II How We Save You Money by Selling Only for Cash This is the only drygoods stoic in Jackson county that we know of which is running strictly on a cash basis. By nelling for cash ire can sell our goods for less than ire could ire re ire currying a lot of credit accounts, and it in becoming an estaldishid fact that ire do sell good for less. If you don't think ho, you have listened only to one side mid haven't gin n as a fair trial. Here is the jioint: liy selling only for eash we have hart the money to buy in the lowest markets and lo get the largest discounts. Then, too, we don't ask so much profit, because we are not losing a cent on creditors. If you want, the best goods money can buy, goods that are guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money back; goods that you can buy, feeling that you won't be disappointed in the wear, and if once in a while you should be, you can get more goods for nothing, you should get in the habit of trading here, (live vs a trial. Assortments Seldom Found Outside the City Sold Exclusively Here ; .Most of the specialty lines carried by us are not sold elsewhere at all in Southern Oregon, for we are exclusive mill agents, buying direct from' the mill at mill prices and selling to the people at very small margins. Few stores outside of the large cities show such large assortments as we do, thus giving you fine selections. Ladies' Wash Dresses All Sizes and Many Styles Few stores outside of the larger city stores will show any Wash Dresses this season at all. We can show you hundreds of beautiful wash dresses in lawns, ging hams, percales, etc., dresses that most stores would ask :.00, $1.00, $5.00, $fi.OO, .f7.(H), .fK.OO, $!).00 and $10.00 for, but which arc selling here at $1.98, $2.98, $3.75, $4.50, $5.00, $0.00. $0.50 and $7.00. Childrens' Wash Dresses Exceptional Assortments Most country merchants would lift up their hands in horror if they were to see our line of Children's "Wash Dresses and say that we could not sell them all in ten years. We will sell them, for we know you can buy them for about what the materials would cost. Regular $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 and $10.00 Dresses can be bought here for 75 $1.00 $1.50, $2.25 and to $7.00. Princess Dresses .Never before has a line of fine J'rihces8 Dresses been shown in this section. Most merchants would tell their customers that, they could not' sell such goods. We have an exceptionally fine assortment of Princess Dresses in lawns, silks, mulls, lingerie cloths, etc;., trimmed with laces, insertions, etc. They fit beauti fully and are selling fine.. I'rices exceptionally low $3.50 o $25.00 Ladies' Linen Jacket Suits Very Jaunty and Very Desirable The jauntiest line of Linen Reefer Jacket Suits shown this season. The pop ular butterfly styles, also the more staple sleeves. They are shrunk and laundered at the factory and will neither shrinl or fade. Suits that ordi narily sell at $10.00. $r50, $15.00 and $20.00, sell here at $7.00, $10.00 $11.00 and $11.50. Mary Jane's Aprons Made Full and of the Best Material Have you seen the Mary Jane Aprons They are the best on earth; made of the host A moskeag checks; made very full and are fast colors; six styles from which to choose. These aprons sell verv reasonably and save you time and worry 50 to $1.25. Also Little Girls' Aprons and Jumpers and Overalls. How You Saved On Piece Goods liver since we started pies, etc. AVe bought prices loww than hn our alw I hi Some Startling Prices on the Best Goods Piece (ioods Department we have been lowering the prices on all kinds of cotton sta lys in the lowest, market, and for eash, consequently we were in a position lo name 7e Prints 10c Apron 15c Dress iiOc Dress '-Tic Dress 35c Dress 121oe Law 15c Dawns 20c Dawns ''-rc I, a wus I' at.: 'hecks at.. Uinghains. ninghains . 1 inghams.. Uinghains.. ns for for for 'or en named for years in this vicinity. Ifv 1 (c I louse Dining lf 7c L. L. Drown Muslin 5 10 H !-:! I Jleachcl Muslin 0 1-V 10c Pleached Muslin 7 -0k l-"oc Pleached Muslin 8 l-.V 2r- l.