THIS MUD FORD DAILY tfUJlJtJNE, MKPFORP, OK., SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1908. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL .Mrs. Daniels, wife of T. K. Daniels, returned to Medford yesterday after a two months' absence at her old home in Snuta Ana, Cal. i you want ico cream, give your or to the Book Store Creamery. ' Frank J'oss and wil'o and child ar rived hero today with the intention of miikine this valley their home. Mr. ifoss mine from Garden City, Kan., where he han been a prominent remciit walk contractor. All kinds of job printing at Portland ..rrm-U.Trlbuiuv,.-'"' it V llceordc'r'i'olliiis him already an iwered over 40 inquiries from prospoe live hidden on the new bond issue, lie suys that there is every indication they will be eagerly sought after. All night restaurant nt the limerick il further notice. .ludjpi Julius II. N'eil, democratic nominee for county Judc, spent Hut ur.lay in .Medford. lie reports satis faction with progreBH of the campaign. ttiw Kiln Onunyaw, stenography and . oew'iting- Itoom 4, Palm Block. Have II. .Miller him returned from a trip into the back country districts anil reports a universal sentiment for Hlate nient N'o. 1. Tha only nrint shop In Southern Or ,..,ii employing Typographical T'ninu ., .... Tha 'I'rilninn H. 1 1. Dennett, of North Medford spent. Saturday in Medford ou business, ce cream delivered to any part of the .At. Order from the I'ren ry or . .nd store. " The Indies of St. Aim society, com posed of the ladies uf Hie Catholic church, will give u dance at tho opera house Tuesday evening, May 211. Music by lluzelrigg's orchestra, Kluhorate re fieshnients served. Harry Culberlson, general contractor I builder, cement worn a specialty, dford, Or. Mres. Vred II. Iliipliins entertained at bridge whist Saturdny afternoon at her home at Central Point. Tf vou want sweet cream or butter "tilk, order from the Creamery or watch .'or the wagon. Deliveries mnde every v. Phono No. 1123. A. W. McLaughlin of l.img- llench Cal., is In Medford looking over the vnl lev. We deliver sweet croata or buttermilk every day j watch for our wngi n or tilinno orders to the Creamery. Phone Itnlph Dean and .lini Cady of Worn! villa aro in town today. Latest designs needlework, infants' nel'.n.j I'll shirtwaists, centers, under w ar. etc. Needlecral'l Shop. IW2 U i h ington street. Portland, Or. M .1 nil II Olwell anil party, relilinilig home in his nutnmnbilo from a dance lit, Much last night, encountered u deer, which was so dazed by the rays ot the searchlight that it was nearly run down. A. H. Harm's of Ashland, democratic nominee for county clerk, was in Med ford today. K. .1'. Kuiser, editor of the Ashland Valley Iteeord, visited here today. V, M. Olnrkson of southern Miclii gaa is visiting the valley and Is contem plating purchasing. The Medford drug stores will close hereafter on Sundays from 10:110 a. in. to 0 p. m. Attorney (Ins Newbury of Jackson vllle wnB a Medford visitor T'riday. T. K. Nichols of Kagle Point spent Saturdny in Medford. K. It. Peck, the Lake creek capital ist who recently sold his holdings at Lake creek, lias purchased a home in Medford and will reside here iu the fu ture, retiring from uctive business to look after Ills numerous Investments. It. II. Whitehend has returned from a oampiug trip in the Hig Butte section. Ha reports grass abundant in the hilK though fishing is somewhat slow. Miss Oruce Whitehead arrived in Medford Friday evening from