THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNK. ,M EPKOUD, OK.. TUESDAY, MAY 1!). I!K)S. 3 THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Edited by the Democratic County Committee. WHO TO VOTE FOB MONDAY, JUNE 1 In the select io a of county officials, the voter should consider the qualifica tions of the caudiduto and uot his po litical opinions, any more than his reli gious beliefs. ..If vou wish to employ a bookkeeper you would only consider the eapabilitv of the applicant and would totally disregard his politics. The county officers have nothing to o with the settlement of the questions of national importance that divide the people into opposing parties, and when considering candidates for a local of fice tho voter should ask hut the ques tions. Is ho qualified to discharge the duties of the officef Is he honest, in dustrious, accommodating? BABNES WILL MAKE A MODEL OFFICIAL Nearly everybody knows A. 8. Barnes, candidate for County Clerk. Ho is as genial and popular as when he filled the office of Sheriff of Jackson county so well several years ngo, to which ho was. elected by an overwhelm' ing majority. Mr. Barnes made one of the best officers the county ever had and would bo a model county clerk, for he is competent and looks nfter the people s interests very closely. COMPLETE LIST OF OFFICE SEEKERS Those Seeking County Jobs Who Have Filed Acceptances with the County ClerkSocialists Have Full List One Democrat Missing. CHAMBERLAIN FOB PEOPLE CAKE FOR COBPORATIONS It is not at all surprising that Mr. Harriman is doing what he can iu Or egon to defeat Governor Chamberlain in his senatorial race. Chamberlain would never be n "railroad senator," as some are. Hnrrimnn has two senators from California, and ho would liko to have moro from this coast. But if he can not get an nbsolute "railroad sena tor' the next best thing is to defent a man who on all occasions stands con spicuously for the people as against the railroads when their interests are at stake. On the other hnnd, Mr. Cake is the attorney for the Standard Oil company nnd other corporations. WILBUR JONES' BOOKS WILL NOT NEED EXPERTINO One of tho very best nomination made this year is that of Wilbur Jones for Sheriff. Tie is a successful farmer and a splendid business man, against whom nothing can be said. Ho served tho people onco as county assessor and gavo entire satisfaction. There is no doubt of Mr. Jones' election, for near ly everybody seems to bo in his favor. Ho lias the stuff in him for a first class sheriff. THERE SHOULD BE A CHANGE IN COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE The people of Jackson county will make no mistuke in electing Jnines R. Neil as County Judge. lie ably filled the -place two terms a number of years ago, to the great satisfaction of his constituents. He was ever "mindful of the tnxpnyors' interests, nnd although the tnxrol'l wns less Minn $4,000,000 in extent, taxes were very low and tho af fairs of the county were never handled better or more satisfactorily. He is pledged to reasonable taxation, good roads and bridges and the exporting of the books. Following is a list of those who have filed their acceptance to county offices: Representative David M. Brower, socialist; Raphael Messner, socialist; J. U Hmnmersly, II. D. Kubli, republi cans; 1). H. Miller, M. Purdin, demo crats. County judge George Dunn, re publican; J. R. Xeil, democrat; J. W Wiley, socialist. Sheriff D. II, Jackson, republican Wilbur A. Jones, democrat: Hnrvey Richardson, socialist. Clerk A. L. Barnes, democrat; W. R. Coleman, republican; A. M. Ford, so- uuist. Recorder C. W. Banta, socialist; R. T. Burnett, republican; . C. Master son, democrat. Assessor M. Calhoun, socialist: R. B. Dow, democrat; V. T. Grieve, repub lican. Treasurer James JI. Cronemiller, re publican; John A. Smith, socialist; M. M. Taylor, democrat. County commissioner Martin Mar shall, democrat; James Owens, republi can; W. M. Smith, socialist. School superintendent J. Percy Wells, republican. Surveyor Frank A. Grisez, republi can; E, B. Sawyer, democrat. Coroner A. E. Kellogg, republican; A. C. Stanlev, democrat; H. C. Stock. independent. 2 Leaders Hawk's Out (ilass and (iorlmni NU'i-linij Silver at tlu New Jewelry Store, 11 North (' Street, near Postol'fieo. Martin J. Reddy PROBATE COURT. Estato of Jacob Hugger Order made to make deed to five acres in section 20, township 37, rango 1 west. Estate Benjamin Rhodes; inventory and appraisement filed showing estnte vnhred at $500. Estato John Coleman; order made appointing Juno 20 as day for final settlement. Estato rJeft'erson Brumback; orde made appointing June 20 as day for finl settlement. T. R. Cornelius a prominent citizen of Washington county, was the guest of H. (Jorum, an old friend, the first of the woek. essful mercantile establishments iu Southern Oregon nnd has first-class qualifications for tho position he as pires to. A voto for Marvo Taylor will