Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, May 22, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    If You've Anything to Buy or Sell, Try Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Quick Results
Dtftedforril Daily
The Weather
I'inltattiv t'uir tonight and Sat unlay;
Court House Brigade Holds
Rally at Jacksonville
Dunn's Monologue
Newbury's Conversion.
The count y court house brigade, fi
weary lot of candidates, who plaintively
told I heir troubles to the audience, held
the boards jit Jacksonville Thursday
night. The state rjiil! u-:ui central com
niittee had arranged u rally at Medford.
hut this made no difference to tin of
fice holders, who are tist'il to having
'things their own wny.
"Wp arc all tired out," was the bur
don of the song. Kneh candidate threw
bouquets at t in others, each tohl what
a fine fellow and efficient office holder
the other had been and what a terrible
blight it would be to the future devel
opment of Jackson county were a sin
gle 0110 of tlio bunch defeated. Be
tween singing each others praises they
eiirsed The Tribune.
Dunn's Sad Monologue.
.Indge Dunn. the fnth of the flock,
naturally got the most bouquets. He
himself spoke n sweet, sad. monotone,
ib'precint ing county roads, which ho ad
mitted were bud. but were the best pos
sible u cor rd ing to liis lights.
fins Newbury presided at the gather
ing and made the only speech of the
evening. Me announced bis conversion
to tho cause of R. V. Mulkey, and as
sured the candidate for district attor
ney of his undivided and loyal support,
in spite of the fad that there was no
one else to vote for.
Ilnd her in law Hurnett told of having
built a chicken coop ami, owing a sct
,'ting hen in Jacksonville, and since he
hud" shown his good intentions by build
ing these substantial additions to the
city, hoped the good people of Jack
sonville would re-elect him. so he could
remain "Vith thorn. lie sang "School
Pays" and "The China Boy" and his
sinking was more' successful t han his
Gives Audienco a Lemon.
County Clerk Coleman, in behalf of
the courthouse brigade, offered the au
dience a lemon, which he said he had
found on tho floor.
If. T. Kubli. who knows better than
the people who should be senator, told
the truth when he hi id he couldn't make
speech, but if elected to the legisla
ture he guainnt 1 that he could servo
on committer, while Ins miming mate,
doe llatiiiuersley, charmed the solons
; with his oratory.
Other speakers praised each other and
adjournment was taken to meet Friday
night at Tuch.
LOS A NC i:i,KS. May 22. Fdwin
Could, pathfinder for the "ocean to
ocean'' railroad ambition of his broth
er Ceorge, announced that the Could
lines will not oulv reach Pan Francisco,
"but they will enter bos Angeles and the
ports of tJie Pacific northwest through
IMorlland. Mr. Could arrived today
from TVvas in his private car "Pix
ie." Could U a director of the Western
I'-icific and makes (he positive an
iMOinri'inent that the ocean to ocean
Coudl tine will be cotisuinmat ed with
the early completion of the Western
Pacific into San Franc h;eo and that
the lines of tin- (Voids will also be ex
tended to Portland in the near future.
Further. Mr. Could declares that the
Pacific coa-t will be the scene of the
most rxteiiMV.- iaili"ad operation er
For tnnnv month's it has been ru
mored that the Could interests have
been securing option on rights of
way along the coast from the north
shore of S:m Francisco b:iy to F.nrekn.
The Xorthwemerii railroad, which ends
at Willets. Mi ndorino county, is sup'
posed to be the property of the South
em Pacific ami Santa IV jointly, but
lat. lv it has be, u rei nd.-d that pnrt of
f.'te right of w:iv betw. m Willet atfd
Eureka had be n found to overlap other
claims and litigation ;k threatened.
SPRIN'cFIFLD. Or.. May 2'J.-Signs
of better time- are f.f't.Itd in the an
nouncemeut lore that The Hoot h Kelly
Lumber company w ill n uue work in
a few days and give employment to
nianv men who have been idle on ac
count of tlo cl'iting don n of many big
Springfield happy over th good
to'ws ftbd r-atds it a a forerunner of
C""-tii nf Mti.eritv ill :tli thin s.
: pointing ft. . .
