1 THIS MEPFOBl) DAILY TRIBUNE, MEPPORD, OR., FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1008. Classified Advertisements , Oat Cent a Word Mo liogl lner tlona lua than IB cants. Six Insertions 1 -for the price of fonr. Seventy-five j cents a line per month, i SOCIAL AND PERSONAL WANTED Dishwasher at Hotel Nuili. iTRNiSHETTRC over poatoffice. FOR SALE Fresh milch flows, inquire at Cots mudenre, WANTED To buy from 100 to300 head of stock shefp. Write Box 1. 'II, Med ford, Or, WANTED (iirl for general housework; must be good cook; wage $.'((, Hotel N'anU. LUST A small brown combinatiun pocket book. Finder p)eNP leave lit ibis office. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, ju.st fiu isbed; cheap if sold soon. See Ouy A. f.'hildern, FOR HALK To ung 'gentle cow for haIo; price $40. K. K. Morrison, K, V. D. No. 1, flriffiii Creek. WANTED Tou 'tfanistem wilh teams wanted by Western Oregon Orchards Co. at onee; good want's. 1 FOR RALE Boo runabout iu good cou dition. I used a larger machine. L. R. Warner, Jr., at Warn or 'n store. FOUND On the road from Medford to Jockfionville, a baby's white coat. Call nt Tribune office. FOR HALE Four griddle -Moimnli range, nearly now; price reasonable lit Apply Tribune office. FOR HALE A gentle horse, for Indy or children; also buggy and harness; price, 150. Address liox 803, Med ford. 41) FOR BALE A $2000 mortgage, gilt edge flosurity, no tains, 8 pur cent net. - Inquiro of the Medford Realty & Rent nl Co., Medford, Or. FOR RENT .1 Ttirn ihImiI munis, eonve nieut tor housekeeping, clone to bimi iickh; no children. No. .'H7 North ' street. (W FOR SALE Com tie to furnishings for ' 5 room cottage; bargain if taken at oiice, Mrs. (. I. Cameron, corner Kith aud L street West Medford. , fin I'AHTV wishes to got Ion of $.'t(l() on 40 acres of raw land I hat is worth $1000; good abstract; will pay 10 per cent. Lock Box GM1. FOR HALK Gray mure, weighing in."i(. pounds, gentle, not afraid of nutoino biles, with week old coll. Apply f. Hrnwn, or-Hox H'M, Mcdfiird. ItUNAItOFT for snle cheap; thoroiigb ly equipjxi with odometer,, acetely lights, top, etc. A: (, Allen Medford Or. FOR SALE One- U. S. Cream Sepa rator. No. 0; fiOO capacity; good as new; cost $80; will soil for 0, R !, Ilensloy, Central Point, FOR HALE H. N. Subdivision is in tin f market now; choice ten acre tracts, neat location in the valley. L. N demcyer, Jacksonville. liOhl Lollies' gold limiting case watch, black leather fob; lost be 1 ween 7th st, and cemetery Sunday nfternoou. Finder return Tribune, re ceive reward. FOU HALE Automobiles, cheap Thomas 40, in first-class condition good as new; $800 worth of extras Cudillno runabout, good condition, Will pay to Investigate these cars. ( II. Hnydnr, 1H It street. fiO FOH SALE Six-acre tract, must raise cash, 4t0L'5, ut once; balance easv terms; best black deep soil, finest lo cation, main road; very close in; few minutes' walk to lnn! corners. Lock liox B4fl. Medford. 511 FOR HALK White Leghorn eggs for settling, AO cents for lo, from flock , of 48 bens picked from 500 standard bred Whlto Leghorn chickens. Or. Ooble. phone No. 103, Medford; also pasture for cows inside city limits. AiNlr.l hi buy to or more acre of good unimproved fruit laud in the foothill within (1 or S tnilcH nt .Mid . ford; must he reasonably level and on or very clone to a good county road; will pay not moio than $;tii an acre for laud with the timber on; will pay a little more for some small improve ments. .It BU8INEBS CARDS. H. . MORRISON, Physician and Burgeon, Office: Medford National Hank Hldg. J. T. ANKROM, WELL DIGGER. MEDFORD, Olt Trices right. Pumps (tarnished w hen Wanted. BALL ft QLOHCOOK, Contractor sod Huilders. All Work Uiiaraateed. Office with O. H. Fierce ft Son. Phone 653. P. . Rot 771. WILLIAM O. DEBLEY, Resident FUim Tuner. Special Hates b tho Year. Ilesdquartuts at Hale Piano llouir All Work Guaranteed. P. O. Hoi .163, MEDFORD, OREGON. