If You've Anything to Buy or Sell, Try Advertising in the Tribune-It Brings Quick Results The Weather ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES ir tonight, probably light front. Hun- 1 1 1 v fair, warmer. THIRD YEAR. MKDFOni), OR., SAT I'UDAY, MAY K, 15)08. XO. ;')() STRIKE IN CLEVELAND TIES UP STREETCARS; VIOLENCEJHREATEN ED Strike WhiGh Has Been Threatening for Several Weeks Called This Morning-About Three-Quarters of Employes Quit and Endeavor to Prevent Oper ation of System by Hostile Demonstration, CLEVELAND, O., May 10. A strike of tin streetcar iiH'ii was commenced hero Ht ;i o'clock this morning. About IIOO moii of the original throe-cent fare Hue did not join mid a large number of men who had born trained for serv k'o since the strike threatened ten days ago refused to leave their posts. A number of sharp clashes among several of the motormi'ii and eondut'tors oc eurred, those in charge of the ears be HEAVY RAINS ARE A BLESSING TO FARMERS PORTLAND, May Hi. Heavy rains are falling throughout the entire Pa li Hi. northwest and crops that a few dayR ago were on the verge of suffer ing from drouth have been given a new lease on life with the best of prospects for a rich harvest. The rain is general, although greater in some sort ions than ot hers. jVeathrr bureau reports this morning i to the effect that. Knstorn Oreguu as well as the Columbia river and Wil lamette valleys received good, copious showers during the night, and in most sections rain was still falling this af ternoon. Raker, Gilliam, Sherman and Morrow counties h:io been dry tor a long time and wanting rain badly. The drouth in the big wheat belt was broken early this moi jlng and crop prospects were enhanced fully Ion per cent. Agents -tor Port laud grain export iug firms rushed in reports of the showers, and stating that where the outlook was de cidedly diseoti raging yesterday, the prospects are today for exeollent crops. The season is reported as being some what backward in t hat part of he slate, but the crops will come out fine nevertheless unless hot"- winds should prove disastrous to the sprouting grain during the month of June before the straws have gained enough strength to bear up under the withering blasts of heat that might possibly sweep over the fields. FULTON'S AMENDMENT SIDETRACKED UNTIL WINTER WASHINGTON, May Hi. After a conference with the senators from Wash ington, Idaho. California and Montana. Pulton today withdrew his freight rate amendment to the Klkins romouulity clause bill, after securing from Sena tor Klkins a promise that his bill will be reported to the senate during tin first mouth next session. It was the consensus of opinion among the supporters of the Pulton amendment that it would probably In "voted down, inasmuch as it was md ger mane to the Klkins bill, or if adopted, won hi be cut off by the house, and. rather than have the proposition get a black eye tiny ileenu d it expedient to let it go over, especially as its eonsid oration is now positively assured at the next session. The amendment provides that nn in crease in freight rates made by the rail roads shall not go into effete pending a hearing by the interstate commerce commission on a protest of shipper ngainst the increase. CRUISER MAY LAND WINNER IN TARGET PRACTICE WASHINGTON, '"May HV The ar mored cruiser Maryland was tho trophy winner in the recent target practice at Magdalena Bay. Announcement of this was in ad i at the navy department yes terday. trophy is now in possession of the Illinois, and diiectiolis have been sent to the commander in-chief of tin Atlantic fleet directing him to transfer it to the Maryland. The result announced includes com put at ion tif tho final merit of the ves win of the battleship class which en gngvl in tho target practice, that is to say,- nil v wv having turret gun Thosc vessels having v" p.r .o more of th ft e of the tiopliv , ;u iter are called star ships, and nr. as follows in tho order of merit: Illinois, Kentucky, Virginia. I.