If YouVe Anything to Buy or Sell, Try Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Quick Results ASSOCIATED - PRESS DISPATCHES eclfordl The Weather Cloudy; fair weather promised for to day and Tuesday. THIRD YEAR. MKDFORD, OK., MONDAY. .MAY IS, was. NO. 51 GOVERNOR ENT OF ELECTION MI ibtone. m CHAMBERLAIN f ... - : i ... . - . iaiadiuiiv Dnnv rniiMn imcamc lllnTimLI UUUMUUMU II1UH1L i iafi rnniFn nnATmn pppapufp flLLUUIIILU ILUnilllU I IlLnUllLll ALL OVER IN CANAL KILLS WIFE Chamberlain Says Pros pects are Brighter than I in any previous tampaign that he Participated in fieorgo E. Chamberlain, governor of Oregon ami democrat ie nomineo for United 8t'nten senator, arrived in Med ford Monday morning to begin his cam pnign in Southern Oregon. "Never have 1 made n campaigu be fore," wiid the govei nor, "whero J have been greeted with as much genuine enthusiasm as during this present sena torial canvass. Everywhere X have spoken to good audience and been moat enthusiastically received. Tho people all seem vitally interested in tho ijiui pnign and its issues, and from my point iif view prospects are most flattering. "Last week 1 finished n tour of Eastern Oregon. I was everywhere greeted by packed houses. In neither of my campaigns for governor did I receive the welcomes that L have in this campaign. " ' Governor Chamberlain in Med ford will reply to the assertions made re garding his abuse of the pardoning -,,'.iwer, as well as dwell upon other is sues of l.he campaign, lit; speaks at Ashland Monday evening, Gold Hill Tuesday afternoon and Grants Pass TiiOfidniv evening. "Stiiemi-nt No. 1 !s still the main issne of the campaign, as "fur as the pimple are concerned ' continued the governor. "The people are very jealous of their ne wly bestow d owr and do not want a straddler. "Do I think that Sluleii.i-nt X . 1 republican members f the I'gislalure will vote for nie if I receive the popu lar indorsement? Most assuredly they will. I do not think there will be any question on this point." CALIF OR NI AN S TO OPERATE OLD MINIa AT ASHLAND ASHLAND, Or., May IS. The Ash land mine, which has been closed some seven or eight years, is to be put in operation again. The property has come into the possession of a Los An geles company and work has com menced already in the renovation of the mine. It. will have to be pumped out below the oim foot level, and some re timbering must he done. New hoisting and pumping machinery will be in stalled as the plant was pulled out of the mine when it was closed down by the Oregon A Montreal company, its former owner. It is the purpose of the new operat ing company to erect a mill near the main shaft. Th ill used by the Ore gun & Montreal company was located inside the city limits of Ashland, the ore being drawn down tin mountain by wagons to the mill. The Ashland was a great gold pro dueer 12 years ago. It had yielded about $l,(i(iii,0(Mi up to the time it was closed by the Montreal company. Or, Hall, the well known mining op erator aad promoter, lnln.ght about the deal by which the California people come into possession of the Ashland. This company is also said to have ob tained an option on the Shorty Hope mine, which is located half a mile VTtliof the Ashland and on which n great deal of development work has been done. There is a ten-stamp mill on the Shorty Hope. The outlook for the resumption of work in the old gold mines about Ash land generally in very promising.' and owners of claims who nave been hold ing for years nwaiting buyers ore capi tal for development, are tannine that there in to be nn influx of real mining men into Jackson county during the en suing year. "ARMHAND CONFESSES TO ;.iAVlNO KILIjED SHEPHERDS MATAWAX, May IS. The proven tor of Monmouth county announced to day that- Frank Zastera, a young farm hand, confessed that he had killed Mr. and Mm. William It. Sliephard and servant. Mi .b'jiny Undy, who wore found murdered at the Shepherd ' fnrmhouso Saturday, altera n state ment is .reported to b to the effect that he killed the Shepherd for money h know Shepherd had in his sion. Young Girl Missing From Her Home at Princeton New Jersey. Found Drowned in Canal. PRINCETON, X. J.. Mav IS. The body of Bertha Vanderbilt, Assistant librarian at the Princeton university li brary, was found floating in tho Rnri tan canal, about a half mile from Car negie Lake aqueduct, this morning. .Some portions of Miss Vanderbilt s lotliing