If You've Anything to Buy or Sell, Try Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Quick Results The Weather ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES Crftune. Fair tonight ami Sunday; probably THIRD YEAR. MEDFORl). OR., SATURDAY, MAY 2a, UHW. NO. :! HIP BURSTS DASHING 16 PEOPLE TO EARTH PSBflV 300 FEET IMP FOR BALLOON Scores of Women Faint When Huge Bag Col- . lapses-Several May Die-All Are Injured OAKLAND, Cal., May i3. The Mor rell airship, tlic largest ever construct ed, collapsed on its trial trip when about "ton feet above the ground and dashed tin' Ml occupants to earth. None voro killed outright, but all wore so i riously injured and arc suffering from broken limbs nml other injuries. It is believed that several will die. Thousands of people gathered to wit ness the trial of tin giant ship, 4"" feet long mid "til feet in diameter, a combination of aeroplane and dirigible nir craft, driven by six gasoline en gines, generating iNMl-horse power. The airship rose successfully . from the ground with lb' men interested iu the invention, who had agreed to take the j trial trip before buying stock in Ike! machine. All were residents of Oak land nntl Herkelov. Suddenly the big gas b:ikf containing fiOOjlOO cubic feet of illuminating gas, burst, and began to sett In slowly. As the gas escaped it appeared that the airship would innle an easy descent. When 7 a feet from the ground it sud denly shot downwards with terrific force. ' Tho occupants were caught un der the wreckage. Among tho thousands of spectators; scores of men and women fainted. I When the great gas bak burst there I was a panic of the great crowd watch-I ing I he ascension, ami w hen the. big j i-raft which altogether weighed five; tons, ho! tied to the ground hundreds of men rushed forward with knives aud ripped the silk which held the little gas that remained so that tho fumes Woudl not asphyxiate the injured. The heavy engines are responsible for in jury to most of the occupants. The injured were immediately placed iu automobiles and express wagons and Were taken to I lie Ko.wevolt hospital. The Mo'rrell airship, which was built at a cost of .;Mt,Mim mid designed pri marily to enter the contest with various aerial craft. Tin- cause of the collapse nf the big gas bag has not I n ascer tained, but it was probably a weak spot Which gave way under the tremendous pressure. FAT PEOPLE CAN NOW BE REDUCED TO NORMAL WEIGHT NKW YdltK. May I'll. After years of careful and ocnseionttniis testing on thousands of cases, one of tho leading specialists of New York Juts perfected a harmless and rational method of re ducing fal people to normal weight ami nt Hie unnie time- strengthen tho entire system. He proposes to provo this fact by sending free of charge a trial treat ment of this neve method to anyone who is too fat. All pie who ate annoyed with over futile- nre ndi-ed G inline diatelv address Mr. J. S. Si.ilb tig.-r. Vo. A. West "J-'th ttrcH. New York city, and thev c-iti rest assured that they will recei a trial treatment bv p turn ' mail absolutely frei FRANK MUNSEY STARTS PHILADELPHIA PAPER PIIILADKI.PHIA. May IX Frank A. Mnnsev today announced t hat he has leased the building in Chestnut street near Sixth so Lotg occupied by the Kvening It'dletin. which has u-oved to new quarter-", and that within a few weeks he will establish a new evening newspaper. Mr. Mtiim-y said the new paper m be independent in politics, in keeping . from Hornbrook. and is being pi; I. with tho p-dicv of the other Munsey;Tlio rest of the machinery will be iwwsp-fl.ers the lio-t.m Journal, the brought in aipidly. Mr. Callahan says Baltimore New and th- Washington he has piety of good quart, in sight Times. j rl-v "iiperiiitftitlchl Mo said further lie will continue hi j for the Champion (iroitp Mining coin- indicv of i.uivhnsiuir and .Muhli-hmg dnily paters to be o rat'd Uiel common management. Methodist Episcopal Church, B Street. "The Demand of the Age"' will b- the Hobje.t at II a. in. At " p. ni. the annual memorial service in h-i,or of our departi d here chnri'h will