-.t.i-i nnn, Alabnmn. Connecticut and T.m.i -See. Tho standing of (tie remainder of lie vessels is as follows: Vermont, M innesota. Petin-yl viui'i, West Virginia, KhMc Maud, Wa-bi-.j, ton, Kenrnrg". New Jer-ey. Oeorgiv. Kansas, Missouri. Maine and Ohio. The results of the fomj ntion in :ho r miser, gunboat and torpedo-boat ing dragged from their posts nnd beat en. The ehirf of police is firm in the declaration that no rioting will be tnl oratrd. tif forts were made to run cars on several of the lines. A largo crowd gathered at the Lakoview bnni and the police were forced to drivo . the crowd back with clubs. Many wvrr slightly injured. Tho crowd threw stones, but were finally dispersed. MEN SMOKE WHILE THEY LISTEN TO CHURCH SERVICE ATLAXflC CITY, May 1(1. Five hundred men packed the new Men's church last night and puffed cigars and pipes furnished by the liev. Sydney Goodman during the sermon, which was sandwiched between a special entertain ment, also provided by the pastor of new ideas. Moving pictures, stereoptieon views il list rat iug the parables, and singing by professionals who volunteered from beach front cafes and theaters, made up the remainder id" the program. "God never looks on a man as down and out, " declared Dr. ('nod man; 'there is more (iod than devil in every man, and it is only necessary to give him the proper opportunity to bring it out. ' ' The audience applauded wildly. The Men's chur-li. for which special quarters ha o been made in a low parish hall alongside the church of which Dr. Goodman is assistant rector, is two weeks old and promises to equal in popularity tho Men's club, another creation of Dr. (Sandman, which has 2000 members from all walks of life. The meeting hail has a stage on whiclt then- is a piano, and the contri butions taken up pay for cigars, pipes ami tobacco. ( 'onservat ive members of the big church who ,'lt first objected to tho smoking and the entertainment have been won over by the success ot the idea, and larger quarters will prob ably be obtained to accommodate the crowds drawn by the novel methods. Hankers and bartenders, prominent business men and laborers rubbed id hows at the service tonight. ' Tho happy minister claims that he will have an audience that will fill the largest hall in the city at the services which are to be conducted every Sun day night. BAPTISTS STAND THIRD ON PACIFIC COAST SAN FRANCISCO. May Hi In a discussion and report upon the con dition of liu churches on the western slope by the Pacific H.'iptist conference, at tiie First Baptist church in Oakland, yesterday morning, it was developed That the denomination stands third on the coast in point of members, number of churches and value of properly. There are d'Mi houses of worship and ii i.iii mi communicants. The church property is valued at :!,."iiiO,on(i. An important feature of t he conference was the opening discussion on "The Present I'.apt tst Sit nut ion on t he Pa eifie Coast," in which the general mis siouurics part icipntcd. SUSPENDED STANFORD STUDENT AS CHEAT STANTOKD PNIVKIISITV. May HI. Notices were posted today by the St il dent affairs committee announcing the permanent suspension of one student from the university for cheating in an examination. Furl her not ices were posted announcing that the privilege of re registration had been taken from two student for th'-ir participation in the preparation of certain iuoh'iit fea tures of tin H'o;i "Juad." Doth nf lite noto-es are signed by A. It. Clark, chairman of the student affaiis corn inittee. Th- two i;eu e l,d for mi called hmIi in e in Miiiieet ion with tho pnli i, alien of tt,- "fuad" lire Harry F. limning, e lit'.r in - lii.-f of the annual, ;ih httoit .'. Ilelmiek. tlir .