i ' i THH MM WORD DAXLt TRIBUNE, MKT) FORD. OR.. TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1908. : SOCIAL AND i PERSONAL k Elwood Balls graphophonei and rue . IjnU on easy payments $1 a week. A. W. aud J. L. t'lcini u of Central Point did business in Mcdfurd Saturday. r Buy a ehmieH ou the silU Ilattentx-rg Jacket 3 Harvey Cniueron bu over from Ap ; pletfttt a fw days ag. t if you waut ic ereaoi, give your or ; jt to the Book Store Creamery. T.. I. .Tones, the miner, Is viiiting iu Mediurd aud'.raHsnuvUle. All kindt of job printing at Portland prices The Tribune. Mr. Loder in iu Mfdford viwitiuii Lib BOH, Frank Lixlrr, tin expert elet'irieian. ;i All Bight restaurant at t hr Kmcrick nail fuither notice. t Air. and Mm. J it wis .nu.-iuii m i nix won remut iitttrt in MMfori.. Mim LlHm Oaunyaw, Monography and fcvpt-writiiitr. Itnom -I, Pnlui Block. Jlitery llitiis. ii uud X. J. Gam-It wen' ii .over from Ruxy Saturdiiy nfteriHteu. Tbe only print eliop la Southern Or f, .m emulovuitf TypoifrapUical rinon I (jniilrs. The Tribune. B. F. folium, rity nvordt-r, n-turiii'd j Ttiewiay from n trip north. ; For people who wish the veiy Wftitflliurg Pure White Flour. .13. K. F. JIiirlLurt, a irnininenl i-apital-iHl from rUi.'iigi), it in Mnlt'onl t-nluy. fhe bent eiiiipped jb printing office iu Southern Oregon, employing skilled union priutAra The Tribune. (I. (,'. Morriii, nMitaaitt aii'rintiMidMit of the S,nith-rn Paeifie (oinpnny, spent - a few hours in Mi'lt'nl Mctidtiy. tee cream ddivered to any part of the r-.iv. Order lrm the Creamery or iud store. Two carloads of Jacksonville people cumtt over to ln-iir (lovi-rimr t'hnmher lain talk at Med ford Monday. Better bn-nd and min bread with t TVaitsbuitf Pure White Flour. Allen A Itt-Hgini. S3 ' O. Jj. Neale of Ontrnl Point precinct, the melon raiwer, was in Medford Mon day, accompanied by his daughter. Harry Culbertson, reneral contractor I tod builder, cement work a pecialty, .4-dford, Or. Mr. .1. W. Opp, who has been vmiting in California, returned to .Tackftonville Monday evening. Chmtees from I rent to a I'tollar on the hand-made Batteuberg jacket in Runlett Misters' window. S3 J. M. JewH and C. K. Textor were ovar from acksonville Mmi.lav after noon. 48ho, Mario,' 1 .lis )er ('olcttin Win eral Water taste like yo' font was asleep." Old Mlnckjoe. So Benton Bower, tho Ashland capital ist, did hiwine in Medford Monday af ternoon. Economical hmim-n ive know t lint WaiUbur ' 'Pure White" Flour is the rhean'Rt by far in the long run. Allen & Rental). .13 F. M. Amy and '!. Jobndinh Pan key r.f Central Point spent Monday af termmn in Medford. If yon want sweet cream or butter milk, order from the Creamery or watch for tho wagon. Deliveries made everv d.T. Phono No. 02.1. J. Moreom and Willinm Catnpbell, the miners, spent a few hours in Medford Monday afternoon. Wo deliver iwwt cream or buttermilk every day; watch for our -wag n o nliono orders to the Creamery. Phon So. 923. V. A. Bunlap, one of the merchants of Talent, was iu Medford Monday on busfucsg. J. ( Brown lias purchased the inter est of Br. Morrison's rent estate bus inesa, who will resume the practice of medicine aain. ."t Miss Marie Veness, one of the belles f Portland, is visiting in Med fold, the guest of Miss Kdith ('raufitl. Soxf Smith Premier typewriter with tabulator, for sale cheap if sold soon. P. O. Box US, Medford. Or., or Geo. II. Johnson, the sewing machine num. o- W. Kendnll is down from his home tead in Antelope