Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, May 18, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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    tub MisnroHn daily tribune, mkpfokd. or... montvay, may is, 100s.
' El wood sails gruphonhones uud roc
rda on easy payment a $1 a wt'ek.
Mr. anil Mis. J. il. Ifay Lave rt uriu
from thnr trip to San Kraiu-inio.
Hiiy a cliatire u the ilk linttrnlnrg
John 1), Wliitumn is in Klamath conn
ty, Junking after his fiahing intoreats.
it you want ice cream, glv your or
.f to iho Hook Store Creamery
Maurit-t' Winter, Hi' iiiinl umlmHsit
dor vt comint'iTo, is anum us iiyiini, in
1 lie int-rsl of XcuHtailt r Jiro.
All kinilH or job printing at Vortlaix
jrires Tlio Tribune. '
.Mr. ami Mr. ( lirin Ki-nncy ttf Jm-k
bom villi: left for I'ot'Ilninl ami Sat t If
Sunday evening.
All night reslanrant. at tlie Kmvrick
i :I1 further notii-e.
A. ifriilgfiniiii, rliit-f Jiecmintniit at
tin- Jttui' l'ilgi, luis M urni-il f ruin a
Trip to Han Krancisen.
Miss IlIIu flaunvaw, dtenograpky aud
. . (lenritin. Room 4, Palm lilock.
(, Jf. l-toniH, the, wvll known litirtini!
tnriftt, irt itown from I'liitlnuil, looking
after Iuk fruit intereslK,
Tho only print shop hi Southern Or
vm employing Typographical Union
- nt org. The Tribune.
William K. Kahl'r nf Cent nil Point
in licit u liiiHirifsH trip to l'ortlnmi Sat
nrday. For people who wish the very best
Waitshurg I'ure White I'lonr. .1:1.
Mm. .1. A. ami Mj-h. A. Hleel
of .Ineksoavillo were aiuoiig t hose in
Afedfonl Saturday afternuon.
The best equipped job printing office
ill Southern Orngon, employing ttkilled
jnlon printers Tho Tribune.
Mint Lillian Sullivan of Ashland hah
enterej St. Mary 'h ai ademy ut .laek
'co cream delivered to any part of the
.ly. f)rdT from the Creamery or
..oil store. ;
Mihh Lulu Straw, formerly of Med
ford, hati relumed to K In math FuIIh
from a trip to San KraueiKeo.
Hetter hn-ad and more bread with
WnitMbnrg Pure White Khuir. Allen &
Itengiin. oit
Mr. mid Mih. Lewis Cliirh of Jack
sonville spent Sunday afternoon in
Moil ford.
Ham CulbertHon, general contractor
'1 builder, cement work a specialty,
dford, Or.
John T. Smuinervilti' linn gune to Kl
liott Creek to look after the interetn
of the I'eniwylvaaiH Mining eompauy.
ChaueeH from 1 eeut to a dollar on
tho hand made Hatltiilterg jar k ft in
Kunlett SiMcr window. f3
CharleH If. Huntington of AhIiIuihI,
who wan examined one day hint week,
on a charge of insanity, has hern com
mitted to the Oregon insane asylum.
"Slio, Marwe," dis yer Coleslin 51 in
eral Water tastes like vo foot a
aHleep." (Hd lilaektoe. flu
Silas J. Jay, Uewis Vlrli h and Kar
kin lleynohlH, who were chosen to wy
resent, ,laikson ille, will leave for Sa
lem Tuesday.
Keotioniii-iil houseU'i es know t hat
Waitshurg ''I'lirn White" Kloiir is th
ehetipest bv far in the lone run. Allen
k Kenyan. .":t
Mcsdamcrt Alice I'lrich and Nellie
ITuftVr wilt represent liiith Itebekah tie
gree lodgi in tho stale convent ion
which meets at Salem, May It).
If you want sweet cream or butter
eiilk, order from the Creamery or watrli
'or the wagon. Deliveries made every
Uy. I'hone, No. 023. 1
Mrs. Manna I mrris Thompson of Kti
geno is visiting in Jacksonville, tin
guest of her cousins, Misses Carrie
Heekman and Coninue l.inn
Wo deliver sweet cream or buttermilk
rtrry day; watch for our wag u or
nhnne orders to the Creamery. I'hone
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher I. inn, who have
been stopping at Jucksotivilln during
the past few weeks, b ft for their home
Rt I'orttand Sunday eveuiug.
