7 MAYOR'S APPROVE OF REDDY BILL Lottors Received From Executives oi' Various Cities Endorsing Proposed Law Providing Homo Rule for Mu- I uicipalities Dahlman Favors It. "Mui'li iibuno li;is 1 11 li ip'-d upon I, ill pin 1 h-iyo in1 bora use or my mit iat i vo viding home rule fur i-itii-s, iu'Vi'1- Ha ill nnytiiing in d c us measure i nmmiium enso hi fur III. and I nnve soon no real nriiuneiit ;i;mist ti. said Mayor .F. 1 bVbly t-ubv. '-Th.-rt is HO roilSOU Why pt itplr n 1 1 f i i i t 1 ; it hIiouI'I se.de to rt'nuliHi- iu at'l'airs. Th. proposed bill lias In en . n( t,i m-aiU irii hiayoi-R of i-ities iti tin country ami is nliiLot. tmivci'sally apn (.d. Alavot Tom Johnson ot" Cleveland .vivs lit. measure is not half si mug i-aoiinli." The following h-tiers show what t-xc I'Utives think of I he pi-npuM-d I;iw. Ttiev , . fc;ro a tew out of many ivi-eive!: From Mayor Dahlmau. City of Omaha. Maivh It. I nr Sir: Received yours of M,nvh :! enclosing a copy of an iiniondnioiit lo your con slitntiou in favor of homo rule -for in corporated ci! ies. This is along t hi same lines (hat I have been righting for here for the last two or three vears. I am heartily in favor of a law of thai kind and expert to make the tight here this fall to have ours at ided along the same lines. Vnyrs Iruty. J.VMKS C. 1 A 1 1 1 ..M A X, Mayor. Mayor J. - lieddy. From New Mexico's Governor. Territory of New Mexico, March My Dear Sir: ! am in receipt of your letter of the 1 lit li instant, endow iny copy of the proposed municipal home rule aiueudmeiil to the constitu tion of the stale of Oregon, to he sub mitteil to the voters of the state of Oregon on J nue I , IDH.S, and asking my opinion an to the merits of the innendmeut. I n reply. I have I he honor to state that 1 lie amend rue nt referred to has my unqualified appro al, for the rea son that 1 am dNt iiu-I !y in favor of home rule, not only I o the extent in which it concerns -die common wealt h or its principal subdivision, but. where it may be praelically applied to the smaller governmental subdivisions,' such as small muuicipnlit ies. If is the 'rood hoar-t of our great American reprblie that we govern our selves. Let the i im i'!es then of de mocracy be aai!abb' in minor gov .era mental affair-: t ha! come close t-i the home of the individual, for, after all, upon this individual rents the fab ric of our nat loual govi rumen t-, aud regulations which he deems to be for the best interests of his immediate family and community should be avail able to him in preference to some gen- iral regulations eniinaling from an thorities liiglier up that may beuefir Mono- communities and injure others. This amendment in my opinion voices t he dist inctly Ann i ican i guarding the interests of ual, and I trust you may in securing its udop! ion. respectfully yours, t liRoKt.'K iTliliV, f safe- indtvul- I I .Co Mayor J. I', lieddy. From Mayor of Detroit. 'It V of Detroit, Marvh 1. Dear V.Hll- favi'i1 ill liaii' f'li i is In tin- luiiiic lulr aim ynni' stair i-onsl it tit ton. Ilolvnit lias l.i'i'ii fittlillns flllo tll'-si' lliativ yoars. lull roioali illy liiincd dnwu liy lt-ttislaturi'. I'i to svitliiu h n I )i-l roit ciij.iyi-il. i io.