THE MEDFORD DAILY TKIBU.VE, MEDFORD. OR, FRIDAY. MAY 22. 190S. SOCIAL AND "7! ' ncncAV i 1 - c tk Book Store CTarj- j J. E. HaV 61 felltr ' ;tjr. Ko rtttaotJy ka bea ti l.iiag r 1 ! J.Ii?oH lr f r a t.:E- .- ing H tji eojn'rL- .&) 'ir v-i j ti' prcbit jr i -rr fen ha - 4. j Ail kisds of j pin Kir f : P.r:lxA : ,1 Tb Tribas. i I Aj - f MIm bmi .Sbrf,pard h :. I 1 4. & Bo4n five f. ot:ajf r-f--s?;" Y ... !, aJ, a ital arm! 'Slh.gta. cum an aox4 aow thrive!. Hi. Ail Lfbt f-:ai.B! s :b Earii ; Tfc H'i2iui J furtiw ftotv1. ( Fred W. Kiir Ibio. Ia-. a ; tftrfcer of K K. Kliy. fca ; Ta .aV' rxrad l Mifori aft-r a i aaoutA ftb4S'4 to took aft-f . mifci-'.jf ir. uiHit ik th. Bio jJIm KJU Gaoaaw, n.fjraf.iT aa1 -.fwi4fii. Boon 4, Palst B.k. (. . V W. F. ftt.l J. W. P-fict crt- V-ar. ftaii-rw.a. Par-tot ac. - .: tard, to ta Bofwjrx FrJkf ;a A- 'i.f'w . . '; i .r. ',- - : if , Bibbooa. li Largest ia i r --- r.-. f Ta pnat akof fa !aict Jr . nftpioTic Topograph . a! T."ai:a .. Ta Titaa. Maiiili ifti .Uf. Vitriol ritk r -r fr- WaJowi ,ao?T aiul ft la'iao! t tva br L, S-Ji, .'. -r-Qttj rtara frofa a vjit to t&ir . if-SiK r.flaty. i eMaai 4livrM to aaj yir jf tit .If. Ordr f rom tb f.' r-r.-ry t.t ator. ; 'il Hall of .H-.kao at-i li-rini.J, J Uf-rdoa of NVntaM, W&a.. r rjf tred at ta Fihibit bnildiaj;. , Haxry Connoa, parat oatrartir - I boiJJ, mat work a gpialfT. ;. -df oHr Or. , - W. H. Brook, or-man of th Palmar rraard, aa ta t tb H2,xika dn TasrMar evening. If yoa waat rwt er(a or botr 'iflk, ordrr from th ('Ttr.rT or th ror tho wagoa- rJirri aiad ftm. Paoa Xo. ; f'aptaii Kraold. ko fio- i trat otbw-rt a flrt. a a P t Twitor ar. r T W dlirr awt ram or bitt rmiik : trpxy day; waUa for oar a or , ri4a tri'M t tk Crfcarr. I'bot' Mr. Trta of Trofr-r k (9&ri. f-a.it1 Piat. tjat TV-m-Uv is rrd. icKto MfM, p.rt(ft!, r. 0wa!d Ht. ar rfrd --mfn. J WOttr, rlptM tft ?ki( Vfi'-f-i rilkia a 1w 4: Ti HwMik elub daa Thr.U aia2 " rtjc.uW affair ' ar.d larIr tt4.1. f P. KlVU-t ,f F?k t rr t .a MM f.rd. . F-afiar f'vmmiif rt oiri ia jt '7'B tk lia for tb aw piri if;- ' Iron H'aoa aaroa tiprisjr. fhck ftliar of !akr-. iw i iitd m Mford Thar-dav. ' Mr. aad Mr. A. MArtbtir of . Abrdrs ar rrat visitor at Ih F.i ; Libit buildi&g. ' K. H. Mvqfra of Klli-ld, . !.. a I visitor io MMfnrd. Mr.f.--.s i ,7 '- r tT iff a IJ'. '1 kii r!i'-Tk t .. wWtt f-r. fiifs hEOFORD OPERA HOUSd TWO NTOHTS, MAT 22. 25. MATIVF.K T!'RrAV. MAT C. DON CAELOS 80CIETT CTECU3 H ;t.i Bablv,ii F .ir A f:f:f". TkF.AT Fof: VKriFORD. Wty D-iO't Yi Gt Keif tw- r-. ; fj--t r-'if i ik& ' H r- '..T g!sry ',.T K':vit vtk - r brar.i ihi;.;- I ia. Ifxrit Vt jfj .i','ir. r. Tfy a iak a,.I , Crrj &Mn On Lc &ui JToaqoin. I.m!I . f.t, -T vrrv a v. t f.-,ir ,n iff f .:f t-t-. T :f f .' j i rifrn'. fr a.-..-t i',-1 n.-f r- tL e .f ifk.-.. or i,f ?h ir.'