Ashland to spend Saturday and Sunday with her jia rents. Work of laying the new water (lis Iributing system on Seventh street is under way. Tho trench from -.11 to (' streets hits been excavated. As the time approaches for the end of the contest, the race for cnruiviil (pieen grows daily more exciting. Vole early and often for your candidate. Actress Buys Orchard. The engagement of the Margaret, lies company last week drew good houses and the show was considerably above the average. Miss lies is so well pleas ed with the Itogue Itivor valley that she secured a homestead a few miles east of tilts city and ivill rcluin here nt the close of the present tliint rical season and become a fanner. -Central Point Herald. STRIKE AT BLUE GRAVEL MINE YREKA RACE TRACK II. K Strasslcr and Chailie l.e May. who arc isnking a shaft on I he l,l Jllne Hiuvel mine, near llo race liacK at Vrckii, struck a fine pi-oipcl a lew days ago. They had sung nlinnl Ho tcet without finding water, when suddenly Ihey struck a channel and the walei commenced rushing iu on llo-ni. Tiie were compelled lo abandon the work for the time being. hen they lapprd the channel Ihey succeeded in getting six or seven shovelfuls of dirt, which, when panned out, netted them f 7 .". This is all I lie dirt that could be got out at the time. Tho Bine (Iravel is the mine that Tim Austin ran so successfully for a number of years. It paid handsomely. The new shaft that Strasslcr and l,e May have sung is only a few hundred feet from the old shaft, and it is underdood that work will be commenced on a larger scale iu a short lime. Mnchinen will he put in to pump th ine out. XOTICR Is hiTi'by givi'ii thill the niitlenitftmt will Apply t ihe city no i I of Mi ford, Or., t it next meeting, In Iip Ih'M Jimp 2, JtW, for n li.rnno lo mil mult, vim. tiA nml npiritoiifi I Minors in It' (U(inli(ifn Ihnil A kiiIImn wrioJ i f fix inoutlii, nt our hcf ot hunnvn nt I. .t 0, Mock .20.'nr.l, Or. O. M. HKI.SHV. ' . Dated May 22, 11)08. (U JAPAN BRINGING ORDER FROM CHAOS Ambassador Takahira Explains Japan's Cause In Far East Says Korea and Manchuria Had Allowed Themselves to Become Disorganized. LAKK MolIOXK, N. VM M;iy -'t. The following U nn nhMruct of im- al lin-Hh oVIivfrril hv liaioii (.ioifion Tulni- liirit, JupfiifMo umluiHM.-nltir, nt liil;i Alohonk i-oiifi-ri'in-i' on inf rintl ijtnal fir bit ration: "An regards .Ta juiu, yoiiny ua she is it it minion, nation, I may nay without fear of lniiiu iiiiniinlrrtni.l th:it slw in iiuhlin hor own ilesjtito the virinHitmlofl of litV tliroiili wliicli ho Ii:ik Immmi pkh jmK during tli- lust, Imlf cfitt wry. Tin' iiircHsaiit ciitiriHin anl coinpliiiutK thai liavo bi'i'U brought uyuiiirtl lo-r n-jard- ut her attiliulo nnd policii-H in tlu far oust appear ti hi-, in my opinion due to tins rather hnniy ooacliiHioit of tniveliJiK olmi'i'X'oi'M. Sinnc a lit adatii'-d aainnt our oat inn in our new lb-id of iiuluti trial aetivity in Mniielmria ; thers naiiiHt th(; altitude we have ndnpted ill I lie li'MH ni'anieil k iiiiloin ufiil our proteftinn. TIiohl' urn (Miniitrii-H from whieh .laofin jn'ipiired in former timcH lier HVHteii' of yovi'iiiinent, rducat.ion and ovi'fi religion, by ineaiiH of whinh we rego la f eft our political find Burial life. Chaos Formerly Roigncd. "If t heHc rnunf I'ieH could live up to their idetiH nt' govern incut and o eiety, however obnolelo they may bo, it in cert ii i u t hoy eon hi maintain their posit ions that securely. Mul fnifin in thiH Ihey