THE MftPfrbitl. B-AlLT TRtfitJNE. COMMUNICATIONS. I .Ml..,. T. 11. ....... Tl... .1..- isblisked every evening eicept SundajJ,,.,,, bilM fur ci u Medford Daily Tribune A Llva PPi In Town. Medford Publi thing Company. 0. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second Class Matter in the Postoffice Bt Medford, Oregon. Bubscription Bales: One month, by mail or carrier. .. .$0.50 On yir, by mail 6 00 DEFYING THE PEOPLE. like tlie republican state mm-hine, 1 1,3 Jackson County cnurthuiise brigade 'a defiant of pupulur wishes and eou tOiptuous uf t lie people. 'Atkiiip re cb''ti(Hi to office an serv- i uts uf (lie people, at the mm time Mow i'ffuehildfrn pose .. masters of t!C people and mnnno public affmrs t 1 Sllit thfltlAt'lVl-S. Tlie eple Ukw (he iltfht to know nliat Iij.h b'n dta' will, the money pnid in hh IjiX'-n, and In tune n ne counting uf (Hi'h office, ho that it may be known whether affair are Ittiiij; conduct ifl in the inters of the pub lie, yt Ci-nuty Jiid'e Dunn and the eonimi.svinni'r rtfiiHo to permit the books lo be expert'.!. Tin- tux records of thr county are in n fenrfnl nnnldle. There is apparently no end to the emil'iisim oxintinjf in Sheriff .larkson'8 offiee. Peiph are Civllcrl upon several timen to pay luxes t: the Kftine piece t property, while other properly is not even mi the a ivftmmiit roll. It is Maid that the vlier iff 'h office te Id on j nerves a mirnninnft Correctly, mid that tlie entire office it. Jioneycombed with Inefficiency, and ye Ihe eoiintv court can-fully nliit'Ms ac tun eontlitioim from the public. AsicKwed valuations have been num n nrily raisel flat liti 2-.'l per cent and railed ''equalization." The reason for bit Hit increase in vitiiifttiniiH and tax ntion has never been made dear to the taxpayer. Judge- Dunn Mated in a Hpeech that 30,I)U0 a year in being spent on roads? Why ik it, then, that there is scarcely a good road in the county 1 W'hv in t ho money of one road diHtrict spent in another district nn.l that district lie- (jleeted'f Why are not county bridges kept tn repair and win nro the costly MruetureH allowed to fall apart when a few dollar would fix them upf JJut, ahove all, wliv have the count books not been experledf Tlir is only one answer lo nil these (piest ions: The people 'h servnntH have got swelled hendH and become their masters and regard it n none of the people 'n lumities.i how public husincHd is tratinarted. There )h only on remeily ideet of ieials who will actually serve the pen pie. MEDFORD, OR., TUESDAY. MAY 19, 1903. THE STATE CONVENTION. Luit week's state republican conven tion proved coiielusively that the mule, symbol of unreasoning obstinacy and Ntupidity, bestowed upon the democracy, should be the emblem of I lot . re publican machine of Oregon. Never did any body of men provo moro conduit ively their right lo such an emblem by their refusal to learn from current events, and their dindaiuful defiance of pipular wishes. The republican machine started out before the primaries ou a program of reaction, Statement No. 1 was at tracked, the opening wedge in a fight to undo all that had been done for pup lilar government in Oregon. The direct primary and the initiative and refer endum were next marked for slaughter. The priuinrien idinwcd how far the machine was from guessing the wish of the people, hi spite of this, the re publican convention last week refused to indorse Statement So. I on which its senatorial camliilato hud been nominal ed, openly tmnhbed Jouatlmu Hotirne who had been chosen senator bv tlx people, and heaped its honors upon Sen nlor Pulton, whom the republican voters lui.l jtiNt repudiated at the polls. HI - i '.. I. . . . or. jute .win nor developed ,osc ounlities of leadership that his friend l oped for, liMtend uf haruionmng his pariy, no jll)rt Kpht it wider than eve the usual result of carrying water (.nth shoul-l-rs. At the polh, Mr. Cake received the support of the llourtio fac lion, believers in Stnlcnient N. 1. In lite convention he repudiated Ih r-onriic forces, seeking alliuuco with the old inacbiue or i niton forces, who nn opposed to Statement No. 1, At a re suit, he i I..