TI1E MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. M El) FORD, OR., THURSDAY, MAY 21. 1)0S. 3 ROAD ALONG RIM OF CRATER LAKE Greatest Scenic Boulevard in America Proposed Runs Along Tops of Peaks and Through Tremendous Gorges Garden of Stone Pillars. O. C. Applognte of Klamath Falls has written a letter concerning tho mt posed scenic ruad about 'rat er hike. The building of this highway would add a great deal to the attract ivi-ness of Oregon's wonder IjiUo, and iiicrense the number of tourist, directly benefiting both Klamath Fulls and Medford. Mr. Applegatc says: "It is a source of gratification to the people of the' Klamath country, as in deed it stiould h tti the people of the state generally who appreciate the fact that Crater hike is the crowning scenic wonder of our picturesque Cascade chain, to see that Senator Fulton has bncliert up Superintendent ArnntH prop osition to have .K,()i)ii appropriated for tho improvement of tho park by secur ing an amendment to the sundry civil bill in tho senate. It is tn be hoped that no conference committee ax or other agency will be used to reduce this conservative sum, for oven $10,(100 is far too small n sum for the purpose desired. Superintendent Araut asked for something less than $11,00(10 and, before Senator Fulton's action, this hud boen cut down to $.1000, a mini wholly inadequate, as after the compensation of tho superintendent and his necessary assistants in the patrol of the park should come out of the sum, practically nothing would be I. -ft to advance the work of road making in the park. Along Rim of Crater. "Tho scenic road could be built at such an elevation that all points of interest on the rim would be easily ac cessible from it. The distance required to encircle tho lake and the rugged por tion of its rim would probably be something over ISO miles, and would' trav erse a region of splendid natural beau ty. This scenic road, encircling tho great cliffs, and crags, with the most wonderful hike in the world on one side and a panoramic view of vast areas of mountains, valleys and hikes, and the leagues and leagues of splendid forests ou both sides of the Cascade chain, look ing upon these varying views from the very summit of the mountains, would probably make this the greatest scenic road in America. 41 Tho writer wns with Secretary Gar Held lust summer when he scaled the rugged peak on the rim of Crater lake, which now bears his name, and dis cussed with him the idea of construct ing such a scenic road as wo have des cribed, and he, full of enthusiastic, ad miration of Crater lake and its sur roundings, heartily approved of tho idea, lie will surely take a deep interest in carrying the enterprise to a successful termination. Build Third at Once. I "Mr. A rant's plan was to undertake this summer to open nearly a third of the scenic road, and, in company with the other mountaineers, made, a careful exploration, to determine the practica bility of the route from his headquar ters on Annie creek, via Sun creek can yon, Kiser's falls, (in Wield and Apple gate peaks to the canyon of Sand creek, and with the greatest success; for while this 10 or 111 mill's is the roughest por tion of the rim, a road can be made, with an outlay of say $l;",0n0 or less, that would be an easy one for carriages of- all kinds, including those driven by motor power. "The upper valley of Sun creek, through which the road will pnss. is a grassy area where thousands of tour ists could spread their tents nniong the hemlock trees about the purling brooks nnd enjoy an ideal outing, with two grout mountain walls rising tn a height of 1000 feet on either hand, and Kiser's fall, It no feet high, hanging like a white scarf from the escarpment on tho west. Garden of Stone Pillars. "The first thrd of the scenic road would reach the needles or pinnacles on Sand creek