THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR., FRIDAY, MAY 1008. AMUSEMENTS. Tomorrow Saturday) evtniiitf, the first iriwiitittion of the great comply success, Mrs. Temple's Telegram,' will tnko place at the Medford The ater. The engagement is for on' night. This i-oniedy was pi-mliiet-d nl the Mad is m Square theiler, Xew Vork, niul proved to be ftuch A smvess that it ran for over threu hundred nights. Later it was presented at the Waldorf theater, London, and there duplicated its former triumph. It is a mirth-pro vukor of the highest order, the situa tions depending entirely "upon natural consequences, hvcry line is n laugti FATHER OF MRS. GOULD DIES, LEAVING HER A DOLLAR , - - 1 f 5 NTTSFIKLD, 111., May 15. Mrs. 1 1. 1 war.l (Jould. wife of the miilti mil lionnire Xew Yorker, and htr sister, Mrs. Sun Vue, rifo of a Sau Francisco Chinaman, and devoted tit shun work on the coast, were bequeathed one dol lar each hv the will of timir f.iti.. St Idon Perry Cleminons, filed hero to il.iv. Ilia estnti which i v-il u.i nt .4lll00. is left to his widow .liiriiin h.- lifetime, with the exception of the $2 mentioned, Seldrin IVrry Clemmons, broken in body and mind by worry over the es capades of his daughters, 7l years r.f aire and iirnetieallv neiileeted In- !n children, was adjudged insane by ' a commission in the l'ie county . ourr March 6 last and sent to the as h:m I lit .lacksitllviUe. Til. Tin CAmmitm. nl i was for the remainder of his life, au.l I he died there Mjiv A t vena ot.ilW ' blind and 'in a most wretched ithvsiral nientni eonilirion. Margaret Show, With "Mrs. Temple's Telegram." and the comedy is devoid of the slight est bit of "horsepay. ' The company selected to play this comedy has been selected with the utmost care, each actor suiting the part to a nicety. The leading rede will be assigned by Win. Bernard, who has achieved wonderful success the past two years as lending man with the ltakcr playeu ftt the Ba ker theater, Portland. Miss Margaret Snow will play Mrs. Temple ami the other members df the company include Norvitl MaeGregor, Joseph lniley, L. Vriter (lillard, May Itoberts, Lornm Nelson nnil i-'rances Field. As one of the characters in the play says: "That's just, what I was going to do." So be sure that you do it and sec "Mrs. Temple's Telegram." PROMINENT OREGON WOMEN DO NOT WANT SUFFRAGE A woman suffrage amendment to the constitution of Oregon is to be itguin submitted to the voters nt the ap proacliiug election in .Tune. Tho Ore go ii Association Opposed to the Ext en sion of Suffrage to Women, composed of prominent women of the stnto, has filed an argument against tho amend ment, .which will be' mailed to every voter in the state under the provisions of the new law. The argument cites the following ten reasons against the amendment: Jleeause sulfruge is to be regarded not as a privilege to be enjoyed, but as a duty to be performed. Because hitherto the women of this Slate have enjoyed exemption from this burdensome duty, and un adequate reason has been assigned for depriving the mnf that immunity. Because conferring suffrage upon the women who claim it would impose suf frage upon t lie many women who neither desire it as a privilege imr re gard it their duty to seek it. Because tho need of Aemrica is not an increased quantity but. in improved quality of tho vote, and there is no adequate reason to believe that worn an 's suffrage, by doubling the vote, will improve its quality. - Because, the household, not the indi vidual, is the unit of the state, and the vast majority of women are represent e dby household suffrage. Because the women not so repre sented suffer no practical in just ice which giving the suffrage will remedy. Because equality in character does not imply similarity in function, an I tho duties and lit' of men ami women are divinely ordered to be different in the state and in the home. Because the energies of women are engrossed by t hei r present d u t ies a ml interests from which men cannot relieve them, and it is better for thocommu nity that they devote their energies to the more efficient performance of their present Work than divert them tit new fields of activity. Because polit ical equality will de prive women of special privileges hith erto accorded them by the law. t'canse suffrage logically involves the holding of public office, including jury duty, and office-holding is iucoii sistent with the duties of most women. ROY FALLS FROM TREE- KILLED IN CLIMBING RACE EtT.EXE, Or., May IS. The son of Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Tripp of Junction aged 11 years, was killed yesterday by falling from the top of a large balm tree. He, in company with several boys of his own