district, but will not remain long. If you are looking for a fine building lot, oast front, or a good home in West Medford. or a mountain ranch consist iug of fruit land, oak timber and ts ture land at only tfl per aere. see M. B. Signs. fi;l (Jeorge II. Burh;un of (i rants lass. ' the attorn. was iu Medfoid the lirst of the week on professional business, j W. P. Count of Tolo. the veteran railroader, was among his Medford friends Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Boyd en have ri tinned from a short v i i t to San Fran eih.o and report a delightful trip. F. I. Ton Vt'llc was it. Ashland Sun day to attend the funeral of the late C. KleinlnHiiner. 1. W. Berry and his family came down from Jacksonville Monday, returning in the afternoon. Charles A. Pruett niol t Bradhaw f Eagle Point precinct pont a few houns in Mislfonl S.itunUw J. ,T. Skinner, K. F. Morrison, V.. F. l;ymond and his wife, of flriffin Creek, were among the manv in Medford St unlay. M. Marshall of Central Point pre rlnct, candidate for county commis aloner. was among the multitude in Medford Monday. lr. ,i. V . sinrksiuirv, the wen Kii nvn vender of proprietary medicines, ii th valley again, lie lives in l.im county now. R. F, Bean, F. M. Fergusou and W K. Price were among th residents of Willow Springs precinct in Medford Monday. Mrs. P. A. Bines, Misa Mary Wett ever, Mrs. W. K. Finney and Miss Jisit McCully were over from Jaeksonvilb Mom! ay aftoruoon. V. Beuo of Kane's Creek district, who recently eamo from Astoria to engage in fruit raising, did butinesa in Medfonl Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clareuee Reatnea have returned from Arkansas, where they went on a biisiiiesj trip with Peter Detach. W. I. Vnwti r, E. (. (laddis aud Mr 1 1. Lkins left for Salem last night as dtd ej-atts to tlif fMd Fellows' and He-j bt kali conventiou. 1 F. Wells, for the past six months op erator at tbe depot, left fur Portland this morning, accompanied by his wife. H. E. Kennedy takes his place. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Mrs. Robert Nye, who went to San Francisco to witness the arrival of the fleet, returned one day last week. IK II. Jock sou uud Earl Jackson left fur Salem Monday eveniug. haviug in custody R. Ii. Emerson, who was sen tenced to two years in the penitentiary for forging a check. Attorney E. E. Kelley of Medford was attending court Monday. Miss Mollie fi. Towne and Miss Grace Henry spent Suudny in Ashland. Mrs. Mary Peter returned from San Francisco Sunday after an absence uf several weeks. Professors M. Ii. Signs of Medford aud A. J. Uunby of Central Poiut were in Jacksonville Saturday helping with the eighth grade examinations given by the slate, Ii. F. Mulkey has guue to Grants Pass on an electioneering trip. F. Osseiibruggn was over from Med ford for a few hours Saturday. Mrs. Chris Kenney left for Portland Sunday eveniug, where she will visit with relatives. Fletcher Linn aud wife, who have been spending several weeks here look- ug after Mr. Linn's orchard, returned to Portland Sunday evening. Mr. und Mrs. W. C. IVneff returned from San Francisco Saturday after an ibseuce of several weeks. Mr. aud Mr. Chris Finch, Mrs. Ella uok. Mrs. R. It. Dow, Mrs. Sarah Cunt rail and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cant rail went to Ashland Sunday to attcud the funeral of the late C. Klein hammer. A number of Jacksonville people went over to Med lord Saturday eve ning to hoar "Mrs. Temple's Tele gram." All