Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, May 19, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    If .'.You've Anything to Buy or Sell, Try Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Quick Results
lHkflfrt IDtiifly OUtaine
The Weather
Showers tonight and Wednesday.
NO. 52
Large AudienGG Applauds Executive Accuses Cake
of Having Deserted Statement No 1 and of Now
Occupying Same Possition as Fulton Before Pri-
- mary Election-Issues of Campaign Discussed.
Tho Inrgest crowd of tho season's
campaign turned out M mduy uftorn .n
to welcome Governor George R. OJmru
berlnin, democratic nominee for United
StnteR senator. Despite tht inclemency
of the weather 11 tut the unsensoiiabloness
of the hour, the Medford Opera House
was packed by an undicncc greater than
those that heard Senator Kill ton and Mr.
Cake combined. The governor was
warmly received and his remarks greet
ed with frequent applause. Kg was in
troduced in an appropriate speech by
District Attorney A. K. Kennies ns the
"next United States Senator from Or
egon." Bolicves ill People's Rule.
"T am no recent convert to the cause
of popular government, ' said Gover
nor Chamberlain. "In 1S92 T cham
pioned the i 11 it iative and referendum, j
Afterwards T advocated the direct pri-1
mary and every measure that has been1
before the people fur an enlargement
of their powers. T have always believed
in Statement No. 1, which simply means
the right of the people to elect a sen
ator. "Before the primaries, Mr. Fulton
said that he believed in Statement No, 1
personally, but thought it . should be
left to each legislative candidate as to
whether he should indorse it. Mr. Cake
came out flat footed fur Statement No.,
J, and because he did so. was Humiliated
over Mr. Fulton.
Cake Against- Statement No. 1.
"No sooner was he nominated than
Mr. Cake flopped on Statement No. i
but now takes the name position thai
Mr. Fulton took before the primaries
Hint Statement No. 1 should be left to
the individual candidal' for the legis-.
Inure. Ho refuses to support Statement
No. 1 men, and is now placing principle j
in tho rear of party.
"Because Mr, Fulton took the posi ;
tiou ho did, he was defeated. Because
Mr, Cake has abandoned his position -t
for that of Fulton. Mr. Cake will be
defeated. I 'm going to tell you a so '
cret, I 'in going to be ted senator,
not on party grounds, but simply- be
cause I repiesent the principle of popn
lar election of senators, something the
people have striven for for half ecu
Cheap Skate Candidates.
" I do not see how those cheap skates
seeking election to the legislature from
the per pie have the nerve to go before
the people and tell them that they know
better what the people want than the
people themselves. They seek to be
come public servants at $:i :t day. and
yet tell the pie they ask for votes
that they haven't sense enough to pick
out a senator. Why, they aren't worth
W a day. Most of them couldn't earn
it. If you had a man working for you,
who WHiite! to run your business, how
long would you keep him?
Securing Appropriations.
"It has been said, ' ' continued the
governor, "that I could not get appro
priations for Oregon with a republican
administration. !o yon know that the
biggest appropriation the imrt hwest
ever received was secured by Senators
Fulton and Gearin. republican and dem
AVrat. working together? Do you know
that with a solid republican delegation,
Oregon has been unable to seeur' any
appropriations sine Do you realize that
nil the southern and Mississippi states,
nil democratic, get nnd always have got
immense nppropriat ions from republi
can administrations? Do you know that
Binger Hermann got inure money for
Oregon than any other representative
ever gotf And he got them from dem
oerntie congresses as well ns repunii
cnn. He got it by being friendly with
every one.
" ft isn-'t a man's political party, it 's
the personality nnd knowledge of J Io
nian that counts, of the friend be
make in congress and out of congress,
the influence that be bring to bear
that counts.
What Is a Republican?
"How could Mr. Cake help Ins
party? If he lined up with President
Roosevelt, he will have all his party
leaders against him. If he enters his
party caucus he will have to oppose
the president program of reform.
