THE MEDFORP DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOnn, OT., MONDAY, NAY 18, 1008. l II V SECURE GROCERS' MEET. FOR PORTLAND Oregon Delegation Gets National Con- Yention for Eose City Glories of Or egon Told of In Lecture at Los An gelea Dally. 1 PORTLAND, Or., Mav 18. Tho Or egon delegation to the National Retail Grocers' association just adjourned at Boston, won a signal victory in seeur ing the 1909 convention for Portland When one considers that the retaH gro cers are more nuiuorous than nnv other class of business men, it gives an idea of tW immense audienco of merchants throughout this country who will be interested in hearing from Oregon dur ing the next 12 months. The Portland Commercial club moved Monday into its magnificent new home. probably the largest building of its kind owned by any popular commercial body anywnore. ine tirst luncheon was mado tho occasion of honoring Oregon products. Lecture to Callfornlans. , Tho Hood River Oominercinl club, through its officers, is asking the co oporation of the commercial bodies of the state in favoring tho establishment or iiood Kiver county. Thn Los Angeles bureau of the Port land Commercial club, under the man agement of lire. Prances K. Headlee, gives a lecture to an average of 200 people evory morning at 11:30. In ad dition to this, Mrs. Headlee has spoken tieioro large gatherings, and especially before social bodies in the evening. She wns recently the guest of tho Ohio So ciety of Southern California hed ad dress, of course, tells tho glorica of Or egon. Her daily reports show a great interest in this state and that a large percentage or travel back east will re turn by way of Oregon. Livestock Bulletin. Tho Oregon Development league is circulating 60,00 copies of a four-page uniry ana livestock bulletin. This con tains the most effective illustration and text, a comprehensive story of livestock, dairy and poultry realities as well SB some idea of the futuro possibilities of this greatest of all dairy sections. The Portland Country club and Livestock association and the location of tho great packing plants aro important features. It is easy to see that almost untold wealth will accrue to tho stato through tho development of this marvelous branch of its growth. - Oregon's advertising has reached every quarter of tho civilized world. Lata letters havo been received by tho Oregon Development lengue from Aus tria and New South Wales, Australia. PHYSICAL TEST OEDEEED FOB COAST ABTILLEBT -If you WASHINGTON, May 18. won't ride, you must wulk. '''- Thnt is the ultimatum offerfid to tho officers of the coast artillery who thought that they would bo immune from the tests of physical endurance whij)li the president demands from field and staff officers. Last fall when the riding tests were ordered the const ar Willory officers were not included, large ly for the reason that there Was Appa rently no reason why n coast artillery officer should in the exercise of his duty either walk or rido any consider able distance. Now comes the order that tho coast nrtillery officers may tnko a riding test if they prefer, but if they prefer to walk they will have to cover 50 miles In three consecutive days. Tho other tests providod under the orders issued today are that nil field ofllcors below tho grade of brigadier generals shall take a marching test of 30 miles n day. The tests are to take place in the fall during tho cavalry in a no u vers. The president, commenting upon the reason for the tests says in the order: "It is just as much the duyt of nil officers of the army to adopt such meas ures and pursue such habits os will maintnin n physical condition fit for active service as to cultivate their minds in fitting themselves for the In tellectual duties ot their profession' PHACTS FROM PHOENIX. J. A. Graffis has returned from his visit to his old home in Ohio. His sis ter came back with him and will tuv here for awhile. Must of the excursionicts who weut from hero to see the fleet have returned and are at their various dutie again, all saying that they enjoyed their trip. it, A. AlorBe tins made a new road to his upper place. The 8 months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Champ Payne was buried here lnnt Thursday. Will Wrath will build a fine new barn before long. J. J. Lane, notary public, at Talent, tarried a few hours here Friday. Darby O 'Toole, until five or six months ago our section forcmnu, but who has been near Portland since leav ing here, doing similar work, is back among us again and says he may stay. es. Stevens was around Friday morning with his fine driving horse, iu search of a woodehopper. He said he d pay $1 n tier. The Standard mill is running right along under its uew management Messrs. Ed Shaffer and a Mr. Cole, A. Johnston retiring to look up a better location. The new managers are em ploying Winifred Smith and Jake Shaf fer, the great baseball mascot. Niles Clark and wife, Washington are hero .visiting Mrs. Clark's sister, Mrs. Jam una Roue. Claud C. Cato of tho Corvaltis Agri cultural college, stopped off here over Friday to bco tho folks. He is fruit inspector from the Agricultural college. Hon. Walter Moore was over from his ranch Friday morning on business. 