CRIMES THE DEED OF A MANIAC TIIE jlEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MKPKORP, OR., THURSDAY, MAY U. 1!)0S. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY COMMITTEE ORGANIZES Murderous Assault on Chinaman Four Crimes Are Committed in Ten Days Criminal Caught by Police Practi cally Same Weapons Used. Killitriii 11 mimli'Miis ntti'iupt kill Julin Crow, 11 ('him tniior --in AiiKi-ny strwt, ut 11 o clm-k this iimniiii, ii mini u lin giios tin. i ui - .iiii'K-iue -.-spiitu, wiis ciiptiiri'il liltor 11 ll cxcitlllf; rhiiHl down Scciinil utri'ot. Tim prisoner is said liv tli imiro to hi! me mail who mmlt.' two other diiylifjht iittemplH In miiiuYr north ftM inpri'liniitH this wi-fk. "Tlio Splitti-r" is a powerfully Imilt man of 211 or 21, iln-ssi-,1 in oniiuiui i-lotliiiio; and fvidi-ntly a logger or min er. He is an American nnil js either feigning insanity or suffering from de lirium tremens. II is hi'lieveil liv the deteeti-es tllat lie is possessed liv n ni.inia to emsli people's skulls. In each instance the assault upon Max Hermann Monday night, that upon If. Xeuiuan yesterday and the third upon Hie Chiuniunn today, the circum stances are practically identical. lu each case the man had entered n store, asked the proprietor to show him some tiling on a shelf or case, and as the un snspeetig merchant lieut over to reach it hud struck litiu toi the skull with a piece of iron pipe, wrapped iu news paper. In every instance the assailant has dropped the pipe and simply mado his escape, it not having lieen shown sntis- i taetorialy in anv case that money has lieen stolon. This morning ut III minutes after 11 o 'cluck the splitter entered tho tailor shop of Chow Wah at 2-19 Ankeny street, lie accosted ,luhn Chow, one of three Chinamen in the little shop and ashed li i in to show him some cloth, pointing to a holt on the shelf. Chow turned to get the cloth and as he did so the splitter took the gaspipo wrapped in newspuper, which he was carrying under him arm, nud struck tho China man across tile hack of the head. Chow fell ti I he flour, stunned liy the- feree of the Mow, and his assail ant mined half n doen blows on his head and face before astonished Celes tials in the room could prevent him. As they screamed the Splitter drop ped the gaspipe on the floor, and, turn ing, ran out of the shop. Instantly pandemonium broke loose in the little building facing on Ankeuy street and occupied by Chinese. The tailors in Cliow Wall's shop gave the alarm whistle that called every Chinn imin within hearing out of his home and soon they were swurming into An keuy street, which, between Third nnd Second streets, is so narrow as to be A meeting of the d cratic county comiuitto was held iu Medfoid Wed nesday afternoon, at which preliminary arraugements were made for the ores nut campaign. W. H. Cumin and ,T. T. Suminerville were chusen chairman and secretary, re spectively. The following is the personnel of the I'oinmittee: Antioch, Then A. Class; East Ash land, I-'reil I!. .Veil; West Ashlnnd, E. .1. Fallow; South Ashland, .1. K. Settle; Applegate, (ieorgo Hoffman; Barron. A. II. Chapman; Hig Hutte, Frank Neil; Central Point, (ieorge 1,. Ford; Climax. Lane Wyland; Eagle Point, Cus Xich ols; Flounce Hock. T. II. Iliginbolliain; Fools Crock, Fred Chaniplin; Cold Hill. II. I. Reed; Xortli Jacksonville. Chas. -Vunan; South Jacksonville, Lewis I'l rich; Mound. W. W. (Iregorv; l.ak i reel;, it. Sillier: Meodows. J. n Helen; .North Xledfur,! ,1ns. Stewarl South Million). .1. E. Harkdull; Plioe nix. A. S. Furry;, ltock Point. 1. M, look; Boxy. II. 11. Tavlor: Sam's ley, .1. 1,. Howe; Sterling, Harrv (lilsou Hour, James (inrvin; Trail. F. V. Al len; rniou, chas. Hamilton; Watkins, ( . I-.. Textor; Willow Snriuus. W. K. Price; uner, Joln ua iVealliaininer Woodrille, James Stewart. Tho committee will hold another meet ing next Monday, when tho county can lidntes will also bo prpsent. EGG SHOWER SCATTERS SOCIALIST AND AUDIENCE little more thnn tit) nlleyway.