-artoonist Who ihe.T.at.d tho 1 k. The eXptlNioii of CrtmiUg jh preMiUI ably the 1. -nit of his re-, i. W of tje re , eel I r- 'il.i. v, hi- l a ;q-ait d in t he " vll-ol. ' (Mid hiihde.tt HeXirelv With I'M-sidfiit .Ionian and I'rofi or ' lark. Dot h of t ho Voll no; men have been promiiM-nr in Stanford nffairs. Prun ing was n member of I he l!n d' bating tiam. ID-hoick is credited with bene tho cleverest carlfhiijist who over at BRUTAL SHOOTING OF ENTIRE FAMILY WHILE THEY SLEEP Infant in Cradle the Only One to Es cape the Murderer's Bultot Motive Unknown Man, Wife and Servant Are Dead. MA TAW AN, X. .1., May Hi. W. 11. Nheppai'd, a farmer four miles south of Matawau, and his wife ami a servant named Jennie Gendy, worfe found tnur dered hero today. An infant in a cradle was unharmed. All were shot by some unknown person during the night. Xo mot ivo is known. AEROPLANE SPEEDS A MILE A MINUTE MANTF.O, X. C, May Hi. n a mem orable scone on the beach at Kill Devil Hill this morning the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, passed all competi tors in aerial navigation and took a dominating lead in tho effort to solve tho problem of the air. Three miles in - minutes and '2 sec onds is t he marvelous record which they achieved in their new aeroplane. The run included three beautiful turns and for the entire three miles the broth ers sat upright in their machine, guid ing il along its course. This fact is of the greatest impor tance in itself. When a few iiioul hs ago De la (I ramie and Farnam rode side by side tin their aeroplane for a distance of oo fret, tho world mar veled. There was not an instant today that the Wright brothers' machine was not under perfect control. FIFTY BABIES WILL COMPETE IN SHOW SAN JOSF, Cal., May 10. Fifty ha bits in t heir best bibs and tuckers will compete for blue ribbons Friday at tho annual baby show given by the club women of Santa Clara. 'I Ins novel event has become one of I he traditional customs of the mission town, and serves as an attract ion which brings fond mammas to Santa Clara every year from all. parts of the county. The merchants of Santa Clara have raised several hundred dollars in prizes for the. infants which shall be declared winners of the vnoiotis classes in which I hey are entered. Tho event will be held in Turn Vo rein hall, at Santa Clara, nad the con testing babies will appeal for favor from the si a ye. Tlx' public will be the judges and votes will be sold for a nominal sum by the enterprising (dub women. DEAD AND INJURED LIST GROWS LARGER SHRF.VKPORT. La., May Hi The relief train which was sent to Cillam, I, a., last night, ret uriicd here today, bearing five dead bodies and III injured vict ims of 1 he tornado which pa sued over the northern portion of this par ish yesterday. Aiming the dead so far learned are Mrs. John (iardiner, Mrs. Henry (iod frey. John Simpson and eight, negroes, making II in all, but it is believed the total will reach -o dead and 100 in jured. The entire, village of Gillam was wipi-d out and much damage was done at Oil City, Helcher and Plack Itayou. A train bearing supplies and physicians was dispatched to I lie seen" of devastation today over the Texas X Pacific railwav. BEST FLIGHT ON RECORD ENDS IN A DISASTER XO II FOLK. Va., May Hi. Disaster today overlook tin1 dariny aeronauts. Wilbur and Orville Wright, who have for two weeks made successful flights with their aeroplane at Kill Devil Hill, V. M.t when, after the greatest flight over niadi' with a similar machine, tho aeroplane was wrecked. Wilbur Wright, the navigator, es caped unhurt, except for a faces cratch, but the machine was smashed. The aeroplane had gone eight miles in seven minutes and 4o seconds under perfect control, and the disaster was due to an error on tho part of tin- navi gator, who directed the course of the flviug machine downward to quickly. THREE YEAR OLD BOY MAKES LONG JOURNEY .NEW YORK. May Pi. Wilfred Stevens, :t yours old, who lives in Southampton, Long Island, has arrived in New York, haxing traveled alone all the way from Capetown, South Af rica, wh re he lived wit h his mot her until she died, two mouths ago. Wilfred had been six weeks in coin pbiing (ho 1 t.ooo-milc