-. Pleached Muslin 10 Hie Cantons 13f I'r H!' oc Cantons 0f 1'V I0e Cantons 8 -? 17- S 1 :ic ('anions 7 10c Crash Toweling 8 121oc Crash Toweling 9 15c Crash Toweling 11 17e Crash Toweling 13 20c Crash Toweling 15? 25c 'Summer (Ioods 190 30c Summer Ioods 23? 35e Summer (Ioods 25? 40c Summer Goods 29? 50e Slimmer Goods 35? Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Light Wraps Every Single One at Money Saving Prices It you want a liulu silk or wool Wrap - th o ,lays ;d evenings now is the time and this the place to buy. OuMmes are very complete, comprising prelly little Plaek Silk Jackets, also Fancy Light Wraps for ladies, '' 111 ' V ''l U runs l-r I,,,.!, !m.i ii.i friers red need one-fifth. Neckwear You can supply your Neckwear needs at t his store for very small Vint font prices: 10e Turnovers ... J 5c Turnovers ... 20c Collars, etc. ;.c Collars, etc. .. .'I"c Collars, etc. .. r)0e Collars, He. .. IiOc Collars. He. . 10 ..13c 17? ..23c .33? 17c Shell Goods '".."'MiT.I l,..,vcen I,..i .., , , "lj" !i tiriwi ttwy "life. Y'htitlcM lot ( I m gun. inr'a i m . - , W e show a very large and complete line if Shell ioods, comprising "air 'Pins. Side and Hack Combs, a so the Fancy Pack Combs: 15c values for 10? -Oc values for 15? 25c values for 20? 35c values for 25? 50c valiKs for 35? 75c values for 59? $1.00 values for 79C ladies' Belts We have always shown an excep tionally large line of llelts and just now our line is exceptionally good: 25c values for 15? 35c values for 25? 50e values for 35? 75e values for 59? $1.00 values for 75? $1.25 values for $1.00 $1.50 values for $1.25 Milady Cbstumed hi the Latest Fashion r Corset Perfection Redfern 6 Warner's EKDKKliX Corsets linre renched a high mark of perfect-ion. By having th night Btylo fitted to your form, you nro-assured of n foundation that will insure u jicrfect fit to your dress. You must wear n corset if you expert your clothes to fit aud look stylisfi. A corset fitted right is moro comfortulile than going without ono. Prices are very reasonable be Urue $1.00 to $5.00 w joe- rmt Vfe mve Every thmcA ImSj The LittleTiin fliatFimh Corsetry Taut Fittirtff Under Dvssinff Effective Lingerie Tailored Clothes Semi-Dressy Reception and Evening GoWns 1 fli r Tan Hosiery Popular for 1908 190S will bo a Tan Hosiery year. Already tan hosiery in scarce. It is a fact that tan hone not only Inst, longer, tint are more comfortahlo to wenr. 25c TO $1.76. aoon roR ti.rwv rv.v Natty FootDressing We iid Prices Good For $1.00 I'ery person who comes lo this store it the noxt 10 dnys anil brings this ndvorl isenient will be given an additional discount of $1.00, pro vided they purchase a hill of goods amounting to $10.00 or over. BIIINd THIS A I) WITH you. L , J BAKEBMI COfflC. LadieliVVear C ST.. JITS'l V- DANK. 1 The Separate Waist Fancy or Severe. I -J mm How We Serve You Better by Modern Business Methods; Ve are running; a modern store, according to the most, modern business methods. When we buy goods, at a price we sell them accordingly, thus dividing the profits with our customers. Then when goods have remained in the store a certain length of time. unsold, we put them on side. We don't buy goods, say for 7 1. a yard aud mark them 12i.e, and leave them at until they are sold out, but we buy the best goods we can get at 7' oC a yard, and mark it 10c in the first place, and then if it does not move in from four to six weeks we mark it down and have a sale. Our first profits are very low and when we place goods on sale we uuiuy times forget all about the cost and sell the goods at any price we think will move them quickly. When we reduce prices we reduce so that, all can buy at the same reductions. No discrimination at this store. May Sale Now On It Will Pay You to Investigate Just now we are running many sales. These goods will remain on sale until they are closed out at these sale prices. You should make it a point to attend these sales, for the reductions are genuine. We never quote a sale price that is not absolutely a genuine reduction. Sale of Skirts Over 300 to Show You o.oo. .nil for Skirts that formerlv sold it $1,110, .1.llfl anil d i An Kneh for fine Wool Pniinma Skirts that were formerly $11.00, JW.UW $;.tio and $S.OO. 7 ftfi fr f'n,i Wool i'nnutnn Skirts in Mack nutl colors that for JJI.Uv ,,,,.,-iv SM ., $n.ilo, $10.00 to I3.:"i0. VOILE SKIBTS ON SALE 1.1..