- - - Chow staggered to his feet, and pick ing up the bloody gaspipe, led the chnse after the splitter, lie was too weak to follow. The splitter walked slowly down Ankeuy street until ho reached I ho corner of Second, t hen, hearing the cries of his pursuers, broke into a run, going north oun Second street. There were hundreds of tho unem ployed on Second street, standing be fore the employment ngencies t hilt ceil ter around Second ami Huruside streets, ami they all joined in the chase. Tho splitter ran along the block between Ankeuy nud Huruside streets, but see ing that escape was cut off in front of Krickson's ilaui-e hull nnd saloon on the northeast corner of Second nnd Huruside, he ran into the big hall of the resort an was jumped on by Frank Freeman' of 2:1 North S id street. Freeman knocked the splitter down and jumped on his neck, holding him until Detective J. X. Plover of 111. Northern Pacific Terminal company, who had witnessed the chase, came breathlessly lip and joined ill the fight. To Freeman the prisoner made threats of Ireating liim as lie had treated the Cliinaman and the brokers. The prisoner talked disconnectedly when Inken to the police station, nnd he was placed in a cell by himself and confronted by the Chinese nnd half a dozen others who had seen him run from tho little tailor shop. lie carried nothing in his pockets ex cepting a nickel watch that had stopped at 12 minutes past II. and a cheap black bundled .jackknife with one rusty blade. When o,kucstionod by Captain of Detectives Hair he talked in a ram bling fashion, saying he would get all Chinese ns he had got that one. EXCURSION RATE FLEET CELEBRATION Soattle and Tacoma. Account the visit of tile fleet of bat lleships to Tacoma and Seattle, the Southern Pacific company offers the following rednci I rates: due and onelhird fare to Portland, plus 7,'0 if to Seattle and o if to Tacnnia. Sale dates: To Seattle. May 21 and "2- to Tacoma. Mav 2-"i and -- Contin ual passage in both directions, with final return limit II davs from date of sale. This is last opportunity In see tins fleet after its no luorable cruise. These cities are making great prepa ration for entertainment of the fleet nnd other visitors. Further particulars si depot. BABE FALLS THREE STORIES INTO BABY CARRIAOE UNHURT S.U.E.M. Or., May 14 The speech of i itinerant socialist stump speaker, who niomuiitcd a drrgontls box on one of tho principal street corners of the city last night and began to borate cup- at ana tile gorernment generallr. wer.r brought to a sodden stop nnd his small assembly of curious auditors put to eorer by an unexpected shower of eggs from tho opposite side of the street. The speaker, whoso namo could not be learned, was just approaching the cli max of a fiery flight of oratory when "smash!" nil egg crashed into his ped estal. This was followed by moro eggs, one or two of which fell into tho crowd and sent it scurrying to shelter in all directions, and the speaker cut his dis course upon monopoly and graft off abruptly and mored to more coiufrt- able quarters around the corner. II ' tried in rain to reassemble his audience for a few minutes nnd then gnre up in disgust. ' .. Rose Festival. Tickets for tho Rose Festival will be on sale Juno 1 nnd 3, and only on those two days. Those who intend going nnd wish sleeper reservation should leare word at the depot as soon ns possible in order to giro the company time to secure tho necossary cars. Round-trip faro $1:1.20. Double Your Money. Did you ever stop to think how rup idly you enn mnko a fortune by doubl ing your money f For instnnoe, say you start with only I cent and double it every day for only one month, aud you will bo surprised to see that you have accumulated several million dollars. Figure it out for your self and becomo convinced. Wo simply mention this to show yon how rapidly money accumulates when doubled over mid over again and call your attention to the fact Hint real es (ate in Medford is doing that one thing: during the past two years yon know of many insniiees where Medford properly has doubled iu value over and over again. As a mutter of fact, the present prices of Medford real estate are very low. and it is a bcMor buy now than it ever was, Medford has doubled in popnla lion during the past two years, nnd it has only commenced to grow; the sur rounding country is increasing in popu lotion and value faster in proportion than is Medford, which is bound to in crease tho population of Medford and Hie value of real estate faster than over before. The immense acreage planted to orch ards as it comes into bearing alone means the doubling of Medford 's pop illation again inside of two years, and tho doubling nnd quadrupling of its real ostatfl rallies within th samo period of time. Coupled with this are tho immense timber resources now being opened up for the market and the great mineral resources now being rapidly developed. The Cold I!ay Keallr Company of Mislford. of which Dr. C. R. Ray is president, owns over 10,00(1 acres of farming nud fruit lands all over the valley, as well ns Here properly, busi ness property and town lots in the City of Medford, which they are offering at very low prices on long lime nnd on easy terms, nnd it will pay prospective buyers to invest ignle sanu before buy ing elsewhere. This company also offers lo build houses to suit purchasers and sell same on lotig-tiine, easv monthly payments. Call and investigate at their office with the Hugnc River Electric Co., 20n West Seventh street. Medford. Or. "i2 Time Tables "SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. I Northbound. I No. inOregon Express .1:3!lp. m No. MPorlland Express...! D:4!n.m No. 22u j For Ashland 1 10: 15 n. 111. I Southbound. I No. 1." California Express..) 