J. C. Hrown lias pnrchastd the inter
hst of 1 r. Morrison's real estati bus
lliess, who will lesume the practice of
medicine again. ;"(!
Mr. and Mis. 'Ihomas K. llanunei-il;
of Portland have been isiting rein
tives living at Hold Hill. They were
on their way homo from San Francisco.
New Smith Premier typewriter with
tabulator, for sale cheap if sold moou
l . Hox lis, Molloid, on, or ti.o
II. Johnson, the dewing machine num. :
John Whyuot of Hig Untie was in J
Med fold Saturday afternoon. He ex
ptotf to leave for his former hm.. in
t he east before long.
If you are looking for ll fine building
lot. r:it float, or a gn-d home in West
Medfoid, or tt mountain ion-isi
injj of fruit land, oak timber ami pa-
tore land HI onlv 10 r a, it-
11. Signs. (,;:
C. 11. Wrtld, a pioiuiiient l";i um i ,.l
Talent pivciin't, was in M.dletd S:ifn,
rlav nftcrnoMii, nci-oa'paiio d l.v ;i. I'lttn
Hon. (ieor-f K. 'hamliiTiaiu i. ii
Mcdford l.nlav. Wltm tl.c voter look
over the go, inor" r- -oid thrv t -r.-t
politics nod :iv. ''He's cur nun."
Judge R-iv of Jn.-k..n ille was among
those who ati.n.le.l th,. thu l .juait-rlx
meeting of the M. V.. rhnr.h. South,
held Id Mcdford Saturday and Snndav.
Hon. H. 1. Kddy. r, x'tt. , of ih.
United State bind Min e M ;. . ),u,
sjxut Sunday in Mtdt'.-td m,,) -lli.t- i
an address under the auspice of one
of the ehuieh s.
Itev. C. I.. Me) 'auslatid of 1 otvulln,
presiding elder of the M. )'. , Imr, Ii,
South, held serviec in Med ford Sun
day, the occasion of the (Uiid rpiait.r
ly meeting in this district.
A. S. ltarnes of Ashlud. foim. r -In r
iff of Jaekooit county, was in Medtoi.l 1
Thumday on his way home fi..m ;i:u,'-j
Pans. He is bef,re the peopl.- ns an j
didato for county clerk. Kl
Judge eil. W.' H. Coleman. Mr an I Mi.
This year the paramount issue in Or
egun is Statement o. 1, election of sen
ators by the people, government by the
people rather than by politician and the
Kxteusivo preparations are being
made for the annual cherry fair to be
held in Salem about the first of July,
and from information received it is
apparent that the fair thin year will
surpass that of H'0.
Hr. .(dm H. Parson of Ashland, who
recently underwent an operation in San
Praneisco for gallstone, has returned to
his home from 'Column's Surings, where
he spent a month for the benefit of his
health, which is much improved.
It has been many u year since wool
sold us low as In cents a pound, al
though recent sales here have been be
tween that figure and - cents. Valley
vcuionr to breed for the mutton market
rather than for the fleece.
Itev. Hubert Tweed has left for Hob
iughaui. Wash., where he goes to take
harge of Hethany Presbyterian
hureli, located in tins uhurhs of that
ity. Itev. James M. Wilson, formerly
Presbyterian pastor at Ashland, is pas
tor of a leading church at Hellingham,
lev. Mr. Tweed's family will remain
ut their home in Antihunt, says the Tid
.Marshal Hanimersly had a ease rather
out of the ordinary on his hands a few
lays ago, when lie was obliged to give
a woman IioImi a "Jloaler. She ar
rived from the north on the local and
arried an abundance of booze aboard.
e morning she made herself rather
bnoxious about town and IVitz eour-
eously escorted her to the t rain and
shipped her south. Cold Hill News.
