Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, May 13, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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WASHINGTON, .May la.-Postal av
ings blinks was the hii) ift-1 nf mi ,i.
arena in too srauto by Onutor Carter
or Aloulnua. .Mr. Carter nj.ou
iub diii 10 establish ihisiuI m-inm
uauKs recently reported by the commit
tee on postoffiees ami post roads. TUe
pending bill, bo said, pruposes to sub
ject tho murhinerv of the postoffice do
partnient to an additional northv, bene-1
ficinl and consistent use.
"Dwellers in remote country districts
under the measure, will have the sail
inducements to economize and save,
siiid Mr. Carter, "now enjoyed li
those residing in the vicinity of th.
best conducted savings institutions in
the large cities. The incalculable bene
fits to the people and to the govern
mout destined to flow from the estab
liBhmont of postal deporitaries no one
can estimate, but all can appreciate,
prodent, thrifty man is rarely, if ev
a ueiinoucni citizen, ami good citizen
ship insures good government nnd re
speet for law. That which will tend to
discourage axtrnvagance nnd encourage
a saving disposition will surely tend
to suppress vice and encourage virtue.'
All school officers should bear
mind that tho new school law requires
that at least 85 per cont of the state
and county fund received during the
school year must br. spent for the pay
mout of teachers' salaries; and pro
vides that should any district fail to
apply at least 8a per cent of the funds
received from tho county school tux and
tho irreducible school fund (state) on
teachers' salaries, the unexpended bal
ance shall revert to the general school
fund of the county.
Fifteen per cent of tho stato and
county fuuds may be used for current
expenses mid any part of the 15 per
cent not so spent may be retained by
tbo district and carried over to the next
Two prominent Modford citizens,
William Hyde Stalker nnd Ed M. An
drows, left yesterday for a trip through
tho cast to boom Medford and tho
Rogue River valley. They curried a
trunkload of papers, letters, pictures
and boosting literature of all kinds, to
convince the most skeptical of tho pos
sibilities of this county. They will visit
Chieago, Mimicapulin and St. Paul.
A pair of more enthusiastic boosters
than Mr. Stalker nnd Ed Andrews would
bo hard to find, and they promise not
to come buck without many moro home
seekers to help build a greater Med
WASHINGTON, May 13. That an
attempt will be made to bar President
Roosevelt from pjnrticipating in the
proceedings of the conference of gov
ernors which meets hero next Wed
nesday, after an organization is effect
ed, is not unlikely, according to n re
port that has reached the ears of tho
governors who havo already arrived
Why such action is contemplated, if
it is, is a puzzle to many, as it is point
ed out that, inasmuch us the president
called the governors togethe. ho should
he permitted to take any part he wishes
in the deliberations. However, nobody
can bo found who. wants to stand re
sponsible for the story. A probable
basis for it may lie found in the presi
dent's refusal to consider William
Uoorgo Jordan's proposition for a house
of governors and n disposition on the
part of many of the slate executives to
adopt the plan.
An Unequaled Investment.
JOOnO invested now will secure three
choice improved business lots, five
years' time on easy payments on the
balance. It is believed these lots will
double in value within one vein- and tin
luckv purchaser will tlins mnke -"(i
on an investment of only $Hiin. This
is an opportunity seldom offered and
is only odod for a short time. Gold Ray
n.,n1ti- f . Cut! West 7th street. fin
Curiosities of the Calendar.
No century begins Willi Wednesday,
Friday or Sunday. At the beginning oi
each 20 years the same calendar is re
pented. The month of October begins
always the same day of the week as
January; April the same as .Inly and
September. The first nnd the last day
of the year are always the same. Til
these indications leap years are omit
Double Your Money.
Pid you ever stop to think how rap
idly you can make a fortune by doubl
ing your money?
For instance, say you start with only
1 cent and double it every day for only
one month, nnd yen will be surprised to
see that you have oeeiinml.lted several
million dollars. Figure if out for your
self and become convinced.
