t 1 THK MKDFOKH DA1LI TRIBUNE. MKHFORU. OR.. SATURDAY. MA V -'3, IMS. j Bedford Daily Tribune; A Ut PPt to Lif Town. ed every eveoibg rxept f edford PvblUbinf CoTcpiny. PUTNAM, E4itof -J Mnagr. , A'tmittftJ feeon4 -'.a Matter i 'w Pt6ffie at Mdf.rd, Ore gsa. , ftabfttnption Bfttet: month, by mail or arrir 0-V)j year, by Bail S A REACTIONARY MOVE, you l:li-vf in m rale? I rru blifv in a,uthiu ruU-i Oj rua vaiit a return to lb- M -n iiti'yn, frbo tie? y-uA. we- i-rinir-r. wt for hMfni-v-f ir.-e 11 h.v ? ff yo 'J'j, i vou llt'-vt in rm Uun, M,tf uHn Htat-riTit .W 1 utA f'-r M'-rt. Hnun-t-y A KnLii. ' Ti- tiiw- n t)i- rut- of trie ti, I ul titii.it tl.rir jb'iif mfjt ityrioi t that of tic -ii i-y 'Tf Vtuy u i t them. f ou 't iru kfj'iir thai th att.-ik n at at I by tUt- iu'Ai-Uuf i mtry thf pr'Iu'J- to mii attack, not 'i)y upon th 'lif-ct primary, but fin utitiativ- Tt-tt rviimu It Ji TV- iJ-f'-at of Stul'iiM-rit No. ! -ari'Jwfat- will hi a t-( hai-kwanl. a r-inru t tb'- lay of brih-ry aiA for ruptioB. Political ro-ijiriM hiire no iiw for fit peopl-, nav to work td'Tii. the M.i'fiiu Lav it way anl nhi-re will th- pwplf of f The iiiaehint, hi th anti-Htnteni'-ijt cami Mint fit, thmktt it know tturf than Jli- fofdc, wtioH yAiM-u it i-npifM'fi. II i up to tb- p'Oprf to ftboW what ih-r tbilk of 3frtlt;il'-4t wbo Woilll n- rr- tbf role of tit- marhioc ainl who put tbir own jnilmnt abrri'I of that of fhr lrti,m. THERE'S A REASON, Have th roiintr oftj'ialu onit hifK to Ijlf by r f uii) to hav lb look of tb roijDty pxrrtpi f i tbr loffiA bi'l'lTi M-arulal r-i;arl ii( th- banllini( of pubif furi'Uf If not, why tit o(i(ffrition to an -i p'-rtin of official r-nnlnf It ean't b tb nfnw, for an m 1 rt offerM to Jo tb jb for I'l p r C'nt of tbn amount b- wouM av- thf county. What, tbf-n, t lb' rfflfUin? Tb book of fuonv offi-i un- known lo b in u a) inii'Mt'-: tit t'-ant th-rt bai b'-'-n n-tl'rney NioHn. Why not trai(bt''D th'w books out, khow ignorant ofliial bo- to kr-p thr-m ant iiitrmtitf butiiiM-Mi ifi-lho.4 iji t h- ban tiling of pnblif inorit vf Why not, tmf fi I h' r'-liittiran ilat i - nointn-- in Or"ii who bav- n;fn !at-iM'nt . 1, whi-rcin I v proutiu- to vo fir the 'hoir- of tbf j-opl- f.r I'liiti-'l Htat n -nator, wliat r r hi politic may b, nr one abort of a majority ft thf b-gifilntiin-. Tin rf art; th"in.an.) of r'-piibli'-antt in tbf tat. b w cr, li lovi- fr'-om nrnl i)'"-iifv b"tt)-r Ihun parly Itoftmnin unl in.'n-Jiin- p tltt n)t Then nun will vol for tin utvti rut m ri'l iilat- who have tei htatc mt'iil No. I nixl iijfiiiiiNt tin- mii-hifi(- fMimiiifftt who ty tutu-A to m ((ii it. It if prai'tii'iilly rrrtniii that a iiuiulx-r of r'-aiiblirun mai'birxi tnoiaintf-i will b dcffatfl at tb'- i'lli h rut that tin mit IpgiNlatim' will have a miff majority of HtatiiiH-nt No. I mi-iiitu-rx. FREPARINO FOR HYDRAULIC MININO ALONG KLAMATH Tin .1. ft. Ii'ik- fonipanv of (irrcn vinw, i'n., in prfparin to ilu a lari niikotint of work on it 4 ilitrh b-lnw i h Uri in Hcott riv-r. Tin tin miltn of obi ilili'li from ('iiiinoti I'l-'.'k aiio! K-l ey in to be rli iiln'4 aii'l r't liniifd, an-l 11! mi leu nf IH'W ililrli in to lit with u I'aparity of 'Jim Hi iinht-N of w:i ter. On the line will hi fi mihti of flume. Thf rompnny fXp-'t tu i-ret-t H Na win ill and rtil ..iiii,Iiuii t of linn bfr for fhiming. Jt Iuih piirrhani-d thrcf claiinn on tli Klamath