be tast-inMv d rated for this wrvie. In it w of the union temper ance me ting at uioht. th'-re viill be rm Qening service. Sabbath hd nl 7'1 a. n. Epworth liagn 7 p. ni. All ire lnTlted. SQUADRON W SAIL 10 SEAM First Divison Goes to Port Townsend to Meet Other Ships and Pro ceed Down Sound. BFLLINGHAM, Hay 23. The first division of tho fleet sailed today for i he rendezvous of the, fleet at Port Townsend, whence the reunited fleet will sail for Seattle. Tho hospital ship relief did not proceed up the sound, but is remaioning here to take in the bodies of two seamen of the New Jer sey J. Stuuh and F. Luliuski, who were killed last evening in a car accident. IMMENSE GOLD DREDGING PROJECTS IN CALIFORNIA Referring to tin- large areas of dredg ing ground recently taken up in Siski you, Trinity and Shasta counties, the Iteddiug Courier-Tree Press says: There has been much speculation in mining circles as to the principals in c.ortuiu largo dredging projects that have been reported iu the daiiy press, as about In be launched in northern California, including tho Klamath river section, but the impressions no far dis closed anv in error as to the ownership of certain grounds that have been pur chased outright or laken up and others bonded an the case demanded. It has developed that W. 1. Kgilhort id' Wedding is the pcrsouul representa tive for tho Anglo-American Gold Dredg ing company, composed of foreign and eastern capitalists in the matter of se curing some thousands of acres and several miles id' rivers mid si reams in the sections named. To avail himself -of thesu opportunities he relinquished his control in the dredging proposition romoiod by him last year and 1 he people connected therewith have no in terest whatever in the mjgol iat ious that for some months have been carried on lv the l.'edding dredge man and his agents. KgilbcW controls more gold bearing grave! grounds today than any one per -ou i; California, and it is reported that already two machines are ordered for Siskiyou and Shasta county lands, ami there promises to be a large amount of capital invested in this region in the next few veurs. MINING NOTES. 1 S i s It ivou News.) Klinor Callahan has begun the work of moving it ten stamp quart a mill from Quartz valley to llornbrook. U. A. Murray and associates have a crew of men at work on their copper group below the forks of Salmon. The scurf ace showing is good. Thomas Keathing is back to Callahan from the Coffee creek country in Trin ity county and reports the trails open from Trinity Center to his place on llanUeruhlde creek. The Cold Nugget Mining company at Snwver I tar, under the management of li. A. Murray, will open up the mine at the lower end of the property and en UllL'e t.lo'H' ditches. I he compaiiv will spend several I honsaud do la rs in en larged pip-', giants ami other improve meats. This season's run has been g I. Newt (Joidoii and his men are hard at work sinking the shaft on his mine at l!akiiisille. A depth of ;Vl feet has been reached on the smaller ledge, while tu ii tie Iwork is continued on tie' main ledge, t he aloes of which con I inne as aliown by previous a nays. The ore is being prepared for shipment !o the smelter at Kenuett. At the Callahan mines. Quartz valley, t hree loads of machinorv has arrived , puny, lias accept cl l ne su (eri u i eioieucy ,.f a b.g gold prep. Hn.ii at Gold Hill. On-goti Gold Hill npoed of Portland ' ( r.. owned by t he MiltiiiL' foinpanv, c v$ . t..ti. The has n b-dge ten feet that ;is.;ty fioiti t' to t) jn-r ;hi1 will reijuiro Im.iIi stamp mill .'.ani'b' flaut. as the ore i rich n ith sulphur it-1 The property prom be l.'llge id enduring. NEW CASES, li, A I' If iilr. -ad company vs. Patrick h. ip g:ifi. el al. Col ig, Kenton a lid I.ei ter. att.rn. s f.