who went express them- ncIvcs well pleaded with the show. EXCURSION RATE FLEET CELEBRATION Seattle and T acorn a. Account the visit of tho fleet of bat tleships to Taeoma and Seattle, the Southern Pacific company offers the following reduced rates: Oue aud one-third faro to Portland, plus 7.r if to Seattle and $..K0 if to Taeoma. Sale dates: To Seattle, May t and '. to Taeoma, May 25 and 2ti. Contin ual passage in both direct ions, with final return limit 14 days from date of le. This is last opportunity to see this fleet after its memorable cruise. These cities aro making great prepa rations for entertainment of tho fleet aud uther visitors. Further particulars at depot. SPORTINO NEWS. ' Joe On ns, the colored lightweight vhampinn, defeated Rudolph I'nholK. the South African Boer, in II rounds at the Coliseum in Sao Fraueiseo a few nights ao. I'nholc worked hts awk ward guard to the limit and (toured ev ery ounce of his rugged strength into the contest, but the champion outclassed him from the start. Gaus who wet! that tot is still a perfect fighting machine, (inns scored a knockdown in the fourth round and again iu the seveulh, when I lie Boer's seconds tonne d the towel in admission of defeat. Fnholz, however, refused to stand by the action and the fight went on. I u the tenth round Gans sent the Peer down again. In the eleventh ho repeated the trick with a volley of short arm jolts. Rudolph stag gered blindly to his feet and struck out wildly. Onus stepped aside and re fused to hit his completely helpless an tagoiiist and Referee Welch then gave the battle to the champion. MARRIAOE LICENSES. J. J. I .a no to Susan A. Peck. John M Wilson and Maude A. Ni hart. Swantie Pcteison nnd Dnijy M. M ileu. J. J. Lane and Susau A. Beck. MARRIED. IhllNliOTIlAM TAYI.ON In Jaek Miiivilli', May !, 1IHH, liy .luil(o Dunn. (Ii'iugf 11. Iliinhiithiint and Polly 3. Taylor. I.ANK IIKl K-ln Ashland, vn Muv 17, by Kov. II. .1. Van Foast'n, Susan A. Ilfik and J. .1. Ianr. BORN. WALTON At A.hlaml, May 6. S. ti Mr. and Mm. Ororgi' Walton, a daughter. II KNKY At Klamath V'alU. May 10. ll0)l, to Mr. and Mra. K. II. ll.nry. a son. 1'l.M KKI1S In Klamath county, 7. 11"S, Augii.t r'lai'hr.. ng yi'ai.. hi.K.IMlAMMKK At A.hlaml, l. l!0. t'laus KU'iutiamtniT. 7.( ,'ar. tt month., t da. r.U.Mtll At Ashland, May 10. Mis. Palmi'r. agod 0 Vt'ars. Ml Vlil'K At Ashland. May lit. Mai- May agrd loos. vi am Mrs. I 'has. W. Shiiriw. aiinl Wliil.K. At Ashland. Mai 1.1, ; . Inld ol Mr and Mi. I! ti. Wi; Mll.l.lill -At lied Wuff. l al Nl' Mis. A i,. hii- lillt-r, (otnii-rly o( I: n.l. aj.-d .Is v.'ais. CIRCUIT COURT NEWS. Stat.- of Ol.Kon v K 11. Kin. foii''M ; .l.' ., guilty and ..'ntt'ii,-, two .'a?s in pimitftitlntv. R. W. GRAY. Builder COLONIAL POUCH WORK. GRILL AND LATH WOKK, PATTERN'S, ETC. TELEPHONE 471. Democratic Ticket; j PLEDOED TO STATEMENT NO. 1. Election June 1, 1908. For IT. H. Senator Geo. E. Chamber lain. For Congressman J, J, Whitney. For Supreme Judge R. S. Beau. For Joint Representative Jacksun and Douglas Counties F. E. Ca vender. For Representatives M. Purdin, D. II. Miller. For County udge J. R. Neil. tor County Commissioner M. Mar shall. For County Sheriff Wilbur A. Jones. For County Clerk A. 8. Barnes. For County Recorder J. C. Master son. For County Treasurer M. M. Taylor. Fur County Assessor R. B. Dow. . For County Surveyor E. B. Sawyer. For County Coroner Dr. A. C. Stan lev. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ellen Loinas to E. Cheadle, half interest in Sunuyside lode min ing claim $ George lieeer to V. A. Springford, land iu section 32, T. 38, range S W Val Snyder to C. W. Rout, lots 2.-., 26. 27, block Q, R. R. Addi tion, Ashland Walter It. Pearson to Gold Hill Mining Co., mining property iu T. 35, range 3 W 7" Millie F. Sehaufele to F. Oseu brngge, lot 3, block 3, Med ford Heater A. Galloway to Kenneth A. Wye k off, land in T. 3i. range 2 W 1 Belle Saroni to I.eon Wand, pow er of attorney O. & C. Railroad company to E. T. Merrill, S W 'A and W i of S K V4 section it, all section 17, township 34, range 3 W . . . ! Manuel Silva to Margaret Silva, lot S, block 7, Rous' addition to Medford John and Eva Si sty to Iaurn Me Clendon, land in section 12, township 37, range 3 W Fred Whelpley to Paul Demmer et nl., lot tt, block 3. Crowd! addition to Medford Paul Demmer to Emit R. Peek, same as above Frederick C, Pago to Gilbert E. Anderson, lot .1, block ,ri; lot 0, block 3, Page addition to Medford E. E. Morrison to Getirge X. Fisk, 12.."4 acres in township 3S, range 2 W I. A. Craiue to Clara L. Haw lev, lot tt. block 1 1. Ashland. . Golden Grain Granules 100 FER CENT PURE CEREAL COFFEE. It tastos like coffee. It looks like coffee and it smells like coffee, but is pure roasted grains, blended so as to pro cure tbe best flavor, tbe sreaiest strength and ai ar old lid wbicli drink young and mav morning, noon and night. (.olden drain Grannies is spci-ially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stomach troubles. X early :1 pound package for LW, all retail grocers. Wholesale by P. B. Theiss & Co. Medford. Or. MEDFORD. OR. Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No siagla truer- j tlooi leas than 16 cents. Six Insertions i or we price or lour. WYcnty-UTe cents a line per month. FURNISHED ROOMS The O'Dell, over post off ice. WANTED To buy from 100 to 300 bead of stock sheep. Write Box 131, Medford, Or. FOR BALE 5-room bungalow, just fin ished: th e 11 it if ao)d miun Rm flnw A ' uuimers. FOR SALE Yo ung gentle cow for sale; price 40. E. E. Morrison, R F. D. No. 1, Griffin Creek. WANTED Ten teamsters with teams wanted by Western Oregon Orchards Co. at once; good wages. FOR SALE Reo runabout in good con dition. I need a larger machine. L. B. Warner, Jr., at Warner's store. FOUND On the road from Medford to Jacksonville a baby's white coat. Call at Tribune office. LOST A cocker spauiel pup. Return to 025 South ! street and receive re ward. 52 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, on Trips street, second street Boutb on East Movent b. Apply to Mrs. O. Bowman. 56 FOR SALE Complete rurnishings for 5 room cottage; bargain if taken at once. Mra, C. P. Cameron, corner 10th nnd L streets, West Medford. FOR SALE A $2000 mortgage, gilt edge security, no taxes, 8 per cent net Inquire of the Medford Realty & Rent nl Co., Medford, Or. FOR RENT 5 furnished rooms, conve nient tor housekeeping, close to busi ness; no children. No. 307 North C roct. 62 PARTY wishes to get loan of $300 on 40. acres of raw land that is worth $1000; good abstract; will pay 10 per cent. Lock Box 656. RUNABOUT for sale cheap; thorough ly equipped with odometer, acetelyne lightB, top, etc. A. C. Allen, Medford, Or. FOR SALE One U. S. Cream Sepa rator, No. 6; 500 capacity; good as new; cost $S0; will sell for $50. R C. Hensley, Central Point. 