river on what in kmnii an thf um-ii'tit river bvAn. The -l milt" of tlitrli will eovor thf-o-. tt in phmm-il t. rixti-ti'l thf 'tilth on down thf river to work Ibf old to il, Ix'liiw h hi t ivork lilif y u lie mi in n 'iinl' wy for in;i o y yum through drifting Tbf propo-tition houi pav hand floinidv, for thfHf idd thfinntdn an fry rich nnd Iniv yiiddtd fnrtnn-n wh"r evf r wtitf r -otull Im- fnund to rnvfi thfni. FORCE TIMBEMEN TO PAY APPRAIHUD VALUE FOR LAND WAHlllNli'luN, Mj,y .'It. It in vrn evidflit that ronrfH doii not propo-i at the pretoMit n -ii!i nt l nt to rcpfai or modify the timlT :nid Htniu in i It l tlllTrfolf r-at'1!! iildf to Pipot-t th.-it HM'rMary 1iartifll .nn iftT tlo ad f iirnmriit of toiijjn'-H will ntttv out bit pri'-ti-nt intt'tilion uf i hi ving I In r- jfiilnt totiH for fiiforritik' that law, h to rcjuiif I iiid-iTTii'Mi li-r n ft f r ti- a y t hf Hppra ito'd vulin' f t Liiult I :i b i n nndfr thti law. n tty to n- m-ib for lfnn than k ' " un am . 'I'll i n all coiimi alut tf'-m ii .wilful ntndv of thf lifntur an! -i.n. ;ut, otiirl h iiiK that tn- i r oi t urtc.l ilurtim thf adminiNiriiiiofi of ninrv lith rin-k, who lnndl i tioii iici-d tin- unfair m-Mi of thf timlo'T and "torn- t, but lievfr a wok i' to tin' f;ot thnt In l:ol it hi hi pow-r t i oi ri-i l tlo- in jii''i i. -lleretoforf th" inirrior --part ito-tit i. Ii tt t t ty reatl tin limhrr nnd utotif ui-t mid intf tprctrd it to nimn t hat i;' rrumt-nt timbi-r land nhnll lf rto. ut n flat rntn nl iL'.'i'i per n.-n-, r yarrllt n o ilft vflliif. Mr. (iartifld. howfvi-r, hut dlrovnred filial the lnw dor not fix n fliit ralf on t iihImt lund, but pro vidf that mifb land oh til I lo- Hold in trnrta Hot rirfiihiig !!' n r to mtf o;hoii, ''and tin minimum pro-r thcrr of Rhall be L,..Vl per iH-re." Ao-ord iiiR lo Mr. liniHi ld n t-ontoiii ion, if ton rt-ita had Itltrndrd that nil litubrr land nhotild be aold nt -.' r ni-rt-, it would havo pmi ntinilnli-d, nnd not ui-d the lait(iiae jnt ipioti'd. II hi tcndri, and irmny of tbf ollicinU of hii df part nifiit njfrcf n it h In in, that t In law elfarly inti nd that a higher piiie aiioiild be fiiii-tiil when tint dfpartnif nt behaved ft higher prme wm juatified. A Ho. S236. EEPOET OF THE CONDITION iMedford National Bank i at M -If or I, j in th- -ttat of Or-ifii, at I be tUr of b(i.io-. May lth, ' HK-wH'i:t:f. ,'f,tnn u o!ir'Mjf(u fT'. j Ov -r'rafrir Krumj afit un -.,)-. I I.VMMl I. H. I(mI to twurr rirf'iila tion 4'J V -i.'K; r-ci !irn on I. boiiH"., !.T&"." ilobi. -( urif ft: 'M'lS'Z H'tntcnin boi;. ffntrir" ar;-! f itnr- XfJ 4J.14 ';M .iut (iij from st;if- lankt an-i iMhl-rr 'J.i74.; luf from appovfti rfufrvf atferit .'2,7fiJiM lit-k atiJ otlor -aib jtfro 7jo.l'i otfi of ofiifr national bankt l.'i-V".'ai Fractional papT eurrf rif-y. fijk!- an! f-iiU -17. 7o (.awful Tiioiify ffv-rvc in bank, viz,; .peri ;t1,7.VJ.0 Lial tfiiO-r iiotf ','S,:L.tyi ff ! ntptioii fund with I'. H. t r fa i ii r-r pr -'-ut of firrulatioii) H.iitujMt Total .'i!f2.l!.4 UAIilUTIKH. i apilal hI.m k pan) tu ,Vt,M').0i Mnrhliix f tin-J UtJfmJiQ Cri'livi-l'-o! profit. Ii--a t-x ui-twn aii'l tax- pail 2w"4.73 National bank notfN out HtJimlinif ),('mi. uf to ther national bank. :lSth 1'iif to rttatf bankfi and bank era 7."A00 Iii'li viitnal ib-poitti Miibjf't to ehffk M-Vi4H.26 I't'iiiano! n-rtif u-atiit of lf- nodit JM3J.H2 Time (o rtlfit af a of (' M.itH .M'Mih Total 3f2,4-S.04 Htatf fif fr-gon, f'ouiity of Jark t tii, tw: J, John H. frrtb, fathi'-r of the altovr- nani'd bank, do ole mnly nwfar that thf nbovf xtat-inerit ii tnjf to thf beM f my knowb-dtf' and b'-li'-f. JOHN H. OlfTH, i"ahifr. SnbM-rilM-l and nworn to liffore tuf. thin day of May. Iiv J. K. HA MK)'A,, Notary 1-nblie. lorrt-ct Aitcttt: JOHN OLWKLL, wm. m. f ni.vn;. J, A. I'KI.'lt V, Dirff tor. WORSE EVERY YEAR. Plenty of Medford Readers Have the Same Experience. Don't n yl--t an achinj; ba-k. It will K'-t worf (very y-ar, lJa-ka-h' " really kidney a'-hf. To Mire thf bar) Votl miiM turf tbf Unlney. If you don . other kilney il!i f I'rinary t roiibb-, diattf t-. Hrijht I iiuaif. A M dfor'l it i.i n t - t Jtt yon how thf iir" id i-axy. M rt. (', II. Iloiif , li iiij; eornr V ami Sj-jond tttrfftn, Medf'.rrl, Or., aaym ' J bail k idrif y t roublf for fe, f ral vfarn. Thf iif.iho br-fnmf morr- and 'nop' iiotii-eablo and mv kidiifva and n-ral health wen in a rundown con lilioii. My bnek ached a tfreat dr-nl ind if I attempted to stoop or lift Jpirii urimutf in the mommy. 1 beyan ii i i ii if Doim 'n Kiduoy I'ilH. w Inch J procured at llaikin'a Dru Store, nnd in a thort time thf t rouble vanished. I am now entirely well nnd Mroni; ntid "W- tin re;tt fbann in mv roii-lition to the tiimlv iihi' of Doan'n Kidm-V CiIIh." For wain by all dealer. I 'riff rtn. I'.mter Milburn t'o., HuIThIo. N. V., aole itf'-nt for tbn I'uited Stntett. Itetiif inbt-r the ii a hi i Doan V and akf no other. At Chritian Church. Hiutdav. May fl:0i liiltlf nehool I'on "t for j(et thf parade. Il:'iii Sermon. "Sin. It I'unioh 'iifiti." A fiireful Hibifval m-areh of enptural teafhtnj; on thin unbjert. Ib-a ton and revelation will be Miinhn-i7.ed. Von nee to hear of thf enormity nt dn; bow I ind hull it; how wt- -honl-l etett it. 7:lt' p. m. V. f. H. r. '. I.end-r. Kddif I'ier.-f. : o i p. in - No Hi-rvii-r at thr rltnteb. Ml unite in thf reat union temper i io . meet it-if III t hf Mfdford opera lonne. .hidye MeFiobb ti of I 'on nllt will i-tiiri on one of the un,ti f MiibjeetH of t hf itm . ( nine ..nt and hear t hi ote( l.etlirer. At ;t o Vbiek t hf i onre ijat ion will nilte HI the er irr at the M. K, i-hliri-i ii honor of our nobl.t ilettd. I .rt n o - er foiy.t nliat wo ovo to thf bravr lefi lob-rn nf the flm; Marimi K. Horn. 'IMIllHliT. DON'T WORRY Tli-ae two .-arlnnd of V MTH Itl U ' ;i: WIIITK FLol lt that were t.veix.d at month arc nlnto-t (joiie. Hut don't wotry; nnother -nr )ll be here l.ion. Allen 6 Regan i Democratic Ticket PLEJXiED TO STATEMENT NO 1. Election Jane 1, 1908. for l ri. Jv-oitor E. i tao.b-r Lain. For ('onreMmaa J. J. U'bitaer. For Huprfnof Jodgr R. H. xVaa. For Joint Rf-preneotativ- Jaekua and Douglas C'ounti F, K, Ca Vender. For h-prfQtativea M. I'urdin, D. H. Miller. For "ounty ud: J, H. Neil. For otmty CouimtaioDer M. Mar shall. For CooDty Sberiff "Wubar A. Joue. For Count; Clerk A. 8. Barne. For Couiit, M.otirT J. C. Masttr von. For County Tr-aurer M. M. Taylor. For County Aa--Mr R. B. low. For County Surveyor K. H. Sawyer. For County Coufr Dr. A C. Htan IfT. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Election Jane 1, 1908. For ( nitfd State Senator II. M. Cake. For ri'-pff-w-ntative io Congreae Wil li C. f fair If r. For ForwJ and Dairy Corn miaei oner J. V, Jiailey. For Suprrme Jodge Robert 8. Bean. For Railroad Ccisniisaioner T. K. ilampblj. For Prosecuting Attorney, Jafkfa and Jnpbine Counties B. F. Mulkey. For Joint Representative , Jakwn and Douglas Counties J. A. Burbanan. For Ilfjr.nwtat ive J, I.. Mammers by, H. D. Knbli. For County Judy d, W. Dunn. For County Couimlssioner Jamef tre n. For County Sheriff D. If. Jackson. For County Cerk W. li. Coleman. For ounty lleeorder K. T. Burnett. For County Aw-wir W. T. (irieve. For County Treasurer J. M. Crone u.iller. For County Shwd Superintendent f. Perey Wella. For County Corontr A. E. Kellogg. For County Surveyor F. A. Griaez. Buy Tickets by Wire. Something whieb ia of eoniiderable nitereat to the public generally and which ia perhaps not generally knowx a tbe tty item of prepaid orders now is rftVct between stations of tbe Soothers Pacific company and all points in the f'nited States. Br meana of this avstem tickets may be purchased at Medford I from any plare in the bniied States and mailed or teb graphed direct to the ..arty wishing to eome here. Sleeper iceommodatirms and imall amounts of ash in connection with these tiekets -nay ft)i be farni-ibed st the samr time. " Rosa Festival. Tirk-! for the Ron Ftival will bo on ale Jtm 1 and 3, and only on thos two days. Tboe who intend going and rth ilf-err nervation should leave word at the d"-rwt as son as ponaihW io orlT to give the eompany time to 'euro t h n'Tfiary ears. lioond trip tn 113.20. An Uneqaaled Investment. IWjO invtuUA now will sf-curp throt hoiro irnprovtfl buunts lots, five ars time on f-.'isy payments on th -alanr?. It is bfli-fvr-d these lot will ionble in value within one year and th ''jfky purchaser will thus make n an 1nvetinfiit of only $l(KW. Thit t nn opportunity tol'lorn offered and 4 only open for a short tutu. Gold Ifay tenltv ('., 2fi West 7th street. fit The Moflt for the Money. The Auburn automobile is the most roomy and best machine evr offered 'or th mon-y. Hee it before buying. U. H. Hrown, ag-nt. kim., Retolatloiu of Condolence. Wratonka Tribe, No. 30, Imp. O. R. !., Hunttiig (Iroiuidn of Mfdford, Or.. May 13, ipon. Whrrens. The fJroat Spirit has seen t'it t rati from among us Mrs. Viola ii. ftps-k i tl. thn lni(vpil wife of Brottipr T. W. Ilrekftt; and Wli'-n-a. Our h-aris go out in dt'rp-st ivmpathy to our bmth'T in his grpat brrpaveitifiit ; now thTpforp, be it Itf'Hulvt-d. That WentiAika Trib-. No. tu. Imp. O. I(. M., itut bring in pn-et- inn .f "mlf iini1 intTinn of cijirpftning I In- imliv i'liml tvn.iiiil hv nt its lutniborn f.ir our -torrowing brother in hin great llli. lit. n. ii'lopiM tliift im-ihrxt of extend iiii tn Ii i t ti im Ji body t hp profound mr row und ht-urtf.'lt viiip:iihy nf his broth "r in thi. hi) hour of Mild ih'hb ; mill be t further Kpo d, That thrso rtinlutions be prpad upon th rpeonls of tho tribe i nd that a ropy of the same be trans mittpd to otir ben-nved brother. .1. W. mV.UKUAUi, I.. I. JACOBS. B. M. SKLHBV. fl.t rommittee. It niiikt- Httmll ppetite large. It ii ;i puro nnd uholenntne table water, It i. riMonimeiid.d by all the prinei p.il dix'tiirs in the valley f.ir indi tfi'M iitn. a Torpid livers an. I kidney tr.nMes. COLr.STIN NATURAL MINERAL WATER. THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OF BLANKS HEAL jut -i gtnrt Forms suct'A at Mrt& Trifer of Lie P 'A At (mT ICR RENT. FOR SALE. KL'KNLsHED Bond for LMd Uir i Lkcn ExecatioB JudyiMTit TriTtcrript Commkmra. for 7nJ Sjch Warrant PROBATE Petition-- for LTten of Admicwtrs wn. A'irr.inUTnkt'-.r'i. Executor " a-'.d C jrtii'in'j Bonis Dd; OrtVr &Mtin Aprt Irr-.y V.itxuu: insr. Ktn: Ordtr Confirm tr.f erf Ri and Prst-a.i Prcrty Cita'.