its SOCIAL AND Personal. Klwood sall eruphophooos aud rec ti Is oa easy payments $1 a wcok. .". K. Price of Tolo was hoiour thi ll -,y in Medford during 1ti- .nnt nook. f you wnut ico cream, give your or i to tUe Book Store Creamery. .1. E. Stopp of Big Butte did bimiiKiw Medford the foro part of tho week. All kinds of job printing nt Portland ices The Tribune. ' Airs. E. Klippol of Juekaonville Si dfurd friende a visit Monday. All night restaurant at the Kinrirk ay lil further notice. . luroncc Whoolor in .wrimisly ill "'' aJj.nptimis pointing to lyplioiil or. .Miia Win Oauayaw, stenography and nr. Hwritfnu. ftoom 4, Palm Block. .-. .... ..J- L'.......... tl... tllli' ... wiirnor. i.njt. ... Ai'ul piiino doctor, in milking us " liertitiouitf visit. a. Wt" only print shop in wuimcr.. fl employing Typogtaphical 1 n tors. The I riouun. W. W. ( lirilw. ll nf KiiM'luirg Is iiallv ill. Hur nioro, -Mrs. Ivllin tftuU, is nltondlng her. STIie bost equipped job printing office s Southern Oregon, employing skilled Whiu printors Tho Tribune. !l'jM' desiring hiinling liceiwei. til "Id apply "" Oenuty I' War A'i, Harry Mossier, nt Hie Hotel Kin ! k, upstairs. Joe oreana delivered to any part of the f . V. Order from the Creamery or (.ahI storo. 1'ied Wilcoi, mm of S. W. Wileon. I .poorly depot agent at Medfunl, who I i been statioaod al (Irani Puss, is f Jvv ehief freight clerk at HoBobuig. ilarry Culbertaoo, general eontraetor I l builder, cement work a specialty, j. cdford, Or. The Indies of Hie guild of HI. Marks Jirch will serve ice cream and ices till the Opera House from ! till in p. in. for Hie benefit of Hie public library. If yon want sweet crenin or butter 8k. order from the Creamery or watch nr the wagon. Deliveries made every Phono No. sua. Irs. William West has opened i I rv uiid manicuring parlor ill one ,i nf Elwood's jewelry store. Miss 1'iiman of Chicago will lit. her assistant IjVe deliver sweet cream or buttermilk vry day; watch for our wagon or -hnne orders to the Creamery. Phone . 0. lliismnn nf Jiuksoli, Mich., is .'.Medford, looking over Hie country ,lli intentions of making Ihis valley , - home. Mrs. K. Arnold expeclB to have soon Wyoming nnd offers lier complete line of millinery, ineluding lulls, flow ing ribbons, velvets, velvol ribbons . J plumes at. cost. Parlors, S sll I. i pind door south of Seventh. llnrinau (.'. Stock, Iho Ashlnnd under . tor, has filed his petition as an in .eocnilnnt candidate for county corn- . r. He was accompanied to .lack- laVillo-Saturday by Miss Lena llriile, l.i.; stoslaugllter. Itiin. .1. J. Whitney, ili nioerat i in Uiessional nominee, will speak ot An ,Vs Opera House tonight "U the is -as of the campaign. Tho announce. out that the meeting would be lull , t JTawlrigg's Opnrn House was Incur- i t. ... 8 f5. 0. Selby of Central Point, while en a pleasure trip with his wile, died rather suddenly ut Silver City, Now Mexico, May S. Tho remains were Vi'flight to Central Point for burial. Selby was an industrious, holiur !ile liinn. whoso death is regrollod by II who knew him. Ilou. J. .1. Whitney, ic ion rnssional nominee, will Sxak at An SpecialBargainsinRealEstate 9. 80 acres, nil tillable, oottnee bouse, large barn, 2 1 watered, in reach of irrigation ditch, team, harness, wagon, fivo Jersev cows, crenin separator, new gang disk plow. '.valkimt plow, rake, mower, ami some otlier furniture, all present growing crop. I'l i.-e only imuu; a genuine mi..... l 21). 