-r plaintiff. Another f Another Disaster on the Narrow Rocky Road to Jacktown Grcive and Family ViGtims. A not her disaster is ruported on Dunn's elevated. This time tho victims were W. T. (irievo, republican candidate for county assessor, wife aud babe, whose rig t nrned (ml le wit h tho occupants on the narrow rocky road to .facktown. Mr. (Irieve and family were en route to Itueli to at loud t he county office holders ' aud seekers rally. Just be yond the Allen place, an auto was met, headed toward Medford. The elevated here is very narrow. Both the auto and the baggy turned out for each oth er. Tin1 ntito slid along, narrowly miss ing an upsetting. Mr. (irieve's rig did upset, spilling all in out. Though serious results might have en sued, I he only damage except to the buggy was the bruising and scratching iip""if Mr. (irieve. who was brought to Medford for tta'tP-nt tu ie auto, OKLAHOMA BANK LAW WORKS LIKE A CHARM M'TIIIMi:. Okla., My Within mo' hour of the time II. II. Smock, Ok lahomn banking rotntnissioner, had tak en charge of the International Hank of Colgate he had authority to rv the de positors iu full, though the bank's rash and available funds in other banks fell p2,Wm1 nhort nf the total nmoimt of deposit R. The rommissionpr was ena bled to do this under the operation nf the now banking law, and this is the first time it has ben called into use. RUEF JURY DI8CHAROEO FOR INABILITY TO AOREE WAV KKA NclMf o, May L'.'t. I'nable to agreo. after being out almost 4 A I hours, the jury in the raw of Abraham ! Itiu f. charged with offering a brSe to former HuM-r isor Jenningn .1. Phillip. I was discharged by Judge Maurice T. ! I looting. Thirteen ballots werf taken ; ami the jury toM d to I from the otil . wt. At no stag waft there a chance (tr an agreement, tho credibility of ; the witnesses tiring the mnin point npoti rhich the jurnri divided. I TURTLE UPON t Disaster on the Elevated THE PATIENT TAXPAYER REBELS llnituh liiili'r Punn Ami . just In lliin li, I put Unit Imiit llirm nivHi'lf. tHOtOOi40000OOOt4l4 000t TRAIN FROM PORTLAND HELD UP BY TRESTLE Train No. 1.1 from Portland was held ti)i six hours Saturday night by the collapse of a tres tle uea r Cot I age ( i rove. A s a consequence it was It o'clock in the afternoon when the train reached Purl laud. t 4 MRS. POTTER PALMER TO ENTERTAIN ROYALTY LONDON, May L:i. Mrs. poller Pal mer is actively preparing for her first season here as a hostess for King Mil ward a tier having won a preliminary social triumph at Biarritz this spring while, the king was there. During the week just closed she has been collecting art t reasures for decorating If auipden Mouse, t he st ntely residence she has taken, because it is adapted to such grand entertainments as she plans to give. She bought some fine bronze groups at 1 hrist ie 'n al very r.-asoiiable fig are. One, for which sin1 paid 70o. is said to be worth itlino, Dealers have learned to be ciniim spect in tli'-ir busiuens transactions with her. Sin never buys without acquaint ing herself with the average value of t he nrticle ami she refuse to pay "Morgan prices." Whciicer she is told that Mr. J. Piei pout Morgan is nib bling at any object shown to her she drops it instantly. This shrewdness perhaps has stood in her way heretofore as a hostess, for it may have prevented her attracting by such lavish outlays mh are now deemed necessary. HAYWOOD DECLINED TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT NKW VolfK. May '':s. In etplana lion of the nomination of Deb- for president by the socialists instead of V. D. Haywood, who was acquitted ot the murder of el -tiot criior Steunellhelg aud whose nomination was exjweted, the friends of Haywood made public h letter in which Haywood at the last moment declined to be a .:andidate and said: "For what my comrades have done for me in the past I am grateful. Their loyal fellowship has greatly uidrd me when I needed ind. I am satisfied that I can do more got) if not a candidate. I desire nolhing belter than tu det-ote overv effort to ail vocal ing otir prin cipbs and our candidate!, and be able to do no without iu miv way considering the Mrsona) equation." f !