1 FOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choiee ten-acre tracts, boat locfttiou in tho ralley. L. Nee .demoyer. Jacksonville. LOST Ladies' gold hunting case watch, black leather fob; lost be tween 7th at. and cemetery Sunday afternoon. Finder return Tribune, re ceive reward. FOR SALK Five-room house, beauti fully located, with lo AOxHo, ten bear ing apple trees: this is a snap and will be sold nt a bargain. Address Lock Ilox 125, Medford, Or. FOR SALE Large building lots 63 by IKS feet, ill West Medford; easy terms. Two lots already sold, pur chasers will begin building at once. Inquire of ,T. C. Brown, office in Palm building, upstairs. FOR SALK Six-acre tract, must raise cash, $1025, at once; balance easy terms; best black deep soil, finest lo cation, main road; very close in; few minutes' walk to bank corners. Lock Box 54B, MeAford. 53 FOR SALE White Leghorn eggs for settling, 50 cents for 15, from flock of 48 hens picked from 500 standard bred Whito Leghorn chickens. Dr. Ooble, phone No. 193, Medford; also pasture for cows inside city limits. BUSINESS CARDS. H. E. MORRISON, Physician and Surgeon, Offico: Medford National Bank Bldg. J. T. ANKROM, WELL DIGGER. MEDFORD, OR. Prices right. Pumps furnished when Wanted. BALL ft OLOSOOCX, Contractors and Builders. All Work Guaranteed. Office with 0. H. Pierce Sou. Phone 6.13. P. O. Boi 771. WILLIAM 0. DEBLEY, Resident Piano Tuner. Special Rates by the Year. Ili-adiiuurters at Hale's Piano House. All Work Guaranteed. r. O. Boi 50J, MKDFORD, OREGON. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and Surgeon. Office at Residence. Wm. M. Colvlg. Medford, Or. COLVIO ft DURHAM, Attorneys-at-Law. Geo. H. Durham, Grants Put, Or. Medford Furniture Co, Undertakers Day phone 353; Night Phones: C. W. Conklin 405; J. II. Butler 14S. PRIVATE DETECTIVE A NX COL EECTION AGENCY. Lock Box 80S. Medford, Or. E. B. RE ELY. It D. Physician and Surgeon Modern Equipped Operating Rooms. X Ray. Office Hours. 10-12, 2 4 P. M. Office in Jackson County Bank Bldg. OO TO DR. OOBLE FOR TOUR OLA8SRS. Optical Parlor in Perry ' Warehouse, SKVENTH STREET. "He Has No Other Business.' For Sole. Five acre tracts Just within and ad joining .M.sltoM city limits on five years' time; $100 invested now, it is believed, will pay Too $500 profit with in one year. Gold Ray Realty Co., 206 West 7th street 0 Stop Paying Rent The Gold Ray Realty Company will build you a hou,. to suit you and you -an pay for it in easy monthlr pay ments. Investigate this at onee. Call st 20 West 7tk street. 60 (Official Advertisement.) 305,Un CITY OF MEDFORD WATER BONDS. The City Council of the City of Med ford, Oregon, will receive sealed bids up to 6 o'clock p. in., June 9, 1909, fur the sale of $365,000 worth of 5 per ceut, interest semi-annually, Medford water bonds proposals to be asked for for both straight 30 year bonds and for serial bonds, to be retired at the rate of $10,000 per yeai, beginning with tS 15th year. One hundred thousannd dollars of is sue to be for immediate delivery, bal ance to be delivered as funds are re quired, in quantities not less than $10, 000, interest not to accrue until bonds are delivered, and pavable semi-annually. Denomination, optioonl. Date of bonds, time of delivery. Bond issued pursuant to vote of the people, April 17, 1908. Bids to be addressed to Beujumiu M. Collins, City Recorder. All bids to be accompanied by a cer tified check equal to 5 per eent of the amouut bid for, payable to tbe City of Medford, Or. No litigation pending this issue. The citv has never defaulted in the payment of interest or principal. Financial Statement. Assess valuation for 1907... $2,949,000 Real valuation (estimated) ovor 15,000,000 Total bonded indebtedness, including this issue 465,000 Amount of water debt in cluded in the above, ap proximately 65,000 Tax rate, 14 mills. Population (1900), 1700. Present, ap proximately, 5365. City reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The proceeds of this sale are to be used for the purpose of installing a water distributing and a gravity wator supply system. 