- rrt ,-r.;. r. r( WaiiT v t r 'ma. j. ? i a I ts : L- '-'I- ii' v .f A--ar f- , t.ih t. l--fc rr.. -rt-ti b'. r.-" f'(t F'liif '.lT'''kr;v. . K. K-l.fir. rv, th- ('--a! rjf.-nTA'iv- of !ba -.t- f '" t Look Ahead A XI) THINK OF THE GOOD TIMES YOU'LL HAVE THIS SUMMER. YOU WILL XEED A XEW SUIT; WHY NOT (JET IT NOW?- LAST YEAR'S IS ALL RIGHT FOR EYER Y DAY. BUT FOR "BEST" YOU SURELY OUGHT TO HAVE SOMETHING THAT'S UP-TO-THE-MINUTE." ALL THE BOYS ARE GETTING OUR SWELL "Sen LOSS" SUITS. WHY DON'T YOU? Easy Prices $10, $15, $20, $35 Our Clothing Guaranteed or Money Back V I "For Men Who Know." j l(THt FASHION MOP) MXDFORD OREGON Speaking of Windows The Part They Play fn ihr ru- Ihcre an- ihunl t"l lh.unaiiil f h(. find th-it gr,l ,r,ur.- ..1 vaun in 'in,l..r h..wii. l"'-""- ' "'"'i "Mbiiig L-i i, . grt .ur "f atimi, - ciall.v t Hi- " Tfc AJ-.Sinith al .tore i a wio.low trimmer. While -ni-t-i in,K a window in a T-. city a friend who runs a 8. n. ral ,..,re in th.- liaj.iH-n.-d alMJtf and, m- in tlie window, ,-amr in f.,r a littl- that. II iaid to me he tbuUKbt dreini windows w:, all r...5, and went on to say in hi town there waa a new t.,re ..pened ii- ni-H' year .reviou, and tliey had fine hig windows, l,ut, he uw ' ten times an miieli jiw-ds ! the new t.,re, and 1 don': ,, to make window, at all," and, he added eonli.lehtially that he made, nsorr profit,K- the ?opIe didn't have a l-hanc- to tfet no familiar with kis gl. Thin store believe, in showing our goui. The Notion Section Well Cared For Here SpecialBargains in Real Estate 3. 80 aorta, all tillallo, nico lofati, nice fivc-rix.u) 'ottage houso, larfto ham, 2 1-2 inil'-s fi-nm Mfflfunl. well watered, in reach of irt ii;;iti.iii dit-h. t'-am. harness, wami. five Jer.-tey eows. -ifaiii s-aratir, iu-v an disk j!iw. Walking plow, rake, umwer, disk, suscM.thiiitr h:trrow, stove tnd Koine other fiirnitnre, all jjo with the plai-e. and the 'resent prowinn ero. I'riif only '".ihki; ;l .-iitiin- snap. ti. 320 acres, fine stk and fruit iain-h. well im (roved, 100 ners uinler jilc.w. ai-ivs orchard. I'rie ").VM). This place with "0 h. ad of h.,-s and head of .-aide, all farm implements, Mack-intih t.M.U. hay, fruit aiel eatables for $TCKM1. 47. 440 acres, a fine stock propiitiun. In acre- in alfalfa, irrigation, piod l.tiildinu-t, in a sph-ndid se.-ti..n f"i hunting and fishing. I'rice only .14 an a. re; terms. l!;l. 193 acres, 2 miles fr-.m KaL'le I .i nt on Ri.jrne .iver, 50 acres cleared, ci.n.sideralil.' fruit and alfalfa, pri vate irrigation ditch. This is a splendid propositi. m to develop, about half k I l...ttom htud. nearly all can U- Under plow when cleared, seln.nlhnii.x-, fair improve TientH, team, harness, waunii, snmc cattle and farm imple ments go with the place. Pi ice xHMi. ,..,,.!, u; M..