Md J. 7. Mtiar apj.Tftw
T V-"V CKTO TTiA--! , It ,C Vt . &m.c&&&7 V H
Pendleton Jurist Delivers Elo
quent SpeeGh in Behalf of Re
publicanism, Judge Stephen A. Lowell of Pendle
ton, Or., spoke to a fair-sifted audience
at Bed men h hall Thursday evening
on campaign issues from a republican
Judge Unwell is an eloquent speaker
His words are well chosen and his lan
guage that of the scholar. He deserved
a larger audience, though those, that
heard him were appreciative enough,
Covernor Chamberlain's claim sfor
the- senate, and tho necessity of elect
ing a republican to represent Oregon at
Washington were tho principal features
of Judge Lowell's talk. Ho answered
from a republican standpoint tho argu
ments made by the governor in his own
behalf and concluded with an appeal to
the partisanship of republicans to vote
for If. M. Cuke. He did not mention
Statement No. 1 in his address.
Judge Lowell asked, as a citizen, all
present to carefully study the proposed
in it iat i ve measures before the people,
and especially to show the state's pro
grcssiveness by voting the university
' Judge Lowell left for Ashland, where
ic speaks Friday evening.
Low Rates to Newport and Yaquina
for tlio Coming Season.
Kxc ursion tickets to Newport and
Varpiinu and return June 1st, October
to. The Southern Pacific company will
soil round trip excursion tickets to the
above named points good for six months
at $lo. Full information at the depot.
WASHINGTON". May I'l Senator
Fulton 's amendment to t he ngrieultu
ml bill giving the count ies Ho per
etui instead of 10 per cent of the re
ctipts from the forest reserves has been
accepted by both houses: Congressman
Hawley induced Scott, chairman of the
house committee, to withdraw his ob
jections. The house then passed the
bill and the senate had already accept
ed it. This gives several thousand dol
lars additional fo many counties each
The omnibus public buildings bill has
been sent to secretary of the treas
iirv for hi opinion as to whether it
should pass. This, in part, ma firms
the report that the conference between
the provident and the speaker yesterday
reunited in an agreement t force the
currency bill through if possible, al
though the assertion has been given by
senate loader that currency legislation
cannot be accomplished at this session.
However, n currency entntnissioii scenic
the only result certain.
The big and well equipped flour mill
owned by Maon and Williamson at
(rants Pas was totally destroyed by
fire early Tlmf-nlay morning. It was
the niily flour mill in Josephine rounlv
anil has been njteiated only A few
! months. The loss is bImhiI l.'i.O'Kt, part
I Iv covered by insurance. Fire tn sup
! jM-M d to have been started by tramps
Inh.i were tleepinif in the mill.
N'KW YORK, May 22. The steamer
I,iiiiaiiia arrived hen today, having
brokr n the trims Atlantic record over
the long rourc held by the Mauretania
by three hours and thirty wven minute.
The time was 4 days, 20 houn and 2'
The Merry, Musical, Mirthful Court House Minstrels
From left to right Coleman, Hummer
and Uyrnett.
'nterlociitor Newbury Judge Puuu. what am eipiatiat ion ?
" liaising assessed valual ions tit! 2 : per cent. '
"Pat am correct. Clerk Coleman, f o tie coil house bunch, hand de dear
peopul de lemon, while Judge Punn sings Oat sweet old ditty, 'Just Kiss
Vo' money Goodbye, an' de ban' plays ' Von Take de High Hoad an' I 'II Take
de Low. ' "
Oregon Express Arriving Here
Thursday Evening Reports
Wreck at Pinole California
Four dead and three seriously injured
is the casualty list of a train wreck that
occurred Wednesday night a mile north
of Pinole, Cab. among the passengers on
No. Jt Thursday evening. The engine
of the Oregon express left the mils and
drugged a baggage, car and two express
cars into the ditch. L. W, Cody, fire
man ; l-'xoress Cuard 'u nnning. who
was a resident of Portland, and an un
known tramp were iiudnutly killed. En
gineer If. K. Ward was sli badly hurt
that ho died this morning. Tin; injured,
one or more of whom may die, are Jolin
J. Mrrminghnm, express messenger of
Oakland: L. McCoy, express messenger,
and the 14 -year-old son of Agent Smith
of Dunsmuir.