320 acres, fine stock and fruit ranch, well im proved, 100 acres under plow, ti acres orchard. Price s.'wIH). This place with ol) head of bogs and '.'' head of cat tle all farm implements, blaeksiut ib tools, hay, fruit and vegetables for $7000. ,- 47. 410 acres, a fine stuck proposition. -1 acres alfalfa, irrigation, good buildings, in a splendid section I hunting and fishing. Price only $11 an acre; terms. f3. 193 acres, 2 miles from Hagle Point on Uoguc river, f() acres cleared, considerable fruit and alfalfa, pri vate irrigation ditch. This is a splendid proposition to develop, about half good bottom land, nearly all can be wilder plow when cleared, schoolhoiise bandy, fair improve uelits, team, harness, wagon, some cattle and farm imple ments go with the place. Price $1,1 KM). This ranch will bear close inspection, as it will make a lot of money for someone. ;. (.7. A fine alfalfa ranch of Ml acres near P.ulte Kalis, line stream and springs, nearly all level land, splendid fish ing and hunting, buildings. Price only $1200. ,8ti. 80 acres, I miles northeast of Kagle Point, will be close to the new railroad, oO acres under cultivation, tine black land, mostly in wheat, crop goes with tins place. Price .$4200, $2200 cash, balance 2 years, 7 per cent. fgles" Opera House tonight on the issues of the campaign. The announcement that the meeting would be bold ut Ha zelrigg's Opera House was incorrect. H. T. Hoolh, who was arrested at the instance of the Pacific Ufo Insurance company on li charge of embezzlement aud cleared of the charge in the state e!i mil cum tT afterwards bringing suit for damages, lias had the cose trans f erred to Iho I'liited States district court. Ho puny for III is suing the insurance com L'll,(l"". LAKE COUNTY'S KEDHOT FIGHT OVER COUNTY SEAT I.AKKVIHW, dr., May II. The light over the removal of Hie collliiy seal intense as the lime of dec- ojuws iiior lion draws near, eoiinty is urrayei Tho north end of the against Iho south, and Hie rosiill will bo a division or I no count v if the removal iiiestion is de feated. The norlh half of the county mull will vote for Hie reiuoval in llie l-MIIIlt V to I'liisley. wlul inc nil, lialf will vote to I Ho oonirnry. The latter has a majority ol I no vines ll. , iiv, mid unless a nuinlier of those residing south of the dividing ilue should go over to the enemy there is no danger of l.alteviow losing the utility seat. Lake county is considered too large fur one com wealth, nod ll is only n matter of lime until it will lie divided, aud the fight for the county seat will nulv have a tendency to hurry mat time. While the I'ighl for the removal is on, the nulliorilios are going uhoad with the new coiirlhouso. and the builders nl ready have the foundnl inn laid. The count V did not lei a conirnei no- n- building, but is hiring nil lis lnbur by the day. County Judge Duly is super intending Hie work. Buy Tickets by Wire. 'Something which la nf considerable Interest to the public generally nnd which is perhnps not generally known Is tho system of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific compnny nnd nil points in the Hnited SlntcB. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in tho United Slates and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper seco'mmndntions nnd small amounts nf cash in connection with these tickets may alss bo furnished nt. the samf Coal for Bale. Wo are now prepared to furnish hand picked conl nt. the mmo, fivo mil' .nst of town, In nny amount desired Stop Paying Rent. The Hold Hay Henlly Company will build you u house to anil y ind you can piiv for il in oy nionlhly pay incuts. Investigate this at once. I all a I. -"li West 7lll street. Tor Sale. Fivo aero tracts .inat within and ad joining Medford city limits on five voars' lime; ! invested now. it is believed, will pay you .