voyage, and in that time he had not seen a face that he knew until his father gnolod him at the pier. FRTTZI RCHEFF, ACTRESS, GRANTED ABSOLUTE DIVORCE NIW VOI.'K. May 10 A decree of absolute divorce in f;n or of Fritzi Si hef f, the act ress, was signed today by .Lit ice Mi'i all on n report of a ref ereo who heard tho evidence. Mi" Mrheff was married to Paroii von I hi SOUTH DAKOTA BREAKS RECORD ON HER TRIAL TRIP Armored Cruiser Now Holds tho Roc old in Her Class, Having Averaged 23.36 Knots an Hour in a Four-Hoifr Run on the Pacific. SAX FKAN'cTsco, May Hi. A wire less from tho armored cruiser Sout h Dakota, returning here from the final trial trip, reports she has broken all records of vessels of her class. I h average speed of four hours' trial, ttli.Mi. broke the record draught and 20i na turat draught. TIMBER SUPPLY WILL SOON BE EXHAUSTED WASHINGTON. May Hi. .lame ,1. Hill, the railroad kilig, sounded a note of warning at the session of the gov ernors' conference when in a carefully pre) tared address he declared that- if immediate steps for the conservation of the forests on tho Pacific coast are not taken, some varieties of timber will be exhausted within leu or I- years. "The Pacific roust, ' ho said, "has a considerable body of merchantable standing timber, but we are consuming yearly three or four times as much tim her as the forest growth restores, Our supply of some varieties will be ex hausted within H or 12 years. With out reforesting, the present century will see the complete wiping out of these forests. "The exhaustion of the coal supply is not in the definite future. Fifty years ago the anttiilil per capita production was a little over a quarter of u ton, while now it is five tons." Itegardtug the unsettled lauds in the west, the speaker said that practically I he whole interior hail boon settled within the past oil years, and nsked what- the country will offer next. "It is no longer possible,'' he de clared, "for .us to say that ' Fade Sam has a farm for all of us.' " AWFUL LOSS OF LIFE CAUSED BY TIDAL WAVE VICTORIA, II. C, May !.". News of one of the greatest disaster China lias ever known, a stnhlou tidal bore in the Vangtse Kiang valley, which involved the loss of nearly lo.ooo lives at Han kow, was brought by the steamer Titan, which arrived lasl night. bore L'li feet in height, flooded without warning down the river, over whelming thousands of junks, sampans and small boats and wrecking some large river steamers. Some nooo Chinese, sleeping in sum pans and small craft and uialc'heds an 1 huts by the riverside at Hankow, were nvclopod by t he great wave, which swept, away broken junks, splintered tampans and a heterogenous mass of tebris, with swarms of drowned Chinese mixed with the wreckage. The scenes for many days after the disaster were horrible, the riverside br ing st rewn with dead and debris of wrecked craft for manv miles. OREGON PIONERS WILL MEET JUNE 11 poltTLAND, May Hi. Over loud pi Ulcers of 111 is slate will gal her in this it v for t ho annual reunion and ban put to be given June II by the Ore gon Pioneer association in the armory. .Never before has such a great amount of interest been manifest in the reuu ion. From all parts of Oregon. Wash iuglon and Idaho word has come to Secretary George II. (limes to reserve plates at the banquet lor those who will attend. The literary exercises will be held at :i o 'clock on t ho afternoon of I he reunion in a large tent to he srretene.i a the street by tho armory. At those xercises Mayor l.ane will give an ad less of welcome and a response will be made hv Joseph D. I.ee, the presi- lent of t he associat ion. Tho annual iddros will be made by M. '. George nf this city. Following the program thorn will be i banquet in the main hall, dates will be sol for more than Piin. Headquarters for t ho pioneers will be i nt he Oregon II istorieal society rooms, on the top floor of the city hall. Cadges may be secured from Secretary Himcs at any time. Special arrangement have been made with tho railway companies for trans portal ion. and on ami one-1 bird faro has been extended those who alleild the event. PREfatfA?ION OF TARGET CUP WINNER POSTPONED M'oKANK. May Hi.