The eane of tho wreck has not yet
been determined and will probably neve
bit known. A broken rail or some mis
hap t" the engine are conjee t ures of
None of tho passengers was injured,
though all of them got a good shaking
up when the coucl-s bumped along the
ties. Walter llarrett, a middle aged
well-dressed man, was struck by (rain
No. Hi as it entered tho railroad yards
at Sacramento early Thursday morning
and almost instantly killed. He was
found badly mangled ami urn scions
beside the tra. ks shortly after the train
passed and died at the receiving hospi
tal wit hunt regaining consciousness.
Ono of the most enjoyable events of
the season was a farewell party given
Wednesday evening to Miss Mae Hob
erts by Miss Martin at her home in
West Med ford. The l.nii-e was prettily
decorated, the color scheme being green
and white. The hostess had cleverly
planned a most interesting contest,
which wan thoroughly en joyed by all.
Two prize- were given to the wiuio rs.
Card- were then indulged iu until a
late hour, when part ners were to be
si beted for supper by tie- ladies.
Heart of all s were fa-denod on
the wall, and tin fair sex were obliged
to show their skill a- marksmen. Miss
Roberts, so attractively attired in pale
blue, was the first to hnw lo-r ability,
and captured the largest heart, which
bore not the name of her heart 's desire.
The gentlemen were shown, to the rtpa-
cious dining room, where t he tables
wen beautifully decorated with white
carnations and ferns. Creen and white'
ribbon ran from the center of th'- ta
ble to the corners A iilioiineeinent
cards telling of tie departure of Mis
Ifohcrts In Albany, Or.. May .'to, were
found on the ends of t hese ribbons.
Supper wns then served in a numt plead
ing manner. Min- Martin, in her gown
of white, was congratulated by all h;r
guests a being a most charming host
M, Those present included a goodly
number of Modfurd's most prominent
voting folks.
LAKK. MAHnNT. V. Y.. May
The adoption of fot in and the mak
ing of nddrr-seti Were feature of to
da 'n session in the international arid
(ration ronference. Among the prtmi
nent speakers wisv Karon Taknhira, Jap
ancs ambassador.
sley, Kubli, Newbury, Punn, Jackson
Apparently no Effort Has Been
Made to Procure Trial De- i
Clares She is Still Piatt's Wife
NI'IW YORK, May '2.-Mae Wood is
still in jail today and apparently no
effort has been made lo procure bail.
The district attorney will present the
case to the grnnd jury ami, if indicted,
she will be placed tin trial. Miss Wood
seems unperturbed anil declares she still
is Senator Piatt 's wife and that as long
as Piatt is alive she will fight for her
rights. She declared that before she
pleads guilty to any indictment found
against lier she will "rot first."
SAI.KM. dr.. May Lli. I (swatd West,
who was stale land agent during Cov
ernor Chamberlain's first term, gives
ill.1 lie direct to the chnrges published
yesterday in the Kvening Telegram, im
pugning the governor's record iu con
nection with state school binds, Mr.
West was appointed tdnte land agent in
the fall of l!in:t, and wns the govern
or's right hand man in the stupendous
task of reforming the abuses which had
grown up in that department under the
ad in iu is t rat ion of (lover nor Ccer. No
man in the slate is so thoroughly fa mil
iar as is Mr. West with the history j
of the frauds which have been perpe
trated iu the past iu connection wilhj
the state's school lands and with the!
earnest, persistent and successful ef- j
forts of Covernor Chamberlain to put n
stop to these frauds, to punish those
implicated and to protect the school
lauds from furl her . spoliation. M r
West has issued t he following chal
lenge; "An article appeared iu last night's
Telegram under the head of 'Chamber
lain and Land Frauds,' which, by gar
bled h iters, in isstat einenl of facts and
innuendo, attempts to blacken the char
"I hereby ngiee to pay to W. M.
Cake, chairman of (he republican stat
central eominittoH. for the use of his
brother in his present campaign, $.Vt,
if. upon the Mihtnission of all the state
records having- a bearing this case,
to Mr. .If din P. Carroll, managing edi
tor of the Kvening Telegram. In- (Mr.
