8 THE MEIJFOKD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEPFORP, OB., MONTTAY, .MAY 1. 1008. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. cgbliihed every evening except Sunday Hedrord Pubtisaing Company. 0. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second Class Matter in thePoflt office at Medford, Oregon Subscription Bates: One mouth, by mail or carrier. .. .$0.50 une year, by mail 5.00 THE NEW TRAIN SCHEDULE After mature deliberation and evi dently careful weighing of re.ulM, the tbo Nouthorn Pacific has put into ef fect its lung proiniftt d change in pawne ger schedules fur the benefit of South ern Oregon. The eh an go i.i n hiuiple one, nnd in tended for that uuniermin cIuhh of trav cleri who make a business of stuying up until the KDiall bourn to eutch trains. Juatrud of leaving Portland nt mid night, tho trnin will hereafter U 1:30 a. m. This train is especially designed to convenience the ftoguo Ttiver valley res ii.euU, and is onn of the uiauy marks of special favor shown for this region by Mr. Ilarrimuu. Hy staying tip most the night in Portland, we can now nr rive in our home towns just as the day business is being wound up. i no iilauictte vnlly people nre Kii'Kf-rs. i liny stir up n row over poor service, so two traius a dnv extra are given tli em. A (rain leaves Portland at 8:1,1 a. m. that goes as far as It use burg. Another leuves at 4:15 which takes you to I'ottagc drove. Hut if you want to go further south where they are friondly to tho railroad, you must take tho 7:45 p. in. or the new 3:. 'tO a. in. Think how California bound tourists from other states are accommodated by the new train. They arrive on the Overland express on the Northern Pa cific at 8:3.3 p. ra. Tho wait is onlv five hours. They arrive on the O. R k N. at 8:."5, only four hours and 40 minutes, nnd from the l.'unndiau Pa eifie nt 8:15, only five hours and 1 minutes1 wait. Tho truth of tho matter is that the changed schedule in mndn simply to hen eflt the Portland Oregon tun, which has all of its long hintorv, been a railroad organ. The railroad eauuot show a sin gle other person or agency benefited and has absolutely no excuse for making the change. The people of an entire stntft and the traveling public of many siuics urn inconvenienced that one newspaper may increase its sales. No wonder railroad commiftsiuiis are needed. When the Hnutheru Pacific first pulled its daylight trains off last fait the Oregouian waxed exceedingly Wruthy bccauKo of "the iajustico to the people of .Southern Oregon," but really beeaune its own mail schedules were interrupted. This part of the state wns then left with two trains day from Portland. Now it ha for practical purposes only one. Will the Orcgoninn protest? Hardly Medford lias, to a certain extent, brought this shameful treatment by the ruilrnnd upon itself. When the state railroad commission sought to force the railroad lo re-establish a decent serv ice, Medford refused to cooperate. Its business men testified they were pleased with poor service. The Com mercial i tub went no far as to patta resolutions praising the railroad for taking off trains, and censuring the commission for interfering! Seeing thai we had no spirit and en joyed poor service, the railroad is pro ceediug to rub it iu. This paper sug gests tint the railroad employes, sym pathizers and sycophants who packed the flmmercial club and put through the former resolution and then went up to Portland to testify in behalf of the railroad, puss another resolution humbly thanking tho Houthern Pacific for leav ing us on the map. LONO ESTABLISHED SCHOOL FOR CHILD CEOOKB EXPOSED PITTSBt'BO, May 11 Enraged be cause she found that she bad been in structing her own 15 year-old son, whom she had not seen fur year, to pick pockets and be an all-round juvenile crook, Blanche Anderson, alias Miller, turned state's evidence and on the wit ness stand told a storv that