are missing, though there ap peared to be no signs of foul play. except a few scars, which may have been tho rsult of rolling about in the bed of tho si ream for tho past five days. An autopsy will bo held today. So far as known, she was last seen late Wednesday afternoon nt Aqueduct. It is supposed she was drowned while attempting to ford the stream, which flows into the canal. NEW YORK, May llertha Van lerbilt disappeared from here last week. Mrs. William Robinson has told the po lice of Princeton that tho night Miss Vnudorbilt disappeared sho saw an au tomobile with another young woman and a man said to have been a Princeton graduate, who was a suitor of Miss Van derbilt while in college. Ho Went to Princeton Wednesday to attend the Cor-uoll-Princetou baseball game. CATTLEMEN IN EASTERN OREGON DESTROY FENCES SHAXTKO. Or., May IS. Eacls have just come to light here indicating thai there exists in Southeastern and Ceu- t ra 1 ( regon a u assoc ia t ion of en 1 1 le- men who have declared war upon wire fences, no matter by whom they are owned cat tlemeu, sheepmen or horse men. This association is alleged to have begun operations in early spring, when seven mites of wire fence belonging to the horseman, Russell, in Harney coun ty, was cut in every panel. A little la ter a mile- of fence belonging to the Mackintosh Livestock company, near Paulina, Crook county, was treated in a like manner, and finally a nide.of wire surrounding land leased by .T. X. Willinmsoa shared a similar fate. 1 h alleged perpetrators if the last depiv- lation were taught, convicti-d and sen fenced to four years in the peniten tiary. This association is alleged to be c - posed for th" most part of men wtu are comparatively honest, but they a-e infinitely more to be dreaded than iner stock t hie ve-s or highwaymen. Tley strike at night generally, under cover of darkness and in rains, so that tlifir tracks will not show from whence th.-y come or whither they go, and leave a train of destruction in their wake. LEBANON MOHAIR SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES I.KItAXON, Or.. May Hi. Yesterday was mohair day in Lebanon, the farmers representing the mohair pool around So daville and Lebanon, having hauled in their product to be delivered to the Ross Wool Scouring & Manufacturing com pany of Portland, this company having hid the highest price for this yenr's crop of wool. Tho price paid this year 1 H .j cents per pound. Already about five tons have been delivered. Tin is the crop off about Won goats that are kept hereabout in the foothills. The goat is a very profitable animal, for he more than pays his way in clearing up the Innd besides his yearly crop of wolt. LARGE PULP MILL IS DESTROYED BY FIRE SACLT STK. MARIK. May Is. A pulp mill belonging to the Lake Super ior corporation in the Canadian So aero" the rivr from lo-re, wan de- ,...,1 i.Mt;iv l.v fire. The b am ounts to $2iHt.iM'Hi. It i reported that two men are inising. NO NIGHT MANEUVERS IN ENGLISH NAVY LONDON. May 1. A a result of recent naval disasters the Kdmiralty lia ined order n.ndiiig all night ma neuvem by the navy till further no-tic. A Moment After the Crime He Regained His Senses and Gave Himself up to the Police. FAIRMONT, Va., May IS. Tempo rarily insane, according to his own natcmcut, Rev. S. A. Cofl'mau killed his wife early today by cutting her throat from ear to ear. A moment after the rime he says he regaiued his senses and realized what he hail done, lie im mediately surrendered himself to the police and was locked up. Rev. Cofl'mau res i tics at Russtown, three miles from here, and has charge of two or three local churches. II is wife was a member of a prominent lo cal family and was X years of age. During the past week or two CotVman has been conducting some revival serv ices and appeared well pleased at tho result. At midnight he ami his wife liscussed the services, when suddenly he seized a razor and began striking at her head. A struggle ensued, during which Mrs. Coffmun escaped to the gar- len hi the rear of tho house, followed by her husband, where no overpowered her and cut her throat. He then came to his senses. COPPER KINO HARRASSED BY ATTACHMENT OF PRIVATE CAR SAN FRANCISCO, May IS. Colonel W. C. Greene, copper king of Mexico and Arizona, millionaire resident of liedlauds, and the man who once said he would shoot Thomas W. Lawsou, is at I'aso Robles, in his private car, un able to move