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician end Surgeon. Office at Residence Wiu. M. Oolvlg, Medford. Or. OOLVIO ft DURHAM, Attorneys st Lsw. Qeo. H. Durham, Orautn Pssn, Or Medford Furniture Co., Undertaker Day phone 3M( Night I'lames: c. v. ; Conklln 405; J. II, Mntl.r 14s. EI wood sails graphophones and roc rla on easy payments $1 a week. K. It. and M. F. Ilanlv were in Med foul oiiu day this week. t you want ice cream, give your or to the Book Store Creamery. Mih. J a nie Jiiiss i quite sick at her rettidfUi-e in West Mi dford. All kinds of job printing at Portland rices The Tribune. .1. T. Hales of Mound district made a business trip to Medford Thursday. All night restaurant ut the Emerick ' il further notice, Alphunse Dii-ir une of Jacksonville spent Thursday afternoon in Medford. .it fan Jm Gaunyaw, stenography and (jewiHiv Room 4, Palm Block. George Coulter, I be carriage painter, lias returned from a short business trip to Jni'kxnuville. The only print shop in Southern Or on employing Typographical Union ntors. The Tribune. A. C, Kdler of Lake Creek, an encr getic young farmer, was in Medford Thursday on business. The beHt equipped job printing office u Southern Oregon, employing skilled jnion printers Tho Tribune. Dr. K. H. Pickel left for Portland on Thiinulay evening's train on a short bus iness VIHlt. co cream delivered to any part of the Ay. Order from the Creamery od store. C. II. Whitelock of Table Rock, the xiicfOHfcful gardeu'T, did business iu Med ford ThniHdav afternoon. Harry Culbertson, general contractor J builder, cement work a specialty, dford, Or. It. M. Collins, city recorder, has gone lo Vancouver, WhhIiII.. to visit Ins falh er and brother. M yon want sweet cream or butter "ilk, order from the Creamery or watch or the wagon. Deliveries made every v. Phono No. 02.t. Miss KMlclla Lew of .lacksonvill wan a Medford visitor Thursrlnv after IIOOII. We deliver sweet cream or buttermilk rvery day; watch lor our wugi n or diono orders to the Creamery, Phone Jo. oir.i. Frank Adams of Willow Springs was iinong the many in Medford last Tlnirs ilay. New Smith Premier typewriter with tabulator, lor sale cheap if sold soon. P. a. liox I IK, Mi dford, Or., or Geo II. Johnson, the sewing machine man. o2 A. J. Daley was iu Medford Thurs day, lie is still engaged in merchan dising at Eagle I'oiat. Hon. ,1. J. Whitney, democratic con ressioual nominee, will speak at An Ji.'s opera House tonight on the is ::es of the campaign. Tho announce cut that the meeting would be held llnzclrigg'H Opera Mouse was incor trt. 48 Mr. and Mis. J. It. Ilillis of Wimer ipi'iit Wiilrii'Hilay in Medford trading with our iiierchauls. Airs. E. Arnold expects lo leave soon ir Wyoming and offers Iht complete tie of millinery, including hats, flow rs, ribbons, velvets, velvet ribbon and plumes nl cost. I'arlors, C street. rcond dour south of. Seventh. -IS E. D. Thompson, a prominent citizen if Wittier, was iu Medford mid Jaeksou llle Thuisilay. ('. II. Hurgraff of Albany, the archi eel , hone plans for Medford s high school wen accented, is in our eitv. Mr. and Mrs. C. l Fursel of Dig Applegnte were among those in Md ford during I ho week. Mrs. E. F. Winkler has returned to her home iu Ashlaud after a visit with Medfoiil friends. Jakob Wetel, who has been nt Jack sonvjllo for some time past, is iu Med nrd again. John Daley went lo Eagle Point on riiursilay evetiini: on a short biisiness Hit to his old home. Frank E. Ityliee and John II. Itellin r of or ih Jacksonville spent a V hours in Medford Thursday. . It. Sherman of Grants Pass passed hrough Medford Wednesday on his wa o Sail Francisco. Mr. Vaughn wart nVr from Saius Val ley the llil of the week. He has rent il John Dugan's farm. A,. C. Ilowlelt ot Fugle Point, the lebiated ucuspaper correspondent, did business iu Me.ifoid We.luesday after noon. M. Ruch, the Applegnte nierchant, in. I Waller Dostwlck, the expert car penter. nil ver from Ifu.-h Wednes PRIVATE DETECTIVE AND COI. EECTION AGENCY. Lock Box 4408. Medford, Or E. R 8EELY. M. D. Physiclnn and Surgeon Modern EquipKd 0Nraling Rooms A Ray. Office Hours. 