifert. irr-njri. on,
linl.y llurke, Mildred Young, Aruioud
Tayior, Kvcrett Corey, Vim,'.' Colviff.
(icinn" Maker, Tens Marshall, Cuilii.
Andi-rson. (Iraee Dent, Iiernti Huberts,
Kiltie Clark. Meda Hish, Ivy B !(.
Kminorsnn Monii'lt, Ward Keiziir,
Charlos lii.y.l l'Vank'H., Inn
Coiliran. Mary Stevenson. Heiilah Mr
Keever, Wrny Curry, Walter Merrick,
i:di;iir .loa.-s. Cany Handy. Harry Dor
l.-r, Herbert Darker. Harry linker, Kdilli
Ciirson. Kda (iooilo, Jessie Durdy, Mllic
.... Vi-rna (Iriffin. Ninn Uroheek.
I.loy.l Ual-.i-r. Carlton Shiiliy, l.nlic
Cultins;. Mary Deui-1. Ion.- I'lyini. Mol
I,,. MiTriman'. Il-llo Shirley. Amy Wol
tcr. .reailll.-tti- Osgood. Nellie Kvali-.
Margaret Kerr. Lucille Snyder. I.oiii-e
Washail.-I.'nby Hailey. Marpiret Kinig.
Dora Ilruinldc.
The followiat; irngriim was rendered
Diano duel, ll.riia liol.erts. Nellie
Kvaas; chorus. "The Mellow Horn."
eighth grade; invocation. Hev, li. I..
Hull; oration. "Tnilf." Hr Taylor:
reading. " S h "f William Me
Kinley." Krank Hay; .iano solo. DoIihIi
Dunce (Kru Riilien.l. Mary Deuel;
rending. "A Kunaway Head" (l.'alpli
Nicholsl, Maiy Stevens; oration. " llo
Whitman Suvcd Hregon." l.'iiby Hailey:
Mav song, girls of eighth grade; read
ling, "The Anucx.-ition of Cidiy (Alice
!C. Hcgaii"). Wruy Curry: riiiion.
!"Vak Hasle Slowly." Dthel Kit'ert:
piano i
In. " ! r I rei.eliotz (
v Doeek: rending. "The Sign
of the
Croi ( ilson liarn-n l. in-iii
; rending "Soekery and the
Te Mar hall: .reeutntioii of
rt. SuM.rinteii'eut .1. I'ercy
ioliii olo, " Ma.nrkn de Con.
IDvi.le Mtlillt. I, 'Me rivilll.
i l iii.i r-l ii He.uoe llarr,-,',, S.ll.y;
.l.-liliie Selln' noli::it,il cinililnm.
i:.t:,le I'. II- Kl'llore; or.ler lll.-ole
Appoinlioii .In"" lok. Warren Me.
mi. I l.'ih i Th,.iiip,.n. r.. uppriii-r.
A, IlelllM left
l:, i. h.
v, t,-r
Iuv f,. I...I.,
Let the Anti-Statement Twin's do Your Thinking- for You
X'0Q. on
hoVS. ft W i
Messrs. Ilammersley and Kuldi
ler than that of the people when il
wilh their own.
Business and Professional Men
to Cross Bats at Local Park,
Decoration Day.
The big game lietween the profession-
ul men I the business men of Med-
ford bus hoc, definitelv ide.l ,.
for Saturday afternoon. May IM. I here j
is consideral.le feeling aroused over th'
nine, ami a numner .i neavy uageis i
hae been placeil at the prevailing odds
of HI to 1 both ways.
Judge olvtg, who has 1 i in train
ing for the pitching slpnl fur the pro
fessionals, is nuw down to weight and
during the 'remainder of the week will
do only such light worli us is neces
sary to keep on edge. Snuuling on Ihe
huiuu plate I his (in. ruing, the judge
jertrwl n clean rut high ball over the
0( .iiiiiiii id fence and never touched a
board. Th.- judge has discovered a new
curve, "which he lias very appropriately
named the iujuuetion shoot. This re
markuble hall is a, cross between the
spit ball and tho rainbow curve and
will bo sure lo make a great hit with
the business tneti.
