Bedford Daily Tribune A Llva Paper In Live Town. dished every evening except Sunday Medford Publishing Company. '1. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted at Second Class Matter in ' Postoffice at Medford, Oregon. Subscription Rates: 'J.i month, by mail or carrier. year, by mail .$ . 5.00 ANOTHEB WITNESS READY TO TESTIFY AGAINST MARTIN As Kdivard II. Martin ' irnpriHuii nuul is prolonged, the number of nit-nf-ssr-s who nuw a muu with Wolff tlie igiit of tliu nitnubrnkcr ' iiiitnli-r in lin -reusing, and tho testimony nf nil of tlirin will be seized by the suite in piuseciiting Murtin for the muni, r f "our, wuellior their Montil icnl inn in positive or not. The luteal witnesn who lias Hot ns .vet identified .Mnrtiu but Who is confident the licensed oriu oner is the man ho Nil iv coiivorHiuj; Willi Hour th. night of the murder is 1-.. . It. lilies, a milcsniiin fur the .In col.H Mime cnlliilin.v. Ililes Mule hi nw u mnii nnstvering .Murtiu'K -i-i turn talking enmestlv with virr 5:X'i o'clock the night uf the i ,er lliesn are Al W. Field, ii wiitohniuhci .lames K. West, a painter, mid K. I vimue irom tliem. ik ,i I ii JlesH, whoso nnuie Chief of Poll,,. I;, ;, , winlicr is wilhleilding. This witness is reported In lie the must positive in nientirviiig Alnrl iii. With the testini.iny of nil three men, however, detectives believe Ihev will be njiln to eounect Martin nlmoliitelv Willi Wolff's puirnshop on ii,,. njjjd'i oi uie inuitior. -Mm tin was taken to the county .jnil mis iill,riiu..ii at -' o clock in rcs l.i a bench warrant issued this nioiiiinu in compliance with the indictment charging murder in the first degree, filed iigiiinsi the prisoner yesterday.' ii.' sun muiiilains he is inn it mi l when asked: "What do you think of your case now, Martin?" he replied with a smile: "There's uothing to it." JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. I'. I'. Ilriggs, who has In looking nfler his business interests nl Unite Fulls, returned recently. Attorney V. I. Vnwler or Mclford wan doing business at the ( house TltiiisUuy. W. II. .Mcndciihnll of Hold Hill was a Jacksonville visitor Thursday. Fores! Fisher of I'orlliind was in a few days this week in the in- li'iesl ol the land department of i, Southern Pacific. I'laru Flmer, who has just finished n suiicMsfnl ninii inonlha' term of school lit Phoenix, is home again. II. .Miller was over from Medford Thursday shaking hands with old friends. Thursday evening tlm courthouse was filled to its ciium.Jlv t.. Hie .Medford ( 'oiumercial club, which u "I I n invited over for n i .,, niag. Fur some unknown reason ihev gave us the cold should,.!. ,i,..l ..... ...... Alrdford man was in itllendiiuee. This Hid not intcrlcro with il... .......I . .... we h.ul planned mid every one enjoyed iioiuseives listening to our own speakers and a program of music given " r mo uirection of the .lueksonvill Munlcnlc club. AlJVKHTIXIXf! FOIt IIIIi.S HTI.'IJKT PA VINO. Medford, Or., May 5, IWi. Sialed proposals will be received at the office of the ( itv l.',.,,,r,l..r f il, City of Medford, Oregon, until dune II, ions, ni n o clock p. in., for the im provement of .Seventh street in said city from tlm east lino of l.nnrel u to u line Mill fei-t east of the east line of Itiversiile avenue, in s niinnier nr... vided by the plans and specifications on lile in the olliee of the city re corder, subject to the charter and or-iliuaiie.