-1 n knife.l iV both the Itourne himI Fulton factions, by Hourn people If,iiu-.e of In- repudiation of Mntenient o. mol bv Fulton's friendt because of his defeat of Fill I 'll at the polls, This condition of affairs can have lot one result the election of (lover i. or ( liaiiiberlain, a man every one 1. tmws where to find, and dear tu I In I eo.e ii h I l;e champion of popular meas ores, to the l',1 Htate Nt-niit . 13th proved a .Jonah and 13 the un lucky, made good again. The t-hairman of the democrat ie central committee forgot nil about Mr. Whitney's coining and went to bed. A patriotic young man working iu the Valley Record of fice rushed up to the chairman s bouse, woke him up and brought him down and i ii t rod uced him to M r. bit n c v, and they proceeded to light up the hail. but too much time hud u I ready been wasted and onlv one old warrior made his appearance (r. M. Orai tiger. was afterward found that K. K. I'hipp .mother stalwart with patriotic iuten- tiou, had dressed iu his best and started for the speaking, but unfortunately one of his milch eow escaited the corral and as she would g-t into the citr pound, he started to lend the cow off, In making a swifts print he slipped mid fell into one of Mayor Loutnis slump holes that he has adopted as part of the make up of his new patent vtreets, and an Mr. Phipps just esened with his life from a watery grave, it was all off with hi in for the democratic speaking for that night. It was found out af terward that Senator Mulit had gott into a very interesting solo game n; had forgotten for the time all about grand old deinocrney Taking it all together, we eonsid that the accredited leading democrats of Ashland treated Mr. Whitney, to say the bast, very discourteously and had it not been for Dr. I). M. Hrower, can didate for representative on the socia ist ticket, who entertained the gentle man from I'iue, he would have not laeen entertained at all. Sl'BSClMHKH. Ashland. Or., May HOBSON ANSWERED BY MEDFORD JAP 8ay Navl Ezpert Is Either Lacking to Gentlemanly Quality or is Ignorant of Internal lonal Etiquette and Ought to Be Taken Care of. It An Unetjuslntt Investment. tlllllll illVC'HlllI IKHV Will W.Mir.' HiriT thtiiiu itn,rn-i'l I'lKim--. Int. fivi VHtV time on eiiny :ivtih'iit. on th' tiiliimi'. It i. I...i,.v,.,l Ih ,,u i iinutile in vul ue w i ( Ii i n iOie vear iinil t h '1('li"',,r''l,-r will thus make on nn inveNtment of only II'MO. This a an opportunity seldom offered mil n only open for n short time, tiold If (eally i Sntf West Tth wtrtet. The Water Question Again. Medford, Or., May H To the Kditor: If the eitv officials expend the :luii,MHi authorized by bonds without obtaining a sufficient water fc'ipplv for Medford. it is safe to suv that additional bonds could not be floated on any reasonable terms, at all. They probably could not sold for 10 per cent of their face value if this venture proves a failure. Thus oiico t the thriftiest and most prospe oiis, pn-greHivo towns iu the west would be left in a condition bordering on iKiuhiopicv. Under such conditions doer- it not behoovo every citizen, e -cciatu ery property holder in the it v. to en oiwrato with the council so that lit- mistake Hhall be made? Should not the council take the taxpayers into their confidence on this vital issue In does the eitv council refuse to ox daiu certain matters to the people in relation to its purchase of the Wasson creek water rights.' Most important ipiestious have he ;isked personally and through the Tril: line, which have been nnswered onlv with an echo, "Whvf Whereforef Are the council not servants uf the people, sworn to do their full duty Fpon what meat do these, our f'aesars, feed that they have grown so great f These are some