. CI 01 tloni for ctnt VA I'UI at I vX M VVA nit N'l r.oi .0i I hi m rot Hal V.J WA ita Co I'd .111 B. i-Tv Jo lit. j'o: rtt A l-'O or I" in I'O d o nl KO nl it t i m IM lit i'( i ii r, in 11 II c !'" ri n (1 - 'I u J M r ii n 7i 1 r v t Wed ford Daily Tribune A Live Paper In a Live Town. khlished every eve-Ding except Sunday Med ford Publishing Company. G. PUTNAM, Editor and M imager. Admitted ns Secood i'lusn Mutter in iv Postoffiee at Mcdfnrd, Oregon. Subscription Rates: One month, by mail or carrier. .$0.50 ie year, by mail fi.00 COMPARISONS MAY BE ODIUS, BUT ARB SOMETIMES SIGNIFICANT. We reprint from an earlier iusuo (lie pint form of Jurie Neil, reform emoti dute for county jude. No nun men t ran be inure forceful thtin n coinmrinon ot whnt .fudge Neil, if eleeted, nlnnd pledged to do, with the ottitud and pel Hist m t policy of 1 1 Hi present ill f-ninbeut: Mf elected county judge, I will have the books of nil county uffiees experietl. I will have the bridgm and romln iwiile ttufe for travel; will have rmid districtR reduecd in size and the ruad tax paid in each district pxptndid in that dint net na fur an prai'tii-able; wilt have mads built under cuntract to conform with mir vevs and HiienfientiotiH for nioilern highway!. .(AM KH Jt. NKIU TO THE VOTERS OF JACKSON COUNTY M. M. Tiivlor luiH rci'i'lvi'il llm ili'imi- ernlie iiniiiiniitinn for Ciuinty Tri'imnri' m' JackHon I'ountv, to tin vnli-il for it t tlio mining ,lmn I'lri't ion, TIiih rm lo him witliiuil liny liiilir-itiitiiiii ii hin inrt. Mr. Tiiylor w;in Iiucii in .Pni-lt son villi1 2 yiMim liffn, of iiiiiiiir juiri-iitti, Inn fnllior, S, It. Tnyhir, lno'lng runic In J.-lrknnn rniinty .07 yi'iim iigu. During tin1 jiiiMt 10 yi'iirs ho Iiiih lii'i'ii t'liiint'rt with thr- ivi'll-luiiiwii ini'rciintilo I'Rtnli lisliiiiont nf .1. Niinnti, tiring now n ini'tn lir-r nf tho Xoniiii Tnylnr cniiipany. If Mr. Tnylnr iliil nut fi-i'l I'ortiiiu Unit tliK IniNiiifHH I'xpi'rii'iu-i' riinlifii-il him lor thn iiiHitloii of rounlv tn-iiNiiri'l' ho wnulil not ho willing tn nHHiiiuo itH ro Mt-onHiliilitioN. Ho iiiprocintoH that tho itutioH of tho offioo roijtnro oomiotont onrofiil mid lionoHt. work nnil ho foolH thi.t ho iH liroinircil to iihhiiiiio IIioiii mill I'Olllltlrt tho officii to the mil inflict ion III' tho public, if oloctoil. AN OCEAN TRIP IN A BOAT MADE OF NEWSPAPERS I HO IIHflllllll'HH Or 1 III liri'MH IH HllllWII iu a now form liy the until who in voy iiK'UK ir l luriilii to .Now York in n liout iniolo oiiliroly of iii'VHinirrH. The fnct ih not ho vory Htriinyo iih it iniiy Hoi'tii, iiiiiHiiiuch iih ncwHiiiipor in iimilc of wonil pulp, nml in mti'ccHHivc liiyorn. niiiilo tiiht with hIioIIiic or mono Hiuiilui mntorinl, iH linlh liulit, Htroni nml tvn tcrproof. I horn nro ninny wiivb In which uhl nownpnporH tuny (in utilize. I. A fo liiycrn inukii u kooiI hiiIihI it nl for f lilniikot, on n pinch, nml n fohlorl nom pnpor in mi ojcollont chosl protector il ono in riiting or driving ngiiinst u pioro lug wiuil. It in u pi I iai i I v of tho noWHuipor Hint lilllioiigh it Hum cluiloii cohl it inny hIho impiirt. will nit h in tho form uf ii "roiiHl." Hncrnincn to Hoo. CALIFORNIA CONVENTION RESULTS IN A TAROE A f'aliforniii rinlly on tho i uh followH: paper coiunicnlH cilito rccout convent ion there Tho not roHultH of tho ropulilicau Rtnto couvoiitioii nro: . Triumph nf tho .Southern Pnoifi ruiiroiiu over I lie clement opposed to itH rule of tho parly organisation. 