-s of the Citv of Medford. a.,,1 the estimate of the Citv Kngineer oil lile. , The above Work will consist of ex. cavilling and paving slreet with either liitiilithic, usiihult or bituminous nine. ad.'llll. COUStriietillLr concrete cui-l.u 'inwl lidewalk, laviiiL' drain tile aiol eon. striicting cute hhasius. All bids must be submitted on forms furnished bv the Citv Uecordor of II... City of .Medford. Kaoli bid shall be accompanied by a certified cheek in favor of the City Tn-asurer of Medford for 5 per rent of the am it bid. To Contractors: Attention of all contractors is called to the agreement f Wuinu Hrothera company, filed with this city, in accord ance with which agrei nl Warren llros. company agrees lo license all con liailois desiring bid for the work lo lay the biliilithie pavement in accord ance with its lint, -in ami tin- terms of said agreement. A I d in plnhlo to the City 'olilieil of .Mi-dford will . required, quill lo tin. mm, nnl. of the contract price. flu. Cily Council reserves Dm ight to reject any ami all bids. Vly110 1AIL TRIBUNE, MKDFORP, OR,, FRIDAY, WAY 15, 1908. IIKX.f. M. ctll.u'.VH, Cily liecorder. UK VI. .1. TIIOWHItllllli:, Mayor I'm Tem. fi JUROR IN SMITH ARSON CASE SCARED INTO VOTING OUILTY ' FIRST JUVENILE COURT j HELD IN ASHLAND .Vine boys were arraigned in Judge 's court in the city hall ou Tuesduy on a charge of larceny in the stealing and receiving of stolen prop erty. For some time than. I...- t - - " oven a series of oettv thefta ...i ... i -. ..-.i.i mores nave linen entered after "'Kill UIUI lirtl. Ii-m ut,, .... l. ..... rm.. " jmiii, j ue police huve been ou the track of sev- r.u, .,.,, , ,e city who were suspect I'd of those crimes. ." irJl'r Fgglestoii suininone.l Pis tricl Attornev Itenmes to In,. I, !.. . i... case yesterday. 1,1,, I 1,,. ...... the henrlnis. Several of il, k .1 , .. .. . J .... !i.-.i uieir gum, in so far as the facts wore iirawn out. it 11 i,i.n .,l .1.... --, -- ,,,ul nicy were all oreltv ..... ..,1 . . - '..lin-t-ivu wini either out! or the other of 1 1.,, .....,.. 1. rsoon as it was developed iu the course " 'u"iiiianon 10 tho sntisfuction of the court that each boy was under ogi- 01 n im. order was made by the court, on million of the District .wioniey, that the case bo transferred to the county indue for lrii.1 'l'i.; .... lion is in pursuance f , 11(.t f tJc legislative assembly of 111(17, which Ki-.-s large Jiirisillitlon to tl ounty hot juvenile enses. These bnvs "''n' I'1"' under bond f llil an siier 1,1 urn elinrges lo the county j( acocrdinglv. Chief of Police Thornton will take all these youthful off..n,l..ra 1.. 1....1...... vi" 1,1 Matnrday, unless conducted ' by I heir parents, to appear before 1 ni' Vllltev Kecord. W. T. (Irieve and his family have ' " visiting in .Medford. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Win. II. Penler to ( A. Itrown, property 111 Ashland ni .liiines II. Phipps lo Mrs. A. U. 1 tnpps, property in Medford.. Illllli J. M. Layuinn to Amalgamated Metal t Kiph.ration Co., iuorln mining property in Sec tion IS, T JI7, range 4 K 1 Clyde .1. Jeter lo .1. Monroe Layman, snmo as nbove I 0. T. Hichurd to Henry Kruger et nl, property in Unite Fulls It. II. Harris, trustee, to Henrv Krug et al, lots 7. ft, II mid 10, block , llutto .'M J) A. Wiley to Clarence C. Pierce, lots .'II and 41, Child it's Fnirview Addition, ,., M :t:, CARNIVAL QUPEN CONTEST NOTICE When the rarnivul eoiinuitl alli., on tlm Merchant ami inked them to giie out the voting conpoim thev prom isc.l the coin II, ill,.,, faithfully to do so . Some of the iiierehaiils are holding luo k these coupons, thus llnowing the bur den on those who are living up their Word. The people (, are interested in seeing ,n,,. one of their fri Is iiiilic this trip .is ,t slmul.l ask for coupons where the signs nr, displayed . ill the stores. If they me iel'iis,, then you win Co,,),,, (yiir u,,, canimilt,. mid be ,b,iiig 1 1, ,- ( l.iuj, by going t those stor,., nre giv out 1 pons without being asked. My voting for ipi an.) (!1,tijll(, -v"ur fri Is to vole 1,11 will insure a 'iicen to ride on Medford 'a float am) will lie helping to not only make M., find's float the most attractive in the parade, but you will be boosting yoiii home city mid showing lo the world thai you lire proud of the place when- j you reside. Signed.) CAUMVAI, Ol'KF.N ('OMMITTI'M EARTHQUAKE SHOCK rr.t.T IN AND ABOUT WASHINGTON WASHlNflTOV, May i.i.