age, went out to some large balm trees, near town, and were trying to see who could climb the highest, and Bert Tripp, having reached a height of about (10 feet, stepped onto a limli that was too small to hold his weight, and breaking, letting him fall to the ground. Be struck in. such manner ns to break his leg, Ihree ribs, his collar bone and to crush the side of his head Be died almost iustantlv. Methodist Episcopal Church, B Street. "Seven Kensonn Why I Relievo the Bible to Be the Word of lnd'' will he tho subject next Sabbath nt 11 a. in. At night the theme will be: "Where It Is Dangerous to Book. Sabbath nchool, 10 a. m.; Kpworth league, 7 p. ni. All are invited. ADMIRAL SPERRT TAKES COMMAND OF FLEET SAN' FHAXnSTO, May 15. Bear Admiral Charles M. Thomas lowered his flag on the battleship Connecticut to day and that of his successor. Hear Ad miral Charb S. Sperrv, was run up. NEW CASES. I. F. Amnions vs. Itnnsnii 'nrter Suit for part it ion of property ; t. II. Smith attorney for plaintiff. PROBATE COURT. Ciiardinn of I'thel Ta v lor, et a I. Order made to show mine why real i late should not be sold. Why Don't Yon Get Next? J)o V'lii use Bavift' Best r'lnurf Don't Ift yeuf grocery talk yon into buying othT brands shipped in. Oavis Best Sf Un for lets mom v and guarantee to give satisfaction. Try a sack and be NOTICE. . In tho circuit. frtnrf nt 4 Ha n nt Oregon, in and for the county of .Tack Tn the matter of tho anoBcnt.ion nf Wm. It, Ewbnnlt to register titlo to the following described renl nronertv. nitn- ntod in Jackson County, Oregon, to-wit: . J no iiot n um bored one (1) and twelve (12) in Block number thirty-two (:i2) of the City of Mod ford, vs. All Whom It May Concern, Defendants. To AU Whom It may Concern, Defendants: TAKE N0TTCE , That on the 5th dav of March. laOR. an application was filed by tho said Wm. R. Ewbank in the circuit court of .Tackaon County, Oregon, for initial reg istration of the title of tho land above described. Now, unless von annenr and answer on or beforo the 15th day of April, li)i)S, ami snow cause why such application should not be granted, tho samo will be tnken as confessed, and a decree will bo entered according to the prayer of tho application, and you will be forever, barred from disputing the same. Witness my hand and tho enl of tin j court hereto affixed this 5th day ot ! March, 1908. i (Seal.) W. It. COLEMAN, Comity Clerk of Jackson County, Ore gon, ana ox-oineto clerk of tho Cir cuit court. F.'121 List 347. NOTICE OF SCHOOL INDEMNITY SELECTION. United Statea Land Office, Itoseburg, Or., March 14, 1908. Notice is hereby given that the State of Oregon, on August 2", litos, applied for Lots 1, 2 and 3 and N. E. V,, S. W. Vi of section :t0, Township 'M S., range 2 E. of W. M., and filed in this office a list of school indemnity selec tions in which it selected said land; and that said list is open to the public for inspection. Anv and nil persons claiming adversely the above described laud or any legal subdivision thereof, or claiming tho same under the mining laws, or desiring to show said land to be more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, or to object to ud selection for any lawful renson. should file their claims or their affi davits of protest or contest in this of fice on or before the fith day of May, BIOS. I hereby designate the Medford Trib une, published at Medford, Oregon, as the newspaper in which tho above no tice is to bo published. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. EXCURSION RATE FLEET CELEBRATION Seattle and Tacoma. Account the visit of tho fleet of bat- t lesli i ps to Tacoma a ml Sea 1 1 le, t he Snnt hern Pacific compn uy offers t he following reduced rates: One and one third fare to Portland, plus $7.5(1 if to Seattle and 5.Hn if lu Tacoma. Sale dates: To Seattle, May 21 and 22; o Tacoma, May - and 2. t'ontin ual passage in both direct ions, with final return limit 14 days from date of sale. This is last opportunity to see this fleet after its memorable cruise. These cities are making great prepa rations for entertainment of tho fleet and other visitors. Further particulars nt depot. tified check equal to ii per cent of the amount hid for, payable to the City of Medford, Or. No litigation peudiiig this Ksne. The city has never defaulted in the payment of interet or principal. j Financial Statement. Assess valuation for l!m7...' $ 2.!i 1!,MMI Ileal valuation (estimated) over lo.nmi.iMtu Total bonded indebtedness, including this issue . . . .