10 I' 4 P. M. Office In Jackson County Bsuk Bbtg OO TO DROOBLE TOR YOUR GLASSES. Sai-ramMiito, Cl. Her sister, Mrs. Mat tie .Newell, bun left for her home in Portland. John L. Thorudike has just complet ed a neat and convenient cottage in South Medford, which is already occu pied by Medehniit Baker nnd his fam ily, j t Hon. J. ff. Whitney, democratic can didate for congress, addressed a fair sized audience at Angel's onern house Thursday evening. He is an excellent speaker and made n good impression. llieodore ,, l.eubcks, who was sent lo the penitentiary for life for killing a man iu Portland a number of years ago, nas been released from that institu tiou. He formerly resided in Jackson villo and In Lake Creeji district. I he ball given at Jacksonville Tups lay evening under the auspices of Ore goniaii Pocahontas Tribe, So. 1, Im proved O. R, M., was a success in every way. The attendance, which was large, included many couples from Medford. Splendid music was furnished by Pro fessor Norling's orchestra, and the sup per served is highly spoken of by all who partook of it. JAPANESE TREATY IS FAVORED BY SENATORS WASHINGTON, AIny J 5. The sen ato committee on foreign relations has authorized a favorable report on an ar bitration treaty with Japan similar to those recently ratified with eleven Eu ropeau countries. The Most for the Money. Tho Auburn automobile is tho most roomy and best machine vor offered for tho money. See It before buying. li. If, Grown, agent, time." For Sale. Five ncro tracts just within and ad joining Medford city limits on fiv years' time; I00 invested now, it is believed, will pay you $.VI0 profit with in one year. Gold Ray Realty Co., 200 N est 111 street. AO Stop Paying Rent. The Gold Ray Realty Company will build you a house to suit you and you can pay tor it in enBy monthly pay- iiioiiIh. Investigate this nt once. Cnll at 20(1 West 7th street. 60 Notice. I wish to announce that J have pur haded the offico and praetico of the ite Or. M. 8. Jones. My office will i located nt tho snmo place as Dr. ones' and office hours will be from 10 a. m., 24:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. R. J. CON ROY, Physician nnd Surgeon An Unoqunled Investment. $1000 invested now will secure three hoiec improved business lots, five years' tune on easy payments on the balance. It is believed these lots will ouble in value within one vear and the lucky purchaser wilt thus mnko $5000 on ii n investment of only $1000. This is an opportunity seldom offered and is only open for u short time. Gold Rav Realty Oj., Soft West 7th street. (10 Buy Tickets by Wire. 'Something which le of considerable interest to tho public generally and which is perhaps not generally known is the system of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company nnd nil points in the United Stntes. By means of this system tickets may bo purchased nt Medford from any plnce in tho United States am) mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come hero. Sleeper Accommodations and small amounts of ensh in connection with these tickets may nisi be furnished at the samr Double Your Money. Did you ever stop to think how rap Idly you can make a fortune by doubl ing your money f For instance, say you start with only 1 cent and double it every day for only one month, and you will be surprised to see that you have accumulated several million dollars. Figure it out for your self and become convinced. Wo simply mention this to show vou how rapidly money accumulates when doubled over and over again and call your attention to the fact that real es tate in Medford iu doing that ono thiuu; during the past two yearn you know of many insunces where Medford property bus doubled in value over and over again. As a matter of fact, tba present prices of Medford real estate are very low, and it is a better buy now than it ever was. Medford has doubled in popula tion during the past two years, and it has ooly commenced to grow; the sur rounding country is increasing in popu lation and value faster iu proportion than is Medford, which is hound to in crease the population of Medford and the value of real estate faster than ever before. The immenso acreage planted to orch ards as it comes into bearing alone means the doubling of Mod ford's pop ulation again insiio of two years, uud the doubling and quadrupling of ita real estate values within the same period of time. Coupled with this are tho immense timber resources now being opened up for the market and the great mineral resources now being rapidly developed. The Gold Ray Realty Company of Medford, of which Dr. C. R. Kay