sent her former working partner, Johu Auderson, to the workhouse for GO days' rest so that the police can get a better hold on bim. The woman told how Anderson and others, assisted bv herself, had conduct ed a school for child crooks on the north side for years, and she testified that not l-n than 5U0 child criminals bad been turned out in this time. She dc scrihpd the method of training iu detail. "A child could be turned into a first class pickpocket in four weeks if he were wise, she said. Anderson wns given a hearing, and the woman was the leading witness against him. She declared that the po lice of Allegheny bad known of th whole affair and intimated that some high-up bad profited from the proceed: of the child crooks. She said that An demon, who was chief Instructor of the child school, had always from 15 to 0 apprentices whom he was teaching to pick pocket, and do all manner of rooked work. In describing the pro eedings the woman said: 'I was one of the actors In the thieves' class which Anderson conduct d at I,ayeoek and Anderson streets. My work was to dress up und ape the move meats of a woman shopping, swinging small bag nt my side. Anderson would show the children how to slip up nnd take the contents of my bag with out attracting attention, and it was up to me to tell wbeher or no they jarred me in he least. I have paraded all dnv long while 20 boys picked my pocket in turn, and then would go out on the street followed by the boys, who in turn would slip up to me in a crowd nnd pick my pocket or open my purse, so as to eliminate their nervousness. The end came when I found that one of the real bright little pickpockets was my own son by n for mer marriage, whom I thought safe at homo with a sister in the east end. J then resolved lo quit, which I have done. spicuous place, and on this badge will be printed the number of the holder, corresponding to tbo license number ! held by the city. In the past much trouble has been ex perienced by the police of the city in j securing possession of stolen goods : which have been sold or pawned, as i pawnbrokers nod secund hand dealer often keep their purchases a secret, and tu this manner become au accom plice of I lie thief if tho articles have been stolen. It is believed by the an thnritics if the ordinance is rigidly en forced the police will have litle diffi culty in tracing stolen articles which have been pawned bv thieves and burg lars. The ordinance will go into effect as soon us the mayor sigus it, which it is said he will do. BEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 10 Myrtle Putnam to Almira Mattiugly, l.TU acres in D, C. 40, T. 39, range 1 K Hattie A. Almutt to Almira K. Mattlngly, 1.79 acres in D, L. 40, T. 3D, range 1 K 1 Jacob Jones to 8. L, Leonard, 1.VU8 acres in T. 37, R. 1 W. 34,000 John P. White to H. J. Bar ter, property in block 54, Med ford 3 Kuhama Ellen Wertz to Bella J. Brown, 40 acres in T. 39, range 1 E J. K. Kobison to Frank Weitman. 10 acres in See. 6, T. 39, range 1 K R. J. Edwards to J. K. Robison, 10 acres in 8ec. B, T. 3i. range 1 K Frank Weitman to F. K. Snvder, 10 acres in See. 6. T. 30, range 1 E Isaac Rhodes to H. M. Rhodes, 10 acres in Sec. 6, T. 3i, range 1 E Minnie E. Fove to Nellie In- low, 2 acres in Sec. 0, T. 3f, range 1 E Edward A. Reinecke to 1). (i. Karnes, lot 10, block '., Butte Falls Cecilia, E. Hurler to E. E. Foss, Vj aero in D. L. 04, T. 3 range W 10 10 10 10 200 10 30 10 f I Golden I Grain I Granules Time Saving I Fuel I Saving 100 PER CENT PURE CEREAL COFFEE. PLEDGED TO STATEMENT NO. 1. Election June 1, 1908. For l M. Senator Min. K. Chnuihpr- Inin. Pur CnngrPHHinun ,T. ,1. Whitney. For Supreme Judgo R. 8. Iletin. For .Joint Iteprewntntive Jackson Douglas CouutieH F. K. t'uvonder. For ItepreNentntivea M. Punlin, I). II. Miller. For Couuty ihIrp .1. R. Neil. For fount v Commixjiioner M. Mar- Mliall. For County Sheriff Wilbur A. .Tones. For County