Tho professional men have. 1 n in
communication with Heneral t.'oxey of
Coxey army fame and expect lo have
a full outfit of the most original nni
forms ever seen on a ball Held.
The lineup of the piofessii Is fol
lows: Judge Cohig. pitcher; K. K. Kelly,
cateher; V. I. Vawter. firsl base; At
torney Newman, second luce; Hr. lied; I ir. I'ngi, third base; b'ev.
Ih.ll. right lield; I' J. W. I'.-r
t;in. ei iit-r Ibdd: I'r. Itnll. r. 1 ft ti.ld;
nbsiitutfs: liev. Shield. Hr. I'i--he.
IT. K.iip'. IT. Scehy. Kditor I'ntnam.
Judge t'roiveil. Judge I'ordiii. IT. liar
grave. 'ity Knginei r I g I. 11. Willi
ington. Kath.r Van, Hr. Itay, W. H. Ks
Hnsiiit'ss men I' red W illiam. catch
it; I. T. I.awton, pitdiei ; H. '. Keiit-
ner, first bn-e; H. T. Malt, s I
has.-; William llawb-y, third hnse;
Short v liarnett. short -top; William
Isaacs. I. Hntchasoii. J. I'. Mobmy.
ttelders; snbsttlutes. I'. W, II-. His, S.
Ilirliardton. (", 11. Itahi-r, T. K. Hauo-I-.
Kd Van I M e. W. Kwbanlt.
Oili.-ial m-..n-rs A. H . Mfll-r. H. With
liaine ratb-d nl ':;tn p. m. I'mpMe.
Judge I'rim et nl.
I l.i:Vi:i.AH. I'.. May L'li. - Th,.-,
I, ot,, he. I .Inl-nio Hire,-, ,-ar ,i,. .-ippli,,l
for lloii ol, I po-ii,n,n toilai :,n,l were
r, ii,", il. Tl.e'.-nrfie in mm rapnlly
appron, hint' 'i normal tale. :,,,. oflieinl-
of th, tr.-ol ion , pa"' " ay Ihe ll-lial of , :i, s mil I,.- Mi op, io" i"
a ,lai or liio. 'I'll" xlnher. h, , never.
.1,-,-laie thai th- ,,.to.,i,.v I.a.llv ,-np
,.1, ,l i, it tl.. -. are .'ill ...i.l'i.le' I
of ii in,,, ni;. o fnitlirr plans f-T :i l.i
trnli f the -lil'fer, im'.-h lotive, ,, ll"'
rt-,rrilK fa. lion- iv, re ina.le
M... Mail l,n Mo I I- Tt To,
. fur I'ortlan,.
(Willi iiH.l,iui. to
IP Jem. tit ' 'vv'. rr 7 r i
L- MAS c' Vs ft-: i v , .4 ......
rrr,'i;ui tfi(iiii(ni C mT'
are asking idection to the legislature on an auti- Sinteiueut No. I jilulforin. They claim (h:it ilu-ir jiidineiit is het
comes to selecting Tinted States senators, and will refuse to vole for the popular choice, unless it happens o coincide
Wile of Harry K. Thaw Applies 1
for Withdrawal of Suit to An-;
I mil Her Marriage.
NKW VOKK. f:ly I'll. -The counsel
l'or llvelyn Xosbil Thaw :i.icared be
,'"r- "','"r'" )"v" t'"l"-v IM'-1
fur a withdniwal ot her suit to annul
MirrjllK(. , ,,.,r.v K, TI(JUV( whn
Visterd:iy was adjudy.-d insane by Jus
M(,s,diauser al I'oiiLdiheei.sie. V
Y, The couiih'I gae no reason for
t heir sudden change nf at t it ude, but
il is reported here that it is a step on
the part of Kvelyn to gain control id'
Thaw "s estate.