We simply mention this tn show yon
how rapidly money accumulates when
doubled over and over again nnd call
your attention to the fact that real es
tatn in Medford is doing that one thing:
during the past two years yon know of
many insnuces where Medford pmierly
has doubled in lalue over ami met
As a matter of fuel, the present prices
of Medford real estate are very low,
and it is a better buy now thnn il ever
was. Medford has donhlrd in ptquila
tinn during the past two years, and it
has only romrarnred to grow; the sur
rounding country is increasing in jsqul
lation and value faster in proportion
than is Medford, which is hound to in
crease the population nf Modford and
the value of real estate faster than ever
The immense acreage planted to orch
ards as it comes into tearing stone
uf tim.
Coupled lliis are tl. imiii,.i,s,.
limber nniv being ,iieueil up',
for the mrM ami the in ,l ,
n-Kiiurei-H n, m- bviiie nini.llv deel.,i..wl
11,1 I'
l. ..I.I K.-alie'
1 omiaiiv
J -M'li'J. nf wlm-h
l'r. r. ft. Kay
lil.non a,-!-,."
preMiieiii, nut
farming ainl
fruit lands all over
valley, as well as acre property, busi
ness property and town lots in the Chi
ef Medford, which they aru offering at
very low prices ou long time and on
easy terms, and it will pay urosnective
buyers to investigate same before buy
iug elsewlierCj
This company also offers to build
houses to suit purchasers and sell same
on longtime, easy monthlv iiaviiieuts.
I all and investigate at their office with
the liugue River Electric Co.. 200 West
Seventh street, Medford, Or.
The Danger Limit For Most Varieties
of Apples.
There Is always an upper atul a low
ci" limit of L-iujM-i'.tliU'e wltic-U il given
spe.-los or variety of n plant can with
stand. When we got below an decrees
r wo roach the danger limit for inns
vni'lylles of apples, ami the reennls tit
uroiio (Me.) experiment stall.. n show
that we reached this limit In Jniiuurv
l'.iuT. twice within a few days ( each
If Thawing. Is Rapid. -
hen a tree freezes, water Is with
!ninn from the colls and eell walls,
loi-iinng crystals In the Intercellular
paces. If the tissues thaw griiiluully
the vwiler Is realisorbeil and less iliiin-
lire Is likely to result. If the thawing
Is rapid the Injury will be more sol
oils. I hawing Is more dangerous lb:
freezing, and the less moisture a plant
contains at the time of a frost the
Is'tter It is able to withstand low teui
erulinvs. Injury from- long continue.
old weather tuny be tine alone to the
olitiiiued simvily of water in the cells
resulting from Its by frost
Snow a Protection.
We cannot explain why some llidi
vlduals or viu-ieiies are more hardy
than others. The reason that trees on
exposed situations very frequently suf
fer less tliuii those on low ground may
possibly lie due to two factors first
cold air drains off. ami the slopes sel
(loin record as low temperatures as
the valleys; second, the snow came
early lat yeur, before the ground
froze, ami remained on all winter. On
tbe exposed situations, on account of
the snow melting or blowing off, there
was less protection from suow, ami
oil and roots were chilled down early
In the season. The roots of such trees
would be less active In the winter, and
hence probably the tissues would con
tain less moisture nt the time of the
freeze. This In a measure may possi
bly account for their reslstauee.
Since we cannot control the weather
we eauuot entirely prevent winter kill
lng. The danger can lie lessened by
planting only such varieties as are
hardy or withstand winter killing to a
marked degree. Professor Morse lu
American Cultivator.
New Chrysanthemums.
Among a numlier of Eugllsh and
French novelties In chrysunthemums
for 1908 described by a writer lu (.'in-
dMilng the following French varieties
are noted: Mine. liesiueseretz-Velluy
six feet; large, deeply cut foliage. Jap.
