THE MEDFORD DAIL1 TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OR., WEDNESDAY, M Tr 2D. 1908. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. i tit'lisW-d every evening except Sandfly Medford Publishing Company. G. 1'L'TNAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted aa Second Class Matter in he Foitoffice at Medford, Oregon. Subscription Bates: Oof month, by mail or carrier. .. .$0.50 one year, by mail S.00 PHACTS FROM PHOENIX. A CHEAP AND SILLY IIUMBUO. "Tt appears that the position of Mr. Cake, siwe tho priuinrii-H, h the name aa that of Mr. Fulton before tin pri ninrifs. Ami still ' we dn 't kno When- we lire at. ' We ttlutuM k now- had everybiHly that in, hud all npub licans repudiated the whole ch.'-ap and Billy mimltiig, an the Oreuoniim did Thin in thi Oreguiiiaii 'a opinion Statement Vo. 1 "a eht-up unci ftillv hnmlnig. " The riht of the people elect a Hcriulor hIjohM be repudiate aerording to thf Oregon inn, nnd the eld ftyHh-m of bribery mid eorrnptiui. returned to. This is what the Orrgnniiiu ami the machine politicians desire nnd long fur. Hut what sentiment con I J be expecti from the Orr-guuiaii, when its editor tried to liny a sen;itornliip for .",00o? The onlv show Hitrvev Hi-ott wilt ever have to become nen:itor is bv the meth ik)h ho li;i jtlri-a-lv tried ami fnile make good with, a cihIi price. With Statement o. 1 hi effect his money ii.ielens, for the rule of bribery in pus K very body kiinwn the ' tregmiian record in politicH. that of the bully and bulldozer, of pcrcciitiiit verging on the edge of btacknifiil, and of ntipport ren dered for a c;ish conniderat ion, wheth er of the gambling ring that formerly ruled Portland or of tho candidal itn own party. And when Htich a paj that lias in every way possible support ed grufttTi when they paid for it 8 1 one to give advice, it nan the ring of " eheap and silly humbug. of 'ALL ABOUT GOOD ROADS. There Ih food for thought in that statement for the voters of Jackson county, and every man who expects to ciiftt his ballot on that day should tak a great many things into coiiHiderat ion before he casts his vote. In the first plaee the future of .lackson county d man-da that we elect men to office who either understand road building or who will employ jne uiio do. The con st ruel ion of roads in Jackson count v ahould be under the supervision of an engineer who IK experienced in tin line of work, nnd who will give his nndivid ed attention to it. lb' should, of eniirsi be under the immediate orders of tlx county court, and the county court should be composed of men jvhn are willing and ready to sec the public ingliways ol this county put into eon Hit ion that will permit their use the bad wealher months. In tho w icr ume. Mislead or running the eouutv rockcrusher into n shed nnd nllowiiiL' it winter, it should lie to stand idle nil placed under h shed at some ronveniei ledge of rock and kept busy crushing rocK nil winter so that there should bo an ample supply of crushed rock on baud when the season comes for work mg the roads. There are many othoi minor things that could be said along lni line, hut time and st-aro forbid it Isuiricr to say, nw of the voters an property owners of Jackson eountv will want lo know "all about e-H-d roadv and will not I willing to pay the pric- inai ll..-v iiave in the pt to find out. (.old Mill NVwa. YOUNO ITALIAN TRIED FOR MTJRDEB AT YREKA lrtr.ixA, inl., .May L'0. The trial of Domunica r..riea. also known as Fran (hi Lait. tlm young Italiuti who "'fi'" "mi i no uiuroer or William Amos nt Ited Cloud, ihis enmity, on the afternoon of December 1.1, 11107, whn ''" in the siiprtor court hfore the Don. J. N. Heard lhiH morning. The neii'iniant is represented in court bv H. K. t oilier, nnd Hintriit Attorney C J Luttrcll is iducting tho prosecution ,,Nli " Hcieenng the jury is now in progress. Domouicn Coriea, who Is also known as r rauchi Ijiit, was living at Ited loud, tending bar. at the time that t In tragedy ocrmred. The testimony nd uuccd at flic coroner s inquest was to trie