Clerk A. 8. names. For County Recorder J. C. Maftter- hou. For County Treasurer M. M. Tavlor. For County Assessor R. II. Dow. For County Surveyor K. B. Sawver. For County Coroner lr. A. C. Stan- lev. Why Don't Yon Oet Next7 Do you use. Davis' Best Flour? Don 't let your grocery talk you into buying other brands shipped in. Davis Ilest sells for less money nnd guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try n sack nnd be convinced. Coal for Sale. We ro now prepared to furnish baud picked coal at the mine, five mile jast 'of town, in any amount desired It. tastes like coffee. It looks like coffee and it smells like coffee, but is pure roasted grains, Mended so as to pro cure the best flavor, the greatest strength and an ar ticle which young and old may drink morning, noon and night. Golden Grain Granules is especially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stoinacli troubles. Nearly 2-pound package for zoc, all retail grocers, It Means Perfect Kitchen Comfort Moore Range Leads Them All 500 in Use in the Valley Sold By H. E. Boyden 3rrrr zrrrr. zzzz::: z Medford Oregon Battleship Fleet Passing Newport. The battleship fleet of the United State on its way north will posa New port, moving slowly, early Wednesday Morning, Mnv 20. For this occasion the Southern Pacific company will sell round trip ticket a nt n rate of $10. Sale dates May IS and lit. Continuous pas sage both directions with final limit May HO. Further information nt the depot. r,i EELS ARE KILLED BY ELECTRIC SHOCKS LET THEM STAY AT HOME. The people of .lackon county have hot yet had hu opportunity of allow ing plainly bow they ntand mi Stute ment No. I, which in the popular elee tion of 1'nited Ntntea HHiator. They will have this opportunity in ,lune. It in true t hut ft partial et predion of public opinion wan indicted in the majority Cake received in thin county over Fultou tor the republican scna torial nomination. Cake openly cham pioned Statement No. 1, lu-nee hia vic tory over Pulton. The only two republican) who sought to reprcdcut tin county in the Icgittla ture would have none of Statement No. 1. llnth Mfr. llMiimcrsly and Kubli took the Aland that their judgment wa superior to that of tho nholo people when it came to who houM nerve Ore gou in thy Vuitrd Slitten wnatt. Tljev would retime to obey the mandate of the people unl.tH the peoplo cboe to auit tlieui. Kor fifty yt-HM ihi- irputdi.an prtv has been clitiuoring f.ir popitlHr lc tion of I'niti-d staio 'twiioni. and .tint when a workable ptua ji put into ef fect, devin.il and cum t. d into Uw by the republican jwiiy of Oregon, along come two candidate for the l-'ginliihire in .lackon county wh think iln-y know: more than the p:irtv dci nd proceed to rvpudiute th nuo thing dvarrvt to thn IwirtH of the p-pl. Th.-y -limiM be tell at home. I'KIAH, Mnv 18. The run of eel in the river mid crocks in this section is exceeding any known for year. Thou sand of them are to he seen along the Htrejiin. The canal built bv the Snow Mountain Power company, from their power houses in Potter vullev, seem to be h very attractive place for them, and myriad commented swarming up it They piled up nt the power statiou in a manner that threatened to clog the outlet of the motor. There aeeined to be no way of grd tiug rid of them until electricians auuk a large meshed piece of wire netting in tho canal where the eels congregated and wheu it was well covered, several thousand volt were turned into it. The I were then gathered up and hauled away and buried. Several wacronloads of theni have been killed by thi mean already. The f iu coinmisftioucrs are partii-ulurly interested iu thia method of destroying eels, a they aro one of the greatest destroyers of young trout knonu. Rose Festival. Tickets for the Rose Festival will be on ante Juno 1 nnd 3, nnd only on those two duya. Those who intend going nnd wish sleeper reservation should leave word nt the depot ns soon as possible in order to givo the companv time to securo the necessary cars. Round trip fare $13.20. Wholesale by P. B. Theiss & Co. Med ford, Or. Buy Tickets by Wire. 