Inc. white; very promising.
Slsowath five feet; bright yellow
about the of Golden Weil. ling;
petals reflex and Interlace; au exhibi
tion sort, owing to long neck.
8. A. Naeeur-Bey live feet; describe-
as golden yellow, but with us shows
flue stripes of red; growth vigorous;
very double.
To Make Nuta Germinate.
The puly reason why many persons
fall to make sueb nuts as pecuns, hick
ory, English walnuts and chestnuts
terminate when planted Is that they
allow them to get thoroughly dried tie
fore they are placed lu the ground.
Tor pecans, sbellbark hickory, butter
nuta. tllberta and other bard shell
kinds there la uo better place tu store
them during winter thau In heaps of.
Baud plied up on some shady spot lu
the open ground. First place a layer
of the nuts, then a layer of sand, then
a layer of nuta, ami proceed lu this
way until your stock of nuta Is ex
hausted and cover the heaps with six
Inches of good soil or sods and leave
all undlsturtied until time to plant,
thau take out the nuts aud plant lu
Halleborua Niger.
Helletiorus ulger. so fumlllarly known
u the Christmas rose. Is une of the
most pleasing nud also one of the easi
est uf all hardy plants to grow aud Is
aarpasaed by very few things for us
ing In a cut state during the winter
months. For small gardens where a
large amount of space aud time are
not at command they are admirably
adapted and produce a very pretty ef
Manure For the Garden.
Manure la tbe great requisite above
all other for tbe garden and orchard.
Be sure to make full provision for all
that can be nscl to good advantage.
Pertinent Paragraphs
There' a lot uf rotuuue aliotlt the
good old times, but we would kick Uk
sleers If we had to have them baok.
New York Times.
1'rue WouFd you marry au extrava
gant man? Dolly-That would depend.
dear, ou how long be had been extrav
agant. Harper'a Weekly.
Stockings were uukuown In Bible
tluies. Literature tirst mention tnein
as having been worn lu Italy aliout the
year 1100.
Mrs. Bloodgooil Would you be will
ing to marry a nouveau rlcbe?
Miss Parvenu Why, certainly. If he
had ruoney. Life.
In 1750 a law lu England was that
at parties "ladles must not get drunk
on auy pretext aud gentlemen not be
fore 9 o'clock."
"So you asked old Browu for hla
daughter's hand. What did he say?"
"He said, 'Take her and let me be
happy.' " .
Nlnirod Are you' fond of hunting?
Oyer It all depends. Nluirod De
pends ou what? Oyer Foxes or collar
studs. Illustrated Bits.
It requires the expenditure of eight
times the energy to go upstairs that Is
required for the same distance on the
"I don't like Jlgaby,,. He Is nlway
running people down."
"Gossip or motorist?" Baltimore
Dyer How la It that Neurleh no
longer brags about hla aucestors?
Ryer Ho has probably found out
who they were. Brooklyn Life.
The Professor I want you children
to go to my lecture tonight.
Robert Couldn't you whip us In
stead Just this once, papa? Life.
Horseflesh hsa been prized as food In
Clilun for six centuries, but In Europe
was first eaten ,1(10 years ago by the
To get rid of daughters East Indians
marry them to flowers., When the flow-1
ere die the girls are widows, nnd wid-1
ows can be sold cheap.
It has been moat beautifully said j
that "the veil wbleh covers the face t
of futurity la woven by the hand of
mercy." ;
The share of land that would fall to
each Inhabitant of the globe hi tbe
event of a pnrtitlou would be about
twenty-three and a half acres.
The Danish flag Is the oldest nation
al emblem at present In use. The de
sign haa remained unchanged since
the thirteenth century.
Tbo owl cannot move Its eye. but In
compensation can turn Its bend round
lu almost a complete circle without
moving Its body.
