' placed uirliMiii ulitii'n above I'riin-i- Bedford Daily Tribune 'pur w,. u aavo.-u.-v ... statement A WIT J"J Ul JiTW I llUljM ..K THR MEDKOHD DAI TIUBPKS. MKDI-'OWl). OR- MjY- MAY 25 Democratic Ticket 1908. Z I I line cvinljiil." a pi.-" " 1 " ' fit v ..bUihed every erening oxcit Sunday'. 1 11 Meaiora rtiDiismng vomptaj. - (1. PUTNAM, Editor oud Manager PLEDOED TO STATEMENT NO. 1. If You are Particular jSpecialBargainsinRealEstate . i s ! Admitted at Second ( low Matter in Poitoffice at Med ford, Oregon. Subscription Batei: 't.ie month, by mail or enrrier. . . .$0.50 --e year, by mail 5.00 IMPEOVED NEWS BEEV1CE. The Tribune has improved il tele graph newsservice by Inking the I'liited T'remi Association report. Heginuiiig to day the Tribune prcseulii its render.-, with the largest press report Unit any paper in Oregon, inniniiig or evening, outside of I'nrtluwl, or tiny pnpi-r in California, north of Hit en to, lakes. The Tribune has, under ill. present, limn ugouieut, itlvvuys had u good nous scrv ice, but the pony report furnished euun try papers by the Associated lr. -hh did not. give the volume of news desired. Mid the report now received it. several 1 linen the size. The United Promt serves n mu.jnrilv of the evening newspapers of the 1'nit ed States. It makes n speciulty of to day's news l.i.luy. It in independent and reliable. The Associated Prt-M is rolitrolled ley the inrg ruing news puperH, mid it" polity linn iiIwii.vb been to build up the morning papers ul the cupeuBc of the evening paper, und to build up the city paper ul the elpciisc of the country paper. In addition to improved newn scrv i.-e, The Tribune will hereafter go to pretia nn hour earlier, no nit to eatfh Iho nfteriioon Irnln for Phoenix, latent mid Ashland, and plnces The Trilu iu these plnt-es oil the day of issue. WELCOME TO THE NEWLY BORN. CURRY COUNTY TO VOTE j AOAJN ON PROHIBITION U'l-:illi:i;lll'ltV. nr. Mnv I'm eoiinly lot" been in t in- hands f the prohibitionists I'.r I!"' I"1"' y.-nrs. and demijohns hate been the or o'er of tin- day and ninlit. Whisky is i...;.... -In .1 mi al st every singe from both north and south and is very easy to g.-t. 'I'hose desiring saloons have p.-t it i d for nn fleet inn. ami notices me now up falling for resiib mission of the .ii.-.sl i.n at the election on .liiue I. To be sure the friends of prohibition are many, nnil it is a tpiesliini 'ilh all ,1 vi.leuee agllilisl the ineffectiveness I, ill II. ,iv lines as thev cltisl if the Hots" I muster the slrcllglll in .t to the sal The prime mover , Hum aelioii is (told lleaeh. tin- co.inly senl. The law as it stands nl'tVrls the whole foiinly, that is, it is n county law, all preeiliels having derided I" MfheW the saloon. I'or lain, l-'or I'or for and I for Election Juno 1, l'JOB. H. Senator (if... -K. ( ha lb. ( oiigr. ssinan .1. .1. W hitney. Supreme Jmlge- 1(. S. Mean. Joint ll.-pr.s,. ntative .la.-l.soi. ..oglas t oiini i.-s-I'. I.'. lavender, h'.nrosi nt :i 1 i v. s--M. I'ur.liii, l oiinty udg. .1. It- Xeil. niiiit v i 'omuiissi. r M. Mar II. Mill I-' I' shall. I'or County Sheriff Wilbur A. .loins. 'r Couiil.