Cniroll) does not admit that the course
pursued by the governor was ie and
com me ml able, act anted by I he purest
mot i i'H a nd tor t he best intercut of
the stale, and that he would have done
the mime had he been in Chamberlain
sh.H-s. "USWALH WKST."
"Salem. May 1' 1 . I'.ww."
Gov. John Sparks Dead.
UK No, Ne. May J- (iovemor John
Spa i ks d!d at liis ranch near here to
lav after a long illunM.
) Peasants Hanged In Russia.
KKItSO.V. Russia, May 2.'. -Twenty
j fri-nsants who took part in the recent
J disorders at Vel.aterino, in the Sa
district, hanged today under the
.decree of the court martial. The mem
bers in an assertion avowed it to be
their purpose to drive out the landed
proprietors, burning their estates.
.1. c. Howard, orator for the soeialisf
paitv. arfrived in Medfonl Friday. He
will speak at the opera house Saturday
evening mid at tin1 Knighls of Pvthin
hall Sunday afternoon.
IX 1
Michigan Man Accused of Whole
sale Slaughter-Tried to Make
His Wife Seventh Victim.
NOl'TII HKND, hid., May ii. James
Hi immiugstall, aged in. is under ur
rest at Uowagaic, Mich., charged with
six murders. The police say that he
has already confessed to them, and the
authorities are confident that he will
ud mil ot her crimes. The arrest fol
lowed an alleged attempt to make his
wife tho seventh victim. She escaped
and appealed to the police. The police
say he confessed to killing a man in
Kansas, for which he received ten years
imprisonment. A t ier he was released
It" killed a companion and got three
years. He gave the names of his vic
tims, according to the afficers, as: A
man iu Kansas, name Miiknown; a rail
road man in Missouri, name unknown;
two men sleeping in a tent in M is
soi-ri, mimes unknown; H.ivid Hull',
at Howagiac, June, UK'S; Smith Hotiuin,
at Dovvagiuc, Pebruury, liKtS.
It is alleged that lie killed llutt to
obtain possession of property which had
been d b-d lo Itriiniiiiugslull on comli
tioii that he care for Huff the s( of
his life. Hotium s body was found
f ro.en hi t he ice in a nearby st ream.
His money was missing. Several cir
cinnstaiices connect f trimmingstall with
the crime.
Hotel Nash Arrivals.
1 1. Kill milk. Sim Francisco; J. C.
Reddi.-k. John C. Mnxlicid, Porllnud;
A, i. Conger, C. J'!, Conger, San Fran
cisco; It. I '. I tames, Portland ; ( A.
Roesch, Chicago; Frank Woudard, Chas.
Ringler. P. It. Wagner, Portland; .lames
S. Forrest. New York; Mrs. W. F. Zu
her. Keichiltati; R. S. Wilson, (iranls
Pasn; K, il. Rogers. Newport; F. P.
Ksteib v. Klk Creek.
' RosKlsflfC. Or.. May 'JL!. Ooveriior
Chamberlain arrived Wednesday from
the south ami was met at the train by
the Rosebuig bund, and a large crowd
of t he cit ii-.ens The governor has I he
honor of eiijovii the solid indirseiiient
of the old soldiers, ill the home, of
whose treatment to I hem they cannot
spe:iU (on highly. KvervMue thai hii
aide, attended the speaking at the court
houc, which was packed for the tin!
Ci luring this campnign to overflow
ing. Two hundred and fifty were turn
d away. The governor whs iutrodm-ed
by Senator Cos bow.
The governor made an ablo defense
of Statement No. I ami called attention
to the f;o-t that M r. Cake, although
warmlv advocating this measure before
(he primaries, is now riirel'nlly uvoidjng
places in which lie had spoken previous
ly, and going into other localilies and
'unking no mention of the great rule
ftam?d for the benefit of the people.
M isosiii i is in 1 he Itrv an col inn. I he
tatc convention having instructed the
tlclegates to 1l iijitmn;i convention to
vote for the N'ebijMkan as a unit.