Try to sacrifice something once In
awhile for those whom you love and
see If you areu't happier In conse
quence. Manchester 1'nloii. ,
The resurrection plant of South Af
rica becomes withered and lifeless dur
ing dry weather, but after rnlu lieglna
to fall it quickly revives. i
"Bah! I thought you said this was
a good day for ducks."
"So It has beeu. We haven't hurt
any of them, have we?" i
Attendant Do you care to purchase
that picture, sir?
Visitor No, thanks. I've got a doz
en under my bed already.
Attendant One more there wouldn't
make much difference, sir.
Vlsttor-All right, then, I'll have It
Punch. "Now, boys," said the teacher of the
Jtiveullo class, "can auy of you give a
proof of your own that the earth Is
I can," replied tbe bright chap at I
the foot of tbe bunch. "If it was Its:,
you could see the north pole with a
'Just a little touch of realism," re
marked tbe drnmuUst .with pardonable
pride. "It's a wonder nobody ever
thought of It before."
"What Is It';"
"Why, my beroluo la a brunette lu
act 1 and a blond In act 2 Louisville
Judge And you, w ho remained hon
est until you were forty, havo smirch
ed your name and dishonored your
family, nil for the sake of threu miser
able shillings?
Prisoner Excuse m, sir, win It my
fault that there wero so few?IMck-
Tho term "fourth estate" wa ap
plied to the newspaper press by Ed
mund Hurke while speaking In the
bouse of commons during the time of
the French revolution. "King, lords
aud commons" wero tbe tlrst, second
and third estates, tbe press being the
It sm to we that modern thMter
goera rarely get tUe worth of thwir ;
money wben they invent It In the aver-
"BeoaiiKe, after ail, It only aiuotiuta
to atar guying, you nee.' Kun-as city
Jadk 8tule (long dberi cotton row
lti loivlHiulft ninl brln ga atout twite tbe
price per ouu) Nei-ured for tbort Hta
(tle (s)mrt IIIer j cotton rulseil lu the
tilgliJaml. However, more thnu twice
tbe weight of short hi up! ft run Ik? raited
ou tho HM'iie Hcreae, the latter H
the better puylng crop.
Accordlug lo llerault. ilurlug the
lege of I'arl by Henry IV. a famine
ra get! and b rea d ao M h t a ro w u a
pound. When thl-i wa eotiaitiiifd the
KH.ple. maddened with hunger, ex
bumeI the drfed bouen frota n charnel
bouse and from thent bouea made a
kind of bread.
England to AbolUh Opium Dena.
Lo.(t, May l;i. The hon' nt
cnnininii Imi nnttimnniiKlr mlnptid a i
Fine ClothM Mikcft
Baltlffltra mil Nrw York
Thrtf wiiri HomM liinir nf imtlio in llir
fun-well of Ailminil Kvjiiik in )m f t .
A lintve niHii' mlii'ii In life wnrlc n
mV KtmicU upon iiH further verye, li
iiM'l by tliM I'oti'littoiiH lliut time nud
li.inNliip Iiii ve purly impo-ten1 upon Win
ilivMii-ul f mine, i in t tn very un I lire
of tliiiifjH Hft'l. Vet with (lie rt-eonl nf
Inny fin nf f:iil ht'ul ervie behind
him, nn in thin instiince. muri'ling our
in tne pimin!iu of tho nntinn tht from
Imyliund lit hus wrved, the feeling "f
:ti i. tsie tinn ntxl nf rrutifien! inn bit ion
hre4 ;i j in tt'e r In Mrtnthe the 4UflneM of
fjirrwell anil inniire huidiinebf, to the
. lifV ,,,,,, Ppm.lin. u :,!. hei.lih
',,.., ,, in fhi, ..j.,. HfhTuU.w
tll(ll, ,,p;ivn .i.r.h" Kvi.
ve.'Ufi in nerenity
nut ent iiicnt. ftrrgMttiun.