-.r.; Cr.i--r. Ai rai-r; LttT rrf Adt31ftitrmlrfi; lr.vnorjr ati Ajiprnwrrwra; Ip.f .-f loiter. Tetmntar ClRCriTCOCRT Attachment Note of Gamwmit Orriivl Jury .""u Of--fvj Indieunent 1 rntript of J ifdj-'nvnt A enmplet. up-&-cUt. line r.f U.S. .SHERIFF BLANKS. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN MEDFORD The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Furnishc hot watrr fir tt-ft on vt-r''bort notu-e It n.n be u.sc.1 on the tax tab! 3 or in tbe kitchci Attaches to any ebt-trolier S:inpksafi'.co:'-" Ten ie tit, durabic ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., SuereMor to Condor Water Power Co. Of fice 200 W. 7th st.( opp. big eJpctric sign 'bono PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL To he held in PORTLAND, OREOOX JUNE 1 to , 1908. Will be the most brilliant FLORAL FIESTA AND CIVIC .HTP.ILEE Kvrr held in the Pueifie Northwest. Portland. "The Hose City," will be a Hoenc of splendor nnd tho center nf World wide interest for one week. Several tm port an eon vent ions to be held in Porll.md on that meniiou. the SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell Special Tickets on This Occasion from MED FORD to Portland and Re turn at $13.20 For particular rail on A. S. R08ENBAUM, Local Agent. WM. Mi'Ml'ltlf A Y. (leneral Pa-tsenger Agent. Portlan.l, Oregon. Graduating: Presents What's nicer nr more appropri ate than a nice watch ring, brace let or a chain and locket -mine thing they can always keep as a reinriiibranref I have a fine a sortment all NKW and lato style1 and design, at the New Jewelry Ntore, 1 1 Xort h C nt reet. near the Pofltuffif. MARTIN J REDDY ESTATE Wir.ii Tax f,!aet.t Piwsw: Opt u. Bur l-xral Aen.' Cur.lnrZs M 1ST ELL A S EOt'S BUI U S-o Oi'.ttl M r-jraze L-icor Lc-r Fortr Arrr.- wXr ':t '- NViW -o TrA..ni r.,r.fe.- n J-ieir.ent LOOM 1. ETC. (. card-Ani. Omt iA V. 3. Font .' nj-.t :o V. Deed I'ruo A JUSTICE OF PE ACE Civil tuA drtr it-m! 'ubjr-i Ait4irr.nt 'tAt: iia.z ana Afti GambhmTOt Hit'.fo7 A'-hmni Cm Bill r..jrrrs.'.tT.v.S- for F.r. Nmk to J-jrcn J -t ijrdtrr CiU Cccr.pmi Vi nar.'. for A net !'ndrt'.irir ard AfTwUvit Srrr.Ki for AtUM-hrr-on V'jt Crnniniand Cvil Subf-A-' Kif-'i.'i -ar''r. Warraat LAND OFFICE.' COfNTY COL'KT AND All printed after the latest and best forms. Cp Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. ti Give us a trial. OREGON olden rein Granules 100 ikk CENT PURE! CEREAL COFFEE. It tastes like coffee. It looks like coffee and it .smells like eoffee, hut is pure roasted grains. Mended so as to pro cure the liest flavor, the UTeatest strength and an ar ticle which young and old may drink morning, noon and night. (iolilci! i r;t i 1 1 Crannies is ''Specially l olnliiendi'd to those suffering from heart troulile. nervousness, consti- i'.uion, ni'iii;csuon, dyspep sia and stomach troiihles. Saul H nil nirktKi: for 'J.")c, all retail grocers. j Wholesale hy j P. B. Thciss & Co. I Medford, Or. ! Something New In lluM.-r Tires that it will j.av ,.,. ,., inv.nigat... COMTLETE STOCK j prompt work, satisfaction irn.u.iMt.W Mitchell & Poeek ! GENERAL WAGONERS. ; Ka.t Ttli Sir.-.