I'o cup the climax of recent sharp nd-
iiuces in trail jars, manufacturers and
jobbers nre today quoting an advance
of $1 a gross in the value on jar caps.
orcein in caps that formerly sold at
'.:"u a gross are now selling at .t.t.:"t).
ii recent years the price on caps has
never gone beyond jJsi.Ji.'i until a short
time iign. This advance, coupled with
the rise of 40 to 50 per cent in the prie
f fruit jars a short time ago, makes
nine fruit preserving much more ex
pensive. However, no advance has yet
occurred in jar rubbers.
4-1 r, ... -
amusements. Llassiiiea Ao vertiseDieots
kv tin' luiiKhttr ami coin-ini-iiitat
iun, tin; iiiwiuiiiimiti opinion uf
the cruwtleil boimc wllii-li vvai filter
taineil for three hours Saturday eve
niii( l.y "Mrn. Temple V Teleitraui. "
was that it was the lust show which
has heeii seea in Moijfonl for many
mouths. A Kat many j i u eontrih
llte.1 to (U Sllceess. -
The play itself was genuinely funny.
The small cast was par aiul away ahove
tlie average seen here. Tho leloliu
woman, .Margaret Snow, hail as attrac
tive a personality as any woman whom
the writer hits ever seen in a mail com
pany. Her strongest point was her
alisem-e of any "effort," ami her a
parent obliviousness of the charming
stage pa-lure which she made. Mr.
lii rnanl hail Hie higunt Klutre of the
work, anil no part cuulil lie better suit
eil to linn. The imuintiuf; of the plav
lioih in the stage settings ami costiim
inji. was a revelation coniparcil to what
is oi.iuianly n-eu in the -Mt-ilfonl (Jp
era House. The company drought their
own scenerv.
Kvcry une laughcil ami enjoyed it
Kvery one was happv and went awav
satisfied, and what more need lie said
in praise of any show.
tioiis less than 15 cents. Six Insertions
for tlio price of four. Seventy-fire
ceuu a line per mouth.
over pogtomce.
Seattle and Tacoma.
Account the visit of the fleet of liat-
I tleships to Tacoma and Seattle, the
1 .Southern Pacific company offers the
following reduced rates:
One and one third fare to Portland,
plus tTfiil if to Seattle and ."i.0 if to
WANTED To bnv from inn ono I
head of stock sheep. Write Box 131,Taeom
.."u.oru, Sale dates: To Seattle, May 1 and ,
i-'OR SI.F !..,., ... i 7T t0 Tacomn, May 25 and 2. Cuntin !
ished; cheap if sold soon. See flnv A
ru,;i.i.. J 1
COB SALI Yo uug gentlo cow for
saie; price 40. E. E. Morrison, R.
c. u. ao. l, unffin Creek.
"ANTED Ten teamsters with teams
wanted Ly Western Oregon Orchards
,.o. at once; good wageB.
At Purl land ..I. Wednesday, "Chub
by" I'ernoll won his third straight
game from the Angels. He has been
"jinks" to the Loo Loos ever since
ho le't drauts I'ass. .Mct'n-ilie must
put much more depenilence in I'eruol
if he wishes to win the pennant. 11
dues give the liny a s(ii:ire deal.
WASHINGTON, 1). v., May 1(1.
That 1!7 stales have declared in favor
of popular elect ion of federal senators
Arkansas, Oregon, Washington, Ida
ho, Montana, l.iwa, Texas, California,
Vevada, Missouri, Nebraska, Louisiana,
Kansas, Wisconsin. Michigan, Tennes
see, South Ihikotn, I'tah, Kentucky,
Minnesota, I'ciiusvlvunia, Indiana. Wy
oming. North Carolina, Illinois, Colo
rado and t llilahonui and that of the in
iciimining two thirds are ready to so
declare, and that article ii of Ihe fed
-mi consiiiuiion is not subject to a time
limit, are the remarkable facts which
Senator Owen of Oklahoma sets forth
in a memorial filed with the senate
here from Coventor Haskell of his state
The signilici is in the last nllegn
tion, the others n,, being susceptililr
to ib lillte.
Senator IIivi-ii contends that there if
no time limit on article .1, which is
II"' arlicl aking it mandatory on tin
gross to submit to the peple any
am Iinent asked for by two thinls of
the state legisalt ores.
Heretofore it has been accepted as
going without the saving that this ar
tide meant that, before an amendment
must be submitted by Ihe congress, two
thiids of the state legislatures must pe
tit ion the congress at the same time or
in the same vear.