Covernor Folk, Cnited States Sena
! tor Stone, former Covernor I ram-is and
' former Mayor Reid of Kansas City will
j go to t h nveiit ion as delegate fit
i large. Senator Stone offered tn with
jdraw if tlo convention would elect in
'hi place Colonel Moses C. Wef re
who is one of Hrvan's closest friends.
H is mot ion
eivcd but slight at tea
Remains of Another lctim
' Discovered-Seven Indict
ments Returned Against
Ray Lamphere for Murder
LA POKTR, lnd.. May 22-The grand
jury has returned seven indictments
against b'ay Lamphere, one each for
the murder of Mrs. Hello Cunness. Phil
Up Cunness, Lie-y Sorenseu and Mich
act Korcnsejfr one for destroying the
Cunness home, one for arson, one for
the murder of Andrew llelgeliu, one for
being ncccxMory in assisting Mrs. Cun
ness iu the murder of llelgelin.
Authorities have resumed the search
of the Cunness farm for more bodies.
This afternoon the excavators found a
; skull iu a cesspool on the Cunness farm.
.Search for the remainder of the body
is progressing.
l. LLAS, t r.. May 22. Testimony
u the ease of t lfP stale vs. A. J. Hem
bree. on behalf of the defendant, was
l'i nished Wednesday night, and argu
meats of the nttornovs occupy the court
Thursday. Interest is still v'eiise, the
court room being crowded at all 1 imes.
Deputy District Attorney Cooper of
Tillamook count v made tho opening ar
gument for An- stale.
.InuieH Met 'nin followed for I he de
fondant. Judge Pipes of Portland mmle
the closing argument for I he defense.
District Attorney Me Nary closed for
the state.
Ted Kilsall has gone to Medfonl for
a load of supplies for tin- Iowa camp.
Jack Corn iu has charge of the board
ing house id' the lower camp.
M i. 1 in I nl w iu of tbenchaili sect ion
tins left his homestead for Med ford on
a short visit.
It. H. Harris, a mpiinied by the
family of J. II. Miller, arrived in Hutle
Falls Thursday, ami Mr, Harris imme
diately went out on the electric line
Kdgar llafer drove into the I own
amp Wednesday. II is ex ted that
Mr. Twohy of Spokane intends to lake
er the I'. K. railroad.
W. T. Crie e, republican candidate
for count v nssesor. was interviewing
nit people I his Week,
The people approve of The Tribune V
ourse in giv ing I he public I he exact
facts as to ( 'ommissioner Itrowu, and
il is nu open secret hereabouts that Mr.
Ill-own has been persistently ig ' d
count y a I fa irs.
If Judge Dunn should be Heeled.
which he will not be. lie- people may
Xpert n linuntiou of lie- policies of
the past and that all road and ollor
tlleresls of this section will be over
looked. While the valley nild the loWel
p;i of the eollllly will he favored.
Vole for your interests and vote Im
i he men who will promote tliem.
A family named I.awtoii from Cul
ruin have taken up homesteads mjir
( ilieticha i n V.
Mr. Wolvertoii is nuii.tng nniny im
pi ov ellielll S (01 liis hollies tend IM'lir
Sill 's springs. KdiNouoii, near Derby, has made
toariv chnnges around t tie old phn-e ami
will soon have piite a form and
-ttm-l, ran- h.
The b..v - of tie- iin-orv ev ed lands
puri-hnse all I heir supplies at Put te
Falls. Thev look hopelollv forward to
l he I iine the govern men t will Ml IV ev
tlo-ir lauds, as m.tuy of Uoin have re
-elnl ihercut for five v-am or no. re.
They are a deserving ea of men.
.iitiiled to t'nv hie . oiisiib ral ioii,
The HfcLumo ranch i- being t'anne.
by "hurley FdmmiHoi.
Messi-. Powers :l lid HloU-toll Hl pllt
fin- the -t-'le front for Meridian
Hughes. ;tnd il will be a g I one.
Pr:ink ic Obi-ni haiii. It" has been
-i. k for "oin.o week, is convalescent
:(tid will - be lib. oil again among
her friend'.
J K. Hell, who ha- I ii very -iek,
i4 giadually tmpriev ing.