Kittier WT he in not in a position to
ftecomplUn anything. It President
Roosevelt a republican f Then Aldrich,
Piatt nnd other party leaders aro not.
if they aro, then tho president is not.
What kind of a republican is Mr. Cake
and who will ho lino up with?
Alleged Abuse of Pardons.
"I havo been accused," continued
the governor, "of gross abuse of the
pardoning power, I am accused of having-
granted L'S7 pardons during my
term of office as chief execntive. This
statement is only partially true.
""When tirst elected governor, I be
gan a thorough study of the penal sys
tem. As a result, I stopped the cus
tom of publishing to the world the
name of released convicts whose terms
had expired. I did this so that they
might have a chance to secure work
and begin lite anew without being
branded as criminals.
"1 abolished tho system of flogging
and other physical punishments in
flicted upon prisoners. Finally I abol
ished the striped suits ns causing un
necessary humiliation. The objects of
imprisonment, aro to punish tho crim
inal,, to protect society and to care
for the soul of the criminal. If these
ends are served, the ends of justice
havo been met. So far that large class
of criminals, not hardened offenders,
but men ranging from 15 to 25, serving
their first offense, I devised a special
parole or pardon, which is granted only
on the promise of the prisoner and his
friends that he behave, report once a
month to prison authorities and agree
to drink no liquor of any kind during
his parole.
Not All Were Released.
"While I have signed many pardons,
it does not mean that 1 freed all from
prison by it. In many eases the men
left the penitentiary many years ago.
and have behaved themselves since, and
were granted pardons simply to re
store them to tho rights of citizen
ship. Many of the pardons that I have
signed were issued to t his class, men
who had already served their prison
terms and were discharged long before
1 became governor.
" I may have made mistakes in grant
ing pardons, but in all instances the
pardons wore granted at the signed
request of the prosecutors. And it is
better to err on the side of merry than
to take away from a man chance for
reformation. There are so many tin
fort una tes railroaded to prison that
only lack a kind word and a chance to
make honest men,
"The publication of this list of par
doned criminals will lose many of them
situations, when it is known they are
ex' convicts. IC will bring discourage
ment and I urn many a striving soul
backward, and all for the sake of tak
ing away n few votes from me. Bather
than resort to such tactics, I would
cheerfully stand defeat, for T had rather
be t he means of helping reform a
dozen lost souls than even to be United
States senator.'
After his speech. Governor Chamber
lain was driven to ,shlnnd, where he
spoke in t In evening. Tuesday after
noon he speaks at Gold Hill and in the
evening at Grants Pass.
Indue Stephen A. Lowell of Pendle
ton. one of Oregon's brightest nnd most
eloquent public nun. will address the
people of Medford and vicinity at the
Anglo Opera Honse next Thursday eve
ning, May HI, at S o'clock, upon the
issues of the campaign. Judge Lowell
has a wide reputation as an oralor and
statesman ami has frequently been men
tioned for a United States senatorship
from Oregon. He will discuss the issue
of the present pidit ical campaign as
viewed from a republican party stand
Los ANoLKS. May 1 1. The United
wireless was in e'ommnnii atom with the
'oniiocticut nt midnight. Tli fleet
was lfi" mile north of San Francisco,
steaming at II knots in vry heavy
Relatives of a ChiGago
Girl Identify Her as a Steps to Help in Affair RaGe in Southern Por
Victim of Gunness Death Until Violence is Stopped tion of the State but
Farm Near La Porte. .---More Attacks on Cars. Loses Endorsement.
LA POIiTK, Ind., Mav 19. The is
suing of a death certificate for Jennie
Olson and the turning over of the body
to relatives in Chicago puts the official
si a nip of identification upon one of the
bodies found on tho Gunness farm, re
garding which there has been so much
controversy. Although identified by
her brother, many refuse to believe the
girl dead. Seven unidentified bodies,
including one female, were buried in
the pot tor's field today.