--A cup offered by Spokane to 1 lio winner nf the Mao dab-na Cay target piaelice will not be pp-n-u'ed to lite Maryland until nett vear at some Atlantic port. It will not be finished in t ime for present at inn While the fleet 1H Oil the coa-l. Chico Adopts Novel Method of Adver tising With M fitch Boxes. ( II ICO, cal.. May Hi. -Tho chamber . i . 1... : j. ..I . ill i n m me re e iasi e ening ihti'I" " purchase .'. oo novelty match h( h from tho Diamond Match company. P.ach box in to bo inscribed with words and phrase ilescriptf. of Chico nnd will bi- distributed nt conventions, large eastern hot i Is nnd stati" fairs. Thf cost WHAT WILL BE BOURNE'S NEXT MOVE Politicians Avo Wondering What Tnck tho Sonator Will Now Tak, Willi a Delogation Instructorl for Taft Asa Forced Into Dclegatcship. POIiTLAND, May Hi. What Senator Itourne will do, now that ho has been thrashed by the Fulton faction, is giv ing the politicians something over which to speculate. They know that Itourne never stops, but kreps working alt the liinr, so the defeat of Mnnrne is not xousideretl tho end of him in Oregon politics. It is believed, however, that the meeting between Hourne and his private secretary, John C, Young, will bo worth the price of admission. Young managed to get into (ho convention on a proxy supplied by Jeff Hurd, but W S. P'lfen, who wanted a proxy, failed The convention did some strange things, sucha as making one man a del gale who didn't want the position, and refusing to grant tho honor to another who did. Mis efforts to have himself elected a national delegate must have cost Hourne a wad of money, yet ho was unsuccessful. Asa I hoiupsou, on t he other hand, didn't want to be a delegate and his people forced him to accept Hourne financed count ies in order to have favorable delegations sent to tho convention; he sent his private soero tary and burnt up dollars in telegraphic instructions. Hourne undertook to or ganize a machine for the sole purpose of electing himself a delegate, and lost all. Thompson wandered down from Knstcrn Oregon with his delegation, who wanted nothing. Kastern Oregon had to be recognized and tho Fulton people did not want Kennedy of Maker City. Tho Fulton crowd told the Knstcrn Or- gou people to designate someone for delegate to Chicago. No one wanted it particularly, least of all Thompson, lie was finally prevailed on to accept, and ho received tho honor without turn ing his hand. Hourne had tried to turn tho state to accomplish the snmo result in his own behalf. PLACE PRICE ON THE HEADS OF CATS CHICAGO, May Hi. Ifockwell Sayre, lover of birds and bit tor foo nf the feline tribe, has placed a price upon llie head of every cat. in Chicago. Braving t ho concent rated win I h of at least two aristocrat ie cat (dubs and unmindful of the tempest that may bo x ported from individual cat connois seurs, Savro has offered the following bount v: For the first I'll l cats killed 10 cents ach. For the largest number of cats or kittens killed by any one person, -I. For the second largest number 1. For the third largest number $1. This offer, which holds good unt il December, is made in a let tor pub lished todav from Savro. In his let lor Sayn- says: "Cats have more diseases than chil Iron, carry contagious diseases from house to house, suck babies' breath. crutch children's eyes out, put fleas uto homes and hair into cofl'ef ami .-ictuals. ' ' Robins come lo us and sing in qo ing, hop on our lawns. ( ur cus Ull them promptly because the easiest prey for I hem; before summer is gone 'ach year we have no robins or nearly none. Our cats kill a robin while she is ridding our lands of bugs nnd worms to feed hrr young, then the littlo nest lings starve lo death while wailing her rot urn. 