1 hereby certify that the abovo and foregoing is a true and correct state ment to the best of my knowledge and belief, BKXJ. M. COLLINS. City Recorder. Double Tour Money. Did you ever stop to think how rap idly you can mako a fortune by doubl ing your money f For instance, say you start with only I cent and double it every day for only one month, nnd you will be surprised to see th.it you have accumulated several million dollars. Figure it out for your self and become convinced. We simply mention this to show you how rapidly money accumulates when doubled over and over again and call your attention to the fact that real es tate in Medford is doing that ono thing; during the past two years you know of many lnsvnces where Medford property has doubled in value over and over again. As a matter of fact, the present prices of Medford real estato are very low, and it is a better buy now than it ever was. Medford has doubled in popula tion during the past two years, and it has only commenced to grow; the sur rounding country is increasing in popu lation and value faster in proportion than is Medford, which is bound to in crease the population of Medford and the value of real estate faster than ever before. The immense' acreago plauted to orch ards as it comes into bearing alone means the doubling of Medford 's pop ulation again inside of two years, and the doubling and quadrupling of its real estate values within the same period of time. Coupled with this are the immense timber resources now being opened up for the market and tho great mineral resources now being rapidly developed. ine Gold Kay Realty Company of Medford, of which Dr. C. R. Ray is president, owns over 10,000 acres of farming and fruit lands all over the valley, as well as acre propertv, busi ness property and town lots in the City of Medford, which they are offering at very low prices on long time and on easy terms, and it will pay prospective buyers to investigate same before buy ing elsewhere. This company also offers to build houses to suit purchasers and sell same on iong-time, easy monthly payments. Call and investigate at their office with the Rogue River Electric Co., 206 West Seventh street. Medford. Or. 52 rOUTIOAX. CARDS. MAHLON PURDIN, Candidate for REPRESENTATIVE On Statement No. 1. Favors guaranteed bank deposits. D. H. MILLER, CANDIDATE for REPRESENTATIVE On Statement No. 1. J. B, NEIL. Democratic Nominee. FOR COUNTY JUDGE, WILBUR A. JONES, Democratic Nominee. FOR SHERIFF: B. F. MULKEY, Republican Nominee for DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Will always support the republican ranutuat for V, s. senator who is nom inated by the people. JOSEPH L. HAMMER SLEY, of Gold Hill, Republican Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE. H. M. CAKE, of Portland, The Advocate of Statement No. 1, Republican Nominee for UNITED STATES SENATOR. TllE OLD ffOWARDltANCH Three miles south of Medford and 2Vj miles west of Thoenix, is now eut up in small tracts to suit the purchaser. One fourth