Just before noon today the upper nnd
lower plates which came from Mrs, Gun
ness' mouth, both containing her false
teeth, were recovered through sluicing
ashes. They are positively identified
bv her dentist.
Work on the new St. Mary's academy
itmler construction on Klevnnth street
is progressing rapidly. It is a three-
story building, .very solidly constructed
and the next few days will st'( painters
ind plasterers busily engaged in push
ing the structure to completion.
Tho building wilt be fitted with the
most approved system of lighting, san
itary plumbing, heating and ventila
tion, assuring, when completed, health
and comfort of tho students.
The rooms of the different floors nre
onveniently arranged so as to facili
tate the" work of the several depart
ments. The first floor will contain the
ul i nit ry apartments, dining halls, roc
rent inn rooms nnd primary class rooms.
The second floor, chapel, parlor, libru-
ry, class rooms, auditorium and music
hall; the third floor, dormitory, stn
leuts ' private rooms, laboratory anil
class rooms.
Xo effort will be spared by tho Sis
ters to make this a thoroughly up,
todato institution for the moat cul
tured moral and mental t raining of
boys ami girls.
WASHINGTON, May lit. Tho sen
ite agreed to the house amendment to
the senate bill granting 1,000,000 acres
f land to the state of Idaho under the
t arey act.
The senate committee on public build
ings and grounds complete consideration
of the omnibus bill, which passed the
house last week. The committee added
s1 ,000,000, bringing the total carried by
the measure as reported to the senate
over $311,000,000. The net ion includes
.:t,oni),ooo f,r purchase of land for
buildings in Washington.
Klamath Kails has a very active tennis
club, and announces a tournament to
he held on July A. The club has (wo
fine courts on Klamath avenue, and in
cludes among its members i champion
ship player. W. S. Wiley, attorney for
the reclamation service. He has won
many honors in Washington, D. C.
The tournament will be for Hip cham
pionship of the Middle Pacific, and it
is hoped to make it nn annual feature
and bring many players from outside
NKW VOKK, Hay I!). Criminal
charges against certain members of the
firm of T. A. Mclnlyre & Co,, stock
brokers, who recentlv failed, their lia
bilities exceeding 1, were laid
bef ore District Attorney Jerome todav
by C. C. Burlinghnm, t ho receiver of
the failed firm. Mr. Jornm presented
the charges to the grand jury.
XF.W Vnl.'K. May li. The mcmiter
of the board of managers of thm New
Yrk c,tt,,n Kxcharige who were in of
fire about u yar ago. summoned the
federal court today, presumably in eon
nertioti with the charges that the rev is
ion of cottan grading last year resulted
in large profits to ?h member of the
New Vork eichange.
Mayor Will Not Take Any
OLKVKLAND, O., May lit. Riot ing
on a scale thai threatened, to result in
death and serious injury to many was
resumed this afternoon by strike sym
pathizers who are trying to advance the
cause of tho striking streetcar men.
In one instance a mob attacked a con
doctor while he was turning a switch.
Trying to dodge hundreds of rocks,
hunks of wood ami other missiles, the
onductor rushed for his car and locked
himself in. He was suffering intense
pain from the injuries inflicted by the
sharp edged rocks. Not content with
having injured him, the crowd wrecked
the car. The police stopped the rioting.
Notwithstanding the widespread dis
order which prevailed last night, the
Municipal I ruction company claimed to
day to have more cars in operation than
at anv time since the strike.
The trucks of a Superior avenue car
were wrecked this morning and windows
broken by an explosion of dynamite.
It was filled with passengers. A panic
cusuf-d, but no one was hurt.