eitect that ( orica got into an al lereation 'villi the Chinese k, who was working tor Amos, over the cook ing of a chicken for Coricji 's break last, the ( hiuuinan having informed aim Hint there were no young rhickens niui that he did not want to kill tin old one. After this Amos and Coriea had some words. Tlon three shots Were hard, Coriea imimlmtelv par-Is mil.nowu. left for CIRCUIT COURT NEWS. John K. Matt v. sMan !;. Ntt, di vorce; trial set for May L'7, I'.lits. Staie of OiiKn vs. K. C. Sherman, chargeit with nsnmlt nod bntterv, and bail fixed nt '.'Oil. t hlistobtd Hose WhcUtotio . linn lcl Whetstone; divorce .-int hat taken same under H i ineiit. Charles 1'. Champlin s. Stearns Chani)i)in; diw.i.-; granted. State of t iregon vs. l'reil larceny; tt ial set for Mav Ijlit Lynn s. William l.vnn orce; decrer grantil. KoxHiia de.-u N'orlcy di OPIUM CONFERENCE MAY BE HELD AT SHANGHAI I'AlilS. May I'd - The government at Washington has proposed Shanghai, January I, l!Htt, as the time and place for the holding of tho coming interna tional conference at which tho powers are to fix upon the details for the ces sat ion of the cult ivntion of opium within their respective territories, in older to assist China in soppn using the u so of opium among the Chinese. The r'roneli government has accepted the Ametan proimsition. J. A. Wright returned Monday from Portland, where be and Mrs. Wright had taken their son, Herman, for treat meat. Andrew 1 learn, our genial storekeep er aad express agent, is back at his duties after spending a few days see ing thf sights m Frisco. H. F. Reynolds has his barn complet ed and on coat of paint on it. W. Frank Towuo bad quite a runa way the other day, breaking up both the harness and the buggy, fie got bruised up a little. Miss Juanita Furry gave a birthday party to her little friends Saturday af ternoon, it being tho occasion of her sixth birthday. Mrs. Martha Itnpp of Ashland spent last week here and at Talent visiting relatives. Phoenix Hard to Beats crossed bats with Tab nt Sunday uud beat them to the tune of ;i to .1. This is going some. While at Talent Sunday some one said to one of our players I think it was Mibi. Me said: "It's a wonder you fellers don't gi out in the back woods and practice up." The answer was: ' ' I thought that was where we were. ' ' Marry Kennies savs that he will com mence cutting hay before long, lit nys it is over knee high now. Louie Tills is rolling his wheat now adays for n chance. la that the wav von diil it back in Kansas, Louie? Our school ended lust Friday with a big picnic for everybody. The picnic was held up on Wagner creek about a mile above the Wagner creek school hoiifte. The crowds went frym here in header beds and hayracks, and almost everything they could go in. They re turned at a late hour in thed uy, say ing that they had enjoyed themselves. Miss Clam Klmer, our primary teach er for the past term, returned to her homo nt Jacksonville Saturday. We are glad to hear of her success of being elected as vice-principal in tho Jack sonville school for next year. Democratic Ticket PLEDGED TO STATEMENT NO. 1. Election June 1, 1908. For U. S. Senator (ito. F. Chamber lain. For Congressman J. J. Whitney. For Supreme Judge R. S. Bean. For Joiut Representative Jacksou and Douglas Counties F. K, Ca vender. For Representatives M. Purdiu, D. H. Miller. For County udge J. R. Xeil. For County Commissioner M. Mar shall. For County Sheriff Wilbur A. Jones. For County Clerk A. 8. Barnes. For Count; Recorder J. C. Master gon. For County Treasurer M M. Tuylur. For County Assessor R. B. Dow. For County Surveyor E. B. Sawyer. For County Coroner J r. A. C. Stan lev. REPUBLICAN TICKET. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. The electric survey has reached Butto Falls and will now be run from Oben I'hnin's to Fugle Point. M. M. Harris has gone to Medford, but will soon return. Mr. Wana Parker has gono to Med ford to get a load of brick for Mer chant Hughes. Ho reports tho roads in such bud condition that teaming work has had to be stopMd and that in an ins experience of .i years never have the highways been in such almost uutruvnhle state as thev aro at this t imo, So pronounced is the sentiment for lodge .Veil and Wilbur Jones among oir eople that it is simply a question ( how big tho majority will be. We know no party or political hues, but are looking at tho men, and we know that Judge Dunn has ignored the inter sts of this section, while the others have been willing parties to the out rageous taxation imposed upon us, and not one of the old courthouse brigade raised Ins voice against the "equal ifntion,' so called, while all stood in for the raise of taxes. Voters have niorie and the little, silent paper ivil speak on June I. Superintendent Miller reports that the mill machinery is working excel lently and that a fine quality of fin filing and other lumber is being man ufactured and for which there is a good demand. The fancy dress ball of last Friday night was largely attended, the music I aceneiii, wniie i no supper was pro nounced among the best yet served. Mrs. Mahoney and daughters know how to do things. I ten Kdmonson is on his homestead making improvements. Sam Hudson has made and hauled sev ral thousand shakes for Mr. Stevens of Hrownshoro. Ho has contracted with Judge Pent for a large number for use on the pudge's homestead, where Ham is employed in making many im provemi'iits. It is expected that ono of the young men of the ,iwa eamn and a Tniinv ndy near the Falls will soon be mar ried. Best wishes for the vounir couobv Mrj Nelson, the sawyer, is giving good , utist'aetion at the mill, proving him If a competent workman. We have our share of rain and snow oring the week past, but have been favored in other resjM-cts, as candidates :vc not bothered us much, finding it o hard to make a trip over the .n-tched " Punn' roads. The Olson mill is running ful handed, t cannot team much lumber out. The tov sav that the mill if ill be closed down on June 1, that thev II mav no uud vote for Neil. Our school board unanimously favors ie district erecting a modern school use and the voters will indorse their ntinicni on the U-lth instant. Beautify ie town with tasty public buildings id show prido in providing comfort dy for the bos and girU. We can tt expend money for taxes to a bet r purpose, Ja. k lmuldeday is doing much work i Inn homestead and oeca-mniHllx vis the Falls. The i anior milt will soon be suited 1 under the manageiu, m ..f l.vlinL therliind. Election June 1, 1908. For T'nitcd States Senator II. M. Cake. For Representative in Congress Wil lis C, Hawley. For Food and Dairy Commissioner J. W. Bailey. For Supreme Judge Robert ft. Bean. For Railroad Commissioner T. K. Campbell. For Prosecuting Attorney, Jackson and Jsscphina Counties B, F. Mulkey. For Joint Representative. Jackson and Douglas Counties J. A. Buchanan, For Representatives J. L. Hammers ley, H. D. Knbli. For County Judge G. W. Dunn. For County Commissioner James Owens. For County Sheriff D. H. Jackson, For County Clerk W. R. Coleman. For County Recorder R. T. Burnett, For County Assessor W. T. Grieve. For County Treasurer J. M. Crone miller. For County School Superintendent J. Percy Wells. For County Coroner A. E. Kellogg. For County Surveyor F. A. Gnser.. 4 MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and fancy grills. P, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STS. PHONE 63. Buy Tickets by Wire. 'Something which is of considerable interest to the public genernllr and which is perhaps not generally known is the system of prepaid orders now id ffect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in the United States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United Stntea and mailed or telegraphed direct to the ,)arty wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may also be furnished nt the samr time. " Notice. I wish to nmiounee. that I have pur hased the office and practice of the te Dr. M. S. Jones. My office will j located at the same place as Dr. ones' and office hours will be from 2 4:30 and 7 to S p. in. R. J. CONROV, Physician and Surgeon. 