hnve allowrd lln-niKelveH to tall into an unhappy condition, dimir (iaui.ed, iiiifiovcriiod, impoveiiHlied, :iud tllliH have permitteil theliiHetveH to become I ho prey of Hinmlor design find rt-ll'iHh puipoHe. With Hiich coiintrieH iih m-ilihnrs Japan could not iVcl ropose. hut found her own position threatencil, and mIic w;ik olilieil fiuatly to take nee enBiiry iireimureH for her wrlf pn.'Horvu tinii ami to iiHHiiiuo reHponHihilitier4 foi ihcir ponee nnd happincsH, " Iinonler, re 1'oyrenHion ninl iiiihm;ov rii men t whieh palled for our net ion ennuot- be removed in one day, nnd in removing them some nt mimics innsl uoe .'Hsiii'ily ensue, Today we are at the sinr of Hindi a sti'unub'. Vo linvp a saying; ' l.ook at your work when done.' I ha v o to use 1 Ink expression in an twerin the criticisms of travelers, but I do not mean to tell iln-ni to stop their erit icimiis, for we are not afraid of the initli. If there is any t mat truth in Ihese eiilicisms it w ill lie n y I Ichhoii ami we shall lie Uul to weleomn them, however continually and Hystomatically I hey may be sent, from t he fur east jiainsl .lapan, so tou ns Ihey are not the result of unfriendly design, intend cd to mislead the friendly public of this urettt pence loving country. No Dnugcr of DIstiirbfmco. "It is, however, a most encouraging sitfti of our work tliat even in its 'half done' sta'e, there is mi iltinyer of dis turbine inteniatioual peace in that, purl nf the world in so far as our influence evtends. "If every count ry deals wit h the mutters between nations nml also i t k own internal affairs in a riylit spirit, I urn sure Dial even arbitration will no longer be found necessary, ami you will bo able to enjoy a tranquility as non nine as tho spring day a I- this beauti ful spot on I. nko Mohonk. Christian Science. 'hrisl inn Science services are held every .Sum! ay morning at II a 'clock in the i 'omnn'iciat club room, Hubject of lesson sermon for M ay L'S-I, ' ' Motd ami ltodv. ' ' All are welceiue. VOH WALK -t'amern; Pocu A, tixS, with kits to 4xo tausch & l.auih shutter, with A I lens, cost new 115) ; the above cost $lH0; I tripod. II trays, 1 Kraduale hiss, (1 pinto holders, I doz en mounts fur iS to Ixo, I ruby bin tern, I ndliT for mounting, 1 brush, boxes flash pitwilers. 111 packages developine; powders for japer or plates. I hypo., - vinettin frames, jjross Ao paper, etc.. all for ti". d. K. I'avi'tte, Hox i;t.'i. Medford. HI IrT V. Tho Human R.ibhoon. tlit Wtfost in! Captivity. Tli.- p.Tt'utniaiir.v of 1m l.n ( alios ' v ( in ns will tnki- h ovo ! ititi';it.' i'.illiiwinn the n.ifial ist iniTiMk', uliicli is i npr.'tf.l to lr i rntit'luilr.l ( 'I p. in. The Mom t';irlon iMaimiUMurnt untu'i I l-jit.-H :i n ,t . lion.- t.t i;n'ft th.'ir! t'uiiuMirt doii nii.t iMonk.'y -hnu-. Thfirj i oinpiuiv n tti i t he hit yesl Lulthooti ' In t-:iMtivit v, Notice, The nohlier tint! Hiiilnrn will jlene ! rill meet lit the ol.l K. IV Aill nt ! Iiiek Snihlav, Mji v 'J I, In A h ml niriii oriril ner ieen nt the Meth-nlit rhurch. ' lly re-piest of F. M. STKW.MJT. Post C'omiiianil'T. ' Merchants Aroused St. Johns Business Men Organize o Fight Prohibition Anti-Baiotm Agi- tutors Make It Possible for Persons Who Neither Pay Taxes nor Beside in City to Vote Upon Question. ST, JOHNtf, May 2.'i. Iteeause the prohibitionists have so arranged it that residentH of Portland will vote on the saloon question in this city, more than :J0 of the most prominent business men here have