THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MKT) FORD. OR., AVEDX IXDA V.MAY 20. 1!)0S. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY SEEN BY VISITOR St Johns, Or., Man Describes Trip to This Region and What He saw Hert ford and Ashland Described Climate That of California. The St. Julius (Or.) lioviinv (untiling the following letter, writteu from a resident of St. Johns who has been vis iting Mcilford uml the Hogne River vol ley: Editor Review: After l.vhitf dor mant for years the Koyuo Hiver valk-v is waking up. Urnutu Puss, .InekdoiL- ville, Ashland and Met ford display an activity that will own make a St Johnsitc it up and take notice. Orants Pass and Jacksonville) have got out of their swuddliny elothes, Ashland has shed its knee pants, while Medtotd has reached a point where she wears the best of clothes and a 1'analna hat Mod ford is the largest and bout town in the valley. Jt is a plnru of larce warehouses, fine Mocks, stone walks and stores filled with liijjlt class stocks. In the center of one of the largest fruit valleys in the world, the bitf nnd the little fellow work in hnromny for the same end. The old moHHlincku who have neglected their opportunities. are being weeded out all over the valley. People from the middle west are here in largo numDers. There are few undesirables. Any of tlio towns appeal to the eastern man. The farms are owned bv alt classes from the common laborer to the millionaire. The towns have the finest schools in Oregon. They are built of brick and are supplied with all the necessary npparaais. 'At present Med ford nnd Ashland are the objective points of many home seekers. The Ashland man calls atten tion to the fine water which runs with terrific force from many faucets on the mnin streets. Medfurd's water is poor, but her people tell yon they are going to spend .f:tl),00)l to bring in water from ItO miles away that will make Ashland's system look like .'tO cents. Ashlnnd exhibits the peach orchard that brings home the meilals everywhere the fruit is shown, while Medford points to the pear orchard which pro duced a carload of fruit that netted the owner $4 Sim. Ashland says we are going to pave our principal streets. Medford says so are we. New resi dences are going up all over the val ley. Lumber and household goods can oe seen going into the country daily.! There is an air of prosperity everywhere nnd the visitor feels it. Real estate is moving rapidly and at greatly advanced prices. Lands that wore sold last fall nt $100 per acre now bring 4i)D readily.' One firm in Medford has sold $1o(i,'u00 worth of farms since last August. Messrs. Pot ter & (loohl of St. Johns have the r.F i.oimi,., tl,, 1 ,-:rtrt 1"V"'K "- ''' .... laud in the valley, 25 per acre. 1 1 was out to their ranch and it's a' dandy. It lies between a pear orch ard for which $1000 mi acre was re fused last fall after the fruit was picked, and Mrs,' Potter Palmer's place. (The queen society woman of Amorien threatens to build a bungalow nnd spend her annual vacation here.) I have talked with several orchard au thorities in Medford and they tell me our St. Johnsites will never regret their buy. The real estate men say they nre doing a fine business ami the merchants nppear to be more than satisfied with the new people coming. There appears to be plenty of land for all purposes. Raw land frclls from $10 aa acre up. Cleared land may be had for $100, while orchards bring from $L"0 up. One of the sights of Medford is the 70 or 80 automobiles owned there, and they nre not all owned in town, either. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fruitgrower may be seen any day riding in their bubble wagons. The sight made me feel sorry for some of my former Minnesota friends. "As to climatic conditions, every res ident of the llogue River valley will tell you to hang up your hat and look no further, (leneral Passenger Agent Mc Murray of the O. Tt. & X. said to me in Portland: 'If you want a Califor nia climate with the disagreeable fea tures left out, try the Rogue River val ley. Tt is perfection.' T have found it so. Every day has been just like the ones in St. Johns when we can see Mounts Hood and St. Helens. "This southrrn section of Oregon does not confine itself to fruit. Med ford in an attract ivo pamphlet claims it has more natural resources within a! 50-mile radius than any other point in the t'nited States. I believe it is the truth. The rt sources of this section are nlinost beyond comprehension. A person must como and see for himself. And it will take time to see it all. The lit tle fellow has nothing to fear, while the man of means has a chance of doub ling his money. A POULTRY DEPARTMENT AT THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Resolutions of Condolence. Wentonka Tribe, No. 30, Imp. O. R. M., Hunting Grounds of Medford, Or., May 1.1, UM1S. Whereas, The ( J rent Spirit has seen fit to call from among us Mrs. Viola (J. Beckett, the beloved wife of Itrothcr T. W. Heckett; nnd Whcrcns, Our hearts go out in deepest sympathy to our brother in his great bereavement ; now therefore, be it Resolved. That Wentonka Tribe, No. 3d, Imp. O. K. M., not being in sion of adequate irnnin of expressing the individual sympathy of its members for our sorrowing brother in his great affliction, adopt this method of exfnd ing to him as a body tin profound nor row nnd hfiirtf. lt sympathy of his broth frn in this, his hour of nadnem; and br it further Resolved. That throe resolution be spread upon the Vernrd of the trib nnd that a Copy of the same ! traits m it ted to our bereaved brut her. .1. W. KTTZliKKAl.l. L. I,. .1 A runs. It. M. kWLKUY, 63 rnmmittep. The circumstances which led up to the arrest of Dr. Cieorgo lT. Suapp, con stitute a pathetic story. H was ar rested in Ashland and is now confined in the Portland jail in default of $2,100 bail. Mrs. Snapp says she first met Suapp in Newberg, Yamhill comity, where he was practicing medicine. She had a few thousand dollars nnd he married her. They lived together until, she says, she began to reprove him for attentions to another woman. Ho then secured n di vorce on the grounds of jealousy. Soon after procuring the divorce, se asserts ho advised her to sell her prop erty in Southern Oregon, nnd agreed to secure a -buyer. This he did, charging her $100 for services. She got $2300 for the property and moved to Portland. Snapp then adviser her, she says, to buy a house in Ashland the purchase price of which was $"2000. She declares sho intrusted the purchase price to him, but he never bought the property. She concludes her reeitnl by saying that to satisfy her he finally bought a house in Ashland, but only paid $fi00 for it. ASHLAND STNDENT BODY ELECTS OFFICERS Under the able management of Pro festtor James Prydeu our poultry de partment is making rapid, but well ial ciliated strides toward u development that will ultimately place it ou a par with the other social departments of our agricultural work. No arrange ments for any classes in poultry hus bandry have as yet been made, but it is hoped that by the beginning of the next school term sufficient equipment will be installed to make it justifiable to arrange a course for nil those who wish to take up this most interesting study. Ten acres of the college farm have been allotted to Professor Dryden for his work aad signs of considerable no tivity on the poultry farm nre already in evidence. Part of the .n aero tract has been fenced off into yards of dif ferent sizes and into each of th yards