THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNB.' raDFOT?D, OR., SATURDAY. MAY 1i, 1!)iK FOB THKEB TEARS GIRL HAS REFUSED TO SPEAK ELK WOOD, Ind., May W. Two miles northeast of Orestes live Mr, ami Mrs. George Gosliu, whose 14-year-old daughter, Dale, has subsisted for three years on liquid food, and during that time has not spoken a word or uttered a sound. When Dale was 11 years old she caught a severe cold while attendiug school, and her throat became nffected. Her voice gradually sank to n whisper and finally disappeared. Meantime she was fed1 on liquid food and apparently the cold left her, but she has not spok en since and absolutely ret'naes to pur take of any foods that require mastica tion before being swallowed. Her health is not affected. She is well developed for a girl of her age, weighing 110 pounds, and is remarkably pretty. When spoken to she hears wlmt is said to her and if pleased she ac knowledges it with a nod of the head or .a smile, but while she has ben exam ined by surgeons and specialists in throat and vocal affections, who state that there is absolutely nothing the matter with the girl, nothing will in duce her to speak or partake of any thing to eat but liquid food. Entreaties, cajoling and even force have been tried, but without avail. The father has spent hundreds of dollars trying to get his daughter to talk, but she will not utter a sound or give the least intimation that she desires to con verse with her parents or friends. The father has been advised to place the girl in some institution where it is believed that tho formation of uew friends and strange surroundings will induce her to talk again. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. LONG-LOST CHILD RESTORED TO PARENTS OAKLAND, C'nl, May 10. Judge Waste in Oakland yesterday awarded tho custody of Alviu Smith Eaton, 9 years of age, to his parents, Jacob H. and Bertha Lesser. The action marks a romantic story of the 'long lost child found" which was exploited in San Frnneisco last week when the parents obtained the custody of the child upon n writ of habeas corpus. According to the testimony adduced by Judge Waste, Mrs. Lesser became ill immediately af ter lier marriace and circumstances forced her to place the child in nn or phan asylum. When she. wns in a posi tion to take it again it wfls discovered that a Mrs. Bono Eaton had adopted it. For several years a search was insti tuted for it, but without success. During this period Mrs. Eaton was divorced and within tho last few months became acquainted with Mrs. Lesser. In a womanly exchange of con fidences Mrs. Lesser told of her miss ing child and Mrs.fl Eaton related how she had adopted a boy out of the orphan age. The relationship of the child- was finally established and Mrs. Eaton did not contest the adoption proceedings. MRS. OUNNESS FORMERLY ROPE DANCER AT FAIRS CURTSTTAXA, May l(i. Mrs. Bella Ounness, the eentrnl t'iguro in the La Porte, lud., murder mystery, details of which have been received here, is re membered in Christiana as a girl, as sisting her father, Tetters Paulsen, a traveling eonjuroir and magician, who gave performances in all tho fnirfr in Norway. She performed as a rope danc er and often was seen in short skirls and fleshings, half freezing before the tent, extending an invitation to ' the public to step inside. Her three sisters and brother also took part in the show The father made enough money event Willy to retiro to a small property near 1 roadhjea. Mrs. (Junnrss has many rel atives in Norwav. Mrs. May Telfer and husband have takeu rooms at the Iowa camp for the sea sou. A largo sum of money was takeu the the Iowa camp to pay off the hands during the past week. Ash Hubbard of OUin mill is in Medford. He says that lie met Mr. Ditsworth, who had been to Untto Fulls and that Mr. Ditsworth did not ha vocabulary enough to express his opin ion of the roads. Edgar Hafer, accompanied by a party j of four other gi-ntlemeu, drove to tho j Iowa camp on Monday and inspected conditions, returning to Medford Tues day noon. Mrs. Frank Xetherluud, who has been visiting with her children and relatives at Talent, has returned to the Falls. She ulso. visited Frank 's mother in Medford. The Castor mill is to be rebuilt and work will soon begin in cutting out ties for the electric road now being survoved. Baker Bros., from Michigan, an working at the Fulls und helping on the new railroad Hue. Duff Karnes has purchased of Ed ward A. Reinieke a fine resilience lot in Butte Falls. Mr. Karnes is a large investor in town lots and has great faith in thef uturo of this section. Scott C'lnspiel and wife have goue to Medtord. Mr. Claspiel will briuir back a large load of store supplies, as trade is rapidly increasing. os Green was at tho Town camp dur ing the week and reports matters