sii s ' ,1 i it ! V B THfc MteDyoitD DAlLi TRtBUNE, MEDFORD, OR- THURSDAY, AfAY 14, J 908. dfordDailyTribuneiCARNIVAL QUEEN A Llvt Paper in a Live Town. hbliihed every eTfoicg except Suoday Medford Publishing Company. 0. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted aa Second Class Matter in V Poatoffice at Medfurd, Oregon. Subscription Bates: ) month, by matt or carrier. .. .$0.50 ne year, by mail 5.00 GOOD ROADS. . -Eviry upriiig, cupecinlly. tin wvii f good roads in impluiHi4ai. Hul roud t-iiUBP a trerut'nduuH agnr'i;i1'' ,,11!t if the producers of this n-jjioo. If vrJint ood roads would stive the people of ibis vnlloy, if ail the material fiietors of advantage could bo fotted up, ami onvincingly presented to tbe people, ihov would be nstonished at tlie fig ires and thev would surely with nlmot une accord join in a vigorous deter ., mined movement for good roads. In several eontern states this move ment is going forwnrd; even the older states, hka New York and Now .ler ' aey, have but recently "awakened fully to the immense vfilue to both eotintrv :tud pity people, 1ui to the former es pecially, of good roads and by good roads fro mean ' durable, permanent roads, indd out of crushed rock mid rendered smooth, arid as fur as possible of ensy grades. Thousands of miles of such roads are being built at a cost of - tevernl thousand dollars a mile, and ilio people pay the cost willingly, nf ler studying into the sulijeet, knowing Dint it is,n good investment. fn some Anson the' state aids counties -r communities to build good roads; the slate nppropriates a largo lump sum and oil certain conditions, fine third, or some fraction of the cost of certain roods is puid oift of this state fund, I lie eoiiuly or district paying the balance. This is a good system and ougltt in lime to be adopted here. But, wo ought not to wait fo that, hut go nhead and do something, much, enr by year, to ndd to the mileage of rcully good ronds. The advantages of good ronds are np pa rent ly obvious, yet few npprecinte lliem sufficiently. A prod ncer ca n lis ill la rer loads two or three times as much tit a lond a big direct saving of labor and ex pense. Flis tenuis will last longer mid bo more easily kept, lie can haul when ever he pleases, when the nuirket suits him, and not necessarily as is loo of ten the en so now, only when I he road" get good, ami when perhaps the market is poor. In some eases products are an entire loss on account of i in pri usable r ads. . All this makes a big saving in the course of a year, but there is a great it consideration still, (food roads direct lv and very appreciably, oflen greatly, en huueo the Vlilue of the farmers' prop i-rty. They make land worth more. In many cnn.'n .fl'MKi spent on good rniob .tn the district by a farmer would conn back to him immediately in the in creased value of his farm. There are still other benefits: Easier access to town, to it ft education, com merHnl, religious and other ndvnn . tages. (food roads are a help to neigh borhood sociability, fraternity and in tellectuality. They help people to live more easily, more profitably nnd more happily. Don't, forgot t lint there in nothing' more important in nnv rural community than good roads, ami they are impbrliiut to the towns, too, CONTEST WAKES UP 1 he carnival queen content js not arouiiug the enthusiasm which its spou sors had hoped tor. 1'eoide are not asking for the vote that they are eu titled to wlo-a they pun-hnse at the progressive stores that give the votes away. The girls hemselves are quite entlius uistic over the prospect, and whoever the lueky ones are that are the win uers will receive the congratulations of their many friends. But the poll of the votes has so far been comparatively light. There ure about two weeks remain ing in which to dnde it. lite contestants still in the race are as follows: The contestants are: Hazel Tire Miss Gaddis, Maud Allen, Edna Eift rt, J'ru deuce Angle, Lon Hurt zell, Miss llaiuil ton. Miss Mabel Kent, Miss Oisndinn Ply mire, Mrs. T. Gaddis, Mrs. Anna Da :i lson. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION HAVE A NEW CLUBHOUSE Tomorrow piruing the Medford Ath letic club will move into the quarters which have been fitted up as a club house, and will celebrate the event with suitable house warm ing. The house is the old I Nil residence, this side of the I'jel laundrv. Ihiths have been installed and full at hletic aiiparal us, iiicludini; a hunch ing bag, I urnitig pole, several sets of boxing ffloveK and a wrestling mat. A reading room is one of t he fea tures of the new qiiarleiH, where mem bers can meet socially in the eveiiitiL'. There is every i ndica lion f rom t he 'lit husiasiu of I ho members t hat t he Inb will be a rousing success. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL To lie held in PORTLAND, OREGON JUNE 1 to C, 1908. Kill be the m.wit brilliant FLORAL FIESTA AND CIVIC .H'niLEE Kvrr Iji-M in the I'arifii- Northwrat Portland, "The Rom I'itv," will bo n xi-iiif nf Kilinilnr and the center of world-wido interMt for one week. Si'vcrnl imnortliQt conventions to be held in Ptirtlnnd on thnt Oceanian. MARRIED. i.ii:xh ciKN n, i-iv.i:i.i in oi(. limit, rut., nt the liiiim. of ln-r broth er, I-'. K. Hurtell, on Muiiiliiy, May II, lltns, MiftH rViinceM l.utuHe Hurt- ell nml Willhim (I, Aldflihiigen, Imlli or Jleillonl. At Inline to their friemlH after .Itilv I. BORN. M'KIXN'ON' In .limeiihine i tv, Ap ril III, MIOS, to Mr. anil M. Areliie .Mi'Kiiiiion. n ilant.)iter. MDI'ITT At AhIiIiiihI. Mnv III. I'IDS. to Mr. nnd Mm. Cnrtin Mnffit, n ilann liter. PRESIDENT PAYNE INDORSED BY ASHLAND STUDENTS ASHLAND, dr., .Mnv II. The U dent body of tho Hnuthern Oregon Htiile Normal Nehiiol at a liiiHiiieHn n tin rrwuy, piiKHed reMolutioiiH uhkiii the board of regent to riM'li'et at presiilent nf the Hi-linol, PrcHldont (!. A. I'avne. Following tho ineelinit, the vnrionn elumea met and the member iinnni moiiHly Kilned the petition, wliieh will he , forwarded nt. omo to tho hoard nf rejfents. President Payne wan elected during tho holidnya to fill the vaeaney mude at that time by the reHination of Pro feiiior It, F. .MulUey. Althoii;h nnxiiin ing the officii nt a moHt trying time. Profeitnor Pnynn Iiiih .1 inlio rn.- I hi dn tie mo nalifai-tory that it iH deemed ttdviHuhlc by the family and Htndenls that ho be retnined in that Miiiitien. OHANOE IN S. P. TIME TABLE, EFFECTIVE MAY 17, 190S South bound train: No. 15, 1(:M a. in.; X,i. l:t. ).; i. in,; So. 2'J.1 (eimleli for Ashland). 10:15 p. m. Northbound trniu: No. H, 11:411 a. in.; Xu, III, r,:i; m Note I'ttrefully that Xo. 111. north houuil, leave I." minute earlier than heretofore. No. 13, arriving at p. m , M)n have the Pertbind d.-iilic of that inrn inQ'll it)e. CANDIDATES' BALL ON AI'PLEOATE MAY DIED. MKI.1IY At Nilver ( itv, X. M.. fl. II. Selby nf reiilrnl Point, need 4."i venr. lU'TII - ln Medford, May II, I1I0S, in I ii nt daughter of Mr. and Mr. Kr 1iet llnlh. KOHKIfTHOX-At Anhlniid, .Mnv 8. IIMIS, .liihu Itobertniin, a native of I'ldiiilitirh, Hi'otliind, nged ".'I year. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. Hubert lleldiin, Mr. Mary S. Hid Kill. Mr.. M. M. Hioivii, .l'. 11. llun, Ivy Delemoi ne, Mr. X. W. flurry, J. Iliird. V. K, llnwli, P. A. Ilusey. A. T. Kerr, 1,. If. l.nron, Albert i. I.awrenee, Mr. (I. I.nrliin, William Miilner, W. It. MtiiKK, .1. I). White Announcement ha been tnmlc tli:it n cimdidate' ball will be tivcti mi Ap plegiite, lit the ball of l M Itn.