( is said by others that Haywood was not nominated beaum on his tour of the i utn utter his trial hi: fnibd to arouse t he ell I huiuin that nus peted. t - 6 L. E Government is Feeding 50.000 Negroes in Usoqua, Province of Crops Are a Failure. MOMHASA, llritish Kast Africa. May Over lo.iiii deaths from the severe famine now prevailing at I'soga, u prov inee of rgaiula, a ru reporter!. Tho gov ernment is feeding .", IMIII unlives. The crops have been li complete failure this vea r, JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. . M rs. Itoberl t 'ameroti of I'nion was in tow n l-'i id ay afternoon. Mr. ami Mis. Dana Cage of Kansas, who are isiting relative living hen', spent 'iniursday iu Med ford, ( the guests of Charles Davis and family. Miss Josephine t lit h has returned from Oakland. Ciil.. after mi absence of several weeks. Mrs. .1. Duffer, Mrs. Alice l lri.h, l.arkin Iteynolds and Lewis I'lrich. who wete sent as delegates to the I. it. ( . K. and (Jebekah grand lodge it I Sulem, retruned Friday morning nd report a fine lime, A good many people from Jackson ville attended t he candidates ' hall at Ifmh Friday night. I A. P. Armstrong, professor of tho il'oitland business college, arrived from I Sun Francisco Thursday evening and twill spend a few days with his mother I before rt turning north. A. Kromling of tho Willamette val .ey is in town shaking hands with old f ricuds. Mrs. Will Dana of liraiits Pass is visiting nt the home of T. J. Kenney. Among those who went over from here Thursday evening to attend the Hwas tika dance were Misses Leila and Her tha I'riui, Lconii I'lrich, Josephine Don egan, Meryn Keiiuey and Charles Nu nan, Itav Hex I on and Frank Tracey, GERMAN EDITOR OIVEN NEW TRIAL FOR LIBEL "i.l'l I'slVr May !:.i.--!'hc supreme court set aside the veidiet of tho lower court in the Max Millieti Harden c:ii' of the Merlin editor found guilty of libeling j Count Moleke and ordered the ease re 'turned tu the lower court. 401 DEAD FROM M 1 CLASH IN BONAPARTE I CONGRESS NOT TO QUIT I OVER BILL ROOSEVELT t Measure For Enlarged Homesteads Provokes Bjtter Words Between Representatives WASHINGTON, May 'J:i. A finder of excitement was created in the house during tho consideration of the confer once report on t he bill providing for enlarge homesteads, Messrs. Moudcll of Wyoming ami II ay en id' Teiiuesse wen; the ones who .signed tho report, urging Die adoption. Mr. 1 of Kan sas bitterly opposed their course iu the remarks following: "Tho people of the west seldom send men here who don't vote for what they want, and I presume men who ad vo cute t his bill have hundreds of t hou sands of acres of western land, and they luive the American disposition to wards everything that, adjoins them." Monde! objected to the remarks as a refleet ion upon himself, and 'ainion held that t lit words spoke for I hem solves, and that I hey did not const it ulc any reflect ion upon anv member. The incident at first had an ugly aspect . but was thereupon closed, Moudc.ll made an lit tempt to send the bill back to Hie conference, but til effort was futile, the report being de rented, 10 In l.'IN. TOLEDO MAN MAY BE BRYAN'S RUNNING MATE TOLMDo, May L'.'t. ' ' I was talking with Mr. Hryan yesterday and he canie out flatly and said he considered Mavor Whillock of Toledo as the most likely running mate he could find. Mayor Tom Johnson of 1 Ie eland has all he can do just at t his t ime in his own bailiwick, ami (Jovemor Johnson of Mia liesota is entirely out of tile question be cause he is located loo far iu tho west. Whit look is now a national figure ni:d his record would make hiui a strong man on the ticket." Clarence Dailow of Chicago, whit Is here on a lecturing trip, made the fore going statement today. He has been a friend of W. J. Hryan for years. News paper readers will recall him as coun sel for .Mover, Haywood and Peft ihoiie, of tin' Western Federation of Miners, who were tried for tin assassination of ox-Governor Steuneiiberg of Idaho. Home years before Mr. Da now had repirsrut ed the 1'uited Mine WoiKers of America in t he arbil nil nut of the ant hracite strike before Judge George Gray. M r. Da r row is confident t hat M r. hryan will be nominated for president. He bases his belief on information picked up flu ring several weeks of tra