-um profit Willi in one venr. Hold liny Really Co., zoo West 71 h alreel. 1)11 The Most for tho Money. The Auburn nlitomoblle is the most roomy and best, innchine ever offered for I he money. Seo It before buying. I.. B. Brown, agent. time." Whv DoiCt You Oct Next? Ho vou use Davis' Host l-'lourl Don't lot your grocery talk you into buying other brands snipped In. Davis Host sells for less money and guaranteed to Kivn satisfaction. Try a sack anil lie nice location, nice live-room - 2 miles from Medford, well disk, smoothing narrow, m go with the place, and the : : ------ - -- " Notice ( 'oniiiicni'iiig tli is week, tho Iiijou The iitcp will cliiiiiKO pro grain llircc times ;i week. Monday Wednes day and Friday Do You Use Tlic best flour Hint can lie milled from tbe best wheat money can buy? Davis Best Flour Is "best." by every tost It sells tor less money and cives twice as much satisfaction. Don't let your grocer talk you into buying other brands shipped in Try a sack and be eon vinced. political oard&. mahlonfurThn, Candidate for REPRESENTATIVE On Btntoment No. 1. Favors guai-iiuteed bnnk deposits. D. II. MILLER, CANDIDATE for REPRESENTATIVE On Stntement No. 1. J. R. NEII. Democratic Nominee. FOR COUNTY JUDOE, WILBUR A. JONES, Democratic Nominee. FOR SHERIFF: B. F. MULKEY, Republican Nominee for DISTRICT ATTORNEY. W. T. GRIEVE, of Prospect, Flounce Precinct, Republican Nominee for COCNTY ASSESSOR. Will iilwnys support tho republican canilidate for 1. S. senator who is nom iiialed by the people. JOSEPH L. HAMMERSLEY, of Hold Hill, Republican Nominee for UF.l'RKSF.NTATIVE. II. M. CAKE, of Portlnnd, The Advocate of Statement No. 1, Republican Nominee for CNITF.D STATES SENATOR. SPORTING NOTES. clonics Otiffiu. tli.. Australian I lie! weiglil eliiltitpion, who w liippei Joe llowker in London r ntly, is coming across I lie water for a fight with Abo Utell. Will Hnlloii. pitching for Iho Sacra m.-lilo laundry leanl, and (ieorge Coop er, pitching lor Maiysville, both w ou i lo ir panics Sunday. I. os Angeles won both of its games with Sunday and is ill the lead again. I'oitlaml still has a firm hold j a iho tail cud. .Inn .lell'iies. the man who licked 'em all and then had to get out of Hie fight ing name because there was nobody left lo fight him. is in the promoting bus iness l,.r fair now. He has tho swell esl clubhouse ill Hie country, about tw-o mile toili.le I. os Angeles, at n little station known as Vernon. He dedicat ed llie pavilion the oilier night when Mike Sullivan mid Jitinnv tlardner went 'J.', rounds. Though il was fleet week ill I. os Angeles and everything looked prosperous. Jeff drew only $100 at llie gale. The big fellow is not at all diseonrugisl, however, and he is go ing aer Hie heavy fish. He promises' lo iniike Ills new pavilion ttie great bat lie ground of the country if the ml ttii.ritii-s do not interfere with him. Notice. I wish to nunounce that I have pur hnsod the office nnd practice of the do Dr. M. S Jones. My office will e located at Hie same place as Dr. .'ones' nnd office hours will be from 10 a. in., 4:.10 and 7 to S p. m. R. .1. CON1SOY, Physician and Surgeon. Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No singla Inser tions less than IS cents. Six insertions for th price of four. Seventy-five centa a lino per month. ... WANTED Dishwasher at Hotel Nash. FURNISHED ROOMS "The 6'Dell, over postoffice. t'UU SALE Fresh milch cows. Jn.uire at Cosa residence. WANTED To buy from WO to 300 head of stock sheep. Write Box 131, Medford, Or. WANTED (iirlfor general housework; must be good cook; wnges $.10. Hotel Nush. TEAM WANTED One or both mares, with wngon, harness, etc. complete; iu good condition. See Young, Tribune jOST A small brown combination poeketbook. Finder please leavo at this office. FOR SALE-5 room bungalow, just fin ished; cheap if aold Boon. See liuy A. ChilderH. FOR SALE Yo nng gentle cow for sale; price 10. E. E. Morrison, R. F. D. No. 1, Oriffin Creek. WANTED Ten teamsters with teams wanted by Western Oregon Orchnrds Co. nt once; good wages. FOR SALE! Reo runabout in good eou: ditloii. I need a larger machine. L. B. Warner, Jr., at Warner's store. FOUND On the road from Medford to Jacksonville, a baliy'B white eoat. Call at Tribune office. FOR SALE Four griddle Monarch range, nearly now; prioo reasonable. Apply Tribune office. j! FOR SALE A gentle horse, lor lady or children; also buggy and harness; price irloii. Address Hoi SIS, Med lord. 0 FOR SALE SI acres heavy timber land, over 2.0110,000 feet; 0 miles southwest of Talent; good wagon road; price $1(100. 4 FOR SALE A $2000 mortg.igo, gilt- edge souurity, no taxes, 8 per cent net. Inquire of the Medford Realty & Rent al Co., Medford, Or. " FOR SALE Complete furnishings for 5-room cottage; bargain if taken nt once. Mrs. (.'. P. Cameron, corner 10th and L streets, West Medford. SO PARTY wishos to get loan of 300 on 40 acres of raw land Hint is worm $1000; good abstract; will pay 10 por cent. Lock Box 656. FOR SALE Orny mare, weigiimg 10oO pounds, gentle, not afraid of nulonio biles, with week old colt. Apply W. I. Brown, or Box S:I4. Medford. Til RUNABOUT for snle cheap; thorough ly equipped Willi odometer, ncetelyne lightn, top, etc. A. C. Allen, Medford, Or. FOR SALE Choice fruit and grnpe lands near Jacksonville. Call and ace Jucksonvillo Real Estate Co., Jack sonville, Or. 1 FOR SALE One U. S. Cream Sepa rator, No. 0; 000 capacity; good as new; coat $8"; will sell for $50. R. C. Ilcnaley, Central Point. FOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten-acre tracts, best loeatioo in tho valley. L. Nec demoyer, Jacksonville. !,OST Ladies' gold hunting case watch, black leather fob; lost be tween "Hi at. und cemetery Sunday afternoon. Finder return Tribune, re ceive reward. l-'OR SALE Automobiles, cheap; Thomas 40. in first-class eonditiou; good as new; $S00 worth of extras; Oadillnc. runabout, good condition. Will pay to investigate these enrs. C. IT. Snyder,' IS B street. B0 FOR SALE Six-acre tract, must raise cash, $1023, at once; balance ensy terms; best black deep soil, finest lo cution, main rond; very closo in; few miuutoB' walk to bunk comers. Lock Hox 54(1, Medford. d3 FOR SALE White Leghorn eggs for settling, 50 cents for 15, from flock uf 4S hens picked from 500 standard bred White Leghorn chickens. Dr. Ooblc. nhone No. 103, Medford; nlso pasture for cows inside city limits, BUSINESS CARDS. H. E. MORRISON, Physieinu and Surgeon, Office: Medford National Hank Bldg. J, T. ANKROM, WELL niOUKR. MEDFORD, OR Prices right. Pumps Furnished when Wanted. BALL ft OLOSCOCK, Contractors nnd Builders. All Work Ouaranteed. Office with C. H. Pierce ft Son. Phone 653. P. O. Box 77t WILLIAM C. DEBLEY, Resident riano Tunor. Specinl Rates by the Year. Headquarters at Hale's Tiano House. All Work Guaranteed. P. O. Box 563. MEDFORD, OREGON. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician nnd Surgeon. Office at Residence. Wm. M. Colvig, Medford, Or. COLVIO ft DURHAM. Attorneys Law. Geo. H. DnrhamGrants Jaaa, Or, Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers Dnv phone 353; Night Phones: C. V Conklin 405; J. H. Butler US. PRIVATE DETtlOTIVE ANT COL EECTION AGENCY. Lock Hoi SOS. Medford, Or. E, B. 8SELt7m. X. t'hveicino and Surgeoa Modern Kquipped 0crittiti( Rooms. X ltnv. Office Hours, 1018, HI P. M. Office In Jackson County Bank Bldg. OO TO DR. GOBLE FOB YOUR 0LA8SB& Optical Parlor in Pcrrv'a Warehouse, 8KVKNT1I BTRKKT. TTirnsTW ma y 14, inns. How You Some Startling Prices on the Best Goods , ... MH,.,1 our Piece Goods Department we have been lowering the been named tr years in 7e Prints nt 4 10c Apron Checks at.. 5? loc Dress Giu;liHnis..lO? 20c Dress Ginghaiiis..l51 2."e Dress 0in;hains..20 35c Dress (3iiie,hanis..25; 12V-.C Lawns for 9 15c "Lawns for H 20c Lawns for 1 25c Lawns for 17 Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Wraps Every Single One at Money Saving Prices Tf vou wint a .Hit silk or wool Wrap tor tne.eooi aays tutu :r " I i ,i P H i: 1 c lace to buy. Our lines are very complete, compmmg pretty ht li!i lUa- k silk .Iackets, also Fancy Light Wraps for ladies, and a fine line of Wool w IV... I .!' I.wllftc tiiirl -hi 11 Vf 11. Neckwear You can supply yuv Neckwear needs at this store for very small prices. 10c Turnovers 5 15c Turnovers 10 20(! Collars, etc 13? 25c Collars, clc 17 35c Collars, e(c 23 50c Collars, etc 33 (iOc Collars, etc 47 BAKER-HUTCHASON Time Saving Sold By H. E. Boyden ALL NEW GOODS Drv Goods, llaviland China, Senii-lVivelain. Jardiniere aud Crocks, Trunks, Suit cases aud Telescopes. Yhrrc yon f(f tiijhl price. Ward's Cash Store Save on Piece Goods uus ur.,.,,,,. Gc House Lining...--- 4f LL Brown Muslin., I iJ I i I' ii - ' 8 l-.Sc Bleached Muslin.of 10c Bleached Muslin.. 7f l-'i.c Pdeached Muslin at 81-30 15c Bleached Muslin..lO llie Cantons..... 13 121.C, Cantons N 10c "Cantons 81-3 8 l-3c Cantons 7? . 1 1 it l'UK 'ES It EDUCED ONE-FIFTH. Shell Goods Yc show a very large and complete line of Shell Goods, comprising Hair Pins, Side and Back Combs; also the Fancy Back Combs. 1 5c values for 10 20c values for 15 25c values for 20 35c values for 25 50c values for 35 75c values for 59 $1.00 values for 79 Medford's Modern Store C ST.," JUST NORTH OF JACKSON It Means Perfect Kitchen Moore Range Leads Them All 500 in Use in the Valley Why Pay More For in ferior meats than we charge for the hest. A trial will convince vou. Remember the place, next Hotel Nash, formerly Pottinger's. Bring your Chickens here we pay more. The Medford Meat Go. 10c Crash Toweling.... 8 121oC Crash Toweling 9 15c Crash Toweling....H 17c Crash Toweling...-13 20c Crash Toweling....! 25c Summer Goods 19 ftnn.ts 23 35c Summer Goods 25 40c Summer Uoous r.0c Summer Goods 35 1 n,rnilnrra nYVV IS t.lift ladies' Belts We have always shown an exceptionally large line of Belts and 311st now our nnc is exceptionally good. 25c values for 15 35c values for 25 50c values for 35 75c values for 59? $1.00 values for 75 $1.25 values for $1.00 $1.50 values for ...?1.25 CO., INC. CO. BANK. Comfort Fuel Saving Medford Oregon C. H. Pierce & Son "He Haa No Other BulineM." . LIM ..M...-. .... 41 4K -' '' 1 i imn .m.x... 1 1