Senator Owen claims to the contrarv
that whenever legislature petitions
shall have I u filed enough to maki
the total which ever have been filed
icre two thirds of all the states, then
engross must submit the iimeudinenl
iskcl for.
The I'niv rsity of Oregon won the
track met at I'lillmau. Wash.. Wcdnes
lav tifternouu by a score of 7" to 47.
which give stlie Oregnuiaiis the chain
pionship of the northwest, with Whit
man in s 1 place. Oregon led from
Ihe start and was strong throughout.
Los Angeles lost Ihe first two games
at Portland, dropping into third place.
Kinsetla and Pernoll put the Indian
sign on them. The standing of the
clubs Thursday morning was: San Fran
cisco, ;"i21l; Oakland, ,"il.l; Los Angeles,
.100; Portland. -I.Vi.
It lacks only a few weeks of 2n years
since lominv Itvan became conspicuous
'is a pugilist. It was July 20, ls-S.s that
he knocked out Joe Johnson in fiv
rounds nt Marion, Mich., that being hi:
first important fight. In his 2i years
has fought lltl times, and in oiU
three of those years has he kept out
of the ring. His lust bouts were with
Dave Harry and Hugo Kelly late in 1 1,
winter ol Mm..
FOR SALE Reo runabout in good con
dition. I need a larger machine. L.
a. Warner, Jr., at Warner's store.
FOUND On the road from Mcdford to
Jacksonville, a baby 's white cont. Call
at Tribune office.
LOS I A cocker spaniel pup. Return
to 025 South C street und receive re
ward. so
Foli JiKNT Furnished rooms, on Trips
street, second street south on East
Seventh. Apply to Mis. O. Ilowmun.M
FOR SALE Complete lurnishiugs for
5-room cottage; bargain if taken at
once. Mrs. C. P. Cameron, corner 10th
and L streets. West Mcdford. 50
FOR SALE A 2000 mortgage, gilt
edge security, bn taxes, 8 per cont net.
Inquire of tho Mcdford Realty & Rent
al Co., Medford, Or. "
F01 KF.XT 5 furnished rooms, conve
nient lor housekeeping, close to busi
ness; no children. No. Hu7 North ('
street. r,2
PARTY wishes to get loan of $300 on
40 acres of raw land that is worth
$1000; good abstract; will pay 10 per
cent. Lock Box 656.
ual passage in both directions, with ,
final return limit 14 days from date of
sale. j
This is last opportunity to see this I
fleet after its memorable cruise.
These cities aro making great prepa
rations for entertainment of the fleet I
aod other visitors. ' t j
l-urtlier particulars at depot.
FOR SALE Gray mare, weighing 1050
pounds, gentle, not afraid of automo
biles, with week old colt. Apply W.
I. Hrown, or Doi 8.14, Medford. 61
RUNABOUT for sale cheap; thorough
ly equipped with odometer, neetolyne
lights, top, elc. A. C. Allen, Medford,
0 ie Overall, the Chicago National
pitcher, after winning 14 straight
games, was ib-tcatcd by Philndclplii
Han Kelly, the world's champion
sprinter, at Philadelphia, May 12,
practice, ran the loo in 10 seconds ami
made a leap of 21 feet in the broar
jump. For the short time that Kellv
has been under the can- of Trainer Miki
Murphy he has made Wonderful strid
tuwaid the goal in both Ihe sprints and
broad jump, and the veteran trainer
says that when the proper time come
tlie Oregon boy will uphold his reputa
t ion as the world's cliauiiion.
Tommy Shechan, formerly with Ta
oma, is now leading the National
league batsmen, with an average of
ctllCAlil), .May !.-,.o;g tin
nlerstato commerce commission drcis
ion tlie western transcontinenlal rail
mails are threatening to go out of Asi iiimi wiiciii.-ii cxpori uusiness trom
which they derive between $2,1100 000
and :i,o0il.iN0 annually.
For more than a week the tram, on
inental freight bureau has been In ses
sunt nit I, a view to d. terniinini' what
an be done in the crisis which ci
fronts its members.