is president, owns over 10,000 acres of farming mid fruit lands all over the valley, its well o ncro property, busi ness property and town lots iu (he City of Medford, which they nro offering ut very low prices on long time and on easy terms, and it will pay prospective buyers to investigate same before buy ing: elsewhere. This company also offers to build houses to suit purchasers aud sell same; on longtime, easy monthly payments.; Cnll and investigate at their office with the Rogue Rivor Electric Co., 200 West Seventh street, Medford, Or. 52 Here's Summer Comfort POLITI0A1 OAEDSr. MAiaON PUEDIN, Candidate for I1KPRKSBNTATIVK On Statement No. 1. Fuvan Runrnnteed bunk dupoBits. D. H. MELLEE. CANDIDATE for REPItKSKNTATIVE On Stntpment No. 1. JUST PICTURE TO YOURSELF A ('OAT AND TROUSERS OV SERGE, COAT SINGLE OR DOUBLE BREAST ED, TWO OR THREE-BUTTON, CON SERVATIVE OR EXTREME STYLE; TROUSERS SEMI OR FULL "PEC, WITH LOOP FOR A. BELT', "a NEGLI GEE SHIRT, A STRAW ? HAT, AND YOU HAVE THE ACME OF COOL NESS. OUR EXPERIENCE AND OUR REP UTATION GO INTO THE BUILDING OF Every Size Suit We Sell IF YOUR SUIT COMES FROM HERE THERE'LL BE NO DOUBT ABOUT YOUR HAVING THE BEST IN THE MARKET. SUITS AT $15, $20, $22.50, $25 or. $40. THIS IS A SPLENDID STORE TO TIE TO FOR CLOTHES, FOR OUR GARMENTS ARE ALWAYS FAITHFUL AND HONEST. J. B. NEIL. Democratic Nominee. FOB COUNTY JUDGE, WILBUR A. JONES, Democratic Nominee. FOB SHERIFF: B. F. MULKET, Republican Nomiueo for DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Will always Rtipport the republican umli.liit.) for U. S. srnnlor who is nom inated by Hie people. ' JOSEPH L. HAMMEBSLE7, of Cold Hill, Republican Nominee for RKPKEKENTATIVR. LOT MING SEVENTH AN I) B STREETS. ON THE CORNER. H. M. CAKE, of Portland, Tho A.lviuale of Statement No. 1 Republican Nominee for UNITED STATES SENATOR. I. E, An.l.'i'snu. Miinei-inti'mL'tit f (1,,. irkel hums. in Mnun.l district. 1 I ilni-H liite :ts I ..'.'ii in l.dt'..i-. lleiirv Hull's, nlm nnil in Sn ti Elan isi'.i In il,,. n,.,. si thr,,,,,,!! the Jiibli'il liate. him ri.iiiin..l II., ...... ii (is a iiiii.l sitfht. Williiiin nihil whs over from Kiiule lint Thursday uud l.nnulit some resi u.e property. Willi his l.nnily. lo ll H....H inn,,,. I,, mlr ,.jV William riii.b u.'is ,,.r fi,lm I',.,,!,. Thursday and bought resi pn.p.'ily. Willi his family hi ll sunn rem.i ,. to our eit v i'his all, .moon the ladies of tin- eiiild I SI. Marks ehurvh mill s..rv. ,. "I ie.s at the OlM'ra House from -I I iU p. m . I,,r Ihe I., n. ti I f the pul-lir rai v. Mis. Hillle l() VOl WANT THE Til EN TRY BEST I'OR YOUR MOX EY I A lR OK KIM) Foof Fitting Shoes for Men $4.00 k oak outer and inner soles and eounrers, selected call' vamps and uppers, made to stand hard service. 2 Leaders awk's Cut (ilass and Gorliam Slerlinir. Silver at the New Jewelry Store, II North C Street, near Postof I'ii-e. Martin J. Reddy PATNTERS, PAPER HANGERS, HOUSE BUILD ERS AND ALL PEOPLE NEEDING BROWN MUSLIN: "f M.iuimI h:i reiuriHsl with rel:miM living nl Why Pay More For inferior meats than we charge for the hest. A trial will convince you. Remciuher the place, next Hotel Nash, formerly Pottinger's. Bring your Chickens here we pay more. The Medford Meat Go. Optical Parlor In Prry ' Wnrehoimo, SEVENTH BTHBKT. Colestin Natural Mineral Water ANDERSON 6 BURBIDGEj o Distributing Agents OO ATTENTION "We Are Offering for 4c A YARD iiUOO yards of .'S(i-inch brown C Muslin, the same as you have heen paying ' to lie a yard for for thp last VI -40-. months. Don't Wait on This Regular 7c L. L. Muslin 5 Regular S !-:!. L. L. Muslin.. 60 M KDFORB'X MODERN' STORE. BAKER-HUTCHASON COMPANY Inc. Central Avenue, Just North of .la. kson Countv Bank Tho (pmlity of OoIiIimi C High Clrmio Coffee is rem hert'd long after the price in for gotten. Tho greiitest paiiint lik ing en re is displayed in its se lection nnd Mending nnd its roasting it triumph, indeed. Il is a eoffee for those who in sinl mi having tin; liest. ALLEN 6 REAGAN Sells it for 40c alb. ALL NEW GOODS Dry Goods, Uaviland China, Semi-Porcelain, Jardiniers nnd Crocks, Trunks, Suit cases and Telescopes. Where you grt right prices. Ward's Cash Store 4 : r? i t ' 1 il "He Hut No Other Huiimsn. "