THE MBpyoitP DAILY TRIBUNE. MKDFORD, OK., THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1908. is! E o ur I tin 4 t), J tie J i"l ( -r Bedford Daily TribunelMAKING SHUTTLES A Live Paper In Lire Town. tblishid every evening except Sunday Med ford Publishing Compauy. O. PUTNAM, Kdltor and M imager. Admitted as Second 'lns Mutter ill -Ne I'oHtoffire at Mdlfnrtl, Oregon, Subscription Rates: On month, by mail or carrier. .$0.50 ne year, by mail 5.00 BAPIO MENTAL GROWTH. Two yonrn agu It. I. Kubli was vlwt d to tni U gislatmt1 from .liu-knoii t'litiii ty upon Htalenii'iit No. 1. TStnv Mr. Kubli in a euiididiite fir tli Irgialnturi. aniu, tliin time agfiiimt Btnlemtnt No. 1. Jn two ymirw, by Hume mysteriouti mental npenit ion, Mr. Kubli lian grown In bin own gooi) opinion of liiniKcIt', un til now bo t li in It m liiinaclf mtjicrlnr in juilginent to tlit pciiplf that he in unk ing to elect liini uit 1 lu'ir reprcHeiita tlve. If fctiiteinnt No. J, which dimply pledgeH a eandidnte to vote for the man receiving popular eudorHcincat an Hen ntor, wrm right in ItMHi u Mr. Kubli lulinitli'd, why in it not juhI ah right in IflOHT Huh Mr. Kubli no wonderfully devel oped In two vi'ihn that he known more tlmu ill tua.jnrity of votern in JarkHnn eounly f Dui' Air. Kulili real y know belter than tlu penple I hellish i s who t hey wan I f If (he people need it guitrdian and uuirtler, they tdiould vole lor Mr. Kubli. It will be vheiip In buy ho luuel) win iloiu nl if:, per day. On the other liaml. If the people merely desire n public fervuul to earry out their wihIh'n, Mr. Kubli Hhould be left at home, and Home body wil h lenn witulum, but Menne enough to obey the mandate of the people, In Kent to Ihe legmluture. A C A M P A f O If "CANARD. The Portland Telegniui, in it n di-i pernio effort to eleet II. M. t'ake on ntor, hart come out with an article ae ruling Ooxernor 'hainberlain of help ing laud frnud ttrtirttM get away with the Ntato xchool IiiihU. No more absurd charge could be made. To (inventor Chamberlain atone is due the unearthing of friuuU by Hpecubtl urn in ncipiiring ncIiooI IiuhU, Hie itit i tiitbm of Htiitn to recover land stolen from the- state under tJovernor eertt ndmitiinl ration, and the general ventila tiou of the fraud permeating the nyn torn. tUwald West, as slnte land commit Mioiier, act ing umler (lovernor Cham bei hi ill's instruct ions, brought to light th" many swindles practiced agaiuit the stale In fraudulently actpiire its laud, and wax iiiNltumenlnl iu exposing Ihe operations of S. A. 1, I'uter and M t-oiifedeiates, and in sending I'uter to jnil. All this is a mutter of record, and no charge of corruption or fraud tuinl Chamberlain ' adiuinistial ion. EXHIBITS WANTED. The Oregon building, now under t motion at Seattle, will be completed in time for the coming exposition, and will be the laigest and most complete stale building on the ground. It is proposed to make a collect iv exhibit of the Mate's resources in tint building, and it is of the utmost impor lauce that we have a thorough and at tractive exhibit from every count v The gathering of an exhibit must com mcnce. at mice. The crops raised t hi year must he used as the exposition open the first of June, 1109, too early for next year's crop. The grasses will Boon be ready for harvest, and it is im porlanl that they be gathered nt th' proper time. If they are over ripe they will not do for exhibition purposes. The commission will visit Jackson count v some time iu June or July and mill lie glad to assist in the work, though it will be necessary to begin collecting the exhibit before. The expense in collecting such an ex hibit will not be laie. Quality, not ipinatity, is wanted. The exhibit will be transported to Seattle, installed an. maintained without expense to the conn ty. There will also be an attendant in charge, so that Ihe county will get all the benefit possible in Ihe nay of adver tisuig, etc. The commission i having printed 0( page booklet on the resources of Oie g.m, which n ill be di-tributed during Hie exposition. 