One of the decisions which holli
the railroads was given with respect to
the export carrying trade and the other
w ith lesp. cl to the rates on cotton pic
H'MMls. I lie c.illllillssioil has d.-.-iib-.l
Hint the railroad most publish th
land proportions of export rates.
l!i 'M 11. M.iv 111 Count ltoni de C:
'"'"" "'i" "ad detectives watching
I rince Helie de Sagan and his former
i!e sin,-,, the latter arrived in Na
I I"" on.leel is to get evt.lelice to
pin. , h.-for.. the Fr. lu-h courts when he
U'l'his In them to remove his children
Mom lier ctiiti.tlv.
'hi' i nt will challenge IV Sagan
to II do.l. il is asserted here, the mo
n III Ihe prime , 1, f,,t ,,n Flench
I'l.c ,,f I'Mii.e de an,!
Uoul.l at Monte Carlo probably
ill be n,. iu,.,. , ,,, ,r .V
piiui. p!.,,. :, ,. ( , I,,,, ,1(,lt
;i:i.l li.t.l a trilling l,,ss.
Is Ta
Ciipt of
' -Mrs. Chris t ' Iris h and Mrs. K. C-ik .f
Jacksonville were among Ihe many olo.
attendisl the funeral of the late C
Kleiiihammer at Ashland Sunday.
John W. Smith, Sr., of Mound pir
cinct was in Mcdford a few days since.
His name apcara in The Commoner as
having sent a laige club of subscrih
era to Bryan's paper.
not until Ttcciituf mm. ivliu .4. i ... v.
sr. I'FTFIISItl'U,;, M.-,v
i I. in. s.. I, ,..ii i,,t) ti' r is in
a i.-i.gralii tlie I Itinese society r.l
bin.osh. Siberia, complaining of
"'" "i iio-lo or -jisi I liinese resl
Tommy Hums. Ihe American heavy
I'ight, is going to pick up another
bunch of easy money, the sacrificial of
fering being Bill Squires, whom the
champion put out with a punch in San
Francisco. The Roche Burns fight put
up a purse of $7500. The contest will
take place in Dublin the first week in
July. A side of 2."u has been do
posited by the principals. Squires, by
his jigtime victory over Heche, has ac
quired quite a following.
Hotel Nash Arrivals.
II. T. Wertheiiner and wife. X. Mc
(Iregur, Wiliym Bernard. J. Deulv and
wife. Miss Snow, Louis Thompson. New
York; K. C. Davis. Cleveland: W. A.
Slater, Portland; A. Pankcv. Ashland:
H. I. Hurt. San Francisco: M. T.
Brandy, St. Louis; A. A. I'akolT, Louis
Collat. New V.k: U. L. Kellv. Bureau
of Fisheries: A. A. Kcardon. Portland:
Miss Towne. Jacksonville: H. M. Fair-
fowl. I'oitlaii.l: C. shreek. San Fian-
iseo: Carl K. Freeman. Chicago; C.
M. Leonard. Portland; K. H. Knapp.
Lynn, Mass.; D, K. Hrockbank. wife
ni.l son, San Francisco; .1. C. Marshall.
J. A. Clldgee, Portland; 11. 1'. Hart. San
Francisco; C. .V. Hurst and wif", A,
Smith, lirass Valley; F. 1. Arrington.
i. i.oms: i.. , . Aiexaintcr. San r ran
isoo; .1. T. Albert, M. Wise, Portland;
W. L., Spokane; M. Winter, Port
land; W. L. Masters and wife, New
York; C. 11. Durham. C.rants Pass; II.
Callahan, Spokane; J. II. Bauin, Port
land; ti. W. Moore, Chicago.
FOR SALE Ono U. S. Cream Sepa
rator, Xio. u; 500 capacity; good as
new; cost $80; will sell for 450.
C. Henslcy, Central Point.
FOR SALE 8. N. Subdivision is in the
market now; choice ten-acre tracts,
best location in the valley. L. Nee-
demeyer, Jacksonville.
lAirsi Liiiiues' gold hunting enso
natch, black leather fob; lost be
tween 7th st. and cemetery Sunday
afternoon. Finder return Tribune, re
ceive reward.