-h, I'ri day night, May ' nfunic will be ftirnilied by Nurlui ' popular oreheatra nnd n firt i-Iiih Miip per provided. No pain will be upare. to Ulllke tho event one to be lune; rt' nieniberiil. The ucce of like nit'iiiri. at that plnco leavn no doubt that thin will be no Olception to the rule. All are invited lo attend and enjoy lhomelvc. Noah Hotel Arrivals. K. If. Black, Seattle; .1. .1. Whitney. Albany; E. fl. Colby, Xew York; II HaldwiD, Prlnevllle; M. (). Potter. Portland; W. 8. Swain, Spokane; ( A. Andcrnnn and wife, Crete: .1. A. McKinnon, Portland; Jnine A. Slonih. Illiio Ledge; J. Smiley, W. n. Dnaiiett. Mine Ledge; ,1. Fit7.gibboli, Portland; II. K. Merrill, l.oa Angclca; A. H. Kerr nnd wife, Portland; r C. IlrandHhn gen; Frank Wood, Portland; K. f. Pnrk, Portland; C. Salmon, New York; W. I). Owen, ilonton; D. W. Ilennett, W. H. B. Kent, C. II. Lewi., A. I). . .... JUeHfurA T. a Toff.Hi.u; ADVi:HTISIN(l I'OH Mills ST ItKKT PA VI N't I. Medford, Or., May 5, I'.llW. Sealed propimal will be received at II ffi f I lie City Itecordcr of III. city nf .Mi'ilfnnl, (Iregmi, uulil June II III"', nl r o'clock p. m., for the Im prove! it nf Seventh t reel in Hllid city from the eiiHt line of l.nurel street to ii line Hill feel eiiHt of the cast line of ltiveridi nveiiue, in a uiiinner pro videil by the plniiN nml specificat ion on file in the nfl'i if llie citv re cordcr. aubjeet lo lhe charier and ul dilimice of the City of Medford, and the csliiiiah- nf tin- Cilv Kno,iiH.ii lile. The abiivc work will cnnHit of cavutiiig und paving street with either liitiililhic, asphalt nr bitiimiuiiiiH mac adam, coiiHtruetiiig concrele. .curb ami idewalk. laying drain tile and con .Irncting cntchbnin. -Ml bid must he Hiibmittcd on form furninlii il by the City Iteconlcr of the City of Mcdfoi-d. Knell bid shall be i ipnnicd bv a certified check in fmnr of the City Treasurer of Midfnrd for ."i per cent of Hie nuioiinl bid. Tn t nutractor: Attend f all cniitiael.irs is called In Hie nureeineiit of Wnrreii Hrotliers niipniil-. fib-.l with this city, ill I rd nee with which iicreeiueut Wnrrrll HroH. coiupiiiiv unices to license all con .lesiiin,. I.,,! fr the work to lay the bitiilitlm- piivciiient in acciu-.l lie wilh its -in. I th.. l.-rins nf id a'iecniriit. A lininl iieceplable to the Citv I'lllllliil nl li-dlnr.l will lie reilllired li:il to the n nut nf the contract I'll''''. I lie City Cnuni-il i.. serves the rilil In r.-int nnv and all bid. I1KX.I. M. Clil. I. s. cilv Itecordcr. IIKN.I. .1. TltllWHItllKII-:, Miner Pro Teiu. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Election June 1, 11)08. I'm I'liiti it state Senator---It. i 'like. Per Ii. plcsclitaliie in Cniircss -Wil lis C. Hnwlcy. Per 1'iml ittcl Hhiiv Couimissioner I. W 1! .it. I'm Snpi c Judge- Hubert S. Henn. I'nr lt:iilin:iil Cntiiimssiiincr T. K Campbell. I'nr I'rnsci uling Atlnrnev, .lacksnn and .Insepliinn Coiinlie II. P. Mnlkev. I'nr . -; 1 1 1 Iteprcsentiilivc, .laoksiiu and Houlas countie-J, A Ituclianan. Klir lienl. Selltatil CS- .1. 1. Mummer. ley, II. I. hiibli. for Couiilv Judg l. W. Ilunii. For Coilllly Cnuiuiissbiiit-i .lame. Dwell. For County Sheriff 1). .l,i,..,. For County Clerk W. P. Coleman. For County ltecnrder- It. T. ltiunett. For County Aenr -V. T. t i r ir c. For County Treasurer J. M. I rene miller. For Countv Si-houl Suticriiit'.n.ienl J. Percy We'll. For County Coroner- A. K. Kellogg. 