vol. JOHN SHARP WILLIAMS AS CHAUTAUQUA SPEAKER The tdtfi annual session of the South ni iegoii c fttiulnuquu will be oMd al Ashland July s IT. John Sharp Williams, the democrat ic tender of the I'liiled States looiie of represent it t i es, will lect ure, Dr. Ifoberl M Infirc of l.os Angeles. A in erica j fni emost dest-ri pf i ve oral or. will give one - possibly two - lertiires. Dr. ha l.nndrith of nshilh-, Tenn. known fioiu Maim- to California as a great teetuler, will deliver I Wit b'etlires. Alfred Montgomery, the fanner who paints and the painter who farms, will bring .ftin.itoii worth of paintings. Mrs. I.eiiMra M. Lake of St. I.oojs. a lady widely and favorahlv known in the east and middle west, as a great temperance rind reform worker, said to belong to Miss Willard Mrs. Liver more class, two lectures. Oelieral Secretary II. W, Stone of the Portland V. M. C. A, will speak on ' ' Hoyology. ' ' President W. J. Kerr, tho dtst in guished head of the Oregon college, an educator of high repute, will speak once. Mrs. I, ou i ne I., Mclnliie, of Mi line a polls, probably t lie best known woui lit) in the I'uited States, lectures on health culture. Dr. K. L. House of Portland, old lime faxorile, speaks ou one or more occa sioiis upiie timely topics. lie. John Lew las, missionary re eeiitlv leturiied from Malaysia, and well k now u and i lit crest ing lecturer and explorer, wi speak once during the session. Other speakers to be announced. White House Makes Of ficial Denial of Stories of Serious Difficulties Over Suing Railroads. WASHINGTON, May l!.V-The White House today made tin official denial of the seories of serious difficulties be tween President Uoosevelt and Aator ney General Itouaparte ou the question of bringing suit against tho New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad. The story going so far as to say that Hona parto has tnrentened to resign. . The Waite House statement, which goes into detail, is cororborated by personal state ments of the cabinet, officers. ODD FELLOWS SELECT ALBANY FOR NEXT MEET SALKM. Or.. Muy 2:t. Select ion of Albany as the place for tho next meet ing, installation of officers nml 11 street parade in which nearly .".mi Odd Fol lows and Ifcbeknhs participated, were the closing incidents of thu last day of the session of tho Odd Fellows grand lodge, Tho list of uew grand lodge officers follows: J rand master, Kd 1 1 ostct ler, The Dalles; deputy grand master, H. K. Ciiolidge, La Grande; grand warden, T. I' Ifymi, Oregon City; grand secretary, K. K, Sharon, Portland; grand treasurer, O. D. Donne, The Dalles; grand mar shal, K. D. Gardiner, linker City; grand conductor, Amos V'nss, Salem; grand guardian, C, It. Diuwiildie, PrinevtUe; grand herald, J. L. Reynolds, Jackson ville; grand chaplain, Thomas ,1, LI kins, Portland. The new grand officers of tho Re beknh nsseniblv ure as follows: President, Mis. Mary L. Smith, rants Pass; vice president. Mrs. Car rie Hubbard, Independence; secretary. Mrs. ( n a Cosj.er, Dallas; warden, Mrs. Addie Grout, La Grande; treasurer, Mrs. I'Mua Jacobs. Conallis; marshal, Mrs. I telle Itehheis, I ,a layette; conduct ress. Mrs. May Greer. Hillsboro; chaplain, M is. Jacob Wi Hough byy, Kiigono; in side guardian, Kaunie lleckman. Port land ; outside guard. Net lb' Harnett, Marshleld. Ifotel ttasl) X3aM VH'fote ""JfMttrur Sunday "TEverUtm. fttuf 2'Uh Hois d 'oeuvre a la Patty Oakra Soup lloiled Halibut. Aurore Sauce Timbabs of l!gi;s a la Provencrtle Oy.ster a la I'ob'tte en Clsse t hicken, wil li Dressing Dundee Marmadale Peas a la Kruncuise Salad a la Nash Strawberries a In Melba Gouruiaudises Cafe Noir Ti'fazdrigij Orcljcitra March "Tho Merry Widow" Tone Poem ., .."Apple Hlossoms'1 -Walt. ..."Dieains of Childhood" -Andante ngels Herenad.' Selection ......" Woodland ' ' Uag. "If the Man in the Moon Were a Coon" :i .es ' Pritirn of PiNen " Patrol "Turkish" Select ion ." Krininie ' ' -March "College Life" CHICAGO, May W. Peter I'. Dal lev, one of the best known comedians iu the country, died today tit the Audi torium hotel. He had been tick only a weak.