1 wo p.igi s of this look let will be dexoled to ach count v. H mo ing pictures 1 he f units, orchard li est m-k, limber, mounts ins. streams, and iverythiug of interest in ea. h to t wilt vr hIiowm. . RESULT OF ADVERTISING s a result of the campaign ,.f s,livr tisitig being ron-tm-ted h the Md font t omitu'tcial cbib in t-oitiiiiiction w ith the publicity depart meat f Hi out tiern I act! ic raiiro;ii, mooirte about Melfot.l and the Koguc Kivei alley have been received from nestle every ttale in Atncius, and the follow ing foreign countries: Tutkey. Ftanic Oennsay, Suitrvrlaud. Western AiMtr i lia. New South Wales. Aut latin, Tan tola, Noa Scotia, Mrxlro. South Aunt lea, Hawaii, Philippine. South Africa. Austria. Iu a major it v of instances the writer coming here with a colon rf their eountrvmeu. Who says adver tisin( doesn 't pay? Vote for the tncress, appripnalion for the eriity of Megon. Don 't brand Oregon a a ' mosMuiek state Vote "yes" on election day. Th bill has Ims-u r it dorsal by all I he tr'gn clubs, teachers' avia! ion the slate Federation of Labor and the Taxpayers' league of Portland. After month of dickering, Stanley Keteltel, the Michigan whirlwind, and Billy Papke, the Spring Valley miner, have been matched to fight 10 round for the middle eight championship in Kn Francisco on June 4. Fader the MlNU 'n-r.UJt 1U 1Mb llltht wV J. ,. 1 ROM DOGWOOD j Two PI wit a Installed in Oregon Can cadi for Utilizing Timber Titherto Considered Valu.lflM Except for Fuel. Btumpage Values Ore ally Increased The supply of dogwood and persiin men shuttles iu thu aotitheru states is nearly exhausted. The entire supply of shuttles, bobbins a ml spindles used in Ihe cotton and woolen mills iu all parts of the country is furnished by the dog wud and persimmon growing in the southern slates, the seriousness of the situation is apparent, The textile mills of the eouut ry represent a capitalize lion of nearly a billion dollars and bob bins, shulttes, and spindles are just as necessary parts of these mills as tho throttle ii to the loeomotive. Fortunately the shut lie maaufaetur ers have found another source of sup ply In the dogwood stands hi the fur northwest part of the eountrv. Two large companies manufacturing spindles, shuttles and bobbins have erected plauts in lite t ascaifes in Oregon, whose dog wooil forests are the greatest in the world, the tree often titltiiiiing a heiuhl of 7"i feet and a diameter of one to two feet. ITp to the present time lum her users in the Pacific northwest have found dogwood valueless except for fuel, ami its ulili.atioii for the manufacture of shuttles will bring about a consid erable increase in Nluumnifc values of (Ins tree. these companies, at their Oregon plauls, will not onlV manufacture the articles named, but will utilize every part of the tree turning to account the waste wood and producing such by products as pyroligneious acid, protace tate of Iron, acetate of lime, methylat ed spirits, solvent naphtha, wood tar, wood pitch and various forms of char coal. Oogwooil is indispensable in the manufacture of shuttles, bobbins and spindles because it is the only wood which takes a high polish and wears perfectly smooth by friction under wa ter. REDUCED RATES FOR TEACHERS TO CLEVELAND The National P.diicutioual association will hold its next session tit Cleveland, O.. June L'H lo July ., inclusive, mid a goodly attendance from Oregon is desired. Kates to said meeting are as follows: First -From all O. It & N. points Ihe round trip fare lo Chicago, selling dates Juno 111 and 21), will be .tT'J.oO. Sifond - From points on the M, p. Oregon lines, the rates will vary ac cord ing to the distance tho start tug point is from Portland. Third Tickets from both O. If. A N. and S. p. territory will carry a go ing limit of ten days with final re turn limit of HO days, and include stopover privileges iu both directions within Ihe limits. Fourth- It has not yet been decided just what the fare will be from Chicago to