- t h-rk A.. IS. Humes. ',,r l'.. unt; lle.iii'br .1. C .Master Soli. 1'i.r County Treasurer -M. M. Taylor. For I'ounty Assessor I!, li. Dow. I'or l oiinlv Surveyor -I). I!. Suwyei. In .lit tlto (ill;l 1 W V ( f what vou buy, whether it be a bottle of cough syrup or a cake of soap, You Should Go John l. Sprockets, owner . l-'ruiicisco full, when nsk.i iiinintniiu-d such an cxpclisiv i this nietropulilau jouriuil if the Sun I why In luxury Its a heavy WORSE EVERY YEAR. Tor ( h.v. omit v i 'oioner ir. A. . Stun REPUBLICAN TICKET. 1'n f.-ll.o I'll Election June 1, MOB. I'nileil Stales Senator II. M. in Congress Wil monthly loss, in said to have replied: "Monte people indulge in sleitin ytiohls in whieh they cruise about the world for reereation; others have nut diiles iu which they tour the country f"t uiuusonient; I have my newspaper." It is perhaps on Home curb gri.nn.1 us this that Mr. Illilon hie. begun I h. publication of a innrning nowspap. r in Medford a plaything tin whieh he cull lavish his surplus wealth, for there is no business justification for nnothei dally nnil will lint be until the town doubles in population. There isn't sup port enough I'or one efedilnlile daily. let lllone two. Hut c petition is tmid to be the life of trade, and life ilsell is a survival of the fittest. Tbe initial issue of the Medford Mom itig Muil contains many features in journalism on which the newly bom is to be eongratulnte.1, both for enter priso mid originality. Part of the pa per was printed six coliimnn in width und pari seven columns, n chiiriuiiig departure from convent ioiial lines, tin. I one sure lo uttlu.-l attention. Then there was a four page boilei plate supplement, printed iu red. s.un. thing entirely new in iioiv.spapor.hmi. Ked banuer lilies or even brief article iu red, to ntlra.t alteiiliou lo imp-o tant news, are tpiile coiiinion fen'ures in inetriipolitnn flush .iournalism, hot boiler plate supplement, piintfd en lirely in red, is a dr.'i.l.d innm alien It certainly shows reinnrkahle eni, i irie, but isn't It n little yellow f.t -, religious daily en a Suu.la,' 'IWiiaps the must alluring feature oi the new diKlv was that section not ma-!-in Medford. the colored coinies. This Plenty of Medford Readers Have the Saints Expcrtonco. Hon 'I neglect an aching l.aeli. It will get worse every year. Ita. kaehe is really kidney ache. To rnrt- the bit.-. you must cure the ki.lnevs. If you don't, other kidney ills tol low I'riiiury troubles, diabetes, liright 's disease, A Medford citizen tells you how -the cure is ensy. Mrs. f. II. Ilotrie, living corner V ami Second streets, Medford. nr.. snys: "I ha.l kidney li Ide fur several cms The disease I nine inure and inor licenlil. I my kidneys and general health were iu a rundown inn dilinn. M.v back acheil a great deal and if I ullempteil to stoop or lift upon arising ill the morning. I began I ' Kidnev Pills, which 1 procured ul llaskin's Drug Store, anil ii short t nil- tile trollliu- vamsii I am now entirely well and strong ami ....... t ,., e IIIIIL'O II III. .-' lo the ti Iv use of Doan s kidney Pills." l-'or sale by all dealers. Price oil i ts Poster Milbiirn Co.. Ihill'alo, X. Y., soh ........i tor I hi. I'liited Slates. lt..,,,,ol.,.r the name Doau'rt mot lake no other. 1. i.leSelit.-ltiV. lis C. Ilnwley. H'or I'o. ill nud Dairy Commissioner I. W. Ilailey. I'or Supreinc .lildg. Hubert S. Ileltli. t.'..r R-iitroiot ColllUUSuiollcr - T. K. aioobell. i-..r l-ros tini' Mtornev. Jackson ,.l .loseoliine Counties H. 1'. Mlllliey I'or Joint Henreseiitative, .l.'ichsoli ,,l lloiurlas Counties .1. A. Iliiehanan. I'or ItcpreseiilutiVfS J. 1.. Ilamniers lev. II. D. Kul.lt. l-'or l 'ouuly Ju.lg. (I. W. 1'itmt Por County Coinuiissioncr .lame! I l.voim I.1.,.