'We call ourselves Christian pb and foster cats while they kill our rob ins. Are we,'" Sayre is oM years old and has (ho ap pearance of being a deep thinker. He has a wife and three children MINNESOTA DEMOCRATS INDORSE JOHNSON FOR PRESIDENT ST. FA I'D, May Hi. The democrats if Minnesota today forma My indorsed Governor John A. Johnson as presiden tial candidate, aad at tho same time, hv a vote of 772 to HUl refused to do idare in favor of William J. Cryau as a second choice. fhe followers of Mr. Cryau did not carry out the threat which they have so often made during tje last ten days, that they would boh and hold a rump invention if their contests were do feated before the committee on creden tials, or if they wero not able to secure a part ial indorsement of their leader. hoy made a sturdy f ighj for thoir man ami, when they nan neen nt er whelmingly defeated, remained quietly u their "eats and made no motion to lea V. THAW'S EXPERTS CONTRADICT EVIDENCE PorollKKKPSli:. N. V., May Hi. When the Thaw 1 aring was resumed. Muhael Cummins and Lawn-ace J. Creerv, keepers at the Tombs prison, testified that Thaw impressed th'iu as rational. Dr. Hrittoii D. Ktans. sn perinteudeilt of the New Jersey state hospital for the insane, testified that I regarded Thaw nn p rfoctly sane and free from delusions and in posses lion of no hallucination which would INDICIUM FO LAN D I Federal Grand Jury to Convene to Investigate Fraud Over Umatilla In dian Reservation. PORTLAND. May HI. For (ho spe eifie purpose of inquiring into the al leged frauds in connection with the purchase in 1102 of lands on the lma I ilia Indian reservation and other frauds recently perpetrated on bona fide settlers occupying lauds n tly thrown open by the government in Southern Oregon. Tinted States Judge Charles K. Wulvcrton culled the federal grand jury to convene May It is intimated that the Fnited States postal officials will present interesting testimony and that certain Kastern Oregon cattle and sheep men and prominent residents of the Ifoseburg district are in danger of indictment. WOMAN'S SKIN CHANGES FROM WHITE TO BLACK PORTLAND, Mav HI. Suddenly at tacked by a peculiar ailment in the citv jail yesterday afternoon, Millie Wat kins, serving a sentence for vagrancy and drunkenness, gradually became black from her head down, and she was hastened to Vincent 's hospital, where she lies in 'a critical condition, Heart weakness due to liquor is ascribed as the cause of her malady, and it is thought she will not recover. Matron Simmons was all in n Hurry yesterday afternoon duo to Hie strange symptoms evinced by one of her wards. ami when (lie woman's entire face had merged into ebony she hurriedly sum monod Dr. Zeigler. Within a few min ntos after the first attack the prisoner was void of a single while spot. BELLBOY PLAYS THE RACES AND LIVES LIKE PRINCE SAN FRANCISCO. M;,v Hi. --F.ddie Ward is no longer a ledlboy at tin Si. Francis hotel. Having won SIIDU on the races, Iti' lias resigned his position and is quietly looking around to purchase a small hotel where he can play man ager himself in si cad of being bossed hv one, n the course of his duties Kddii became acquainted wit h a plunger at hmeryville, who is stopping at the St. Francis. The bellboy got a few "good things" from him nnd won steadily. His winnings reached the sono mark Mori lay when he bet .'" 011 a f'-'n to ) shot. ACTRESSES' WARDROBES ARE STOLEN BY DARING THIEVES SAX FRANCISCO. May Hi. - C I'm Ithoda and Zoo Caiuell, 10 slats in tin Princess company, returned home Tues lav evening to find their apartments, f hey report to the police, burglar Neither of the actresses was prepared ycMteiilay to furnish a list of the ar ticles (alien, although Miss ltlmda gave a rough valuation of $iiou upon the prop rty. i: 11 try was a ff cried through a rear window. The only art ides left by the blilglais were two gowns, one each for Miss b'lioda and Miss Darnell, OIL EXPLOSION CAUSES HEAVY LOSS; ONE KILLED ALCFOCKRoCK. X, M.. Mav