2. ( oiiririnntioii ami reuownl of rail rimil rontrol of tho Htnto rontral com mitt oo. it. A railroad dclcgnlinn to tho mi lional cnnvontitiii iiiHlructcd to Hiipport I alt, who ih RiippoHcd to roprcnont KooHOVolliHin and regulation of rail rondit. It in to laugh! OREGON DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION At large I W. Fulton of l latop. Qeorjo H. Williama of Miiltiiuinnh, A. N. tlilhort of Marion, I'. (I. Huntley of 'lackn limit. r'imt emigrcHv.nnnl dinlrict lialph IC. William, of Polk, I". A. richlliicde of ( 'OOH. Socotnl oongroHnionnl diHtrict- Dr. II. V. I'oo of Multnomah, Asn II. Tlionip Hon of rmntillii. Altoruuton: At Urgo J. H. Brown of Portland. W. A. Williams of Vatnt (lroc, A. I. Tutu of I'lirllanil, H. r. Kinney of firanlH Piihh. Kirat rlil ricl Frank Ira White nf Klamath Fall., K. D. riwick or Al liauy. .Second dinlrict- .1. It. I. .mil f llurm, .1. W. Kelly of Portland. PreHldentinl olcciorn: H. It. Hutlor of (lilliam. A. f. Mm. Iir. nf Douglan; .1. D. I.oo of Mull no mah, Frank J, Millrr of Linn. PE7DR DEI8CII Or JACKSONVILLE TALL8 HEIR TO $ 100.000 Peter Iicisch, who was elected rcconl er of Jacksonville last Jaiumrv, Im been hastily called .to Helena, Ark., I. asm me thaa of a $100,000 enlate, to which he lately bccwnie heir, ihrough the death ef an uncle. Mr. heist h y tertfry wired hi resignation u city vonlrr. For Jot Reprewtitatlve for Douglas atifl jackMon counties. The power to elect Pliiled St alio lie uf) torn by n direct vote of the pi-ople lian been delegated to the ctliens of the Htate of Oregon. If you deire to retain thin power elect nn your repre entativeii to tho bginlnture men who pledge thenmelvefl to tho priuciplea of Statement No, 1. If elected I wilt east my ballot for Pnitetl State nc tut tor for . thn man receiving the inot Votes for AMUSEMENTS. ' ' Mra. Temple 'b Telegram. ' "Mr. Temple's Telegram " in a far einil play in three oetH, written by Frank Whyiift and William Xoriif. its criiuplieationH are brought about through the fori j of .luck Temple to eon i nee hit wife that tin- night previous to the lictllllilig of the play he had been im piiHouf-d in a lofty car on the l-'errin wheel and :otiillei to renin in there until morning. When hIk refuses to be lieve him In- determines tha so long as she experts hiai to lie, lie he will, and lie tellH her tlfit in point of fart he .spent the night ut (he home of a frieml after tln-y hud m tuned the Inst car. When she asliH the name and add rent of the friend he uiaiiufactureH both. The man's name is .lolin Mrown and he lives in Margaret Snow, with "Mrs. Temple's Telogram. " I'icldeton oii-lhe ThaiueH. The wife thereupon wiroa John llrown nml usKh him to call; husband discovers telegiam, confines Hecret to best friend, who hap pern in, ami agreea to im persona to llrown. This urrangeuieut prirgicHscs HatiHftii'torilv until the real llrown nit peartt and a real Mr. llrown, and later it transpires Mint the lady who had been locked tu the f'Yrfrm wheel car with Temple wjih none other than the wife of the friend. The usual third act ex plaiiuliotiH clear up Hie laugh-. o farce in recent venrs htm been