going along nicely. Complaint has been made of misbe havior in public gatherings ami sugges Hon is made that this conduct cease or steps will have to be taken to prevent it. A word to tho wise is sufficient. Mr. Howland of Medford was here lately looking over the ground prepara tory to purchasing residenco lots for a summer home. Revs. Williams and Shields of Med ford addressed a large audience in Al bert hall Thursday night, in the inter ests of tho nnti-saloou league. The speeches wero illustrated by stereopti con views. There is much satisfaction expressed that our townsmen will vote for ft fine public school building of four rooms with omdern appointments. There is a fine quarry of building rock on Ben Frcdouburg's ranch which will be serviceable in erecting stone fronts, as our town advances in wealth and population. 2 Leaders Hawk's f'ut Glass and (lorliaia Sterling Silver at the Xew Jewelry Store, 11 North V Street, near Postol't'iee. Martin J. Reddy JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Mrs. E. T. Furness, who has been visiting friends living here, returned to her home at Leland one day this week. William Campbell and family hnvo como down from the Blue Ledge and nre visiting hero for tho prosent. J. W. Opp and family are among those who went from here to witness the ar rival of the fleet. Oub Newbury and son Donald have returned from San Francisco after an absence of about a week. Mrs. Jay C. Sexton was a Medford visitor one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hnney, who have been receiving treatment; at tho Ash land hospital aro much improved, we aro pleased to state. MARRIED. "A Half Hour in Heaven." Two special addresses will he given at the Christian church Sunday, May 17, one at 11 a. m. and the other at 8 p. m. At the morning hour the min ister will preach a sermon especially to the grown-up people, our older boys and girls, on the theme, "A Half Hour in Heaven." The main thoughts will be: Heaven, where ts it? What is it? Who may go theref Shall we know each other there? Come and hear this message. At the evening worship tho nddress will conclude the series of popular eve ning sermons on "Christian t'nion." Two have been given and the third will be given Sunday night. The subject. "The Glory of a United Church," will be the best of the series. This will deal with a vi.ry interesting phase of tho question of christian union. Let . every one who can como to both theso services. A cordial welcome awaits you at all of our services. Marion F. Horn, minister. NEW TRAIN SCHEDULE GREAT BOON TO VALLEY Tho new schedule of the Southern Pa cific will give the Regno River valley the best service it has ever had, says the Oregonian. Train No. l.'t will lenve Orants Pans at 1:" p. m., Medford at .1:20 p. m., and arrive at Ashland nt 4 p. m. Train No. 14 will leave Ash and nt 0:20 a. in., arriving nt Medford nt 0:49 a. m. and Orants Pass at 10:57 a. ni. This will give those desiring to do huxincs in Orants Pass nhnost three hours and in Medford fivo hours and a half. This will allow sufficient time to do business nt Jacksonville, the conn" fy sea of Jackson county, close eonnec Hons being made at Medford with the Rogno Riwr valley railway for Jack-! sonville. f'mlrr the present schedule j complaints have been made by th1 rei- dnts of the RnKne River alley that! trains 15 and 11 were run too eloe to get her. he reined schedule will giv them an ideal service. ItTXCiKJt WTfKiHT In Kagle Point, on May !), 1'HiS, by Itev. A. C. Hewlett, James Ringer and Mrs. Mary A. Wright. M AXWKLLIjODKR At Sutnmerland, May 7, 10S. Jame Maxwell and Mrs. Anna Uoder of Medford. BORN. ORTII In Medford, May 12, l!WS, to Mr. ami Mrs. John S. Orth, a ilaiigli ter. Why Don't You Get Next? Do you use Davis Best Flour? Don't let your grocery talk you into buying other brands shipped in. Davis Heat sells for less money and guaranteed to givo satisfaction. Try a sack and be Coal for Bale. We are now prepared to furnish hand picked coal at the mine, five mile ast of town, in any amount desired Buy Tickets by Wire. ''Something which is of considerable Interest to tho public generally and which is perhaps not generally known Is the system of prepaid ordora now id effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in the United States. By means of this system tickets may bo purchased at Medford from any plneo in the United 8tntea and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to como here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these ticketr may n1s be furnished at the samr time. ' M. GAMBLING AND PROHIBITION TWO ISSUES IN LOUISIANA BATON ROUGE, 1... May Hi. True gambling, prohibition and cotton futures are the three big issues in sight before the opening nf the legislature here to morrow. Probably the hardest fight will be madft to abolish racetrack gambling REPUBLICAN TICKET. Election June 1, 100 ft. For United States Senator II Cake. For Representative in Congress Wil lis C. Hnwley. For Foil mid Dnirv Commissioner J. W. Bailey. - For Supreme Judge Robert H. Mean. For Railroad Commissioner T. K. 