10 ; Rose Festival. Tickets for the Rose Festival will he on sale Juno 1 and 3, and only on those two days. Those who intend going and wish sleeper reservation should leave word at the depot as soon as possible in order to give the company time to soeure the necessary cars. Round-trip fare $13.20. An Unequaled Investment. 1000 invested now will secure three choice improved business lots, five wears' time on easy payments on the balance. It is believed these lots will double in valuo within one year and the lucky purchaser will thus mnko $."i000 jn an investment of only $1000. This is an opportunity seldom offered and is only open for a short time. Gold Ray Realty Cx, 200 West 7th street. n THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OF BLANKS Warranty Ded Lunf and Short Forms 3tufact'a of Monsav Transfer of Lien Power of Attorney Mechanic's l.ien Water Right REAL ESTATE QuitclainVDeed Bond for Deed Mortvatte Lease With Tax Payment Provision Option to Buy Land Agent's Contracts MISCELLANEOUS) Bill of Sale Liquor LicenM Forms Notice to Trespassers Creditor's Claim Against Estate Chattel Mortgage Acknowledgment Confession of Judgment Covers for Blanks FOR RENT, FOR SALE, FURNISHED ROOMS. ETC. (on cardboard) . MINING Placer Location Bond for Deed Miner's Lien Summons Execution Judgment Transcript Commitment for Trial Search Warrant Quarts Location Water Right Oregon and U. S. Forms Contract to Sell Deed Proof of Labor JUSTICE OF PEACE Civil and Criminal Subpoenas Attac hment Undert iking and Affi Garnishment davitfor Attachment Coat Bill Commitment for Fine Notice to Jurors Jury Order Civil Complaint Warrant for Arrest PROBATE Petitions for Letters of Administration. Administrator's, Executor's and Guardian's Bonds and Deeds; Order Setting Apart Property Exempt from Execution; Order Confirming Saleof Real and Personal Property Citation; Commission to Appraisers; Let tent of Administration; Inventory and Appraisement; Proof of Will; Letters Testamentary. CIRCUIT COURT Attachment ' Undertaking and Affidavit Summons Notice of Garnishment for Attachment Cost Bill Grand Jury Subpoena Criminal and Civil Subpoenas Execution Indictment Search Warrant Transcript of Judgment Notice to Jurors A complete, up-to-date line of U. S. LAND OFFICE.UCOUNTY COURT AND SHERIFF BLANKS. All printed after the latest and best forms. Orders promptly filled at Portland prices, ttj Give us a trial. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN MEDFORD OREGON Great Shoe Sale Begins Saturday AT MEEKER 6 Co. Watch for Prices W.H. MEEKER 6 Co f Wise Talks By the Office Boy The Most for tba Monty. The Auburn automobile ii the moat roomy and br-t machine over offered for tho money. Soo it before buying. U B. Brown, agent. time." Alhin Hmith of Orchard Home did hiiAinrflft in Medford Tuenday afternoon. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, inv M,)r t Th.imaa II. ! I,. i, I and J, l,l,k II, "Vnlriil I'l.nit " I) Murrey I,. Hnttie K. Vl'ti rt. lo.7 a. ren in ti-. iion :. townnhip :7, rnnk-e L' V . .. Nil .1. Vntt;,.,.r t w. A. I!v I'. ri;. I..t. 1 nnd 2, bIo. k S, Or li.,. A,.,.iatiuB tract, "! I 'l -. .vlin ;lti, 37, im J V. . . . niled Nt,,t,.s t .la,.,,., u- III" BIT"'!! IH !l,','ll,l i hIii. 'III. Ian-,. I V nruc limn n i , ; W;1 kill, loin I anl ',, I,!,,,. I, l:llev and Kiifi. A.i.lit ,,.n. Kajjle Point PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL To be held in PORTLAND. ORKCiOX JUNE 1 to (i, li)0S. Will he tho moat brilliant FLORAL FIESTA AND CIVIC JUBILEE Kver held in the Paeific tllWlltlit Me. tmv ii Patent ItiM Portland. "The Roue City," will be a -ene of aplendor and tint eenter of world wide interest for one week. Several iniNirtant eonventiona to be held in Portland on that oeeasion. PROBATE. Katate of f. H. Klinere. order made aiuiintin Herbert Klinore adimnixira tor. the SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell Npt'rial Tickets on This Occasion fponi MED FORD to Portland an.l Re turn at $13.20 fr particular rail on