1.1.. tl - tl 1 ... . THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell Special Tinkcts on This Occasion from MED FORD to Portland and Re turn at $13.20 For particulars call on S. ROSENBAUM, Local Agent. VM. MeMURRAY, (leneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Orogon. Wise Talks By the Office Boy r1' Golden Grain Granules inu PER CENT PURE CEREAL COFFEE. Pa inyfl a roM by any other numn would bo just &b expen sive back oast tli in time of year. I sometimes think he pines for tho piney woodB in old Penob scot, Frappe County, Maine, whew he was mined but that's one tin n (j yourn truly never yearns for. Th" jjmwl mountains nnd tho good old oeens aid nice old Oregon atmosphere aro good enough for m . Hut it's all in huv you wore ramod. Pa likes elum eliowder and eorn on the cob, nnd harvest apples and a tot of things that a kid who wiik horn this side of the snow sheds hasn't had much chance to ffvt nciptatnted with. Those who have lived on both sides of this great country and lived long enough to know what's what caa got nil thoso things just as nico one place as an other, if you know whero to buy. Wo 've got elam chowder from Iloston thnt is just as nice as any you over ato on tho sand, and lota of other things that havo that Town Fast" tasta. MILLER & EWBANK M Oh, sec (he big slick! WdiiIiI ioii like lo fed her, mil tlenr Castro of Vene zuela f Our South America neighbors from I time tn time gives lis caue for much j annoyance. We nrr always desirous to avoid trouble, but our citiiwns in terest nre not overlooked. If von are desirous of not getting in- ferior brands of cigars and vrish to cure the best for vour money patroni.c homo indimtry. You will find the brand manufactured by us high grade in every pnritciilar. Our Medford .V II. R. V. KV and our Del Marca l.'ic ci gar are unsurpacd. Manufactured by K. 11. V. CltlAK WORKS, Meilfonl, It tastes like coffee. It looks like coffee and it smells like coffee, but is pure roasted grains, blended so as to pro cure the best flavor, the greatest strength and an ar ticle which young and old may drink' morning, noon and night. Golden Grain Granules is especially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stoiuacli troubles. Nearly 2-pound package for 25c, all retail grocers. Wholesale by P. B. Theiss & Co Medford, Or. The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Furnishes hot water for tea on very short notice It can be used on the ten tnbla or in Hie kitchen Atlu"lieH to nuy electrolier Si fe,on vcuicnt, durable ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Successor to ('ondor Water Power Co. Of-' flee 200 W. 7th St., opp. big electric sign. icoouiKimiuu Phone 80f. Unparalleled Opportunity EVERY XEW SUBSCRIBER TO THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE FO'R ONE YEAR WILL RECEIVE A Handsome Set of Silverware Absolutely Free T There are no strings attached to this offer. Remember, ll the magnificent silver premium is absolutely free. Pay 50 cents for the first months' subscription, and agree to pay 50 cents each month for the remaining eleven months, mak ing $6.00 in all, the regular subscription price, and the sil ver premium will, be delivered to you immediately. IT A word about the premium. It consists of Six Silver y Spoons, a Silver Sugar Shell and a Silver Butter Knife all in a famous Tiffany design. The silver is so alloyed by a new electrical process that it will neither tarnish nor wear out. The entire set conies in a handsome lined case. TT This offer is free to all new subscribers. The only con- dition is that you subscribe for at least one year, but you need pay only one month in advance. This Offer is Limited Do not delay, but subscribe now and get the premium, , absolutelv free. Souvenir SPOONS. DON'T FAIL TO COME IN AND SEE THE FINE COLLEC TION. ALSO A NEW LINE OF BRACELETS, -ALL LATE STYLES AND DESIGNS, AT THE NEW JEWELRY STORE, 11 North 0 St., Near tka Poatoffice. MARTIN J. REDDY MEDFORD SASH & DOOR GO. Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and fancy grills. F, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH ST8. PHONE 63. THE OLD HOWARD RANCH Throp milps south of Mcdfurd and 3Vi mile went of Phoenix, is now cnt up small tracts to suit too purchaser. One-fourth cash, bain nre in Ibreo pay ments. This is a raro opportunity for men of smalt means. Listed with all tlie agents. THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south of Salem . PARTIAL LIST OF BLANKS RRAIj estatk Warranty Del Iaiiui anil Short Forms Sntixfnrt'n of MortKiU Tnvnsfpr of Llrn Power of Attorney Mft-hnnlc'it I.lvn Wfttrr Riuht Bond for Deed Qoitrlalm'Decd MortKBfto With Tnx Paymont ProvUton Option to Buy Land Afftnt'i Contract! MISCELLANEOUS. Bill of Snip Liquor License Forma Notice to TrcApaaaera Creditor's Claim Avainnt Etat Chattel Murtgajre Ark now iedgment Confeaaton of Judgment Coven for Blanlca To The Public HAVING INSTALLED MACHINERY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF HIGH-GRADE ICE CREAM, WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS, LARGE OR SMALL. DELIVERIES MADE TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. SPECIAL ORDERS GIVEN OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. ORDER AT MEDFORD BOOK STORE OR CREAMERY. Rogue River Creamery Medford FOR RENT. FOR SALE, FURNISHED ROOMS, ETC. (on cardboard). MINING Placer Location Bond for Deed Miiivr'a l.wn Summon F.x4-iitlcn Judgment Tranacript Commitment for Trial Sea iy h War ant QunrlK I oration Water Right Oreiron and U. S. Forma Contract to Sell Deed Proof of Labor JUSTICE OF PEACE Civil and Criminal Subpoenas AttacSment Undertikiwr and AfA Carniithment itavttfor Attachment Coat Bill Commitment for Fine Notice to Jurora Jury Order Civil Complaint Warrant for Arreet PROBATE Petitions for Letter of Administration. AdmtnlMrator'a, Executor! and Guardian's Bond and Deeds; Onler Settlnar Apart rroperty txempi irom execution; ifniar Real and rermmal rroperty fetation; iommuaioti to Appraiser; Conllmiiiur Sale of letter of AdminUtration, Tea t amen In ry. Attnchment Notice o( Ciarniahment (raitd Jury Subpoena Indict men I Trmnncvtpt of Judjrment Inventory ami Appraiaemnt; Proof of Will; Lett era CIRCUIT COURT Undertaking nd Afftdayit Summona for Attachment Coat BUI Criminal and Civ U Subpoenaa Execution Soarvh Warrant Notice to Juror A eomnMe. up-to-date line of U.S. LAND OFFICEJ'COUNTY COURT AND SllKHIKK BLANKS. All printed after the latest and best forms. Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. cj3 Give us a trial. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN MEDFORD OREGON MCHI'IIV k IMIW.MMI., Stto DeposlUry. EstahlishPd 1SSS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $115,000.00 Faithful to the Interest of Depositors MANY YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL BANKING IS A RECORD THAT SHOWS THAT THIS INSTITUTION IS FAITHFUL TO THE INTERESTS OF ITS DEPOSITORS. EVERY SAFEGUARD FOB THE SE CURITY OF FUNDS IS AT ALL TIMES MAINTAINED. YOUR ACCOUNT CORDIALLY INVITED. W. I. VAWTER..... President O. R. LINDLEY Cashier J. E. ENYART,Prei,l ent. .1. A. PERRY, ViceProsiilcnt. JOHN 8. ORTH, Caahlor. W. B. JACKSON, Am t Ochier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD. OB. CAPITAL 30,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage ARE YOU INTERESTED? I have for sale at $62.50 per acre, 80 acres of ns fine orchard land as there is in Rogue River valley. The im provements on place are worth at least $1250. Let me show you this land. ALFRED SMITH OVER JACKSON COUNTY BANK. Today's News Tcday in Today's Tribune