declared that they will take ti personal interest in the campaign and fitfht the "dry" element to tho last ditch. They have signed a petition to the voters,, asking that tho unti saloon llieiihlire be defeated. Until the Anti-Haloon leatio'H hired agitators made It possible fur persons who neither pay tuxes hero nor reside within (he limits of the city to vote on t he question the business me a wore Hal isfied to leave the mat (or entirely iu the hands of their follow townsmen, beinK willing to abide by whatever de cision the people of 8t. Johns might malfi'. Here ns elsewhere, however, the prohibitionists were, not willing to "play fair." They incorporated three precincts in the district they sought to vide on, including tho two which com prise Ht. Johns, nnd one in the resi dence section of Portland, There are nr. saloons, and never will be any, in the Portland preoinet, and the people there have no direct Interest in the imi n'ciial affairs of Ht. Johns. This fact has led the prominent men of this place to declare war, nml they promise to make a hot fight. Throughout the slate the prohibition ists are making a hard fight to close the saloons, similar tactics to those cm ployid here marking almost every cam paign Ihey have inaugurated. Why Don't You Got Next? Do you use Davis' HeHt Klmirf Don't ot, your grocery talk you into buying nl her brands shipped in. Davis Best sells for less money nnd guaranteed to give sntisfactioii. Try a sack nnd be convinced. NOTirrc ereby given I hat. t he undersigned apply nt the city council of Med , Or., at its next meet iug, to be June 2, Pins for n license to sell , vinous nml spiriloun iiquoi'8 :u quantities than a gallon for ti pe of six mouths, at our place of busi lots HI, lo, I I, block 21, Medford. Is Ji will ford, held malt less riod ncss, Or. YOITNO & IIAhU ated Mav 22, P.lllK. il.'i FOLLOW THE CROWD OR A NO I' NIIKIiUIOT TODAY- Mini enjoy a refreshing soda or sundae mixed liy an expert dispenser, who makes drinks that tickle the palate of the most exacting. Keep Cool and lie envied by the follow out in the sun. Bring your friends and they will he enthusiast ic, too. at the new drinks thev serve AT KINGS Kl(l DODO Clean Sweep Shoe Sale AV K WAX I) RKDl'OKD TIIK I'RICK () Ol'R KXT1RK STOCK ()!' Shoes AND ARK (ilYIXO VAI-l'KS Td'.SS THAN WIIOI.KSAKK IMHCKS. Children's Shoes, 01e, shoes you have lieen paying l.."0 and !fl.T') for. ladies' Shoes and Oxfords, $1.19, 1.(51), $1.70. 8M.OS, $2. 10. SPECIAL (WI.L KARM.V AND OKT Y'Ol'R SHARK OF THK P.AROAINS. W. H. Meeker 6 Co. It Is Good to know that when you buy a pair of TUDD'S FOOT FJTTTXG SHOES for men at $4.00 you get the liest that's made. MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Ciias. Hazkl rioq. Manager TWO NIGHTS, MAY 22, 23. MATTNNH SATURDAY, MAY 2il. DON CARLOS SOCIETY CIRCUS 2ft Dugs Featuring Professor Kiclil, tht Jliiirmn Bubboon. Four Monkeys. A li A li R TKEAT I'OII .V RDFOTiU. Prices LTm' mixI "fte. DIVORCE DECREE FOR MRS. ALFRED VANDERBILT NKV YOKK, .May ti:i. The report of the refereo on tile suit of Mrs. Klsie l-'reni'li VHlelerliilt for divorce iigainst. Alrrm! II. Vuiulerliilt, the lieacl of the Cornelius Vun.lorbilt bruneh of the fa mous futility, has been hatuleil to ,Ius- tieo (Vlloriliaii iu tho Htlireiue I'ourt. All the ynpers iu the ease were at once sealed ami filed, An intimation that I he report of the referee wits favorable to Mrs Vanderliill was (riven when the attorneys made a motion I hat the re' port be confirmed. The motion was taken under advisement. Friday's Bull Games. Portland !l, Oakland I. Pitchers Portland, Kinsellii; Oakland, llellar. San PranciHco IK; Los Anodes 1-'. MAPLE MOITSSK IS GOOD I'ORTKR IIOUSK FLTP Time Tabtes SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbound. No. ltijOreoit Express.... .N'o. HlPortland KxjireHS... tio. 225 1 For Ashluud Southbound. No. 15 1 California Express.. No. 13Riin Frnneisco Exp. No. 25!Froni Ornnts'Pass. . 