FOR SALE Five-room house, beaut
fully located, with lo 50x145, ten bear
ing apple trees; this is a snap and will
be sold at a bargain. Address Lock
Box 125, Medford, Or.
Foil SALE Largo building lots 63
by Itis feet, in West Medford; easy
terms. Two lots already sold, pur
chasers will begin building at once.
Inquire of J, (J. Brown, office in Palm
building, upstairs.
FOR SALE Six-acre tract, must raise
cash, $1025, at once; balance easy
terms; best black deep soil, finest lo
cation, maiu road; very-closo in; few
minutes' walk to bank corners. Lock
Box 546, Medford. 53
FOR SALE White Leghorn eggs for
settling, 50 cents for 15, from flock
of 4M hens picked from 500 standard
bred White Leghorn chickens. Dr.
(.bible, phone No. 103, Medford; also
pasture for cows inside city limits.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office: Medford National Bank Bldg.
Prices right. Pumps famished when
Contractors and Builders.
All Work Guaranteed.
Office with C. H. Pierce ft Son.
Phono 653. P. O. Box 771
Resident Piano Tuner.
Special Hates by the Year.
Headquarters at Hale's Piano House.
All Work Guaranteed.
'. O. Bos 563, MEDFORD, OREGON.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office at Residence.
Will. M. Colvtg, Medford. Or.
Attorneys at-Law.
Geo. K. Durham, Orants Pass, Or.
Double Your Money.
Did you ever stop to think how rap
idly you con make a fortune by doubl
ing your money T
For instance, say yon start with only
1 eeut and double it every day for only
one month, and you will be surprised to
see that yon have aecumulutcd several
million dollars. Figure it out for your
self and become convinced.
Wo simply mention this to show you
how rapidly money accumulates when
lonbled over and over again and call
your attention to tho fact that real es
tnte in Medford is doing that one thing:
luring the past two years you know of
many insances whero Medford properly
lias iioiiiiied in value over and over
As a matter of fact, the present prices
01 .Medford real estate are very low.
and it is a better buy now than it ever
was. Medford has doubled in popula
tion during the past two years, and it
has only commenced to grow; the sur
rounding country is increasing in popu
lation and value faster in proporl inn
than is .Medford. which is bound lo in
crease the population of Medford and
the value of real estate faster than ever
The immense acreage planted to orch
ards as it comes into bearing alone
means the doubling of Mod ford's pop
illation again inside of two years, and
the doubling and quadrupling of its real
estate values within tho same period
of time.
Coupled with this are tlio immense
timber resources now being opened up
for tho market and the great mineral
resources now being rapidly developed
I lie t.ohl Ray Realty Company of
Mcdford, of which Dr. C. K. Ray
president, owns over 10,000 acres of
farming nnd fruit lands all over the
valley, as well as aero property, busi
ness property and town jots in the City
of Medford, which they are offering at
very low prices on long time and on
easy lerins, and it will pay prospective
buyers to invesligale same before bill
ing elsewhere.
This company also offers to build
houses to suit purchasers and soil same
on long-time, easy monthly payments.
Call and investigate at their office with
the Rogue liiver Electric Co., 200 West
Seventh street, Medford, Or. 52
Candidate for
On Statement No. 1,
Favors guaranteed bank deposits.
On Stntement No. 1.
Democratic Nominee.
Democratic Nominee.
Republican Nominee for
Will always support the republican
andidato for l S. senator who is noin
inate.1 by the people.
of (iol.l Hill,
Republican Nominee for
An Unequaled Investment,
rliioo invested now will secure tlire
hoice improved business lots, five
ears' lime on easy payments on tho
lal.'lll.-e. Il is bclicvisl these lots will
ooble in valtte nrtliin one year and tlo
inky purchaser will thus make "mO
on an investimiit ol'0onlv $1000. This
is an opportunity seldom offered and
is only open for a short time. Gold Kav
Reallr C .. '.'oil West 7th street. C. i
-teals tliey were without ass
ports. Th,. Russian nulhorities raid. si
tlie Chinese theater and imprisoned the
entire an. I ieiu-.. in.-lnding ui.inv protu
incut merchants.
11 1 ,ni"g apparent lhat Russia
is acting upon a desire to pretent Si
berla from being overrun with Chinese
iivyim inmi i . ...... ....