-i villi-, liv I 111- I n. I llial 1 1 ' tdn the slat -lain 1 1 ill nut dan- iutorii'i i Hrlf govlTllltli'llt : lull Tow voars tin1- in ust with i wit hin out ra:;ei it- la-l s laws vi,rl,!s liavo lioi'ii jiassid al'tVHi" of suit' ovuninii'iit. W'li tin- lu.-al al'faiis ui parlis. works and brail b " ui u uuvi'i ui .1 l.y bniiurai-y l.i.aiiU of pilix-im, li.vau-..' of tin- oki-tion ol' a ill inurrat ir uia vnr. tin- ri'.iib!ii-;iii 1,'LTislaluru pass, ,1 wii.it bas liouti iluiuuiiiii.-ituil lu-ru as "riiuui laws." ai'l"Uiitiiiu; siiiulr salai-ii-il ui'l'i i-.-rs In run tlusu liuanls. nialiiiii; t lu first ai'nintini-iit lliiuuli tin- ""Vi'i-niu-of ho statu, ami nt I ho Winn- liiw cluillHi 11 n till' niiiliii'i"il olurtii'ii from tho s)iriujr lu tlto fall, so as In lu-inu il at tin' nonoral rloi'tioit. so that llu- ro sult miplil lu- at'l'i'i't.'.l by 111" ri'.iil.!i' aii uationnl niul statu iiiajioit v. Thoso 'ti ' i-illur 1,-ssiihs l:ai' Im'i u taufjln I" Mtii- I'iliiiis S" tluil at const itul iuu.il i-oiiviU't iuii. u'hi'dt just I'lusud. a liuw I'oiisiit ul ion lundo, t" ! siiliniittid to llu- i.' the has tlio lirst of o i,l which lu iin-orpurati d in it thu b un f..r all I'itii-. Whilu it is as vours is. il is just ;is stronur. ft n.l I ui'ui' li f ... ii of any 'luiiinunity lu s.u thu Mliiiii.-il'ar't it s u.i , .o n 1 (hoy know Hu'ir. it.-.- thoy l.u nut uuvi rno.l l.y tivos f'n.ni 111 st'ii.'. as i I, ..I t i. s and llu. rr-pi . -iohi ; hinv (b.iu UosjU'Clliilly yours, VM. It. TlliiMi'S'lN", M.i.M.r. To Hr. .1 1'. llo.l.ly. PTJTER'S BOOK UPON LAND FRAUD3 F.EADV A. II. Public the i'p has t Co 11 pill'lisu I" It i an . I.'.l.o-al tains much "i ', sab- iaiel or;ii,!,j; has not ho'-iCl-' ell" a!-. ill which Is -.:!.... ..I' t.' S A. II. I'll'.r I- I. -hi.I Kr.u.'l I-!...-, i II. .m,-i St.viH.'-tin- nil,'. -in. rj'l l"r t li" worn vn i i wliile tli hn.,1 .:i .1 of " Multnoir,;.li i in ! n :it r nnj. r aJ guilty juil, THE i.-ns svnti'iif,b fur Hill ill,- L-OVt'l'IIIIICIlt vonspirai-y to of its pulili, ininnlruiis van- l.-f Asiil- l'l.oil t,. . III.- NII mains approximately IV. i Mr. I'l the in n. I fraud kiiii." ies neither friend nor foe in his resting and sensational recitals, and es svry little to the imagination i'iy of his exposure.-, whi.di rcpiire haj.leiw fur K i Ml to lb-scribe, besides chapters that an- handled by Ste- personally. The latter also' wrote llio nil r.jil iii-r "ii'il u.'i'N. which i-otiinius aboul LARGE CROWDS HEAR SOCIALIST ORATORS of tlio laru 1 1.,, nur i; ii'liliial i;ntiior d l!n' socialists li tin- Mi-ilt'onl i-wninr and in is hall Sunday wore Dr. I). 111. ir Mil li i.-iMi.-i iirl'l iiM- fsauinlay ;brs ul' J'vilii Tlio sp,-alii-l it oi Asliliind l In- Kni I'Vi'iiili'. ! M. Ln.v, Ilupliacl Mr of ImiI.I Hill and ('. M. Howard nf kanias I'lUMilv. I'lidiihittoii was ussi i r'nmi i In- socialist it- viowpoiut. ii' olhi-r suiijoets, and t ho otliies Mi.'ialisin cxplaini'd. lltliiT raliios l'-itl ll' ld in llrlllliy towns. MRS. DUN1WAY GRILLS OPPONENT Only Enemy of Woman's Suffrage Is a Childless Society Hanger-On, Whose Chief Interest Centers in Bridge Whist, Pink Teas, Etc." Portland. Or., May 211, l!)OS. K.litnr Tiiliuiii'. M.'dfoi.l, Or.: My Hoar Sir: Will you kindly ill low tlio niulorsiiii-d a word of oxplaua lion