Hi. Storage tanks of the Conl iiieutat Oil immunv at. Demim'. X. M.. exuloded to ilny ami Manager J, G. Clark was killed. The fire los will run into thousands if dolhiiN. KoMihL' stock and I metis of the Santa I'e railroad and storage house of the A uheuser Cuseli Crowing com pan v suf feri'd considerable damage. TICIIENOR ARRE8TED FOR EMBEZZLEMENT IN FRISCO S.W FRANCISCO. Mav HI, Goorge X. Tichenor. formerly manager of the I, os Angeles branch of tho Continental Cuilding & Loan association, has snr reudeied to tho polire, who held II War rant for his arrest on a charge of em icz.leiueul, prefer red b v W illium ( or bin, secretary of the association. PRESIDENA A GUEST AT AMERICAN UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, May HI.-The trus ters of the American university, in the con r e of 001 y met ion near this city, today had as guests the president, v ice president and Senator Dollivar of lowu. Who Here Scheduled to deliver speeches and upwards of a thousand McthiMlisIs j attending a general conference of the 1 M.ihodi-t chori-h now 111 sebm Hal 0 MURDERESS Remains in Ashes of Gun ness House at Last Pos itively Proven to Be Those of Mrs. Gunness. LA FO RT K, I ad ., M ay I Mrs. Hollo Gunness paid the penalty f her ten or more fiendish murders in the fire that destroyed her charnel house on the omruing of April 2S. The wom an 's body, burned almost beyond rec ognition, that was dug from the ruins with those of her three children, has been identified so positively as to leave 110 doubt in the mind of any one who knows the evidence which the authorb ties of La Porte county have been con cealing from the public. It has been learned today direct from District Attorney Ralph X. Smith that a gold band ring found on the finger of the charred corpse has been identi fied positively as that worn by Mrs. dimness. Tho woman's keys also were found in the ruins near the body and. were identified by the one which un locked her safe deposit box in thh lo cal bank, in which she placed $700 on the Saturday before she was killed. The fact that the corpse found in the ruins of the Outincss farm hoitsn is that of Mrs. Hello Gunness, the alleged mur deress, was pretty well established to day when Dr. I. T. Norton, hof ,dentiit, identified the human jawbone taken from t ho ashes. TO THE VOTERS OF JACKSON COUNTY M. M. Taylor has received the demo cratic nomination for County Treasurer of Jackson county, to be voted for at Die coming June election. This came to him without any solicitation upon his part. Mr. Taylor was born in Jacksonville :'" years ago, of pioneer parents, his t'alhor, S. R. Taylor, having 401110 to J ie(sou county o7 years ago. .. During the pas) L'O years he has been connected with the well known mercantile ostab hshmcul. of .1, N'unau, being now a mem her of tho Nunaa Taylor company. If Mr. Taylor did not feel certain that liiti business experience qualified him for the position of county treasurer he would not bo willing to assume its rn - ousibilities. Ho appreciates that the duties of the office require competent, catefnl and honest work ami he feels flu.t he is prepared to assume them and eoiulllrt the office to the satisfaction of I he public, if elected. ITotel yias) Tbabh yKoU "Dlntwr Cnnnpr Lorenzo Mock Turtle Striped Hass with Shrimps, a la llordidaise Pommcs a I 'Anglaise Sweetbreads Saulo with Mushroom in ( 'a sen Stuffed Tomatoes a la Bonne Frmnie Roast Young Chicken with Dressing, Currant Jelly Hearts of Lettuce Cauliflower, Drawn Cutter Mtished Potatoes Vanilla Le ( 'roam Friaudises Cafo Noir 3faelrlg9 Orchestra I. MiiivIi "Thr- CnvnliiT" 'J. Sj:minli StTi'liiidi1. . I.u 1'iilonitl " :l. Walt "Waiting in l.mvltinil for You " I. I 'liarai'tfriMt ir 'TIt .-Wiki'I' Nfri'nmlii " Ht'liTtitin (hy rt'ttii'Ht) "The Mcrrv Wiilnv" H. " If t tic Man in tln Miuiti Won- ( 'onn ' ' T. Waltzm .."Tht Wi'.l.linn nf tlir Winil." Tone pui'iii i' l.ilnc" II. Mclfvticill "'I'll.' Ilirl :iin tin- HiiWTHHT"