'Something which ia of considerable Intrrmt to the public gpncrnllv and which is perhaps not generally knowL Is tho svstem of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacifie company and all points in the United States. Ily means of this system tickets niny bo purchased at Medford from any place in tho United Stntes and mailed or tolcgrnphed direct to the party wishing to come here. 81eeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may alse be furnished at the samr tune. ' M. RIGID ORDINANCE FOR LOAN MEN MAT BE PASSED EDISON LOBES HIS RIOHT TO PATENT riTTNBI'liO, May I1 -hi an ..pmi.. baaried down in the I'tiited Stnte cir cuit court, Judge Huff iimtou fiint a patent iisueil tu Thmmit Kdismi mi .Ian nary 1.1, Imil, which resulted in great ei-ou.iiuy in the production of incan descent light bulbs to have beeu void. and 0-'CI that a decree Ihi drawn for the dismissal of a suit in equity brought by the Kdison Klectric Light company against the Xnvelty Incandescent com pany. Judge Ituffington finds that al though Kdison'a bulb was a valuable j correction, it was mechanical rather I iKi-aniiira tn rtinrseter. ' tlifi luHll r-r IVltM .4. m PORTLAND. May !. rawnl-Vker nd dealers in all sorts of second hand goods will he placed under rigid police regulation in this city, according to an ordinance recently passed by the citv ouncil nnd now in the hand of the mayor for his approval or disapproval. The me a mire ws drafted for the pur pose of aiding the polit e of tho city in ferreting out crime, and if the provis it are enforced, it will he- an eaiy matter to trace stolen goods if they are offered for sale or pawn to miv broker or second hand merchant in the ity. t'nder the ordinance, each pawnbro ker or hccodiI hand dealer in the citv must keep an accurate aceonnto f ar ticle pun-hated or receded, for pawn, together with the namr, residence ami deunpiion of the pcrn celling nr pawning the same. All nuch record hae to be written in Knglish with pen and ink in the record book kept. A complete liM of the goods and tbo per u Nelling or pawning the same shall be given to the thief of police before noon of each day for the preceding 24 hour. The record of the pawnbroker or second hand dealer shall be o(rn to in-pe, tion at all tune to the tnavor or olice of the city. Kaeh pawnbroker or second band delrr in the city nmt. before doing any huiues, uke out a city license and deposit a security bond of iliMM. which is firfeitsble in cae of a viola tion of the provisions of the ordinance, iu Addition to a fine or imprisonment, which may be imposed bv the judge of the municipal court. y.Ath junk dm lei must lo reeei a badge from thr t'.xy , license Inswtrr u be worn in a con REPUBLICAN TICKET. Election June 1, 1908. For Toiled State Senator 11. Cake. Kor Representative in Congress Wil lis C. Hawlev. Kor Ko.M and Pairv 'ommisMoner .1. V. Kuilev. Kor Supreme Judge Robert S. Ilean. Kor Railroad 'ommtssioncr T. K. ampbell. Kor Prosecuting Attornev, .laokson and Josephine Counties R K. Mulkey. ror Joint Rcpreontnth e. Jackson nnd Pouglas Counties J. A. Huchanan. Kor Representatives -J. I,, Hummers lev, II. O. Kubli. Kor County Judge (i. W. Dunn. Kor County Commissioner James Owens. Kor County Sheriff 1. II. Jackson. Kor Countv t'lerk W. R. t'oleinan. Kor County Recorder R. T. Hnrnett. Kor County Assessor W. T. Grieve. Kor County Treasurer J. M. t'rone miller. Kor County School Superintendent J. Percy Wells. Kor County t'otoner A. K. Kellogg Kor Countv Survovor F. A. (Iriser. " APVKIiTlSlN't, Koi; llllS-NTKKKT PAVING. Medford, Or., May .", IiiK. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder of the City of Medford, Oregon, until June t. lihs, at .1 o'clock p. in., for the im provement of Seventh street in said city from the cast lino of f-nurel street to a line 1"0 feet eat of the cast line of Rivcrido axenue, in a manner pro vided by the plan and povificat ions on file in the of f tee of the city re corder, auhjert to the charter and or d i nances of the City of Medford, aud the estimate of the Citv Knginevr ou rile. The above work will eonist of ex cavating and paving street with either bitulithic, asphalt or bituminous mac adam, constructing concrete curbs and sidewalk, laying drain tile and con strutting ratchbasina. The quality of Golden Gate High tirade Coffee is remem bered long after the price is for-g'-tten. The greatest painstak ing care is displayed in its se leetion and blending and its roasting is a triumph, indeed. (t is a eiiffee for those who in sist on having the best, ALLEN REAGAN Sells it for 40c alb. Are You One of the Happy Ones? THAT TfAVE RECEIVE I) THE HANDSOME SIL VER SET ABSOLUTELY FREE. REMEMBER THE SIX SILVER TEASPOONS, SUGAR SHELL AND BUTTER KNIFE DO NOT COST YOU A SINGLE PENNY. SUBSC'RI BE TO THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE FOR ONE YEAR AT THE REGULAR SUBSCRIP TION RATI OF .fti.OO; PAY ")() CENTS FOR THE FIRST MONTH AND THE SI LY ERW'ARE WILL BE DELIVERED AT ONCE. THE ONLY CONDITION IS THAT IT MUST BE A NEW SUBSCRIPTION. The Number of Sets are Limited WHEN THESE ARE GONE THIS OFFER AY ILL EE WITHDRAWN. IT IS A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO GET THE TRIBUNE FOR A YEAR AND A HAND SOME SI LVER SET THAT WILL N EVER TARNISH OR WEAR OUT ALL FOR JUST THE PRICE OF THE PAPER. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL To be held in PORTLAND. OREGON .1 U N E 1 to (i, 1!)0S. Will be the most brilliant FLORAL FIESTA AND CIVIC .JUBILEE Kvor held in tho Pacific Northwest. All biiN niusT be submitted on forms fmuisl,, ,1 l,y the city Recorder of (lie City of Mod ford. Kaeh bid shall be ai com pa it led bv u certified check iu famr of Cie City Treasurer of Medford for ,"t H-r cent of the amount bid. To Contiactors: Attention of all contractors i called to the agreement of Warren llrothers company, fif.d with this city, iu accord anco with w hieh agreement Warren Rro. coinpaiiv agree to license all con tractors desiring bid for the worl- to lay the bit u lit hie pavement in accord Mice with i:s p..t-iitt nnd th-- terms of aid agreement. A b.-ud acecptablo to the City Council of lr.lr',rd will be required equal to the amount of the contract (Mice. Tho rin Council reserves the right to r. .-et an v and all bids. llt.NJ ( ol l.S, City Recorder, j l-KNJ. J. THOWHWIPGK, Mayor Pro Tern. 50 j Portland, "The Rose City," will be a scene of splendor and the center of world wide interest for one week. Several important conventions to b-1 held in Portland on llint cccauou. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell S(vi;)l Ti.'kcts on This O.vasioii from MED FORD to Portlan.1 .ui.l Re turn at !?IS.20 Kor particulars call en S. ROSENBAUM, Local Agent. WM. McMl'KRAY. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregoo. To The Public HAV1NU INSTALLED MACHINERY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OP llliill (1RADE ICE CREAM, WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS. LARGE OR SMALL. DELI VKRIES MADE TO AN Y PART OF THE CITY. MPKC1AL ORDERS OIVKN OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. ORDER AT MEDFORD HOOK STORE OR CREAMERY. Rogue River Creamery Medford How Does This Strike You An nttr.H'tivi- woll mnilp Sprinu Suit nt nml Hunimor Suit at 2.if What hi-tti-r vnlnos would you want! It sy In .-i uri' hich );ra.lc tailoring work. Vn iln no nthi r kin.l. A trinl will provf this fm't. W. W. E1FERT, The City Tailor, Medford MjEDFORD BASH 0 DOOB CO. Window and Door Screens, Block Wood voice fixtures snd ail kinds of planing mill work. Including turned work nd "" . BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STS. PHOKE re &.-. " 4