cash, balanee in three pay meats. This is a rare opportunity for Bsea of small means. Listed with all the agent. Your Opportunity The May Sales at this Store This is your opportunity to purchase the very best goods that money can buy at genuine bargain prices. Never before in the history of Modford have the people had the opportunity of buying such good, honest, new, clean merchandise for such small prices. Satisfaction guaranteed on everything you buy. Sale of Staples 7i Prints fur 4c 10c Apron Chet-ks 5c I ."e Prt'Ht. f ! i nghnm 10c iOp Dress (iinj;lmni v .15c 2iie Dross Ciihglmm 19c 3:ic "Drt'ss Uinglinm . 23c lfte Blenched MiiHlin 7c 12,. lileiu-li.'il Muslin 8 l-3c 7o L. h. Bio. Muslin 5c Cf ('. Bro. Muslin 4c 2.1c Whito Goods 19c 3. White Goods 27c 5(lc Whito Goods 33c May Sale Now On SA1E OF TJNDERMUSLINS. SAVINGS 25 TO 50 PEE CENT. LADIES' SKIRT SALE SAVINGS 25 TO GO PER CENT. LADIES' WAIST SALE SAVINGS 20 TO 50 PER CENT. "SALE OF SUMMER WRAPS SAVINGS 20 TO 50 PER CENT. SALE OP WHITE GOODS SAVINGS 25 PER CENT. MEDFORD 'S GREATEST VALUE-GIVERS BAKER-HUTCHASON Co- O ST., JUST XORTJI OF JACKSOX CO. HANK THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OF BLANKS Warranty Ded Mortgage. Long and Short Forms Satisfact'n of Mortsnsc Transfer of Lien Tower of Attorney Mechanici Lien Water Right Bill of Sale Liquor License Forma Notice to Trespassers Creditor Claim Against Estate FOR RENT. FOR SALE, FURNISHED ROOMS, ETC. (on cardboard). MINING Placer Location Bond for IWd Miner's Lien Quartt Oregon Deed JUSTICE Summons Execution Judgment Transcript Commiimeot for Trial Search Warrant Cost Kill Notice to Jurors Civil Complaint PRORATE u2rl r.'TJS"" Administration. Testamentary. CIRCUIT Attachment Notice of Garnishment Grand Jury Subpoena Indictment Transcript of Judgment Criminal A complete, up-to-date line of U.S. SHERIFF BLANKS. Bonds ar,: Deeds: Order Setting AvrtS Yxt Z9G-nmr4Un'm Confirming Sale of Real and Personal 7rTcati T t w,1.,,on; Letters of Administration; Inventory SWinPT? P1 SOUTHERN MEDFORD MEDFORD HASH DOOB CO Window and Door Screens Block- vh Office fixtures nd all kinH. r . ' DI0CK 00(1 f.n,.. ,. " T, BETWEEN $12.50 and 15.00 Suits $7.00 Every Suit in tho store is now on sale, but wo have taken u lot of fine Sum mer Suits thnt were formerly selling for $12.50 and $15 and will ffT Art sell them for choice, only Jll.vV ' Other Sale Prices on , $17,50, $23.00 and $29.00 'II WE SELL wmn We aro selling more Hosiery every day. and tho only reason we can find is that Monarch Hosiery gives satisfaction. Buy a half dozen pairs and they will wear longer than fi months. The spe cial prices start at 9c AND RANGE UP TO ?1.75. A lot of l'tv, 17c nnd 20c .Summer Vests, exceptionally good values, now on sale at 121-2 REAL ESTATE SJf'0 Bond for Deed With Tax Payment Provision Option to Buy Und Awnfi Contract MISCELLANEOUS Chattel Mortgage Acknowledgment Confession of Judgment Covers for Blanks Location and V. S. Forms Contract to Sell Iroof of Lahur OF PEACE Civil and Criminal Subpoenas Attachment Garnishment Ut2,"I1.l?!n?. and Affl. davrtfor Aitapkn... Commitment for Fine Jury Order Warrant for Arrest Administrator.. Executor HIKI Apprawement; Proof of Will LV.i COURT and Civil Subpoena Execut ion Search Warrant LAND firrifr nYtttnw 1 1FFiCE.mC0UNTY COURT AND AJL Print?d after the latest gJes forms, rjj Orders Promptly filled at Portland PIesi-Give us a trial. OREGONIAN OREGON mill ork. including tnmi j 6TH A!P 7TH STS. PHONE ii