Mayor Johnson says that he will not
lift his hand to aid either side as long
is thi strikers use dynamite, lie said
this morning that he would at all costs
prevent further violence and that dy
namite outrages would not be tolerated
for a moment. All the police of the city
ind a thousand specials will be called
out if necessary In prevent mob rule,
SAN FRANCISCO, May 111. William
L Hanna, n wfl-todo plumber, nt 1114
Tennessee street, cut the thronts'of his
baby sou P.urlon and baby daughter 2
years old with n razor early today. Both
will probably die. Then he invaded tin-
apart men Is occupied by his wite and
three other children, aged .4, it and 7,
nd announced: "T have killed the two
bnbies and now I am going to kill tin1
rest of you. ' '
Mrs. Hanna .jumped from the bed and
grappled with the armed maniac and in
tho struggle lo prevent the carrying out
f the threat was frightfully beaten
about the head and face, but managed
to hold him until I he children, dad only
ill their nightlobes, fled into the street.
She then followed them.
Hanna then locked himself in the
room of his two vie! tins. The police
broke in and found him holding Hie boy
up by the teg in the act of drawing the
razor across his throat. Hanna was
overpowered and handcuffed. He was
crazed bv drink.
RKLL1XGHAM. Wash.. May 111. 0.
W. Crawford ami wfe, Joseph Lester
and Msm Gertrude Webster, who have
been lost on Chuckutiut moiintan, were
found today Ovsler creek. !: mhs
southeast of Itellngham, hopelessly lost,
enarly dead will fatgue, hungry and
wit I t hop.; of ever leing found. They
were caught on the mountain in a storm
and lost Heir way. It rained almost
continuously and the party was with
out food or fire.
The women could walk no further and
th men had decided to stay with them
instead of I tying to sa e l lo-ms-h e.
PHINCKTO.V. May I (.- I isvaf ixf ac
tion was shown by some of the author!
tied of Mercer and Middlesex count ion
at the decision of the coroner of the
latter county that Miss Itertha Vamb-r-bilt
was accidentally drowned, creating
a new interest in the case.
The second examination of tin Imdy,
however, by lr. Simian, confirms th1
opinion of the coroner that death was
accidental. Her parents aro satisfied.
PITTSItl'ltG. May Ml. Henry Itei
ber, paying teller, and John Young, aud
itor of On- Partners' Deposit & Nation
at bank, nho pnhelrd ,o.',,ihmi( will
be inteneed tomorrow.
Johnson Gives Him Close
MOX'lYiOMKRV, Aln., May ID. Ho-
turns from the state democratic prim
aries continue to conic in slowly. At
noon the indications were that I try an
has carried tho state, I hough Governor
iohusoa of Minnesota is giving him a
lose race. The Johnson forces piled up
a large vole in Southern Alabama, but
not enough according to present iudi-
atious to secure an indorsement.
POHTLAXH, May 111. Suddenly
hanging from white to black and be
lieved by physicians to be on the verge
of death from a strange malady, Mrs.
Millie Watkius is on the road to recov-
ry and will probably be returned to a
ell in the cily jail, The prisoner is ro
I ai nod at St. Vincent 's hospital, a re-
urrenec of her strange ailment being
A peculiar feature of the case of Mrs.
Watkius is that when breat hiiig free
air she makes her home in the negro dis
trict in the North Knd. She has been
addicted to the use of liipior for many
years, and stagnation of tho blood oc-
urrcd, which had the effect of trans
forming her complexion lo a yellowish
black. Simultaneously she had an acute
it tuck of rheumatism of the heart and
was thought to be near ibnth.
NKW VOKK. May lit. As executors
of the estate of Miss Frances Miller, Hie
Title Guarantee & Trust company yes
terday observed the carrying out of a
provision of her will by which the body
was to be cremated nnd the ashes cast
to I he four winds. M isH Miller was
well known as a music Icnchcr and left
in estate valued at $iif),i)i)H to immcdi
ito relatives and friends. She died Inst
Sunday. In her will she gave explicit
lirections as to the disposal of her
body, and in accordance wit 1 1 t hem,
rendition took place in the crematory
it Fresh Pond, L. L Yesterday the
ishes wore scattered without ostentation
or ceremony.
OH A XG L'LKH. Mav 111.- One young
woman is dead, a boy and two lit t lu
girls are seriously ill and suffering in
lease agony as (lie result of a picnic
held in the Arroyo Hero, near Pasudeiin.
last Sundav, when the merrymakers mis
k poisonous castor bean for wild
innuauitu hemes.