Willi the withdrawal of her suit she
leiuaius Ihe wife of an insane man, ami
il is reported that Iut counsel are pre
paring to bring an action in an al
tempi to hae her appointed a t unit
lee lo take charge of his person and
property. In this way. it is said, lui
counsel hope to gain control for lei
of all Hariv's share of the .-.-tale ot
William Thaw of Hilt-burg, who was
a multimillionaire.
Il is understood hat M is. William
Thaw is hurrying to New York to con
I'er wit h her counsel here and t ry to
prevent the success of Hie Steps lief
daughter in-law has taken, tine of the
attorneys for the Thaw eslute said to
day I hat il is so closely held under
the will of Thaw by Ihe trustees that
il would be impossible for Kvelvn 1o
gel .'iuv large amount.
The Thaw counsel already are pre
paring to oppose :i motion to have live appointed one (lie commit tee on
the grounds that w is not a suitable
person for such a duty.
Ml ll :S'I I. I 111.. M.IV J"i. Sent illtellt
1,1 I'ulifoinin if fin ,, nil, Ir tothe Inline
of h're't Wl ler i,h prc-ilentiiil eiuoli
.Into of Ihe orohil.iltoli pally wh ieh
I'lOltilllO ,1 to t'loW loilllV. II H lleleu'-'llei-
pi, lire, I into Mi i ileal,, to III, -II, I Ihe Hlate
,, i, m i.Io.m lo , le.-t ,1,1, yateii to the mi
lit, mil eo,,, enlion I,, l.e heht in Cilnni
,,M (I. Iii.lir.nliolo, .in. I l.el'oie illegal..,,, at l it, I of I !,, 1,11,
, M.lti lle.l till- al'lel" I"""' Tlte roo,,, I...V Ii.,-. I ll.Ma
,, Ion tlo,i" thai llieilel (.! iln' N'-l-m limn an-, ,.t In ,
,oale. n ill In. in.lrn.-te.l l ite f or ' ,,f I, i . - le ,,, , I , -- ' '
VS'lt. .0.-1' ill lie- national ,,,,, enl ion ill
the hope f hi. nominal", ii. CnlTICISEH EDUCATION Or
IN WAIT FOR HIS VICTIMS U Ml I , .1', , V Ma-. :'.. lo,
e.oii.e of a il.l.a'.- i ,1,.- I..,
IIHI.1,1 Mill M. Wll.l... Ma i 'jr.. - ,e a.lop'l t II,.. , ,. ,, ., ,
Ar.or.lini; to the r.polt. from ., leral he niililaii !. mv "ill I!' i
,,f Ih, rlii,,,.,. e, l.v ihe I'll. Ilie i- I...1I..I, ut T.-,-.. to la
Anierieai, fl.heiie. HI 14,'H 11, ti-l ll III. '""
l,,n. ii Sun l-'rnio-i.,-,, I'htnama,,, i. noil
to ll,.- ,-itv an. I in 1,-ivini! for I,. I. Willi;
Wah. Ihe llnioimai, ho n nlly lull,, I
a Chiiie... in Ihe HnlltiK .lelenli
honse. Sam O lii'liniKH I" iilli' "I' ll,"
l,o..t .1 ,ea. Ie,( San I'm i.,-,, ,,,,oh, iu,,l
i. .:,! I l -i-.ii,L. ill the nVtrirl
ivill, the inlenlioi, of ,l,,il,i; l.i Wini
' u,.,li hai
-.,,.1, a. the opportunity
lilTr,l- ,t-.-ll.
S A. I art. .,i. fl pi. .mi,, ,1,1 farmer from
Wclkn. trim. net. , I hutifsn lure to,l.,i.
1 h.- C.I.I Dust Twin'..)
Crowds Watch Huge Machine
as it Commences to make the
Dirt. Fly on Rivcrsidii Avoniic.