uot bo found niniss. Judgo Dunn'B political address, "All about.' good roads," must be an awfully funny think -to listen to. It cannot lp being very Bhort, too. THE COUNTY ASSESSOR CANNOT BE TOO WELL QUALIFIED IF COUNTY BOOKS ARE RIGHT, WHY FEAR EXPERTING THEM? It seems very strange that if the county books nre nil right. Judge Dunn and his colleagues have not had them experted, although the pcoplo in gen eral nro loudly clamoring for this to bo done. It seems that the. rent truth will only be known when the courthouse m is cleaned out nnd n new set, of offi cials elected. JACKSON COUNTY IS FOR STATEMENT NO. "Statement No. 1 is dead,' say ma chine politicians. It will bo, they mean, if all the nominees of the pri maries are elected to the legislature, so that there will not be a majority of Statement Xo. I members in that body. But we think that voters in Jackson, JoROphine, Douglas, Washington, Yam hill, Wasco, Sherman nnd other conn ties will see to it that Statement No. 1 is kept very much alivo until the people make sure that they have gained their object election of senators by popular vote. Vote for P. II. Miller. M. Purdin and F. E. Cavender, all of whom nre pledged to this great principle. THE PROPER MEN TO SEND TO THE LEGISLATURE M. Purdin nnd I. IT. Miller, nominees for representative, nnd F. E. Cavender, candidate for joint representative, nre the men whom Jackson county should Bend to tho legislature. They are all pledged to uphold the principles of Statement No. 1, while none of their opponents is. Besides, they nre well known, reliable citizens, who will con serve tho inn-rests f their const it u ents faithfully. COUNW TICIALS WlfcL REPEAT TIIE DOSE Judgo Dunn and County Clerk Cole man, who were responsible for the un reasonable, unwarranted nseosuun1 that ci.v.iod the taxpayers to be bled in such A high hnnded inaiiner tlii yenr, say they did right and will do lo again if they get thv ch:tnce. The people will see that Dunn nnd Coleman do not huve another ippirt unity to wring extortionate (axes from them. WILL SAFELY HANDLE THE COUNTY'S CASH M. M, Taylor, candidate for County TrMUHTr, n one of the best known of the native ions of Jakon County. He U ft Btmber of one of the most iue- Thero is none iu tho whole of South ern Oregon who would make a better County Assessor than Robert B. Dow. He has all tho qualifications for this important office and he relied upon to give the taxpayers an accurate and just assessment, fair to everybody and not such a monstrosity as the Hoard of Equalization, composed of Judgo Dunn, Clerk Coleman and As sessor Applegate. has foisted on us. Mr. Dow is a man of his own mind and none will get any advantage from him. The people nre determined this time to have officers who will give them rea sonable taxes, good roads and bridges and efficient service in every department. Down with rings! Expert the books!! Reduce taxation!!! Ituild good roads and bridges!!!! HE IS NOT A RINGSTER, BUT FOR THE WHOLE PEOPLE Martin Marshall, candidate for coun ty 'Commissioner, is a successful far mer and dairyman who has lived near Central Point for a number of years. He is a thoroughly practical man, up right and energetic, and will make just such nn officer as the people want. Be sides, he is not a member of the court house or any other ring; therefore his services will ho in the interest of all of the taxpayers. A POPULAR YOUNG MAN NAMED FOR COUNTY RECORDER J. C. Mastersoii, one of the leading business men of Gold Hill, has been pre vailed upon to become a candidate for County lircorder. He combines all the qualifications that go to make a splen did official and the people would never have occasion to regret his elect ion. Mr. Mnstcrson is most popular where he is best known nnd he could muster any number of testimonials as to his won hiness and alii lit v. A THOROUGH CIVIL ENGINEER FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR K. B. Sawyer, enndidate for Count v; Surveyor, irn practical civil engineer. whoe pxperience and reliability cannot be g:iinsaid. He would be just tho man to place in charge f our highways. Mr. Sawver is vouched for by the many who have had his services. A PRACTICING PHYSICIAN I SHOULD BE CORONER j The office of Counfy Coroner should i be filled bv one who is n duly quali- fieri, exKrienerd physician tint one who is simply an undertaker. Tho pen-j pie will find Ir. A. C. Stanley, tjy sue ceosful practitioner nnd former stnto ; ?cnalor and representative, has been J named for the position. Ha can be de- f pended on to fill tho place will. j Why Pay More For inferior moats than we eharge fr the liest. A trial will convince yon. Remember the place, next Hotel Xash, formerly I'ottinjjer's. Bring your Chickens here we pay more. The Med ford Meat Co. I'roliibiti'onists arc on itfifiin ((is sirin? niul thev xhv drinking is n bait ihini;. State Depositary. Established 1SSS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $115,000.00 THE COST IS SMALL. THE BENEFITS LARGE The matter of Absolute Protection for your valuables is so important that you cannot well afford to overlook it. Although the cost of renting a Safe Deposit Hox iu t he l'ire and liurgtur Proof Vault of the Jackson County Hank is very moderate, the benefit s large, assuring Absolute .Security. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT. $4 AND UP PER YEAR. W. I. VAWTER President G. R. LINDLEY Cashier lii-gardless of whether Jackson county j tnes prohi or not, t hose who wish to liiuk wit) drink: they will utulonbledly j av none and get poorer whisky the ! kin. I licit miikesft man hate himself and ! e ervhinU h,. meets- and makes him want to t'iht. I ml if yon pat roni.e liniiic hhlustry yon get tin best cigars on tho market. Our Medfonl ."ic. It. . V., Hc, jiud Del larca 1,V Cigars make vou smile. MANUFACTURED BY R. R. V. CIOAR WORKS, MEDFORD, OR. J. E. ENYART,Presid ent. T. A. PERKY, Vice-President. JOHN S. OliTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cr.rhier. The Medfonl National Bank MEDFORD, OE. CAPITAL ' '.$50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Kent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage ARE YOU INTERESTED? I have for sale at $62. 50 per acre, SO acres of as fine orchard land as there is in Kogue 1 fiver valley. The im provements on place are worth at least itUlMO. Let inc. show you this land. ALFRED SMITH OVER JACKSOX COUNTY BANK. The F.I.F.CTRIC f'2i? TEA KETTLE Furnishes hot water for lea on very Fluirt notice. It call In; used on the tea tahlo or iu the kitchen Attaches Iu any electrolier Simple, snfe.eon venient, durable lip KOOUB RIVER ELECTRIC CO., . Smu'cHsor to Condor Wiitor Power Co. Of fl.-o SOU W. 7th at.," opp. Itig eloetrie sign. KMIIIKimiMCR Phono 8!i ALL NEW GOODS Dry (loods, Uaviland China, Semi-Porcelain, Jardiniers and Crocks, ' Trunks, Suit cases and Telescopes. Where non (jet rifht prices. Ward's Cash Store '."V Give Yourself a Good Clothes Sermon Y, . V l!OT.Rsqxs iasiiiox rciot; coKsr.i j; . liel'ore you start out to Imy your Summer cMhcs. Steady your .judgment heforc your money goes iivcr a merchant's counter. We have gone to such lengths to put good clothes in our store that we want as many men as possihle to know it. That's why we caution men to think twice hefore thev spend a cent on their clothes. J f we can make you feel that it 's simply impossible for any other store to equal our values We're Driving Home the Truth And turning into our store the trade we deserve by right of clean, far-sighted merchandising. Special Values All This Week 22..-)0 and $20.00 values $15.00 and ?10.50 1.".00 and 1.r0 values $12.50 and $13.50 tl .")() and $10.00 values $ 8.50 and $10.00 "We also have a new line of Fancy Shirts just received Bargains in all departments. PAY LESS AND DRESS BETTER. W. H. Meeker 6 Co. Medford - - Oregon ARB YOU VP TO DAT K Jlave you a friend who is yoiiiH to ho married r have a hirthdny? It' no, wliv not send them n piece of our fino I'ut (ilass at CUT I'HK'KS. A lai-" new nswnrt rnent just received. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 216 WEST SEVENTH KTIM3KT. McGLASHAN & JUNKEN, Props. PHONE 10.11. Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Gity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale Cedar Beveled Siding .H'ST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF EXTRA HEAVY (IREEX LATH. ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT GLKNDALK OREGON YARD AND OFFICE AT MEDFORD. OREGON. Five find Ten-Acre Orchards oh I he installment plan. The riiht kind of soil, the ritht hind of tree and the riflit jirices. Tirenh) ienrs' experience in fmil roisinfj backs our jndfmcvl. II V hare sold half the orchards in the vulli and hare, yet lo see a purchaser dis satisfied villi his liarfain. lie fore huipntj see Roise River Land Qo. Exhibit Building For an Attractive BUNGALOW YOU S E L 15 O T DOOR'S, MATERIAL THAT WILL DESIRED EFFECT Box & Lumber Co. LET US II ELD WINDOW'S AND C I V E T II E Iowa M E I) V 0 R D OREGON We Want to Buy Lands Realty Bond Syndicate of Oregon W. H. Stalker Jackson County sprnlirir Bank Annex Secrtldiy Today's News Today in Today's Tribune Something New In I.'iiMit Tiro Hint it will pny Vimi In : it . .--.t it;;. I .-. COMPLETE STOCK, woik. satinf action K!inrnntel. Mitchell & Poeck OENEItAL WAGONERS. I';it Ttli Sfri'i't, rc.'ir of liha.imilli Mi', Or. HPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE MOST ATTRACTIVE Mrini in u ''II nn mi r round inM miikf iMif rent mini nl 8 fuvnrilo rimrt fur thrum to nlmtii tin bout t none too good. Strictly liilwliMH iutrimiKt' nml fl'i r ii'ii I mrvH Nnviiil jirrniinemHtit fur priwiti' turtii'. dinm or nuy ape- dill ;tiuii. Mniltrnte price and nn oxfi'llcnt fitrc. Knr n infill for 'Mijoy mi'iit -uml comfort h'" im. Whru vou Hnf ii n-ulK utol TVNtiiHnmt you will fiiwl tlii jiiftt the ritflit pliti'p. The Nash Cafe