canyon, whore pitlnrs of stone rising to a height of SO or 100 feet,' stand out independently from the bluffs, scattered nnd in groups, like monuments to heroes of some past ago. These are six or eight hundred in num ber nnd nro not the least in interest among tho ninny attractions in tin' Cra tor lake wonderland.' Resolutions of Condolence, Weatonkn Tribe, Xo. .10, Tmp. O. Tt. M., Hunting (i Poinds of Med ford, Or., May i:t, 1!HS. Whereas, The (Jreat Spirit has seen fit to call from among ua Mrs. Viola (i. Beckett, tho beloved wife of brother T. V. Beckett; and Whereas, Our hearts go out in deepest sympathy to our brother in his great bereavement ; now therefore, lie it Itesolved, That Woatonka Tribe, Xo. :tO, Imp. O. li. M not being in posses sion of adequate moans of expressing the individual sympathy of its members for our sorrowing brother in his great affliction, adopts this method of extend ing to him as it body the profound sor row and heartfelt sympathy of his broth ers in this, his hour of sadness; and bo it further Res.dved. That these resolution be spread upon t ho record of the t riln nnd that a eopy of the same be trans mittod to onr bereaved brother. .1. W. FITZliKK ALP. L. L. JACOBS. B. M. SKLSBV. S3 Cmrnilt.--. Tho best equiped job printing offirr iu Southern Oregon, employing skilled inion printers Tho Tribune. THE OLD HOWARD RANCH Three milm south of Medford and C. miles west of Phoenix, is now cut up In sms.II tracts to suit the purchaser. One fourth ensh, halanec in three pay- ' ArnV?" Tlire "Tpo't""'!.1' t'r n. pointing i. ' Lifted with nil tlfcai J. W. UtJr spirm SOUTHERN PACIFIC PLANS NEW LINE Branches to Bun From Goose Lake to a Connection With Oregon & Eastern and From A 1 turns Through Modoc. Lassen, Plumas and Tehama Counties. The Goose Luke nnd Southern Rail way ocmpauy has been formed, and its articles of incorporation filed in the otlice of the county clerk of Shasta county, California, showing the declared intention to build a standard gauge main Hue from a connection with the Oregon & Eastern railway at the Oregon and 4 'aliforuiu boundary line on the eastern shore of Goose lake to a point in Shasta county at or near tho town of Anderson, where a junction is to be formed with the Southern Pacific rail road. That iti s a branch of the Southern Pacific is shown by the personnel of the new corporation, composed of K. K. Calvin, general manager of hte South ern Pacific company; William F. Mer rill, chief of the Southern Pacific law department ; William Hood, chief en gineer of the Southern Pacific company, and W. li. Scott and L. .1. Wilcutt, both oflicials of the name company. The papers filed show t hat. Calvin and llerriu have each subscribed 200,. 000 and the other three incorporators $2000 each. Ten per cent of the whole amount, or iflti.liirO, has been paid in, as certified to by Secretary of Slate Curry. The capitalization is $i:i,:i)S,000, or :i;(,0o00 a mile. It is also tho intention of tho com pany to build a branch lino from Altu rus through Modoc, Lassen, Plumas and Tehama counties to a connection with the Southern Pacific railroad nt or near tho town of Vina. This lino is to bo 170 miles in length, while the main-line will have an estimated length of 227 miles, making a total ot 400 miles. These projected lines aro intended to head off Thomas B. Walker's proposed railroad or possible feeders of tho West ern Pacific and at the same time shut out the Sacrnmento valley and Kastern from proceeding up the Pit river pass to a transcontinental connection oast of the Sierras. INVESTIGATE POSSIBILITIES OF TURPENTINE IN OREGON L. W. Jluwley, expert on wood dis tillation for tho forest service, has just left Washington for Oregon, Washing ton, Montana and Idaho, to investigate the possibilities of ft future turpentine industry in tho northwestern portion of