II M 'ACi l. Mav 'J''. Members ot
the Cointiorcial Tebgraplors union are
again talking strike. They are plai-ntug
a g'eto ral liy p of the wiles at the time
of I he republican national convention
in June, il is said. They tigute that tin
morn! effect of a strike at such a time
may pr-.doce n-nlls within the con
v etit ion hall wlmll might be m pe-ited
biter when Hi" delegates d in D n
ver, and bring about a governmental in
vctiligutioli of condition.
Report of Investigating
Committee Adopted and
Case Closed-House to
Pass Aldrich Bill.
WASHINGTON, May No action
towards the epu-iou of Lilh-y ia iu the
house contemplated. Tin.' report, of the
investigation comtuitteo was adopted by
the house by a substantial majority and
the case is closed, ncoerding to a state
ment made by Speaker Cannon to tho
Associated Pres today.
Tin1 house committee on banking and
currency today voted by a substantial
majority to r commend the passage of
the. Aldrich joint Resolution creating a
currency commission, which passed 'the
senate yesterday.
The house reveled tho conference re
port on the postolTice appropriation bill
by a vote of 147 to 15o. This means
the defeat of the ship subsidy bill.
Fmler a motion to suspend the rulesi,
the house took up the bill to require
publicity of campaign contributions.
A bill passed tin1 house by a vote of
liiu to FJ. with the Ciumpacker amend
ment ndded. ' The amendment would
nave I he effect of reducing the enntri
but ioual represent nt ion on southern
states. It is believed this bill will not
pass Ihe souulc.
work m r.:; fumed at
COR:.!. Cal, May j'J. It seemed
like old t ini.-s at. Coram todav, wh o
the mail ar t passenger stage resumed
traffic tietn en Coram and Kimberley,
which is .he posloffice name for tno
Halakl'ib i-tmc. The occasion for the
resumpl ;o,i if service is the fact that
the Halt!. lulu company has put a force
of :td men lo work at the mine. Too
company's lourd'iig house has been re
opened. The work of gelling ore for the big
smelt ing phi nt at 'onim is the most
hopeful sign of early operation that has
been gi yen. The corn pa ny chose for
lh, most part residents of Coram or
men who were employed at the mine
last year. It. N. Hishop Is again su
A gold mine is being developed about
three ijtiarters of a mile north of Klaui
ith Falls. J. C. Pierce and H. L. AM
ridge of this city are the prospectors,
A shaft was sunk last summer and a
tunnel dug in about 100 feet, An assay .
was made last season, which showed ore
of a low grade. The ledge of rock seems
to be permanent, and the promoters
think the assay now will shew belter
grade. The shaft is on the property
known as Nob Hill and near to the line
of ihe California Northern railway.
Methodist Episcopal Church, B Street.
"The Demand of the Age" will be
the subject at II a. in. At d p. 111.
t he a ii una I memorial service iu honor
of our departed heroes The church
will be tastefully decorated for thin
ten ice. In view of the union temper
tnce meeting at night, there will be no
evening service. Sabbath school at 70
a. in. Fpivorfh league 7 p. m. All are
in ited.
MSStiN. Ca May '21. Fader n gen
eral order going into effect on July
1. the boundaries of all the national
loiesls iu the country will be reudjuttt
cd foi the purpose of making tlo-ir ad
min ir-1 1 at ion more convenient. For in
rt'ain e, foi boundaries are In be made
to conform more nearly to county houn-
dai let.
j The Nino-la national forest, adinini--
toie.l troin tli" supervisor s omce m
.sissi.n. includes timber land in Trinity
isivnti and Slia-ta counties. The Trin
ilv tniv portion of the forest ex
tends west of Weaverville lo the vicin
ity of ttedrick. y
Coder the road iusliio iit, Shasta for
e-t will cede to Trinity forest, which Is
admi iistereil from Weaverville, all that
portion of Trinity county west of th
S'ifi creek divide and north of Trinity
river. The northeastern part of Trin
ity county the Trinity Center region
will remain iu Shasta forest.
Shasta forest will lose to l.assen Peak
forest and all land south of Pit river,
in Minii a river. To Klamath forest
whb'h lies wholly in Siskiyou count v,
and is administered from Yrrkn, RhaMa
forest will give a part of its northern