Cleveland and return, but probably will not exi d i for the round trip For further information inquire of your local ticket agent, or write to J. II. Ackermau, Salem, Or., state dirrc lor for Oregon. , PRIZES OFFERED FOR DALLES CHERRY FAIR The mid mi mmer meeting of the State Horticultural society and cherry fail will be held at The Dalles. Or., on June M. July I and 2. Following are the prirvs offered by The Dalles business men to exhibitors: One Box Exhibit Royal Ann lOpoiiud box, Hrst priae, cup, value 10; second, cash, $:; third, cash, mug iu pouini hex. first nnae, cup. value sin; second, cash. :t; third, cash Lambert 10 pound box, Hrst prise, up, value H.voad, eah, .t; third, ash. .. Black Republican 10 pound box. first pne. cup, value $10; vcond. eash, $:t; thild, cash, Five Box Exhibit , RVI Ann Five lo iound boxes. liist prize, cup. value $1.1; second, cash. ; third, cash. $X Ping -Fixe to pmiid boxes, first prise up. :iluo !.; second, .ash. Ihinl. ish. .t. l-amberl Fie 10 pound boxes, first prue. cup. alue !.; second, rash. .': i bird, cash. f'.. Hlack Republican Fixe 10 pound xes, ntl prie, cup. value l.V wre tid, f.ish. thinl. cssh. .t icneral exhibit . or more 10 pound xes. nor less than three varieties: First prue, c.ish, JV second, cash. thud. cash. VII fruit eniererl for premium must gioxxu by exhibitor. Va Hltutctive program, consisting of I1' hes, music, voe:l and instrumental. s b.MMj. ariHiiged. DEPOSED LEADER LOSES HIS TEMPER Mli V.IO. M,v Jl William ft H .!. ,tr..,,-, l.n.lrr i.f Ihi- Vi.tirn tV,liTali,.n Mmrni. h,,. gtna mini iti.l hi. ,-,Mi1,nint fur court., iiwlif. T.. h.ll ,tli ih,- r,,rl T,. h.-ll with iniJivii,.,,,. t., k,n .,;,). .k,' thai (rSt h,.,," .h,.,ilM in a.MrrniKK Citliring of .v.-lil lhl h,l anrliM li ratify Ibr doiii innt ion of Kli). !r V IVh, a. ih ptfi rut inl cantliilatr for tho,t party. An au.lirn.'o of J,vi li.innl to hi. ilriolir .inHH'h. I1ain .'or.l tin nia t'hinry of the law, Inttrrlv .Til lriilfnt tiompor. of tht American KiMiinitiolt of l.abor anl Jobn Miti'brll, former head of the miner' oriratiirMtion. In faef. he niiintllr itrillisl every lalmr leiiiler who hat failct to einhrare the can of aoeinlirra. The; .w..Wer l.t .lenonnee.1 Preaiilonl R,v-1 Democratic Ticket PLEDGED TO STATEMENT NO. 1. Election June 1, 1008. l'W t1. H. Senator Oe, K. Chamber lain. For Congress man .1. ,1. Whitney. For Hupreme Judge It. H. Itean. For Joint liepresentative Jackson and Douglas Counties K. K. a vender. For Representatives M. I'urdiii, I. If. Miller. For County udge J. K. Neil. For County Commissioner M. Mar shall. For County Hheriff Wilbur A. Jones. For County Clerk A. H. Kurnes. For Count; Heenrder J. c. Master son. For Comity Treasurer M. M. Taylor. For County Assessor It. li. Dow. For County Surveyor K, II. Sawyer. For County Coroner I)r. A. C. Stan ley. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Election June 1, 1908. For United States Senator H Cake. M. For liepresentative in Congress Wil lis C. Hitwley. For Food and Dairy Commissioner J. W. Bailey. For Supreme Judge Hobert H, Bean For Railroad Commissioner T. K. Campbell. Fur Prosecuting Attorney, Jackson and Josephine Counties B. F. Mnlltey For Joint Representative, Jucksou and Douglas Counties J. A. Buchanan For Representatives ,1. L. Hammers ley, . 1). Kubli. For County Judge 0. W. Dunn, For County Commissioner James Owens. For County Sheriff !. II. Jackson, For County Clerk W. R. Coleinun. For County Recorder It. T. Burnott, For County Assessor W. T. Grieve, For County Treasurer J. M, Crone miller. For County School Superintendent J. Percy Wells. For County Coroner A. K. Kellogg. For County Surveyor F. A. Onsez. Bay Tickets by Wire. 'Something which ia of considerable lUterest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally knowi. is the system of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of tho Southero Pacific company and all points in the United States. By means of this system tickots may be purchased at Med ford from any place in the United Stntes and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper icconimodntions and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may also be furnished at the sarar time," Notico. wish to announce that T have pur- hosed the office and practieo of the ito rr. M. S. Jones. My office will i located at the same place as Dr. 