All interest this afterao -eulered
in the steam ditch digger which com
noiiccd actual digging about '1 o'clock
at Ihe collier ot b'ierside nvcime and
Seventh sheet. A huge crowd slood
about, the huge machine, I'reely express
iug their varying opinions, or iiicredul
ity, skepticism or piuise, lis Ihe ease
might be.
When it is considered llial this enor
mous piece of machinery weighs I"
Ions, represent a rry great invest
lit n ud takes t lie olace of a very
large gang of nou. it will be under
stood that il is imhel a m-M wmili
It is claimed for this-machine that
loirdoau or rocky is no b.niier t.
its doing its work. The luie ry will
dig a f ' lotd lien. h. e t', - I a tU:u
ute. In a single hour iO'coiiipli-sinn;..
more than a gang of no n Miuht in a
Whole da,V. f Ciillise the deeper he
Irench tl Tospoiidiru'lv slow r tie
progress. The eliliie woli; will b
completed by AugiiHt I.
SAN" I'lfA.Vf ISl'O, .iy When
Willie Hritl. manag. r of "Maiilinu'
Vel-on, uat lodav s,mn a ilop.iMt.
floiii hieago in wlrch .b... C iu- d
.lllie.l he would i.ut tin- I Mi. d..,vn and
mil in the I ',lh r .iiiid of I. i ..! I
batlb Inly I in San Kraio-i-m, lo
.1 arai-teri,'e, (-- -t a i , I as car., j
l.s. I, .,,-e lalli. I
I ' The I I ,i.e,i.
thai '-H il. e. I
" -anl II,-, II. ih !
,, h-, aev m.oiei I
I , l in 1 1..- i
I i,,,l iitenn H loil ho-av
tht,l he ,,. in,t nl'fi t
' In, t he I no, I. ,
I ",, ll ,,n,,. I No .1 , 1, lhat in t-ml
, .leeision I,..,, Nell..,, on the II,, or al
f foil',, inn
, to, hill, hi al'ier I.
how ,,,e. liatis -
I.. .l
.v. I I
f .1.
rr,1n-,, li,.. I ." n . I n i i ot ll"
n, the ,-j?. ,! ! !.;,:, to " I .ip
p.,tle-l Hi- loll li ut If. Ihe .-.I...-1.
I ion ,,l f..i,r I'tlipitio, ,1 , o I',,,,,;.
rii.-v till. l...i!l i.ll, -lil. I, "I
1,1,- to, ! - h.-' - a : I II" T-n-
in, mi,, r I - -1 r , , I , t5 'I"' 1 a I i to, nia n .
...,, ,h,i tl.i ..,, la h a. .
I,, ,.e,e, ili.-v.ll.oi -I, in ll,,,., -t I
',. nh-ei l.ini' - . ,,o. li attention 'i i,
Iloi rain. i
hap. lie
Ihe I.I,,. 1. ..I.oi.l. IV,
a, .1 i,
,,f the I'.ii.fl'tr ,...,-! mil in 1 1, :. I Intn-h
u H.lntin of Ih-i,,,r pr,,l,l, in. "
: ,- I Anew k.S
. LA St.i
First Oil is Discovered at Bandon -
J Gas in many Localities--Boring
iiloiig South end of liny Country.
AIAl;sHI'li;Hl), (Tm May L'tl.Oil
his been discovered on Cnns bay and
iu main places I here are strong flow;'
of ga. Sevejal large options have
been taken. Machinery with which to
work the propeiiy is being shipped from
Sa u Km n ei sci i. The 11 is I oi I d iscovered
was mar Ha in Ion. The lb Ids ue.xt to
be developed are on Soiilh inlet.
IfACu. May :'il.--Jno Hnu drop
I till I it iv In lac ii In i in I
, ;, little liLd.l uoip I I..-H in: the
loe ,-;, , noli,-,.. Tln -
I .. ..I tlk , Unit ' ' Itltttliltc
N.I .1 I... .-. I.,.- ,,t t I,.