'ampbell. For Prosecuting Attorney, Jackson and Josephine Counties It. F. Mnlkev. For Joint Representative, Jackson i and I'onglas Counties J. A. Buchanan. For Representatives J. L. Hammers j ley, ii. ii. iuimi. For County Judge O. W. Ibinn. For County Commissioner James Owens. F..r County Sheriff I). II. Jackson. For County rh-rk W. It, Coleman. For Comity Recorder R. T. Burnett. For County Assessor W. T. Orieve. For County Treasurer J. M. Crone miller. For County Hchonl Sujm rtntend. nt J J. Percy Wells. ' Why Pay More Vor inferior meats llian we charge for the host. A trial will convince yon. Keineniher the place, next Hotel Nash, formerly 1'oMingPv's. .Tiring your Chickens here we pay more. The Medford Meat Go. Everyday State Depositary. Established JSSS. CAPITA!. AND SURPLUS $115,000.00 THE COST IS SMALL. THE BENEFITS LARGE The matter of Absolute Protection for your valuables is so important that you cannot well afford to overlook it. Although the cost of renting a Safe Deposit Box in the Fire and Uurglar Proof Vault of the' Jackson County Hank is very moderate, the benefit s larue, assuring Absolute Security. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT. $4 AND UP PER YEAR. W. I. VAWTER President G. R. LINDLEY Cashier J. R. KNYART,Presid cut. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. JOHN" S. ORTII, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Canaier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL ; O.OOO SURPLUS 10,000' Safety Boxes to Rent. A Cleiieral Banking Business Transacted. Wo Solicit Your Patronage i' ARE YOU INTERESTED? I have for sale at $62.50 per acre, 80 acres of as fine orchard land as there is in Rogue River valley. The im provements on place are worth at least 1 2 ")0. Let me show you this land. ALFRED SMITH OVER JACKSON COUNTY BANK. You Can learn Something ' .-.- i i,n Mm , --K.S " Mir, i r..v ii i. Mi nil'; I'KOI'LK OK MKDKOIfD TIIA'I XmYIIKUK F.LSK AlfK SIV 7 i UARKAINS Koi'XD vs v AL'KdiVINd. -I 1 . MUX'S SIMilXO SI' ITS. JO.Ol) a I ucs. at $15.00 ami 6.50. Also agents for 1 lie IfOVAL TAILOIfS' Sl'ITS to your measure. $18. 00 up. Specials in 'LAM KS' SKINTS. We of fer 20 per cent discount on all Ladies' Skirts. $15.00 down. 1 his week only. Specials in 1 1 OS I KlfV, ladies and chil li reus, :.- values 12.V' ; L'.V values 15 Ladies .::.r.O and fl.OD OX I'OI,' )S. $12.1)5 and $3.00. 6 Yards of Dress Goods the Price of 5 r -i i U K WMM . Illll Eilvrlidmer Stein & Cfl Meeker S Co. SL3L0 Oil If. MOTTO ' ' DHKDS, SOT WOlfPS." (If AKK YOU" III TO DAT K .' Ilnve ynu it friend who is fining 1 lie married r li:ive a ldrtlidny? If why utd, fiend them a pieee of our fine I'nt lnss at TT IMfK'KS. A large new Assortment jiiHt n-eeived. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 210 WEST SEVENTH. STRKRT. McCILASHAN & JUNKEN, Props. PHONE 1051. Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Qity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale Cedar Beveled idin& ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Q,uotaiion3 promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT CLI'.XDAI.L OKI-CON YA IM) AND OKFM'L' AT M IIDKOIM), )!,' K( !( . Five (Did Tcii-Arrr Orchards on Ilic instaJhiioit plan. The rifjlil kind of. soil, tin rifjht hind of trees and I he rithl prices. Tire nl n years' experience in f rnil raisinr hacks our jndfiiienl. We hare sidd half the orchards in the valle and hare, yet to see a purchaser dis satisfied irilh his har()ain. Ileforc hnyintj see Rogue Rivet Land Go. Exhibit Building mm bb imwiii n i i mm. m nttnrnr.mnaKxiv 'C"J inmmjxarmruaaaii For an Attractive BUNGALOW lkt rs ii v. 1. 1- vor s i; i, r r t doohs. WINDOWS AND MATKI.'IAI. THAT WILL I V K T 1 1 K D KS I If K D K K F K ' T Iowa Box & Lumber Co. M I: I) F 0 R I) 0 R E 0 O N :r,lll,lIHll ' We Want to Buy Lands Realty Bond Syndicate of Oregon W. H. Stalker Jackson county Secretary Bank Annex J Somelliing Ntw . In HiiMi'-r Tirn IIkiI it will j..iv (,, inv-liK:ili-. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, witlnLictlon rimmiUml, Mitchell & Roeck GENERAL WAUONERS. Kant 7lli Hlnjot, rtur of .f i-rn m;i rt Illnikimilh Hliop M."lf.rr.l. Or. STAHTINO WITH TTIE SOUP ;w '!t,!iiitf ui'li tin1 i iilTi'. von H tin! -y iii.Mii iir nl tit.' iliiin.iT oit .,o Iri.. .l-li.-t..... V.,.it it U llnon iiu '.1 ;l- liy rut Moti' if Vmii r.uil'l mi! lit . I r...M, Sln in ttlo'ic ,lti'l tlMit i'ltnli V"1 ( ,,,, 1'1'inif V"1' I'li' ii'U rtflcr n'.'iiJi win n mi Ait In trcTit tit a v!i -linnir. The Nnsh Cnfe I'