The Most for the Money.
The Auburn automobile is the most
roomy and best machine ever offered
'or the monev. See it before buying.
I.. B. Brown, agent.
time, '
I wish to announce that I have pur
hascd the office and practice of the
il.. Dr. M. t Jones. My office will
s located at the same place as Dr.
lonis' and office hours will be from
10 . rn., i 4 :30 and T to 8 p. nt.
Physician and Surgeon.
.. . .
.-" - I ... ,
Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers
Day phone 353; Night Phones: C. V
Conklin 4!5; J. II. Butler 14S.
Lock Box 808. Mcdford, Or.
E. B. SEELyTm. D. "
Physician and Surgeon
Modern Equipped Operating Rooms.
X-llny. Office Honrs, 10 12, 2 4 P. M.
Office In Jackson County Bank Bldg.
oo to drTgoble roB YOUK
Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse,
of Portland,
The Advocate of Statement No. 1,
Republican Nominee for
Three miles south of Medford and
miles west of Phoenix, is now cut up
in small tracts to suit the purchaser.
One fourth cash, balanee in three pay
ments. This is a rare opportunity for!
men of small means. Listed with all
the agents.
'He Has No Other Busineea.'
For Sale.
Kie acre tracts just within and ad
joining Mislford city limits on five
years' time; $100 invested now, it is
believed, will pay you t.'.im profit with
in one year. Gold Ray Realty Co., 206
West 7th street. ' 0
Stop Paying Bent
The Gold Kay Realty Company will
build yon a honso to suit vou and tou
an par for it in easy monthly par-
nenls. Investigate this at oace. Call
l 2"fl West 7th street. 60
(Otfi.-ial Advertisement. 1 I
..".li.-.ono city OF MEUFORI) j
The City Council of Iho city ,.f M,. j
fold. Oregon, will reccie scaled bids
up to 6 o'clock p. in., .Inn,. ;lt I'.lns,
for the sale of ;',f'..i,iio.i worth of 5 o. i '
nt, interest semi annualiv. M,-,li'.,rd
water bonds proposals to . asked
for for both straight So vear bonds
and for serial bonds. , l. retired ar
the rate of flil.ilisl per y.-ai. b. ginning
with t 15th vear.
One bundled t heusaiiiid d.-liais ,,f is
sue to bo for initiie.liare ,lelier.
to be delivered as funds are re
;llirod, in quantities tcs than
mill, interest not to accrue until I I.
are delivered, and pnuible .s,-:n i ( , , ,.,
Denomination. , optional.
Date of bonds, time of deii,-r
Bond issued pursuant to .!,
leoplo. April 17. 1 !.
Bids to be addressed lo II r, ,
Collins, city Recorder.
All bids to bo noeolnpaiiiod b
titled check equal to 5 per ,
the amount bid for,
City of M.slford. Or.
No litigation pending this i.
The city lias never defaulted
payment of interest or princip.,
Financial Statement
Assess valuation for Uo7... 2.1l'.i.0..s
Local Pleasures
For the Women of Medford
Soon after we opened this store a lady remarked that she hadn't been
downtown for three mouths. We were wondering why, when she fol
lowed up her former remark by saying that she didn't get any pleasure
mil of a trip downtown, because sho saw the sumo old stereotyped sur
roundings nothing particularly interesting to soe and lint few people
shopping. We invited her to come and visit this storo often and as
sured her that she would never be urged to buy and that she was nl
ways welcome lo spend as much time as she liked in our storo.
A transformation has taken place in that woman. Only n day or
Iwo ago she told us that she had gotten in the habit ut coming down
real often ami always found much pleasure in just seeing our windows
and interior displays, and she says: "I find my neighbors hero and my
friends and I visit with them nnd wo have come to the conclusion that
your store is doing much good here by selling good goods at reasonable
uilces and everything guaranteed to jrivo satisfaction or money back."
rveivhodv is invited to come hero and rest or wander at will in the
si ore.