- Conlv Sheriff I). II. .lacltson I'or Coinitv Clerk W. II. Colellian. I'm- Count v lice order II. T. Ilurnelt. I'or County Assessor W. T. Iliiev. For ComiiI.v Treasurer -.1. M. from filler. For I 'mini y School Siiporiutoiidcni-- .1. l'ercv Wells. l-'or County Coroner A, K Kellogg For c it v Surveyor K. A. (Irise.. Suffragists Abttso Initiative- and Eof ercntluiu. lino of the planks of I tie republican platform is as tollows: opposed lo the aloise oi in and refel linn by the sill' the people of large number ,is on the same ballot. Th slale We tiro iuit iat ivo inission lo ..I' III.MISIM , pie lire too busy to give these mens nil's the llltelllioll lieressai.v to illsllr I,.,,. The II ber of nieaslll'e- ... I... ,.l.,.,i I lo llll' one election -1 1,1 l,o limited and it should be fill ,i i.l.i.l I toil u uieasiir le 1 l""- . , , , ,1 ,l..u-ii bv I he lieople sliouiu tie iu ligible to u pla "I the ballot for period of six years Ihereillter. The taller part ol tins nam. is ... Iv directed aillllst Woman Milling. i-i.i- ,,n,iii, sill, -o was thoroughly . ,,s. .1 two vears ago and was defeated by a ninjoiiiy of UMT.'I. There lias 1 ..l.-.i,,.. in loiblic ol.illloll on Ih .picstion and the immigration into the, stale has been chiefly of those opposed to this nlnelldinelll. Nevertllel.ss.il is I :l)!aiu foisted he ballot under lb. illisleadiug title of "e.pi:il sill't'iag. in 111,, hope that thiough I he inatt-'ntii t Ih, v is and tin' carelessness whi.-h II lnllow from Hie large number ot pi oposil ions slioillllieo. mi- ,-,, Ihrougli. Tlie eomeniion .- righl. 'fins is an abuse of the lt.it ill , iv ,- The amen. Inn at ought to be de ,,. b. a linger nriioiit. Ihaujha. ,.t two years ago. ' ' BACCALAUREATE SERMON TO OUADUATINO CLASS to the place where satisfaction is assured to particular people; whore quality is unsur passed and where the prices are right. Then To the Eagle Pharmacy and fi'et the best. This store carries all me well-known proprietary remedies. The stuck of all kinds of high-grade stationery is ctmiplele, and nowhere this side of Portland can he found such an up-to-date and exclus ive assortment of toilet articles, soaps, per fumes, etc. Prescription Work Is a special consideration. Two graduate pharmacists are in charge and the most care ful work is guaranteed. A. K W1IITMAX, Manager. PALM BLOCK. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. I-;. I-!. Morrison to l.oselina A. Morrison, i:t..".!l ncies in D I. C HI, township IIS. range - V.. Iloselina A. Morrison lo I'.. I'.. Morrison, -J". 1 7 acres iu 1 I. c in. township :tt. range L' W lloselniH A. Morrison to I.. K. Morrison. L'l.-JT acres iu 1 1 I, C 17, township range - W Sylvester I'll 1 1 el son to b"n tt. Paltetsoa, T:t acres ill section 1M, township ".s;. range I W W. S. King to (. l-.uger, lots I and 'J, block I. King's nddi .; , Medl'oril l.oe.v W. Chapp.Tl to F. .1. I. wil ing, IH.P- acres in li I. t a-1. township :. range I K I. 1'. Millings lo City of Ash him I, property in Myor addition lo Ashland 'harles W. l-'rab-y lo Maloit A. Ili.