'ones ' and office hours will be from 10 a. m., 2-4:. 10 and 7 to 8 p. m. It. J. CON ROY, Physician and Surgeon, Rose Festival. Tickets for the Rose Festival will be on sale June 1 and 3, and only ou those two days. Those who intend going and wish sleeper reservation should leave word at the depot as soon as possibb in order to give the company time to secure the necessarv cars. Round trip fare f 1.VJQ. An Uneojialed Investment. fPHf invested now will secure Hire choice improved business lots, fiv vears time on easy payments on the balance. It is believed these lots will double in value within one year and the lucky purchaser will thus make $3000 d an investment of only $1000. This s an opportunity seldom offered and a only open for a short time. Hold Ray 'tealty 20ti West 7th street. 00 The Most for the Money. The Auburn automobile is the most roomy and best machine ever offered for the money. See it before buying. U B. Brown, agent. ' time," PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL To bo hel.l in rOKTLANU, OREOON .irxH i to (, Will be the most brilliant FLORAL V HOST A AND nvic .mniLKE Kxer held in the Pacific Northwest. Portland. "The Rose City," will be a scenr of splendor and the center of world wide intetvst for one week. Several important conventions to be held iu Portland on that occasion. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Soil Special Tickets on This Occasion from MKU KOUl to Portland and Up turn nt $13.20 Vor particulars call i a A. 8. BOSENBAUM. Loral Agent. VM. McMl RRAY, MEDFOBD SASH & DOOR 00. Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work. Including turned work and fancy grills. F, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH ST& PHONE 53. THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south, of Salem PARTIAL LIST OF M.ANKS Warranty Deed Mortirimu, lunir slid .Short Forms 8tUrai-l'n of JdortsiiK Transfer of Lion t'uwur of Attorney Mechanic's Lion Water Ititrht BUI of Sale Liquor License Forms Notice to Trespasser Creditor's Claim Airainst Eut FOR RENT, FOR SALE, FURNISHED ROOMS, ETC. (on cardboard). MINING Placer Location Bond for leed Minor's Lien Summons Execution Judgment Transcript Commit mont for Triul Searrh Warrant PROBATE Petition for Letters of Administration, Administrator's, Eiecutor's and Guardian's Bond"! and Deeds; Order Setting Apart Property Exempt from Execution; Order Confirming Sale of Real and Personal Property Citation; Commission to Appraisers; letters of Administration; Inventory and Appraisement; Proof of Wjll; Letters Testamentary. CIRCUIT COURT Attachment Undertaking and Affidavit Summona Notice of Garnishment for Attachment Cost Rill (irand Jury Subpoena Criminal and Civil Subpoenas Execution Indictment Search Warrant Transcript of Judgment Notice to Jurors A complete, up-to-date tine of U.S. LAND OFFICE.MCOUNTY COURT AND SHERIFF BLANKS. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN MEDFORD Wise Talks By the Office Boy Pa says a roM by any other name would be just as expen sive bark east this time of year. I sometimes think he pines for tho pinoy woods in old Penob scot, Krappe County, Maine, where ho was raised but that 'a one thing yours truly never yearns for. Th good mountains and the good old oeeaa avl niee old Oregon atmosphere are good enough for m. But it s all in how you were raised. Pa likea rlain ehowder and eorn on the cob, and harvest apples and a lot of thinga that a kid who was born this side of the snow sheds hasn't had much chance to get acquainted Trith. Those who have lived on both sides of this great country and lived long enough to know what 's what can get all those things just ax nice one place aa an other, if you know where to buy. We've got clam chowder from Koaton that is just as nice as any you ever ate on the sand, and lots of other things that have that "Down East'' taste. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 MILLER & EWBANK 44444444 4 4 444444444 The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Furnishes hot WHtr ft ten on rrrj' short notk-e It ran he urcl on the tra table or in the kitchm Attaches to any rlcotrolwr durable BOGUS RIVER ELECTRIC CO Sufeeswr to Condor Water Tower tV Of fie V. It it., opp. big eleetrit! gn Phone S.VS. Coal for &U. We are n.w prepare! to furnish hand ... .v. )- Mm REAL ESTATE Quitclsiro'Dced Bond for D& Morttrajce Lens With Tax Payment Provision Option to Buy Land Asnt's Contracts MISCELLANEOUS) Chattel Murtrage Acknowledgment Confession of Judgment Covers for Blanks Quarts Location Water Right Oregon and U. 8. Forma Contract to Sell Deed i Proof of Labor JUSTICE OF PEACE Civil and Criminal Subpoenas Attachment .Undertaking and AfTi Garnishment dav itor Attachment Cost Bill Commitment for Fine Notice to Jurors Jury Order Civil Complaint Warrant for Arrest All printed after the latest and best forms. c?j Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. cj Give us a trial. OREGON Golden Grain Granules 100 PER CENT PURE CEREAL COFFEE. It tastes like eoffee. It look like coffee and it smells like coffee, but is pure roasted grains, blended so as to pro cure the best flavor, the greatest strength and an ar ticle which young and old may drink morning, noon and night. 0 olden Grain Granules is especially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stomach troubles. X early 2-pound package for 2.")c, all retail grocers. Wholesale bv P. B. Theiss & Co. Medford. Or. Something New In Rubber Tires that it will pay yon to investigate. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, satisfaction guaranteed. Mitchell & Poeck OESTBAL WAGONERS, ist Ttk Street, rear of Merrimaa't Great Shoe Sale Begins Saturday AT MEEKER 6 Co. Watch for Prices W.H. MEEKER Co State Depositary. Established 1SSS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $115,000.00 J. E. ENYART,Presid ent. J. A. TERRY, Vice President. The Medford MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL 480,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage ARE YOU INTERESTED? I have for sale at $62.50 per acre, 80 acres of as fine orchard land as there is in Rogue River valley. The im provements on -place are worth at least $1250. Let me show you this land. ALFRED SMITH OVER JACKSON COUNTY BANK. W. W. EIFERT, The If You are Particular You Should Go To the Eagle Prescription Work N a special consideration. Two graduate pharmacists arc in charge and the most care ful work is guaranteed, "it i-evj v.v i -v .-,T- THE COST IS SMALL, THE BENEFITS LARGE Tho matter of Absolute Protection fur your valuables is so important that you cannot well afford to overlook it. Although the cost of renting a Safe Deposit Box in the Kire and Burglar Proof Vault of the .lackson County Rank is very moderate, the benefit, is large, assuring Absolute Security. SATE DEPOSIT BOXES TO BENT. $1 AND UP PER YEAR. W. I. VAWTEE Presidont O. R. LINDLEY Cashier JOHN S. ORTII, Cnshior. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier. National Bank The FarSeeing Man Knows the value of grasping opportuni ties when they present themselves. Here's one that you should not over look. Place your order with us now for n made to order Spring or Summer Suit. City Tailor, Medford About the quality of what you buy, whether it be a bottle of cough syrup or a cake of soap. to the place where satisfaction is assured to particular people; where quality is unsur passed and where the prices are right. Then go Pharmacy and get the best. This store carries all the well-known proprietary remedies. The st. k of all kinds of high-grade stationery is complete, and nowhere this side of Portland can be found such an up-to-date and exclus ive assortment of toilet articles, soaps, per fumes, etc.