acclaimed emphatic u success as this uierrv men sage of mirth. A competent cast, head d by Mr. Ileruard, are responsible to i huge degree for Hie eitt hiisiast ic re eptiou that this farce is being nightly nccnnlcd. A laui'h for every miniite is the way the management characterizes this fuuiuaher, and il seems to be the sentiment of the majority of those who have wilnesseil I he performance. The engagement opens this evening at he Meilfohl theater and is for one night only. Tit en.Vh Med ford liiercliaiiU to allend, the curtain will be hhl until 1 p. Hi. OLDEST SOLDIER IS MAKINO LECTURE TOUR HANTA KOSA. Cal., May Mi. Wil liam (. Cnrk, who has tlx- rare distinc tion of beini; the ohlest liviiiL' A uteri soldier, is on a lecture tour, despite his IM years. At present he is living with his nephew, Lewis Cooper, of this cit v. Clark, who is a resident of Hrylown, Amador county, was botn in 1SI7. When he was still in his teens he en isled iu Pitch- Wain's army and touyht tt the wnr against the Mohawks ami SacH iu the volunteer service. After the war department learned re.intlv that he was the oldest living soldier In was granted a pens:oti. Clark traveled ironiid the world, preaching temperance while (ieiteral (Irani was mvsi.lrnf of he Putted States. He is now devotiny ill his time in delivering lectures to otiug men. 'LAPS KliKI Ml A M M KK. oLP ... . COUNTY RESIDENT, DEAD ( 'bniH Klein hammer, a pioneer el lackson county, and trulv one of ua turn s noblemen, died at hi home in t shin ml. Pridny nioriiittg at 7 n. tn.. fter an illness of several weeks dura t iiii. Parietal services will he held at lis late residence, Sunday, April 17. ut p. in., under I he direction of the M;i ftoilic order, of which he has been i felmig member. NEW CASES. T. V., Cottenncr s. Lntu ' iiiet title; Harvey, M Dips, sail and Mul y, ntlornevH for plaintift. Stale of Oregon vs. K. tJrim.-s, .-ili: A. Moore, larceny. StHte of Oregon vs. Saiifonl Yauiici orgerv. Chrittinn Scietirc. Christ nut S.-ii iii-e hci ices er Sunday morning in tin il clubio.ini at II o'clock te held 'inn titer Subject f the IcHsoti ernion for Mnv 17 " Mot li'OIIIC. nls InimoriaU. All arc Tiety South Carol inan Sick. WASHINtiToN, Mny Ml- Tlneateii with paialxsK, Senator Tillmut i a Katiilaritiin here, dclininir to e vioitori. On Satnt.iay he will srtil fnt Knrope, accompanied by lnt tvife, ri' itiriiing in oember. Battleship Fleet Pasnlng Newport, The batlleship flert of the I nilci Slate on iu Mnv north will pas New port, moving ..nlv. eaily Wislnt-ndai Morning, May .M. Por this o-ration Ihe Southern racit'ic company will sell Minnd ttip tickets at a rate of sU dale May ! Htt-1 111. Continuous pas age 1,.) directions with final limit May Purtlor informat i.-n ut the depot. ,M Rosa Festival. Ticket for the Hone Pmtitul will be on Hale June 1 an. I ,1, and only on tlione tw dnyi. Those who intend going and wih deeper n'norvation shoiibt leave wonl nt the depot a Noon nn poiht' tit onler to give thf rotnpnnv time to i r i- n THE MEDFORD DAILY ; j ' j j j PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL To bo held in PORTLAND, ORKdOX JUNK 1 to (i, 190S. Will do the nu.st lirillinn'; FliOK'Alj J.'J KSTA AND CIVIC .7lJi:ilJ':iO Kver Im-i in the Pacific N'orlhweHt. Porlland, "The Kose City," will bo u scene of splendor