Ir. lltti'T'o'M iiml Mr. Kml f ''en
li:tl I'niut (irovi in fnun tha former's
hMineite;ii Krilny mi thrir woy to thr
ul)t v. fr, KokI Iium i nhinjli' mill on
the iiuMiirveyM nnl ii iJilJni; nut a Imut
of ihitigle tn the I'nilit.
Mr. fnlwell nf .MtMinnl nmile a trip
l'r ill u I'mni the Downing nnd Km well
liniiiexti-HdM nil" I report J'i (nehen nf
Meir(i. Oweni n.l Htnne, newcomer
nf Miflfortl. citnie in the PiiIIm, mntem
pint my t In pnrcbHHe nf the Hotel
humliiT. Thin in a fine investment,
fnr itliliMiitfli exp rii-need hotel men, If
tin- Infill enlerpiiMen nn font inn t erinlie,
n hieh it innre thnu probiibb .
MnMientie in Hnrreptitioiirilv iutroilur
ing lipnr into onr town nnd due wjiru
mir un en that the neverett rwnl
y J r mm
Schloss Bros.
Suits of Baltimore and New York fame are as near perfection as the art of tailoring
can make them. The materials are selected with the utmost, care after hundreds of
samples have been rejected. The clothes are cut and made by experts. ,
They Gain By Comparison
"With any clothes that other firms advertise and recommend. A man who
wears Schloss Suits gets a double satisfaction the satisfaction of looking well
dressed and being remarked as a particular man, and the satisfaction of realizing that
whatever price the suit he bought cost him, he got the full value of every dollar.
The Toggery carries a most complete line of these clothes. All the good styles,
all (lie best materials. The prices are right, ifrJ.OO and up. Satisfaction is guaranteed.
(ienrge Albert in building n lnuiipii't
room ndjoiniitg Ink hull fnr the enter
tniniiieitl nf dunejn and other public
A filiiev dreN bull will b given in
Albert hall Kridwy next, Mny I..
Sum II ndnon linn gone with Judge
IVnU to the hMter'ft hnmesteiid to dn
wnrk. Mr. I'etil. in iiiitking mime ud
ditionul improvementH ond preparing
land for rtilti vxtion.
Krtiiik Xelherbiiid will ve i-haige
of the Cnrt'-r mill and will start to ma
the miinr thin or the cnmillg Week.
F'roperty vitlnen lire held firmly by
the owners and many inipiirien from
mitiidf r are made.
.fnv 2!l the pnblb- hcIumiI cloning -i
eri'ine Mill hit held and ii mnnl, inter
eit i ng progr a m in i n prepit in t inn.
lr. I II ll.iL.r nit.l III.. t itmi-M t
) hniii' uri verv mm-h in demand fnr in
Htriinientiil and vocal miotic. 'I'll eiti
zena appreciate very tmieh the kind
liOHH nf tlieno I it died.
Mian Maud H nghr very in eptablv
filln the rlerknhip in her father ' ntnre.
the being conrleoim and obliging.
rntlmuHter Hiiggv report a uteudy in
it')i in pnnl office miitterx.
The hotel and hoarding Ihhihck hnve
been well pat ron ii-d during the pant
week by lh influx of utrnngeii. Meals
ure nerved whieh would do credit lo
n eity hotel nt very re.iHonablep rice.
0. R.
I'ORTLA XI). May lX-Hnit has been
filfd in the 1'nitiil Sintes rmirt by the
. H. k N. ronipuny to enjoin the Ore
gon railroad rotnm Union from enforc
ing its order of April 22. directing
reduction by the railroad company of
1 cr ern' in tti i.tribntive n'" tn
l:. I'MIS.
Arc not always a matter of money cut,
distinction and style are questions of tai
loring and good taste on the part of the
wearer. It is a mistaken idea to think
that all low-priced suits are inferior in
quality and that all high-priced suits are
high-grade in material and workmanship.