one way or the other be cause of the levying of an attachment for $10,000 upon his rolling palace by lr. K, H. Perrin, recently convicted of misdemeanor land frauds. Dr. Perrin is related by marriage to Francis .1. Ueney. Colonel Greene, who is known not only in the cafes and clubs of New York, on the boulevards of Paris, and at Monte Carlo, but wherever there is a frontier, came to Paso Robles recent ly with a party from his Redlands home. There, where "Hob" Kvans took the cure, Colonel Greene and his party stopped, the copper man being de sirous of taking treatment. Wednes day afternoon Sheriff McFndden went from San Luis Obispo in an automobile and served the process on Greene. The attachment was issued out of the superior court of this city. Attorney Man-lay Henley, who represents Dr. Perrin, says Colonel Greene gave his client a note for $10,000 four months ago for the rental of some timber lands in Arizona, and although it fell due "0 davs ago he has not paid the obli gat ion. GUNNESS PROSECUTORS THREATENED WITH DAATH LA PORTK, Ind., May IS. The grand jury convened today in tho in vest igati t the mystery surroinoi- j ing the death of II persohs nt the farm of .Mrs. 1 telle Gunness. j Prosecutor Smith has received an other threatening letter from Itrook i I vn, N. V., threatening death unless 1crcsigm his office and drops the Gun ness invest igat ion, The chief of police has been nimt ; lailv threatened. PEARY WANTS $50,000 FUND WITH WHICH TO REACH POLE t WASHINGTON, May IS Captain ! Pearv savs he is positive he can reach i the north de if someone will only give : him jf.Vi.oon. The Arctic explorer will have a talk , with President Roosevelt today ami ' mav ask him to suggest some plan i whereby the needed money can be 'raised. Peary says Vi,(MH will buy him a good outfit and s-nd him on his way rejoicing about July I. BIO APARTMENT HOUSE WILL HAVE NO JEWS I NEW YORK. May is. .Jews who have tried to lease apartments in the Apthorjn-, Itroadway and Si'venty- eighth stni-t, havo found that apart mi nts in that new tJ.iHNi.iMMl structure 1 are not to be leased to Jewa. Governor Geo. V.--Wv:V; Trolley Wires cut and Crews Driven from Cars. Attempt to Operate Cars Abandoned Until Protection is Assured. CLEVELAND, May IS. Many acts of lawlessness in eninn cl ion with the streetcar strike look place in the caih. hours today. The Indley win u-'ie, cut, the crews driven I'nun tin- c:ii' anil the nonunion iik ii ;il1:o k l bv sympathizers. The municipal T..n-- j Hon company auiuMiiii-ed tlav tiiat m further attempt wnntd he mad.- to - crate the cars on L:i It w un avenue' until the authorities gnaiaiilecl pi'Mper protection. It U n-porh d the men will i make a rbit rat ion in a .i ..,(1v;i i.l llic, traction I'ompauy. j There was a marked increase in (he number of cars operated tmhiy. The first attempt of it icmhi's of tho state board of arbil r;i( Ion (-'t;i 1 bring about peace between the employ ers and striking carnien ua-t a f';iilni-. DANGEROUS FIRE NOW RAGING IN PORTLAND SUBURB Motitnvilln, Residential Suburb ot Portland, Scene of Firo Which lias Already Destroyed Threw Il'.nw-a and Threatens Church and School. pOlfTLANh. May 1-. Mmitavilhi. a xiibmb lo tit roved t hrr e j' -i-b in'i : d i- proar-hihg t he I'.apl i-t rlinn ii, The Moiitatilh. pi. bin several hlilid r. d ch ild i .-n. ih to path, and ttnb" the fif el . may be buru-d. Th- . !,,!!. , been disniix-.d in p-'il'i' '' : ! RUSSIAN rORCE TO BURN PERSIAN TOW?;1, ST. PETEItsltl IC. M..v 1 era! Snafki, comuiaieb r ..t tl l; LAWLESS ACTS OF CLEVELAND CAR STRIKERS punitive rx.editioii p. i-.iao 1- tory, has bci-n or-b-r.d to r. m.uo I - advance into IVrMin and to .oiti-h t! Imnditt wilh fire an. I fir- ' destroy vtllag. but spate I h u.n n and elulrrrn. E. Chamberlain .''.'-"- TLANT1C FLEET LEAVES FRISCO G Atlantic Squadron bids Goodbye to the Golden Gate. Fleet to Separate. Roosevelt Will Review Stops on their return SAN FRANCISCO. May K The At- nlic batllenltip fleet, under the com and of Adinital Sperry, weighed ali tor this morning and sailed out of San nimtMo liay in a drizzling rain for ml:- I Sound. Kighl of the vessels will H M.-liiiil.ant II;y and four will visit of Angeles, three logo to I'ort Towns I. om will go straight to the drydoek locm.