(1. low inspection, as it will make a lot ,,f n t',,i , n,.. h7. A fine alfalfa ranch nf so ,,, r. s i,.Mr Kuite l-'alls. fine stream and springs, nearly all led land, splendid fish ing and hunting, buildings. I'ri.e only sI.'imi. 8(i. HO acres, 4 miles northcavt of l iable I ' w ill l.e .lots t the new railroad, " acres under . tilt i at i..n, (in,-oLu-k land, mostly in wheat, crop goes with this place, i'rice f'4200, 2200 cash, balance 2 years, 7 per cent. evrry-Lii. " here and at 5t Hooks t.l Kyes i pair fine Shoe La- . . 1-V box Box fine pins Kid Curler ":nii.'n2 rtra:d up from . Coat Hanier Curling Ir-.ns i InvUit.l- Hairpin-', le.xeg up its nation department, and while we don't hav, r ..... naAi r. -'A' V l-!l". -Still V'.ll rail IIUO lit. CI ... iud uiruiuu rv fn.:l prices. . . ,3c . . .5c . .10C . 23C .. 50 ..10c :i dozen Pearl Buttons, per doz. ,5c l."i I'.-.lrl Huttot.H. dozen 10c o.'.e Pearl P.litt...). dozen 15c Iar..ili r.itton, - for 5c f -pools of Thread .". "25c Knitting Cotton 5" lot- H,,oks and Kyes 5c Moon Pu-di Pins 10c Trunks at Cost Suit Cases at Lowest Margins We are willim; and anxious to sell you the l.est Trunk (we think so at !eat', mad. in the t"niT.-l States to si ll al a .-.-rl.-iili pri.-e and all we ask , t , - V IiiI.R!.i: (;!. K. M.t ne r. harts w-oild t--H y..u tht.t they eollld not pay expenses or the , wre a.V-.i.. f..r SuiteiiM $1.50 AND TO 317.00. f KIT' K".V I. T' IKS' STtp:?MASy MAY SALES ON. BAKER -HUTCHASON Co. ST.. dUST NORTH OF .JACKSON CO. BANK Tribune Want Ads Bring Quick Results POLITICAL CABD& MAHXOX PUEDI.V, Cmd:dit for f.'KI'KKE.N"TATIVf; On Statement So. 1. Favor g-irar.te,I 4. .pot-it. D. H. MILLEB. ANMI.ATK for RKPKtSKXTAlIVF On Statement -No. 1. Classified Advertisements I One Out a Word No tlnU laser I ttoas leu than 15 cents. Six Uuertlotu j for the price of foor. BeTentj-ftr j cente a line per montk. I n-KNISHED KXMS The O'Dell. I over poitofite. J. E. NEtt. Democratic Nominee. fob couxtv Jimr., WILBUR A. JONES. Democratic Nominee. FOR SHERIFF: FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, just fin ished; 'heap if mold aooa. See Cot A. Childers. ' B. r. MULKEY. R. pohliean N'omin.- for DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Will aiayt ' ; -ort the repohlirari n lolate for 1". .h. .nator who 1 nom n.l-e.l l.v the popie. JOSEPH L. HAMMER SLEY, of mil. P.epaoltcan Noruiiiee for IIKPHKSKNT ATI VK. H. M. CAKE, ..f Portland. T.- V I .t- of t .V... 1. Republican Nominee for l'MTi:i srTCS SENATOR. C, H. Pierce & Son For Sale l'tr .fe tract just within and ad in.rg Medf-.rd rity limit na five f' time; 41, mi inviste.1 now. it i l.'h-.d, will pay y,,o .V profit with in one tear, (iold Ray Realty Co.. 2G W . .t 7th street. go Time Tabtes SOUTHERN PACiriO RAILWAY. Northbound. j .ti p. m .1. m. .