in rol'i'ii'iu-o to an artii-lt' in u Into issno of yiuir valualilo iau'r undor tho i'!iitioli " l'tiiiniiiL'iit Oregon Wmvii Do Not Want Snt'l'iauui" First ThtTi' is no " oryallizntioil " in Oregon, ' ' proniiuont " or utliorwiso. ".11 Sill 111 til.. I'Vl.Ulsil.ll Ul' Slirt'vil.r,. to ivotnon. " 'I'lioio is ono woman in Huitland who coiubod tho state t'roiu j ot.'iit.T to ('irruiuforoiU'O in quost of a stuiiililinu l.loek and rakod out and iaradoil naiilos of 111 wouion, olio of whom was alisi'iit in California and I'ouliln't. hao siuui'd hor nianifoslo, and si''i'i'nl othors luivo assured nit; that, tliouuh thoir uaiiii'S wcro iisod, thoy did not si o tlio doi'iiuti'iit and wore simply tta.)ioii by the one woman railing her- si ll's.'lf tlio " in-i'sidi'iit " of a " soeiet v ' ' feom whi.-li tlio halt' iti'V.ou tnxpayiue, ivunifii who signed tho original mani festo suine years age, at her sulioitat ion, hive this year withdrawn their names. The ..in- woman eonipusing this Vor yaiii'aliull " who puses as its " presi dent." is a ehililless soeioty haiiour ou, whuse ellief i lit (-rest centers in bridge whisl. pink teas anil ping pong. When Hi.itintii wumen are looking expectant ly to men fur the voluntary act of chiv alry and justice that will open the dour to their cnfraiichisoiiient on the fust day of .June, I feel that I would j'jlbo recreanl to my duty lo myself and j,. 'iliein if I did not euii I the misajipre- I iiensiim under w hich I am sure uu liibur. ur yuii-wuiild not parade the ile isiro of one woman to control 'lii.lioil by placing (lie stumbling block of bal Sue. moil in the w ay of niihallottod '" ' oo in. li. whose iiuly emblem in this un ; cuual cuiilest is a flag uf truce, '"i K-especil'llllv, j Allld.Wl,' SCOTT Dl'NIWAV. Mu lior of Native llaugliters mid Suns ml President f Oregon Slnlo Kqiial ul'lraoe A ssui-iatioii. INCREASED YIELD OF FRUIT IN PROSPECT A. Mailmen f. district freight agent ot' the Siu.tlu in Pacific, arrived in Modfui'd on n business visit Muiiday. lie sillies that I'oj.illls received by his .i.mpaiiy inilhnte that ihe shipments uf li.uli apples am! puns fium Medfnrd 1 siii-r.uiiidii.g teirituiy will greally . .o o.l tliuso of last year, lie i serv- uiiol- ostilliatos the apple shi.inents :,l ion i-ai-s ami the poars at l-'.u curs. Ilispilo the effects .if trust ill sullle ili-li-iels, Mr. Malliueiif reports a large viol.l of prunes in prospect, as cum nan il w ith the- average yield Tin oai prep it lug u liandle -Jll.tlilO,. ill 's t-ecril crop mil, Is. i .1 M n li L: BORN. ! 1 1 A If M ' IN Tlim s.lay. May j wito uf i . K. Ilainiuii uf Ci j a daughter. II I TT- sa!ill'l:'i. May Hi. I j ,,1 Willis 1 1 iiil t . uf Foots ! M '' 'A 1." 1 1( - Miiulay. .May ! wit" "f I.'. II. McCardle i I':.--, a .im. to Ihe Is Pass. i tile will Creek, a 1. to Hie of Ciants : RKC Ah- SM,.l;iy uf IV S. If. g.'.i. il,II..Mi.l!K--.M ! ivfo ,.f W illuu IP il.MAN- i Hi A j Kwrclt Hoi May 3. to Ho- wile f Crams Pass, n sun. ibv. April 30, to the L. (lilmuro. a son. ,v -JO. In the wife of of (irnnts Pass, a langli .1'. l:l,-H KS. i - Tlinrs'la wife of Krick Ki ,. Mu; ksoii 21. to Hi" ol' Crilnts 1'i . a bey. Mi!) -'I'lii.rs.ia of SI", ,1,0,1 M. l.l- to the I Mull. I aid. MARRIED. iN F.I.'iiuKS At llu- r. 1 !u- luiil o 's iiai-otit s on W 'via at Crants Pass, ; , i u.l Mi-s Maiv Pro.. i , c .! HoM otu iatiiig. r.iyiil? Ror.t. I.