-k, isoii. hind in township lis, i a age '' W i 'buries V. l-rah .v to Maloll A. Ith-hfis assignment of lion. I Samuel How-don to Teluride Hold .Milling ipaay, .plait, clailll T 1 1 10 ( N I . V I ' LA ( ' K 1 X M K 1 1' Ml I TO O ET Ready Prepared Lunch Goods ........... v. . . -rwv t L.rrt 1 HIT) S TI? t LOAF, CI I K'KKN AND POTATO SALAD Aiwa y Fresh, Everything Cleanly on,' FR15BII r.AKLRV STUFFS APE THE IJKST IX TOWN The DELICATESSEN 9. 80 acres, all tillable, nice location, inee five-room ,ttage house, large, barn, 2 1-2 miles from Medford, well watered, in reach of irrigation ditch, team, harness, wagon, t ... ,,., ormnvfltor. new sang disk plow, talking plow, rake, mower, disk, smoothing harrow, stove nd some other furniture, all go with the place, and the .resent growing crop. Price only $0000; a genuine snap. 20. 320 acres, fine stock and fruit ranch, well im ' i inn .,,.,.. ,.,-wW nlow. 6 acres orchard. Trice IJlOVCd, tt-n-t onto iti.viv-i r- - - T)-.00. This place with 50 head of hogs and 35 head of cat !e, all farm implements, blaeksnitih -tools, hay, fruit and ygetables for $7000. ,i7 ddn orcroa n finfi stock iDrowositiou, 40 acres in alfalfa, irrigation, good buildings, in a splendid section for hunting and fishing. Price only $14 an acre ; terms. uo ioq 9 miles frmii Easlc Point on Kogue , V 1JU t4, 1 - - C -n on,.n0 Mpniwl eoiisiderahle fruit and alfalfa, pri- lVllr W UIH. V.,HVJ vate irrigation ditch. This is a splendid proposition to develop, about half good bottom iana, ucatt n. - ander plow when cleared, schoolhouse handy, fair improve- A hi. 1 l1.....!! -unit n. nents, team, harness, wagon, some catnc ami u ; "u- ' . mi ..,,1-. rtll tfinv nents go with the place. Price rouij. mis t t, lose inspection, as it will mane a mi oi money . ... - an a f; ..lf-.ifn vtuicli of 80 acres near Butte Palls, fine stream and springs, nearly all level land, splendid fish- ing and hunting, buildings, lrice omy imv. 80. 80 acres, 4 miles nortneast oi .cagiu .1 - lose to the new railroad, 50 acres under cultivation, fine il.-iek- Innd. mostly in wheat, crop goes with this place. Price $4200. $2200 cash, balance 2 years, 7 per cent. V STREET, NEAP EH 11 ITU i loin i 1 I is custom syndicate lainly delighted the though they saw thc ser.ice and cei yonugsleis, al ery same pi. turcs three we.-ss no in tlie I'ortian.l fctiturday Jouriial. Siill three w.-.-ss i. not very fur behind the times A large circulation is assured Ih ucw pas.r as long as it is gix. n mun Buy Tickets by Wire. Sotnetliiiig which is ot consi.lerabli interest to the public generally nn.t which is perhaps not gener.'illv snoivi ,o ii... ...inn of orenai.l orders now it n'e.l between Millions of the Southon I'acific roiupaey and all points in tin' I'liited Slates, liv Ineiins of Ibis systen ti, Lets ntav be parchased at Medford from an. place iu the failed Sim es aim mnib'.l or t.leg.aplied direct to th, party wishing to come here. Sleepel iiminodatiolis and small luminals "i ...i. I ........lioii with these tu-Kct! "ISN'T THAT FINE. ' ' If vou aiinrccialt) wnistcont expand- ers in the form of .". choice, juicy steak ,.., nill t'iod this the ulnee for pur chase. Theni's nothing iu the meat line worth currying; home mid cooking ilo.t. .mi ..ii.iiuit find here liny time you call. This is an invitation to visit us soon. Hotel Emerick W. E. JOHNSON, A packed house hen id t ll Williams ot St. Mail, 's fpis I'. 1 , lull. 1 1 1 1 , , ti at t h l;, opal ' ,l..li, ... t In- h.-o-.-aliiu .,.,, ,.,. al the ..pent house Mm da. ai.-inilii; to Hi. hih school ;.ado ul ill!: . iass of loos. 