-ilon. Ou the j:id, 1.1 will :il;e a reiide ons in the vicinity if or( Touneinl, then proceed to an iotaye in tl).. vicinity of Seattle. W r.l nesday. May -7, 1 will go to :ieoin:i, bat only font' will remain at i,i t pot ' . I lie ot her eight con t i a n i n g it of the sound down the coast iimiin id arm ing nt. San rrancinco May ;to. WA.stl I N(iT(N. May W. - Twenty r .ur :t 1 1 le-htps me to be reviewed by f'r.idrii! Iloosevelt I'ebiiiary li'J next, -In- d;il-- ot th- return of 1 he Atlantic b.-it I le-hip flee) . The Wisconsin and lo:i-krt u ill be aW'ticd to I he At ni ic t 'l( -et a lei will ma U - t In- ret urn nii-e uiHi tli.-il oigan atioa. Tin V. i:v. sin and Nelnaska were built on l he Pacific coast. tELI.S NOUOH STAMPS TO OET FREE DELIVERY A TS 1' ASS. dr.. May Hi. I'n p c:ilij.ii- :it" now iind-'l' to pro id' ' e mail d- llv iv l-.r (iianls a-s. and i r .vi-. n-l thit (lo- s rvie will In- t r:i-d thi- - II ID llle r. Tile council ! i, h:.ii.g tin- xid'Hiiiks in tl inlying 'K-tjiets iin'.'d, and nniiibcr- are or i I. i' d pot on lenses not already mini j l,. d, 1 It .'l.. si'iH will be ptlt Up at ih.- -in.! intei-'i eiioim not alr'ady wn I d'd. Tl.e re.-cipl s of (he (i rants ! po-iot'i'i. e for th.- ti-ral year end I i.i Aj I. I '!.- o.-r ! I.''"', of '17,(- I". "ere -tamp salei. The .1 ,n j, .-),: -.. far for tins .ar are in .,..-. oi" t ii -.ante period of la-it year. ,,vd il th.- Tit.- keeps Up the reeeiptt '.st il,. .-.,r will . xcc.-d Ml'.ouii, HOUSE PASSES BILL FOR RECLAMATION IN IDAHO SAW A -1 1 1 N ' -T N . May I V-- The house, in,d-r - i-i-n-i-'ii of the rule. pasNrd ;t ali -uni.' Idaho lo reclaim 1 (mu a r - s belonging to I he public do main. i PITTSBURG PLAn-WOOD BANK FACES SCANDAL IS FAILURE RE-OPENED Allegheny National Did Not Open Today-Cashier Charged With Em bezzleing Large Sum. ITITSllt'lMi. May IS. The Alle gheny National bank did not open to day. The alleged misdeeds of the cash ier, who is in the county jail charged with omhc'..liug $ldil,00 and I he ah si raclioti of securities valued at $lv mut, are responsible for the plight of the bank. White Montgomery's speculation is officially placed at .0l.t, it is said the bank 's shortage is dose to 100,(1(111. More than a million and a half mu uicipal funds are tied up indefinitely as a result of the Huspensiou of the Al legheny National bank here today. The suspension of the bank leaves the city practically with no available funds, DOCTOR WHO HAS QUEER IDEAS IN JAIL POUTLAND, May 18. Possessed with the dementia that .loliu I). Rocke feller is the supreme being; that chop sney is I ho only fit offering to a deity and that only Free Masons should be allowed lo live, Dr. E. A. Salisbury was taken by the police troin the Portland hole) this morning ami is held at tin city jail pending examination as to his mental condition. At the bastile the prisoner Insisted upon undressing, and his exam inn I ion watt conducted with difficulty. Dr. Xeigler Htatea the man has either reached the climax of a long debauch or is a morphine fiend. The patient is US years old. Salisbury came to the Portland ho te a wel ago and registered from a city in Michigan, but papers found in Ins possesion indicate lie ts a dentist and was In Seattle recently. Attention was first brought to his oddity by his reiptest for a bellboy at t he hotel to a mpany him ou n shopping tour for a pink suit. Later he wanted blue ap parel, atid now lie desired to be clothed in a fireman 's uniform. NO PORTRAITS NOR LIQUOR AT NATIONAL CONVENTION CIIICAOO, May IS, The sub com mil I in araugeaieuts of the repub lieau national committee has passed a rule which declares that no lopior shall be sold or brought into the convention hall, either at the committee meetings or during the convention week. The committee also placed a ban on portraits as adornments for the walls of the hall. Th" reason given for the hit ler prohibition was the number of fa orile smis whose pictures delegate might insist upon having placed, and the jealousies and friction that might grow out of the placing of them. Tin- commttlcn also decided to author ize Chairman New to arrange for a pa rade of the marching clubs, which are expected from all parts of the Cuited States. ROOSEVELT, THEN TAFT, WILL BE OREOON'S CHOICE PnliTLANM, May M. - The Telegram has for some days If en in v it ing ex picMninnx f nun its repoblicaii readers on I heir first and second choice for president. D is really remarkable the unanimity with which them voters have picked out President. Ifooeeli as their firtt choice. The next in popnlantv to him