-, -ilt v I nip.my will vim ,i'i-l yi.M iit'inlli'v f.;iy :,l ,'. ''nil r.-r s.ic. iil v. itliin nn.l n 'V lilllilK l. li fivi' i!!.t'.l !.'. it l ..li "(i .r..fil wiOi I:. iv ir.-i.lt v Co., -mi 60 ill Wtsl ,'lb Btn-ct. MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MKDKORD. OR.. Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No ilnglo inter. tions less than IS cents. Six Insertions for the price of four. Soventy-five cents a line per moutn. I-'OK SALK Hugs, litMroom et7cur" lains, huffot, t-hiffonior, Morris chair, ranmil fruit, jraruVn lump. Mn. C. P. 1'ann'iou, conu-r I. and lUtli sis. 60 FOR SAKK ( itinera; Povo A, 6xHt with kits to 4x;1 (Ltauseh & Lamb shutter, with A 1 lens, rout new ifni.")); the above cost jt(0; 1 tripod, li trays, 1 graduato glass, (i plate holders, 4 doz en mounts for lixS to 4x.j, 1 ruby lan tern, I roller for motinf iug, 1 brush. - boxes flush powders. U packages developing powders for paper or plates. 1 hypo., 2 vignetting frames, gross Azo paper, etc., all for .!. K. Payette. Hox 4X1, Medford. HI FUHX1SHKI) liOOMM over postoffiee. Tho O'Otdl. POlt SAIjK 5 room bungalow, just fin ished; dieap if sold soon. See (itiy A. Chihleis. VYA NTKJ Ten teamsters with teams wauled by Western Oregou Orchards Co. at onco; good wages. KOK HKXT l-'urnished rooms, ou Trips st reet, second st reel, soul h on ICast Sevenlh. Apply to Mrs. (). Howiiu.ti.5ff VA XTKD 10 or acres, improved, close in. (.Jive description, price and terms. Prefer to deal with owners. Address K. 11. Miss, P.ox ."Srt, Med ford. tf FOU HI-3NT ." furnishpil rooms, ennv nieiit tor housekeeping, close to busi ness; no children. No. 307 North ( street. ft! PARTY wishes to get loan of $.100 on 40 acres of row lam that is worth $10110; good abstract; will pay 10 por cent. Lock Box 6fi6. RU.N'AHOPT for sale cheap; thorough ly enuipped with odometer, acololyue lights, top, ote. A. 0. Allen, Moiiford, Or. FOR SAX.l'l One U. a. Cream Sepa rator, No. 0; .100 capacity; good as new; cost $Stl; will sell for $Q. R. C. Uonslov. Central Point. ' FOR SALK S. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choico ton-ncre tracts, best location in tho valley. Ij. Nee ilomeyer, Jacksonville. " F()iT'8AT.i60ii7a7lffriiTbT5d liaiubouitlot stock shoop; large, heavy slioarers of fine wool. John S. Her rin & aon. 84 LOST Lady's black handbag. Return to Hotel Nash for suitable reward. HO FOli SALK- Five-room house, beauti fully located, with lo oOxl-lo, ten bear ing apple trees; this is a snap and will lie sold at a bargain. Address Lock llo.v 12S, Medford, Or. WANTHll To buy from 100 to 800 hem of stock sheop. Write Bol 1,11, Medford, Or. BUSINESS CARDS. H. E. MORRISON, Physician and Surgeon, Medford National Hank Offic nidg. J. T. ANKROM, WULL nHHSF.I!. MEDFORn, OR. Prices right. Pumps tornislmil when Wan toil BALL & OLOSCOCK, Contractors and Builders. Al Work Guaranteed. , Office with C. H. Piorco & Son. Phono 053. P. O. Box 771 WILLIAM d.DBBLBT," Resident Piano Timor, Special Rates by tlto Year. Hendtpiurteri at Hale's Piano House AH IVork Guaranteed. P. O. llox (13, MEDFORD, OR KG ON, DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and Surgeon. Office et Residence. Wm. M. Colvig, Medford, Or. COLVIO & DURHAM, Attorncys-at-Law. Ooo. II. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. Medford Furnituro Co., Undertakers Day jihone 1)53; Night Phones: 0. W. Conklin 49S: ,T. II. Butler 14S. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANL COL EECTION AGENCY. Lock Box 808. Medford, Or. E. R. SEELY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern Kquipped Operating Rooms. X-Ray. Office Hours, 1012, 2 4 P. M. Office in Jackson County Bank Bldg. CO TO DR. GOBLE FOR YOUR GLASSES, Dplicnl Parlor in Perry's Wareliiiuse, SFVKNTir STREET. 'lie Has No Othor Businoss. 1 POLITICAL OARDb. I MAHLON PURDIN, Candidate for 1 1 K P R F S K NT A T J V I-1 On Statement No. 1. l''avors guaranteed bank deposits. D. II. MILLER, CAXIMIMTK for R RPR KS PINT ATI VK fin Statement No. 1. J. R. NEIL. Democratic Nominee. FOR COUNTY .IUD0K, WILBUR A. JONES, Democratic Nominee FOR SHKHIFF: B. F. MULKEY. Republican Nominee fur IHSTI.'ICT ATTORN KY. Will :ilv:iy nii..ort tho rrptihlirnn ml i,l.-,t, f..r I'. S. j'ii:it,r wlin i nnm iii.it.. I l.v tin- J..'0.i-, JOKEPII L. JIAMMERSLEY, r i;..i.i inn, Republican Nominee for i;i:i'i!i:si-:.N"rATivK. O II. M. CAKE, of Pi.rllaii.l, Tin AiL.ii-.-iI,. nf Sl.-itrncnt No. 1, Ropulillon Nomineo for L'MTKI) WTATK14 BKNATOK. Golden Grain 1 Granules i 1 100 PER CENT PURE CEREAL COFFEE. It tastes like oof foe. It looks like co f foe and it smells like coffee, hut is pure roasted grains, blended so as to pro cure tlie host flavor, Uio greatest strength and an ar ticle which young and old may drink morning, noon and night. (i olden Grain Grannies is especially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stoma cii troubles. Nearly 2-pound package for 2;c, all retail grocers. Wholesale by P. B. Theiss & Co. Medford, Or. Wise Talks By : the Office Boy Pa Bays u row hy any othur iiiiino would bo juHt m expmi Hive tiJiok oiihI tliis time of year. I sometimes thick bo pines for tin; pinny woods in old IVnob Bt'ot, l-'rappe County, Maine, whero lio was raisnl but Uiat.'n ono thing yonrH truly nevir ycaniH for, 'i'lc good m luntniiifi and tho good old ocean aid n'wn old Orison aluionphem are good enough Tor in-. Hut it's all in how you wn.ro raised. Pa lilcn.B clam chowder nnd corn on tho cob, and harvest apples and a lot of things thut a hid who was born this side of tho nnow Hhtdn hasn't had much chancn to g't acquaints v.'Uh. Tliosn who have lived on both Hides of this great country and lived long enough to know what's what can gt't all thosB things just as nice one placo as an other, if you know where to buy. We 've got clam chowder from Boston that is just as nice hs any yon ever ate on the sand, nnd lots of other things that h:ivo that "Down Kant" taste. f f -f f f f f f f MILLER & EWBANK XOTK'I N licrfltv j,h,'ii lluit will .'ipply Jit Ilit -ily fi.r.l. Or., nt it. m-xt In-Ill .Imiii- -2. for 111' lllllltTKijJI""' 'MUliril nf M.'il iiii'i 1 inif, tn !' I lil'I'IIH,' III .-11 mult, vili'.UM I H.i r itonr. .:.ju.rrt 11 I.'h iuiintiti. tliini :i i:;illnti for il ii iio, of sin tnnnlln, :it our ,l!i I' l"i-' lll-SH, lots III. 1.1. I I, l.lorlt '-'I. M.