5:39 p. in 11:40 a. in. 10:15 a. m. 10:3") a. in. 1:50 p. m. 0:15 p. m. PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY. No. 1 1 Leaves Medord . . No. 3Leaves Medford. . No. 2 j A rrives M ed ford . No. 4IArrives Medford. 7:50 a. in 2:30 p. m. 10:50 a. m. 5:30 p. m. t OGUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY. No. 2 Leaves Alertford". . . . No. 4 j Leaves-Medford Motor Lea ves Med ford Motor Leaves Medford .... N'o. 1 j Leaves .lucksnnville.. No. 3 Leaves Jacksonville. Motor J Leaves Jacksonville. 10.40 a.m. 5:55 p. in. 2:00 p. in. 9:00 p. in. 9:00 a. m. 8:30 p. in. 1:00 p. m. Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No single inser tions less than 15 cents. Six insertions for the price of four. Seventy-five cents a line per month. R'RNINHED IfOOMS Tho O'IMI, uvut postoi't'ico. FOB SALE t-rooin bungalow, just fin ished; cheap if nohi Bool). -Keo ttuy A. (Jhildora. WANTED 'J'imi teamsl.TH with teams waut'jd by Wen tern Orfguii Orchards Co. at out'n; good wages. l-'UR KKN'T Fimiislind rooms, on Trips st reef, second Hi reel, soul li on K.-ist Si'venth. Apply lo Mr-. U. i'.i.wtriiin.i) V A. T !;) Ill tir it Keren, improved. Muse in. (Jive description, pl'ire and lerniH. I' refer to deal with owners. Address l-I. II. I Hiss, Jiox r,S(, Med ford. t f KOU KENT "i I'nrnislieil rooms, conve nient tor honsekeepiiie;, close to busi ness; no children. No. ;!n7 North ( street. $2 PAR TV wishes to got loan of $300 on 40 acres of raw land that is worth $1000; good abstract; will pay 10 per cent. Lock llox 05G. ItUNAlSOI'T for -.ale cheap; thorough ly cipiippi'd Willi odometer, acetelyac lights, hip, etc. A. f. Allen, Medford, Or. l'OK S ALIO Dim U. S. Cream Sepa rator, No. 0; 500 capacity; good as new; cost fSO; will sell for $50. 7?. C. Ilensley, Central Point. FOli SAI,K--S. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten ncre tracts, best, locution iu the valley. j. Nee demeycr, Jacksonville. Ft K SAf. K-SiMnSil oT fnil" blood KamboiiiUel slock sheep; large, heavy shearers of fine wool, .lohn S. llt'r rin & Son. 81 l.DST I,iu1y's black handbag. Hot urn to llofel .ash for suitable reward. "(i I''ol SAI.K Kive roi'iu house, bcauli fully located, uith lo ."iOxl l'i, Ir ri bear ing apple trees; Ihis is a snap and will be sold nt a bargain. Address Lock llox 125. Medford, Or. WANTED To buy from 100 to 300 head of stock sheep. Write Box lol, Medford, Or. BUSINESS CARDS. H. E. MORRISON, Physician nnd Surgeon, Office: Mud ford National Dank Hldg. J. T. ANKROM, Vl:i.r, DKItllilt. MEDFORD, OU. Prices right. Pumps Famished when Wanted. BALL ft QLOSCOCK, , Contractors and Builders. All Work Guaranteed. Office with C. H. Piorco & Son. Phone 6S.1. P. O. Box 771. WILLIAM CDEBLEY, Resident Piano Tuner. Special Hates by the Year. Headquarters at Hale's Piauo House. All Work lluarnnteed. P. O. Box .11)3, M K DFORD, ORF.tlON. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and Surg.'on. j Office et Residence. 