2 Leaders Hawk's Cut Class and Gorhnm Sterling Silver at the New Jewelry Store, 11 North C Street, near Pnstoffire. Martin J. Reddy SCHOOL NOTES. Tho freshmen entertain the incom ing eighth grade at n reception this week. Pridav. The annual baccalaureate sermon will be preached at the Opera House next Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Williams officiating. The .eighth grade promotion exercises occur nt tho Opera House next Monday ovening. Senior cluBH-dav exercises Wednesday evening, May 27, nnd commencement Thursday evening, May 28, at tho Op era House. Hon. B. t Mulkev will deliver the address. Tho juniors will entertain tho seniors Friday evening, May 2!), which will be the closing exercises of tho school year. Final examinations begin next Mon day, May 2!i, and continue, through the week. The Lyceum course was not a success financially this year. Thero is a def icit amounting to ovor $100. There is possibility that a part of this amount will bo cancelled by the bureau. The proceeds, if any, were to bo applied to the piano fund. Thero is no provision for meeting a deficit except that Su perintendent Signs, who has conducted tho course for three years, will adjust tho losses. Tho eighth-grade examination wns held Thursday and Friday of last week. Half of tho class passed with good grades, half of the remainder will have to write one or two subjects in June, the others must write al in June. Four fifths of tho class may reasonably ex pect to secure the coveted diploma, which is a good showing, considering the fact that many students who in tored late and havo been irregular. At least P-.l per cent of those in attend ance who have been in school during the venr will besucccssful. Why Pay More For inferior meats than we charge for the best. A 1 rial will convince you. Remember the place, next llolel Nash, formerly Pottinger's. Jlring your Chickens here we pay more. The Medtord Meat Go. ' Twas moonlight, and two l ive.s jut rii'himl a Merry Widow Hat." MAIL RULES CHANGED TO PREVENT TRICKEHY EVANS AT WASHINGTON IN HIGH SPIRITS -t-J WASHINGTON, May 15. With his old-time flow of nnimnl spirits and look ing much better than when he lander nt Han Diego severnl weeks ago, Kear Admirnl Robley D. Evans arrived here J n at night. Admiral Evans alighted from the train in the Union station here with the aid of crutches nnd, upon seeing the roller chair thnt was awaiting him, he exclaimed: " "I don't want to take the chair, but I suppose I'll have to.' Rear-Admiral Cowlcs complimented the admiral on looking so well, to which he responded: am much better. I have not bepn half as HI as the newspapers reported.' The admiral was wheeled from the station to an automobile, which took him to his home. SEVEN MEN ENTOMBED BY MILLIONS OF ORANGEY LOS ANGELES, May 10. Buried be neath S.OOft boies of orangi-s, seven Rus sian laborers in the Los Angeles lee A fold Storage plant at Seventh and Santa Fe avenue, psenped injury this afternoon. The men were working in I "e cooling room piling boies of frnit, when one tier toppled over and the seven mn were buried. Before they could struggle free, another tier fell and then the entire pile came down in a hen p. Immediately a hurry-up call was arnt into tho polien and nmhn&neea with three doctors were mhed to the scene. On the way every patrolman met was pressed into service. Th buried workmen were locate! by their yaili for help and were soon dug out Aside from minor injuries, every OB of tAttO escaped. WASHINGTON, May !. Informa tion having reached the postot'fieo de partment of certain methods by whirh the postal laws in regard to the mailable and unmailable merchandise on rural routes havo been evaded. Fourth Assist ant Postmaster-General Do Grnw has taken steps to prevent further evasions. Rural carriers are permitted to deliver as express matter, fur hire, for patrons of their routes, unmailable merchandise and packages of mailable merchandise eighing in excess of four pounds. An example of tho abuse of this privilege that of a men-hunt who sent by rural carrier as mail matter n pair of shoes, to which he added n bag of salt to make the package overweight, and to avoid paying postage, so the carrier might carry the package for him. Jn view of such abuses, Mr. He Grow has issued the following statement: "All packages of merchandise to be sent out by rural carriers by 'merchants of the town should be presented at the postoffice for inspepetion and in ensr it is found that extraneous mailer not ordered by the patrons has been added to any mailable matter or package for the purpose of making sur-h package of matter unmailable, post umbers shouht rcfuso to permit the carrier to earn any such matter or package for hire outnide of the mails, and rural carriers shall not eceive nny mail matter from pntrom as unmailable matter for hire which they nusect has been made nn mailable by such devices at adopted by the merchant." SEVEN BATTLESHIPS WILL GO INTO DRYDOCK State Depositary. Established 1SSS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 9115,000.00 THE COST IS SMALL. THE BENEFITS LARGE The mutter of Alisolulo I'rolecliou for your valuables is so important that .vou eannot well afford to overtook it. Although the cost of routing a Safe Deposit Tiox ia the Kiro ami Huryliir Croof Vault of the Jackson County Hank is very moderate, the benefit ia larye, aMKiiring Absolute Soeurity. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT. $4 AND UP TER YEAR. W. I. VAWTER Presidont Q. R. LINDLEY Oashior The Merry Widow is Mi s--iis.ih.,ii i.l im-uiM. mi i sonriqii'-r Has oeeu f;iven to almost everything under Hi mn. Our lumber has also brought forth f.ivor.ible eomniendatien and we luvilo yo.i le. b -oouie intimately aeipnvi'i d with in uud learn the reason for loir p.ipul.irt. We are always pleased to furnish estimates on supplying nay kind of building lim ber in accordance with plans ami speei-fictitious. CRATER LAKE LUMBER COMPANY J. E. ENYART.Preaid ent. J. A. PERRY, Vicc-rroaidcnt." .11)11 N 8. OliTII, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Asa t Cnabier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL. $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage ARE YOU INTERESTED? I have for sale at $62.50 per acre, SO acres of as fine orchard land as there is in Rogue River valley. The im provements on place are worth at least $1250. Let nic show yon this land. ALFRED SMITH OVER JACKSON COUNTY BANK. ARK VOU t!P TO DATKf Have you a friend who is going to be married r have a birthday' If so. why not, send them a piece of our fine Cut (Unas at (TT CHICKS. A large new nssnrtment just, received. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 21(3 WEST SEVENTH STREET. McGLASHAN & JUNKEN, Props. PHONE 10D1. Small Orchards On Easy Terms.. (Bity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale t The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Furnishes liot water for ten on very short not it It can be used on the ten taltlo or in the kitchen Attu'-hes to any electrolier Simple, siit'e,con venient, durable ROGUE RIVER ELEOTRIO CO., Successor to Condor Writer Powor Co. Of 6ce 206 W. 7th it., opp. big oloetric sign, Phono 855. ALL NEW GOODS Dry floods, Havilavid China, Senii-Poreelain, Jardiniers and Crocks, Trunks, Suit cases and Telescopes. Where you get right prices. Ward's Cash Store 3 A. -,r- Give Yourself a Good Clothes Sermon J l jct'ore yon start out to buy your vv, Summer clot lies. Stead v your judgment lie fore yonr money -ocs over a merchant's counter. We have gone to such lengths to put good clothes in our store that we want as manv men as CORSE?-,, J 'i 'jj-. That's why we caution men to I ' ' think twice before they spend a cent on their cluthes. If we can make you feel that it's simply impossible for any. other store to equal our values We're Driving Home the Truth And turning into our store the trade we deserve by right of clean, far-sighted merchandising. Special Values All This Week .22.: and .20.00 values $15.00 and ?16.50 1.").()0 and $l(i..")0 values $12.50 and $13.50 12..-) and HHMM) values $ 8.50 and $10.00 AVe also have a new line of Fancy Shirts just receired Bargains iu all departments. PAY LESS AND DIHOSS BETTER. " W. H. Meeker 6 Co. Medford - - - Oregon Cedar Beveled Siding ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT GLKNDALK OREGON YAK' I) AND Or'KICI'; AT M KDb'OlH), OKUtiOX. SAX FRANCISCO, May IS. Kevr-n rattli-ftliiiA will gi, into tho drydock nl Brpninrtnn Xiivyyiml ni'jtt month, Af ter the Atlantic flrr-t outn itH rruino nmnng the c-itien of Plight Hnitml. Thi-nr vi-shpIh r-ompoBO ninut of tin neenml nml fourth rlivininnn of the fleet, the fieorcia. New Jeniev, lthtwle IhIiiiuI ami Virginia, of the aeeom! divinion, and the Ulinoift, MiMonri and Kearnrye, of the fourth division. i The Atlantie fieri will lie ri-r.'arnr-ed in ltd entirety on its northern tour with the exeeption of the AlaliTima mid j Maine, which will have to tay to go into dryiliM'k at llnntera I'oint. The j Alalmma d- U May aid the Maine j May 23. I After the torpedo flotilla endu itn1 present visit at Saernmento it will sail j down the Saeramento river to Mare j Island, where stay of a few dnys will be madn before the little war vesseln ( take their run up the eoast to Port ; land. Fine uvil Ten-A ere Orehnrrfs on the installment jilnn. The right hind of soil, the right hind of trees and the right jirieeti. Tire ii I if gears' e.rierii nee in f mil raising hacks our judgment . We hare sidd half the orchards in the valli if and hare yet to see a mrchaser dis satisfied irith his bargain. llcfore haying see Rogue River Land Go. Exhibit Building For an Attractive BUNGALOW LIOT lTS 1 1 10 L I YOlf S 10 L 10 (1 T DOOKS, WINDOWS AND MATERIAL TIT AT WILL (i I V 10 T II 10 D 10 S I If 10 D 10 K V EOT Iowa Box & Lumber Co. M E I) FORD OREGON We Want to Buy Lands Realty Bond Syndicate of Oregon Jackson County Bank Annex VV. H. Stalker Secretary 1 Something New In Kultl-cr Tire llirtt it will pay ymi tit iiiwutiK.-ite. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, an tin faction guaranteed. Mitchell & Poeck GENERAL WAOON'ERS. Kast 7th Street, rear uf Merriinan's niacktmlth Hliop. Medford, (Jr. J BTARTINO WITH TIM SOVP and ending wilk t eofft, you'll find ev.ry mouthful of lit dialer T eat here dulitiau. Whu it is tlroil you'd Kindly cat uiore if yuil could p find r.oiin. Mtop in alont sod dla Thon you run briuu tur friends after wards wheu yen waat la trsit to nuell dinner. The Nash Cafe