nml tho eeriler of worlil wide interest for one weeh. Several important convent inim to be held in Portland on that occasion. TIIH SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell Spccinl Tickets on This Owision from MKD KOIM) Id Pin-timid and Rc 1 iii-ii iit $13.20 For particiilara call on ROSENBAUM, Loral Agent. A. S. WM. McMI'I.'Ii.W, tlclieriil PllHHI'llglT Agent, Portliinil, Oregon. The ijiialily of Colli, n fiute High Hrade ( offe bered long after the j go) teti. The greatest itig care is displayed e is for-taiitslak-i its se- lection and blending, ami ils roasting is a triumph, indeed, Il is it coffee for those who iu stst on having the bent. ALLEN 6 REAGAN Sells it for lVI-:itTlsli; rm; iis STI.'KKT r.wixi!. Mi'.li'.inl, Or., Mny '. IttiK. S"iilitl 'i'uis.ils . rc-.-iv,..! tl I Tic.' nf III.' l ily l;,.,.,ii,l, r of Ihr l ily .. .Mc ,H'"r.l. H i i;..i. ii.it it .Inn,. 'I. liliK, ut .i oYU.-k . in.. I..r tin' im (tr.i't'iiii-:it ,il' S..-iilli u-i'.'l in sui.l ily fr. mi I .1st liiu- nl' l.!init' stri'.-t to !l Mil,' lllll IVi'l r;lsl ,t" tin. ,'iist linr "I iti its:. I, nvriiui', ill n iiKimu'r pro iih'.l li Mi,' i'I.iiih mul si.'. il i.-nt ions on lilo in lli.' ol'i'ir,' ,." tl,,. ,itv to .'or.l.r, ulji'i'l lo Ih,. ihiirl.T nn. r lillnni'i'S of tin' Cilv of Mo.lforil. nml I In- I'stiinnti' of tin- litv l'iiin,',r on lllo. Tin' nliovi' wotk Hill ,'oliiist of ov inittiiiU : lol I'.iiiin; li,., imiIi oiilu-r I'iinlitliii', iih.i:iIi or l.i t uniiiii 'Hi mm' i'l;i'n. "tin. 'tiui; .oiHTi'to .-mils nti'l i.l.Wiilk. Iminu .hii.ii til,' nn,; ,. "I I llrl tin; , ;i, lil.:iins. VII In.U must I.,' tillmut I . .1 on forms I'll I tl i I MU- li.. I l.y III.' I Hv l,'.vol,l, r of llio of M.'.U.M.I. Kii.-li I'i.l si:, ' l'.'Hii..l l.v :i ,-, rlifi.', cli.vk in of III.- lily Tl . :i-ut . r of M,.ll. i" I.I of II ' tolV ..f .'ill ,' Tll.'llf .. lllll. milt l.i. I. lo roiiuti Alt. ntioii i tl.i. .'lOI. 1 1 in i n v . fii .iidii.t.T'. is t-nlltil f W .-iri-.il liiotlifn this , it v, in ti.-.'or-l- III IMtl .'in.o with wlii.-li ;ti,-,in, nt W-irton Itros. i-oii.p:iiiv :ii;ri-r lo li.-. ns,- nil rnn- tr:i. Ion. .losiniii; lii.l for t ho work to l.-tv tin- l.ii uhl Im- n:i I'lut'iii in ni'oont Hi ils I'lil.-nis :n., llio toiim of sill. I i;l.'t'mi'lit. l.oii.i ii.'-.-t.-il.lo lo tin t'ity t'oiiii.-il of Mi.lfoi.l will lio rviiiiri'l ilill lo llio nuioiint of Iho polilrm-t irii-o. llio tilv t oniit'il ri-sorvr the riilit to ri-.ii'rl nnv niol till l.i.ln. l:.N.I. M. t'OI.I.INS. Cuv li,vor.. r. r-40-i 40c alb. TRIBUNE, yEPEORP, J A Fresh Complexion it preserved end produced by jvODcmne, mua, mngnuui preparation, delicately rrarranL Makei the tkia exquisitely toft banlihu crackled aooearanca cauaad br over-drvnesii reduce tha tiia of enianred poret. cleamea them, tm- . duces inflammation and spreads an evtn, radiant glow due to wholesome nourish ment of skin glands and stimulation of tha capillaries which also feed the slan and supply its healthful color. Ask your Druggist jbr a frit samplt of 0BERTINE T Wise Talks By the Office Boy Pa says ft roH) ty any other name would bo ,iust as expeu Hive back east this time of year. I sometimes think he pines for the pinoy woods iu old Penob scot, Prappe County, Mnine, where ho was raised -but that's ono thing yours truly never