1 Will. M. Colvig, Medford, Or. I COLVIQ ft DURHAM. I j Geo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. j Medford Furulturo Co., Undertakers- I Day phone Mil; Night Phones: I'. W. r.inklin tn.'i; .1. II. Hutler I U. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANL COL EECTION AGENCY. Lock Hox 80S. Medford, Or. E. R. SEELY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon J Modern Kquipped Operating Rooms.! X Ray. ilffice Hours. 10-12. 2 1 P. M. I Off Ico In Jackson County Bank Bldg. ; GO TO DR. GOBLE FOR YOUR I GLASSES.- I Optical Parlor in l'crry's Warehouse,' SKVFNTH STIiKHT. ! "lie lias N'o Other Business." J Notice. j I wish to announce that I have pur j tlased the office ni:l practice of the lie Dr. M. S. Jones. My office n ill , 'i located at I he same place as Dr. ones' and office hours will be front 10 a. in.. - 4:30 nnd 7 to S p. ni. , R. J. CON ROY. ; Physician and Surgeon. ' For SMe j Five acre tracts just within and ad- t joining Medford city limits en five j years' time: 1M invested now, it is i believed, will pay on "l0 profit with in one year. Oold Ray Uealty Co., L'Ofl ( Vst "th trot. 60 f The Advantage You Get From Our May Sales You can derive great advantages ly patroni.iii our May sales. First we are offering a class of goods that will give perfect satisfaction, and at prices that aro certainly lower than most stores are in the haliit of mak ing. Now, don't take our word for this, but come and see for yourself. We know that our customers know values and believe that to beone of the reasons why our trade is increasing. U'e invite you here often and assure you of a welcome at all times. im I MA ' Our Windows Show Many Good Bargains TRUNKS' are shown to pnd advantage iu the south window. PRICKS AT TOST. .7.DI1 SI'ITS for ladies are also shown in this window. Theso are worth to $15.00. sr.MM'Eb (!(HHS are iu the next, window, and Iho former nnd sale irices shown. STM.MIOK 'VESTS. 12 l-2c, are (o be seen iu the north window. These, are Worth to 20c. MEDFORD 'S EXCLUSIVE LADIES' SHOP BAKER-HUTCH ASON Co. CENTRAL AVE., JUST NORTH OF JACKSON COUNTY BANK. I (' yiin'i'P ii sclioo director , is ST SYSTEM FOR HEATING your school, write to Til K SCHOOL BOARD, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. TILE SCJIOOL .ROAT?D, POCATRLLO, IDAHO THE SCHOOL HOARD, HOOD RIVER, OREGON. AVo have just closed contracts with these seiitlenien within the last fifteen days for heating their schools. They Investigated Our system. Ask theln. We leave il to von. W. G. McPlierson Co. Heating Engineers, 328 Glisan St., Portland Oregon POLITICAL CARD MAIli.ON PURDIN," Caudidato for RKPRKSKNTATIVK On Statement No. 1. l':uers e;u:ir:tulctd bank ileposits. D. II. MILLER, A.NDIDA'I K for RKPRKSKNTATIVK On Statement No. 1. J. R. NEIL. Democratic Nominee. FOI! COUNTY JIJDOK, WILBUR A." JONES, Democratic Nominee. FOR SHKRIFK: READ THE : Linen Suits For Ladies Have von seen those beautiful liueu nnd linen repp Suits. Wo have them in blue, tun, white and iu all sizes. The jackets are mnde the popular butterfly style sleeves; nlso the throe, ipuirter nnd full lengths. 'rices very reasonable, $7.50 To $14.50 and aro in doubt as to what tho B. F. MULKEY. Republican Nomtiico Tor DKSTRICT ATTORNKY. Will nlwnys support Hie republican candidate for It. S. souator who is nom inated by the people. JOSEPH L. HAMMERSLEY, of Hold Hill, Republican Nominee for RKPRKSKNTATIVK. H. M. CAKE, of Portland, The Advocate of Statement No. 1, Republican Nominee for I'NITKD STATKS SKNATOR. TRIBUNE Si