.0.1 o, . I."., u,l ! their , o,
I. .HI.- a, i .,1 in- ti. t
I'laM.-:-...,.. , .lulv I
. .
I'll, i I ll-hl,,.
Ha,,,- Mill .., KHf I ii hi
.till hale to la'," III,- now,, -v.
I -kill 1,11, ..k liiin not jiiMl lis sure
(.,. ' I,.. ..,., !,, ,.,,,, I ,,- i..,
,:,.. ., -lo it l.i.l.. ..f'j.-
r Is I lliii'l. I," "A ill lie iil'le lo xtali.l
il ilnl I.,,.' I al to In,, ...I' l'- i h-, I 1
'l.. me'in Ut-i.e li. 'i',i i .l:a:
. , , ., . , . , .,
a ..p.,-,, on, , !,, -1,11 ..ttiplv. lop
I, i i Li I ,e nl 1,1. eleveilie.s ,H
I ! I Hi- le -I In ! -I'
M. I'.,: I i, . I f,.r
- oe . I. .Mill I
Ion fail .1 t
V HI I V , :'P . V. Ma; 'J,:. I!.
,uii-il. -..-,.inl in th,
l'!"' ' "'' I"-'""' -'"""I
1 1
,1 I. p,
i hi r,
I., n II.
a. I lni.,l in a
1. ..!..,. l '" I"'!
l.-.-n. I l-.ill In I"
i i; h I I I ' If
,o I ..... . ... H, ."1, I
S.Milh, in Paeifif ;
I I,. il
'"" ' '
IV'l. I""l--I,l l.tollo, 1,1,1 ehlllae
' "' ' ' ' ' ""' f,'!' - '
" ' ""' '' "' "'' ,,,,a
cWrt-Kln Hnir.
' '
I I"
' .
, L.
i Ih. i... i. who v ill open a
if ; i;; itl a I I lie !eil fold op
li.....,;. .In..-. I. will be I.
I b: i.ig fi n -d tn Ihe
" i - I Im . Mtv I tl.e b( -I
. -..ii.(.atn. 'm Iliit (v.r vi-i'ed
j r pi
n . i' a i II j , i oi m l liis -i :i "oi i' li
i.k.i it -tini-t r -ep ii coi,ij.:iitv
I'd ;i ii .io h ii pleiMi ng r per i.i i e
I' plays.
t-i i a a u sj i s n rt n n b . ill
0 0 BY
Ten Thousand Homeless
in Texas Deluge Con
tinues Trinity River
Breaks all Records. "
DALLAS, Tex., May 2u'. As the
hours pass ihe horrors of the flood :
stricken district increase, aud now it
believed that when the complete list
of tlte dead at length are compiled it
will be shown that, at least 100 lives
have been lost. It is est hunted that
lii.iiuil people are -homeless, having been
driven from their houses by I ho raging
waters. The property loss is estimated
to be al bast ff'J.'i.Ouii.iiiiiio over the en
t ire st rickeu disl riot.
At noon loday It bodies have burn
recovered in tins city and vicinity Hun
dreds are missing and unaccounted for
bv their relatives, who have been search
iug in boats all the places of refuge
w it luuit success.
The Trinity river has surpassed all
records. Last night it was believed
that the cn-nt of the flood had been
reached here, but. more ruins hi the
north have sent the waters down with
increased fury and today tho floods
were greater than vest eidny and con
tinually increasing.
liusiiiesH is suspended and "Mayor
Hay has organized a relief aid corps,
I he members of which huvo been do
ing heroic work. It is b liovod that
many w ho refused to movu out of
their homes m the bottoms last night,
because t hey believed t he flood had
passed, were lost when the water broko
iylo new places.