-.IC.I.I. Or. YOl'N'i HALL. Iinti'.l May '2, Hiiii. ii notki: n Hint tlio Ih horrhv it ii . I . -rsii in t will :i.pl.v lit tltf city ,-oliti,'iI of Mil1 fonl. tn.. at it m-xt nid'tiiitf. to In- li.-i't .Inn,- J, lli'is, f,.r a li.'i-ns,. to aril mull. vinoiiH an'l H.irilons li.tiorH in li'--, ,iwiutilii'H than u gallon for u ni'iiinl i f nit in. oil lis. at ..ur placo of loiwini's. at l..t . 1. 1, ..-I. Mi'ill'or.l, Or. II. M. SHI.SHV. llatcil -May ii, lUoS. lio MONDAY, MAY :.. 1!)0S. Just Received- A Carload of Extra Heavy Green lath CEDAR LEVELED SIDING ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quota' ions promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT C.LKXDALK ORKGOX . . YARD AND OFFICE AT MEDFORD, ORKGON. ' ' ' ' Prompt Delivery Good Stoclc CRATER LAKE LUMBER COMPANY portland ! i-roseJ festival 1 'lt bo held In PORTLAND, ORUUON .HTNMO 1 f.o (i, 1!WS. Will be the most brilliant FLORAL F1KSTA AND CIVIC .1 UHILKE Kver held lu Hie Pacific Northwest. Portland, "Tim Roue !ity," will be a Hcene, of splendor and the center of world wide interest for one week. Several i m por taut convent ions lo be held in Port bind on thai occjuiiuu. TIIM SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell Spcciiil Ti-UHs on This Occasion from MKD R)RD to I'orlland iind Re turn at, ?1 3.20 Por pnrHmlfir eull i n A. S. ilOSKNBAUM, Local Agnit. W.r. McMPIJKAV, (ieneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Furnishi'H hot; w.'iler lor tea on very short nnl inr (t. cfiii be used on tit' ten dibit! or in the kitc hen AMii'-bes to nny electrolier , dtuiibli KOOUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Hurrt'Mor tn (.'ondnr Wnlor I'nwnr Co. Of :ooii(.iitiu'iM cm floi! liflfl V. 7th it., i'1'P- 'K ph-etnr. sign Phone 8.1fi. .Something New In If uliti'-r '1'irrn Hint it will ,ay you to iiiv.nl iBal.'. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, natliiraction giiar.intccil. I Mitchell & Roeck GENERAL WAGONERS. LaM 7lh HI root, ri-ar of Morrininn ' lllii,-l,iiiilli Shop. Mclforil. Or. Coal for Salt. Vf nn- 'low pr,-parc,l to furniHli liaud pi.'lu'.l runl at t Hi- mitiA, fivii mil' .ant of town, in any amount iluiirml ' 2 Right Prices To The Public II A VI NO INSTAT.T.UI) MACillNKHY I.'OK THU MANlU'WCTlTTtH OF 111(111 UliAlil'', 1CH CI1KAM, WE AliLi - I'UMI'AHKO TO VI LI, ALL OliOHIlS, LAIililO OU SMALL. DHLIVl'lIMIM M.V UK TO ANY I'AHT Ol'' THE CITY. SI'IK'IAL OIIIUIUS OIVHN OltR I'lfOMI'T ATTKNTION. OKDKtt AT M l-Jil-'OUl) HOOK STORU OR ( 'I! HAM Mil Y. Rogue River Creamery Medford R. W. GRAY, Builder C( ) LON I A L I ') R V, 1 1 W OR K, 0 R LL L AN I ) LATH WORK, I'ATTLRNTH, ETC. TNLKIM IONIC 171. Small Orchards On Easy Terms. (Bity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale ''iv mid Tcn-.rre Orrhanls-oii llw iii.snll mi ul pluii. The right, hind of soil, Ihe light hind of trees and the rigid a ires. T weiil y iii lies' e.rperienee in fruit raising bachs our judgment . We liave sold half llu oeehnrils in the valley and hare gel lo see a purchaser dis stilisfird irilh his hiirgain. Hefore haying see Ro&lq River Land Go. Exhibit Building We Want to Buy Lands ReaHy Bond Syndicate of Oregon W. 11. Stalker Jackson County Secretary Hank Annex MICDFORD, OR.