There is a great lot of difference in differ
ent lines of $15 suits, fo example, or $20
Suits. !V.,
"For Men Who Know."
prnptiseil act inn
nf III.
i as fnllnws:
'Itenies the right of the railroad
'MNimisHiiMi t adjust freight rates
which are regnliiled by interMtute enm
merce and are eniil rolled by the inter
Htnle commetce cnnimtHHinn.
' liecliiren tliul the niilmtol cninmi
ion a-1 and its prem-ribed penalties,
if imt rest rained, e iMib! n'splt in t lie
emifiseatinii of railmtid prnperty with
ml grunting the corpnrutinn erjual pm
ftM'tiiiii nf luw, which is in viohttinn of
the fide rttl i nnititUf inn.
" ( 'oiil' iidx that the railroad enmtnif
simi is uiicniisi it nt ionul fur the rcusmt
I hni tloi act by Hhich il was creiite
invent the cnmmiftsioii wit h ml minis
frutne, judicial and legislative fuue
linns in violation nf niticle Ml of the
state i-onnt it tiion.
'Che Hill i the result nf Ihe Hctinll
nf i he r:iilin;id i'hiii mission, n h i-h. nn
cnmpliiiiil nf the Portlund f'hnniber nf
fnfiimeree, ordered a rediielion by the
O. If. A: V. company of its dintributive
rates bcinci'ii I'mtlaml aioC ptunts e;is
nf The TbillcN, Failure nn lhe part nf
t he ruilrmid company to comply wilh
the order nf the cninm ission would make
il liable to excessive ics. It is
fnr t hit f reason that the corporation has
recorled to the Tailed States court nd
it -kill that the enfoicentent of th' or
di r be suspended until the constitution
a lily of t he rnilroail corninissinii and nf the net by which it wns r rented,
can be determined.
'rater T.nke Vntintml I'arh may yH
secure morn funds for the impnrveinent
of the park. At the request of the
people of this section Senator Fulton
lew the nllnwiim-A nf tMfnin for
w n thfto wha
pcoplo of till- Jifl. fjgl
expeet that' i.f'JT Xt-HUr
liberally toward inipfovtogc th
and making it convenient; fur peop
travel to this jjreot wofU 'Wonder ,
inonntiiiu top. - I
Time Tabid
" soiiTireiiN PACirid tTiitif
Northbound. I y
INii. IH llri'ijoD K ,prr SiJlH
Nn. llll'.irlliiu.l Kiiirrm..., K:4
So. iL'-l1 Ablun V'iU
; . Soutblionnd. . . j
Nn. l.i Ciilifnroia Flxpres . .( 10:3ii
Nn. I A' Ha a l'tiurii-o Kl'-j 1:50.
No. J:.'"i 1 (Irani, Pa.. :15
XXT l.i-ii'vt Medfiifa .".pT:i5
... .1 l.c.iv... .Mudford...... 8:30,
Xn. 2' Arrivra Modford JlOiOl)
X.i.l'Arrti Mdird ... 8:3"
No.' 2 fLravri' Medford. 7."T.'!10.i0
No. 4 i I,rat re ifudord. . ., . H:ui
Mnlor l.rarrj Nf l ford . . . . . 2:00
M.iiir lrfavt Mcdord .... 8:00
No. I ILw-ri Ja-t-ktonvillr.. :00
No. ;i!l,riiTr .lakaovill.' :30
Mnl.iril.cavr, Jacktonrillo. I 1:00
Ruf Tlr.keta b Wire. V
''Somi'lhinj rhlcb Is of roieldn
inlrmt to tbe public gneriJlf
xhlcb ia perhaps aot gritrtllj kl
! th lyatrm of pitpaid order s
effert bxtwreo atatlo of tb Soot,
P.ioifio i-nmpany nod all point ia
United HtatM. By oifnot of thll T
ticket li pnrciiued it ttti
from ao place In tb UnU4 Bute
.:i.l . .lnn..v..t Ai.