of the questions th people would like to have answered (low much water will Wasson cnuy afford during the drv season ; Sono of the best eiti.etia of the county win are entirely disinterested say that tin supply is dccidcdlv insufficient for Medford. If this proves to be the cast' what will the couucil dof Will it spen ,000 more to buy additional water from Little Huttef Hundreds of cattle and hogs run at large iu this section of the country. How is it proposed keep them from contaminating the water! Why did not the purchase in elude enough land to protect the wat supply? I'p until recently, at auv rate until within three or four years, Mr. Manh-y, as I am informed by one of the real tale men in this place, offered to sell his ranch, including all water rights, fur the sum of 12,000, YVhv did the city pay him 25,000 for only a part of bis water rights without even enough land to fence it in? Hid not tbigue river or Hig Mutt especially offer better opportunities for rinancut water supply fur Medford f Wltv were thev not coutidereil bv the otincil rnuld not the holdings of the ditch company in Fish lake have been livured for better advantage? It is not to be presum-d t hat the ouucil acted corruptly or in bad faith. Since "to err is human,' it may have acted unwisely. If it mistake lias been made, now is the time to rectify it. If th bargain is further ratified it will too late to rescind it. What have the council or auv of .'in to h:,v W. K. I'll I PI'S. "Star Sun Medford," a Japanese boy, writes to the TrihmiH - foil...-. reply to the abortion made bv run ain Kiehmoiid Pearson Hobson. rci-n ril ing the preparations alleged to be tin icr way hy .lapnu for war ii-mhi Aiuer icu: rnptnm Richmond Pearsou Hob -n, " inaue mm mi t conspicuous iu Ihe Kpuiiih war, has been trying for uie iaHi lew years to impoM himselt upon his country men ,y the aid uf hit tioiiHeiisieal ecceittrieitii-H, ',.rv rV-v intelligent Aimricans have lakeu "liim -riHiisly nud thune wm tiij Hrt becaiuc they feared he might succeed I r-iitiiiK iroii:ie net ween the two nut ions. "Captain Uobson is one of'rlioso so called specialists who, because they are specialinis, are liable to lose their bal ance. The fact that he is a specialist in nn vul science does not necessarily prove that he is a competent man to .judge whether .lapiiu is preparing fur war with the United States. "As a matter of fact, the people of Japan and the H'opU of the United States are not disposed to enjoy the war show which Captain Hobson is widely advertising. "Japan nud the Japanese have re peatedly declared friendship and good will toward America and the Americans. If Captain Hobson doubts our words. he either is lacking in geutlemauly piality or is Ignorant of the interna tional etiquette. If he is lacking in gentlemanly quality he ought to be taken care of bv his countrymen in n way that he will create no mischief in the peaceful relations that exist be tueen the two nations. If he is igno rant of the international etiquette he ought to nn put in a school where he may learn to be more like a gentle man. STAR SUX MKDFOlfl)." PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL To be held in PORTLAND, OREGON JUNE 1 to 6, 1908. tt'ill lie the most brilliant FLORAL FIESTA AND CIVIC JUBILEE Kver Mil in the Pacific Northwest. Portland, "The Rose City," will be a si i-ne of splendor and the center of world-wide interest for one week. Several important conventions to be held in Portland on that occasion. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Soil Special Tickets on This Occasion from MED FORD to Portland and Re turn at $13.20 For particulars call on A. S. HOSENBATJM. Local Agent. TO McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Are You One of the Happy Ones? THAT HAVE RECEIVED THE HANDSOME SIL VER SET ABSOLUTELY FREE. R EM EM II Eli Tl IE SIX SILVER TEASPOONS, SUGAR SHELL AND BUTTER KNIFE DO NOT COST YOU A SINGLE PENNY. SUBSCRIBE TO THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIHUNE FOR ONE YEAR AT THE REGULAR SUBSCRIP TION RATE OF .tO.OO; PAY f)0 CENTS FOR THE FIRST MONTH AND TI I E SILVERWAR E AVI LL BE DELIVERED AT ONCE. THE ONLY CONDITION IS THAT IT MUST BE A NEW SUBSCRIPTION. The Number of Sets are Limited WHEN THESE ARE GONE THIS OFFER WILL BE WITHDRAWN. IT IS A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO GET TBI TRIBUNE FOR A YEAR AND A HAND SOME SILVER SET THAT WILL NEVER TARNISH OR WEAR OUT ALL FOR JUST Till PRICE OF THE PAPER. Coal for Sale. We are now prepared to furnish baud picked coal at the mine, five mile ast of town, in any amount desired Notice. I wish to announce that I have pur hased the office and practice of the ite Dr. M. S. Jones. My office will located at the same place as Dr. ones' and office hours will be from 10 a. m., 2 4:30 nnd 7 to 8 p. m. R. J. C0XROY, Physician and Surgeon. Why Don't You Oct Next? Do you use Dnvis' Best Flour Den 't ict your ktiictv talk you into Imvinc other brands shipped in. Davis Best 'lls for li'ss ninnoy and guaranteed to give :it infliction. Try n sack and be mi iuccd. Cat. The ear manufac tured expressly for the coast. Best for price on the market. $1400 D.T.LAWTON Agent MEDFORD, OR. REPUBLICAN TICKET. M. Buy Tickets by Wire. ' Something which is of considerable interact to the public gcnerallr and which is perhsps not gcncrntlr knowt. is the system of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of (he Southern Pacifie company and all points In thr United Htntes. By means of this system tickets mar be purchased at Medford from any place in the Tinted Stated and nailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may alas be furnished at the samr time.' Th Most for the Money. The Auburn automobile it the most roomy and best machine ever offered for the money. Se It before buying. L. B. Brown, agent. i time." Election June 1, 1008. Kor 1'llitl'd Slates Senator - II. tike. K"r UcprcMi'iitntivc in l ''ingress Wil is t IlitW'll'V. Fur Kmhl nnd Puirv l 'oitiinissioncr W. Bniby. r'or Supreme Judge Robert S. Bean. For b'uilroiid i 'oitiiiii.sitiiicr - T. K. !llllllc!. For Prosecuting Attnriiev. J:icksou iinil Josephine Counties B. F. Mulkcv. For Joint Representative, Jackson ind Douglas Counties J. A. Buchanan. Fur Representatives-I.. Hammers l.y. II D. Knhli. For ("entity Judge tj. V. Dunn. For County Commissioner .Ionics 'wens. For County Sheriff D. II. Jackson. For Cnnnty Clerk W. R. Coteuinn. For County Recorder-R. T. Burnett. For Conuiv Assessor W. T. Crieve. For County Treasurer -.1. M. Crone miller. For County School Superintendent J. Percy Wells. For County t'oronir A. K. Kello;g For County Surveyor F. A, Cnser - ADVKHTISIXIi FOI! j )S STR KFT PAVING. Medford, Or., May 5, l!os. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder of the ity or Medford, Oregon, until June 9. I1HIS, at 5 o'clock p. in., for the im provement of Seventh street in saiil ity from tlie east line of Laurel street to a linn ion feet east of the east line Riverside nveniie. in a manner pro idisl by the plans nnd specifications on til, in the office of the eitv re order, subject to the charter no. I or iiiniices of the City of Medford. and tlie estimate f , . cjtv Kiigiiovr uti tile. Tlie above work will consist of ex- avnting nml paving street with either it ill it Inc. asphalt or bituminous mac lam, constructing concrete curbs and sidewalk, laying drain tile and con structing cntchliasiiis. All bids must he submitted on forms furnished by the City Recorder of the ity of Meilford. Koch hid shall be onpntiied by a certified check in favor of the City Treasurer of Medford per cent of the amount bid. fo Contractors: Attention of all contractors is called the agreement of Warren Brothers oiipiiny. filed with this eitv. in accord with which agreement Wnrren Bros, company agrees to license all con tractors desiring bid for the work to lay the bitulitlitc