Sale of Summer Wraps
For Ladies, Misses and Children
Kvcry day we tell you about some special sale now going on and to-
lay il is Light Wraps. Xnw is the time to gel assortments and a Ion-
1,1.511 values for $1.20
i,2.oil aluos for $1.60
12.511 values for $2.00
1.3.00 values for $2.40
$.3.30 values for $2.80
$4.00 values for $3.20
$5.00 values for $4.00
$il.0 values for $4.80
1,7.00 values for $5.G0
8.U0 Vlllues for $0.40
$11.00 values for $7.20
$10.00 values for $8.00
$12.00 values for $10.60
$13.00 values for $12.00
$20.00 values IV' $15.00
Some $25 Light Wraps for'. .$15.00
Children's Wash Dresses
Save Time and Won j
Tim't w.'islt1 ytuir lime .miking pdiiilroir's di'puses wImmi you cnri purolmae
(lit'in just the kind ytm an? needing -here for audi small tripes. rit
lie dressi's el' ginghams, lawns, etc., in while iiihi polor.-j. ages .'J to IS
years, ami a fine assortment of styles, jiiiees very reasonable, 50c, 65c,
7;3c, SI.00 to $7.00. The values are imu-h better than Ihe riees signify.
R. W. GRAY, Builder
Of the Southern Oregonian is the best
and most complete south of Salem
Wnrrnnty Deed
Ijhiit hi ul Short Form
Satiifac tn of MortKHtft
TrnnsfiT of Lien
Pmwit of AttMrncy
Mf'ciiatiio'n Lion
Wilt i-r llinlit
Quit claim 'Dewi pond for Deed
MortwiKe Inae
ith Tax Piiymrnt Provision
Option to Buy Land Agent's Contracts
Bill of Sale
Liquor Lieonso Forms
Notice to TrespusniTH
Creditor's Clnim
Against Estate
Chattel MortfrnffP
Confe.taion of Judgment
('overs for Itlnnka
riaeer Ixxntion
Komi fin- Ikrd
Miner's Lien
Judgment Transcript
IVimimunnt for Trinl
Si'Mi-ch Warrant
IV; it ion-; fur Let
(In,i nnd IS-ci
t' Sl
QuarU Location Wnter RiRht
Oregon ami U. a Forma Contract to Sell
D""1 Proof of Labor
Civil and Criminal Subpoenas Attachment
- . . Undertikintf and AfTl-
r rfn,D-!m,nt davilfor Attachment
i-rtst Bill Commitment for Fine
rsotice to Jurors Jury Order
Civil Complaint Warrant for Arrest
er of Administration. Administrator's. Executor's and Guardian's
' n. 'Y"1" Apart Property Exempt from Execution: Order
, ... ; . ' "' i-iTon.u i ropcriy nation: Ctwnmiiwjon to AnuraitOM
I.i'Mon of Adiiiinntnition: Invent., or.. I A ... . . - M. l!wrs'
IV-itamentHry. " w n letters
Undertaking and Affidavit Summons
for Attachment Cmt Hill
Criminal ami Civil Suhpoenas Execution
Si-arch Warrant
Notice to Jurors
Attn climetit
Nniiv ,tf liarniMhrnent
(Irai.d Jury Sulipoena
lnduMinent'ript of Juilfrment
A complete, up-to-date line
All printed after the latest
and best forms. cJ Orders
promptly filled at Portland
prices. cj Give us a trial.
I Ih
M.jl; Ml!..:,!!,,,! (.-tthliati-tl)
",r I ."., 0.c, HI
T r-1,,1 l,,.,,, iil,,,t,.,,i,.,,
.1' "!.i,. u,. -.,.-..,..
,. ... 1 ..f n it. r .,.t in
'"II ii, till- !Im.V ap
'' Mv IV.-..IH-H
T.iv r n.-. mill,.
I'M ,:i, ii i l!M,.i, i;,v pr,,,,nti
x,',,.ii.-!v. .-.:ti;.v
it ...,,,, ll, ri,,!,!. I() r,,it.c, ,UJ.
r .ill
Th.- iirix-ms of t,; 8;10 nr,, to
tist-,1 f,,r tl,,. mrioo of installing
n it. r ! it rilm 1 1 ami a gravity ivator
MI,V M-nlrm.
1 h.-r. hv ri'rtifv Hint tho ahovo ami
for.-oinir ig n tr an, forr,M.i stat.
nunt to iho .t f mv Itnowloilfrc an l
" City KwcorJa