A. S. ROSENBAUM. Local Aeiit WM. MfMlRRAV, General Pawnyrr Agent, 9 Portland, Oregon. Golden Grain Granules State Depositary. Established 1SS8. CAPITAL AND STJBPLTJS $115,000.00 THE COST IS SMALL, THE BENEFITS LARGE The matter of Absolute Protection for your valuables is so important that you eannot well afford to ovorlook it. Althouuh the eost of renting n. Safe Deposit Box in tho Firo nnd Burglar Proof Vault of the Jackson County llnnk is very moderate, the benefit is large, assuring Absolute Security. SATE DEPOSIT BOXES TO BENT. $i AND UP PER YEAR. W. I. VAWTER President O. R. LINDLEY... Cashier J. E. ENYART.Presid cut. J. A. PERRY, Vice President. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cap-hier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage ARE YOU INTERESTED? I have for sale at $G2.50 per acre, 80 acres of as fine orchard land as there is in Rogue River valley. The im provements on place are worlh at least $1250. Let me show you this land. ALFRED SMITH OVER JACKSOX COUNTY BANK. Pa save a roo by any other name would bo just as expen sive back cast this timo of yoar. I sometimes think ho pines for the piney woods in old Penob scot, Frappe County, Maine, where ho was raised but that's ono thing yours truly never yearns for. Th good mountains and tho pood old ocean aid nice old Oregon atmosphere are good enough for m-. But it's all in how you were raised. Pa likes elam chowder and corn on the cob, and harvest apples and a lot of things that a kid who was born this side of the snow sheds linan 't had much chance to got acquainted rith. Those who havo lived on both sides of this grrat country and lived long enough to know what's what can get all those things just an nice one place as an other, if you know whero to buy. We've clam chowder from Host on that is just as nice as any you ever ate on the sand, and lots of other things that have that "Oown East" tante. MILLER & EWBANK The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Furnishes hot water for tra on very short ih4u-c It run be used on the tea table or in the kitrhen Atta-'hrs to any rhvtrttlicr Simple. vi'incnl, durable ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Successor to Condor Water Tower Co. Of fice 206 W. 7th st., opp. big electric sign 0J2 100 PER CENT PURE ' CEREAL COFFEE. It tastes like coffee. It looks like coffee nnd it smells like coffee, but is pure roasted grains, blended so as to pro cure the best flavor, the greatest strength and an ar ticle which young and old may drink morning, noon and night. Golden Grain Granules is especially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stomach troubles. Nearly 2-pound package for 25c, all retail grocers. If You are Particular About the quality of what you buy, whether it be a bottle of cough syrup or a cake of ap, You Should Go to the place where satisfaction is assured to particular people; where quality is unsur passed and where the prices are right. Then Wholesale by P. B. Theiss & Co. Medford, Or. rn 8.-.S. Com for SaitT We rr now prrjmml to furnish hand picked (Ml it th mint, fir milt .st of town, in dt tmouBt dMirod Something New In Rubber Tiri-s that it will pay von t,. ! invMtiRale. COMPLETE STOCK. I prompt work? satisfaction guaranteed. ' Mitchell & Poeck GENERAL WAGONERS. East 7th 8tr.-et, rear of Morriman'i UUck.milh Shop. Medford, Or. To the Eagle Pharmacy and get the best. This store carries all the well-known proprietary remedies. The stock of all kinds of high-grade stationery is complete, and nowhere this side of Portland can be found such an up-to-date and exclus ive assortment of toilet articles, soaps, per fumes, etc. Prescription Work Is a special consideration. Two graduate pharmacists are in charge and the most care ful work is guaranteed. A. K. WI11TMAV. U-,..,..,- PALM BLOCK. The FarSeeing Man tlio value nf grasping opportuni ty nlun th.v pr.-,'nt themselves. It.'ros one that yon should not over look. I'la.e your order with in now for a ina.l.- to-order Spring or Summer Suit. W. W. E1FERT, The City Tailor, Medford