- An earth I annuo which lilted an hour and ..s 1 of considerable iiceasily is lecorde.) in! the weather bureau loduy. It is e mated that the distuihuiicc was Itiiiui: miles from this citv. PlflNKVIM.i:, or,. Mav l-l.-l,, signed Hlalemenl vest erdny nflei'iioon U, c. I'aught. i f the jurors in Hie C. Sam Smith urson ease, charges Foreman John Sloidl with using threats iu order In cause him i vole for conviction. Ac Orillllg to this sliilemoiit. Mlei.ll u...l the following liiiiguage: 1 00 hud your mind Hindi 1,, I, this jury or acouit Smith. Vo fixed before 1 were sworn on I he jury It we ilon I come lo an 11 1 1. u 1 ... will report you to the .judge. We can prove yon 'vu been fixed. ' ' This Inuiruui'o is ri'iinrtod 1,1 1,1,... been used by Mleidl .Siiiolav ,,,,. , 11111I Faiight, ig ant f ri,,H , a .pi ror, miauls I right caused him to dlsregiird his eoiiscieiieions con vi. i i,,n and vole to find Hie def lant guilty. riiugiii says I lie other jurymen iu of. 1 useii no. siime laiigiiage an Sloidl. '' is also ili-au'ii to the fact Unit Shonti' Klkins, who is a eamii. dale for re elect inn, is a strung per sonal friend of .1. .V. Williamson and has conferred will, him ut every stage of the pro, ,-iliir,'. Klkim, ,m emjie eliarge of selecting the talesmen for the jlliy. Though only two liondsuieii nre re onired fur Smith. 1 lino d isnosiii.o, of his appeal to I he supreme court, six wealthy men insisted on sioniuo tin. instrument, unit iiiiiny others expressed willingness to do so. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL II I T"" III Tr S III XtTY a-ixr-x If I -Mti' fmFth 2:1 - - rmf ' II! I I - x."- . - II i I i f 4 B 1 V- h ii CoDvriani Jt 111 II SCHIOSS BROS to 'lag, Cf51 ' ' 'iphfl I II f I Fln Clolhil Miliars WW WZP I I tl j Billlmon ttii Nr Yor I 1 m II IMIIOHIIHHtlim" IHHHMItlHI "Outward Bound" WHETHER YOUR VACATION TUTS SUMMER TS TO BE SPENT ON THE BRINY DEEP. I)R AT SOME HVljt.Y RESORT, YOURPLEASURE WILIBE GREATLY ENHANCED AND xoUTt ENJOYMENT DOUBLED BYA GOOD SUPPLY OF ATTRACTIVE CLOTHES. ' OUR SCHLOSS SUMMER SUITS ARE JUST THE THING FOR SMART VACA TION WEAR. SWELL NEW DESIGNS IN HANDSOME CLOTHES, CUT WITH 'AN ORIGINAL' STYLING THAT WILL GO FAR TO MAKE YOU "THE ONLY PEBBLE ON THE BEACH." To bo held in PORTLAND, OREGON JUNE 1 to G, 1908. Will be tho most brilliant FLORAL FIESTA AND CIVIC . I LTD I LEE Fver held ill the Pacific. Northwest MEDFORD ATHLETIC CLUB WILL MEET TONIGHT The Medfoid Athletic club will 1 1 in their new clnliro s iu the old Peil residence, this evenino. Meioloin f I lie club and nil those interested urn urged In nllenil. Portland, "The lioae Cily," will bo a scene of splendor and tho contnr of world ivido interest for one week. Severn! important conventions to be held in Portland on that oecnniou. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. jAVill Soil Spccinl Tickets on ! I Ins Occasion iVtnn MED iFORD to IWI In n,l ami R,, ! I n ni at $13.20 Bolter get (lie now Suit now and have the sa tisfaetion of wearing it. now and then "for besl." Come in this week and see the new patterns that have just come in from the makers. . , k . Easy Prices $10.00 REPUBLICAN TICKET. Election Juno l, won. Per l'liitcil Stales Seiuilor II M t 'like. 'or Keprcscntutivc in ( 'omrreoM vvil. lis 0. Hitwlev. l''or l''0,nl mill HllirV I 'o isHieiior I. W. Ilailev. For Huproiue Judge -Koliert S. Menu. l''or Kailrnad I'onimissioiier T. K ampliell. ''or Pros ling Atliirnov. Jnckson aim Josephine realities u i, i,.i..,.. Por Joint IteuresetilMli! e .l,...Lu.. and Honglas ( 'omit ies - .1. A. Huchiinan. cor liept.sentalives .1. I,. Hammers lev, II. 11. Kubli. l''or I'ouatv Judge-- II. V. Iluiiii. I'',ir t'oillllv 'omuiissiouer Jtinies Owens. I'or I'ountv Sheriff- II. II. Jackson. Pur I'.ninlv Clerk-W. Ii. t'oleman. I'or roiiuty Iticonb r- -It. T. Iliiruett. I'or ronnl.v