10:3.ri a. m. No. 13San Francisco Exp. I 1:10 p.m. No. 22.i From firants Pass. . 0:15 p. in. Made in New York NLY the best tailors in New York build the Seventh Street style into "Benjamin1 Clothes. And it is built in so skillfully that it will outlive any fabric. The Price is Right. DANIELS New Clothing Store ARE VOU CP TO DATE.' Have you 11 friend who is going to bo married or have a birthday? If so, why not. send them a piece of our fino Cut (ilnss nl CI'T PRICES. A large new nssortinent. just, received. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 21fi WEST SEVENTH STREET. McGLASHAN & JUNKEN, Props. PHONE 10T.1. Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Qity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale Fire nnil Ten-Acre Orchards on the instidlnienl plan. The riihl hind of soil, the riihl hinil of trees mill the iitht triers. Twenty yen en' experience in frnil raisiny linehx our judynicnl . II V hare sold half the orchards in the volley nnd hare yet lo see a purchaser dis satisfied with his haryain. lief ore buyiiirj sec Rogue River Land Co. Exhibit Building How Does This Strike You An sittniHivi well nnufi Spring Suit 11I 'J.", ini'l SitiniiMT Snil nl tiNi? What lirliiT :ihn'H wmilfl yon tviintf It p;iya t Hi t-iirr liitfli H'J"'1' tnilnrinu work. do no niluT liiinl. A Itiiil will pn-vi' Ih. 4 f:i-t. 'ft, You Can Learn Something Everyday WE ARE TEACHING THE PEOPLE OF MEDFORD THAT NOWHERE ELSE ARE KIT 1 1 RARGAIXS KOI' XD AS WE ARK (I IV IXO. MEN'S SPR1XU SKITS. Tt0.00 values, at $15.00 and $16.50. Also ai Koi lis for Hie ROYAL TAILORS' SUITS In your nionsuro. $18.00 up. Spocials in LADIES' SKIRTS. Wo of for l!0 per cent discount on all .Ladies' Skirls, $15.00 down, lliis week only. Spocials in HOSIERY, ladies and oliil- droiis, :Vo values 25; l."e values 15. Ladies p.M and 4.00 OXKORDS. $2.05 and $3.00. 6 Yards of Dress Goods the Price of 5 W. H. Meeker 6 Co. OUR MOTTO "DEEDS, SOT WOK PS." Edvrheimar Stein A Ct Cedar Beveled Siding ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT OLKNDALK ORl'XION' YARD AND OK KICK AT M EDKORD, OKKOON. W. W. EIFERT, The City Tailor, Medford XKW VOItK, Mnv 14. Whil.' Ilirow intf crunili lo .imwi, lloliort l'r'll i.7. ' ol.l. f. ll out of :i win ilow of hi homo on tho thinl floor of mi Ku! Sovi'iid'iMil li-M rout lniilil inn. hiMiliiil! in fl "iMini: nwluri' in a li:ilv r:itri:it!' mIiii-Ii Ini'l "" 'I"1 Kiilrwiilk. II i inolliiT ilown HI aim. i-vlini; to "' hi'" 'I'""' iniiir"!. Slir fonii'l him ton fiiulili n.-il to fry. j A IVIlrvilf nr((i'n fonn.l no more nrioii injury than n In)""' "if j iirm, .MII--.I liv thf fhil.l lrikii.(j Ih Vo 1 I,nvfs Mflfnril. N'o. .1 IifflVf MflfoH. Xo. 2 Arrivin Mwlfur.l No. 4IArrivfn .M.ilford PACIFIC A EASTERN EAILWAY. j"77.V a. m. j 2:3ft p. m li):Sn.m. fi;.in p. in. &OVE TbIVEB VALLEY RAILWAY 'o ll.oai.n MfJfor.l.....l".4lill.m. Xo 4 ilx-nvfi M.ilfonl I .1:55 p. m. M,,t,,r l-fnv.K Medfnnl Motor Invf Mlforl . . . Xo. 1 l.oavf .Inrkdonvillf. Xo. .1 !I.fiivf Jarksonvillf. Motor1 1.WM .larUnnvillf R. W. GRAY, Builder COLON IAL I'OROII WORK, (I RILL AND LATH WORK, PATTERN'S, ETC. TELEPHONE 171. M EDKORD, OR. For an Attractive BUNGALOW LET I'S HELP YOP SELECT DOORS, WINDOWS AND MATERIAL THAT WILL (i I. V E T II 10 D ES I R K D E K K K J T Iowa Box & Lumber Co. MEDFORD OREGON 2:00 p. in. 11:00 p. m. :i0 a. nt. J:30 p. m. 1 :00 p. m. We Want to Buy Lands Realty Bond Syndicate of Oregon W. H. Stalker Jackson County Secretary Rank Annex Something New In Itulihfr Tir'f thnt it will piiy you to , ieivfutiRutn. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, latlafactlon ipiar.intf fd. Mitchell & Rocck OENERAL WAflONEES. l-lnut 7th Ktrfel, rfar of Mnrrimnn ' lllai knuitb Hhop. Madford, Or. STARTINO WITH THE SOUP iiml fmlinu with tho oftffiw, ynii'll find nviiv mouthful of thf illnnfr you iiit Inn- ilfliriiHiK. Wlifn it Is through you'd ulntMv nt morn if yon t-oul.1 pn aildy find room. Mlop iu ulono and dint 'I'lion yon inn linn your frii-iuh after wnnln wlifti you want tu Irfot to .hmi'II iliiioor. The Nash Cafe