a firl choice is Taft. although the vote cast for him is jied II per cent of that eal for Roosevelt. Hut as second choice to Roosevelt mid simple tei-ond choice, he is in a elas by him ef with which there is no reasonable ciirnpariNou. As firt choice, too, leav ing Roosevelt aiide, he leads all others l.v .toil per cent. La Toilette comes next as first clooce. t hough by the barest margin over Hughe. As second choice Hugh'-n leadi La Eollettn by two lo one. In ne cac Itrvan was first choice, and as worn! choice he r ived within o ht cent of the number of indorsements of La Eollette. There ran be no doubt of the senti ment of the people of the state with reference to Roosevelt. He is their first choice, but with Roosevelt elimin ated Taft is the man with a great dealt of tmphaiii. Telegram. Mae Wood's Divorce Proceedings Against Senator Piatt are to Have Thorough Airing NEW VOKK, May IS.Mae 0.. Wood, an Oiuaha girl, is suing Senator I'latt for a divorce, alleging that' th . senator formally entered iuto a mar- -riage contract wilh her November 9, I "Ml. :' She gave this testimony In a suit to day. She identified copies of several letters which sho said wcra received by her from IMatt. They were muinly ' of an affectionate nature, but- iu sev eral were interesting sentences ou other afafirs, one. being: "Your letter bat cheered me up no that t am utmost reconciled to O'Dell's election." A picture of the senator was shown upon which was written, "T,o my little wife." Telling how this as written, Miss Wood said; "Well, I was. sitting ou his lap. I 'art of tho Unit; he held my hand and part of the time 1 held his hand. We wrote it together, Tim words ' Little wife'' were written by him, 1. think." Miss Wood said the senator came to her room iu the hotel with two men ami formally aukuowledged her as hit, wife, before these two men. Senator Piatt was not in court to day. The following letter was admitted lu evidence over tho protest of Piatt's counsel; "My Little Hride-to lie: I havo made all arrangements. Von are not lo huv anything to anybody. Von tire to obey my iustuctions implicitly. I inclose cay! to hotel. You will . ha there nt 4 o'clock u-l have room t5!i, 1 am an old fool, but you will never re-, grot this slep. Lovingly, TOM." ADMIRAL THOMAS HAS ENDED FORTY-SEVEN YEARS IN NAVY SA N ERA NCIHCO, May IS. Al t hough he will not retire until Octo ber, I, Admiral ThomaM Friday ended his aetiv e naval career of nearly 47 years, lie nerved as iccond in com mand to Admiral Evan during the re cent trip of the At la u tic, fleet, and by l oaHui of I he illness of I he coinuiao der iu-chicf had to assume all of the social and official duties incident to toe callc of tho battleships at the vari ous South Arncricun ports. To Admiral Thomas loyalty to the commander-in-chief, to his tact, personality and gru ciousuess of manner the officers of tho fleet attribute much of the diplomatic success which attended tho cruise from the Atlantic to the I'acific. The cll made upon him were calculated to wear out a much younger man, but In at tended all the functions whero his pret ence was required. WASHINGTON DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION FOR BRYAN SI'OKANE, Wash.. May D. With the Itryan men in absolute control ft nd Johnson forces practically wiped out by use of he unit rule in the counties, the democrat ic state con vent ion as sembled hero today under I he leader ship of ex fiovernor Turner. Intn harmony on national Issues was off set by intense discord on what to say regarding local option, republicans having declared strongly In Its favor. It is believed that tho convention will vote to elect doubl" the aumhfr of national delegates, giving each a half vole, naming no alternates. W. II. Dumphv of Walla Walla ap pears about certain ( win iu tint con tent for nat mint I committeeman. NEW WORLD'S RECORD IN HUNDRED-YARD HURDLE Eorresl Smithsou is at his old tricks again, Jowering the world' hurdle rec ord. At the Athletic league's field day for the sailors in Han Francisco last WedueHilay ho set a new mark in the lm yard low hurdles. Smithson ran over eight low sticks la 12 second flat. Tho farmer record wns held by Kratienteiti nt I'J 2-5 seconds. Smith son Was on the program as a special feature. The hurdles were net up on the hicydtt track nt the stadium. A slight wind was at the Portland boy's back, and it In possible th record will bot be allowed him.