yearns for. Tin good mountains ami tho good old ocenn aid nice old Oregon atmosphere arc good enough for m. lint it's all in how you were raised. Pa likes clam chowder and corn ou tho cob, and harvest apples and a lot of tilings that a kid who was born this Bide of tho snow Hhcds hasn 't had irnieh chance to get acquainted with. Those who have lived on both sides of this great country and lived long enough to know what 's what can get all those- things just as nice one placo as au oth'T, if yon know where to buy. We 've got clam chowder from Ronton that in just as nice ns any you over ate on tho sand, and lots of other things that hnvo that "Down East" taste. - MILLER & EWBANK Irani Granules 100 PER CENT PlTl 1' CKK'KAIi COFKFiR It tiistos like cori'cp. It looks like cot'fVo ,'iiul it smells like I'ol'IVt'. lint is uro roasted LiTnins, lileiiiled so as to pro finv the licst flavor, the mvatest strentftli and an ar ticle wliicli young and old may drink morning, noon and niglil. (iolden Crain Crannies is especially recommended to those siil't'eriiiir from heart troiilile, nervousness, consti pation, iiuligesti-ai, dysiep sia and stomach troubles. Xf ml if pnehntjf tm "J.V, all retail groeci. Wholesale bv Golden P. B. Theiss & Co. OK., SATURDAY. MAY 10, Time Saving Sold By H. E. Boyden i f f f f 1 f f f The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Furnishes hot water for tea im very fdiort nt.tit It can be nseil on the tea table or in the kiti lu-u Attaches to any eleetrolier Simple, s'lfe.ron vciiieot, durable ROOUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Siu-reAor to Condor Water Power Co. Of- tiro L''6 V. 7th it.. opp. big electric sign. Dry (Jiioils. IFavilan.l China. Semi-Porcelain. Jardiniers and ( mcks. Trunks, Suit 'ases and Jeleseopes. Where ijou tet riitht jri, AI.L XEh' GOODS " 1!)08. It Means Perfect Kitchen MaaMMaHBanaiaawiawHHBaanHMMMiHi Moore Range Leads Them All - 500 in Use in the Unparalleled Opportunity EVHHY NEW SUUrtCRI I5ER TO THE JIEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE I'Oll ONI' YEAR. WILE RECEIVE A Handsome Set of Silverware Absolutely Free TT There are no strings attached to this offer. Remember, 11 the niagiiiiicent silver premium is absolutely fret;. Pay ")() cents for the first inont lis' subscription, and agree to pay o0 cents each month for the remaining eleven months, mak ing i.0) in all, the regular subscription price, and the sil ver premium will be delivered to you immediately. Tr A -word about, the premium. It consists of Six Silver W Spoons, ii Silirr Sniir Slirll and a Silver Bnllcr Knife all in a famous Tiffany design. The silver is so alloyed by a new electrical process that it will neither tarnish nor wear out. The entire set comes in a handsome lined case. TT This offer is free to all new subscribers. The only eou di ion is that you subscribe for at least one year, but yon need pay only one month in advance. This Offer is Limited Do not delay, but subscribe now and get the premium, ahsoliitclv free. ;L I R. W. GRAY, Builder otr.oxiAL porch work, grill and lath WORK. PATTERNS, ETC. I Fuel I Saving Comfort Valley Mediord Oregon The ear manufac tured expressly for the coast. Best for price on the market. $1400 D.T.LAWT6M Agent MEDFORD, OR. Ward's Cash Store TELEPHONE 471. ED FORD. OfftT