pavement ill accord ance nun its patents and the terms of said agreement. A bond acceptable to the City Council of Medford will be required equal to the amount of the contract price. The City Council reserves the right to reject auv and all bids. BKN.I. M. COLLINS, city Recorder. BKN.I. J. TKOWliltlDGK, Mayor Pro Tern. SO I You ! i Want Shoes Moore's Ranges Lead the World Sold by H. . Boyden "WHEN YOU FUR NISH YOUR . HOUSE, THE IM PORTANT STOVE QUESTION AL WAYS ARISES. MANY HOUSE WIVES MAKE MISTAKES. BUT- NO ONE WHO BUYS A MOORE RANGE EVER MAKES A MIS TAKE. PERFECT KITCHEN COM FORT IS THEN AS SURED. THEY SAVE TIME AND LABOR AND FUEL The hest value you can J I for vour nioiiev. Then irvj .a pair of KIDD'S FOOT , :.ttting shoes : Ross Festival Tickets for the Rose Festival will be, on sale June 1 and .1. and onlv nti those two days. Those who intend going and wish sleeper reservation should leave word at the depot as soon as possible , in order to give the eompanv time to secure the necessary rats. Round trip I far 1.1.20. i For Men 0.00 Automobiles ThA PAfifir far Tllc automobile with the high 111C raillll Ml clearance four - cylinder :io- horscpower water-cooled engine, storage battery and imported P.oseh magneto and coil, 108-iii. wheel base, sliding gear transmission, double chain drive, lt0 stpiare inches braking surface; strictly high class in every respect. The best car for the coast country. The best car ever offered for tlie price. Price $2250, fully '"lU'I'l'l. J. M. ROOT & SON. Jackson County Bank Bldg., Medford, Or. The Far-Seeing Man J Knows the value of grasping opportuni I lies when they present themselves. Here s one that yon should not over look. Place your order with us now for a made to order Spring or Summer Suit. W. W. EIFERT, The Cily Tailor. Medford READ THE TRIBUNE Special Bargains in RealEstate 9. 80 acres, all tillable, nice location, nice five-room oottage house, large barn, 2 1-2 miles from Medford, well watered, in reach of irrigation ditch, team, harness, wagon, five Jersey cows, cream separator, new gang disk plow', walking plow, rake, mower, disk, smoothing harrow, stove i.nd some other furniture, all go with the place, and the present growing crop. Price only .fliOOO; a genuine snap. 26. 320 acres, fine stock and fruit ranch, well im proved, 100 acres under plow, G acres orchard. Price ifooOO. This place with 50 head of hogs and 35 head of cat i le, all farm implements, blacksmtih tools, hay, fruit and ogetables for $7000. 47. 440 acres, a fine stock proposition, 40 acres in alfalfa, irrigation, good buildings, in a splendid section for minting and fishing. Price only $14 an acre; terms. !3. 193 acres, 2 miles from Eagle Point on Rogue - iver. o0 acres cleared, considerable fruit and alfalfa, pri vate irrigation ditch. This is a splendid proposition to develop, about half good bottom land, nearly all can be under plow when cleared, scl.olli(1Se handy, fair improve ncnts, team, harness, wagon, some cattle and farm iniDle- nents go with the place. Price $(i()()0. This ranch will bear - lose inspection, as it will make a lot of money for someone. b7. A fine alfalfa ranch of HO acres near Butte Falls, hnestream and springs, nearly all level land, splendid fish ing and hunting, buildings. Price only $1200. SC. SO acres, 4 miles northeast of Eagle Point, will be close to the new railroad, 50 acres under cultivation, fine wT y !" ,whoat; "1,op goos with his p H-OO, $2200 cash, balance 2 years, 7 per cent. C. H. Pierce & Son To The Public IIAVINO INSTALLED MACIUXFRV FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF HIGH GRADE ICE CREAM, WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDFRS vVn'yV11' 8MAU'- IKMVKHIEH spp 1AXY PART OF TUB CITY. SlKtl.M, ORDERS lilVPV oiti, PROMPT ATTENTION- niiU-r. M i.'iii.',ii, i '" 7X1 mil IK STORE CREAMERY. OK Rogue River Creamery Medford REAL ESTATE SNAPS ''"Fruit. Farm, Timbo an on or write M" ''nn'ls Ranches.