-V". K..r hlnn. t Southbound. 1 nit fori, ia , 0.X" m. m 13 San Kranri Kip. J 1:(1 p. m Kroni firnA !.... l:l.".p. i PACIFIC EASTERN RAILWAY. N" 1 Unvi UJftuii j 7:.V. m 3 Ivr M.xlfor,! I 2 30 p, m N'o Arrive MU.ri! . j l'i:5' a. m. No 4 Arnm M-.f. rJ 5 W p. m. 0OUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY. Nn. Utfi M..ifrd. . . No. 4 !'vi Mi.fnr,l . . . Motor lyax' MlfoM . . . .t..r Iiivr M.Mfnr.1 . . N'rt 1 'I.p.ivf JirkitonYilii No. ijrjivi .lrkiinviHr. 'j t 30 p. m Motor jLeavrs JrKonvill. j 1:00 p.m. ; 10. M ft. m 5 P m. ( - n m ! t-M p m t;t-i a. m WANTED Ten tamster with temi watwJ by Wetera Oregon Ore bard "p at OBr'f; jftHl wig. KOR SALE Reo ran a beat in good eon ion. I need a lar)rer maeh ine. L. B. Warner, .!r, at Warner ' ttore. FOR RENT Furnished room. onTTip tre.-t. e.-oi4 irret outh nn ljt Seventh Apply to Mr-. O. Boirman.Sd Poli SALE .'otnplete iurnihinf; for .r-H..n rottatfe; l.aroin if taken at on.-e. Mr. C. P. Cameron, e..rner lOto inl I. .tr.-t.. M.dford. WANTED To buj from 100 to 30i head of itoek sheep. Write Box 131. Medford, Or. FOB SALE White Leghorn eggs for nettling, 50 cents for 15, from flock of 43 hen. picked from 500 standard bred White Leghorn chickens. Dr. Coble, phone Xo. 193, Medford; also pasture for eows inside eity limits. SAFETY BUSINESS CARD 3. H. E. MORRISON, Physician and Surram. Office: Medford National Bank- Hldg J. T. ANKBOM, WELL DIGCKB. MEDFORD. OR. Priees right. Pumps furnished when Wanted. FOR SALE A CO0O mortgage, gilt 'e eiTrity, to taxes, s per cent net In. pure uf the Medford Realty t Rent .1 Co.. Medford. Or. l'(l.' KKN'T -o f ruihed rooms, runv.. of. nt lor hon.el.eepinff. close to bui. No. 307 North 62 em; no rhildr.-n. tr.-et. PARTY wishes to get loan of $.100 on 10 acret of raw land that is worth '; good ab. tract: will par 10 per cent, ixwk Bex oott. ItPNAUOI T for sale rheap; thorough ly .uipi-'d with odometer, aeetelrne light, top. ete. A. r. Allen. Medford. Or. FOR SALE One U. 8. (ream 9et.- rator, Nn. t; ofto rapaeitr; good as new; cost 0; will sell for W. C. Ilensley, Central Point. R. Fnl; SXI.E-S X. Snbl.v.sioti i in the mtuket now; rhoire te arre traet. I.e.t ).H-nt:on in the Yaller. 1.. Xee d. iii. v. r, Jaekaonville. Put; SAl.r-S'W h7aj"of full bhwd RamUouill.-t nt.vk sheep: large, heavy phenrer of fine Miml. John S. Her rin A S-n l.'a hlack handhag. Return to Hotel N O-i for suitable reward. 5 Foft SAI.K Five room hottite. beauti ful!, tinted, with lo 3(uU, ten bear ing app!.- tre.. thi i a nap and will b. ... at a bargain. Addrex Loch It-x 1S.W M.-.lf.mi. Or. FnlS S.i:-jrge building lot 3 by !;, ,n Wet MMford; easy lorn.. Two lot already sold, par eh., r will tegin building at onee. In.p.ire of J. C. Hroww. office in Palm buiidiLg, uitaira. BALL OLOSCOCK, Contractors and Builders. All Work Ouaranteed. Office with C. H. Pierce k Sou. Phono 653. P. O. Box 771. WILLIAM C. DEBLEY, Resident Piano Tnner. Special Rates by the Year. Headquarters at Hale's Piano House. All Work Guaranteed. P. O. Box 563, MEDFORD, OREGON. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and Offiee at Residence. Win. U. Coim. Medford. Or. COLVIO DUB HAM, Attorney-at Law. Owx H. Dnrnam. Grants Pass, Or Medford Furniture Co, Undertakers Day phone 353; Xight Phones: C. W. Conklin i5; J. n. Butler Us. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANT. COL SECTION AGENCY. Lock Box 80S. Medford. Or E. 87 SEELT. M. D. Phmician and Snrireon Modern Quipped Operating Rooms. X-Ray. Office Hours, 10-12. 2 4 P. M. Of nee in Jackson County Bank Bids. oo to deTooble rOB YOUB GLASSES. Optical Parlor in Perre's Warehou, SEVENTH 8TREET. 'He Has No Other Business. ' i.iiiu r.-.-oi.iue .uv !.". ..wir J. . . Notice. I wish to announce that I have p ir nnv.1 the office and practice of the te Dr.-M. 8. Jones, My offiee will located at the same place a lr. iwiea' and office honr will be frm 10 a. n.., 2 4:30 and 7 to p m. : B. J. lYNKO Physician and Surgeun. I No. 7701. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF the FIE ST NATIONAL BANK of Medford. : Mlf..r-1. in the state m Ori jjoii, ti L..- vl.e-.- fi huinH?. M:tv Uth. t!1' KKSTK( KS. e-'cur-i 'Hil.'J I. S. 1..H1.U t.. wnro ...r..i,l.. I ti-n 4".o-h.ii. r-t.niii-. kii I'. S. l.un.U l.t).iit.;tT' ..isi-.. sr-riiritits. t-t.-. ..... i,,!l.! I'.rtnkinL' !i--iit'. ftirtt it nro an-1 t ixturt l'i4 I'd- tr.Tii ii:it ii.n:il 1.;itAs tn.I r,' u'f'.UT.) Mi..- -iat l.ank ainl t:mk'?rs ,-, i",7.;,ii U"ue apjr.-vt-d r.'s.-rv.' iT'-m- loS.fii'r.u; an.l oihcr rash in-ms ."i.5J1.4- .nt ot .ithfr luiiional ban k. 4t.". ty. Kr;i.iii.n;il t.anrr i-urrrii.v. iii'-k.-i :ui.l cemv IM.mmi :iv. ful ii'i.n.'v i.'scr ' in ..U.Vl'iI L'al t.-n.i. r nti So,nO .;t l.t.".2 C"-ieir.pti.'ii t'nii.l witb L". S. tmaMin-r (' per cent ut circiiluti-Mt) "J.Ortn.ui Total Mti:..-17.4 UA Hll.ITIKS. .i;n;u -rtu-K paM 111 ,ni,iHMt,i .-nrfni iimw ;.'J.H.iH i mli i.l.i prntir.. U's t-x prrsrs :iii-l t:it-4 p:.i,l I ... NatiiMtal lank totes out Mainliiii; ; -tnoo,,. ii Ihn- to ,,t,.T ni.tionril l.imks .ViMT.i i" 'Mirck 1',J 1 I'l'iiiaml .Ttifi.-nt.'. ,.f r' li.l!;i 1 mu i-.Tt if"i;,t4" of uVprwit r; 1 .4 r!.it. ' ,-li.vks T.-xO.OO T.-tal .tr.rt;.4" t'-i:"ii. fount v of .lurkum I. M. I.. A'fo.d. .-iishier of the ulmve l.:ii, solemnly swenr th;.t I' e t a lenient i true to the b, t . - - V:,,,.,!,.,,, .,,,,1 belief. I M. I.. AI.FOIfD. ca.l.i.r. v.!.,, i ,!,. .1 nn, mvorn to before ni. - '.Nt day of Ma,-. 111.... IV T LAW TON. Nolarv p,j,.. i-r.-.-t Vtt.-.t: WM. S. cliHWKI.l.. K. K. I.KI'KI.. I HAS. STIiASd. Direetorn, 5d First National Bank Medford, Oregon READ THE TRIBUNE