Assessor W. T. Orii'Vi!. I'or I'oinitv Treasurer .1. M- I'ron.. irillrr. I'm- roiiulv School S mil I..,,l I. Percy Wells. I'or l oiiinv I'oiouer -A. K. Kellogg. I'or r.iunlv Surveyor P. A. tlrise-. Vor pnrticulara call on A. B. ROSENBAUM, Local Agent. WM. MeMPURAY, nenoral Passenger Agent, Portlnnd, Oregon. The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Fimiisliea hot witer fur trn on very short not ice It nm be used ou the tea table or hi the kiU lun Attii' hfs to tiny clrt'trolitT Siinple,si.ft con venient, d limbic ROOUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Hiierefwor to Condor Wntcr Power Co. Of-fli-e 1200 W. 7th it., , big olootric sign J !l I ' "For Men Who Know." Il " lljj nnscT ' pjc tl OREGON t . ': . II III . Golden I Grain I Granules Phone 8M. J. I-:. KNYAlrr.Prcsid enl. .1. A. PKUUV, Vice President. JOIIM S. OKTII, Cashier. W. II. JAi'KSON, Asa t ta,hier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. AI'lTAI 0.000 uiiMa's 10,000 Safply liuxos to Rout. A Onieral HankiiiK Unsinoss 'I'l'iiiis.ii'tpil. Wo Solicit. Your r.itrotiaKe 100 PER C'KNT riJT?E CEREAL COFFEE the Rosa festival Tickets for the Itoso Festival will be! iu aulo June I ami .'!. and onlv on il fo daya. Those who intend going and , irian sleeper reservation should lenc word at the denot as soon as noNNihle ill order to givo the company time to' secure ina necessary rar, Konn.l Irip fare 13.20. State Depositary. Kstaldiahed lls.s. OATITAL AND 8UErl.U8 $nri,ooo.oo TIIC COST IS SMALL. Till: BENEFITS LARGE The mailer of Absolute Protection for your valuables is-,! important that voil cannot well affoid to overlook it. Although the est of renting a Safe. Ihposit II,,, i , pjri, ,! lir(,arV Proof Vault of the .l.ukson County Hank is very moderate, the benefit i' lame. nsHiiring Misolute Security. SAI'E DEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT l AND UP PER YEAR. W. I. VAWTEB resident O. R LINDLEY Cashier It tastes like coffee. It looks like coffee and it, smells like coffee, but is pure roasted grains, Mended so as to pro cure the best flavor, greatest strength and an ar tide which young and old may drink moruing, noon and night. Oolden Grain Granules is especially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, const! pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stomach troubles Xmrli) 2-pound packapt for L'.'ie, all retail grocers Unparalleled Opportunity EVERY NEW SUBSCRIBER TO THE MEDFORD DAILY TRTRUNE FOR ONE YEAR, WILL RECEIVE A Handsome Set of Silverware Absolutely Free (ft There are no si rings attached to this offer. Remember, tlit 'magnificent silver premium is absolutely free. Pav o0 cen s for the first months' subscription, and agree to pnV ? !! Tllih tl,C m,lini"R eleven months, mak ing .00 m all, the regular subscription price, and the sil ver premium will bo delivered to vou inimediatelv ftt A word about tin. premium. It consists of Six Silver Spoons a Stiver Snynr Shell and a Silver Butter Knife -all m a famous Titfany design. The silver is so alloved we-.V.'oT T. a lmT8 that wi" ncith01, nor Tl j fp ' 7UV1 sormos 1,1 a h"te" Hned ease. (n '!'.,s "f r w f w "'I new suKscribei-s. The onlv eon 1 dit.on is t hat you subscribe for at least one vear, but vou need pay only one month in advance. ' ,M,t- 1 This Offer is Limited Do not delay, but subscribe now ami get the premium, absolutelv free. 1 Wholesale by P. B. Theiss & Co. - AIeilford, Or. THE OLD HOWARD RANCH Three mile south of Medford and 2 miles west of Phoenix, ia now cut np in small tracts to suit the purchaser. !ue fourth cash, halanee in three pay ments. This is a rare opportunity for men of small means t.i.1 .11 the agents. MEDFORD SASH DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Block Wood f 'JZu. ""1 IViJl mlU work' toclndlng turned work and runcy mm r. between bth and 7th sts. phone js. i . i t tA r,' 1 (r 4. Co i 1 i t lllll UMIPIIU .