'I'lo la-lnales al. lllad.s .oi iv. pr.-sid.l.t; I'le.e l.nnis ,1, n. lint It Men o k. H1..IO he W I. Km VI.... ... I ... ,1 lieswell. Alice Ml eels 11, ,1., il Iv, i.lio I. I lar.i Win. s. lab. I W lis II -i WAS IT DEMOOOOY? The Medford Mail lias alw.-i.s pos.dj as n ehampiott of popular election I'liited Stales senators, a belie., r o Statement No. 1, an opponent of int. cliiitt, rule, and has printed iiuui"loii fditorinla lo Ibis .ffe.-t. williiu Hi past few tnmith. The Mail now lias ..a oppoi t unit i. prove its sin.erit. and .b-moiisi i it w-hnher it is really n .h.uiipion of pop ular irovcrnmcnt or a in. -re denio;.i;n, There are two repiesetitsl iv .-s (101 .Is.-ksot. co.iutv to be elected to t li legislature ncit Mon.lnv. The i.-pnb licaii caud. dates are os-ulc opp-.s.d Statement No. I. and think their .iiidt men! sup-rior to that -f ihe peopl. They oppone the tslitoru.l slnn.l hitlier In taken bv the M.dtoi.l Mail. I'll, other candidates favor Stal.-mein N-. I and p,piilar election "f eiislors. .-nol alvo.-t lh.c very things th.t th. Medford Mail has been shoulins for. 1W the Mail now nd.o.ate the cic lion of ntl Stnlentelil t nndidiit. s, ol Ihe avowed infulch. of popular k-,..eni inenlf If n.d, why is il nut si ill the champion of Slaten t No. 1! Whv doei il nol advocate the election of MUlemeul eatiilidnl'-a, and the defeat of the ,.nemlf of pupilltir iiovernmcnt t Hat the Mail "turned turtle" and a. I loan. Ann l.'il.v. f. li.id'ilick t'o-ld-Wednesday is , 1 IIO III , Vi I. is.-s ill Kaili n. I' , htal I'anuie W liit ,-d Sliani;. M.v ill . I'ave ltulchell. I. held I'l.ni-.la. -sI'A I'I'.MIAT ItV I' opp at I I did not s 1 1 tun. I f'l' -I , I, dale lor I 1,1 I. pi. heart. Iv in an-l l.a- - 1 tb- inn 'oiitv II , nKht lo I'll, I.. I S'.-l filed t u.-.l lo 10, -11,-lilal -.1 S-ali-in lev de 1 - ll M 1 1 .1.1' ,n ,--uiiiy on as r.-p vi-..i: that I al 111. lai - No. may time be furnished lit the Banu Mi Kslal. made. Kslat. lo sell r l-Ntale .tallies approving final llslale l.n.-iiol aiU-oiai: tnial ; ll. I'oll eal prop PROBATE, iv (lliusbv; tlial Mathews; old 1 , . old ARE YOU INTERESTED? I Inve for Mile at $G2.50 per acre, 80 acres of as fine on-hard land as there is in Rogue River valley. The i im provements on plMco are worth at least V2M. Let me show you this land. ALFRED SMITH OVER JACKSON COUNTY BANK. C. H. Pierce & Son For Fine Meats More Quantity Than Elsew here More Quality Than Elsewhere More Money Left Over The Medford Meat Co. Stressors to Pottenqer Next to Hotel Nash K.I COllllt . (laniard; old. ..iit.l . Ail Unciiualcd lnvc.stir.ent. slum) ii-.ested now will si.-ni, loipl t inn i d bllsill. s, lot S :tt in, v ,,1.-1,1 s thr. liv. :..-ilao. ionldi 1,1. l.v Olll V .-alt, ll the l li.-v.-l these lots will in ..-iluo nilbiit on. voir and tl, purchaser will 1 litis urihe invesliio lit "f onlv tl . I'lii- opportunity s, Idem oiler, . I ami p,. tor a short time, ti.d-l tdiv I , -J.Xi We-t Til, Street. l'-" BACK IN OUR KITCHEN You will find the finest of incuts nn.l r foods all nvvnitine; your order to ook.sl. And the cook knows how it to perfection. If you have eaten at this restaurant you have t pleasure before you. Collie and it today. We have some special we know you will relish as you have done before. The Nash Cafe NEW LUMBER MII.I. ON BIO l'.UTTE IN OPERATION IMuar llufcr. calomel ot ll 'ruler Lake Lumber company, icporls that Ihe new null on Hie; Mutt.