The girl, who died after suffering for
llli-e days from Hie effects of tho poi
son, was l.'aphilia Iturgroff, a Sunday
chool teacher, who had charge of the
xetjrsioil. The three children of J.
Iteichis.y are in u dangerous condition.
Fweiity other children were poisoned
WASHINGTON, May IU. -The I "nit
d Slates senate adopted tho amended
Aldrich financial bill as a substitute for
the Vreeland men -one passed by t he
hiue Thursday. The matter now goes
a conference bet ween the t wo
ranches of congress,
NKW YOIOX, May lit,-As Hie result
of a meting of automobile manufactur
ers and their representatives here Sat
utday the holding of a transcontinental
automobile from Xew York to San Fran
eisco and Imck agnin is practically as
COLI'MMI'S, ,. May P.i.- The Nor
I folk i Western passenger train was
t wrecked by the Hpreading of rails two
j mile west of here. Then was but one
coach on the train nnd only 1'" people
I riding. The car turned over, injuring
about 12 pf rioui.
i Testimony in Divorce Pro-
ceedings Shows That
Correspondence Cost the
Senator $7,500.
XF.W YORK, May l!.Mue Woo.t
continued her testimony in her suit for
divorce from Senator Plat. The coun
sel for Plait concluded the cross ex
amination, questioning her about a re
lease she gave Abraham Hummel, the
former lawyer, iu HHU, in which she
agreed to accept :H),niio in Nctllumcnl
for her claims against Piatt.
Wood declined yesterday that the re
lease was secure I under duress, but that
she said she accepted some of the
money. Although Miss WoihI has signed
a rtdease and declared in an accoin
panyiug affidavit that she gave Plntt
letters to lliimeml, as counsel, she de
clared she could have obtained foO.OOl)
for the letters. Miss Wood said today
she was paid $7500 for the letters. 'She
did not know where I he money came
from, she said.
INIHAXAPOLIS, May lit. John Mc
tJanghey, former county commissioner
and prominent in polities, shot himself
dead today. His name is connected with
the scandal of the commissioner's of
fice of the Allan engine deal, in which
money, it is alleged, passed to the com
uiissioiiers. One commissioner was in
dicted, but McGaughey was not indicted
NKW YOKK, May I'J. After a num
ber of leading stocks had reached the
highest price of I he year, a sharp break,
tho decline becoming precipitated just
before the close. The American Smelt
ing fell I points below last night's clos
ing, and a number of others between 2
nnd ;t points. The decline is attributed
lo I he efforts to realize oil profits.
WILLITS. Cal., May P.I. Word from
I he lion ml Valley Indian reservation
I slate that Charles Curd shot and in
I slant ly killed Henry Hayes and John
I Powell, all hall breeds. It is nlleg-d
'the men were too attentive to Card's
' Wife.
j NKW YOUK, May IU.- (tecanse he
! was to be married again, George Slerrv,
', aged was shot and k tiled by his
i son, George Hterrv, Jr., who then com
I milted suieido. The fatlo-r was a men)
j her of a I urge wholesale drug firm 'a rid
j was engaged to marry a young school
V SXGToX. May 1H.--A special
commit tec of I he In disc, invest igating
the charge; of (rprosenlative Lilley of
improper uo-ilowls used by the Kleeiric
Itoal company to influence the siibmn
rine boat b-gislat ion will be submitted
iu a report to the house tomorrow.
j SW,T LA K K. May l!t -K. S. Suel
iglowr, bookkeeper of the I'tah Assnei
'atiou of Credit Men, coinmlitcd suicide
'this morning by shooling hi in self while
j sitting at his desk. He had been in ill
health for some time, He was married.
Campaign Rally.