tho United States. Mr. Hawlev ha slakeu with him a small distillation apparatus, which he will set up at various places in these states, distilling the different woods to determine their value in the production of turpentine. In this muiiuer an aceit rale idea of the kield of extracts from Ihe various woods can be obtained, and samples of the maloriall will be sent to Washington for analysis and estima tion of its value for use in paints, var nishes and other naval stores. There are at tho present time in the northwest several wood distilling plants which aro producing various grades of turpent ine, wood preserving oils, and materials of a similar nature. It is be lievd that a careful study of existing conditions in this section will yield re sults which will give an accurate idea of the possibility of utili.ing the etior mons quantity of sawmill refuse now going to waste. APPROPRIATIONS EXCEED LAST SESSION BY $300,000,000 WASHINGTON, May 21. The pros out session of congress to end this week is a record-breaker. Tho appropriations of this session so far authorized ex ceed those of the first session of the .".0th congress by more than $:i0n,onu, nnit. The total appropriations made up to this time aggregate approximately $ri4,MJ.M)7. This amount will be in creased by the general deficiency and omnibus public buildings bills and such other measures as may go through be fore adjournment. The session has also established a high record for the number of bills, res olutions introduced and considered nnd for the transaction of executive busi ness. There have been 7127 bills in troduced iu the senate and 21.040 in the house. In the senate 00 joint resolu tions were offend, of which 30 were passed and 0 have become laws. The senate considered 11 simple res olutions. lp to this C:ne 115 bills and 1" joint resolutions have become laws. The sen ate has passed 44 bills, 17 of which were omnibus pension bills. It is estimated that these measures represented more than -"(Hi individual claims and that the saving in printing and handling them approximated Tho executive business done by the senate this session is almost three times greater than Was handled during any previous session. Pp to this time I!l I reat ies have been rat if ied and made public. EX RAILROAD CONDUCTOR RE ENTERS POLITICAL GAME Tho mr manufac tured expressly for the coast. Best for prii-e on tho market. $1400 D.T.LAWTON Agent MEDFORD, OR. Just Received- A Carload oi Extra Heavy Green Lath CEDAR BEVELED SIDING ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT GLEXDALE OREGON YARD AND OFFICE AT M EDEORD, OREGON. "ISN'T THAT FINE. Tf yon appreciate waistcoat expand ers in tho form of v. choice-, juicy steak you will find this the place- for pur chase. There's nothing in the meat line worth carrying home and conking that you cannot find here any time you call. This is mi invitation to visit us soon. Hotel Emerick W. E. JOHNSON, A It K VOU 'V TO DAT lit Have you a friend who is going to be married r hnve a lurthdayjf If so, why not send them n piece of our fino Cut (ilasH nt. CUT PRICKS, A largo new assortment just received. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 21 (J WEST SEVENTH STREET; McGLASHAN & JUNKEN, Props. PHONE 10B1. Automobiles TflA PArifir Pap ''lc Automobile wil.li the high lilt lailllC ldl clearance four-cylinder 30- liorsopower water-cooled engine, storage battery and imported Uoscli magneto and coil, 108-in. wbeel base, sliding gear transmission, double chain drive, 1(0 square inches braking surface; strictly high class in every respect. The best car for the coast count ry. The best car ever offered for the price. Price Jf!2"2."0, fully equipped. J. M. ROOT & SON, Jackson Comity Dunk TJldg., Mod Cord, Or. Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Qity Property and Ftuit Groves tor Sale Five and Ton -A ere Orchards on Ihe installment plan. The right kind of soil, I lie ritjht hind of trees and Ihe right prices. Twenty years' experience in f mil raising bucks onr judgment. We hare sold half Ihe orchards in Ihe valley and have yet to see a purchaser dis satisfied with his bargain. lie fore bnyivg see Prompt Delivery Good Stock Right Prices CRATER LAKE LUMBER COMPANY m otit I rot ibil ton isfs arv Afjuhi this xftrinf, . I ud IJiC San ltftf Dr'nih 'nnj is t hud fltinff. IteyaivllfSH of whether Jackson county tines prnhi in' nut, t huso who wind in drink will drink; they will undoubtedly pay mnn' mid yet poorer whisky- t he kind that inn ken a man h.-ite himself and everybody ho meets nnd rnnken him want In fiht. Hut if you pat ronize home industry you yet the ivnt eignrs mi tho market. Onr Medford .V, It. If. V.f Ktc. and Del Marcn 15c Ciyiirs m.'ike vou smile. To The Public HAVING lNSTAU.KD MACHINERY Vt)l TUB MANUFAOTITRK OP 111(111 -UHADH l(!H eURAM, WR AUK IMtRI'AKRI) TO I'll,!, AM. OlillRRS, r.AROK OR HMAT.r,. DHMYRRIRM MADH TO ANY I'AItT ()!' THE CITY. HI'KCIAI. ORDKHS (IIVUN OUR I'HOMI'T ATTENTION. OH OUR AT MKDPOltD BOOK STORE OR CREAMERY. i Rogue River Creamery Medford MANUFACTURED BY K. R. V. CIOAR WORKS, MEDFORD, OR. R. W. GRAY, Builder COLON. I A j I'ORCl L WOItK, 0 RILL AND LATH WORK, PATTERNS, JOTC. TKLIOPHON K 471. MEDFORD, OR. Rogue River Land Go. Exhibit Building We Want to Buy Lands Realty Bond Syndicate of Oregon Jackson County Bank Annex W. H. Stalker Secretary HUSKl'.riifi. Or., May L'l. James f. H:mliroiih of this ritv, a mr-ailicr of tho Oregon . -Kifdalurr f 1'.":i . :f joint rrjin-fM-ntntivo of Donbm and .litckftoii eountie, lias fild with tin oiiniV I'liTK a (1IIOn w h.im- n.....- (.:i.-.d on the June Hoction l.nHot a a .:indid:it.' for ttate iii:ilnr. Although ..(limited at thi l:it d;it" to run as an iiid-1-ii.. hi." Hiiii-l'i-onh is a rrtf inten d roj-iildii Jin and h;is always at" filiat-d with that j-aity. lie 1 dy-In,,,-,. if .f .l.'.-t-d to ot- for II. M. I'ake for l"n it id Statu M'Tintur, rftf:i'd 1e- of wh'-tli.-r Cuke drfeat I'hillllher tain in the .Inm ile.-tion. The regular rei-iiMn-nn nominee fur Mate sonator from DotitjIiiA county in Albert Alirn ham, n Ro..nrj( Inwy r. whit uiort Statement N'. 1 unqualifiedly. I- THERE'S A GOOD DINNER ASSURED When you enter thin p"l snirtuil. If yioi arV tiled of t rdinnry mnil nnd n-ally don't e;ire wlo-th'-r yon f-nt or llo, ncikf n ;i vi"it. The ine:i we mre you will I mi ii inti ail your indifference at oiiee. If you hnvi-n't an njipet iti our fiHidN will create one, If yon h;ive one nlreadv they will jointly il letter tlinu any oilier meal yon ever tile, The Great Free Offer IIAXDSO.MK KILVKR KKT KltKK TO KACH KV STItHCR'! MF,R TO TIIK TR I lil'N I'l KOli ()K YKAIf. Remember TfTIlK IIAXDSO.UK STLVER RETS CON 1 S1ST OK SIX TKASROOXS, A MUTTER Kl KE AND A Sl'OAR SHELL. IT TI I ) SETS ARE (IIVEX AWAY AT5.SO 11 Ll'TELY FREE. Tf t 1 1 e y e a it ' s sunscRiR'rrox 1 DOESN'T II.W'E TO ME PAID IN AD VA XCE. TfONLY .")) CENTS FOR OXE MONTH'S SI'KSCRII'TIOX AXD THE SI EVER IS DELIVEI.'EI) IMMEDIATELY. SPEAK QUICKLY for this offer will be withdrawn when the limited number of sets are exhausted. The Nash Cafe TURNS BALOON INTO SALVATION ARMY HOUSE READ THE TRIBUNE lini'K ISLAM), 111,, Mav 11. -1;" !eiiuo Mftyor II. (', ftehaffer revoked ' hi nh.on lirentf. '.. MeMahon n n loolike.jM r. U.t eollVeiTed plin e i n t o . fo In w i II jr : :i Siil mi i'lii Army harrai'lin. Mr-Mnhoii "(ih, Lord, I do not link MiKatinn far tl;tnd out iin the tidewulk nnd lie-houn 1 invielf, lut for my j r bartender, who nil to roine in nnd "join the norvlee." i !h out of it joli. ltt him I'iva tn M'0.', l.n-t ev.-niii the proprietor kuelt in the! With that h toMrl n dollar on the . lr, !, 1 1 1 1 i ' i ' i.t:tv- a....! f.ff-r..,1 MP " Morv. niorv'"