-0 Voile Skirts 10.00 $L'0.00 Voile Skirls Ilfi.00 $17.00 Voile Skirts $12T0 2L'..-0 Voile Skirts $17..r0 Waist Sale Over 400 to Show You . Qf for a lot of fine White Waists that formerly sold U7U at $1.19 $1.47 at $1.00 and $1.25. for a lot of fine White Waists that formerly sold at .$l..r)0 and to $2.00. for a lot of beautiful White Waists, beautifully trimmed, formerly sold at $2.2f and $2..r)0. ' All Millinery Now on Sale Our Prices Were Always the Lowest We have a large stock of Millinery, all spring and summer .1908 styles, which we desire to move quickly, and in order to do so we have gone through the entire lot and marked every Hat. at a price which should move it quickly, deductions one-fourth to one-half. Hosiery Sale Now Going On :.)c fiO. ;o 12',oc and Me Hosiery 9 I 1 1 icii.i'i' iii 19 Hosiery for 25 Hosiery for 35V Hosiery for -ITc4 This does not include all of our hosiery, but you will find these lots worthy of every consideration. Tun II use are very good this season and we are pre pared to supply your wniils at lowest prices. White Goods S&Ie and Muslinwear If you would come and examine the White (Tiider niuslius and I'iece (Ioods now on sale, you would sny thev were the best bargains von ever saw. 10c goods for 7c 12 l-2e goods for 9 loc goods for 11 20c goods for ISf1 2."c values for 19 li.V values for 25 40c values for 29 r0c values for 33 (mc values for 47 7-")c values for 59 $1.00 values for 73 $1.2.") values for 93 $1..".0 values for $1.10 $2.00 values for $1.-17 $:i.00 values for $2.39 H0 values for $2.89 $.-).00 values' for $3.9 Underwear Sale On We were fortunate in securing a lot of fine lisle and cotton Vests in plain and fancy styles; values (hat ordinarily sell at l")c, 17c, 20c and 2oc each. We have taken the lot of some '.!.") dozen and marked them 12Jc at, choice, for Ladies' Suits Greatly Reduced . Prices Shaved to Almost Cost and Less Xow is certainly the time to secure your Fall Suits. The styles will be very liltle different, even in the extreme. M-iny of the now Suits are identically the same as this spring, as far as style is concerned. P.elow are the regu l:it' .'ind s:ile nrices now mn rlri'd nn niir suits. I fit. n na raul eed . $iti.uu lor Suits tormeriy ir.).;w $19.00 for Suits formerly $35.00 $23.00 for Suits formerlv $-10.00 $27.00 for Suits formerlv $4").00 $5.00 for Suits worth $10.00 $9.00 for Suits formerly $12.50 'o'll.OO for Suits formerlv $15.00 $13.50 for Suits fornierl'v $20.00 Hand Bags Kvory single Handbag in this store is now on special sale. We have the largest and newest line in southern Oregon and the prices are red need from 25 TO 50 I'Ki; rrcx'r. Lace Curtains In order to let you know that we carry Lace Curtains we have placed our entile line on the sale list and offer them now at very low sale prices. i?p:irr,i onivKH'tii Sweater Sale We had a big shipment of the newest style Sweaters shipped in a short time ago. These are fine, for outing or athletic wear. If you buy now you can save at least 25 I'KU C'KXT Trunks and Suitcases Trunk and Suit Cases must leave the house. We will lie content to sell every trunk in the store at exactly what it cost to put it here. I f you want ii trunk, better buy it now. while you can get it at WlioLMSALK COST Butterick Fashions We are sole agents for Mutter b-k I'atlerns in Med ford. -ti at tractive ot n Wc will take yoii' subsi-ript ion to the Delineator for one year for $1 and for I'.ut (oriel; Fashions a new publica tion issued (piartcrly. We only ask 50c additional. You et four I'utterick fashions and a free pat tern .with each one. or IiOc worth of patterns. This gives von thi s puUlicat ion for . 10c I.KSS THAN NOTIIINO V tMi.dfuril Ti n Coffee n II 4(1 MI'RPIIV IKlWNINO., J-