will be moved one of the newlv built colony houses. Six of these col ony houses have been built. They an very nea and substantial and have been constructed according to the best Mens of sanitation and ventilation. Thev rost on si d-like runners, the ends of which aro furnished with iron hooks so that n team mav be hitched t hereto and be able to move the house at any time. R sides these larger houses, 20 small brooder houses have be. n built also ou runners. REAL ESTATE AGENT ARRESTED AT ASHLAND The most important politicnl event of the year at the state normal took place last Wednesday when the nnnu- ul election for officers of the student body organization was held. Keen ex- itement prevnited over the choice of the president, class spirit playing nn important part, as the junior nnd soph omore classes were both represented on the ticket. Tho division of the votes between Robert Wilcox and Stanley Wood, members of. the junior class, re sulted in tho election of the sophomore candidate, Robert Bagley. Most of the freshmen lined up with the Bophomore elitss, while the seniors favored the elec tion of a junior. Local patriotism also favored llagley, as he is an Oregon boy, while Wood is from California and WW- ox from Colorado, Tim officers for the ensuing year nre: President, Robert Hagley of Josephine ounty; vice-president, Miss Florence Benson of Josephine county, sopho more; secretary, Miss Minnie Lewis of Astoria, junior; treasurer, Edward Vin cent of Jackson county, junior. PLAN TO DREDGE KLAMATH TO SECURE HIDDEN GOLD Surveyor W. F. Hunter of Areata today filed for record here three of six maps he has made for the syndicate, of Humboldters and Trinitarians who pro pose winning the gold of Klamath and Trinity rivers by hydraulic and dredge mining along those streams from the many thousands of acres that have been located by them as desirable spots for operations. As yet. so far ns known the lyocators, who are Thomas H. Hair and his brother Fred W. Hair, J. M. Dukes and wife, F. P. Muehlner, H. A. Piatt. J. M. Quay, J. M. Downer, J. A. Brent and It. W. Jackson, have not or ganized as a company, but have locat- d the claims as individuals. On the Klamath these locations are made in spots between Terwah Flat, in Del Xorte county, which is about three miles from the month of the river, up stream, through Humboldt county and into Siskiyou county as far ns Klamath postoffice, or about two miles above Happy Camp, near the mouth ot Scott river. Humboldt Standard. MARRIED. MILTON Hit ITTS AN At Ashland, on May 12, by Rev. W. L. Mellhigor, Albert J. Milton and Miss Emma HrittMiir. HARRISON liKED At (irants Pass, May l.t, by Julge Stephen .Well, Robert M. Harrison and Hattie M. Reed. DIED. llOU( I At Holland, Josephino conn ty. May II, David Houek, aged so vears. ItACHMANN At Ashland, May 17. Mrs. John Itaclimnnii, nge H4 years. tl'TLEK Near Kerby, May 3, of pneu I tannin, Charles Itutler, aged 4 year. I Mad e in New York HE chief difference in Style between real New York Clothes AlftlIUTtft fZo. MAKERS. ,'AEVyoRic and other Clothes, is the difference between this Season and last Season. And Style is one reason why we sell "Benjamin". Clothes. The other reason is that, dollar for dollar, they represent the greatest value. DANIELS Seventh Street New Clothing Store 2 Leaders Hawk's Cut Class and (lorlinni Sterling Silver at the Now Jewelry Store, 11 North 0 Street, near Postoffice. Martin J. Reddy ARK YOU UP TO DAT K Have you a friend who is going fo be married r have a birthday If so, why not. send them a piece of our fine Cut (ilnss nt CUT PRICKS. A large new assortment just, received. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 216 WEST SEVENTH STREET. McOLASHAN & JUNKEN, Props. PHONE 1051. Are You One of the Happy Ones? I'll AT 1IAYK KKCK1VKI) T11K HANDSOME S1L XKV SE T ADSOU'TKLY EU EE. 1JEME.MI5EH THE SIX SILVER TEASl'OOXS, Sl'UAU SHELL AND IH'TTEi; KNIEE DO NOT COST YOU A SINGLE PENNY. SU 1 !S( 'K 1 1 5 E T ) Tl I E .M ED FOR I ) DA 1 L Y TR I I5UN E FOR ONE YEAR AT THE REGULAR SU BSC I L' TION RATE OF .HHi; I "AY :) CENTS FOR THE Fl K'ST M( NTI I AN 1 Tl I E SUA' ER WA R E W ILL RE DELIVERED AT ONCE. THE ONLY CONDITION IS THAT LT .MUST I'.E A NEW SU15SCR I UTION. The Number of Sets are Limited WHEN THESE ARE CONE THIS OFFER WILL ME WITHDRAWN. IT ISA RARE OPPORTUNITY TO GET THE TRIP.UNE FOR A YEAR AND A IIAND SOM E SI LYER SET THAT W I LL N EVER TARN ISH OR W EAR OUT ALL FOR .JUST THE PRICE OF THE PAPER. Just Received- A Carload of Extra Heavy Green Lath CEDAR BEVELED SIDING ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT GLKNDALK OREGON YA1M) AND OEFTCE AT MEDFORD, OREGON. V, ' Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Qity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale Vive (Did Trti-Arrr Orchards on I he installment plan. The right kind of toil, the right hind of. trees and the right prices. Twenty years' experience in fruit raising hacks our judgment. We have sold half the orchards in the valley and have yet to see a purchaser dis satisfied with his bargain. Before haying see Ro&me River Land (Bo. Exhibit Building We Want to Buy Lands Realty Bond Syndicate of Oregon W. H. Stalker Jackson county Secretary Bank Annex J For an Attractive BUNGALOW LET US "HELP YOU S E L E (IT DOORS, WINDOWS AND MATERIAL THAT WILL ( I I V E T HE D E S I R E 1 ) E F F E C T Iowa Box & Lumber Co. ME D F 0 R D OREGON fl. Mltfhfll. Ilif jflii.-il Morbmn. pent a few il.-iy in M-Jfori thi Nk, BORN. I.AVKK N'nr Kirt.y. Mny 4, to tin- wife of ., A tliiiiutit'T. M K Kit MA X At 'niiitu Im Mny II. In tho wifi' of II. If. Ai'ki-rninn, of (m.).I. ti Drift, n .1 ; 1 1 t;l 1 1 r. Mii'AIIDI.K At Cr:mt l'n, Mny :i. to tho wiff .'f H. II. Mii nrillr, h son. RKOAI. At Or.intu Pn. Mny 3, to thi' wifp nf l. H. Kcipil, a mm. m AYKIt At flrnnn I'ann, Mny 12, tin th wife of WaltiT It. Aver nf MiT ' lin, a dnugMrr. I SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE MOST ATTRACTIVE Menu :ih wi ll in Mirrotiiiil injjn riuike our rfMMr;iht n fjivorit- n-xMl for th to whom l Ih n t i none too go.. Strictly -l;i - w -itl roii:it;r :inl i If i- cii-nt (mtv irr. Sm n rrri nyi'inon t f..r iii;ito ;irii-, 1 i n imth or ny !" ci;il i.t-t:i-i-!c. Mii-r:it proi ami Jiti cxfilh-nt f:in. I'or 11 MM.'tl f-r mi joy-mi'iit--:nol comfoit ( in. W in n yon w;tiit a n-nll v yo.i.1 r i:!ur;irtt you will fii;t thin jti-t tin right 1:n- The Nash Cafe Do You Use Tlio best flour I hiil. cfiii ho milled from (lie lies): wlio.'il; money -;m buy ? Davis Best Flour Is "l.est." I).v every lest. Tt; sells for less money Mini fjives eo ns much satisfaction. Don 'I let your grocer talk you into Inlying oilier hrantls shipped in. Try a sack and he convinced. To The Public IIA VINO IXSTAIiFilOD MAOIttNNII Y I'Oli TilK MANHFACTIIIIK OK II 1(111 (iKADM lOH CRKAM, Wl'i Alili I'NKI'AKI'Mi TO 1'll.f, ALL OUDKKS, i.AllUK OI( SMALL. I) HI. IV Mil I ICS M AIK TO ANY I'AKT Oh' TIIK CITY. HI'LVIAL OKDKIIS 01 V MX OUR I'ltOMIT ATTENTION. OUPKR AT M KM'Olill HOOK STORM Oil CHKAMKHY. Rogue River Creamery Medford READ THE TRIBUNE i THE OLD HOWARD RANCH j I Hire mil- uth of Mfilfonl ntnl ' j miles ftrl of I'lioMiix, in now rut up j ; in miinll Irai tii to unit tho oirrliarr. : Onp fourth fault, linliui'T in thre" pny j mMit. Thi i a rarr opjtort unity for j nifii of in;ill nu-nm. Listed with nil' j thv ftgwiti. R. W. GRAY, Builder (l . )N I A M 'R ' 1 1 W( )IJ K, IKITiTj AN D LATH WOUK, I'ATTKKXS, KTC. TKI.KI'IIONK 171. M KDFORD, OH. Today's News Today in Today's Tribune