- r.u.l.oiHi Amount of water debt in cluded in the above, ap proximately ti."i.mto j Tax rate, 14 mills. ! Population (ItHiO), 1700. Present, np i proximately, .VU. i City reserves ihc right to reject any ' or all bids. j The proceeds of this sale are to be I used lor the purpose of installing a water distributing and a gravity water , supply itystem. , J lu i:- certify that the above and jfoi j';og is a trim und correct state ; in t.i to the best of my knowledge and b . -r. BKN.r. M. COLLINS, - Citv Recorder. i ARE YOU INTERESTED? f vh for sale at $62.50 . r ;-.crc, 80 am1 of as fine orchard !.md as there is in h'i;iu' River valley. The im lirovemc'.iis on place are worth at least tfl-O. Lot. me sh iw you (his land. - ALFRED SMITH OY FAi JACKSON COUNTY" BANK. To The Public IIAV1NO IN STALL HI) MACHINERY u. VOK TH10 MANUFACTDKK OF V i mil ouadio iob cream, wb ark PHKPARKI) TO FIIiIj ALL ORDERS. I.ARCE OR SMALL. UNLIVERIES MADE TO ANY PART OV THE CITY. SPECIAL ORDERS GIVEN OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. ORDER AT MEDI'OUD HOOK. STORE OR CREAMERY. Rogue River Creamery Medford AUK YOU BP TO DATK7 Have you n friend who w going to bo married r have a birthday? If so, why not xend them a pieee of our fine Cut (Bass at CUT PUICKS. A large new assortment junt reeeived. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 216 WEST SEVENTH STREET. McGLASHAN & JUNKEN. Props. PHONE 10S1. Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Qity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale (fx You Can Learn Something Everyday WE AliK TEACHING THE PEOPLE OF MEl)FOi;i TH AT NOAVIIERE Kr.SK ARE STCIl 15A1HJA INS FOUND AS WE AUECIVING. MEN'S SPRING SUITS. $20.00 values, at $15.00 and $16.50. Also aj-vnts for llu HOYAL TATLORS' SUITS to your measure, $18.00 up. Specials in LADIES' SKIRTS. We of fer 20 per cent discount on all Ladies' Skirts, $15.00 down, this week only. .' Specials in HOSIERY, ladies and chil drens, ?')f values 25; 2"e values 15. Ladies :i..r0 and .fU0 OXFORDS. $2.05 and $3.00. 6 Yards of Dress Goods the Price of 5 W. H. Meeker 6 Co. 01711 MOTTO "DEEDS. XOT WORDS: Etlerbeinwr St.ln i 0 Fire (Did Trn-Arrr Orchards on Ihc in.sltilhiicnl plan.- The r'ujhl kind of mil, Ihc riiitl hind of Irces and flic riiht prices. Tircnli years' experience in fmil raisinfj bucks our judgment, ll'f! have sold half the orchards in I he valley and hare yet to see a purchaser dis satisfied irilh his bargain, llcfore buying see Roue River Land Go. Exhibit Buiding Cedar Beveled Siding ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished ; Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT OLKNDALK OREGON YARD AND OFFICE AT MEDFORD, OREGON. " How Does This Strike You An jittrnetivi' well iwule Hiring Suit nt .'iml SuriiiiMT Suit nt Jti'.jf AVh:t lii-tli r nltn-H would yMi wont J It. pnyB t KiM'iin- hio;li (inidc iiiliiriiij wrk. We do un nl hrr Kind. A t rinl will )rovi this f:nt. W. V. EIFERT, The City Tailor, Medford (OffirinJ Advortisfiurnt.) :t(i(inio citv f)F MKDI'ottn WATKK ltoMiS. Tho City rotiiii'jj ut tho Citv nf Mi.l foitl, (trcKon, will r.T.dvo nn.UA hi.K up to oVIurk p. ni., Juno il, Hm. ,Mr '"o or f.ii.,,OM0 worth nf 5 imt cnit, interest Mmi-anniiy. MedfWd writer liond propowiln to hr nsked fur fur hotli !riiiy,t :to ve:tr ).n.i ;ind for sr-rinl IhmmN, to 1m retired nt I Hie rirte of (l(llnll .,t yeni. IteyinniiiR 1 with t v l.'ith veiir. ' (hie hundred Ihoimnmid dfdtarH nf U tn ti lie fur iiumediiite didivery, .Hire 1 lie di-livi-red tin fuitdn fire n- , jinn-il, in (ir:intitiei nut Unn Ih.m tin, Mio, inti ret imt tn aceriie until Intiids ;ir- ill livi-red, ii nd priviiMo tM-mi ariun j illy. j Ii-niti)in:ition, nptiin:il. j I;ite of bund, time of delivery. I Itoihl iu. d piiriinnt to Wtto nf Ihc' en.e. April 17. li0S. ; ItiiN to Ik nddteai'tl to lt n j.imin M. ollitm. t 'itv Iti'ordrr. All bid to b arrnmpnnied hy a f er-' R. W. GRAY, Builder COLONIAL I'ORCII WORK, GI.M LL AND LATH WOK'K, I'ATTKKXS, ETC. TELEPHONE 471. M EDFORD, OR. For an Attractive S BUNGALOW LET US MELD YOU S E L E C T DOORS, WINDOWS AND MATERIAL THAT WILL G I V E T II E I) E S I If E D E I-1 F 10 0 T Iowa Box & Lumber Co. M E D I3 o R D OREGON WcWant to Buy Lands Fealty Bond Syndicate of Oregon VV. H. Stalker Jackson County prrpf'ifv Hank Annex secretary Something New in HuIiImt Tirrs Ihnr it will i:iv yin In intiiKliKMti'. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, atl"f action iru.irantel. Mitchell & Poeck or.NT.BAL WAOONEBS. Mutt 7tli Htrfl, rrnr nf Morriman'a lllui kimith Hbi.p. Mi .lfonl, Or. i ! ' " 1 1 STARTING WITH TUB SOUP mid ondiny with thv 'nffw, You'll :i'ind pvcrv mouthful of tli dinner you vat here ddiiiiut. NVlirn it in through vnii'd uhidly liit iiion ii you could po HiLly find room. Hi op in aloiin tuid dini 'I'Iumi yon vim liriit)f yoiiT frirndn aftr WHids nht'H on wnii t to trent to A .trtidl dinner. . The Nash Cafe ;l 4V b