'The workers of (he world are unit
The socialist nominees for the state
legislature. Mr. !. M. Ilr. J er of Ash
laud nnd Itaplutel Messner of Gold Hill,
will speak upon the issues of the day.
viz., "Socialism; Prohibition vs. Shall
the .Hiilnon He Abolished"'
McJford Opera House. Saturday, May
2'i, H p. m.
Central Point hall, Monday, May
9 p. m.
i Jacksonville hall, Tuesday, May fift.
i 4 n. in.
Ladies (specially invited. 0
State of Chaos Among
Court Papers Due to
Parsimonious Policy of
County Court.
' Tho condition that Jackson cunty
records are in is shameful," At- t
torney George W. Hurhum uf Grant
Pass, who has been looking into several'
cases at Jacksonville, involving titl
nt valuable, propertied, "Judgment
roles, containing the complaint, ans
wer, journal of entry and final judg
ment iu cases have been filed away aad
have disappeared or been tost for years.
Those' that remain are in a state f
chaos, unindexed and practically impos
sible to locate..
' ' Laud titles, proof and foundation
of title and many proceedings-bearing
upon t he establishment of titles ar
gone. We know that certain cases wern
brought and certain decrees entered af
fecting many valuable propert ies, yet
there is nothing on record to prove it,
and if they aro on the preserved records
they can 't bo found.
"There is not filing room in the
clerk 's office to take care of preocnt
papers, let, alouo putting away papers
of old eases. The of fie outgrew its
facilities years ago. .It should ho en
larged by half, nod old records gathered
up and indexed.
"In the old clerk 's office, he Torn
tin- clerk moved to tho courthouse, there
used to bo several big dry goods boxes
filled with these important records.
What been'; to of them no one seems to
know A pouud wise nnd penny foolish
parsimnnous policy pursued by tho
county court nnd comtaiRsioiiers in re
sponsible for the chaos in county rec
ords. It would take from W00 to
it 1 300 to straighten nut and tnako of
some use the records still left, but it
ought to be ilone. Meanwhile the Needs
f much litigation nre sowing."
San Aulonio, Tex., April HO, l!m.
Commercial Club, Medford, Or.
Gentlemen: I dropped into the
Wood ard Vichy company's office this
morning to get a drink nf this vichv wa
ter and spied a beautiful booklet of
Medford, Or. It attracted my attention
and I picked it up and glanced through
it. 1 became so much interested in it
that I read il through and I write to
con grni uhit e you on th fine articles
and work done in getting it up. Your
bib is deserving of success w where
such ability is shown in giving the pub
lie a stnteinent of your resources. I
fed like xlarting for Medford on tho
next train. Yours for muccess.
GKo, i. HOOT,
Prisnall Hotel.
Dr. Hoxtoe of Pittsburg hits pur'
huscd the cast half of the Rrotvti or
chard, paying 10.0110 for 'Jo acres. The
sale was made through the Roguo River
Land company.
If. L. Miirdick of Ashland has pur
chased a Kissid cur. Hie first one in the
alley, from t In Med fonl Auto com
pany, II is a "l" horsepower, four cyl
inder car, costing
Mrs. S. ranlrall of AptJcgntt and her
daughter, Mrs. K. B. How of Jackson
ille. were among the many who hfiird
Governor chamberlain's speech in WA
fowl. W. H. Moreland, nuperintendent. of
the comity hospital near Talent, was in
Medford Saturday. II" informed us
that Isam Hubbard, tt pioneer of thuf
county, died nt t ha I inst it n t ion some
time njpi.
If, Callahan, the well-known miner,
who has heen spending the past several
months at Spokane, was in Medford
Monday on his way to the copper belt
to lof.k after his intensive mining in
Glen Fabric has purchased ft laundry
in Medford and will now become a
southern Oregon booster. Well, Glean
has learned how to do the stunt In 9
very perfect way while living in Hno4
River. We are all sorry to see the
young man and his family leave to take
up their permanent residence in the
dusty city. However, we wish thnm
the hMt of success in their new field of
1 lib or. Hood River Newt Letter.
oat oi