-i. r-ar of M,.rr. r.U-k.mill, SI..,,.. M..,lf,.r'l.' i'lr. Co.u tor Sate .r, ,,,f hoZ, u T" UWT picked roil nt , ... , 01. ue f.xtlltes and a II klnH. e -1.,, -at of town, ,u ,nJ. HUK,uot iifi ivy VOLr L'P TO DATKf Have you friend who u going t,.'L urrkd r bav. a birthday! If o, why not tend them , ,,),.,,. f our fine Cut (ila.a al CUT PKICE8. A largo new Mortinent juat received. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 1ii WEST .KEVEMll HI KCrji. ui iina h JTJNKEN. Propa, County prtuk WTDrOBD, 0RI00N State Depositary. Established 1R-S8. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $115,000.00 W. O. J. E. K.VYART.Presid ent. J. A. I'ERRY, Vice President. The Medford MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL ,.$50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage m.iiii' in W. W. E1FERT, The TO REPUBLICAN VOTERS A - MEDFORD SASH ft DOOE CO. itlrl Jj l . y gnu. r bptvJ; -. PHONB 1051. BACK IN OUB KITCHEN You will find th finest of meats and other food all awaiting your order to he cooked. And the eook knows how to do it to perfection. If you havo never eaten at thia restaurant you have a great pleasure before you. Come and enjoy it today. We have some special dishes we know yon will relish as yon nevr have done before. The Nash Cafe THE COST IS SMALL, THE BENEFITS LARGE The matter of Absolute Protection for your valuables ia bo important that you cannot well afford to overlook it. Although the cost of renting a Safe Iteionit Box in the Firo and Burgl&r I'roof Vault of the Jackson County Hunk is very moderate, the benefit s In rye, (insuring Absolute Security. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES TO BENT. $4 AND TJP PER TEAR. I. VAWTER President R. LINDLEY ....Cashier JOHN S. ORTIT, Cashier. Y. B. JACKSON, Asa t Cannier. National Bank The car manufac tured expressly for the coast. Best for price on the market. $1400 D.T.LAWT0N Agent MEDFORD, OR. The Far-Seeing Man Knows the value of grnsping opportuni ties when they present themselves. Hero's one thnt you should not over look. Place your order with tu now for a made to order Spring or Summer Suit. City Tailor, Medford V overwhelming majority of Ore k'"n's voters liy registration have form illy deelared that they helievo in the pnneiplea of the Repiihlioan party Let them now show that thov aro honest bv voting in neeordnnee with their deelnr ilmns The Oregon election comes lie ;re the Republican National eonven ion. Let every Republican voter in UlO rust eoni.rfoiai.Mial ' 1'ermr of the Republican party in r. gn,, , ri,ngt1011 )C intluenco of "regon s delegation in the national convention by voting for H. M. Cake for I mted States Senator and W. C. Ilawley for Representative in Con cess, if eithor of these Republican nominees fail 0f election the primary 'lection system will be discredited and a return of boss rulo will be invited. I he gn,l nam, f Oregon hi votera will hs smirched and Oregon's delegation to Ihe national convention will be placed in n humiliating position. For the ef fect it will havo on tho November elec tion it is imperative that the Repub lican nominees in tho .Tune election shall be elected by an overwhelming "lai-rity. As n believer in the princi ples of the Republican pnrtv, it ia your duty to e at the poll, je t and iM'te f,.r Cuke and Ilawley. 53.50, greens, Block Wood ... . 7 .work- "itog turned work and ola AMD 7TH STS. PHONB 63.