- 1" ., oper ,tioll Monday. si inn employment to o ,.-., tliiooelo'iil ihe summer, ruUiui; -t , I b, li Ollld lo M II, ::,r.,t,.ll l'ol .- lot I .v i ta a.le I isli : ,,J el,s ll I tin .III. t' do t el-t 1 1' I do nol t- I ., a e t I tle-n aid : mall, and I ,., , 'M , tor -he e of III, Vol for t'mt.-l S'-it. s . ni of purl y. wl.nli the cniolidntes for t .-pull H.-i -l. v and 11. I .-l.-lted ll"',. V ill net do. Itespe, ttollv snbnutie-l, ,',ll M0 IV ii- mii.i.li: voMi. i a ileal :M. ' I'ntil th- v ,l li'' IOC do.vu bv w-i s ,-d Rose To I'l.kel- for lie- I.', oil sale .1 one 1 and I! t w o d iv s 'I'l o-' V. 1 ,v ish s' . i-i-r r. s. . word it ll"' .1, ,... .n erd-T to ci.e th so, tire the toc- ssar fare H :',1 lo,l. f the ha', I I" ilny . I'. I'.. It lumber -, b v t lo co, 11 pi, t loll stiv.tl s,. Festival vvill In . .-,,-.1 only on thus ,. intend eoioi; se t -.ti.-n should b il, is s - -II as p , ilei - ,--u-.:l-v ti,',- to cars. Keund t r i T l;K VOl' I'l Ttl PATI.: ll-'tve vou a iron.. ...... to be marii.d r have n l.iriiuiay t s". " j ' a pi.-.c of our fine Cut (ilass inn t mv r.c assortment .iust received. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE .It; WEST SEVENTH STRKKT. McQLASllAN & JTJNKEN, Props. PHONE 1051. HIDrOBD. OREOON M. Stato Depositary. Estublishcd 13SS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $115,000.00 THE COST IS SMALL, THE BENEFITS LARGE The, mutter of Absolute Protection for your vnlunbles is so important that yon ctiuuot well nfford to overlook it. Although the cost of reutiiij. n Safe Deposit Box in the Fire nnd Burglar Troof Vault of the .Ineksoll County Hunk is very moderate, the benefit is lafRo, -assuring Absolute Security. SATE DEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT. $1 AND UP PER YEAR. W. I. VAWTER President O. R. LINDLEY Cashier medford mn house . tl v.'.t I sn:.'.. Baptists Cominit to Portland. tiKI ML il V 1 IT . nkin . Ma. -" l'oitlaii I. Hi . sect. -I t o v.-ii '- ,-l,veiil,oi: ,d' th- Northern l'r"'-s .-, - it.i! h re. The Most tor the Motley. Tlie i,t,rll automobile is the most , , . .... I.: , ,,. ,,rf. r. , I f.lOlnV f'S, mis - for the mouev. it b-'t'oie buyiliif L. It. Kro.v i, ac-nt. Ittne,' TWO NIGHTS. MAY "i ii V, TIH St'lTKjjW, M W DON CARLOS SOCIETY CIRCUS . I,.es l'e.,'1,: i-ii! l'l.-f.ssi.r KM. the 11-,-, , Uabb-oti - K.Mtr M.-tlkeys. a k.m;k n:i:. r't'i: mkitouiv I'l lees .' ,- and o'tc. Graduating Presents Wh.tt ' ni rr or more nppropri ato thsn a nice wxtvh ring, hrmc Ul or a chain ami looket sonu thini thiv cirn always I j a a ri nit'inbruuivf t have a fine a .H I m.'iit NKW Rivl hitc styles ami -leij;n4. at tho New .I. welry Store. 1 1 ri O 1 ' I ifi t. in ;ir lie IV-toffier. MARTIN J. REDDY J. B. ENYART.I'resid ent. .1. A. I'EKRY, Vice rrcsident. JOHN" S. ORTII, Cnshier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t ( Rpnie.- The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS J 0,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage iM.HIf 111 The car inanufae tured expressly for tbe ettast. Best for price on the 'market. $1400 D.T.LAWTON Agent MEDI-'ORD, OK. Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Office fixtures tnd 11 kinds of plMting mil! work, includinR turned work nd fancy grills. p, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH 6TS. PHONE S3.