I 'A KIS, May J7. Madame Anna
Hoitld will be nnirried to Prince lleli
de Sayan hen' June I (. acocrdiug ;to
the auniMincemeiil made by M nit re ('ait
hard, Madame Hon Id 's attorney, who
is at work on the wedding con truer, to
day. The wedding will be soh-iu ni.ed
" " ,,v" ''" '; ceremony.
1,1 1 I "U esi Jim Cliurcn. i lie i-oim rnci.
j ' '" '" " I lie " Me.nrnt ion
i "f .i".eny . role." iiinler wlnell tho
: lo 'oee U'lll t ... I I -of ll IOI10.V.
I I''" -1 lOeJe,.,,,,-. (
! ' eM.e.l so freely. The,,. IK .l,t-
j ' ' l'"wes-e, . thai Ann.. Im nr
i-jiiiireii ,,, i,ro ,,e ui'il lo, lo r priMee.
)tii; Tlie .nlllnot p..i,.H tllllf- lioillier )Kf :
(,,. to ihe weil'lini,' in to inherit t',,1,11
j'l !her , 1,1 -peeit'ie test illien .
: ,MI"' l'r,,v1
The e,OI,e "ill el,le III I'm I III'
" i n..n..n..l. will 1. ,M.l.lit.lM
; Sioolnv. C, ar,l 1 1, ,11 1 1 1'ely ll.-
""''I -'oiy prinleil .-illltliiy tliaX
j Mm-Ium,.- i....M ninl Ihi! pri.n-o ivere
If-foie the Mlle.l for Klirope.
t - 1
, I.KVl;l..Ni. Mai 0.1. -Allot riil'o.n
na a ,i,ean of tolllilii,' th" !', trerenee,.
I,., Meet, the oliieinl. of I ho Mnnil'ipal
I',,., I,..,, , nmp.any 1111,1 the iTeelear
in. n a onion ie, ei.-. a ., i,,i,-l totlni ,
li. ,, ', i.a . I,:,,,i,-.l thai In, io on, plot e
. oitif ..' I lie lol'-H .:,',l the propo-i '
ii.... I.. ai lot rale the Hcnioiil 1' riuhtH of
,1,. .,..-in men -h.n lhat III," liei'
I, .... In-, iitiiloiilil .,1 ly 1,,-en fOpuvtal U.
., ,-. I'., -i,l, nl llnpoi.l of Ihe Hlrt.,.,.;r.
. .... 1 1 i- ,1,-, la ie,l after the n ittion 11,','-
r of I'.e piol.alile re-t,l ,.f ll.., loll,
I.. , n nimle lhat if tl" ot,l,lol--,l
,, In'.il '., ai-eepl ai!,il lalion, eliill.e
f.. ,r of tie- ail.ilralinn piopii.i! ion will
I I i i, i .1 a.'. I that il llolll.l Ihel,
I.. ,,p lo Ihe -lii'ors.
I W ASH I Mi'l'llN'. Mav -.v.. -Willi Iv
.. l.j.o- Ihe frieml. of Seei-etnrv
, .,, I,,,,,,,,,,, , ,., f,,P
- .r,. - i..., the ,..,,l,iea ti.-l.el. .......
jofih, l-.-t i,;n n. eiiti li. ini; "-"il ill hi
I fan.r i. thai h- ivonM help II"'
, in , ii- Vnrli slate. The a. I in isniou i
;(iMili, in w.,Bh;lt;tim ti,nt F:1irbaut(s
.,..,,, b. the -.(roi.-est candidate for
' . pl.n bid at 1 1... r-ame tilUo it is
poinlid "l that there is il stl'niig Oil
,J, vuiM-nt ot' I'ort.dvou ientim.Mil.
It U Hi" per) ol the Sec I et nt'v 's
I'li.'inl- lo t(iil.ei this seiiiiiii'tit under
Hie -ort' n e aid m tKf it appear in th 1
,,) (, rMn;r that it will insure Ins
hominal .,n In t in republican nat i.nial
ei.n i lit mil.